COME WORK IN CALIFORNIA! Sharp, fun loving, gogetters wanted! Travel USA wlco-ed sales group, marketing our enviro-safe products. Training, cash & transpo provided! Average $300-$500 per wk. Start work today! Mr. Roberson 800-592-1330 I Notices I THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTINGTO COLLECT ADEBT. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY MICH- CAN STATEWIDE CLASSIFIED ATTN PIJRCHASERS: This sale nlay be rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale. plus interest. MORTGAGE SALE CASS CITY, MICHIGAN CASS CITYCHRONICLE-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER7,2007 PAGE TWELVE - Default has been wade in the conditionsof a mortgagemade by Cordon Vollmar, unmarried, original mortgagor, to Chase Bank USA, N.A., Mortgagee, dated June 14. 2005 and recorded on June 29, 2005 in Liber 1043 on Page 1300 in Tuscola County Records. Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Eighty-Four Thousand Three Hundred Forty-Nine and 3 I 1100 Dollars ($84,349 31), including interest at 6.75% per annum Under the power ofsale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided,>noticeis hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgagedpremises, or some part of them, at public venue, at the place of holding the circuit court within Tuscola County. at 1O:OO AM, on November 29, 2007. Said premises are situated in Township of Gilford. Tuscola County, Michigan. and are described as: Part of the Southwest 114 of Section 23, Town I3 North, Range 7 East, described as: Beginning at a point on the West Line ofsaid Section which is South 02 degrees 00 minutes00 seconds West. 46 feet from the West 114comer of said section; thence continuing along said West Line. South 02 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 21 1 feet: thence South 88 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 221 feet; North 02 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 21 I feet; thence North 88 degrees 00 mnutes 00 seconds West 22 I feet to said West Line of Section 23 and the place of beginning. The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a. in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. your home’s equity for any Purpose: Land Contract & Mortgage Payoffs, Home Improvements, Debt Consolidation, Property Taxes. Cash available INSURANCE INSPECTORS for Good, Bad, or Ugly Credit! Filed work throughout all coun1-800-246-8100 Anytime! ties of Michigan. Independent United Mortgage Services. contractorlpart-time. Insurance background preferred. Digital www, camera and High-speed Internet access required. INTERNATIONAL TRUCK. ING SCHOOL, INC. Now in hours a day). Okemos (Lansing area). Paid training if qualified. Job placement assistance. Michigan Works assistance available. 1-800-448-7101. wwwkternat FISH FOR FALL STOCKING #TRUCK I DRIVING SCHOOL POST OFFICE NOW HIRING! - Trout, Bass, Bluegill, Perch, - Training for Swift, Werner & Ave. pay $20/hour or $57K an- catfish, Minnows. Algaelweed control, aeration equipment, others. Dedicatedlregionall nually including federal benefits consultations/installations, local. Approx. $50,000-$70,000 and OT. Paid training, vacations, free catalog. Harrietta Hills yearly. Home weeklyb 1-800- PTIFT. 1-866-616-7015USWA Trout Farm. 1-877-389-2514. 883-0171 Open 7 days a week. TIRED OF BEING A NUM- Your own local candy route. Includes 30 machines and Candy. All for $9,995. Call 1888-744-4651. ATTENTION: CLASS-A DRIVERS - 4 Mos. OTR required. Get the respect you deserve & the $$$ you need. Consistent miles, pay and hometime. Call 888-346-4639 & qualify same day! Knight Transportation, Indianapolis, IN. Owner ops: 800-437-5907, DRIVER: DON’T JUST START your career, start it right! Company sponsored CDL training in 3 weeks. Must be 21. Have CDL? Tuition reimbursement! CRST. 866-917-2778. DRIVERS-DON’T MISS THIS. Special Sign-on bonus 36-43 cpm/$l.20 pm. $0 Leasel teams needed. Class A+ 3 months recent OTR required. 