Dr. Bernadeia H. Johnson Bernadeia.Johnson@mpls.k12.mn.us Objective To serve as a superintendent in a progressive school district that is committed to academic excellence for all students and the personal and professional growth of each member of the organization. Personal Belief All students should have high quality leaders and teachers and a rigorous curriculum that promotes and engages critical thinking and learning and prepares them for lifelong success. Professional Achievements Superintendent of Schools, July 2010-Present Minneapolis Public Schools – Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis Public Schools is the third-largest school system in Minnesota, serving approximately 35,000 pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade students in 76 educational sites, including 65 percent students from low income homes, 18 percent students receiving special education services and 24 percent English learners speaking 90 languages. Leads all functions and processes for the school district. Responsible for setting overall vision, goals and strategy; leadership and management oversight of all educational, administrative and operational functions; and engagement of internal and external stakeholders. Sets academic priorities and serves as primary decision-maker and spokesperson. Reports to locally elected school board. Oversees implementation of MPS strategic plan, which envisions every child college and career ready. Selected accomplishments include: Agent of change o Established the Office of Black Male Student Achievement as an equitable approach to tackling the challenges that exist for the school district’s black male students o Established a behavior standards policy in collaboration with staff, families and community partners o Placed a moratorium on nonviolent suspensions for students in pre-K through first grade, which led to a decrease in suspensions districtwide o Addressed inequities in discipline practices by undertaking a more systematic review of data related to discipline by race o Reviewed special education practices and took immediate steps to ensure instruction was more integrated and equitable o Pioneered efforts to evaluate teachers and principals ahead of state laws and other school districts Innovative o Worked with principals’ forum, teachers’ union and central office to establish major transformation around teacher quality, improving schools, teacher effectiveness, professional development, school autonomy and work assignment flexibility and alternative compensation o Established 10 high-priority schools in most need of accelerated student achievement and directed more resources to the support of those schools o Began implementation of community partnership schools, giving sites the opportunity to have greater autonomy and ownership over critical decisions Updated 12-16-14 related to staffing, instructional time and programs in exchange for accountability and results o Launched the Aspiring Transformational Principal Academy in collaboration with Minnesota State University, Mankato, to attract visionary, passionate leaders who are eager to assume principal roles and dramatically increase outcomes and opportunities for MPS students o Established Focused Instruction to ensure that learning expectations are consistent and high across MPS; Focused Instruction, sometimes called aligned or managed instruction, aligns what we teach with how we teach and what we assess in a continuous cycle o Established Office of College and Career Readiness to provide leadership, structures, programming and support to students, families, schools and district leadership Future-oriented o Adopted a structurally balanced budget focused on providing a high quality education to our students, cutting $25 million while aligning with the school district’s operational and strategic priorities and keeping reductions as far from the classroom as possible o Reviewed and streamlined central office departments, leadership and staff roles to ensure that work is being done in the most efficient way possible o Established six-year strategic plan, Acceleration 2020, with specific measurable goals that lead to long-term success of the school district Collaborative o Designed teacher evaluation system in collaboration with the teachers’ union o Began engagement efforts with staff (Homeroom with Superintendent Johnson) and the community (Soup with the Supe) to better understand their concerns and influence decision-making o On track to welcome the first ever student representative to the Board of Education in January, who will serve as a non-voting board member who influences school district policies and practices Committed to 21st-century learning and district transformation o Increased classroom technology integration and training for teachers o Donated thousands of computers to families in need o On track to launch student-based allocation, giving schools more autonomy to personalize the classroom experience for their students and teachers o Launched a new data dashboard, which allows school leaders to use data to inform decision-making and classroom instruction strategies for students Deputy Superintendent of Schools (2009-2010); Chief Academic Officer (2006-2010) Minneapolis Public Schools – Minneapolis, Minnesota Responsible for leadership and management oversight of schools, academic departments, student placement and support functions, including: associate superintendents and principals; curriculum and instruction; professional development; research, evaluation and assessment; magnet and alternative schools; athletics and student activities; attendance and counseling services; college and career readiness; and community and family engagement. Represented superintendent and school board externally as appropriate. Selected accomplishments include: MPS strategic plan – one of key architects of school district strategic plan, in collaboration with school board, external stakeholder advisory group and consultants Updated 12-16-14 Aligned instructional system – conducted external comprehensive curriculum audit and diagnostic audits of English learner and math instruction to lay groundwork for aligned instructional system; implemented Principles of Learning district-wide and developed supporting Theory of Action with school board Early childhood - expanded seats in 4-year old early childhood education program and access to all-day kindergarten for low income students College and career readiness – developed and implemented secondary redesign plan including the expansion of International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement programs to increase access to advanced coursework for all students Performance accountability – implemented new school performance framework, including value-added techniques and consequences menu; introduced external School Quality Reviews Principal human capital – implemented first principal performance evaluation; implemented first version of MPS Principal Academy; worked with St. Paul Public Schools on veteran principal development program based on NISL program Teacher human capital – partnered with Teach for America to enter Twin Cities; commissioned The New Teacher Project to analyze MPS human resources practices and contract provisions (resulting in improved mutual consent-based hiring practices and fewer layoffs/rehires) School turnaround – “Fresh-started” staffs of four low-performing schools New schools strategy – implemented new schools strategy, including authorizing 3 new high quality autonomous schools (1 open, 2 to open fall 2012; 2 charters, 1 teacher-led self-governed school, the only one in Minnesota) Operations – restructured portfolio of schools in north Minneapolis, including mergers and program changes to increase academic achievement and better utilize resources External relations – passed new $60 million levy, double previous size, with 73% voter support, despite poor economic climate in 2008 Strategic leadership – revised and updated school district priorities Deputy Superintendent of Schools, April 2004- July 2006 Memphis City Schools – Memphis, Tennessee Memphis City Schools is the largest school system in the State of Tennessee and the 21stlargest school system in the nation, serving more than 119,000 students in over 200 educational sites. Responsible for the creation of the Academic Leadership Team (ALT), which included representatives from academic departments, to focus on the clear alignment of academically focused work. ALT 2005-2006 Major Accomplishments: Academic Destinations – academic goals created to support student academic achievement and success Destination 1: Accelerate learning for all students toward graduation Identified and implemented district-wide formative assessment Revised and created district policies that supported Academic Destinations Established an extended year program that increased district graduation rates Implemented district-wide course recovery program to address overage for grade students Updated 12-16-14 Implemented attendance initiative – proactive approach that support student attendance o Created Student Assistance Review Team (SART) – school team o Created Student Assistance Review Board (SARB) – district team Created and implemented School Improvement and Alternative Governance plan for schools in high priority Established Parent Assembly and Parent Advisory Council with representatives from all Memphis City Schools Destination 2: Create safe and welcoming school environments Created and implemented Blue Ribbon Plan – major initiative launched after the removal of corporal punishment as a strategy for student discipline Established District Discipline Oversight Committee Established Elementary Alternative Schools Five-year academic plan that supported superintendent’s mission: Every Child, Every Day, College Bound: K-12 articulation of core programs at elementary, middle and high school level Access to academic programs throughout the district in each geographical area Middle school and high school reform with emphasis on transitions, ninth-grade academies, small learning communities and increased graduation rates Meet or exceed academic achievement goals Restructured division for greater efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of services, allowing for a “laser-sharp” focus on supporting the instructional core: the relationship among the teacher, student and the curriculum. Created cross-functional teams (academic focused teams, e.g. curriculum and instruction and exceptional children) and critical connectors (operations focused teams, e.g. human resources and budget and finance) in order to support improved collaboration among various departments with the goal of providing cohesive strategies to support district and school improvement. Principal – Elizabeth Hall Community School, July 1999-March 2004 Minneapolis Public Schools – Minneapolis, Minnesota Established systems and processes that supported student and staff growth and success. Moved school from Tier I to Tier II status by increasing Quality Performance Indicators (Q.P.I.) Moved school to “Safe Harbor” AYP status. Established site leadership team, created partnerships within the community and created a professional learning environment and a culture and climate that were safe for all members of the learning community. Managed the school improvement process and the allocation of resources. Identified opportunities to increase resources through grants and the use of community volunteers. Assistant Principal – Saturn Riverfront Academy; Intern Assistant Principal – Saturn Riverfront Academy; Fifth-grade Teacher – Highwood Hills Elementary School, 1991-1999 St. Paul Public Schools – St. Paul, Minnesota Financial Analyst, 1979-1991 First Bank System – Minneapolis, Minnesota Professional Strengths Staff Development Member of a team that created an administrator’s academy focused on instructional leadership and operational management themes and topics that were subsequently used as Updated 12-16-14 the framework for monthly principals’ and assistant principals’ meetings. Established professional development for new principals that scaffolded topics in a three-year scope and sequence for continual development of leadership skills. Assigned each first-year principal an experienced principal mentor; other principals were provided mentor support as required. Established a professional development center focused on job-embedded staff development. Served on district-level special education committee and teacher and principal negotiation committees. Mentored teachers and principals. Presented and facilitated various district, state and national workshops. Curriculum Leader Periodic identification and review of curriculum and educational programs for districtwide adoption and implementation. Initiated and oversaw completion of independent curriculum audit, resulting in action on 10 specific recommendations to align and establish consistent curriculum and assessment practices across the school district. Advised in adoption of new K-12 math textbook that aligned to current state standards. Advisor to early childhood task force for creating curriculum standards, report cards and entry assessments for kindergarteners. Advised