Basic Flying Phase I 5 weekends - Simulator lessons Approx. 3+ months 6 flights & 11 flights + Simulator and ground sessions Pre-Requisites • Singapore Citizens • Students in JCs, Polys and IP/IB Schools Minimum age for flying: 16 years old Freshmen preferred Basic Flying Phase II - Students taking GCE”O” Level exams may apply early with their prelims results • Healthy, not asthmatic and no other major illnesses or injuries - IP/IB students to apply when they are 16 years old • Height - 1.62m to 1.90m and not obese How to apply? Apply personally at the Singapore Youth Flying Club (See Map) Seletar C F Camp Road ros pac e S el eta Seletar gate r Ex s pr e ay sw Tampines Exit 12 Bus Terminal To Changi Expressway yu Ka Exit 1 Legend: Wrong Way! t Rolls Royce Please take bus 103 from outside Seletar Gate to SYFC. Bus Stops ive Dr Ae Sel et ar s We Seletar East Camp Lin k Seletar Country Club Golf Course Seletar Jalan 86 from Sengkang and AMK 103 from Serangoon 858 from Woodlands and Changi Airport 168 from Bedok and Woodlands 39 from Yishun and Tampines Lower Seletar Reservoir SYFC Map Bus Services to Seletar Please call 6483 6236/37 for an appointment before you come down Y • Credit passes in English, Mathematics, Science and two other Subjects at GCE ‘O’ level • Good NAPFA results Your commitment: Plan to fulfil 3 flights every 2 weeks. S - Flight test Please bring along 3 recent IC sized photos, copies of your PSLE, GCE, final year exam results and CCA records. New Citizens to bring copies of NRIC (Front & Back) and citizenship certificate. W e st • Eyesight requirements: o Short-sighted - max 500 deg o Astigmatism - max 200 deg o No colour blindness o No other eye problems Private Pilot’s Licence Course (PPL) Approx. 9 + months 30 flights + CAAS exams When to apply? - Award of PPL for successful students Orientation Phase Piccadily Road Medical 1st Solo Flight Interview Orientation Day Application Airport Paste Photo Here Personal Particulars Name NRIC NO / Date of Birth Sex / M/F Citizenship Place of Birth Race Religion S Address Home Tel Hp Email School Course Name JC/POLY year 1/2/3/in the year Sec. Sch. Aviation Experience: Aeromodelling/ Joyride/ Flying / Aviator’s Prog. SYFC Member? If yes, no. of years: NAPFA Grades: Height Eyesight Astigmatism Current CCA: Weight L L Academic Subjects R R CCA(Sec): Grades: Appt/Rank: Prelims Results ‘O’ Level Results Final Year Results Other Subjects Prelims Results ‘O’ Level Results Final Year Results English Mathematics A/E Science Ph/Ch/Bio Aggregate: L1R5 : Relation L1R4 : GPA: Name (immediate family members) NRIC MSG : DOB Other gradings: Citizenship Place of Birth Job/Company/sch Father Mother Bro/Sis Bro/Sis Bro/Sis Bro/Sis Bro/Sis In case of emergency, please contact: at h/p Country I declare that I am holding the following passports from: I declare that the information given herein is true and accurate Tell us when you can fly, tick as many slots as you could. For official use Date of application AF Number Tue Recruitment Source AF 8.50am Date of SC Passed Failed Date of Medical Passed Failed Date of interview Passed Failed Remarks Signature/ Date 11.50am 2.40pm 4.50pm Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun To: The General Manager, Singapore Youth Flying Club SYFC CONSENT FORM for participation in organized courses/activities conducted by Singapore Youth Flying Club and/or traveling in SYFC craft. Dear Sir / Madam, Part A – Courses/Activities Brief (you may want to visit for more details). Singapore Youth Flying Club (hereinafter referred to as SYFC) conducts flying training (including joyrides) for selected fulltime students in recognised schools. We aimed to create awareness and interest in aviation by providing flying training courses for Youth. We also conduct joyrides for selected groups of people from time to time to let them experience flying. Our courses and activities include familiarization flights, ground visits and lectures. Participants will fly in an aircraft during the course/activities. SYFC will take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of participants throughout the event. However, if you/your child/your ward have/has any medical condition that may be adversely affected by these activities, you/your child/your ward should not take part in them. Part B - Seeking your consent. I, ______________________________________________*parent/guardian of __________________________________________, (NRIC & Name of Self/Parent/Guardian) (NRIC & Name of child/ward) of _______________________________________________________________________________________ (address) Singapore, having fully understood the description of activities contained in Part A, hereby voluntarily consent to allow myself/my child/ my ward to travel in SYFC craft (vehicles and aircraft) and/or participate in SYFC Flying Courses/Activities (including joyrides) knowing the risks arising out of or in connection with the said course/activities. I accept that I shall be solely responsible for any decision as to my/my child's/my ward's