Postal Customer www Volume 31 - Number 49 Curwood Royalty for 2015 CURWOOD ROYALTY for 2015, marking the 35th anniversary of having a Festival Queen, include (from left): Queen Lauren Graham, 19, a Lansing Community College sophomore and OHS graduate; Princess, Marisa Rose, 9, a Bryant Elementary fourth grader; her court member, Lily Usher, 9, a Central Elementary fourth grader; and Queen’s Court member Deanna Williams, 18, an Owosso High School senior. The first pageant was held at the Owosso Country Club. Since then, Pageants have been held at the Owosso Knights of Columbus Hall, Baker College of Owosso’s Student Services/ Activities Center, then in recent years at the Baker College Welcome Center. The 38th annual Curwood Festival will be June 4, 5, 6 and 7 in downtown Owosso. This year’s theme is “Rediscovering Owosso.” Related photos from the Pageant are on Page 6 of today’s edition. (Independent Photo/ BILL CONSTINE) www March SRI 18, 2015 Non Profit Org U.S. Postage N N I Owosso, MI 48867 Permit No. 99 UN Former County Administrator Arraigned on EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGES By Helen A. Granger, staff writer Former Shiawassee County Administrator Thomas (TJ) Clark, Holzhausen, Robert McLaren, John Plowman and Jeff Bartz, serving 45, voluntarily turned himself in shortly after 9 a.m., March 17, for as Board Chairman at that time. Commissioner Les Schneider was booking and processing to the Shiawassee County Sheriff’s Office. absent due to a previously scheduled vacation. At approximately 11 a.m. he was arraigned before District Court Clark has been under investigation regarding several allegations Judge Terrence Dignan on eight counts of embezzlement by a public including alleged questionable credit card charges since mid-Decemofficial over $50, each of which carries a maximum 10-year prison ber 2014, when Finnegan asked the Michigan State Police to look sentence if found guilty. All would be served concurrently. He eninto the matter. When the investigation began Clark was on sick tered not guilty pleas. A special prosecutor was assigned to the case, leave recovering from shoulder surgery. He was originally scheduled Ingham County assistant prosecuting attorney John Dewane, who is to return to work Dec. 1, but his medical leave was extended until handling the case for Shiawassee County. Feb. 2. Clark’s salary at the time of termination was $72,400. Clark is free on $10,000 personal recognizance bond, which allows Clark was officially hired for the position of administrator April him to travel back and forth to California, where he now lives and 1, 2014 for a term to end Dec. 31, 2015 when his contract would is employed. He was accompanied Tuesday by attorney Stephanie be renegotiated. Almost immediately after being hired, there were Service of Lansing. Next will be a March 25 court conference on the case. rumblings related to Clark’s job performance, attendance, and most recently his *To re-cap what has happened so far. On Feb. 17, Clark’s file was turned over to the lack of work related to the recent Shiawassee County Sheriff’s Office millage on Michigan Attorney General’s Office and a short time later Dewane was assigned to the Nov. 4. The defeat of that millage resulted in the elimination of the Sheriff’s the case, according to Shiawassee County Prosecuting Attorney Deana Finnegan. road patrol. Leading the investigation was Michigan State Police Det. Sgt. Mark Pendergraff On Dec. 1, commissioners at first called and then cancelled a 5:30 p.m. special meetwho works out of the MSP Third District Headquarters at Flint. Sgt. Pendergraff ing to consider the future of Clark’s employment with the county. “Included in that investigated credit card charges made by Clark on a county credit card after he was a discussion whether or not to fire him,” Shiawassee County Chairman of the was named County Administrator. More than $10,000 was charged at Best Buy, Board of Commissioners Jeff Bartz said in Dec. 1 interview with The Independent. based on documents received in December from newly-elected Shiawassee County Clark previously served as Shiawassee County’s Homeland Security and EmerCommissioner Hartmann Aue (District 1) who took office in January 2015 and gency Management coordinator since September 201l before being named county was elected Board Chairman. administrator. Activity during his time in that office was not investigated, PendClark was fired effective Feb. 2 by a unanimous vote at the Dec. 23, 2014 spe- ergraff confirmed in a March 16 telephone interview with The Independent. “Any cial meeting of the Shiawassee County Board of Commissioners. Present at that investigation into his time as coordinator would be up to the Ingham County Prosmeeting were 2013-14 commissioners Mary Nordbeck, John Horvath, Gary ecutor’s Office,” Finnegan said in a March 17 telephone interview. The Independent Newsgroup • 1907 W. M-21, Owosso, Michigan 48867 • Owosso (989) 723-1118 • Circulation 989-288-3196 Ext. 1 Tues.-Fri. 9-4 Fax (989) 725-1834 • E-mail: • Facebook: Independent Newsgroup Page 2 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 FUNDRAISER – Earlier this month, many staff members from Central Elementary School in Owosso worked 4 to 7 p.m. with members of the Subway staff to raise money for the school. The warm and sunny weather was just what the event needed to bring customers out in large numbers. The supportive families and friends at Central Elementary insured the success of the event, it was noted. Chris Rowe, owner of the Subway store donated 25 percent of sales during the three-hour activity, later presenting a $500 check to Central Principal Teresa Graham with the money earmarked to help send the fourth grade students to Mackinaw Island. (Courtesy Photo) Scholarship Fundraiser Sasha Pops BLOOD DRIVE by the American Red Cross, noon to 5:45 p.m. April 7 at the Shiawassee American Red Cross, 702 W. Corunna Avenue (M-71) in Corunna. How to donate blood: To schedule an appointment to donate persons may call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800733-2767) or visit redcross- for more infor- 7-Yr.blood. “Please bring your Old, Neutered, Pit Mix. Very calm, Individuals who mellow, Red Cross blood card likes to curl up fordonor naps, but are 17 years of age (16 with loves or other of Likes positive to play form with toys! other ID parental permission in some when to kids! donate,” animalsyou and come is fine with states), meet weight and itShiawaSSee was emphasized. humane height requirements (110 Society pounds or more, depend- 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso 989-723-4262Newspaper The Newspaper The Independent ing Independent on their height) and are 989-723-1118 989-723-1118 in generally good health may be eligible to donate 989-723-1118 The Independent Authorized Newspaper e! t Mof Dealer Adop Reach Your Target Market In The Independent Newspaper Friday Fish Fry 5-8pm Shiawassee Conservation Association 4247 N. M-52 Owosso (4 Miles North of Town) e In $ 11 Din ~ or ~ o $ 10 To G Editor, The Independent: I am writing about the case “People of the State of Michigan v Jordan Ray Huff 15-006947-FH.” In December of last year over a weekend my (downtown Owosso) place of business was broken into and over $10,000 of damages incurred between stolen equipment and damage to the facility. I want to commend the Owosso Police Department and particularly Officer Jason Schmitz and Detective Sergeant Rusty Lamay for their excellent work in this matter. Together, these two individuals conducted a professional and thorough investigation and were able to recover much of the stolen property as well as identify a perpetrator through a fingerprint match. I am highly disappointed however, in the handling of this matter by our local prosecutor’s office and court system. With the perpetrator having been caught with his “finger in the cookie jar,” and possessing stolen property, a ten year Breaking and Entering conviction would have been a slam-dunk. Our prosecutor’s office extended an offer of plea for Attempted Breaking & Entering, a five-year felony. At sentencing, this proven criminal with a history of similar previous offenses was given only six months in County Jail of the possible five years, with credit for time already served. Ultimately, this blight on our local community received nothing more than a slap on the wrist for his actions. Is it any wonder that less savory members of our community continue to break into buildings and commit theft from autos with impunity? Without the threat of tough penalties for these criminals this activity will go on unchecked. I witnessed how diligently the Owosso Police Department put together their case and I can only imagine that it hardly seems worth the effort when a proven criminal is barely penalized. If this is how our justice system works, we have a problem! I challenge everyone to realize how important your votes are in choosing your prosecutors and judges. No one wants to be victim of a crime, but to be the victim and then find out that the people you put in office are not the staunch representatives of justice you thought they were is extremely disappointing. Collin Rose, Owosso The third Jackie Leone Memorial Scholarship Fund Shuffleboard Tournament will be 12:30 p.m. Sunday, March 22, at Dedic’s Bar and Grill, 5997 N. M-52, Owosso. There is a $10 entry fee, single elimination and we will draw for partners. e! M t p Prizes guaranteed for the top 2Ateams. There will be a 50/50 drawing and silent aucdo tion, too. For any questions, persons may contact Melissa8-Yr. (989) Old,666-1340. Spayed Female, Shepard Mix. Loves kids, cats All proceeds will go directly to the Jackie Leone Memorial Scholarship Fund. and dogs. Big Cuddler, www. The purpose of the loves towith play! a preferfund is to award scholarships to Owosso and Corunna graduates ShiawaSSee humane ence given to those planning to study Journalism. English majors will also be Society considered. 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso 989-723-4262 Jackie Leone began a more than 45-year career, first as a co-op student with The Argus-Press newsroom, then as a writer and area editor in addition to the editor of the Argus’ Durand Express. Following that, she joined The Independent doing news, features and photos inThe addition to functioning as deputy She died Independent Newspaper Group editor. 