elementary literacy coaches on strategies to improve implementation of elementary literacy initiative. Created opportunities for teachers to share instructional strategies for curriculum and standards implementation. Assisted staff in creating a scope and sequence for reading and math that aligned with the state standards and the district’s curriculum. Created cross grade-level and grade-level study groups that met weekly to review current research, view videos of classroom instruction and review student work. Received grants totaling over one million dollars that increased staff knowledge of how to teach reading and create classroom environments to improve student achievement. Conducted “Collegial Conversations” with teachers to understand classroom needs in order to appropriately allocate resources to support teacher and student success. Partnership Builder Created ELL commission to address academic needs of English learners in MPS. Created Special Education task force to strengthen transitions for students receiving special education services. Created Memorandum of Agreement with the Metropolitan Urban Indian Directors (MUID) to work collaboratively to dramatically improve outcomes for American Indian students. Co-chaired building leadership team in the successful implementation of the school’s improvement plan. Created partnerships with community organizations, local businesses and faith-based organizations to tutor students in reading, increase school attendance, purchase books for the media center, provide computers for families and construct a new playground. Partnered with various advisory councils to support teacher induction and teacher education programs. Leveraged partnerships. Effective Leader Provided vision of school improvement to all stakeholders through effective communication, allocation of resources, collaborative problem solving, decision-making, support and accountability. Member of a team using a Harvard case study focused on using data in decision-making as a model to create Directing Accountability Towards Achievement (D.A.T.A.). Identified opportunities for district and schools to participate in federal, state and private grants to increase opportunities for additional resources to support school improvement goals as well as job-embedded professional development. On a team that established the Sara Lewis Principal of the Year Award to recognize Updated 12-16-14 outstanding principal leadership and the Friends of Educators award for retired principals that continue to go over and beyond to support Memphis City Schools. Created Sabbaticals on Site (S.O.S.) and worked with union representative to create flexible time to allow for extended opportunities to engage in professional development within the duty day. Created “tune-ups” as a vehicle for staff to communicate issues and concerns to administrator. Written and Verbal Skills Built a communications platform to transform organizational culture and create widespread external support for the school district. Effectively communicated ideas and information to staff, site leadership team, parents and students both in written and verbal form. Held regular listening sessions with internal and external stakeholders. Communicated with key community and education stakeholders regularly through multiple channels. Submitted monthly columns in Minneapolis’ community and ethnic newspapers to communicate about issues that impact families. Used radio spots, video and audio messages and Twitter account to build relationships and highlight key milestones and decisions that impact MPS families and community stakeholders. Education University of Minnesota (2011) University of Minnesota Bush Educators’ Program St. Mary’s University University of St. Thomas (2006) (1997) (1997) (1992) Alabama A & M University (1981) Educational Policy and Administration Doctorate Superintendent’s licensure Certificate of program completion Principal’s licensure Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts Communication Disorders Bachelor of Science Honors/ Awards National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (1995-2005) Recipient of the Mary Q. Feidt Leadership Award – New Principal (2002) Nominated for the Minneapolis Public Schools’ Elementary Principal of the Year (2004) MinnSPRA District Leadership for Excellence in Communications Award (2012) University of St. Thomas Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award (2012) Recipient of George Family Foundation recognition (2014) Professional Service Minnesota Association of School Administrators Board Twin Cities Public Television Board of Trustees Ordway Theatre Board of Directors African American Leadership Forum Minneapolis Youth Coordinating Board AchieveMpls Board of Directors Phillips Eye Institute Capital Campaign cabinet member Mid-South Reads Board of Directors – Memphis Tennessee Urban Leadership Academy Advisory Board – University of Minnesota Teacher Education Advisory Board – University of Minnesota Collaborative Urban Educator Program Advisory Board – University of St. Thomas Career-in-Teaching co-chair – Mpls Federation of Teachers/Mpls Public Schools Selection committee for Minnesota Teacher of the Year Selection committee for participants in the St. Paul Public Schools’ Leadership Academy Member of negotiations committee for teachers and principals – Mpls Public Schools Member of negotiations committee – Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Assoc Member of the Hawthorn Huddle – Minneapolis Northside community organization Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education – Board of Examiners (NCATE) Updated 12-16-14 Professional Associations Scholia (professional education association) Learning Forward (formerly National Staff Development Council) Phi Delta Kappa Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development National Association of Elementary School Principals Minnesota Association of Elementary School Principals Council of Great City Schools National Alliance of Black School Educators Minnesota Alliance of Black School Educators Continuing Education Harvard University Public Education Leadership Project (PELP) Memphis Leadership Academy Metropolitan Principal’s Academy (Fullan, Marzanno, Schmoker) Independent study – continuous review of educational research, books, programs and practices in the areas of educational policy and leadership, issues of social justice and equity, program evaluation and staff development’s impact on student achievement. References Provided upon request Updated 12-16-14
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