Larry D. Espel Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Minnesota Continuing Legal Education Faculty Minnesota State Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Your State Bar at Work For You How to Litigate a Case in Minnesota State Court Course Chair Greene Espel PLLP; Minneapolis Michael J. Belaen Dorsey & Whitney LLP; Minneapolis Vincent D. Louwagie Anthony Ostlund Baer & Louwagie PA; Minneapolis Jane E. Maschka Scan code for more information or to register for this course. James K. Langdon For more information Faegre Baker Daniels LLP; Minneapolis MinnesotaContinuing State Bar Legal Education Association Dan Herber RECYCLABLE Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart PC; Minneapolis DATED MATERIAL – PLEASE EXPEDITE! Cynthia A. Bremer 2550 UNIVERSITY AVE W #160-S, SAINT PAUL MN 55114 Goetz & Eckland PA; Minneapolis A practical seminar that will have you looking forward to your next trial! Featuring: • Recent amendments to Rules of Civil Procedure and General Rules of Practice • How a case proceeds, from start to finish Faegre Baker Daniels LLP; Minneapolis Gregory R. Merz • Specific requirements regarding form, signing, service, filing, and timing William Z. Pentelovitch • How to draft effective written discovery requests and how to respond to discovery requests Briggs and Morgan PA; Minneapolis Dan Singel Goetz & Eckland PA; Minneapolis Rhyddid Watkins Faegre Baker Daniels LLP; Minneapolis Video replay dates available. Eric J. Rucker Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand LLP; Minneapolis How to Litigate a Case in Minnesota State Court Gray Plant Mooty; Minneapolis • Negotiating tips and strategies designed to maximize your client’s position And much more! Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Minnesota CLE Conference Center 600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 370 | Third Floor City Center, Minneapolis Video replay details inside. Schedule Course Information Live Presentation Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Minnesota CLE Conference Center 600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 370 Third Floor City Center 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Check-in & Continental Breakfast video replay 1:00 – 1:45 p.m. Written Discovery Strategies and Best Practices 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. The Big Picture: A 50,000 Foot View of a Civil Case in Minnesota State Court An overview of what rules apply to Minnesota state court cases; how a typical case proceeds from start to finish; how to stay focused on the big picture throughout the case; how to level the playing field; and the significance of the new procedural rules and amendments, including the concept of proportionality. – Larry D. Espel, Course Chair 9:45 – 10:30 a.m. 8 Critical Issues You Need to Consider Before Initiating the Lawsuit Before you even begin to draft a complaint, you need to consider a variety of strategic legal issues that could affect your case: Whether to sue, when to sue, what to do before suit, where to sue, whom to sue, how to sue, what to sue on, what to serve with the suit. – James K. Langdon 10:30 – 10:45 a.m. Break 10:45 – 11:30 a.m. Motions are a critical component of litigation. This session will discuss procedural requirements, strategies and practical considerations, and oral argument technique. – Gregory R. Merz 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Using Negotiation Skills and Tools to Your Tactical Advantage – Including Rule 68 Offers of Settlement Because the majority of cases settle before trial, your negotiating and settlement skills are often a key component of your client’s success. You’ll receive helpful tips and strategies designed to gain tactical leverage and maximize your client’s position. You’ll also learn how to use and respond to Rules 68 offers of settlement. – Cynthia A. Bremer To Register: 1:45 – 2:30 p.m. How Cases are Won and Lost in Depositions – and What to Do About It You’ll learn the strategies for making the most out of this essential discovery tool. This session will address considerations such as who to depose, when to depose key witnesses, and how to formulate effective questions. – Michael J. Belaen & Dan Singel 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. When the Opposing Lawyer Crosses the Line: Effective Responses to 5 Common Discovery Abuses Strategies for responding to discovery tactics such as baseless assertions of privilege; stalling; inflicting excessive costs on the opposing party; providing too little or too much information; withholding evidence. – Vincent D. Louwagie & Eric J. Rucker 3:00 – 3:15 p.m. Effective Motion Practice 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. How to draft and strategically use discovery to accomplish litigation goals; how to limit