REGISTRATION FORM #911 HOW TO HANDLE MUNICIPAL COURT MATTERS Friday, February 1, 2013 • 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 3.5 Hrs. CLE Credit This seminar is fully accredited by the KS CLE Commission Name Firm Address City State Zip Continuing Legal Education Upcoming Continuing Legal Education seminars presented by your Wichita Bar Association Mark your calendars for the seminars that interest you. Watch the WBA Website for more information and to register online. January 18 • Inn of Court, Part 1 Phone Civil Rights Developments Email February 6 ................ Interactive/Webinar: In-House Counsel Insights To register online go to:, we take VISA, M/C and Discover Or, you may return this form with your credit card number or check payable to: Wichita Bar Association, 225 North Market, Ste. 200 Wichita, KS 67202-2023 Questions? Please contact Chris Nagy at 316-263-2251, Ext. 101 or email: WBA member or staff $140.00 Non-member Subtotal: $175.00 Early Bird Discount if registered by Jan. 25* - $ 10.00 Scan to go directly to online registration February 15 ...................... Medical/Legal* February 22 ... Appellate Judges’ Road Show* March 1 .................... Inn of Court, Part 2* March 8 .......................... Spring Probate* For a complete list of seminars offered at this time for the 2012-13 CLE year, please go to our Website: Materials are now available electronically! Please check which you would prefer at the seminar: CD/electronic format hard copy *$10.00 savings for Early Registration! All paid registrations received by 5:00 p.m. Fri., Jan. 25 may deduct $10.00 from the listed fee. Late registrations will be accepted if space/materials are available. Materials, break refreshments & parking are included. * These seminars are pending accreditation from the Kansas CLE Commission. WICHITA BAR ASSOCIATION 225 N Market, Suite 200 Wichita, Kansas 67202 ~DISCOUNT PROGRAM MEMBERS: CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN I am a Cheaper by the Dozen member I would like to join CBD. (Please enclose $288.00) I am a Better by the Bulk member (law firm above) Please note STUDENT MEMBER REGISTRATION I am a student member of the WBA. There is no charge for my first attendance at a WBA CLE seminar not exceeding six hours, pending space availability. Name on card February 8 ......... Introductory Oil & Gas Law April 12 .............................Spring Ethics* Total: VISA, M/C or Discover # How to Handle Certain Municipal Court Matters in Your Practice January 25 ............Technology and the Law Supreme Court number BETTER BY THE BULK Wichita B ar Ass oci ation Exp. date Phone: 316-263-2251 Fax: 316-263-0629 Website: Presented by The WBA Continuing Legal Education Committee Friday, February 1, 2013 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 3.5 Hours CLE* *This seminar is fully accredited by the Kansas CLE Commission Seminar to be held at: Wichita Bar Association Sedgwick County Law Center 225 North Market • Wichita, KS 67202 (316) 263-2251 SEMINAR OVERVIEW Relax ‐ Faculty Judge Bryce A. Abbott Municipal Court Judge, Div. II, Wichita, KS Judge Abbott was sworn in as a Municipal Court Judge in January 2003. He practiced law in Wichita from 1983 until he was sworn in as District Judge in March 2001. After becoming a District Judge, he served in the Criminal Department and Family Law Department. As a Municipal Court Judge, he hears criminal, environmental and mental health court dockets . Alison McKenney Brown Midwest Criminal Justice Institute, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS Ms. McKenney Brown began her legal career as a prosecutor for the City of Wichita in 1993. Since then she has served as the prosecutor for six other Sedgwick County municipalities, and as City attorney for three municipalities. In addition, she has taught in the Criminal Justice Department at Wichita State University since 1998. Judge Ted R. Griffith Municipal Court Judge, Div. IV, Wichita, KS Judge Griffith handles traffic trials and DUI dockets. Prior to this appointment, he served as an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Wichita covering diversions, District Court appeals and a wide variety of civil issues. Judge Becky C. Hurtig Municipal Court Judge, Clearwater, KS Judge Hurtig is a solo practitioner with an emphasis on juvenile and criminal law. Throughout her career she has practiced in many municipal courts in the area, as defense attorney, prosecutor and judge. How to Handle Certain Municipal Court Matters in Your Practice Friday, February 1, 2013 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. • 3.5 hrs. CLE Credit* *This seminar is fully accredited by the KS CLE Commission Welcome and Introductions 1:30 - 1:35 p.m., Gregory D. Keith, Moderator Domestic Violence: An Overview of Statutes and Standards 1:35 - 2:25 p.m., Presented by Alison McKenney Brown The Kansas Legislature has updated many of the statutes related to domestic violence in the last two years. This portion of the program will cover enforcement standards, investigation and prosecution. Commercial Drivers Licensing - Dealing with the “Forbidden Fruit” 2:30 - 3:20 p.m., Presented by Judge Ted R. Griffith Judge Griffith will cover the legal and practical considerations involved when dealing with CDL licensing and how they are dealt with by the court system. Judge Jennifer Jones Break: 3:20 - 3:35 p.m. Administrative Municipal Court Judge, Div. III, Wichita, KS A Panel of Municipal Court Judges As Administrative Judge, Judge Jones oversees the judicial staff. Previous to this appointment, she served as a district judge in the Juvenile Division of the 18th Judicial District for eight years. Moderator Gregory D. Keith Wichita, KS 3:35 - 4:50 p.m. Panelists: • Judge Bryce A. Abbott • Judge Becky C. Hurtig • Judge Ted R. Griffith • Judge Jennifer Jones These Municipal Court judges will discuss local court procedures and tips for a successful presentation in their courts. Discount programs available to members of the Wichita Bar Association are designed to help you save time and money. For the solo practitioner: CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN WBA members who choose Cheaper by the Dozen this year can fulfill their 12-hour annual CLE requirements at a modest cost of only $288.00. Attendance hours at standard CLE seminars are unlimited. After 12 hours, members may generally attend seminars for a nominal cost of $30.00 For the Law Firm member: BETTER BY THE BULK Hours may be used by any member of the partnership, professional association, limited liability company or limited liability partnership who is a member of the WBA – but not by office sharers. Staff members may use their firm's membership. Hours may be used in one-hour segments. 25 CLE hours……$700.00 50 CLE hours…….$1,300.00 WICHITA BAR ASSOCIATION 225 N Market, Suite 200 Wichita, Kansas 67202 Phone: 316-263-2251 Fax: 316-263-0629 Website: For further details and restrictions, please call Chris Nagy at 316-263-2251, ext. 101
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