Postal Customer Volume 31 • Number 5 www October 15, 2014 SRI Non Profit Org U.S. Postage Owosso, MI 48867 Permit No. 99 FASTEST BED - Shiawassee Community Mental Health came across the line with the fastest time in the inaugural Shiawassee Homeless Coalition bed races Saturday, Oct. 11 during Oktoberfest. Three heats were run by each team and the times were added up. (Independent Photo/ MELISSA SHEPARD) www www More photos are on Page 6. OKTOBERFEST - As is tradition with Oktoberfest, Owosso Mayor Ben Frederick tapped the keg at noon Saturday, Oct. 11 to signal that the tapping was successful and the tents could serve beer. He is shown here moments after tapping the keg, taking the first drink. (Independent Photo/ MELISSA SHEPARD) OWOSSO MUSICALE – Ronald Davis, shown here, and his wife Glenda presented their organ and piano program “Psalms, Hymns and Spirituals” on Monday to kick off the 78th Owosso Musicale Season at Christ Episcopal Church. Since moving to Owosso in 1973, the Davis’ have taught private lessons on piano, organ and voice. (Independent Photo/ MELISSA SHEPARD) The Independent Newsgroup • 1907 W. M-21, Owosso, Michigan 48867 • (989) 723-1118 • (989) 288-3196 • Fax (989) 725-1834 • e-mail: Page 2 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Trivia Night The Owosso Knights of Columbus will host Trivia Night on Saturday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. with all proceeds going to St. Joseph Religious Education Programs, St. Paul Religious Education Programs and The Arc. Tables of up to eight people will compete with other groups to answer trivia questions in various categories. In all, there will be a total of 100 questions covering 10 areas of trivial knowledge. Bring your own snacks. Pop and coffee will be provided at no charge. Beer and wine will be sold as well. Doors open at 6 p.m., trivia starts at 7 p.m. Cost is $10/person, with cash prizes to be awarded. Make your reservations now by calling Dennis or Linda Hrcka (989) 725-8037. Limited seating available. LEGAL NOTICE Catering • Carryout Tyrone Leshaune Swift, 29 Family Meals To Go Cory Maiz Hogeland, 21 1250 E. M-21, Owosso 989-723-9770 (Courtesy Photos/SHIAWASSEE COUNTY SHERIFF) Suspects Arrested For Home Invasion Tied To Recent String of Larcenies from Automobiles Save time. Order Online at From Shiawassee Sheriff’s Det. Lt. David Kirk At about 7:10 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 11, Shiawassee County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to a home invasion in the 1800 block of E. Kilbourn Avenue in Caledonia Township. Upon arriving, it was discovered that suspects had forced their way into a residence and had stolen property primarily focusing on electronics including computers and televisions. Witnesses near the burglary were able to provide a description of the involved suspects as well as the vehicle they were traveling in. The investigating deputies recognized the description provided as one that matched suspects that had been involved in recent larcenies from motor vehicles in commercial parking lots and residences in and around the Owosso area. Later that evening, deputies located the suspect vehicle at an apartment complex on North Street near Hickory Street in the city of Owosso. Upon making contact with the suspects, deputies observed property reported as being stolen from the Kilbourn Avenue location. Additionally, property recently stolen in unrelated larcenies from automobiles was located and recovered. As of Monday afternoon, two suspects, both Flint residents, were lodged at the Shiawassee County Jail without bond for home invasion and unrelated controlled substance violations also discovered during this incident. This matter remains under investigation by the Shiawassee County Sheriff’s Office Detective Bureau. highlight REUNION SUNDAY – Time Capsule to be opened Sunday, Oct. 19 at the Owosso Free Methodist Church, 1249 N. Chipman St., Owosso. Worship service at 10:45 and then honoring of former pastors and those who have gone before us. Fundraiser at Tropical Smoothie Friday, Oct. 17 from 2-5 p.m. Tropical Smoothie, 1534 E. M-21, Owosso (in front of Walmart) will be donating 10% of proceeds from all sales to The Jackie Leone Memorial Scholarship Fund. Support the cause. For questions, call (989) 666-1340. $ NOW OPEN M-21 • 4 Miles East of State Rd. or 5 Miles West of M-13 Thursday & Friday 6-10 p.m. Saturday 1-10 p.m. • Sunday 1-8 p.m. Indy 1.00 OFF COUPON LIMIT ONE. NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS. 5 Quart of Soup To Go $ *ask about addtl. toppings Thank A Special Veteran! Family Members, Friends, Neighbors... This is an opportunity to show your support! Just in time for H Veterans Day!!! Share a personal message thanking your Vet in our weekend publications on November 9. 25 Words with Photo - $40 each REACHING OVER 30,000 HOMES! SEE ExAMplES BElOw... Thank you to Sgt. Graham Smith for your service in Vietnam. From your loving wife, Kim and children, Janae and Kelly We are so grateful to Grandpa William for his service in WWII. Love - Stacy, Tracy, Robbin, Cindy, Teresa, Chris and Kenneth Michael Cooper - We love you and are praying for your safe return from your current deployment! From your friends in Owosso... Karen, Kristy, Ruby and Rita The Independent Newsgroup CALL TODAY 989-723-1118 1907 W. M-21, Owosso Facebook Independent Newsgroup NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by David Wolf, a married man, original mortgagor(s), to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Mortgagee, dated April 21, 2008, and recorded on April 24, 2008 in Liber 1122 on Page 100, in Shiawassee county records, Michigan, and assigned by mesne assignments to Selene Finance LP as assignee, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Forty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-One and 75/100 Dollars ($46,821.75). Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, at the place of holding the circuit court within Shiawassee County, at 10:00 AM, on October 29, 2014. Said premises are situated in City of Durand, Shiawassee County, Michigan, and are described as: Lot 2, Block 5, Plat of M.V. Russell’s Second Addition to the Village(now city) of Durand, Shiawassee County Records, except the East 6 feet thereof and also except a parcel of land described as beginning at a point which is 6 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence North 24 feet; thence West 40 feet; thence South 24 feet; thence East 40 feet to the place of beginning; And except commencing at a point 46 feet West and 4 feet North of the Southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 5 of M.V. Russell’s Second Addition to the Village (now city) of Durand; thence North 20 feet; thence East 40 feet; thence South 20 feet and thence West 40 feet to the place of beginning The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period. Dated: October 1, 2014 For more information, please call: FC J (248) 593-1311 Trott & Trott, P.C. Attorneys For Servicer 31440 Northwestern Hwy Ste 200 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334-5422 File #441426F02 (10-01)(10-22) The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Help Keep a Child Warm This Winter! When cleaning out your closets this fall, please consider helping a child in need by donating a new or gently used coat to Coats for Kids. Last year, over 1,000 children in Shiawassee County received coats to protect them from our harsh winter weather. Collection boxes are located throughout Shiawassee County at Ruthy’s Cleaners of Owosso, Morrice and Durand; Advanced Drainage Sytems and The Salvation Army Business Office, beginning Oct. 13 through Nov. 30, 2014. Coats for Kids is sponsored by WJRT ABC12, WIOG 102.5 Radio, and Ruthy’s Cleaners of Owosso, Ruthy’s Laundry Center of Durand and Ruthy’s Laundry Center of Morrice. For questions or to request a coat collection box at your location, please contact Lt. Sean Grey and/or Lt. Cassy Grey at The Salvation Army at (989) 725-7485. Fall: Time for Color Tours – and a Road Lesson As leaves change to vibrant hues across Michigan, motorists often find themselves off the beaten path, exploring the splendor from one of Michigan’s county roads. Unfortunately, many of those local roads are cracked, pot-holed and fixed with temporary measures due to the lack of road funding. “Our pothole-riddled roads do little to enhance our state’s tourism image,” director of the County Road Association, Denise Donohue said. “Motorists are often left wondering about the strange squiggly lines drawn on pavement, crushed stone applied to paved roads and other preventative maintenance that may not make sense to the casual observer.” MDOT and county road agencies have adopted a practice known as pavement preservation – applying the right fix at the right time. By applying simple fixes to roads that are in good condition like sealing the cracks – those squiggly lines drawn on pavements – road agencies can keep roads from deteriorating into a more expensive state of repair. Studies have shown, every $1 spent in preventative maintenance today prevents spending $6 to $14 later as roads deteriorate and become more costly to repair. Your local agent insures your Page 3 To keep roads in “Fair” condition from falling into “Poor” condition, roads are often resurfaced with a thin