989-723-1118 unexpectedly in the summer of 2013M after a brief illness. ! e pt The Newspaper Group 989-723-1118 AdoIndependent highlight Letter to the Editor 989-723-1118 The Independent Newspaper Coal Reach Your Target Market 9-Mo. Old Neutered Male. In Theboy Independent Newspaper A big who is calm, easy going and loves attention! Good Involve with other cats! Involve Yourself! Yourself! OFShiawaSSee OWOSSO humane The Independent Newspaper The Independent Newspaper 812 W. Main, Owosso Society highlights FLEA MARKET, Me!over opt to 150 tables, A 9 da.m. 4 p.m. Saturday, March 21, at St. Charles High School, 881 W. Walnut in St. Charles; admission is 50-cent donation. Antiques, collectibles, crafts, household items, estate leftovers, closeouts and much more. Easter Bunny visits 1 to 3 p.m. Table space available, (714) 376-2008. worship 6 p.m. Sunday and 7 p.m. Wednesday. Persons may call (517) 625-7458 to set food pantry appointment. Free bread is by walk-in. 3-Yr. Old, Spayed Female. FOOD Pantry and bread Absolutely LOVES People. distributions 11 a.m. to OWOSSO Community Not a big fan of other cats. 1 p.m. specific Wednesdays Airport’s Crosswinds Café is Loves to play and cuddle!!! at Bethany Bible Baptist open for the season; 8 a.m. to ShiawaSSee humane Church, 10624 S. State Road, 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Society Morrice. Morrice location 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso Elaine 989-723-4262 Independent Classifieds Work! 989-723-1118 Blockbuster Independent Classifieds Work! 989-723-1118 2x1.5 Non-profit ads for SHS (donation) NEW!! all papers if can be worked in... Stay Informed! Read Your Independent! Stay Informed! Read Your Independent! BREAKFASTS! Cakes t o Know Your Community! H e k a und CThe Independent Newspaper s Lemon Po d Cream Hot Cake h Toast renc F kieItsInan m Read Read About It In ooAbout a e C r C d anIndependent The Independent Newspaper Newspaper ies The Strawberr Know Your Community! The Independent Newspaper Support Local Businesses! Support Local Businesses! AllThe3Independent come Newspaper with 2 eggsThe Independent Newspaper andUnderstand YOUR CHOICE Understand Local Politics! Local Politics! The Independent Newspaper of bacon or sausage The Independent Newspaper 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso The Independent Classifieds 989-723-1118 Furniture (Westown) 989-723-4262 Classifieds The Independent 989-723-1118 989-729-6852 The Independent Newspaper Group 989-723-1118 Adop ! t Me Cadabra The Independent Newspaper Group 989-723-1118 Spayed, 6-Yr. Old, Female. Front declawed, Very quiet, The Independent Newspaper Group shy girl who is warming up to attention. Good with other cats! ShiawaSSee humane The Independent Newspaper Group Society 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso 989-723-4262 1709 E. M-21, Owosso 989-723-1463 Benefit is Saturday “Night versus Cancer,” a benefit spaghetti dinner for Thomas Snyder Jr. of Owosso, will be Saturday, March 21, at the Shiawassee Conservation Club, 4247 N. M-52, Owosso, adults, $10; children, $6. Social hour begins at 5 p.m. followed by the dinner at 6 p.m. There will be silent auction items and craft beer featured from three Michigan Breweries. TJ is an expectant father who was diagnosed in December with Ewing Sarcoma. The benefit is being put on by the Shiawassee County Area Homebrewers Society (SCABS). TJ is one of its members who is battling cancer for the third time at just the age of 23. Care N Assist is Among Award Winners to be Honored on May 7 in Lansing Nearly 60 companies from across the state will be honored at the eleventh annual Michigan Celebrates Small Business event on May 7, 2015, at the Lansing Center in downtown Lansing. One of the companies recognized is a local business, Care N Assist. This in-home care company provides an elite service and has been named as one of the Michigan 50 Companies to Watch. Daniel Story, the owner and CEO of Care N Assist says, “It was encouraging to be nominated, and even more so to receive such an award. Stacey Zsigo, RN, COO said, “None of this would be possible if it were not for our team of Home Care Aides who have been willing to brave the weather and anything else our clients throw at them.” Care N Assist’s mission is to help adults with an illness or injury remain in their home. The primary services offered are non-medical home care and an adult day care for those with mild to moderate dementia. As a part of the healthcare/medical industry, they strive to improve the quality of life for each of their clients. Though there is stiff competition from several franchise companies in Michigan, Care N Assist has Catering • Carryout Family Meals To Go 1250 E. M-21, Owosso 989-723-9770 Save time. Order Online at 5 Quart of Soup To Go $ *ask about addtl. toppings Your local agent insures your Ask about our annuities and IRAs John Wilkins 602 E. Main Owosso The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 endeavored to lead by example. The company’s motto is “Caring is more than kindness, it is skilled and prepared.” This challenge keeps high standards that are far above the requirements of contracts. Currently, they have contracts with the Department of Human Services, Community Mental Health, Area Agencies on Aging, Senior Services, Inc., Centra Care, Long Term Care agencies, and Auto Insurance companies. The Michigan 50 Companies to Watch Award, sponsored by Michigan Celebrates Small Business, honors growth-oriented businesses based on market expansion, job creation, technological innovation, and community impact. Of the 50 chosen companies this year there are a wide variety of industries represented. To be considered, companies needed to be privately held and headquartered in Michigan, have between six and 99 employees and generate between $750,000 to $50 million in annual revenue, or have working capital from investors or received grants in 2014. The 2015 Michigan 50 Companies to Watch can be found listed on the program website at “This year’s theme, Unleashing Innovation and Growth, has produced an inspiring set of awardees,” said Diane Durance, president of MiQuest (the Managing Partner for Michigan Celebrates Small Business). Durance continued with, “The companies to be honored on May 7 collectively achieved more than $308 million in total revenue and employed 1,748 people in 2014. This year, they’re planning to create 798 new jobs.” Michigan Celebrates Small Business was launched in 2005 by the Michigan Small Business Development Center, U.S. Small Business Administration, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Edward Lowe Foundation, Small Business Association of Michigan and Chris Holman – Small Business Advocate. MiQuest is the Managing Partner for Michigan Celebrates Small Business. The mission is to highlight the contributions small businesses make to the state’s economy. Nearly 1,000 are expected to attend this year’s event. For details and to purchase tickets, visit Two New Board Members “Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.” ~ Harper Lee Providing Positive Impact To Your Finances Individual Tax Services Business Services Small Business Accounting Quickbooks Support Financial Audits and Reviews Estate Planning 989-725-8181 From Barb Holland The Meadows, an “all inclusive” assisted living community is scheduled to open in Owosso in the late Spring of 2015. The new 37,000-square-foot facility features 47 private rooms, 14 dedicated to memory care and 33 to assisted living. As the anticipated opening date approaches, The Meadows management announced it has begun hiring several leadership positions including a Director of Resident Care, Director of Sales/Resident Services, Executive Chef, Front Desk Coordinator and a Building Grounds Supervisor. A website featuring The Meadows assisted living and memory care community is available to provide additional details at New information is added weekly. Additional care staff positions will be posted in the coming weeks. The Meadows community is being developed by Memorial Healthcare Corporation (MHC) in partnership with The Wirt-Rivette Group. The community is located at, “The Commons,” a new development initiated by Memorial Healthcare and located adjacent to and behind Godwin’s Furniture. All positions posted on The Meadows’ website are paid employees of The Meadows and not employed positions of Memorial Healthcare. Apartment reservations are being taken. Amenities at The Meadows include a warm, home-like community; unique all-inclusive care package; three daily nutritional meals; transportation; 24hour care staff; full housekeeping and laundry services; and salon services. For additional information about resident services and reservations, please call (989) 729-4619. highlights 2162 Commons Parkway Okemos ph: 517-347-9931 fax: 517-347-9932 CHICKEN Dinner, takeouts and serving 4:30 to 7 p.m. March 21, Henderson United Methodist Church, about 1.5 miles west of N. M-52, features baked chicken. Adults, $7; ages 12 and younger, $3.50; preschoolers, free. EASTER BAKE SALE at St. Philip’s Lutheran Church, Cod is BACK! 215 Mason St., Owosso ph: 989-723-8171 fax: 989-723-2561 Assisted Living Begins Hiring with Leadership Positions BEVERAGE CANS – Boy Scout Troop 85 of Owosso will hold a recycled beverage can fundraiser 1 to 3 p.m. The Arc Shiawassee has welcomed Tom Connell Saturday, March 21. “If you would like to doand Patrick Wegman to its board. The two were nate your recyclables (with unanimously voted in during a recent general mem- refundable deposit only) bership meeting. to Troop 85, you can drop Tom Connell co-owns Getzen & Connell CPAs and them off at Trinity United Patrick Wegman II is Business Manager for Dr. Pat- Methodist Church during the drive, 720 S. Shiawasrick Wegman, M.D. see (M-52), Owosso, or you Other officers elected were President Jan Beutal; Vice can contact us through our President Ted Webster; Treasurer Nancy Balko; Secre- Facebook page to arrange another time for drop off,” tary Linda Koch; and Past-President Laurel Robb. said a troop member. The