DISCLAIMER The publishers do not assume any responsibilities whatsoever under any condition or circumstances. It is recommended that the reader obtain their own independent advice. FIRST EDITION 2011 Copyright © 2011 by Teddy Garcia and Jay Abraham All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author. ISBN: 9781466459717 Published by Geared for Success Publishing Raleigh, NC For further information about orders call 919-342-0257 I’d like to dedicate this book to my parents for always believing in me and enabling me to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. I’d like to thank my family for their incredible love and support and for helping me navigate the complex balance between work and family life. I love you all and I’m truly grateful for the joy and meaning you’ve added to my life. Most importantly, I’d like to thank God for leading me down this path and blessing me with the ability and knowledge to help others build a more rewarding and meaningful life. -Teddy Garcia Acknowledgements This book would never have been written if it wasn’t for the amazing experts, authors, coaches, mentors and entrepreneurs I’ve had the pleasure of learning from and working with. I’m truly fortunate to be able to work with some of the best business and marketing minds in the world today and it is thru their support, training and encouragement that I have finally been ever to complete this project. I’d like to start by thanking my co-author Jay Abraham for his constant mentoring and nurturing of me to become the best I can be and for pushing me to a higher level than I ever dreamed possible. Of course I would’ve never met Jay if it wasn’t for Rich Shefren and Brian Johnson who were the first people to believe in me and give me an opportunity to enter the information marketing world working with the best in the business. Thank you both for your continued trust, support and friendship. My business and professional life has also been impacted by many other coaches and mentors including: Spike Humer, Jon Butcher, Perry Marshall, Dan Kennedy, Eben Pagan, James Malinchak, Larry Benet, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Bill Walsh, Ron Rosenberg, Jim Rohn, Howie Schwartz, Mark Ress, Ryan Deiss, Mary Ellen Tribby, Jeff and Jon Walker, and Mike Koenigs. I also want to thank all of my team members for their hard work and dedication to the vision of our company. Table Of Contents Introducing The SalesVortex ................................................ 1 Key Objectives for an Effective SalesVortex........................ 7 Differentiate Yourself From The Competition ............ 8 Educate Your Prospects and Surface Their Key Pain Points ........................................................................... 10 Gather Market Research ............................................. 10 Establish Trust and Social Proof ................................. 11 Present Your Solution ................................................. 12 Make Selling Easier ..................................................... 12 Remain Top of Mind With Prospects ......................... 13 Maintain Consistent Messaging .................................. 13 Allow Sales Processes To Be Measured And Refined . 14 Identify Your Best Lead Sources ................................. 14 Require Less Human Intervention ............................. 15 How To Build an Engaging and Profitable SalesVortex ... 17 Get Your Prospect’s Attention..................................... 18 Provide a Clear Call to Action ..................................... 18 Capture Their Contact Information ............................ 19 Educate and Nurture Your Prospects ........................ 20 Convert Prospects Into Customers ............................ 20 Upsell Your Customers................................................ 21 Deliver Results & Exceed Your Customer’s Expectations ............................................................... 22 Get Referrals ............................................................... 22 How To Attract Prospects To Your SalesVortex So They Get Sucked In ......................................................................23 Typical Forms of Marketing ....................................... 24 SalesMagnets ...............................................................32 The Online Sales Process ........................................... 34 How To Create a Messaging Plan For Each Stage Of The SalesVortex .......................................................................... 37 Creating Lots Of Content Quickly And Easily ........... 39 Message Timing .......................................................... 40 The 8 Critical Messaging Stages ................................ 40 Pre Sales Messaging .................................................... 41 Working Lead Conversion Process ............................. 41 New Client Welcome Sequence.................................. 46 Project Completed Stage ............................................ 49 Ascension Promotions................................................. 51 Referral Gathering Campaigns ...................................53 Ongoing Nurturing Communications ......................... 55 Client Reactivation Campaign .................................... 57 Tracking User Activity and Marketing Effectiveness ....... 61 Ways to Track ............................................................. 64 Landing Page Conversion Rate ...................................65 Email Open Rate..........................................................67 Email Clickthru Rate .................................................. 