coat of asphalt, or a coat of asphalt covered in small stones, also known as chip-seal or “poor man’s asphalt.” These repairs are only intended to last for a limited period of time but play a key role in preserving the pavement. “It’s hard for motorists to understand why county road agencies are working on roads that appear to be in good condition, or why a road that was ‘just’ resurfaced needs attention five to ten years later,” Donohue said. “Over the long term, embracing pavement preservation will provide the best bang for the buck. It is similar to changing the oil in your car – pay now or pay much more later.” According to the Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC), 87 percent of non-federal aid roads (lower volume local roads) are rated in “Fair” or “Poor” condition. The 2012 TAMC Annual Report provides that local roads are in worse condition than higher volume routes because more funding is available for federal-aid roads than for local roads. “Michigan’s county road agencies are working with the limited state resources available to them to preserve our roads until Lansing addresses the critical need for increased road funding,” Donohue said, “But that job gets more difficult every day as roads deteriorate and become more costly to repair.” According to the TAMC, “We lose nearly $3 million daily on roads that are essential to our economy and the tourism industry in Michigan. “As you drive around the state this fall, pay attention to the squiggly lines and chipsealed roads and realize that although some work is being done, a lot of it amounts to a short-term band-aid. Increasing state road funding by more than $2.1 billion annually would ensure the preservation of our roads and bridges.”The Independent Newspaper Group 989-723-1118 highlightS EUCHRE tournament Sunday, Oct. 19, at the Shiawassee Dog and Gun Club east of Corunna. It is off E. M-21 east of the Slingerland Chrysler Dodge Jeep new vehicle dealership. Registration starts at 12:15 p.m., play begins promptly at 1 p.m. Persons may sign up early by “We take care of your car as if it’s our family behind the wheel.” calling Jan Pitt, (989) 277-4386, TURKEY Supper, serving orThe Emma Seigel, (989) 277- 5 Group to 7 p.m.989-723-1118 Thursday, Oct. 23, Independent Newspaper 5944. “You do not have to bring at Lennon United Methodist a partner, it will be single play,” Church, 1014 Oak Street, said organizers. “Price will be non. Adults $10; youngsters 5 $10 and that will include Coney through 12, $5; 4 and younger dogs, chips and cookies; 50/50 free. Take-outs start at 4:30 p.m., tickets will be sold. All pro- (810) 621-3676. ceeds to benefit Hospice House ofThe Shiawassee County.” Independent Newspaper The Independent Newspaper 989-723-1118 989-723-1118 989-723-1118 The Independent Newspaper 989-723-1118 The Independent Newspaper Reach Your Target Market In The Independent Newspaper Reach Your Target Market In The Independent Newspaper Involve Yourself! The Independent Newspaper Involve Yourself! The Independent Newspaper MSU VS. U OF MThe Independent Classifieds 989-723-1118 COOKIES Join our ARE The COMING! MSU vs. Independent Newspaper Group 98 The Independent Classifieds 989-723-1118 Joe & Diane Timlick, Owners Master Mechanic, Joe Timlick John Wilkins 602 E. Main Owosso 989-725-8181 Over 30 Years Experience In Quality Repair Work 2611 E. M-21 • Corunna • 989-743-9070 Next to Meijer • M-F 8am-5pm, Sat. 11am-3pm PLACE YOUR U of M ORDER TODAY! COOKIE The Independent Newspaper Group 98 309 N. Washington St. CONTEST OWOSSONewspaper Group www.owo The Independent The Independent Newspaper Group www.owo FiEStA GRAndE CAtERinG tRAyS FOR yOuR EvEntS OnLy $69.95! 3 different dinner Options to Choose From. Each Feeds 10 People. 1/2 OFF COMbO dinnER Buy One Combo Dinner and 2 beverages #1-30 at Reg. Price of $8.99 And Get A Second Combo Dinner For Half Price! 1 coupon/table. Not valid with other offers. Expires 11/30/14. FREE GuACAMOLE OR CHEESE diP Fast Lunch Authentic Mexican Restaurant With Purchase of 2 entreés and 2 drinks. 1 coupon/table. Not valid with other offers. Expires 11/30/14. $10 OFF Any PuRCHASE OF $50 OR MORE $3 OFF Any PuRCHASE OF $15 OR MORE Not valid for Fiesta Grande Catering Trays. 1 coupon/table. Not valid with other offers. Expires 11/30/14. With Beverage Purchase. 1 coupon/table. Not valid with other offers. Expires 11/30/14. 1/2 OFF APPEtizERS KidS MEALS OnLy $1.99 Select Appetizers 1/2 Price Every day From 8pm to Close Dine In Only On SundAyS No Refills drink Specials not valid On Holidays Or Special Events 1631 E. Main St., Owosso • 989-723-6600 • 3-6pm & 9pm-Close Daily $3.99 MARGARitAS $1.99 SELECt 12 Oz. dRAFt bEER Sun.-tHuRS. ALL dAy ALL ALL MOndAyS d ! Ay! y A d tACOS 99¢ Hard Shell beef tacos Only dine in Only Page 4 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Chemical Bank: ‘Care Day Initiative’ Craig A. Bishop, Community president, Commercial Lender of Chemical Bank, announced that Chemical Bank has again hosted its Chemical Bank Cares Day event. Columbus Day, Monday, Oct. 13, saw Chemical Bank offices across the state closed for Chemical Bank Cares Day so that bank employees could volunteer in their communities on a variety of different projects. More than 1,900 Chemical bankers partnered with local organizations to work on over 200 projects ranging from helping to beautify city parks and schools, to spending time at Senior Centers, along with leading financial lessons in classrooms in addition to a variety of other activities. “We were excited for another Chemical Bank Cares Day opportunity to actively support the communities where we live, work and play,” stated Bishop. “Chemical Bank and Northwestern Bank employees were eager to volunteer with community partners while enjoying a successful day of giving back to the communities we serve.” He added: “The goal of Chemical Bank Cares Day is to reinforce Chemical Bank’s commitment to Michigan and the important role that our financial institution plays in communities across the state. Chemical Bank is dedicated to improving the quality of life in the communities it serves and our Cares Day Initiative is an important way to demonstrate that commitment.” In Owosso and the surrounding areas, Chemical bankers partnered with local organizations and agencies such as the city of Corunna, The Salvation Army and the Shelter of Flint, among others. Project examples included cleaning pens and grooming animals at the Shiawassee Humane Society as well as general clean-up for the city of Owosso. Memorial Healthcare to Hold Free Annual Make a Difference Day Memorial Healthcare will be hosting its annual Make a Difference Day on Saturday, Oct. 25, beginning with opening remarks at 8 a.m. in the east parking lot at 826 W. King Street, Owosso. This free event will run until 11 a.m. and will feature a mobile food pantry, free personal care items, pumpkins, and health and wellness information. Doors will open at 7 a.m., on a first come, first served basis, for free Halloween costumes, warm hats and mittens. No appointments are required for the mobile food pantry. Many health and human service agencies will be on hand to provide education, information and resources. Those participating include local Rotary Clubs, RESD employees, YAC students of Shiawassee Community Foundation, Catholic Charities, HDI Shiawassee Community Health, Girls Scouts & Boy Scouts, Shiawassee Medical Assistants and Baker Medical Transcription students. If your organization is interested in showcasing a service, please contact Cathy Stevenson, Community Resource Manager, at (989) 729-4724. Halloween Party Oct. 31 Corunna Parks and Recreation Commission’s annual Halloween Party will be 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 31, in the McCurdy Park Community Center. Citizens’ Car Trunk and Treats will be 5:30 to 6 p.m. in front of the Community Center. The Commission is seeking donations – monetary (checks can be made to: City of Corunna with Halloween Party notation) and candy which can be dropped off at Corunna City Hall, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. “If you need us to pick up your donation, contact Corunna City Hall, (989) 743-3650,” said organizers. Michigan Lutheran Seminary Concert Choir The Concert Choir of Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Saginaw, will present a concert of sacred songs at Salem Lutheran Church, Owosso on Oct. 26 at 8 and 10:30 a.m. The 38 voice traveling singers, under the direction of Professor Leonard A. Proeber, have toured annually since 1955, with appearances in more than 30 states, Canada and Europe. This choir, which will sing over 30 concerts during the 2014-2015 season, regularly visits congregations of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Michigan and adjoining states. There is no admission to the concert; however, since the group is self-supporting, a free will offering will be received. The concert is open to the public. For more information about the concert, call (989) 723-3293. Youth Advisory Council Grant This year, the Shiawassee Community Foundation has changed the procedure for applying for a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Youth Advisory Council Fund. In order to be considered for grant funding from this fund, a pre-application questionnaire form must be completed and submitted prior to Nov. 3, 2014, at 4 p.m. Grants are awarded to qualifying organizations including nonprofits that are taxexempt under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, schools, health and human service organizations, municipalities, and other governmental organizations. All grants are to be used for charitable purposes and cannot be awarded to individuals. Funding priorities are those that focus on program activities in youth development, the arts, health, education, recreation, environmental, and programs that assist at-risk and low-income individuals in our county. Prospective grantees will be contacted after their pre-application questionnaire is reviewed by the Youth Advisory Council and will be advised if a full grant application can be submitted. All grant requests must meet the criteria of the fund as well as INDEPENDENT The Salvation Army Church all required legal require302 E. Exchange St., Owosso ments of the Foundation. 