Arc Shiawassee is an advisory organization which advocates for all people with developmental disabilities. It provides advocacy for educational issues, payeeships, independent facilitation for Person Centered Planning and Recreation programs. Membership is open to everyone. For questions, persons may call The Arc Shiawassee (989) 723-7377. $ Bob Vogl Randy Meder Rob Dorcey Page 3 219 W. Oliver, Owosso, will be 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 28, in the church basement, featuring homemade breads, pastries along with Easter cookies, cakes and candies, all for sale. Proceeds will go to the church. SALAD – St. John’s United Church of Christ, 429 N. Washington, Owosso, will host a Spring Salad Luncheon 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 24. Tickets will be available at the door at $8 per person. For more, or to reserve tickets, persons may call (989) 725-7072. ZACK Matousek, Eagle Scout candidate for Troop 455, Spaghetti dinner fundraiser for Eagle Scout project at Adams Memorial Park in Owosso, will be 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, April 17, at Owosso VFW Post, 519 S. Chipman; adults, $7; children $5, under 2, free. Corunna VFW Post 4005 & Ladies Auxiliary 4-7:30pm - Dine In 9.25 All-You-Can-Eat Includes Drink & Tax Proceeds go back into community projects Senior Discounts • Carry Out Available 416 S. Shiawassee St., Corunna 743-5015 Page 4 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 BECKY’S SEWING AND ALTERATIONS has a new location as of March 3. Now located at 200 W. Main (M-21) in the former Kim’s Pizza location. The entrance is on Ball Street across from Dollar Daze. Rebecca Barette has been sewing for many years, starting out sewing small jobs out of her home. After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and then lung cancer, she left her job of 20 years in the medical field and realized that she needed something to keep her busy so she started taking more sewing jobs. “The amount of work just grew and grew. Pretty soon there wasn’t any more room highlightS DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP – The Memorial Healthcare Diabetes and Outpatient Nutrition Counseling Center offers individuals the support and expertise of a free Diabetes Support Group. Two group sessions are held each month. The first group meets on the second Friday of each month at the Morrice Senior Center at 1 p.m. at 101 W. Mason in Morrice. Another group meets on the fourth Friday each month at the Durand Senior Center left in my house to sew or to store things,” said Barette. The opportunity arose to rent a location in Westown (817 W. Main, across from House of Wheels). After 11 months there, she outgrew it and has now expanded to a larger location. She started the business by herself and now has four full-time employees plus one part-time employee. Barette says, “I try to make everything affordable for my customers and give them a fair price.” Becky’s Sewing is capable of many projects, including hems, buttons, zippers, weddings, proms, industrial repairs, gazebo covers, boat covers, shoe and boot repairs, cushions and re-upholstery. The at 1 p.m. at 8618 E. Lansing Road in Durand. For additional information about diabetes or nutrition counseling services or the Diabetes Support Group, persons may call (989) 7294712 or 1-800-206-8706, ext. 6655. CURWOOD Castle in Owosso is normally open 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Admission is $2 per adult; $1 per child. All proceeds from admission and souvenirs sold go toward keeping the Castle open and restoration efforts. Photography Class at the Harris Nature Center shop also makes and sells hairpieces for weddings and proms plus carries home health care aids, such as rice packs, bibs, etc. Barette and her husband Paul live in Ovid. They have three children and 14 grandchildren with one on the way. (Independent Photo/ MELISSA SHEPARD) W.F.L.A./Z.C.B.J. LODGE #242 1775 Owosso Ave., Owosso Serving Shiawassee County And Surrounding Areas For The Past 15 Years. • Personal Care/Respite • Homemaking Services • Companion Aide • Medication Management • Transportation • 24 Hour Care 989-725-9303 2 Dozen... $700 Orders Must Be Placed By Noon, March 23 Pick Up March 26 Noon-5pm Call 989-723-5926 or 517-290-1015 We’re About ! y t i n u m m o C We Can Help You With All of Your Area Advertising! Consider Volunteer Driving! If you are interested, feel free to contact us for more information! Homemade Dumpling Sale!! Pre Orders Only! Tami Espich, Owner 989-743-9223 Tanya Buckelew, Manager 989-277-7195 Staff RN 989-743-9322 If you drive, like people, and want to do something meaningful... Working with Transportation Solutions, you can make a difference to people everyday! As a volunteer driver you will help people who do not have access to personal transportation. Drivers are reimbursed for gas mileage and provided additional liability insurance. The program is extremely flexible and works around your schedule. When the sunlight is reflecting through the leaves or your kids are romping in a meadow of daisies, pull out your camera and capture those moments! “If you would like to become more comfortable with your camera, join national award winning photographer Ron St. Germain at the Harris Nature Center, 3998 Van Atta Road in Meridian Township for a three-week photography class held 6:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays, April 15 through 29. Also included is an optional outdoor shoot, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 18. There is a $55 fee for this three-week workshop. For more information and a registration form, persons may contact the Center, (517) 349-3866 or “Spring is the perfect season for taking pictures,” said Kit Rich, Harris Nature Center coordinator. “From the beauty of nature to outdoor sports, there is always something to photograph, so now is the time to learn how to get the most out of each shot you take.” Mr. St. Germain brings over 30 years of experience to the classroom. “His fun and energetic approach to teaching photography will keep you entertained while you are learning. From figuring out that digital camera, to putting the final print on your wall, this four-session program is filled with information that will turn your snapshots into photographs. Bring your camera!” said Rich. For more about Ron St. Germain, persons may check www.daphotodude. com. For more information about this and other programs offered at the Harris Nature Center, persons may contact the Center, Robert Zalokar, CFP®, CPA (517) 349-3866 or hnc@ Certified Financial Planner™ Professional and find out more online at www.merid408 N. Water St. Phone: 989-725-1116 Owosso Fax: 989-725-1117 and www.twitter. com/HarrisNatureCnt. Tracy Hilgendorf Rita Wesley Ken Scott Mike Kruszkowski Graham Sturgeon Teresa Cooper Sales Representative Sales Representative Sales Representative Sales Representative Sales Representative Sales Representative Kim Lazar Sales Manager Call Today to Talk with Our Highly Trained, Friendly Sales Staff! 989-723-1118 The Independent Newsgroup The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 5 Gov. Rick Snyder: Michigan Must Take Aggressive Steps to Avoid Energy Price Spikes, Outages Michigan must take aggressive steps and set clear energy goals to reduce the chances that families and businesses will face dramatic rate price spikes and widespread outages while ensuring that long-term decisions are made in our state, not Washington, D.C., Gov. Rick Snyder said Friday in a special message on energy. The message included a cost-based goal, with a target of 30 percent to 40 percent of renewable energy plus waste reduction within 10 years. “Michiganders need to know that when they flick the switch, they can depend on the power and heat being there for the homes and businesses,” Snyder said. “Decisions we make in the coming years will keep energy more affordable and available through a variety of sources while we continue being good stewards of our lakes, air and land,” Snyder said. “We also must ensure that Michigan -- not Washington, D.C. – will determine how we move forward, transitioning from the sources of yesterday to newer, cleaner methods. “Michigan already has made progress. Efforts to reduce energy waste already have generated savings of $2.5 billion for Michiganders. We can build on those efforts, with a goal of easily doubling that figure within 10 years. “Michiganders already use 38 percent more energy than the national average, and pay on average 6 percent higher rates on heat and electric bills. There are steps people in our state can take to reduce their energy use, saving money and reducing demand as we shift to cleaner, affordable sources.” Speaking Friday at the Detroit Electrical Industry Training Center in Warren, Snyder said the state has an energy capacity problem, in part because 10 coal power plants will be retired in the coming years. This comes as Michigan’s economy continues to grow and demand increases, making the state’s infrastructure and natural assets even more important to Michigan’s future. That’s a challenge, but also an opportunity for the state to take new approaches. Snyder presented an energy plan intended to help families across our state as well as the job creators that closely consider energy cost and availability while looking for states to expand or locate, creating more and better jobs and growing We’re About Community! our economy. Snyder said he is proposing a plan that will see Michigan through at least the The Independent Newsgroup next 10 years of energy decision-making. During • • • 989-723-1118 • • • the decade, the state must solve Independent Newsgroup the shortage of electric Facebook: generation – and do that while complying with new eral regulations on carbon emissions. Shiawassee Conservation Association We’re About Community! • • • 989-723-1118 • • • We’re About Community! We’re About Community! The Independent Newsgroup • • • 989-723-1118 • • • Snyder said the energy policy centers around the four pillars of affordability, reliability, adaptability and environmental protection. *A key challenge will be to dramatically reduce wasted energy, an effort that will save money for families