69 Sales Conversion Rate ................................................ 69 Lifetime Value ............................................................ 70 Cost Per Lead ............................................................... 72 Revenue Per Lead ........................................................ 73 Revenue Per Visitor ..................................................... 73 Campaign ROI .............................................................74 Valuable Tools and Resources To Make Your Life Easier 77 Project Management and Collaboration.....................78 Marketing Automation ............................................... 80 Process Mapping ........................................................ 82 Conclusion .................................................................. 83 Introducing The SalesVortex vor·tex [vawr-teks] noun 1.) a rotating motion around a center, especially one in which a force of suction operates so that particles are drawn to or held by their relationship with a central point or zone. 2.) a state of affairs likened to a whirlpool for creating an irresistible force. 3.) a cyclical force regarded as drawing into its powerful current everything that surrounds it If those bolded terms don’t describe your current sales and marketing processes, then you and your sales staff are not only working too hard, you’re most certainly leaving aton of money on the table. In scientific terms (with business application metaphors imputed) vortexes happen when a cold air front (think cold leads) meets a warm air front (warm, inviting marketingbased relationship) and the cold air drops as the warm air rises (gains connectivity). Our strategy in creating the sales vortex is to provide you a meaningful way of changing mindset, educating people about your product/service company and getting them energized to want to do business with you. A properly constructed, highly optimized, targeted and relevant SalesVortex is THE most powerful tool in your sales and marketing arsenal, yet most business owners don’t have one implemented and a lot of entrepreneurs have never even heard of one. Some people in this industry like to dumb it down and just call it a sales or marketing “funnel” but what we’re going to talk about here is exponentially more powerful than that. 2 www.TheSalesVortex.com You see, a funnel requires gravity in order to work. You pour something in at the top (prospects) and you hope that they make it thru the pressure of the narrow tube and come out at the bottom as customers. A Vortex is different. It doesn’t require gravity. It is an extremely powerful force that draws highly targeted prospects into your website with an irresistible offer and then sucks them thru an array of diverse, multi-media value propositions that position you as the only logical, rational and economically viable option for your product or service. And best of all…. when built properly, it’s completely automated and runs on autopilot 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your success probability multiplies many times higher if/when you embrace the SalesVortex strategy rather than doing the topical episodic, static-type, intermittent followup process – most businesses practice. In this report, you will discover the specifics of building a powerful and immensely profitable SalesVortex. You will also learn the detailed tips, tricks and strategies you need to consider when creating a SalesVortex for your business. We looked at everything that’s critical… differentiation, the key questions to ask, educating your prospects, key pain points, a look at trust and social proof and other critical objectives to consider. We’ve tried to clearly explain the basic requirements you need to incorporate into your SalesVortex. 3 www.TheSalesVortex.com We’ve introduced some meaningful thinking on how to attract more/better quality prospects. We’ve examined all of the ways to deliver targeted prospects. We discuss building your SalesVortex online. We walk you through a rather provocative concept called “Motion Sensor” marketing. We show you fundamentals of how to astutely track user activity and marketing effectiveness. We identify important tools and resources you should know about. After you’ve finished reading this illuminating document, you’ll clearly understand: • 31 different ways to attract highly targeted prospects to your SalesVortex. • 8 key questions for creating a powerful unique/preeminent selling proposition • What to do to avoid, eliminate, overcome buyer’s remorse (that can lead to cancellations, refunds, no repurchase) • The 8 key messaging stages a prospect must pass thru in order to become not only a customer, but a raving champion for your business. 4 www.TheSalesVortex.com • How to install motion sensor marketing trip wires in your SalesVortex that will alert you of the exact time you should send your sales team in for the close. • The 9 key metrics every business owner must know in order to maximize their profitability and conversions (and how to track them). • The best tools and resources that you’ve probably never heard of that will make you more profitable, more productive, more organized and can help you automate everything we’re going to cover. • And much… much… more… Let’s get started by discussing the key components and primary objectives for your SalesVortex. 