800-635-8669 BER? Come work for a place were EVERYONE knows your NAME! Great pay and benefits for company drivers and owner operators. A.M. Express, Escanaba MI 800-548-9783 TRUCK DRIVERS: CDL TRAINING. Up to $20,000 bonus. Accelerate your career as a soldier. Drive out terrorism by keeping the Army National Guard supplied. Nnticeo MORTGAGE 10 words-or less, $3.95 each LOANS**** Refinance ****ALL & use insertion; additional words 10 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE. Do you earn up to $800/day? Dated: October 31, 2007 FOR MORE INFORMATION.PLEASE CALL: FC S (248) 593-1304 Trott & Trott, P.C. Attonieys for Servicer 3 1440 Northwestern Highway, Suite 200 Famiington Hills, Micliigaii 48334-2525 File #169632FOl CALL 872-2010 TO PLACE AN AD cents each. Three weeks for the price of2-cash rate. Save money by enclosing cash with mail orders. Rates for display want ads on application. 13‘hAnnual Bazaar, Bake Sale & Luncheon Cass City United Methodist Church > c UNDER NEW MANAGEMotor MENT - We are now taking applicationsfor 1,2 & 3 bed1997C € € E nCAVALIER - 2- room apartments at door, 193,000 miles, AM/FM Northwood Heights Apartments in Cass City. Rent is based on income. For rental information, call Gardner Group at 989-269-9368. Some units barrier free. TTY for hearing or speech impaired, 1-800-649-3777.EqUalHOm(General Merchandis2 ing Opportunity. 4- 10-17-tf 2001 HERON26’Lt. Wt. 5th APARTMENTS FORRENT wheel - 1 slide out, A/C, mi- 1,2 & 3-bedrooms. 989-6004-9-19-tf cro, queen bed, pullout sofa 9009. bed, 1 owner, non-smokers. Excellent condition. $9,000 FOR RENT - Cass City Mini Storage. Call 872-3917. O.B.O. 989-553-2597. 4-3-1 3-tf 2- 10-31-3 MATTRJ2SSSETpillow tops - new queen $175, king $275, 111$165. Call989-799-3532. 2- 1-31-52 PIONEER POLE BLDGS. A TEMPERPEDIC style memory foam mattress set ~O’X~O’XIO’, $8590.00. 12’xlO’ as seen on TV, new in ongiAll Metal Slider, 36” Entrance, nal wrapper with warranty. 12 Colors, 2x6 Trusses, Mate- Cost $1,800, sell $650. 989rial And Labor, Free Quotes, #I 832-2401. 2-1-3 1-52 Company In Michigan 1-800292-0679. tZlWSH LOG HEADBOARD & queen pillow top mattress set - new in plastic, $275. 989839-4846. 2- 1-31-52 BECOME DIETARY MANAGER (average annual salary $40,374) in eight months WOOD TRUCKING, 1NC.l in online program offered MCT. Great New Career! Job by Tennessee Technology Guaranteed on completion of Center, Elizabethton. Details Free 3 week CDL-A‘ Training., 11 year commitment required. 888-986-2368 or email Patricia 1-800-621-4878 3-BEDROOM HOUSE - rent to own. Also, 3-bedroom upstairs apartment. Call 8722696, ask for Russ. 4-10-3-tf MISSING - Gray & whte, long-haired female cat. If found, please call 989-5289905. 5-11-7-1 KnighGof Columbus CHICKEN & FISH FOR RENT - Upper floor duplex home near downtown Cass City. Large 1-bedroom apartment, $300/month, heat included. Call 989-872-34 10. 4- 11-74 ALL YOU CAN EAT Friday, Nov. 16 4:OO to 7:OO p.m. Kof C Hail FOR RENT - Hillside North Apartments. 2-bedroom, $4OO/month plus security deposit. Call Bonnie MondayFriday, 872-8825 or evenings and weekends, 872-8300. 4 1 1-7-3 Adults $8.00Students $4.00 10 & under Free, FOR RENT - Newly deco- weds. $450/month plus deposit. Call 989-872-2545after 5 p.m. 4-1 1-7-3 Bill Ehrlich, Sr. 665-2568 Bill Ehrlich, Jr. 665-2503 2-4-1 6-tf FOR RENT - 2-bedroom upstairs apartment in downtown Cass City. All appliances, water, sewer and trash pick up included. $425/month plus security deposit. 8725584. 4- 11-7-4 A KING SIZE pillow top matress set - never used, with deluxe frame still in box. Cost $1,050,sacrifice $335. 989923- 1278. 