and businesses as well as lessen the demand on the state’s power grid. “We need to eliminate energy waste to meet an additional 15 percent of our energy needs by 2025,” he said. Snyder encourages a discussion with the Legislature about programs that help people replace older, wasteful items like furnaces. *Power can be made more reliable through plans to deploy “smart” meters that help utilities locate outages and restore power more quickly. “The state also needs to give our regulators the ability to determine that when we may face a shortage, we have the tools to address it and ensure fair choices for customers,” said his message. “We’ve made progress in this area. Our goal is to have residents average less than one power outage a year, and have those outages last less than two and a half hours. We’re getting closer to hitting that mark.” *Michigan has been one of the 10 states most-dependent on coal. “We must continue to focus on adaptability, with Michiganders determining how we will replace outdated coal plants and expand the use of newer, cleaner technologies such as natural gas and renewables. Our state can reach a goal of 30 to 40 percent renewables plus waste reduction within a decade,” it was noted. *Michigan’s energy generation need to be part of a healthier future, with plans to reduce mercury emissions, pollution that creates acid rain and cut down on airborne particles. “Our state already is a leader in terms of safety measures tied to high-volume hydraulic fracturing,” said Snyder. “We will remain vigilant, and also continue exploring ways to promote and adopt alternative transportation fuels and autonomous vehicle technology.” Snyder said the special message includes an aggressive agenda that will require discussions and debate with his partners in the Legislature as well as continued work across state agencies and departments. It also includes reaching out to families and businesses, helping them understand the role they can play as we build upon Michigan’s promise to be a great state to live and work, now and for generations to come. The Independent Newsgroup Scholarship The Independent Newsgroup • • • 989-723-1118 • • • The Independent Newsgroup The Shiawassee Conservation Association (SCA) To qualify, students must be graduating seniors and EducationSit,Committee is again looking for scholarreside in Shiawassee County, or have a parent who is Relax and ship applicants. a member of the Shiawassee Conservation AssociaEnjoy Your A $1,000 Newspaper! scholarship will be awarded to a student tion for a minimum of one year. planning a989-723-1118 career in conservation related fields such Applications are available after 3 p.m. Tuesday as wildlife preservation, outdoor education, naturalist, through Sunday at the SCA clubhouse, 4247 N. fisheries biologist, forest management, environmental M-52. The deadline for applications is March 31. law, water quality specialist, outdoor writer, environThe scholarship committee will review the apmental education, wildlife education, wildlife biologist, plications and letters received and the top five canWe’re Aboutresources Community!didates will be interviewed. The scholarship award conservation officer, forest ranger, natural The photographer Independent will be announced at the honors program of the law, environmental specialist, wildlife or other conservation or environmental Newsgroup fields. student’s school. • • • 989-723-1118 • • • During the month of August, SCA will send the Sit, Relax and scholarship check to the college the scholarship reEnjoy Your cipient has chosen to attend. The scholarship money Newspaper! may be used for tuition, room and board or books and Thai Chili other college fees. Steak If the recipient chooses not to accept the award or 989-723-1118 does not enter college, the scholarship will be awarded to the alternate student. For more information, persons Cilantro may call the SCA clubhouse, (989) 725-7588. Lime Fish’re About We’re About Community! The Independent Newsgroup • • • 989-723-1118 • • • Facebook: Independent Newsgroup Al Shattuck, Agent 111 N Hickory Street, Owosso, MI 48867 Bus: 989-723-3232 We’re About Community! The Independent Newsgroup • • • 989-723-1118 • • • The Independent Newsgroup Limited Time Only! ut o We’re Ab ty! i Commun We Facebook: Independent Newsgroup An inspired blend of bold new flavors. ty! i n u m m o C • • • 989-723-1118 • • • Smoked Jalapeño Chicken • • • 989-723-1118 • • • Facebook: Independent Newsgroup “Eating Healthy Tasted We’reNever About Community! So Good” The Independent Newsgroup 1561 E. Main, Owosso 989-494-0090 • • • 989-723-1118 • • • Let us cater your next party! Facebook: Independent Newsgroup Presents COMEDY NIGHT/ DATE NIGHT 2015 Shows Apr 17 Comedy That Rocks! Take Time to Relax & Laugh! Featuring JACK WILLHITE FRI, March 20 , 2015 ~ 9pm TH $7 Advance • $12 Day of Show Jack’s comedy & music extravaganza features renditions of songs by some of your favorite artists... AC/DC, Foo Fighters, Stevie Ray Vaughan and many more. More Info 989-725-7717 Page 6 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Memories of the Curwood Festival Queen & Princess Pageant WORSHIP SERVICES DIRECTORY ASSEMBLY OF GOD INDEPENDENT Owosso Assembly of God 1150 N. Shiawassee St., Owosso 989-725-8219 Sunday 11am & 6pm The Salvation Army Church 302 E. Exchange St., Owosso 989-725-7485 • Sunday Coffee & Fellowship 10am Sunday Worship Service 10:30am Brunch & Fellowship at Noon BAPTIST First Baptist Church of Corunna 1120 S. Legion Rd., Corunna 989-743-5400 • Sunday 10:30am CATHOLIC St. Joseph Catholic Church 915 E. Oliver St., Owosso 989-725-5215 • Sat. 4:30pm Sunday 8am, 10:30am (Independent Photos/BILL CONSTINE) HEY CULLIGAN MAN®! Your Culligan Man® is your hometown professional with over 70 years in the business. A Culligan Man is just a phone call away. St. Paul Catholic Church 111 N. Howell St., Owosso 989-723-4277 • Sat. 5pm Sunday 8am, 10:00am, Noon CHURCH OF CHRIST First Church of Christ 585 E. North St., Owosso 989-725-5039 Worship 10:30am & 5:30pm Sunday Owosso Church of Christ 2005 S. M-52, Owosso Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 10:30am, 6pm Pastor Steve Lockwood CONGREGATIONAL First Congregational Church, UCC 327 N. Washington St., Owosso 989-723-3010 • Sun. 10:30am CERTIFIED WATER SPECIALIST 805 W. Main St. Owosso 989-725-5515 EPISCOPAL Christ Episcopal Church 120 Goodhue St. (Fayette Square) Owosso 989-723-2495 • Sun. 10:00am LUTHERAN St. Philip Lutheran Church (LCMS) 219 W. Oliver St., Owosso 989-723-6238 Sunday 10am & Wed. 7pm NAZARENE Owosso First Church Of The Nazarene 1865 S. M-52, Owosso 989-723-2229 Early Service 8:30am 2nd Service 10:45am Classes 9:45am WESLEYAN Northgate Wesleyan Church 1687 N. M-52, Owosso 989-725-9339 Sunday School 9:30am Worship Gathering 11am Like Us On Facebook Owosso Wesleyan Church 715 S. Washington, Owosso 989-723-5247 • Sun. 10am Be a part of the Worship Services Directory, call 989-723-1118. The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 “BEST BOOTH” – Crooked Tree Nursery won the Exhibitors’ Choice Best Booth Award for the fifth consecutive year at EXPO 2015, held last weekend at Owosso High School. Owner Eddie Louch was presented a plaque and $100 off next year’s booth cost. With Louch were (from left): EXPO Committee members Jeff Deason, Chamber president/CEO; Thomas Ainsworth, Crooked Tree Nursery designer; Eddie Louch, Crooked Tree Nursery owner; and EXPO 2015 committee members, Van Waugh of Waugh’s Culligan and Mike Cross of Say Computer; EXPO Chairman Kevin Maurer of Maurer Heating & Cooling; Brett Meyer of Metro Mortgage and the Home Builders Association of Shiawassee County plus EXPO Committee member Mo Shattuck of Shattuck Specialty Advertising. There were 2,682 attendees, nearly as many as 2014. The Grand Prize presentation was set for today (Wednesday, March 18) at Home Depot. The winner of a $750 Home Depot gift card is Pauline Merko of Owosso Avenue. (Courtesy Photo) CLASSIFIEDS ROCK! THE CAMEL CUP Races will be Saturday, March 21, at the Owosso Knights of Columbus. Hosted by the Shiawassee-Owosso Kiwanis Club, the races are part of the annual Shiawassee Red Cross Heroes Campaign, which supports local Red Cross services, noted the club’s president, Elaine Greenway (right), speaking during the Tuesday, March 10, Chamber A-M meeting at the Owosso-area Big Boy. Linda Thorsby (left) moved the display camels into place. Social hour begins at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:30. The ninerace program follows with prizes for race winners. Trophies will be awarded for the Camel Cup Champion and for the audienceselected “Best Dressed Camel.” Individual tickets are $25 per person, with reserved tables for eight available with advance group ticket purchases. Tickets are available at the Shiawassee Red Cross Service Center, 702 W. Corunna Avenue (M-71) highlightS TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) No. 1381 of Owosso meets 10 a.m. Wednesdays in the Kona Villa Community Page 7 in Corunna and at the Shiawassee Regional Chamber of Commerce headquarters, downtown Owosso. Some camels are currently displayed by their sponsors around the area. All sponsors are encouraged to fundraise prior to the races to support their camel in the “Best-Dressed” camel competition. A couple camel sponsorships, which include one racing camel entry and priority seating for eight, were still available to round out the 24-camel line-up. Event sponsorships are also available at a variety of levels. Interested sponsors may contact the Shiawassee Red Cross Service Center, (989) 743-6118, Tuesday through Thursday for more information. To make reservations for the 2015 Camel Cup or more information, persons may call the Shiawassee Service Center office, (989) 743-6118. (Independent Photo/ BILL CONSTINE) Room, 1299 S. M-52, Owosso. All welcome. First meeting free; after that, $32 per year. For questions, persons may call Darla, (989) 666-2731, or Carolyn, (989) 725-6209. FREE Head Start preschool now enrolling children three to five years old. Persons may call (989) 723-5849 to complete an application. Visit Roma’s This LENTEN SEASON! Lots of Choices! Our Classified Ads... Tracy Hilgendorf Classified Advertising Specialist & Sales Representative - Call Today!!! - • Are Easily Viewed on Your Smart Phone or Tablet! • Start at Just $16.50 Each • Reach More Homes in YOUR COMMUNITY Than ANY Newspaper in Shiawassee County! Grilled Cod w/Roasted Peppers Fettuccini Primavera Manicotti Seafood Alfredo North Atlantic Cod Other Meatless Dishes & Children’s Options Too! Email Tracy: • Loyalty Rewards Daily Lenten Lunch Specials • Gift Cards Available • Private Parties • Off-Site Catering 989-723-1118 • Facebook: Independent Newsgroup OPEN 7 DAYS 200 E. Comstock, Owosso • 989-725-5767 Page 8 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Health Services, Clinics The Shiawassee County Health Department has offices in the lower level of the county’s Courts & Public Health Building, downtown Corunna. SCHD offices are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays. Closed noon to 1 p.m. for lunch; closed weekends and holidays. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Immunization Clinic is every Wednesday by appointment. The SCHD can bill most insurances. Children with no insurance are eligible for free vaccine (administration fee applies). Private-pay vaccines are available for children and adults – call for prices, (989) 743-2356 and for an appointment. If a parent is not accompanying the child please call to obtain consent forms. These can also be printed from our website: health. WIC (Women, Infants and Children). For an appointment call (989) 743-2383 or 1-800-859-4229 press 1. Children’s Special Health Care Services. For an appointment call (989) 743-2355 or 1-800-8594229 press 5. HIV Testing, Counseling. Anonymous HIV testing by appointment for a $25 fee. Call (989) 743-2355 or 1-800-859-4229 press 0. TB Testing on Tuesdays by appointment. Call (989) 743-2355 or 1-800-859-4229 press 0 to schedule. STD Referrals. Call (989) 7432355 or 1-800-859-4229 press 0 for more information. Maternal/Infant Health Program (MIHP) offers guidance for expectant mothers and/or infants through one year of age on Medicaid. Call (989) 743-2319 for more information. Vision and Hearing Screening is offered for preschool and school age children. Call for (989) 7432355 or 1-800-859-4229 press 0 for information or an appointment. Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP). Free breast exams, mammograms and pap smears for persons 40 years to 64 years of age income based. Please call (989) 743-2370 or 1-800-859-4229 for guidelines. Parent Helpline. Call 1-800-942HELP. 989-723-1118 highlightS The office is at 1845 Corunna Avenue (M-71), between Owosso and Corunna. HELP – Volunteers needed: Capital Area Community CHICKEN DINNER – Services, Inc.e!is looking for M Burns Grange No. 160, 6630 t p volunteers to assist in the Ado Cole Road, Bancroft will Shiawassee County office. 8-Yr. Old, Spayed Female, host their first chicken dinner Openings are for receptionist, Shepard Mix. Loves kids, cats of the season 11:30 a.m. to commodity food distribution, dogs. Big Cuddler, 2 and p.m. Sunday, March 29. clerical and advisory counto play! Familyloves style; $8 for adults, cil. “If you have some time to ShiawaSSee humane $3 for children 5 through 12 spare and would like to volunyears ofSociety age, younger than 5 teer for your local Community 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso are free.989-723-4262 Take-outs available. Action Agency, please conThe last spring chicken dintact Becky or Brenda, (989) ners will be Sunday, May 3. 723-1115,” said local director Becky Zemla. Sasha ! t Me Adop Pops 7-Yr. Old, Neutered, Pit Mix. Very calm, mellow, likes to curl up for naps, but loves to play with toys! Likes other animals and is fine with kids! ShiawaSSee humane Society 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso 989-723-4262 The Independent Newsgroup Service Directory Call today to advertise here! ! t Me Coal Your Connection To Convenient, Professional, Area Services! 9-Mo. Old Neutered Male. Adop !yy:+AUO,,# I stock what you can’t find at the hardware store. We Repair Remote Fobs & Install Deadbolts WE CUT & PROGRAM Transponder Chip Car Keys 3URJUDP0\1XPEHULQ <RXU3KRQH&RQWDFWV %HIRUH7KH1HHG5LVHV 989-277-5869 %\$SSRLQWPHQW See me for a )VMR6SWI 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso 989-723-4262 4LSXSKVETL] Quality Eye Care for the Entire Family 989-627-7875 ZZZIDFHERRNHULQURVHSKRWRV Accepting most insurances including Medicaid & GM Family Owned & Operated Thank you for supporting local small business! ! e M Spayed, 6-Yr. Old, Female. Front declawed, Very quiet, shy girl who is warming up to attention. Good with other cats! 2752 W. BenningtonSeniors Rd., Owosso 989-723-4262 Gift Certificates Available Robert Ariss 9WIH'EV1EREKIV VEVMWW$PEGPEMVGSQ 1 1 'LIWERMRK Water Fire Smoke Wind Mold 5HVWRUDWLRQDQG5HPRGHOLQJ RU*HQHUDO&RQWUDFWLQJ Matt Vondrasek, Owner 1215 Corunna Ave., Owosso 1-888-725-6675 24 Hr. Emergency Response Cadabra t Adop ShiawaSSee humane Quality Care for Society Mid-Michigan Walk-Ins Welcome! 786-/-2+0= +6)%8()%0 989-845-3057 A big boy who is calm, easy going and loves attention! Good with other cats! 989-720-2020 ShiawaSSee 1385 E. Mainhumane St. Owosso Next to Kroger Society 521 E. First St., Perry 517-625-5650 Mon-Sat: 10a-7p Sunday: Closed Barrier Free • Safe & Secure Home-like Environment • Memory Care • Spacious Private & Semi-Private Living • 24 Hour Personalized Care • Affordable Rates 1403 East M-21 Owosso 989-725-8041 <RXU%XVLQHVV&RXOG %H$GYHUWLVLQJ+HUH 2QO\ZHHN &DOO WRUHVHUYH\RXUVSDFH Tri-County :HOO'ULOOLQJ 6HUYLQJ 6KLDZDVVHH &RXQW\ (PHUJHQF\:HOO6HUYLFH )UHH(VWLPDWHV 3UHVVXUH7DQN6HUYLFH 3XPS6HUYLFH &KORULQDWLQJ GULOOP\ZHOOFRP %QIVMGER6SEH 0ERWMRK1- 8SPPJVII (MVIGX 'IPPXI\XGEPP &VIRX;IWPI] Sales & Leasing Consultant F[IWPI]$WLELIIRGLIZVSPIXGSQ [[[7LELIIR'LIZVSPIXGSQ 0DWWKHZ*UXEE $JHQW (0DLQ6WUHHW 2ZRVVR0, %XV PDWWJUXEEKTED#VWDWHIDUPFRP Advertise Weekly for ONLY $25 for a 2 Column Business Card or $15 for a 1 Column by 2” (Full Month Commitment Required) 2 a Michigan Liquor Control Commission Waives Fees for Virtual Copies In celebration of Sunshine Week (March 15-21), the Mackinac Center for Public Policy announced its victory in persuading the Michigan Liquor Control Commission to release public information at a more reasonable cost. After being sued by the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation, the MLCC removed the LEGAL NOTICE charges for paper copies NOTICE OF MORTGAGE that do not exist. FORECLOSURE SALE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by William J. Daunt and Barbara J. Daunt, His Wife, original mortgagor(s), to Citizens Bank, N.A. f/k/a RBS Citizens N.A. successor by merger and/or name change to First Federal of Michigan, The Michigan Operating name of Charter One Bank, FSB, Mortgagee, dated April 4, 1997, and recorded on April 10, 1997 in Liber 882 on Page 548, in Shiawassee county records, Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Seventy-Six Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-Eight and 42/100 Dollars ($76,928.42). Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, at the place of holding the circuit court within Shiawassee County, at 10:00 AM, on April 8, 2015. Said premises are situated in Township of Vernon, Shiawassee County, Michigan, and are described as: Parcel A: Part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 6 North, Range 4 East, Vernon Township, Shiawassee County, Michigan, described as beginning on the South line of section 25 at a point 462.00 Feet East from the Southwest corner of said section, thence North 00 Degrees 15 Minutes 30 seconds West 692.85 Feet parallel with the West line of said section to the North line of the South 21 Acres of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, thence South 89 Degrees 55 Minutes 40 Seconds East 306.00 Feet along said North line, Thence South 00 Degrees 15 Minutes 30 Seconds East 693.31 Feet, thence North 89 Degrees 50 Minutes 30 Seconds West 306.00 Feet on the South line of said section to the Point of beginning. Parcel B: Beginning on the South line of section 25, Township 6 North, Range 4 East, Vernon Township, Shiawassee County, Michigan, at a point 210 Feet East from the Southwest Corner of said section 25; thence North 00 Degrees 15 Minutes 30 seconds West 692.47 feet parallel with the West line of section 25; thence South 89 Degrees 55 Minutes 40 Seconds East 252 Feet; thence South 00 Degrees 15 Minutes 30 Seconds East 692.85 Feet; thence North 89 Degrees 50 Minutes 30 Seconds West 252 Feet on South line of section 25 to the point of beginning. The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period. Dated: March 11, 2015 For more information, please call: FC J (248) 593-1311 Trott Law, P.C. Attorneys For Servicer 31440 Northwestern Hwy Ste 200 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334-5422 File #449944F01 (03-11)(04-01) LEGAL NOTICE Notice Of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Randy P. Scroggins, a single man and Melissa Steenhagen, also known as, M. Steenhagen, a single woman, original mortgagor(s), to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Mortgagee, dated September 19, 2007, and recorded on September 26, 2007 in Liber 1115 on Page 416, and assigned by mesne assignments to Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC as assignee as documented by an assignment, in Shiawassee county records, Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of One Hundred Forty-Eight Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-Two and 68/100 Dollars ($148,372.68). Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, at the place of holding the circuit court within Shiawassee County, at 10:00 AM, on April 1, 2015. Said premises are situated in Township of Antrim, Shiawassee County, Michigan, and are described as: Parcel B-2: Part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 23, Township 5 North, Range 3 East, Michigan Meridian, Township of Antrim Shiawassee County, Michigan, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the South 1/4 corner of said section; thence South 89 Degrees 41 Minutes 45 Seconds East (assumed bearing) 1019.93 Feet along the South line of said Section to the point of beginning, thence North 02 Degrees 07 Minutes 52 Seconds East 101.88 Feet; thence North 14 Degrees 11 Minutes 58 Seconds East 59.97 Feet; thence North 00 Degrees 25 Minutes 29 Seconds East 32.12 Feet; thence North 38 Degrees 13 Minutes 47 Seconds West 35.80 Feet; thence North 51 Degrees 19 Minutes 14 Seconds West 43.14 Feet, thence North 00 Degrees 41 Minutes 57 Seconds West 386.11 Feet; thence South 89 Degrees 41 Minutes 45 Seconds East 289.00 Feet; thence South 00 Degrees 05 Minutes 40 Seconds West 633.00 Feet; to the South line of said section; thence North 89 Degrees 41 Minutes 45 Seconds West along the South line, 246.15 Feet to the point of beginning. The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period. Dated: March 4, 2015 For more information, please call: FC H (248) 593-1300 Trott Law, P.C. Attorneys For Servicer 31440 Northwestern Hwy Ste 200 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334-5422 File #450021F01 (03-04)(03-25) The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 On Nov. 7, 2014, Fiscal Policy Director Michael LaFaive requested data from the government agency in person while conducting research on “post and hold” rules for alcohol prices. Those rules allow wholesale distributors to collude and keep prices artificially high. Empirical research estimates consumers pay 6.4 percent to 30 percent more because of this practice. An MLCC employee told LaFaive the data could be transferred to a flash drive on the spot. Not having a flash drive at the time, LaFaive offered to return in person with one to obtain the information. LaFaive agreed to submit an official Freedom of Information Act request. On Nov. 14, MLCC’s FOIA coordinator said a cost estimate and deposit was required for processing. The invoice estimated the cost of to be $50.22 for an hour and a half of labor ($33.48/hour) and $1,500 LEGAL NOTICE for copying 6,000 pages, THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLEC- at 25 cents a page. TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLOn Jan. 22, 2015, the LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THIS PURPOSE. IF YOU ARE IN THE MILITARY, PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER LISTED BELOW. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee for any reason. In that event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest, and the purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s attorney. MORTGAGE SALE – Default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by: Oscar Vargas and Maria E Vargas, His Wife to Saxon Mortgage, Inc., Mortgagee, dated May 24, 2002 and recorded June 5, 2002 in Liber 1013 Page 486 and modified by agreement dated October 17, 2007 and recorded August 5, 2009 in Liber 1139 Page 222 Shiawassee County Records, Michigan. Said mortgage was assigned through mesne assignments to: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as Trustee for Saxon Asset Securities Trust 2002-2, Mortgage Loan Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2002-2, by assignment dated January 28, 2015 and subsequently recorded in Shiawassee County Records on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Seventy-Seven Thousand Two Hundred Seventeen Dollars and Sixty Cents ($77,217.60) including interest 2% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, Circuit Court of Shiawassee County at 10:00AM on April 1, 2015 Said premises are situated in City of Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan, and are described as: A Part Of Block 1 Of The Plat Of George Thomas’s Addition To The City Of Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan, As Recorded In Liber 1 Of Plats, Page 51, Shiawassee County Records, And Described As Beginning On The North Line Of Lynn Street At A Point 228.00 Feet West Of The Southeast Corner Of Said Block 1, Thence West To The Southwest Corner Of Said Block 1, Thence North 75.30 Feet To A Point Which Is 60.00 Feet South Of The Northwest Corner Of Said Block 1, Thence East To A Line Which Is 228.00 Feet West Of The East Line Of Said Block 1 Thence South To The Place Of Beginning. Commonly known as 215 State Street, Owosso MI 48867 The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241 or MCL 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale, or upon the expiration of the notice required by MCL 600.3241a(c), whichever is later; or unless MCL 600.3240(17) applies. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, under MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period. Dated: 3/04/2015 Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as Trustee for Saxon Asset Securities Trust 2002-2, Mortgage Loan Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2002-2, Assignee of Mortgagee Attorneys: Potestivo & Associates, P.C. 811 South Blvd. Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 844-5123 Our File No: 14-11184 (03-04)(03-25) 575 words LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Timothy D. aka Timothy D. Francis and Tammy L. Francis, Husband and Wife, original mortgagor(s), to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Mortgagee, dated February 28, 2006, and recorded on March 13, 2006 in Liber 1093 on Page 295, in Shiawassee county records, Michigan, and assigned by said Mortgagee to Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC as assignee, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Fifty-Two Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven and 90/100 Dollars ($52,777.90). Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, at the place of holding the circuit court within Shiawassee County, at 10:00 AM, on April 15, 2015. Said premises are situated in Township of Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan, and are described as: A part of Southwest 1/4 of section 14, in Township 7 North, Range 2 East, Owosso Township, Shiawassee County, Michigan described as beginning at a poing which is 2 chains and 50 links West and 10 chains and 50 links North of the South quarter post of said section; thence North parallel with the North and South quarter line of said Section a distance of 132 feet; thence West parallel with the South line of said Section a distance of 198 feet; thence South parallel with said North and South quarter line 132 feet and thence East 198 feet to the point of beginning. Also Know as Lots 3, 4 and 5, of Block 3 of Keifers Unrecorded plat. The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period. Dated: March 18, 2015 For more information, please call: FC H (248) 593-1300 Trott Law, P.C. Attorneys For Servicer 31440 Northwestern Hwy Ste 200 Farmington Hills, Michigan 483345422 File #356542F02 (03-18)(04-08) Page 9 Mackinac Center Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit seeking relief from being charged for 6,000 virtual pages that did not exist on paper. Because of the lawsuit, the government agency withdrew its cost for digital files. “Keeping government transparent and accounte! able to taxpayers is a primary concern for us,” said opt M d A Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Senior Attorney 8-Yr. Old, Spayed Female, Derk Wilcox. “Taxpayers have a right to this public Shepard Mix. Loves kids, cats information. They should notand bedogs. charged exorbitant Big Cuddler, amounts of money for documentsloves thatto are play!rightfully theirs, nor should they be charged for virtual copies ShiawaSSee humane of public documents. The MLCC tried to put a roadSociety 2752 W.getting Benningtoninformation. Rd., Owosso block in the way of the public Our lawsuit changed its mind.” 989-723-4262 In 2013, the foundation sued the city of Westland for charging an illegal gatekeeping fee and overcharging for labor and copying costs. As a result of the lawsuit, Westland changed its policies to comply with the law. Me! t p “The Mackinac Center uses FOIA to make sure govo Ad ernment is serving the public, not the system,” said 7-Yr. Old, Neutered, Pit Mix. Very calm, Executive Vice President Michael Reitz, also mellow, curl up forwho naps, but serves as a board member of Michigan Coalition lovesthe to play with toys! Likes other animals and agencies is fine with kids! for Open Government. “Government should ShiawaSSee be willing to comply with the law ratherhumane than try to Society find ways to avoid it.” 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso “The MLCC FOIA coordinator said it was waiving 989-723-4262 fees for hypothetical copies ‘in the spirit of cooperation,’” said LaFaive. “We hope that cooperation continues when we request public documents in the future.” Sasha Pops ! t Me Adop Coal 9-Mo. Old Neutered Male. A big boy who is calm, easy going and loves attention! Good with other cats! ShiawaSSee humane Society 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso 989-723-4262 ! t Me Adop Cadabra Spayed, 6-Yr. Old, Female. Front declawed, Very quiet, shy girl who is warming up to attention. Good with other cats! 556 words 572 words ShiawaSSee humane Society 2752 W. Bennington Rd., Owosso 989-723-4262 486 words 2 a Page 10 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 DZDVVHH er PLO\<0&$ :0DLQ6W t 2ZRVVR 3UHJQDQF\5HVRXUFH &HQWHURI 6KLDZDVVHH&R 1%DOO2ZRVVR Sunday Deadline: Thursday Noon Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm E-mail: Main Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso Fax 989-725-1834 Call 989-723-1118 Sunday Deadline: Thursday Noon Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm E-mail: Fax 989-725-1834 Main Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso Call 989-723-1118 ~ Emily Dickinson *644<50;@ WHAT IS EFFECTIVE, *655,*;065 INEXPENSIVE AND The Independent Newsgroup NOW ACCEPTING TRACTORS, Farm Machinery, Sports Machines, Campers, Trailers, Construction Machines, Tools, Livestock Items ONLY $3 per item to sell! No additional selling fees. AUCTION Sat., April 4, 9:30am 1445 E. Lansing Rd. Morrice MI 48857 FREE ADVERTISING 810.266.6474 110 Building / Home Imp. BASEMENTS AND FOUNDATIONS. Basement repair and water proofing, all types of cement work, also basements under existing houses. 