5 www.TheSalesVortex.com 6 www.TheSalesVortex.com Key Objectives for an Effective SalesVortex 7 www.TheSalesVortex.com The primary purpose of any business is to create a new client or customer. Bottom-line…without buyers and transactions, no enterprise can sustain, let alone survive. Therefore the primary goal of a s SalesVortex is to create a new customer. In order to build a powerful SalesVortex that consistently adds new customers to your business you must perform all of the key actions that follow. Differentiate Yourself From The Competition If you don’t give your prospects a compelling reason to buy from you instead of your competition, you are essentially forcing your prospects to buy based solely on price. You must be the one that educates your prospects on what their buying criteria should be. Therefore, it should be obvious that you want them to focus on the buying criteria that make you the best in your field. Having the lowest price or fastest/friendliest service is all good, but it doesn’t necessarily make you unique. Anyone can under-price you, especially if they understand their metrics properly. (Just like you will when you’re done reading this book.) Instead, what you need is something truly unique to brag about. Discuss things that no other competitor can match, because they do not know what you know - because they haven’t lived the life you’ve lived - and at the end of the day, they’re simply not you. This is called your Unique Selling Proposition or USP. 8 www.TheSalesVortex.com ‘‘Your entire marketing and operational success should be built upon your Unique Selling Proposition. It’s ludicrous to operate any business without carefully crafting a clear, strong, appealing USP into the very fabric of that business’s daily existence.’’ -- Jay Abraham Key Questions for a Powerful Unique Selling Proposition 1. What are the Pain Points that will motivate your prospect to pay attention? For instance, if someone was in the middle of a divorce, a headline such as “Are YOUR kids calling HER Mommy now?” would quickly get that person’s attention. 2. What are the Pain Points that will motivate a prospect to take action faster? What will they lose, miss out on, or suffer the consequence of if they don’t act now? 3. What pleasures should the prospect/client want to attain, achieve and experience or get from your product, service or company? 4. What will their life be like once you’ve solved this problem for them? 5. What is the biggest single payoff, benefit or result your product, service, company produces/delivers. 6. What are ten advantages you have (or can create) over your competition, tangible or intangible? 7. What are five things everyone should look for in a product or service like yours? 8. What are some metaphors or similes that analyze or illustrate what else having your product or service in their lives is like? 9. Now combine all of these and explain in 1 sentence why you alone can solve these problems for your prospects in a unique and compelling way. For example, mine is: “We eliminate all the technical and marketing challenges small business owners struggle with by building intelligent, automated marketing systems that produce more profits, from more customers so you can experience the true freedom you always wanted when you started your business and spend more of your time doing the things you really love.” 9 www.TheSalesVortex.com Educate Your Prospects and Surface Their Key Pain Points Once you’ve figured out your key points of differentiation, you need to figure out your prospect’s key pain points and what is the real problem they’re trying to solve. Remember, you don’t ever go to Home Depot to buy a drill. You go to Home Depot to buy a tool to make a hole… so you can run a wire through your wall, so you can hang your brand new plasma, so you can enjoy watching movies with your family in high-definition, so your spouse won’t constantly be annoyed by a bunch of ugly cables visible everywhere in the living room. (Of course what they really wanted you to do is to have hired a professional to do it!) If you didn’t catch that golden tip I just gave you in the last paragraph, go back and read it again. When you want to surface the real reason someone buys something, simply keep writing out what your product or service will do using some form of the words “so you can” as many times as possible until you get down to the deeper-level buying motive. Then talk about and elaborate on that throughout all your marketing. Gather Market Research Often the best way to figure out what your prospects and customers really want is to simply ask them. Most will gladly tell you and others can be incentivized to do so. Some good questions to ask would be: 10 www.TheSalesVortex.com • What prompted you to look for a solution today? • How difficult has it been to find exactly what you are looking for? • If I could deliver your ideal solution, what would it look like? • How much would you expect to pay for a solution like the one you’ve described? Establish Trust and Social Proof At the end of the day, prospects buy from you because you are offering something of value to them AND because they know, like and trust you. If they don’t trust you, they typically won’t buy from you, no matter how much value you offer them. The more that you can establish trust, primarily through testimonials, case studies, guarantees, and proving your worth, the better off you’re going to be and the more likely you are to get the sale. You can also do this by presenting your level of expertise to the prospect throughout your marketing messaging. A little later, we’ll teach you different ways you can use your SalesVortex to establish trust with someone you’ve never met thru the effective use of testimonials and other social proof and positioning elements. 