989-725-7485 • Sunday Coffee & Fellowship 10am Call Carol Soule at (989) Sunday Worship Service 10:30am 725-1093 if you have quesBrunch & Fellowship at Noon tions or to obtain a pre-apLUTHERAN plication questionnaire. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Worship Services Directory A•2•Z Keys, LLC I stock what you can’t find at the hardware store. We Repair Remote Fobs & Install Deadbolts See me at the WE Downtown Farmer’s CUTMarket & PROGRAM WE CUT Transponder & PROGRAM Chip Transponder Car Keys Chip Car Keys Program My Number in Your Phone Contacts Before The Need Rises 989-743-6431 989-277-5869 By Appointment The only certified whole-house Arsenic Reduction filter on the market. Owosso Assembly of God 1150 N. Shiawassee St., Owosso 989-725-8219 Sunday 11am & 6pm BAPTIST First Baptist Church of Corunna 1120 S. Legion Rd., Corunna 989-743-5400 • Sunday 10:30am CATHOLIC St. Joseph Catholic Church 915 E. Oliver St., Owosso 989-725-5215 • Sat. 4:30pm Sunday 8am, 10:30am St. Paul Catholic Church 111 N. Howell St., Owosso 989-723-4277 • Sat. 5pm Sunday 8am, 10:00am, Noon CHURCH OF CHRIST First Church of Christ 585 E. North St. 989-725-5039 Worship 10:30am & 5:30pm Sunday CONGREGATIONAL First Congregational Church, UCC 327 N. Washington St., Owosso 989-723-3010 • Sun. 10:30am EPISCOPAL Christ Episcopal Church 120 Goodhue St. (Fayette Square) Owosso 989-723-2495 • Sun. 10:00am certified Water specialist 805 W. Main St., Owosso 989-725-5515 St. Philip Lutheran Church (LCMS) 219 W. Oliver St., Owosso 989-723-6238 Sunday 10am & Wed. 7pm NAZARENE Owosso Church Of The Nazarene 1865 S. M-52, Owosso 989-723-2229 Early Service 8:30am 2nd Service 10:45am Sunday School 9:30am UNITED METHODIST Owosso First United Methodist 1500 N. Water St. • 989-725-2201 Sunday School 9:30am Cafe Worship 9:30am Worship 10:45am Rev. Calvin Long Trinity United Methodist 720 S. Shiawassee St., Owosso 989-723-2664 Sun. School 9:30am Worship 11am Rev. Susan Kingsley WESLEYAN Northgate Wesleyan Church 1687 N. M-52, Owosso 989-725-9339 Sunday School 9:30am Worship Gathering 11am Like Us On Facebook Owosso Wesleyan Church 715 S. Washington, Owosso 989-723-5247 • Sun. 10am Be a part of the worship services directory, call 989-723-1118. The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Letters to the Editor Editor, The Independent: This is a response to JoAnn Goodson’s Oct. 12 letter. I’m hoping she can explain how the Republican Party represents the interests of women when so many of the GOP’s members and candidates clearly do not. I could present a whole laundry list of “anointed ones,” i.e., those who dare to speak for the rest of us and would pass draconian legislation that would profoundly affect all of our lives. The laundry list is long, so I’ll keep it as brief as possible. Firstly, recall presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s “binders full of women.” That one’s always good for at least a few chuckles. Several others, however, don’t come across as being quite so amusing. Todd Aiken’s “legitimate rape” remark stands out as being particularly heinous. Bob McDonnell’s transvaginal ultrasound probes seem downright medieval. Thank heaven Mr. McDonnell didn’t demand a similar procedure for men planning to get vasectomies. To round out the list, former Senator Rick Santorum declared he would ban all forms of contraception based on his own personal religious beliefs. Millions of poor, working-class American women must be thrilled to pieces to hear that one. Michigan senatorial candidate Teri Lynn Land has stated she would ban all abortions, even in the case of rape or incest, and most forms of contraception - again, based on her own personal beliefs. She would also cut funding for vital women’s healthcare incliding mammograms, cancer screenings and prenatal care. Doing her part to further the cause for family values, is she? Turning to financial matters, Ben Glardon has stated he does not support equal pay for equal work for women. Evidently he doesn’t believe in working women lifting themselves out of poverty and being able to feed and care for their families. Another twenty points for “family values.” In her Oct. 12 letter, Ms. Goodson called minimum wage laws “stupid.” It seems only fair to ask her if she’s lately tried to live on a job paying the minimum wage. If she bothered to research what the federal poverty lines are for single people and working families, she would know that no one can survive on minimum wage no matter how many household budget cuts they Robert Zalokar, CFP®, CPA are forced to make. If these candidates and Certified Financial Planner™ Professional their cheerleaders ac121 W. Exchange Phone: 989-725-1116 P.O. Box 218 curately represent the Fax: 989-725-1117 Owosso Grand Old Party’s vision for American women, SPECIALS 16 $ 1799 ~ Salmon & Dill Sauce-8 oz. $ ~ Italian Sirloin-12 oz. 99 Served with your choice of side and our fresh salad bar. ge Hot Fud ndae e Su Browni Two For $ Regular Menu Available Open 7 Days A Week Editor, The Independent: It’s starting again, just like it does every election: the mud slinging. I’m always interested to see who starts it off; because for me, that’s who I will most certainly NOT vote for. It has always been very clear to me that the candidate who starts talking smack is the one who has the least amount of character, decency, and moral fiber. It stands to reason that the one who holds their ground and remains unshaken and unprovoked to the indecent and conniving efforts of their opponent, will undoubtedly be the best person for the job. On the other hand, the one whose weak platform allows nothing but bile to pour from their mouth and the mouths of their camp members, must be considered to be weak minded and morally numb. Think about it; who do you want in office? The dope who runs a campaign full of negative ads and playground foolishness? Or do you want a person of strong and reliable tendencies that has proven themselves to be positive and productive, never taking the time to slam or degrade anyone else? I know I will always choose the person who chooses the high road. So, please give this matter serious thought before casting that vote. My grandmother always told me; if you do not have anything nice to say, don’t say anything...... leave that to the people who don’t care how stupid they look. Robert Shepherd, Owosso highlightS MEET the Candidates/Proposals on Oct. 22 at the Maple River Historical Society, Inc., 985 E. Bennington Road (in the historic former church). Coffee at 6 p.m.; speakers at 6:30. All candidates are invited to speak and those supporting or opposing proposals. offering going toward expense of the new well and missions. Donations also accepted. SALAD LUNCHEON, annual activity by St. Bernardine Guild, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 22, at St. Joseph School gym, 811 E. Oliver, Owosso, includes pulled pork barbecues, meatballs and salads plus desserts, $7 per person; take-outs available. Raffle tickets for a handmade quilt; persons can also purchase Olivewood items from the Holy Land, which can be gifts for First Communion, Confirmation, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, etc. 5K Run/Walk Halloween Hustle Sunday, Oct. 26 Costume Contest & Kids Entertainment Sponsored by: Child Abuse Prevention Council Race Times: 2:45 pm “Demon Dash” Kids Fun Run (6yrs +) 3:00 pm “Goblin Gallop” Tot Trot (5yrs & under) 2:00 pm 5K Walk/Run/Race CRAFT SHOW, vendors and crafters needed, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 1, Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2510 N. M-52, Owosso (set up at 8 a.m. Saturday). Vendor space is approximately 6 by 10 feet and includes 6foot table and two chairs; free coffee all day to vendors, $25 fee. Helpers available to unload. Persons may call Tami, (both 989) 725-5442, 277-8954, or email: •••• PRIZES •••• Masters, Grand Masters, top 3 in age groups All children in Demon Dash Fun Run & Goblin Gallop Tot Trot T-Shirts for all pre-registered runners Entry fees: $30 for Preregistered Runners, $20 for kids $35, $25 after 10/17/14 Register Online at For More Information Please Call: CAPC 989-723-5877 95 6 Claudia Eddy, Owosso HAM AND TURKEY Supper, 4 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 15, at Carland United Methodist Church, corner of Carland and Juddville roads; also salads, side dishes and dessert. Take-outs available. Free-will Sweetest Day Page 5 then Rush Limbaugh is a flaming liberal. You know him. He’s the guy who called law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” because she dared to defend a friend’s need to use contraception due to a reproductive health issue. What a prince. (There are so many these days.) Simply put, today’s Republican Party just doesn’t “get” women. It doesn’t understand women’s reproductive issues, financial matters, family needs or employment concerns. The GOP as it is today does not represent my interests as an American woman, nor the interests of any progressive-thinking woman I know. Get real, Ms. Goodson. When it comes to women’s issues, your Republican Party is clueless. Vote for justice, fairness and progress in 2014. Vote blue! 200 E. Comstock, Owosso 989-725-5767 SLEEPY HOLLOW STATE PARK 7835 Price Rd., Laingsburg State Park Permit Required for entry Page 6 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Inaugural Shiawassee Homeless Coalition Bed Races THE SHIAWASSEE Community Mental Health team, “Ghost Busters,” which consisted of (in no particular order): Team Captain Dadra Motroni, Tara Eldridge, Michelle Grazier, Joshua Alto, Ryan Roney and Carlos Lopez won the fastest bed trophy. 