989-723-4889 or 989-277-6981. C L A S S I F I E D S 517-974-4172 SUPERIOR PAINTING & DRYWALL 20 Years in Business Highly Recommended Robert Gos 989-288-5307 THE LADY WHO Paints ~Marita Rodgers~ Interior & Exterior Painting ~With~ Terry Rodgers Construction, LLC Serving Shiawassee County since 1945 Call us for all your Painting and Building projects. Licensed & Insured 989-729-1945 E-mail: C L A S S I F I E D S Roofing, Windows Interior & Exterior Remodel Door Installation Weatherization EPA Certified Call 989-723-1118 GUNS, JD GATOR, JD Lawn Tractor, Lots of Professional Grade Tools (Sanp-on, MAC, Matco, Craftsman), Beautiful Furniture & Household. See over 100 photos at AUCTION: 10:00 am Saturday, March 28 8520 Antcliff Rd., Howell Main Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20 mg. 40 Pills + 4 FREE for only $99. #1 Male Enhancement! Discreet Shipping. Save $500. No prescription needed. Call 1-877-595-1024 ……………………………… Real Estate FOUR FARMS FOR SALE IN HILLSDALE COUNTY, MI. from 38 to 80 acres, three with homes, barns. Opportunity for horses, cattle, hunting. Eric: 1-260-441-6612 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM ……………………………… Sporting Goods VACATION CABINS FOR RENT IN CANADA Fish for abundant walleye, perch, northern pike. Boats, motors, gasoline included. Call Hugh 1-800-426-2550 for free brochure. The Independent Newsgroup Auctions Sunday Deadline: Thursday Noon • Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm AMISH LOG BEDS, BUILT BEST BARNS DRESSERS, Rustic Table Michigan's Largest Pole and Chairs, Mattresses for Barn Company. Best QualCabin or Home. Lowest ity, Best Service. Spring price in Michigan! dandanSpecials Sale Ends Soon: 24'x24'x8'=$6495.00; 989-923-1278. 24'x32'x8'=$7495.00; ……………………………… 24'x40'x10'=$8995.00; Auction 30'x40'x10'=$10,795.00; Monthly Online Auctions 32'x48'x12'=$14,995.00. Antiques; Collectibles; Completely Built. Coins; Firearms; Jewelry; License/Insured. Vehicles; Tools, Equip1-877-802-9591 ment; Furniture. Items lo989-205-2534 cated at 124 S. Lake Pleasant, Attica, MI. CHARTER COMMUNICARowley's Auction Service. TIONS TRIPLE PLAY SE810-724-4035 www.bidon- LECT! TV, Internet & tal Voice. $29.99/mo. for ……………………………… 12 mos. Sign-up today Autos Wanted Get FREE DVR. No Con*CASH TODAY* We'll tract! Call 1-800-710-7850. BuyYour Car Today! (Any*644<50;@ 4<50;@ *644<50;@ Condition) + Free AUTO INSURANCE 5,*;065 *655,*;065 *655,*;065 same-day Pickup. Best STARTING AT cash offer Guaranteed! $25/MONTH! 7KH$UF Call DZDVVHH 6KLDZDVVHH&RXQFLO Call for free quote 888-610-8514 6KLDZDVVHH V&HQWHU RQ$JLQJ,QF 1-877-926-8530. :02ZRVVR ZRRG&DVWOH'U 1:DVKLQJWRQ6W ……………………………… ACORN STAIRLIFTS. The Education/Career Training 2ZRVVR 2ZRVVR AFFORDABLE solution to AIRLINE CAREERS begin your stairs! **Limited time here - Become an Aviation -$250 Off Your Stairlift PurMaintenance Tech. FAA chase!**Buy Direct & approved training. Finan- *644<50;@ SAVE. Please call cial aid if qualified - Hous1-800-280-1897 for FREE Share our Facebook® ing available. Job place- *655,*;065 DVD and brochure. Page with your ment assistance. Call Avia*644<50;@ friends and family! n4<50;@ tion Institute of Mainte- 6KLDZDVVHH2ZRVVR “Saying nothing... some5,*;065 *655,*;065 ws, nance 877-891-2281 The Independent .LZDQLV&OXE times says the most.” ……………………………… r Newsgroup POLE BARN DESIGNS Michigan's Custom Pole Barn Experts. Pre-Season Specials Now Available! Call for details! Rapid Quotes and VERY Competitive pricing. Build NOW and SAVE! Call toll free: 1-800-549-1240 or online at CLASSIFIEDS E-mail: Amish Furniture AN AMISH LOG HEADBOARD and Queen Pillow Top Mattress Set. Brand new-never used, sell all for $275. Call anytime 989-923-1278. C L A S S I F I E D S MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 877-710-7001. 105 CLASSIFIEDS Sunday Deadline: Thursday Noon • Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm Miscellaneous SAME DAY Installation! Call Now! 1-800-419-9868 CLASSIFIEDS Call 989-723-1118 065 The Independent Newsgroup Building / Home Imp. CLASSIFIEDS Main Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso MY-CAN PORTABLE TOILETS. No job too big or small! Any reason, any season, anytime. Since 1978 989-288-7779 C L A S S I F I E D S CLASSIFIEDS E-mail: ARE YOU TIRED of Sticky, Smelly pop bottles and cans? Call us! 989-721-9161 SOCIAL SECURITY DISIndependent ABILITYThe BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied Newsgroup benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-731-5703 to start your application today! ……………………………… Mattress Sets A TEMPERPADIC/STYLE MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS SET Queen, new-never used, as seen on TV, with warranty. Cost $1,800, Sell $475. Can Deliver. 989-832-2401 ……………………………… Medical VIAGRA/CIALIS 100mg/20mg Pills 40 + 4 free pills. Only $99.00 Discreet Shipping. Save, Save, Save! Call Now 1-800-404-1282. ……………………………… Miscellaneous AMISH BUILT Storage Sheds and Hunting/Recreation Cabins delivered to your site anywhere in Michigan! Starting under $1,000.00. 989-832-1866. The Independent Open House 110 Newsgroup DIRECTV'S THE BIG OPEN HOUSE DEAL SPECIAL! Only Wednesday MICHAEL BERTHUME $19.99 per month - Free March 18 CONSTRUCTION CO. premium channels HBO, from 3– 6pm Custom Homes, Additions, Starz, Cinemax and Bring this ad to Remodeling, Garages, Showtime for 3 months and Save on your Security DeBarns, Roofs, free receiver upgrade! posit! Call Decks & More. Call Call NFL 2014 Season InStoney Creek Village Licensed & Insured. 989-723-1118 989-723-6712 989-723-1118 cluded. Call Now Apartments or 989-723-1118 1907 W. M-21, Owosso 1907 W. M-21, Owosso 1-800-390-1748 1694 North M-52, Owosso 517-202-6056. Main Office: FREE HEAT! 1907 W. M-21, Owosso For 55 + VIGORCARE FOR MEN Sunday Deadline: EHO/Barrier Free the perfect alternative to Thursday Noon TDD: 800-649-3777 other products, with similar The Independent The Independent Wednesday Deadline: Income Limits Apply results. There's an Herbal Newsgroup Newsgroup Monday 3pm ROOF REPAIR & CALL TODAY! Alternative to taking Viagra REPLACEMENT that's Safe/Effective. 60 989-729-1234 IMPROVE your Curb Pills / $99.00 plus S&H. Appeal today? 1-888-886-1041, herbalreFree Estimates! Free 090 Licensed & Insured Call 989-723-1118 us today 989-723-1118 DISH TV RETAILER StartFREE 2008 HONDA CBR 989-277-9898 1907 W. M-21, Owosso 1907 W. M-21, Owosso The Independent ing at $19.99/month (for 12 1000RR. Excellent mos.) & High Newsgroup Speed Intertion. If interested contact net starting at MariaGonzalez01001@ $14.95/month (where able.) SAVE! Ask About Sunday Deadline: Thursday Noon • Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm Announcements CLASSIFIEDS The Independent Miscellaneous 085 Newsgroup Call 989-723-1118 030 C L A S S I F I E D S Employment $23.75 Per Hour Online! Processing Simple Worksheets. Apply Today: ……………………………… Financial Call DOCTOR BUYS LAND HOMES, CONTRACTS, 989-723-1118 AND REAL Main ESTATE Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso $10,000 - $500,000. Free Sunday Deadline: Consultation! Fast Closing! Thursday Noon and Son ReDr. Daniels Wednesday Deadline: alty. Michigan Licensed Monday 3pm NMLS#138110. 248-335-6166 or 800-837-6166 Allan@DrDanielsAndSon.c om 065 Main Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso C L A S S I F I E D S The Independent Miscellaneous Newsgroup E-mail: THE 3RD JACKIE LEONE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Shuffleboard Tournament will be 12:30 p.m. Sunday, March 22 at Dedic's Bar and Grill, 5997 N. M-52, Owosso. There is a $10 entry fee, single elimination and will draw for partners. Prizes guaranteed to top 2 teams. Any questions contact Melissa 989-666-1340. All proceeds will go directly to the Jackie Leone Memorial Scholarship Fund. www.facebook/com/jackieleonememorialscholarshipfund. 065 Sunday Deadline: Thursday Noon • Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm TheCalendar Independent Of Events Newsgroup Call 989-723-1118 025 Main Office: 1907 W. M-21, Owosso The Independent Newsgroup TRI-COUNTY WELL DRILLING Serving Shiawassee County ·Emergency Well Service ·FREE Estimates ·Pressure Tank Service ·Pump Service ·Chlorinating 989-743-5626 *644<50;@ *655,*;065 J&M WELL DRILLING 125 Trees / Stump Service & Service, Inc. REACHES OVER 43,000 6KLDZDVVHH+XPDQH %DE\3DQWU\ Emergency Service HOMES? DRIMBY’S TREE 6RFLHW\ )LUVW%DSWLVW&KXUFK Perry 517-675-5956 A Classified Ad with the SERVICES: 989-666-3620, Owosso 989-743-5626 ZZZVKVSHWVRUJ :0DVRQ6W2ZRVVR Independent Newsgroup! Corunna. Tree & stump Point of Sale Work 989-723-1118 removal. I have a 65ft. 5" PVC Well Drilling classifieds@owossoinde2XU$GYHUWLVHUV%ULQJ7KLV,VVXHRI 2XU$GYHUWLVHUV bucket truck. Insured. Well Repairs Call for free estimates. 7KH,QGHSHQGHQW7R<RX %ULQJ7KLV,VVXH2I Pumps and Tanks 40yrs experience. 10% disChlorinating and 7KH,QGHSHQGHQW count for Senior Citizens *644<50;@ *644<50;@ Testing 2XU$GYHUWLVHUV%ULQJ7KLV,VVXH2I 7R<RXthis ad. when mentioning *655,*;065 *655,*;065 7KH,QGHSHQGHQW7R<RX 6KLDZDVVHH$UHD 2XU$GYHUWLVHUV 'H9ULHV1DWXUH “The7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ$XWKRULW\ poetry of the 2XU$GYHUWLVHUV%ULQJ7KLV,VVXH2I &RQVHUYDQF\ %ULQJ7KLV,VVXH2I earth is never 6$7$ dead.” 7KH,QGHSHQGHQW7R<RX 102ZRVVR 7KH,QGHSHQGHQW ~ John Keats 7R<RX 2XU$GYHUWLVHUV%ULQJ7KLV,VVXHRI7KH,QGHSHQGHQW7R<RX 2 %UL 7K The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 128 Landscaping ENJOY SPRING TIME It’s on the way! Concrete Work · Garage Floors · Barn Floors ·Driveways ·Sidewalks *Patios • Landscaping Repairs • Small Demolitions • Post Holes NEED MORE INFO ON OTHER SERVICES? CALL LARRY HOZAK 989-743-4457 “Integrity Does Matter” 130 Income Tax Prep. DEB’S TAX SERVICE Most returns $75.00. FREE e-file-pickup-delivery. By appointment only 989-288-2391or 517-420-1121 JIM’S TAX SERVICE. “RTRP” Free e-file. Fees taken from refund. While you wait or drop off. 989-288-2771. 