objections, respond to improper requests, and address disputes; when and how to involve the court. – Dan Herber & Rhyddid Watkins Break Or go online: Minneapolis – 10/17/13 (Registration 8:30; Replay 9:00) Minnesota CLE Conference Center 600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 370 Third Floor City Center Duluth – 11/8/13 (Registration 8:30; Replay 9:00) Radisson Hotel Duluth—Harborview 505 West Superior Street Mankato – 11/8/13 (Registration 8:15; Replay 8:30) Chesley, Kroon, Chambers & Harvey 75 Teton Lane Moorhead – 11/5/13 (Registration 9:00; Replay 9:15) Minnesota State University 1104 7th Avenue South Comstock Union, Room 227 St. Cloud Area – 1/24/14 (Registration 8:45; Replay 9:00) Minnesota School of Business 1201 Second Street South Waite Park CREDITS Minnesota CLE is applying to the Minnesota State Board of Continuing Legal Education for 6.0 standard CLE credits. Application is also being made to the MSBA for 6.0 certified civil trial specialist credits. New Lawyer Scholarship Program 3:15 – 4:00 p.m. The Complaint and the Answer: Effectively Telling Your Client’s Story from the Get-Go What the rules require regarding content, form, signing, service and filing, and timing; tips for how to use these pleadings as an effective tool to tell the court your story. – William Z. Pentelovitch In recognition of the challenges facing lawyers entering the profession, Minnesota Continuing Legal Education has established a scholarship program for unemployed and underemployed lawyers admitted fewer than three years. Those wishing to apply for such assistance should contact Grant at 651-254-2111 or for details. ACCOMMODATION 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Significant Procedural / Rules Differences Between Minnesota State Court and Federal Court Includes changes to the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure and the General Rules of Practice for District Courts, effective July 1, 2013. – Jane E. Maschka Lunch (on your own) Mail form to: Minnesota CLE 2550 University Ave. West Suite #160-S St. Paul, MN 55114 Schedule times for replay may differ from the live presentation due to abbreviated lunch and break periods. Start time is as indicated below. Or call: 651-227-8266 or 800-759-8840 QUESTIONS? Call Minnesota CLE at 651-227-8266 or 800-759-8840 or visit us on the web at If you have a disability and need an accommodation in order to attend this seminar, please contact us as soon as possible. Contact Minnesota CLE at 2550 University Avenue West, Suite #160-S, Saint Paul, MN 55114 or call us at 651-227-8266 or 800-759-8840. CANCELLATION POLICY / NO-SHOW POLICY Paid registrants who cancel their registration at least 3 business days before the program will receive a full credit on their account; if fewer than 3 business days, a $25 administrative fee will be deducted. Paid registrants who fail to attend will receive the written materials. Passholders may purchase the course materials at 50% of the full retail price. How to Litigate a Case in Minnesota State Court Registration / Order Form Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Minnesota CLE Conference Center 507-14 | ccd Please “” appropriate box below: live – 10/2/13: $195 MSBA member $195 paralegal $245 standard rate $165 paralegal $215 standard rate video replay: $165 MSBA member Location: Date: NEW LAWYER DISCOUNT! I was first admitted to the bar after October 2, 2010, and have deducted $60 from the registration fee marked above. I have a Minnesota CLE Season PassSM. Pass # Check here if address below is new. Name (first) (mi) (last) Firm Address City/State/Zip Phone Fax Email Attorney License No. (if applicable) Profession, if non-attorney PROGRAM MATERIALS: I cannot attend. Please send me the following: copy(ies) of the course manual at $75 each. (available 10/10/13) Cost of book(s) $ Ship/Handling$ Subtotal$ Tax$ TOTAL$ S&H COST OF ITEM(S) $ 25.01 – 50������������������������������������������$6 $ 50.01 – 75������������������������������������������$7 $ 75.01 – 100����������������������������������������$8 $100.01 – 150���������������������������������������$9 $150.01 – 250�������������������������������������$12 $ 250.01+�������������������������������������������$15 Expedited shipping available TAX ON SUBTOTAL Pick the appropriate tax based on where the book is received. Minneapolis, MN.......................... 7.775% Saint Paul, MN.............................. 7.625% Hennepin Co. (outside Mpls.)...... 7.275% Ramsey Co. (outside St. Paul)...... 7.125% Anoka, Dakota, Washington Co... 7.125% All other MN................................. 6.875% Outside MN.................................. exempt Enclosed is $ by: Check (payable to Minnesota CLE) VISA Card No. Expiration Signature MasterCard Discover AmEx
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