989-723-1118 There were three entries in the inaugural Shiawassee Homeless Coalition bed races held Saturday, Oct. 11 during Oktoberfest. Together all three entries raised $1,902. The Shiawassee County Homeless Coalition estimates it will take $25,000 to implement the Emergency Housing pilot project. To date, over $9,000 has been collected, but they are looking for more donations to meet their goal by Nov. 1. Those wishing to contribute may send donations to Shiawassee County Homeless Coalition, P.O. Box 428, Owosso. highlight CHRISTMAS BAZAAR, St. Cyril’s Parish Hall, Bannister, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 1 with homemade baked goods, jams, jellies, boutique Christmas gifts items by the Altar Society and vendors; also, luncheon available. Vendors still needed, said chairman Rosemary Houska of St. Cyril’s. NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL Any Reason, Any Season, Anytime Since 1978 989-288-7779 THE MEMORIAL Healthcare Behavorial Unit team, “Super Heroes Support Shelters,” which consisted of (in no particular order): Team Captain Brenda Wohlfert, Beth Misiuk, Paul Walworth, Danielle Walker, MeLissa Rossello, Jenna Fulton, James Slawson and Michael Hall won the Golden Spirit award, raising the most money of the 3 entries at $1,071.70. THE MEMORIAL Healthcare Surgical Unit team, “Zombies in Surgery,” which consisted of (in no particular order): Team Captain, Cathy Rowell, Robin Owens, Jake Reyna, Kristen Shackelford, Alissa Lawback and Shannon Smith won the People’s Choice and Most Outrageous Unit awards. (Independent Photos/ MELISSA SHEPARD) PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF CORUNNA SNOW REMOVAL It shall be the duty of the owner of any premises within the city to clear sidewalks as follows: Property owners shall deposit snow, ice or other obstructions from their parking lot and/or driveway within their own property. No person shall cause to be placed or deposited in or upon the traveled portion of any street or sidewalk or obstruct any fire hydrant with snow, ice, or other debris. The owner of property abutting upon public sidewalks shall clear and keep the full width of such sidewalks clear of snow, ice or obstructions of all kinds within 24 hours of the accumulation or placement of snow, ice or other obstruction. For property owners within the DDA Boundary Limits with sidewalks extending from the property line to the curb, the property owner shall clear the inner five feet of the sidewalk closest to the property line and extending to the curb of any adjacent crosswalks, as well as maintaining a 30” clear walkway to the curb in front of the property. If the owner fails to remove such snow, ice or obstruction from the sidewalk within the time limited in this division for the removal of the same, the city may, given 24 hours warning notice, remove or contract for the removal of such snow, ice or obstruction. Said warning notice may be either presented to the occupant of the premises or posted on the premises. The cost of removal shall be assessed against the owner of the property. Failure to comply will result in action by the city to remove snow, ice or obstruction. Department costs, plus $100 will be charged to the owner. Nichole L. Cowdrey City Clerk Step #1 Step #2 NEW! Pick 1709 E. M-21 Owosso 989-723-1463 Choose Your Bowl of Soup. have 4 TWons! We incredible, made from scratch Creatio able, So Afford ! So Tasty soups to choose from. Pair Your Soup with a 1/2 sandwich or a lighter price salad. Make any 1/2 sandwich whole for just $2 more. Publishing Four Weekly Newspapers! LEGAL NOTICE There’s A Lot IF YOU ARE NOW ON ACTIVE Happening! MILITARY DUTY OR HAVE ReadIN your BEEN THE PRIOR ONE YEAR, Independent PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE Newspapers! AT 248-502-1400. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has 989-723-1118 been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Robin L. Pendell and Karen D. Pendell, husband and wife, to CitiMortgage, Inc. successor by merger with CitiFinancial Mortgage Company, Inc., Mortgagee, dated April 17, 2002 and recorded April 23, 2002 in Liber 1010, Page 945, Shiawassee County Records, Michigan. There is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Forty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-One and 32/100 Dollars ($45,661.32) including interest at 6.04% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue at the place of holding the circuit court within Shiawassee County., Michigan at 10:00 AM on NOVEMBER 12, 2014. Said premises are located in the City of Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan, and are described as: Lot 29 and the South 1/2 of Lot 30, Block 25, including 1/2 of vacated alley adjacent thereto, of Geo T. Abrey’s Woodland Park Addition to the City of Owosso, as recorded in Liber 1 of Plats, on Page 120, Shiawassee County Records. The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. TO ALL PURCHASERS: The foreclosing mortgagee can rescind the sale. In that event, your damages, if any, are limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale, pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damage to the property during the redemption period. Dated: October 15, 2014 Orlans Associates, P.C.. Attorneys for Servicer P.O. Box 5041 Troy, MI 48007 File No. 14-008667 (10-15)(11-05) 286 words fresh new salads Classic Wedge Salad Turkey Cobb Salad BBQ Ranch Tender Salad satisfying new sandwiches Southwest BLT Melt Tuna Melt 3 Cheese -N- Tomato Melt Corned Beef & Swiss Ham & Cheddar Melt The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Kiwanis Announce 2014 Page 7 “Kiwanian of the Year” Recently, the Owosso Kiwanis Club held its installation of officers for the 2014-2015 year at GiGi’s Catering facility. They bestowed member Carol Lirones-Flayer the title of Kiwanian of the Year for 2014. Carol has been Vice President of the club for the past year, and one of her responsibilities was to find interesting programs and introducing the speaker. Her father, Dr. David Lirones was past-president of his Kiwanis club, as well as Lt. Governor of their Michigan District. Her mother, Bernice Lirones, was in charge of their Kiwanis Auxillary during those years, and now she is a member of the Owosso Kiwanis Club. She comes every week, even though she lives in Flint. Carol’s husband, Steve, has been Kiwanian of the year, and Past President of the Owosso Kiwanis Club. Newly elected officers the Owosso Kiwanis Club are: Cheryll Warren, a sixteen year member as President; Carol Lirones-Flayer the new President Elect; and Jon Wilson, the new Vice-President. Other elected officials were Anne Kruger and Charles Kincaid to the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. New Board of Directors for a three year term will be Roger Kuhl, James Sutphen and Jack Wing. The Owosso Free Methodist Church located at 1249 N. Chipman St. would like to This is the Owosso Kiwanis Club’s 94th year since they were chartered, and it meets invite you to attend our Reunion Sunday, Oct. 19. on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at the Hospital Auditorium. Their club is open to the public and During our regular worship service at 10:45, we will have former pastors and those men or women desiring information about joining Kiwanis may reach Dan Brazil families whom we would like to honor. We would also like to honor those who have at (989) 725-7440. gone on before us and have left a lasting legacy. Missionaries like Ruth Smith; former Conference Superintendent Carl Koerner; Church workers and leaders. Additionally, we want to honor folks like you who have made a difference in the Owosso Free Methodist Church for the Kingdom of Heaven. We located the “Time Capsule” that was buried in 1980 under the leadership of The Owosso Band Boosters will hold their annual Fruit & Wreath Sale, Oct. 28 to Rev. Tom Dunn, as well as a sealed capsule from 1964 with the original memberNov. 