11 www.TheSalesVortex.com Present Your Solution This is where you tie all the previous steps together and present your most compelling argument that will convince your prospects that you truly understand what they need, that you are the one most uniquely qualified to fill that need and that they can trust you to do what you say you can do in the timeframe you say you can do it and for the amount you say it will cost. Good copywriting is critical here. You want your written words to speak to your prospects just like you would if you were sitting across the table from them at a restaurant. If you really want to get this right, record and transcribe yourself telling one of your buddies what you do and why you’re the best at it over a drink. Make Selling Easier By the time your salespeople talk to a prospect that has been in your “A Properly Designed SalesVortex, they should know a Salesvortex Should Make ton of information about you Selling Superfluous.” including what you sell, how you sell it, why you’re the most logical choice, the wonderful results other people have gotten from doing business with you and how you’re going to guarantee that they are completely satisfied. If you do this properly, your salespeople will simply need to take orders from prospects who are already eager to buy. 12 www.TheSalesVortex.com Remain Top of Mind With Prospects As with everything else in life, nothing is 100%. Some prospects will not be ready to buy no matter how good your strategy is or how convincing your copy is. Some people are just not at the right stage in their buying cycle yet. But roughly 40-70% of your leads will buy from you (or your competitor) eventually, according to MarketingSherpa. Your goal is to remain in the forefront of their thinking so that when they ARE ready, they buy from you - not from your competitor. Keep feeding them and educating them with valuable and entertaining information and eventually they’ll come around. Maintain Consistent Messaging By having an automated SalesVortex in place with predefined messaging that has been carefully crafted to make sure each and every word conveys the correct meaning and elicits the proper emotional response, you can be confident that each prospect is being talked to and educated properly and consistently - as opposed to human communication which can get clouded or be inconsistent if your salesperson gets a flat tire on the way to work or has a fight with their spouse the night before. 13 www.TheSalesVortex.com Allow Sales Processes To Be Measured And Refined One of the keys to success in marketing is testing, tracking and measuring everything you do. Having a defined sales process allows you to do this. You can test different subject lines, sales copy, offers, guarantees and more to find the exact winning combination. In most cases, the results will surprise you and may be just the opposite of what you assumed would perform better so always be testing! Without a systematized process it is virtually impossible to measure and refine the steps. However, once you systematize and automate the process, you can measure the effectiveness of each one of these steps and make any changes needed to maximize your sales and conversions. Identify Your Best Lead Sources Your prospects will enter your SalesVortex from a variety of lead sources and you can alter your messaging as necessary to match the source in order to maximize your conversions. But just the fact that you have a pre-defined process and entry point, is enough to allow you to effectively determine which lead sources are the most profitable, so you can focus on what works and eliminate what doesn’t. 14 www.TheSalesVortex.com Require Less Human Intervention The more you can automate your SalesVortex, the more money you’ll be able to make with fewer people. Ideally, you want the entire process - from start to finish - to be completely automated and never require any human interaction. Obviously, that’s not always possible but, regardless, you should view your SalesVortex as a full-time employee, EXCEPT this employee never gets sick, doesn’t need health insurance, works all day every day, never complains and, after a certain period of time, will not cost you anything but will continue to consistently produce additional revenue while you sleep, play golf, or vacation with your family somewhere tropical. 15 www.TheSalesVortex.com 16 www.TheSalesVortex.com How To Build an Engaging and Profitable SalesVortex 17 www.TheSalesVortex.com Now that we’ve covered the objectives of your SalesVortex and you understand all the benefits you’ll get when you implement it in your business, let’s talk about what you need to do in order to make the entire process engaging, educational and persuasive enough to add more profits to your bottom line. 1. Get Your Prospect’s Attention In today’s world, attention is the scarcest commodity. Your advertising and marketing messaging must be designed so it stops people in their tracks. The more you can stand out from the crowd, the better. Focus on bold, emotional headlines that are so compelling and benefit rich that they leave the prospect with no alternative but to stop and read the rest of the ad. Be sure to format your ad distinctively so it stands apart from any other ads. The last thing you want is to look like everyone else in your industry. This is one of the reasons why you should always design your own