2-1-3 1-52 FOR RENT - Caseville 2-bedroom house. 4846 Patti Sue Drive. Free water, sewer, garbage. $45O/month.989-6915350. 4- 11-7-3 LARGE WOOD STOVE for tool shed. Cost $7,000 new. Asking $1,000.872-2696, ask for Russ. 2- 10-24-tf FOR RENT - Upper l-bedroom apartment. Appliances, water, trash included. Within walking distance to grocery HOT TUB - 4-person with cover. $675.989-550-9413. 2-10-3 1-2 4- 1O-24-tf 1-800-369-8882 Knitted items, wood craps, rugs, cookie walk, breads, cookbooks, craft, Christmas decorations, Grandma’sAttic & more! 1 114 mile north of stoplight Lunch 11 a.m.-2 p.m. VFW HALL available for rental occasions. Call 8724933. 4-4-1-tf EHRLICH’S FLAGS rated lower level 2-bedroom AMERICAN MADE apartment. Perfect for newlyUS -STATE - WORLD MILITARY - POW Aluminum Poles Commercial/Residential Sectional or One Piece Sat., November 10 8 a.m.-3 p.m. DINNERS 6106 Beechwood Dr, Cass City -_ _. SATCHELLS CHRISTIAN Retirement Home (Adult Foster Care) - We have an opening for a man and a lady. We have a caring staffto help and make you feel right at home We care for your loved one: right from their home or fi-oni the hospital. You’re welcome to come in and see our loving home or call Peggy at 989673-3329. We are 8 miles east 0.f Car0 on M-81. 5-5-23-tf WiMfEW’B C@RoPW@P 10-31-4 THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLI.ECT A DEBT ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OF-FlCEAT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOlJ ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. - MORTGAGE’SALE Default has been made in the conditionsofa mortgage nude by Ruth Maguire. &a Ruth N. Maguire, a single woman joint tenancy with full rights of survivorship and George J Maguire, a single man, to Mortgage Electronic Registration System Inc.. Mortgagee, dated June 15,2004 and recorded February 17, 2005 in Liber 1028. Page 244. Tuscola County Records. Michigan. Said mortgage is now held by HSBC Bank USA, National Association as Trustee for the MLMl Trust Series 2005-WMC1 by assignment. There is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of One Hundred Eleven Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Nine and 711100 Dollars ( $ 1 11,179.71). including interest at 12.75% per annum. Unher the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale ofthemortgagedpremises, orsonK part of them, at public venue at the front entrance of the Courthouse in the Village of Caro. Tuscola County, MI in Tuscola County, Michigan at 1000 a.m. on NOVEMBER 29,2007. Said premises are located in the Township ofFreemont, Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: All that part of Northwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 28, Town 11 North, Range 9 East, lying North of the State Trunkline Highway (M-38). excepf c o m n c i n g in the Northeast comer of the Northwest one-quarter of Southwest one-quarter of said Section 28; thence South to the center of highway (M-38); thence Easterly along center of highway to the East line of the Northwest one-quarter of Southwest one-quarter; thence North to beginning, also except all that part of the Northwest one-quarter of Southwest one-quarter located North of State Trunkline Highway, which lies Southwesterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Section 28. which is 200 feet Northerly of the intersection the West line said Section 28, with the s w e y line of Highway M-38; thence Southeasterly to a point on the survey line of Highway M-38. which is 300 feet Easterly of the intersection of the survey line of Highway M-38 with the West line of said of Section 28. The redemption period shall be I2 nmnths from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 5600.3241a. in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. TO ALL PURCHASERS: The foreclosing