165 Misc. Services 170 Help Wanted CDL-A, OTR TRUCK driver, singles & teams, 1yr exp, 2013-2016 tractors, no East Coast, no touch freight, for more info call 989-743-3898 or 800-336-2458 D J'S NEEDED. All equipment provided. No experience necessary. Hourly wage and performance bonuses. On-line applications available at: m/disc_jockey/company/ap plication.html or call at 989-723-4211 LAWN AND LANDSCAPE POSITIONS LandMark Landscape, a local company that has been in business for over 30 years has full time positions for the upcoming season. Landscape Maintenance Team Member: Position requires plant identification skills and specific maintenance to those plants including cutting back, division of perennials, weed identification and general care. Pay based on experience. Landscape Installation division has positions with exceptional opportunity for those with prior experience. Also willing to train motivated candidates for crew member positions. Lawn Maintenance team members needed. Prior experience a plus, but willing to train the motivated candidate. Please apply in person: 9am-4pm Monday thru Thursday at LandMark Landscape Inc. 9576 Old M-78, Haslett, MI 48840 170 180 Help Wanted CLASSIFIED ADS ARE effective and easy. $16.50 for the first 14 words and 20 cents/word for each additional word. Call the Independent Newsgroup to place your classified ad today! 989-723-1118, DRIVERS- TEAMS, O\OP'S & CO: Get Home Weekly, Earn Top Dollars, Round trip Dedicated Lanes! Great Benefits, Newer Equipment! Plus-Monthly Bonus Program! 855-971-8527 LUMBERYARD LOOKING FOR experienced delivery driver with CDL B or above. Must be able to lift 75 +/- lbs. Prefer experience with building materials. This is not an over-the-road position. Salary based on experience. Apply in person M-F, 7am -4pm at: Glasers Lumber, 216 Elm St., Vernon, MI or Glasers Lumber, 16501 US-27, Lansing, MI. NOW HIRING TRUCK DRIVER Regional, Michigan driving or CLASS A OTR CALL 517-675-5847 or 517-881-1544 Apply online THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS are brought to you by our valued advertisers. Tell them thank you and that you found them in the INdependent! 320 For Sale CASH FOR JUNKERS Crashed-running or not! Up to $1,000!!! 989-666-6365. Powder Coating-WeldingMedia Blasting Pick up & Delivery Service Available Call or Visit Martin Powder Coating 124 W. Third Perry, MI (517-625-4220) RETIRED HANDYMAN BUILDS bird houses & feeders, dog houses of any size, also rabbit/bunny houses. (2) dog houses for large & (1) extra large size dog ready to go. Oakley. 989-845-2641. 245 Farm Equip. STARTER-ALTERNATORGENERATOR REPAIR SERVICE. C&D Rebuilders. 989-725-7255 or 989-723-2865. 255 Lawn/Garden FRANK’S PLACE Your Source for Lawn & Garden Sales, Service & Parts. 989-288-4840 275 TRANSMISSIONS 517-625-6966. 526 W. Lansing Road, Morrice, MI 48857 •Over 20 Years Experience •Standard 36Month/36,000 Mile Warranty on Overhauls •Ask About Free Towing with Major Repair •Foreign or Domestic •Automatic or Standard •Transmissions, Transfer Cases, Differentials & More SERVING SHIAWASSEE COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS Horses & Equipment HORSE SHOEING AND TRIMMING. 30 years experience. 517-625-8387. Al Lickfeldt. Automobiles 340 4x4s PART-TIME, LOCAL MAINTENANCE Person wanted for apartment community in Owosso. Great Opportunity for Supplemental Income. Full range of Maintenance and Repair experience needed. Looking for a Team-player who Takes Pride in Work. Fax resume to 616-696-8501, or e-mail: redoakhr@ EEO THE SHIAWASSEE COUNTY ROAD COMMIS305 Musical Instruments SION is seeking qualified applicants for the position GUITAR WORKBENCH of Director of Finance and 818 W. Main St., Human Resouces/Clerk of Westown Owosso the Board. Applicants *Major credit cards accepted* ~Professional should possess, at a 989-413-7350 ~Certified Instrument minimum, an Associate’s ……………………… Repair Degree in accounting/fiNUISANCE WILDLIFE ~Set-up nance/business or equivaREMOVAL ~Customization Independent Newsgroup lent and at least five years*644<50;@ LOCAL METAL SHOP *644<50;@ Skunks, raccoons, By appointment experience or Bachelor’s looking for counter/sales woodchucks and more *655,*;065 *655,*;065 989-277-9399 ATVs 355 person. Must have working Degree in accounting or 989-413-7350 Matt Grubb, Luthier business administration knowledge of various types Independent Newsgroupwith - 6KLDZDVVHH&RXQFLO two years work related 6KLDZDVVHH of metals and fabricating Argo Max ATV in2000 Help Wanted processes. Good customer experience. Previous work 170 $UWV&HQWHU RQ$JLQJ,QF cludes snowblade, elec. NAPIER MUSIC: experience in the field of &XUZRRG&DVWOH'U 1:DVKLQJWRQ6W service skills and ability to winch & tracks plus 6 New and used string public road transportation APPLICANTS WANTED read blueprints and 2ZRVVR and accessories. extra tires 2ZRVVR on rims. $3,500. instruments n desired. Other Ohighly FOR manufacturing firm in sketches. Please send “See Usiscombinations LESSONS: Guitar-Banjo-Etc. Call 989-634-5748. of educaton the local area on a temporesume to: Sales PO Box book!” 8315 S. M-52, Owosso. Face and experience may be rary basis starting April 1st. 206 Corunna, MI 48817. 517-625-4954. Independent Newsgroup Rentals 395 considered. The Director of Must be able to work any Finance and Human Reshift. Must be able to lift 50 Newsgroupsources/Clerk - of the Board LOCAL Independent METAL SHOP GINGER SQUARE pounds repeatedly. Mail Automobiles 320 looking for full time fabrica- operates as the Chief APARTMENTS in Owosso Resume by Monday, *644<50;@ Financial Officer and is *644<50;@ is now accepting March 30th to P.O. Box 47, tor. Experience required *655,*;065 *655,*;065 responsible for all financial with strong fabrication applications for 2, 3 & Ovid, MI 48866. Or e-mail “Keep documentation. A full job background. Must be able 4 bedroom units. resumes to Current WAp- to weld various types of description may be obAll3UHJQDQF\5HVRXUFH units equipped with A/C, 6KLDZDVVHH ith tained at the road commis- )DPLO\<0&$ assemble to prints kitchen&HQWHURI appliances, free plications and Resumes LLC Us.” at the metals, sion office, or found on the or instructions, operate utilities, and laundry will not be accepted :0DLQ6W 6KLDZDVVHH&R 24hr. Light & Heavy Shiawassee County Road machinery and hand tools. hook-ups in each unit. door. An Equal OpportuIndependent Newsgroup 2ZRVVRTowing 1%DOO2ZRVVR Commission website at Please send resume Income based rent. nity Employer F/M/V/D Ditch Recoveries to: Fabricator PO Box 206 Stop in to pick up an $50 Local Towing m. The deadline to submit Corunna, MI 48817. application. * Tire Changes a resume to Chairman, 1200 Penbrook Dr. “Stay * Motorcycle towing John A. Michalec, is Owosso 989-723-1331 n O The Independent Newspaper Group 989-723-1118 Independent Classifi eds Work! 989-723-1118 d * Jump Starts “I think that sometimes 12:00pm, March 23, 2015, Informe nts.” * Vehicle unlocks e at 701 W. Corunna Avev love gets in the way of cal E LoIndependent * Buy/tow junk cars The Newspaper Group 989-723-1118 nue, Corunna, MI 48817. Independent Classifi eds Work! 989-723-1118 *644<50;@ *644<50;@ itself, you know, love * Long distance towing *655,*;065 *655,*;065 interrupts itself. We * Flatbed available StayEXPERIENCED Informed! Read Your Independent! 989-743-5768 want things so much that WANTED: 6WHDP5DLOURDGLQJ 5HOD\IRU/LIH INSTALLER for windows we sabotage them.” ,QVWLWXWH $PHULFDQ&DQFHU and siding. Please send Independent Newsgroup “Many men go fishing Stay Informed! Read Your Independent! ~ Jack White resumes to: 1907 W. M-21,6:DVKLQJWRQ6W 6RFLHW\ all of their lives without Owosso, MI 48867 or email 2ZRVVR ZZZUHOD\IRUOLIHRUJ “I think there’s just one knowing that it is not The Independent Newspaper The Independent Newspaper Know Your Community! Know Your Community! them to classifieds@owos “Keep kind of folks. Folks.” fish are after.” 989-723-1118 989-723-1118 The Independent Newspaper Thethey Independent Newspaper Quesurrent ~ HarperCLee tions? 517-749-7882 ~ Henry David Thoreau BAT REMOVAL FREE Estimates! Over 30 years experience. Now offerning custom Bat Houses. Call Today! nd “Frie ” Us! nd e i r F “ Us!” “Frie n Us!” d “See Us On Facebo ok!” Independent Newsgroup Wi th Us.” 989-723-1118 The Independent Newspaper 989-723-1118 The Independent Newspaper Read About It In The Independent Newspaper Read About It In The Independent Newspaper *644<50;@ 395 Page 11 Rentals COUNTRY VILLAGE Apts. Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Minutes from I-69-Durand. Call for details. 989-288-6825. SHAFTSBURG: 1&2 BEDROOMS. Free heat & water. $600-$700/mo. Pet friendly, A/C. 517-230-0654. SOUTHTHEST of Swartz Creek(Gaines). Quiet responsible people. Large 1 bedroom with patio, appliances, walk-in closet, water/trash included. No pets. $385/month 989-271-8412. SWARTZ CREEK OFF Miller Rd. 2-bdrm, laundry, lighted parking lot. Very nice. No pets. Credit check. $490/month+utilities. One year lease. 989-288-2337 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS are brought to you by our valued advertisers. Tell them thank you and that you found them in the INdependent! 450 Real Estate 3 BEDROOM, 1 1/2 BATH home on Bear Lake. Fireplace, large deck. 2437 W Garrison Rd, Owosso. Call Brad at LeValley Real Estate, LLC. 989-277-9898 DUPLEX FOR SALE. 2 bedroom apartment upstairs. 2*644<50;@ bedroom apartment downstairs. $59,000 *655,*;065 OBO. 989-288-5235 470 7KH$UF 6KLDZDVVHH Manufactured Homes :02ZRVVR INCOME TAX REFUND? It’s time to stop paying the hight cost of renting and buy a great home in Woods and Fields Commu*644<50;@ nities in Owosso or Maple *655,*;065 Leaf Community in Ovid. We have a great selection of beautiful remodeled 6KLDZDVVHH2ZRVVR homes starting at just .LZDQLV&OXE $19,500.00. Come see how affordable the sweet life can be. Call Randy 989-729-9644. Equal Housing Opportunity. *644<50;@ *655,*;065 LAKE ACCESS HOME. Beautiful refurbished home 6KLDZDVVHH with 1,378 sq. ft. 3 bed8QLWHG:D\ rooms, ZZZVKLDZDVVHHXQLWHGZD\RUJ 2 baths, open floor plan, formal dining room, spacious master suite, new paint and carpet throughout. Home located at 1030 Green Leaf Dr, Ovid, MI 48866 in*644<50;@ the Maple Leaf Community. View this *655,*;065 home at Call Randy 989-729-9644. Equal &RXQW\)DLU Housing Opportunity. ZZZVKLDZDVVHHFRXQW\IDLUFRP *644<50;@ Page 12 The Wednesday Independent • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 3,000 $ Minimum Trade or 1,500 $ Trade Assistance! 20,324 $ As Low As 182/mo. $ As Low As As Low As 11,645 $ As Low As As Low As 95/mo. $ As Low As As Low As As Low As 103/mo. $ 155/mo. $ 131/mo. $ As Low As 82/mo. $ 202/mo. $ As Low As 164/mo. $ Call for Guaranteed Credit Approval!
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