14. Delivery on Dec. 13. Fruit available: Tangerines, Naval Oranges, Grapefruit ship and church history. We plan to open them during our service. and Mixed Fruit. Wreaths available: Balsam Door Swag, Balsam Wreath and Evergreen Please come and invite some friends, renew acquaintances, and meet new friends. Garland. The sales of these orders will help pay for band uniforms and band trips. Any Plan to stay after the service to share a meal with us. If you have any questions, please call the office at (989) 723-3695. questions, please call Matt Grubb at (989) 725-8300. (Courtesy Photo) Annual Fruit and Wreath Sale Zumba Class The Independent Newspaper Group 989-723-1118 Offered A Zumba class is beThe Independent Newspaper Group 989-723-1118 ing offered Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m., rand Curves, 8765 Monroe Al Shattuck, Agent St., Durand. For more infor111 N Hickory Street, Owosso, MI 48867 Bus: 989-723-3232 mation call (989) 288-0558. Independent Classifieds Work! 989-723-1118 Grondins StaySpritz Informed! Read Your Independent! nts You To Wa IS StayBack! Informed! Read Your Independent! Independent Classifieds Work! 989-723-1118 e v o L n FallithIYour Hair All The Independent Newspaper 989-723-1118 Better Know Your Community! Than The Independent Newspaper Before! LaCLair Chevy BuiCk 989-723-1118 The Independent Newspaper Read About It In The Independent Newspaper Read About It In The Independent Newspaper Reach Your Target Market In Oct. 18 9am-3pmThe Independent Newspaper WhNN 96.1 In Reach Your Target Market Broadcasting Live The Independent Newspaper Support Local Businesses! The Independent Newspaper Support Local Businesses! The Independent Newspaper The Independent Newspaper 989-723-1118 989-723-1118 The Independent Newspaper 2nd annual Breast Cancer event WhO WiLL yOu WaLk FOr? Involve Yourself! The Independent Newspaper 9am-11am T-Shirts, InvolveFree Yourself! WhO WiLL yOu The Independent hats, Newspaper Backpacks, Bracelets and Drive FOr? Understand Local Politics! The Independent Newspaper Bandanas! LaClair Sales, Inc. 5K Walk! The Independent Chevrolet and Classifi edsJoe LaClair The Independent Classifieds *While Supplies Last! Join us for our own “Making Strides 989-723-1118 will each donate $10 for 989-723-1118 Men Against Breast Cancer 5K!” every test drive on Oct. 18 hot Dogs! The walk will be held to “Making Strides against Women Popcorn! The Independent Group 989-723-1118 at our dealership! Breast Cancer” Newspaper refreshments! Children Cost: Min. $5 Donation Bake Sale! Walk registration: 9am The Independent Newspaper Group 989-723-1118 No Bounce house Walk Begins: 10am Appointment W $ in! Over Aga 3 OFF An Adult Haircut Understand Local Politics! The Independent Newspaper Expires October 31, 2014. Not Valid With Other Offer. $ for the kids Necessary. The Independent Newspaper Group Our Own DJ Bob ariss The Independent Newspaper Group will be mixing M-52 & M-57, Chesaning Hours: M-F 9a-8p it up! 989-845-3057 S 9a-5p Shop 24/7 at laClair.CoM Know Your Community! The Independent Newspaper 10 OFF All Over Color Expires October 31, 2014. Not Valid With Other Offer. Not Valid With Highlights. 1567 Main St., M-21, Owosso 989-725-6926 Like Us On Facebook At Grondins Of Owosso Page 8 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 989-723-1118 The Independent Newspaper Service Directory Call today to advertise here! Your Connection To Convenient, Professional, Area Services! 2SHQ 0RQ7KXUV DPSP )ULDPSP Brown’s Plumbing & Heating! Think Professional Affordable Plumbing FAST SERVICE!! 7RLOHWV7XEV)DXFHWV:DWHU+HDWHUV 6XPSV6HZHU'UDLQV3LSH5HSDLU REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT!! <RXU+HDWLQJ$LU&RQGLWLRQLQJ)DPLO\ 989-723-2948 Independent Service Dealer )DPLO\2ZQHG 2SHUDWHG6LQFH DURAND MOBIL 989-288-2826 7XST-R%RH7II3YV :EVMIX]3J1YQW %ZEMPEFPI*SV*EPP 3482 E. Hibbard Rd. QMPI)EWXSJ7LME[EWWII'SYRX]*EMVKVSYRHW M-F 10am-6pm • Sat. & Sun. 9am-7pm [[[JEGIFSSOGSQJEVQIVWKEVHIR[[[JEVQIVWKEVHIRGSQ 8474 E. M-71, Durand Dare to Compare Handy Provides Roll-Off Container Rentals, Transportation & Disposal of Solid Waste for Remodeling, Construction, Roofing, Cleanups, Moving, etc. Quality Care for Mid-Michigan Seniors '31)7))1) *36%+6)%8()%0¶ 521 E. First St., Perry 517-625-5650 6-8-10-12 yd. Dumpsters 2753 South M-52 OWOSSO • Free Delivery • Flat Rates • Multi-Container Discounts • Free Scrap/Metal Pickup Robert Ariss (Corner of Delaney & South M-52) 9WIH'EV1EREKIV VEVMWW$PEGPEMVGSQ (989) 723-5940 Get Your Best Rate, Then Call Us! A Handy Container For All Your Projects Owosso Electronic Repair 989-720-0303 Computer, Laptop, Tablet & Television Repair 203 West Main • Owosso, MI 48867 0DWWKHZ*UXEE $JHQW (0DLQ6WUHHW 2ZRVVR0, 1 1 'LIWERMRK 989-845-3057 Water Fire Smoke Wind Mold 5HVWRUDWLRQDQG5HPRGHOLQJ RU*HQHUDO&RQWUDFWLQJ Matt Vondrasek, Owner 1215 Corunna Ave., Owosso 1-888-725-6675 24 Hr. Emergency Response Barrier Free • Safe & Secure Home-like Environment • Memory Care • Spacious Private & Semi-Private Living • 24 Hour Personalized Care • Affordable Rates Reliable Tire & Auto Service *RRG\HDU7LUHV +DQNRRN7LUHV &RRSHU7LUHV $PVRLO :0DLQ6W(OVLH 989-862-4266 See Me For A GREAT DEAL! Bring your family & friends Dare to Compare %XV Kurt Nichols PDWWJUXEEKTED#VWDWHIDUPFRP Sales Representative 989-845-3057 M52 & M57, Chesaning 7RP'UDJRV <RXU/RFDO /RDQ2IÀFHU 10/6 &RUXQQD0, 7UDGH&HQWUH:D\6WH .DODPD]RR0, 10/6 &HOO )D[ WGUDJRV#DPHULÀUVWFRP T&J Builders and Excavating %QIVMGER6SEH 0ERWMRK1- 8SPPJVII (MVIGX 'IPPXI\XGEPP Advertise Weekly for ONLY $25 for a 2 Column Business Card or $15 for a 1 Column by 2” (Full Month Commitment Required) &VIRX;IWPI] Sales & Leasing Consultant F[IWPI]$WLELIIRGLIZVSPIXGSQ [[[7LELIIR'LIZVSPIXGSQ nday Deadline: Thursday Noon dnesday Deadline: Monday 3pm in Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso Fax 989-725-1834 ll 989-723-1118 CLASSIFIEDS 989-723-1118 FOR SALE LIQUOR Class C 1907 W.License M-21, Owosso for Shiawassee County. $35,000/obo 989-277-3555. The Independent Newsgroup MY-CAN PORTABLE TOILETS. No job too big or small! Any reason, any season,536 anytime. words Since 1978 989-288-7779 C L A S S I F I E D S CLASSIFIEDS Call 989-723-1118 OAKLEY COMMUNITY The CHURCH Independent Womens Group Annual Newsgroup Bazaar @ 327 S Main St., Oakley Nov. 8th, (Sat) 10am -3pm Tables available for $15 call Julie 989-666-8014 ALSO Soup 4 sale along 1907 W. M-21, Owosso with bake sale. CLASSIFIEDS 989-723-1118 056 Found The FEMALE Independent GERFOUND MAN Shorthair Pointer on Newsgroup Lytle Rd., Lennon. Recently had puppies. 810-252-5468. 065 C L A S S I F I E D S Miscellaneous ADOPTION PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of words Call 24/7. your choice.484 877-378-3565 E-mail: Newsgroup ARE YOU TIRED of Sticky, Smelly pop bottles and cans? Call us! 989-721-9161 SHIAWASSEE COUNTY FAIR 2nd Annual Fall Family Festival Oct. 19th You Are Invited To Participate!! $20 for a 10x10 space. Festival hours noon-5pm For Vendor Forms or questions call Dawn Reha at 989-666-4044 or email 1907 W. M-21, Owosso Sunday Deadline: Thursday Noon • Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm 562 words Announcements 030 The Independent Newsgroup GET YOUR BEST Chili Recipe Ready!! $15 to enter your chili. Prizes for Best Beef Chili, Best Chicken Chili, Best Overall Chili and Amish Furniture People's Choice AN AMISH LOG HEADFor registration form: BOARD and Queen Pillow 989-666-1340, Top Mattress Set. Brand new-never used, sell all for or available at $275. 989-923-1278. The Independent, 1907 W. M-21, Owosso Auction Scholarship Fundraiser AUCTION SATURDAY, Chili Cook-Off OCTOBER 18 at 8:45 AM Nov. 1, 2014 at Snowmobiles; ATVs; The Shiawassee UTVs; Trailers; Watercraft; Conservation Club Cars; Trucks; Lawn Equip4247 N. M-52, Owosso ment and much more! Adults $10, BUY OR SELL. Only children 6-12 $5, $25.00 to sell Item. children 5 and under free www.snowmobileauction.c Includes Chili, rolls & om or call 517-369-1153. crackers. White Star Motorsports Celebrity judges, bake Auction, Bronson, MI. sale, 50/50 drawing, raffles and cash bar. Education/Career Training All proceeds from this AIRLINE CAREERS begin 2XU$GYHUWLVHUV%ULQJ7KLV,VVXHRI dinner will go to the here – Become an Aviation Jackie Leone Memorial 7KH,QGHSHQGHQW7R<RX Maintenance Tech. FAA Scholarship Fund. approved training. FinanThe purpose of the fund is cial aid if qualified – Housto 2XU$GYHUWLVHUV%ULQJ7KLV,VVXH2I award scholarships to ing available. Job place7KH,QGHSHQGHQW7R<RX Owosso and Corunna High ment assistance. Call School graduates with a Aviation Institute of Maintepreference given to those nance 877-891-2281 2XU$GYHUWLVHUV%ULQJ7KLV,VVXH2I planning to study journal7KH,QGHSHQGHQW7R<RX ism (English majors will also be considered). Call 989-723-1118 C L A S S I F I E D S 1907 W. M-21, Owosso Announcements 030The Independent Main Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso The Independent Newsgroup Call 989-723-1118 E-mail: THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECSunday Deadline: TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLNoon LECT AThursday DEBT. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE Wednesday Deadline: USED FOR THAT Monday 3pmPURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Bradley E. Lab and Gwen M. Lab, husband and wife, original mortgagor(s), to Comerica Mortgage Corporation, a Michigan Corporation, Mortgagee, dated December 6, 1995, and recorded on December 18, 1995 in Liber 838 on Page 165, and assigned by mesne assignments to JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association as assignee as documented by an assignment, in Shiawassee county records, Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Forty-Three Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Four and 35/100 Dollars ($43,874.35). Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, at the place of holding the circuit court within Shiawassee County, at 10:00 AM, on October 22, 2014. Said premises are situated in Township of Bennington, Shiawassee County, Michigan, and are described as: Part of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 8, T6N, R2E, Bennington Township, Shiawassee County, Michigan, described as: Beginning at a point that is North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East on the East line of said section a distance of 1139.70 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 8; thence South 89 degrees 34 minutes 41 seconds West 639.64 feet; thence North 00 degrees 15 minutes 01 seconds West 417.99 feet; thence North 89 degrees 34 minutes 41 seconds East 641.47 feet to the East line of said Section 8; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 418.00 feet to the point of beginning The redemption period shall be 12 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period. Dated: September 24, 2014 For more information, please call: FC S (248) 593-1304 Trott & Trott, P.C. Attorneys For Servicer 31440 Northwestern Hwy Ste 200 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334-5422 File #444581F01 (09-24)(10-15) CLASSIFIEDS Sunday Deadline: Thursday Noon • Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm Main ce: NOTICE OFOffi MORTGAGE 1907 W. M-21, Owosso FORECLOSURE SALE The Independent Newsgroup Call 989-723-1118 Call L989-723-1118 EGAL NOTICE The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Main Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso C L A S S I F I E D S CLASSIFIEDS E-mail: The Independent Newsgroup ated by the Corunna Ministerial Association is open 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays. Persons are asked to phone ahead to make an appointment, (989) 743-5050. Sunday Deadline: Thursday Noon • Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm Call 989-723-1118 Newsgroup THE FOOD PANTRY oper- Call 989-723-1118 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFMain Office: FICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW M-21, IF1907 YOUW. ARE IN Owosso ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. Deadline: Sunday ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale Thursday may be rescinded Noon by the foreclosing Wednesday Deadline: mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if Monday any, shall be limited solely to 3pm the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Rose Marie Linabury and Richard F. Linabury, Wife and Husband, original mortgagor(s), to Fifth Third Bank, an Ohio Banking Corporation successor by merger to Fifth Third Bank, a Michigan Banking Corporation doing business as Fifth Third Bank (Eastern Michigan), Mortgagee, dated January 24, 2011, and recorded on February 9, 2011 in Liber 1156 on Page 471, in Shiawassee county records, Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Sixty-Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Five and 01/100 Dollars ($68,705.01). Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, at the place of holding the circuit court within Shiawassee County, at 10:00 AM, on October 22, 2014. Said premises are situated in Township of Caledonia, Shiawassee County, Michigan, and are described as: Parcel No. 1 - Part of Section 34, Township 7 North, Range 3 East, Caledonia Township, Shiawassee County, Michigan described as beginning an the East section line 432 feet South of the East 1/4 post of Section, thence South 399.69 feet on the East line of section, thence North 41 degrees 33 minutes 34 Seconds West 511.60 feet on the Centerline of Parmenter Road, Thence North 87 degrees 08 minutes 26 seconds East 339.75 feet to the beginning. Parcel No. 3 - Part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 North, Range 3 East, Caledonia Township, Shiawassee County, Michigan, described as beginning on the West Section line 432 feet South of the West 1/4 post of Section, thence North 87 degrees 08 minutes 26 seconds East 233.50 feet, thence South 07 degrees 29 minutes East 315.50 feet, thence South 87 degrees 07 minutes 42 seconds West 274.64 feet, thence North 314.67 feet on the West Section line to the beginning. The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period. Dated: September 24, 2014 For more information, please call: FC J (248) 593-1311 Trott & Trott, P.C. Attorneys For Servicer 31440 Northwestern Hwy Ste 200 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334-5422 File #439771F02 (09-24)(10-15) (989) 666-5163 for reservations or information. The Independent Main Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso CLASSIFIEDS E-mail: C L A S S I F I E D S LEGAL NOTICE Sunday Deadline: Thursday Noon • Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm LEGAL NOTICE FORECLOSURE NOTICE RANDALL S. MILLER & ASSOCIATES, P.C. MAY BE A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. IF YOU ARE A MILITARY SERVICEMEMBER ON ACTIVE DUTY NOW OR IN THE PRIOR NINE MONTHS, PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE. Mortgage Sale - Default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by Eric J. Dameron and Erin L. Dameron, husband and wife to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. acting solely as nominee for Lender Ltd. dba Metro Mortgage Corporation, Mortgagee, dated October 6, 2005, and recorded on October 17, 2005, in Liber 1086, Page 542, Shiawassee County Records, said mortgage was assigned to BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOAN SERVICING, L.P. by an Assignment of Mortgage dated May 14, 2012 and recorded May 21, 2012 in Liber 1172, Page 269, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Ninety-One Thousand Two Hundred ThirtyEight and 52/100 ($91,238.52) including interest at the rate of 6.00000% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public venue, at the place of holding the Circuit Court in said Shiawassee County, where the premises to be sold or some part of them are situated, at 10:00 AM on October 29, 2014 Said premises are situated in the City of Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan, and are described as: THE SOUTH 72 FEET OF THE NORTH 190.68 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF LOT 22, M.L. STEWART AND CO.`S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWOSSO, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN LIBER 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 55. Commonly known as: 910 S BALL ST, OWOSSO, MI 488670000 If the property is eventually sold at foreclosure sale, the redemption period will be 6.00 months from the date of sale unless the property is abandoned or used for agricultural purposes. If the property is determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241 and/or 600.3241a, the redemption period will be 30 days from the date of sale, or 15 days after statutory notice, whichever is later. If the property is presumed to be used for agricultural purposes prior to the date of the foreclosure sale pursuant to MCL 600.3240, the redemption period is 1 year. Pursuant to MCL 600.3278, if the property is sold at a foreclosure sale, the borrower(s) will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period. TO ALL PURCHASERS: The foreclosing mortgagee can rescind the sale. In that event, your damages are, if any, limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. If you are a tenant in the property, please contact our office as you may have certain rights. Dated: October 1, 2014 Randall S. Miller & Associates, P.C. Attorneys for BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOAN SERVICING, L.P. 43252 Woodward Avenue, Suite 180, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302, (248) 335-9200 Case No. 14MI009381 (10-01)(10-22) Call 989-723-1118 The Independent RELAY For Life American Newsgroup Main Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso highlightS Cancer Society spaghetti dinnerThe and Independent Halloween Bash benefit, starts at 6 p.m. Oct. 25 at Newsgroup Owosso VFW Hall on S. Chipman. RSVP only to Gordon, 065 Page 9 Miscellaneous Employment $1,125 WEEKLY GUARANTEED Mail letters from home. Full Time/Part Time. No experience necessary. Call today! 1-888-966-0846 Financial DOCTOR BUYS LAND CONTRACTS AND INVESTS IN REAL ESTATE $10,000 - $500,000. Free Consultation! Fast Closing! Dr. Daniels and Son Realty. Michigan Licensed NMLS#138110. 248-335-6166 800-837-6166 Allan@DrDanielsAndSon.c om ……………………………… *CASH LOAN* We are ready to lend $200 to $1,500! Bad Credit OK. 2 minute approval! Call 24/7 Toll Free: 1-888-617-4602 ……………………………… CASH BY THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY! Instant approval decision. Call 24/7: 1-877-357-8633. ……………………………… DO YOU OWE OVER $10,000 TO THE IRS or State in back taxes? Get tax relief now! The nation’s full service tax solution firm. Call 877-364-9643 Mattress Sets A TEMPERPADIC/STYLE MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS SET Queen, new-never used, as seen on TV, with warranty. Cost $1,800, Sell $695. Can Deliver 989-832-2401 Medical VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20 mg. 40 Pills + 4 FREE for only $99. #1 Male Enhancement! Discreet Shipping. Save $500...Buy the Blue Pill Now! Discreet Shipping. Call 1-877-595-1024 ……………………………… VIAGRA/CIALIS 100mg/20mg Pills 40 + 4 free pills. Only $99.00 Discreet Shipping. Save, Save, Save! Call Now 1-800-404-1282. Miscellaneous HIGH SPEED INTERNET WHEREVER YOU LIVE! Get faster browsing only $39.99/mo. FREE quick installation! 