ads and not leave it up to a designer that wants it to look good in their portfolio but could care less about how effective it is for you. 2. Provide a Clear Call to Action If you don’t tell your prospects what to do, chances are they will do nothing. Most businesses send people to their website and hope 18 www.TheSalesVortex.com that those visitors will magically find their way to your contact form and voluntarily submit their information. In reality, most website contact form requests are from vendors trying to sell you something instead of a qualified prospect interested in purchase something from you. Give all of your website visitors a clear and focused call to action. Tell them exactly what to do. Use arrows and other graphics to make it extremely obvious what their next action should be. This applies to all your marketing, not just your website. Always tell reader what action they must take next. 3. Capture Their Contact Information Once you have their attention and you’ve driven them to your website, you want them to give you their name, email and ideally their mobile phone number. This is how they will enter your SalesVortex. In order to do this, you have to offer something of value. We’ll discuss some of the SalesMagnets you can offer prospects so they’ll share this information shortly. Armed with this information, you can start to form a relationship. It’s similar to dating. If you meet someone you might want to have a relationship with, you typically need their name, email and phone number before anything else can happen. In fact, much of the marketing process is very analogous to dating. 19 www.TheSalesVortex.com 4. Educate and Nurture Your Prospects Once they’re in your SalesVortex, it’s time to let them get to know you so they’ll trust you. You also need to educate them and provide value so they’ll keep reading your messages and hear more about how you can help them solve their problem better than anyone else. Keep in mind that you need to do all of this, even if their problem is as simple as looking for a good Italian restaurant to eat at tonight. Many business owners want to throw up the objection that their business is different and this stuff doesn’t apply. THAT’S JUST A CRAPPY LIE YOU’RE TELLING YOURSELF! EVERY BUSINESS can and should implement this process if they want to be as successful as possible. And let’s face it, you don’t invest ridiculous amounts of time, money, sweat and energy running your business every day just to have marginal results, do you? You have a duty to yourself, your family and your team to maximize your results. To listen to an in depth interview I conducted with Jay about this issue, please go to http://www.thesalesvortex.com/interview to download it. 5. Convert Prospects Into Customers What is the easiest way to convert a prospect into a customer after you’ve given them a tremendous amount of valuable information, addressed all of their possible needs and concerns and positioned yourself or your company as the only viable and credible option to 20 www.TheSalesVortex.com solve their problem? Simple…Make them an outrageously valuable, completely risk-free, time-sensitive compelling offer and then just ASK THEM TO BUY NOW! I’ve run into so many timid business owners who are afraid of offending their prospects by “pitching” to them too much. Listen, you either believe that you offer something extremely valuable that everyone who has the problem you solve should buy, or you wouldn’t be in business right? If that’s the case, then it is your DUTY to do everything you morally and ethically can in order to get that prospect to buy from you so they can be free of that problem forever. 6. Upsell Your Customers Once you’ve convinced your prospect that you are the most logical choice and they have made a decision to do business with you, you want to make sure you maximize the trust and emotional currency you’ve worked so hard to create by upselling them on other products and services that can help solve their current problem (or other problems) faster, easier, cheaper, in a bigger, better or more effective way. The best time to get them to buy more from you is immediately after they’ve just agreed to purchase from 21 www.TheSalesVortex.com you for the 1st time. Based on our experience, we’ve found that nearly 30% of your customers will accept an upsell offer that is presented to them just after their initial purchase. 7. Deliver Results & Exceed Customer’s Expectations This is where a lot of business owners make a huge mistake. They feel that once the sale is made, the marketing process has ended. Au contraire! Once you’ve made the sale, the marketing really begins! You must now deliver what you promised, satisfy the customer’s expectations, and remove any sort of buyer’s remorse so they will help make your marketing more effective and less expensive by helping you to… 8. Get Referrals It’s critical that you WOW your customers so that they will refer you to other potential customers. Ideally, you want a business that is driven mainly by referrals from existing customers, because referral customers are much easier to acquire since a certain level of trust has already been granted to you based on the recommendation from their friend. Therefore, they are much less expensive to acquire and they’re typically a more valuable client at the end of the day. This is the reason Social Media Marketing is so effective…it’s all word of mouth recommendations from people you trust. But to do it right, you must also have an effective and automated referral system in place. 