nmrtgape can rescind the sale. In that event, your danlages, if any, +re liiiiited solely to the return of the bid anmunt tendered at sale, plus interest. Dated October 3 I , 2007 Orlans Associates. P.C. Attorneys for Servicer P.O. Box 5041 Troy, MI 48007-5041 (248) 457-1000 File No. 269.2612 10-314 How to contact the Chronicle. . To place a classified ad... The Chronicle classified advertising deadline is noon in the Monday before the date of publication. The ninimum charge is $3.95 for 10 words, and nonmsiness ads can be purchased for 3 weeks at the xice of 2. Just call us at (989) 872-20 I O or fax your ad to (989) 872-3810. Don’t forget to include a ohone number. ... Display advertising To place a display ad, stop by the office or fax your ad. If you’re not certain what to say or how to say it, just give us a call and we’ll help you design the ad that’s right for you at a price to fit your budget. ... Subscriptions Ordering a subscription to the Chronicle is easy and economical, with savings built into extended subscriptions. Order by phone - 872-2010 - or stop by the office (we’re next to Schneeberger’s at the corner of Main and Oak streets). If you have a problem with an existing subscription, or you want tc change your address, give us a call. ... News and features If you have a story or photo idea, we welcome your call at (989) 872-2010. We’re always on the lookoul for interesting feature story ideas as well as photos involving community events and residents in the area and we’ll be glad to come to you. Residents car also submit articles and photos -just stop by anc talk to someone in our editorial department. Questions, problems? We also welcome your questions and comments both positive and negative. Your input is importanl to us, whether you appreciate our handling of a story or you believe we need to correct an error or clarifj anarticle. . TIRES FOR SALE - Set of 4 Michelin MXV4 Plus all-season 195/60-R15, used only 240 miles. Retail for over $100 each. Selling set for only $200 total. Set of 4 K u d o 795 Touring all-season 2 15170R15, used under 400 miles. Selling set for only $100. Call 872-2843. 2-10-31-2 MATERIALS TO FRAME a 4O’x40’x60‘polebarn. 18 foot poles, used steel roof $2,250. 989-670-5795. 2-1 1-7-tf GARAGEIESTATE Sale Lots of household items and furniture. Saturday, Nov. 10, 10-4 p.m. 6459 Beechwood Dr., Cass CiQ. Levalley. 1411-7-1 (Real Estate For Ren3 FOR RENT - K of C Hall, 6106 Beechwood Drive. Parties, dinners, meeting. Call RickKerkau, 872-4377. 4-2-3-tf (989) 670-0788 KaPPen Tree Service, LLC Notices Cass City Tendercare BAZAAR & BAKE SALE NOV.14-16 Tree Trimming or Removals * Stump Gnnding Brush Mowng / Chipping Lot Clearing * Tree Moving Experienced Arbonsts Fully Insured Equipped Bucket Trucks - Call (989) 673-5313 or (800) 322-5684 for a FREE ESTIMATE 8-6-25-tf 2 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 5-1 1-7-2 -~ HOT TUB - 6-person with lounge, backlit waterfall and Michlgan cover, never used, withwarranty. Retails $5,900; Wiu ~ell$2,975.989-797-7727. 2- 1-31-52 6 foot, 3-point back blade. Good condition BEST OFFER! SATCHELL‘S CHRISTIAN Retirement Home -We have an opening for a lady resident. Come in and see our caring staff and home anytime or call 989-673-3329. We are 6 miles east of Caro. 5-2-15-tf I Tuesday & Thursdays 9 a.m.taro to 6 p.m. I HUNTER/ SPAGHETTI DINNER Thurs., Nov. 15 4-8:30 p.m. VFW Hall Adults.. $5 Children 12 & under. FREE 8-9-1 5-tf RE^ Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Don Dohn Cass City Phone 872-3471 8-1-11-eo Motor Vehicles To Place An Ad in The Action Guide CalI 872-2010 WICK II I(989) 673-4464 I Call tor an aeDolntmsnt I .. + PONTlAC 4 GMC 4 CHEVROLET + CADW I 1225 Sand Beach Road + Bad Axe, MI 48413 I
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