30-day satisfac2XU$GYHUWLVHUV tion guarantee. Call local %ULQJ7KLV,VVXH2I dealer 1-877-367-6988 7KH,QGHSHQGHQW code I-CPM814 7R<RX ……………………………… 2XU$GYHUWLVHUV %ULQJ7KLV,VVXH2I 7KH,QGHSHQGHQW 7R<RX Page 10 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 065 Miscellaneous AEI DISH 190+ local channels $29.99/mo. FREE Movie Channels. FREE HOPPER DVR, FREE QUICK Installation. $50 CASH FOR SIGNING! Call local dealer 1-877-367-6988 code CPM814 ……………………………… PIONEER POLE BUILDINGS Free Estimates. Licensed and Insured. 2x6 Trusses. 45 Year Warranty, Galvalume Steel—19 Colors. Since 1976 #1 in Michigan. Call Today 1-800-292-0679 ……………………………… BUILT BEST BARNS Michigan’s Largest Pole Barn Company. Best Quality, Best Service, Summer Specials. Sale Ends Soon. 24’x24’x8’=$6495.00 24’x32’x8’=$7495.00 24’x40’x10’=$8995.00 30’x40’x10’=$10,795.00 32’x48’x12’ = $14,995.00 Completely Built License/Insured 1-877-802-9591, 989-205-2534 ……………………………… POLE BARN DESIGNS Michigan’s Custom Pole Barn Outlet. Monthly Specials: 30’x40’=$10,995; 40’x60’=$21,900 2 weeks to completion following site approval and permitting. Call toll free at 1-800-549-1240 or visit online at ……………………………… BUILT RITE POLE BUILDINGS State-wide, 24x24x8=$6340.00 24x40x10=$9362.00 30x40x10=$10,381.00 30x40x12=$11,340.00 Call for price not shown on any size building or go to www.builtritepolebuildings. net. Toll Free 1-877-296-6802 ……………………………… VIGORCARE FOR MEN the perfect alternative to other products, with similar results. There’s an Herbal Alternative to taking Viagra that’s Safe/Effective. 60 Pills / $99.00 plus S&H. 1-888-886-1041, or……………………………… Fun!TV RETAILER StartDISH ing at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internts! net starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! Call Now! 1-800-419-9868 ……………………………… 065 DirectTV STARTING AT $24.95/MO Free 3-months of HBO, Starz, Showtime & Cinemax! Free Receiver Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some exclusions apply – call for details. 1-800-917-3607 ……………………………… REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, So Call Now 1-800-969-0273 ……………………………… MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 877-710-7001 ……………………………… $50 WALMART GIFT CARD & 3 Free issues of your favorite magazines! Call 877-225-8281 Motorcycles WANTED ALL MOTORCYCLES BEFORE 1985 RUNNING OR NOT British, Japanese, European, American. Top cash paid – Free appraisals! Call 070 Wanted WANTED OLDER & NEWER motorcycles, snowmobiles, boat motors and ATV’s. Running & non-running. 810-394-2577. 075 Garage Sales BIG SALE THURS.-SAT., 9:30am-3pm. 1517 Alturas Dr., Owosso. Name brand kids clothes, NB-3T, baby swing, bouncer, toys, guys & ladies-Hollister, AE, MissMe clothes, household, computer desk, weight rack and much more. Fall is a Great Time for FUN! Read your Independent for Area Events! 989-723-1118 ppening? r Miscellaneous Read your 075 Garage Sales 8YRS OF RETIRED Stampin Up Stamps Sale Oct. 17th-18th, 9am-5pm 12269 Ruppert Rd., Perry Close to 200 sets. Pick equal value free from new catalog. Friends welcome. Prizes & lots of fun. ESTATE - AUCTION Sunday, Oct 19 @ 11am OPEN @ 9am for early viewing Location/Directions: Roberts Auction Hall, 3737 Britton Rd, Perry, MI 48872. I-69 exit 105, head south to Lansing Rd, turn right on Lansing Rd, head west 1/4 mile to Britton Rd, turn right, Auction Hall on left. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Combined Estates from Grand Rapids, Lansing & Perry with a wide variety of Clean, Quality and Fresh to Market Items. Antiques, Furniture, Glass (Nice Selection of Carnival Glass - Fenton & Northwood), Large Collection of Precious Moments Figurines, Dishes, Primitives, Pottery, Stoneware, Power Tools, Hand Tools, Note: (Ski Doo Snowmobile 1995- Very Clean, Jaguar XJ6 - 1970, Kubota 4WD Tractor w/Attachments - 2004, Whole House Generator - Low Reserves), Grand Mother Clock - Daneker, Large Red Wings Beer Mirror 2002, Jewelry, Ingersoll Junior Pocket Watch, Box Lots & Much More! Hall Packed from Entrance to Exit. Fast Paced Auction with some fun, which you will not want to miss! Coffee, Pop, Water, Snacks Available. 10% Buyers Premium For Complete Listing, 400+ Photo's & Terms: Go to: 517-927-6355 105 105 Auctions tools, shelving, floor jack, sm. Mission table, 50s dresser, recliner, double bed, table & chairs, ice cream parlor set, Beer mirrors & signs, trunk, graniteware, Coins & Currency Visit to see over 100 photos and details. 12455 Fish Lake Rd. HOLLY 48442 MUST come in from the north! Road washed out just south of Auction. 810.266.6474 106 Bids Wanted BIDS ARE BEING accepted for a 2009 Crown Victoria-Police Car: 4.6 Liter V-8 Automatic Transmission 81,373 miles Minimum Price: $7,000 Bids must be sealed. POC is Chief Jason Hartz, Durand Police Department, telephone (989)288-3113 ext 113. 110 Building / Home Imp. ROOF REPAIR & REPLACEMENT IMPROVE your Curb Appeal today? Free Estimates! Licensed & Insured Call us today 989-277-9898 Roofing, Windows Interior & Exterior Remodel Door Installation Weatherization EPA Certified 517-974-4172 BASEMENTS AND FOUNDATIONS. Basement repair and water proofing, all types of cement work, also basements under existing houses. 989-723-4889 or 989-277-6981. J&M WELL DRILLING & Service, Inc., Perry 517-675-5956 Point of Sale Inspections Well drilling and repairs Emergency Service Available - Can cure water odor problems Pumps and tanks Water testing Mention this ad and save $30.00 SUPERIOR PAINTING & DRYWALL 20 Years in Business Highly Recommended Robert Gos 989-288-5307 “There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.” ~ Ray Bradbury Sand & Gravel SKID STEER--$50/HOUR. $100 Minimum Backhoe, Post Holes, Forks, Tracks, 5-Yard Stake Rack Dump. General Contractor. Licensed & Insured. Jeff: 810-635-2111. 125 Trees / Stump Service DRIMBY’S TREE SERVICES: 989-666-3620, Corunna. Tree & stump removal. I have a 65ft. bucket truck. Insured. Call for free estimates. 40yrs experience. 10% discount for Senior Citizens when mentioning this ad. FIVE STARR STUMP Grinding Perry No job too big or too small Clean up, topsoil & seeding Insured-Free Estimates Snowplowing Contracts available 517-749-4373 128 THE LADY WHO Paints ~Marita Rodgers~ Interior & Exterior Painting ~With~ Terry Rodgers Construction, LLC Serving Shiawassee County since 1945 Call us for all your Painting and Building projects. Licensed & Insured 989-729-1945 111 Heating & Cooling E-CLASSIC OUTDOOR WOOD Furnace. Heat your home and water. Buy now and save up to $750! Call today Westmoreland Construction MICHAEL BERTHUME CONSTRUCTION CO. Custom Homes, Additions, Remodeling, Garages, Barns, Roofs, Decks & More. Licensed & Insured. 989-723-6712 or 517-202-6056. 120 Building / Home Imp. Auctions CHARLIE BIGGS & Pat Beattie AUCTION: Sat., Oct. 18 @ 10am Ford 1900 tractor w/blade, Farm equipment, Scag Super Z 0-turn mower, Log splitter, Snow blower, Quantity of Split Firewood, 10 Guns (High Standard, Remington, Stevens, Compeer, C.Sharps pistol*) Lots of Fishing Equipment, 14' tandem-axle trailer w/ramps, air compressor, table saw, power & hand 110 517-468-3685 120 Sand & Gravel GW HOLZHAUSEN SAND & GRAVEL Specializing in driveways/parking areas. Crushed asphalt-concrete & new white concrete. Also nutrient rich black dirt. Free On-Site Estimates Quality work Low Prices Call Tim at: 989-627-3638 Landscaping NEED YOUR LAWN MOWED? Reasonables rates and senior discounts. Mention this ad when calling 989-429-2767. STILL TIME TO GET FALL PROJECTS DONE • Concrete Work • Lawns Repaired • Bushes Removed • Site Clean-Up • Small Demolitions • Sand-Gravel-Top Soil • Misc. Landscape Needs ENJOY THE FALL SEASON CALL LARRY HOZAK 989-743-4457 Watch for updates on Facebook® The Independent Newsgroup The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 145 Deer Processing BINKLEY DEER PROCESSING Walk-in Cooler All meat is vacuum sealed. Jerky-Sausages-Pepper Sticks & Much More 517-625-8211. DEER PROCESSING. 989-634-5115 $60-Regular Cut Other cuts available. Many Sausage Options 3450 E. Britton Rd., Bancroft. R & B Deer Processing 451 Mc Neil St. (M-71) Corunna $70 Deboned Walk In Cooler Special Includes: Processing 1# Jerky 1-Stick Summer Sausage 1# Pepper Sticks $95 989-743-DEER Deer Bait 165 Misc. Services BAT REMOVAL FREE Estimates! Now offering custom Bat Houses. Call Today! *Major credit cards accepted* 989-413-7350 170 Help Wanted DRIVERS: $3,000.00 SIGN-ON Bonus! Regional No-Touch Openings! CDL-A w/2yrs Experience call Penske Logistics Today! 1-855-395-6630 DRIVERS: DEDICATED HOME DAILY. 300 Mile Radius- All Round Trip. CDL-A 6mos OTR. MTS: 800-305-7223 “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing you can do is keep your mind young.” ~ Mark Twain 170 Help Wanted CDL A. One year OTR, Good pay, bonus & vacation pay, home weekends. 