22 www.TheSalesVortex.com How To Attract Prospects To Your SalesVortex So They Get Sucked In 23 www.TheSalesVortex.com There are a variety of different tools and methods you can use to attract prospects into your SalesVortex. In this chapter we’ll review the most common ones and how best to utilize each one. Typical Forms of Marketing Let’s start with direct sales since it is the quickest, easiest, simplest, and oldest way of getting someone to make a purchase. It simply involves having a conversation - by picking up the phone, walking door-to-door, or finding a place where you can talk to people most likely to need what you have to offer. It’s best used when you have a long sales cycle, a high dollar service, or the client will need a lot of hand holding throughout the process. Next, you have “traditional advertising”. This includes radio, television, newspapers, magazines, etc., as well as direct mail and Yellow Pages advertising. Radio, Television and Newspapers are still widely used forms of marketing and can still be highly effective. The problem is most business owners allow the newspaper or radio/tv station to create their ads for them. What you end up with typically is a branding ad, instead of a direct response ad. What’s the difference? 24 www.TheSalesVortex.com A branding ad without a direct response component is negligent. A direct response ad without any branding is simply naïve. A branding ad typically features the business name or logo or some form of imagery or a list of features or services offered, but it fails to address pain points, provide any benefits and it doesn’t tell the prospect what their next step should be. A direct response ad typically starts with a bold and powerful headline designed to get your attention followed by a compelling story or offer to get you emotional or excited, and then closes with a clear and direct, timesensitive call to action telling you exactly what to do next. Now the reality is that in most cases you need both. Direct mail can also be a highly effective marketing method, but it is probably the least used and least understood. You really need to know what you’re doing in order to do it properly. Matching the right list of highly targeted prospects, who are both willing and able to buy what you’re offering, with a compelling, well-written, emotionally persuasive message is critical to your success here. Yellow Pages are quickly being replaced by search engine marketing, but can still be effective with certain types of businesses and certain demographics such as older buyers. Obviously the Internet has radically affected these traditional marketing vehicles since it often provides cheaper, faster, more effective and highly trackable marketing solutions. However, if the majority of your competitors only market themselves online, then going back to traditional 25 www.TheSalesVortex.com advertising can be a highly effective counterstrategy. You can also use outdoor advertising such as billboards, buses, benches, car wraps, little yard signs on the side of the road, etc… One of the cheapest and most effective forms of advertising, next to word of mouth referrals, is free publicity. You could do a press release and hope to get a story written about your business, or you could possibly land a media interview on a radio station or TV show that will further position you as an expert in your field. Both are great, virtually free ways to generate leads for your business. If you typically sell your product or service one client at a time and can generally convert someone from a prospect to a customer in less than a couple of hours, you should try selling at events so you can sell to multiple people at once. You or someone else can put on a live event, like a seminar or workshop, or you can exhibit at a trade show or a networking event that you attend. All of these are great ways to get your message out there quickly and feed lots of people into your SalesVortex. The most common way that we feed prospects into our client’s SalesVortex is thru online advertising methods. This involves using a combination of: • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or payper-click advertising to drive traffic to your website from a search engine at the exact moment 26 www.TheSalesVortex.com someone is looking for a solution to their problem. • Social media marketing through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn to leverage word of mouth and viral marketing tactics that can quickly spread your message far and wide. • Display advertising, which basically involves running banner ads on targeted sites across the web • Affiliate Marketing where you partner with other marketers, merchants, associations or anyone else who has lists of buyers similar to your ideal prospects. These affiliates promote your SalesMagnets to their list to entice them to enter your SalesVortex. The affiliates are then paid a commission on any sales you make to members of their list. • Co-registration, which is where you register for a product or some other offer on someone’s website and then you can check off boxes and say, hey, I’m also interested in this, this, and this, and they’ll add you to those mailing lists as well. Another variation of this is offering free trials or bonuses on the “Thank You” page of another highly congruent product or offer. • Ezine advertising, which is where you find people or companies that run an email newsletter and then advertise in those newsletters so you can pinpoint a select group of potential customers