fitness to travel in the craft and/or participate in the courses/activities. I/MY CHILD/MY WARD UNDERSTAND/S THAT COMPLIANCE WITH ALL INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY THE CREW DURING THE CONDUCT OF THE ACTIVITIES IS MANDATORY, and any failure to comply with such instructions may result in my/my child's/my ward's removal from the activities. I further agree and undertake for myself/my child/my ward and my personal representative that I will at all times keep SYFC indemnified against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be taken against SYFC or incurred or become payable by SYFC in respect thereof. I/We will not institute, or agree to institute any legal action, suit, proceeding, claim or demand whatsoever against SYFC in respect of death, injury, disability or damage of whatsoever nature which may be caused by reason of the said activities or arising there from. _____________________________________________. _______________________________. Name and Signature of Self/Parent/Guardian Date Note : A Separate copy is required for each individual traveling in a SYFC craft. Those who are above 21 years old can sign this form without parental consent. In case of emergency, please call: _____________________________________at tel no. ___________________________________ LETTER OF UNDERTAKING NRIC:____________________NAME: ______________________________________________. PERSONAL UNDERTAKING BY APPLICANT: I understand that participation in the SYFC Basic Flying Course (herein called the “SYFC BFC”) requires my commitment and I shall undertake to fulfil the following: • Attend all briefings during the Orientation Phase. • Commit to 3 sessions/week and not to take leave from flight training for the first 7 weeks when flying commence • Not to take leave for more than 7 continuous days after the first 7 weeks of flight training* • Give my best and complete at least Phase One of the BFC programme. • *(1 week leave prior to exams and another week for exams is allowed)* __________________________________ Signature of Applicant & Date Consent of Parent/Guardian: I understand that my child/ward will be attending the SYFC BFC which requires his/her commitment to attend ground school, simulator and flying lessons. In the event that he/she withdraws from the course without fulfilling the minimum commitment of completing Phase One, BFC, for whatever reasons, I shall reimburse the Singapore Youth Flying Club the medical cost at prevailing rates (Approx $600+-) incurred by him/her during his/her application. __________________________________ NRIC & Name of Parent/Guardian _____________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian & Date Please complete this questionnaire to let us know you better. Your interest in flying… 1. When and how did you develop an interest in flying? ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 2. What have you done to keep that interest alive? ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. Were you a member of the SYFC? Y / N. a. If yes, when did you join SYFC? _________________. b. What activities did you take part in? ____________________. 4. If selected for the course, what problems do you anticipate and how do you plan to solve them? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Your Parents’ opinions… 5. Did you inform your parents about your participation in this course? Y/ N. 6. What were their opinions ? Do they feel comfortable to let you fly? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 7. Did they agree to let you fly? Y/ N. Your interests, hobbies and CCAs… 8. What are your hobbies? ___________________________________________________________________________________. 9. What are the sports/games you play? a. Leisurely___________________________________. b. Competitively _______________________________________. 10. What were your CCAs in secondary school? __________________________________________________________________. 11. What was your highest appointment / rank in your secondary school CCA? _____________________________________. 12. If you were in NCC (Air), did you do aeromodelling? __________________________________________________________. 13. Did you win any award, prize or medal as a student? ______________________________________________________. 14. What are your current CCAs? _________________________________________________________________________________. Your career in mind… 15. Have you applied for a job with the SAF? Y / N a. If yes, what vocation? ____________________. b. What was the result of your application? _____________________. 16. Would you consider a career as a pilot with the RSAF? Y / N. 17. What are your other career options ? ______________________________________________________________________. Others… 18. Do you have any other comments? ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Thank you. Name of applicant: ___________________________________________________. Date : ______________________________.
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