989-666-4725. DRIVERS: DO YOU want more than $1,000 a Week? Excellent Monthly Bonus Program/Benefits. Weekend Hometime you Deserve! Electronic Logs/Rider Program. 877-704-3773 ENTRY LEVEL POSITIONS Available: Assembly, Machine Operators, full-time, long term. $9-$10.25 +p/h. 517-552-0336; FARM HELP WANTED Part-Time. Horse/cow chores, farm maintenance. Pebble Creek Farms 989-634-9125 NOW HIRING TRUCK DRIVER Regional, Michigan driving or CLASS A OTR CALL 517-675-5847 or 517-881-1544 Apply online PART-TIME LEASING AGENT/APARTMENT Manager in Byron. Great Opportunity for Supplemental Income. Looking for Team Player who Takes Pride in Work, Completes Paperwork Effectively, Will Maintain On-call Availability and Carries Cell Phone. Experience a plus. FAX resume with references to 616-696-8501 or e-mail to EOE PART-TIME, LOCAL MAINTENANCE Person wanted for apartment community in Byron. Great Opportunity for Supplemental Income. Full range of Maintenance and Repair experience needed. Looking for a Team-player who Takes Pride in Work. Inquire by phone at 810-266-6010, fax resume to 616-696-8501, or e-mail to EEO THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS are brought to you by our valued advertisers. Tell them thank you and that you found them in the INdependent! 180 For Sale 2002 CLUB CAR gas golf cart. $2,450. 7 gun cabinet w/glass doors $150. Overhead natural gas furnace $100. 989-277-3555. RETIRED HANDYMAN BUILDS bird houses & feeders, dog houses of any size, also rabbit/bunny houses. (2) dog houses for large & (1) extra large size dog ready to go. Oakley. 989-845-2641. 200 Firewood FIREWOOD WILD CHERRY, some Oak, Maple. $40/face cord Laingsburg area. U-Haul 517-651-5870 205 Farm Equip. STARTER-ALTERNATORGENERATOR REPAIR SERVICE. C&D Rebuilders. 989-725-7255 or 989-723-2865. 250 Musical Instruments GUITAR WORKBENCH 818 W. Main St., Westown Owosso ~Professional ~Certified Instrument Repair ~Set-up ~Customization By appointment 989-277-9399 Matt Grubb, Luthier NAPIER MUSIC: New and used string instruments and accessories. LESSONS: Guitar-Banjo-Etc. 8315 S. M-52, Owosso. 517-625-4954. 320 Automobiles Health & Fitness ZUMBA® CLASS . Mon & Wed 10am to 10:40am Durand Curves Monroe St 989-288-0558 245 305 Farm/Dairy Products LLC 24hr. Light & Heavy Towing Ditch Recoveries $50 Local Towing * Tire Changes * Motorcycle towing * Jump Starts * Vehicle unlocks * Buy/tow junk cars * Long distance towing * Flatbed available 989-743-5768 CASH FOR JUNKERS Crashed-running or not! Up to $1,000!!! 989-666-6365. CATTLE HAY FOR Sale $3.50/bale 989-766-3193 255 Lawn/Garden COMMERCIAL GOLF COURSE or air strip reel mower. 5 section, 12ft wide. $600. 989-271-8412. FRANK’S PLACE Your Source for Lawn & Garden Sales, Service & Parts. 989-288-4840 275 Horses & Equipment HORSE SHOEING AND TRIMMING. 30 years experience. 517-625-8387. Al Lickfeldt. 300 Guns & Ammo REMINGTON 12GA 11-87 Semi-auto. Left hand. Slug & bird barrels. Good condition. $700. 989-723-8110. Powder Coating-WeldingMedia Blasting Pick up & Delivery Service Available Call or Visit Martin Powder Coating 124 W. Third Perry, MI (517-625-4220) 325 Trucks 2012 CHEVY SILVERADO WT 1500 4x4 reg. cab. 8’ box. 32,000 miles. 5.3 V8. PW and PL heavy front. 10py tires with T cover. $19,500/obo. 989-725-8623. 395 Rentals BYRON MANOR APARTMENTS 426 N. Church St, Byron Close to Schools/Town 1 & 2 BR Apts Available! Equal Housing Opportunity Barrier Free Units Available TDD: 800-649-3777 Rent Based on Income This institution equal opportunity provider/employer No Application Fee!! Apply Today! Call 810-266-6010 CUTE CLEAN THREE bedroom upper level apartment in Owosso. $750/mo. Includes all utilities. Including water/sewer/garbage. 989-251-8769. SOUTHWEST OF SWARTZ CREEK(Gaines): Nice large 2 Bedroom apartment. Appliances. Water & trash included. No Fall is a Great pets. $480/month. ImmediTime for Fun! ate Occupancy. 989-271-8412. Read your Independent for Area Events! GINGER SQUARE APARTMENTS in Owosso is now accepting applications for 2, 3 & 989-723-1118 4 bedroom units. All units equipped with A/C, kitchen appliances, free utilities, and laundry Stay hook-ups in each unit. Informed! Income based rent. Stop in to pick up an Read your application. Independent 1200 Penbrook Dr. Newspapers! Owosso 989-723-1331 989-723-1118 TRANSMISSIONS 517-625-6966. 526 W. Lansing Road, Morrice, MI 48857 •Over 20 Years Experience •Standard 36Month/36,000 Mile Warranty on Overhauls •Ask About Free Towing with Major Repair •Foreign or Domestic •Automatic or Standard •Transmissions, Transfer Cases, Differentials & More SERVING SHIAWASSEE COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.” ~ Nelson Mandela OFFICE FOR RENT Publishing Four Approx. 1,000 sq. ft Weekly (4) rooms & bath Owosso Newspapers! Area /Details Email: 989-723-1118 melodies780@gmailcom Realtor Owned Call Don Horton Cell: 517-202-1225 There’s A Lot Happening! Read your Independent Newspapers! 989-723-1118 395 Page 11 Rentals COUNTRY VILLAGE Apts. Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Minutes from I-69-Durand. Call for details. 989-288-6825. PERRY: 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath. New carpeting, patio, appliances. Call 517-749-7433. PERRY: ONE BEDROOM. $450/mo w/partial utilities included. Call Charlie 517-719-3418. THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS are brought to you by our valued advertisers. Tell them thank you and that you found them in the INdependent! 460 Homes For Sale RANCH HOUSE IN New Lothrop. Near school. Many updates. 3 bedroom, 1-1 1/2 bath. Finished basement. 810-240-4631. 470 Manufactured Homes Fall is a Great Tim ACCESS LAKE Read yourHOME: Independe Beautiful refurbished home Newspapers for Area with 1,378sq.ft 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, open floor plan with formal dining room, spacious master suite, with new paint and flooring throughout. Home 989-723-1118 located at 1030 Green Leaf Dr., Ovid, MI. 48866 in Maple Leaf Community. Just 20 minutes north of LansWant to Know What’s ing. View home at Stay Informed! Read Call Independent 989-729-9644. Newspa Equal Housing Opportunity. WOODS & FIELDS East #246: Nice 3 bedroom 2 bath989-723-1118 home with 1,216 sq.ft. central a/c, big living room, master suite, covered deck and a huge shed all located in a quiet neighborA Lot Ha hoodThere’s for just $19,900. Call 989-245-2117. Stay Informed! Read Independent Newspa WOODS & FIELDS West #4: Like new! 1,272sq.ft. 3 bedroom 2 bath home located in our 55yr. and older 989-723-1118 community, the home comes with a 3 sided attached carport, insulated vinyl brick skirting, stainless steel appliances, deck There’s A Lot Ha and central a/c. This home Stay Inform is beautiful inside and out. Inde Call Randy 989-729-9644. 989-723-11 Equal Housing Opportunity Page 12 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2nd Annual © Handy Containers 2753 S. M-52 Owosso Fall Family Festival -and- Shiawassee Scramble 5K October 19 - Noon to 5pm Shiawassee County Fairgrounds FUN for EVERYONE! 989-723-5940 Public Welcome! 229 Sleeseman Dr., Corunna 989-743-3467 Dowen’s Deluxe Barber Shop 128 N. Shiawassee Corunna 989-743-3304 Tattoo 113 N. Shiawassee St. Corunna (989) 627-7714 Lloyd Miller & Sons, Inc. 3695 E. M-21 CORUNNA 989-743-4049 Graham Accounting & Tax Service Bill Graham - Accountant 270 N. Bachus St., Corunna 989-743-5459 Peter W. Keay Financial Advisor Rory C. Keay Financial Advisor Schedule: 12:00-4:00pm Antique Tractor Exhibits 1:00pm On-site registration & check in for Shia. Scramble 5k 1:00-4:00pm Garden Tractor Pull by MT Pockets 2:00pm Shia. Scramble 5k Run/Walk and One Mile Fun Run 2:00-4:00pm Hands-on Activities, Kids Games - Family Fun! 3:00pm Halloween Costume Contest! All Ages! 2:00-3:00pm Line Dancing Demonstrations & Lessons 12:00-5:00pm Flea Market, Craft Show, Farmer’s Market 1:00-5:00pm Quilt Exhibition 12:30-3:00pm Soup Contest - enter your homemade soup!! 12:00-5:00pm Bake Sale 3:00pm 1st Annual Bale Rolling Contest!! Shiawassee Scramble 2nd Annual 5k Run & Walk Oct. 19 at 2pm alk 5k Run & W t ir h $35 w/s t $25 no shir Fun Run at 3pm All Day Surrey Rides and Food Vendors 989-743-3611 Quilt Exhibit! Sponsored by: Blight Propane, Inc., Meal & More, Oakes-Fisher Civille Ins. Garden Tractor Pull! Line Dancing Lessons! 989-743-6899 BLIGHT PROPANE, INC. Proceeds to benefit the Bathroom/Shower Facility Project in memory of Whitley Gwisdalla Bancroft DZ<n\e KilZb`e^#@eZ% 0/0$.+*$*/0/ Drivers Needed Register on-line at Corunna/Shiawassee Scramble5KRunWalk Thank you to these merchants for supporting this page! 989-634-9156 1380 S. M-13, Lennon 810-621-4201 Run 1 Mile Fun t $20 w/shir t $10 no shir Location: Shiawassee County Fairgrounds Halloween Costume Contest! Contact us in Downtown Owosso Late on Registrati t a m at 1p . e it s e c ra Heritage Tire & Service Center OWOSSO POOLS LLC 709 W. Broad St. 1313 W. Stewart St. Owosso 989-725-8400 989-845-3040 989-725-7700 Brown’s Plumbing & Heating Think Professional Affordable Plumbing FAST SERVICE! “the biggest little store in the country” Your Heating & Air Conditioning Family! 517-625-3186 989-723-2948 2611 E. M-21, Corunna 989-743-9070 599 S. Norton St., Corunna 1621 E. M-21 OWOSSO 989-723-2552 MARRS FURNITURE Champion Auto Sales 989-743-3612 1544 E. M-21 OWOSSO 989-723-5436 989-472-4755 Mon.-Fri. 9a-6p; Sat. 9a-5p Next to Meijer
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