based on what they read. 27 www.TheSalesVortex.com Then there are new mobile marketing methods. Mobile is becoming ridiculously huge and is only going to get bigger. There are 3x as many mobile phones as there are PCs. And by 2015, more people will actually use the internet through a mobile device than through a desktop or laptop computer. The power of mobile marketing comes from the fact that our cellphone is the most intimate electronic device we have. It’s with us at all times, in our purse or next to our wallet - even next to our bed at night as we sleep. If we leave the house without it we will turn around to get it and if we can’t find it, sheer panic sets in as if you’ve lost your child in a crowded mall. We are conditioned, like Pavlov’s dog, to check it immediately whenever it rings, beeps or buzzes. This results in highly interactive, highly responsive marketing with great conversion rates. Mobile marketing is nowhere near as worn out as email is, so people currently respond to it much better than they do to email marketing. SMS text messaging is just one way to market to mobile users. You can use it to do couponing, contests, and interactive polls. Another way is to advertise in or create your own mobile app for a smartphone device. It doesn’t have to be super complex or expensive to create a mobile app that is an effective lead generation tool. Another often overlooked marketing tactic is joint venture promotions with vendors, partners, related businesses, related associations, and trade groups in your industry. 28 www.TheSalesVortex.com You really want to find people or businesses that already have large groups of your target customers and try to form a relationship with them so that you’re not going after one customer at a time. You’re going after large groups of customers that meet your target demographic. You can easily partner with a complimentary business such as the car wash who gives their customers a coupon for a slice of pizza at the Italian place next door while their car is being detailed, and the pizza place which in turn offers its customers a discount coupon on a car wash while they wait for their take out order. Or you can find partners such as an association or chamber of commerce that will promote you to their membership as a value add for their members. Jay has made hundreds of millions of dollars for his clients by identifying and negotiating strategic joint venture opportunities. 29 www.TheSalesVortex.com 31 Ways To Drive Targeted Prospects To Your Sales Vortex Direct Sales & Events Traditional Advertising Telemarketing Radio, TV, Newspaper, Magazine Door to Door Direct Mail Trade Shows Yellow Pages Networking Outdoor: Billboards, Buses, Car Wraps, Yard Signs Seminars Publicity Joint Venture Promotions Press Releases Media Interviews Affiliate Partners Associations/Trade Groups Online Advertising Mobile Marketing SEO/PPC Text/SMS Social Media Mobile Apps Display Advertising Coupons/Contests/Polls Co-Registration eZine Advertising Thank You Page/Bonus Giveaway 30 www.TheSalesVortex.com Last but certainly not least, there is what should be the focal point for all of the marketing efforts we just discussed - your website. You see, the key to all of these different types of marketing activities really is to drive somebody to your website so you can capture their contact information and put them into your SalesVortex. Therefore your website should be the primary call to action in all of your marketing, regardless of whether it’s an offline marketing campaign or an online marketing campaign. This is where you want to have people go to register for more information because it’s the easiest, simplest and most effective place to do it. Ideally, whenever you’re paying to send visitors to your website using the methods above, you should drive them to a dedicated landing page where the only thing they can really do on that page is take a single call to action. Your #1 goal when they arrive is to capture that person’s information so you can begin an ongoing conversation with them. Either they fill out the form, call you or they leave. That’s the goal of the page and, frankly, the goal of the entire promotion. You don’t want them browsing around your site and looking for the contact us or the newsletter request form. You want to make it ridiculously obvious and simple for them to take your desired next step. 31 www.TheSalesVortex.com SalesMagnets The best way to extract this information from a prospect is to offer them something valuable that they must register for in order to get. We call these SalesMagnets. What’s a SalesMagnet? Well, there are lots of different types of SalesMagnets available… • You can offer an e-book or a white paper or a case study report. • You can offer tips or a resource list. • You can offer a free trial or demonstration of your product, service, or software. • You can offer a free sample. • You can offer a discount coupon. • You can put people into an educational email or video series that trains them on a certain topic related to their business or pain points. • You can provide them with checklists, mind maps, process maps. People love checklists. Checklists are a great giveaway because they’re very useful, and you can also use them to educate the prospect on everything that they aren’t doing but should be doing – which, of course, you can help them with. • Quizzes, assessments, valuations are the same kind of thing. You’re really pointing out here all the stuff that they’re not even aware of that they’re not doing but should be. 32 