2014 FLYING NZ ROSS MACPHERSON MEMORIAL YOUNG EAGLES FLYING SCHOLARSHIP CONDITIONS and RULES OF ENTRY 1. Each Scholarship will be to the value of $2500.00 (GST Inc). The Scholarship moneys remain the sole property of Flying NZ and will be administered from the Flying NZ’s national office. 2. Flying NZ will reimburse the recipients Aero Club monthly on receipt of a fully itemised Tax Invoice for that months flying. Once this Account has been received by the Flying NZ’s National Office the recipients Aero Club will be paid directly into that Aero Clubs Bank Account. 3. In addition to the five flying Scholarships one of the recipients will be selected to travel to Airways NZ in Christchurch. They will experience a day with Airways NZ, Air Traffic Control and view career opportunities. The remaining four recipients of the scholarship will make their own travel arrangements to the Airways NZ Air Traffic Control Tower closest to their home town, to experience operations in a control tower. Contact details of the Airways NZ, Air Traffic Control Towers will be organised through the Flying NZ Executive Secretary. 4. The scholarships are open to all persons who are enrolled as a Flying NZ Young Eagle and who are between the minimum age of 15 years and that person’s 18th birthday as at the closing date of entries. 5. Entries close on 12 November 2014. 6. Entries may be made by Flying NZ affiliated Aero Clubs and must be on the official entry form. 7. Each club shall be entitled to enter as many candidates as they wish. 8. No club shall have more than one candidate awarded a Flying NZ Ross Macpherson Memorial Young Eagles Flying Scholarship in any one year. 9. Scholarship winners must attend and participate in the Young Eagles activities at the Flying NZ National Championships from 26-28 February 2015 to be held at the Mercury Bay Aero Club at Whitianga. These activities commence from noon Thursday 26 February, on Friday 27 February all recipients will participate in the Young Eagles Competition Day and on Saturday 28, 2015 attend the Flying NZ Presentation Dinner. 10. Candidates must be capable of obtaining the appropriate aviation medical certificate. 2014 Flying NZ Ross Macpherson Young Eagles Flying Scholarship Sponsors 2. 11. The scholarships will be awarded at the sole judgement of a committee appointed for the purpose of selecting the successful candidates. This judging committee will comprise a Flying NZ Representative, and at least three other persons. These persons will be selected from the following aviation industry Sponsors. 12. The decision of the committee will be final and no claim on Flying NZ, ASPEQ, Civil Aviation Authority, Airways or Aviation Co-operating Underwriters Pacific Ltd or its officers will be recognised. 13. The following information must accompany each entry: a. An essay of no more than 500 words written by the candidate giving their reasons for wishing to learn to fly. b. A photocopy or scan of the ‘logbook’ side of the candidate’s Young Eagles certificate or similar proof of the candidate’s Young Eagles activities c. A summary of the Young Eagles activities, Aero Club activities, or other aviation oriented activities in which the candidate has been involved. d. A report from the Aero Club’s Young Eagles Coordinator outlining its activities for their Young Eagles in the previous twelve months e. A report from the Aero Clubs Young Eagles Coordinator of the forward planning of the Aero Club’s activities for its Young Eagles for the coming six months. 14. The expenditure of scholarship funding shall be made at the nominating club or, if that is not possible, any other club which is a member of Flying NZ. Variations of this condition may be made only with the approval of the Flying NZ Executive Committee. 15. The 2014 Flying NZ Ross Macpherson Memorial Young Eagles Flying Scholarship is valid for 12 months from the 28 February 2015 to 28 February 2016. 16. Any unused scholarship funds will be retained by Flying NZ after the 28 February 2016. 17. Airways will make travel arrangements for the successful recipient of the Airways portion of the prize a day trip to Airways Christchurch. 18. Progress reports on training will be provided for each scholarship winner on request from Flying NZ. 19. Except for providing the scholarship awards, no responsibility shall attach or be deemed to attach to Flying NZ or their sponsors ASPEQ, Civil Aviation Authority Ltd, Aviation Cooperating Underwriters Ltd or Airways. 2014 Flying NZ Ross Macpherson Young Eagles Flying Scholarship Sponsors 2014 FLYING NZ ROSS MACPHERSON MEMORIAL YOUNG EAGLES FLYING SCHOLARSHIP Having read and understood the conditions of entry, the__________________________________________ NAME OF AERO CLUB Wishes to enter the following Flying NZ Young Eagle candidate for the 2014 Flying NZ Ross Macpherson Memorial Young Eagles Flying Scholarship. CANDIDATE DETAILS Name in full: _______________________________________________________________________________ Age at time of application: Years Months Date Of Birth Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Mobile: _____________________________________________ Home: ______________________________________________ Aero Club Declaration Is this candidate related in any way to a member of your club? If yes, please state relationship: _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ I hereby certify that these details are correct and that the ability of the candidate to obtain an appropriate medical certificate has been confirmed to the best of our ability. Signed: ____________________________________________________Date____________________________ Position in Aero Club: ________________________________________________________________________ Declaration - Parent or Guardian I _________________________________ ___________________ (name in full) hereby declare that I have read the conditions of entry for the 2014 Flying NZ Ross Macpherson Memorial Young Eagles Flying Scholarship and hereby give my approval for the entrant named above to participate in the scholarship. Signed Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________________Date_______________________ Mobile:________________________________________Phone_______________________________________ Entries Close 12 November 2014 @ 5.00pm Return To: Executive, Secretary Karen Groome, P O Box 2220 Taupo 3330 or execsec@flyingnz.co.nz 2014 Flying NZ Ross Macpherson Young Eagles Flying Scholarship Sponsors
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