www.TheSalesVortex.com • Free consultation or strategy session, if that fits your business model and you can afford to do it. Both are a great way for you to not only prove your value to a prospect, but also for you to interview the prospect and decide if you want to work with them. • A free quote – maybe it’s for something like auto insurance or life insurance. • Access to an interview you’ve done with a famous celebrity or someone interviewing you that has a lot of good, valuable information. The key to a successful SalesMagnet is to make it something of high value that someone is willing to exchange their contact information for in order to get. As a result of giving you their contact information in order to get this resource, they are then by default entering into your SalesVortex where they will continue to be marketed to with additional information and valuable content that will encourage them to eventually become a customer. Keep in mind however that although your SalesMagnet should be designed so it highlights your strengths and illuminates your competitor’s weaknesses, it should not be a complete sales piece. It should provide a tremendous amount of value. In some cases it should tell the person almost everything they need to know in order to solve their problem. This will make a prospect feel like they’ve just gotten something valuable from you, so now they owe you something in return. This is called reciprocity and is an extremely powerful marketing weapon when utilized properly. 33 www.TheSalesVortex.com The Online Sales Process Depending on your type of business, after the user registers for your SalesMagnet, you may want to immediately present them with a Sales Letter. A Sales Letter is basically a web page (typically a really LONG one) that outlines the details of your offer, gives the prospect a ton of compelling reasons why they should buy your product or service, offers a variety of social proof to prove you can do what you say you can do, addresses all of the prospect’s possible objections, reverses all of the prospect’s risk with some form of a guarantee and gives them the ability to buy instantly. Its level of success depends on your sales cycle. i.e, whether your product, service or solution requires human interaction to actually close the sale or is an easy purchase that can be completed electronically without any human intervention at all. Some websites will also have an exit offer, which means if someone tries to leave the sales or landing page without buying or registering, they are presented with another offer to buy at a reduced price, or maybe to take a payment plan, or just one last ditch effort before the person actually leaves the page to complete the purchase or register for more information. If they do purchase, they typically go through what we call a purchase bump. This is where you’re increasing the initial sale amount by offering, for example, a higher level version. So if they buy a new gold package, you can offer them a platinum package that includes additional features, additional bonuses, etc. 34 www.TheSalesVortex.com Now regardless of whether they take the purchase bump or not, you should always offer them some sort of an upsell. The reality is that 30% of people who have just made a buying decision to buy from you are more likely to buy something else from you at that point in time. So if you don’t offer it, you’re simply leaving money on the table. But don’t necessarily stop there … A downsell is an offer presented to the person who doesn’t buy an upsell offer, maybe because it’s too expensive. So you can offer them a downsell instead. Maybe it’s that same product, but a lesser version of it, or a lower-priced version of it, or a payment plan version of it. Whatever it is, chances are good that some percentage of buyers will take the downsell. So once again, it’s additional profit for you. Finally, the last part of the online sales funnel is your thank you page. Here you’re thanking them for their purchase, but you may also decide to use this page to offer them what we talked about before: a co-registration, or maybe you have a related affiliate promotion that you want to offer somebody. There’s a variety of different things you can do here to generate additional revenue from this customer. 35 www.TheSalesVortex.com 36 www.TheSalesVortex.com How To Create a Messaging Plan For Each Stage Of The SalesVortex 37 www.TheSalesVortex.com Let’s talk a little bit about the typical buying stages. You want to create a multi-step messaging plan for each stage of the buying cycle. The goal here is to combine various types of messaging. You want a mix of modalities and touch points so your messaging should consist of content like: • Emails • Free reports • Audio and video presentations • A series of phone calls from a live person or an automated phone call that just leaves a voice mail message • A post card or a letter in the mail • And then you can also add some mobile text SMS messaging The reality is, people like to consume information differently. Some people like to read. Some people like to watch. Some people like to listen. The more modalities you use to communicate with your prospects and the more you vary the places where you contact them - such as their computer, their mailbox, or their cell phone - the more you become top of mind and have a better chance of actually getting the prospect to pay attention to your message. 38 www.TheSalesVortex.com Creating Lots Of Content Quickly And Easily Creating all of this messaging content sounds a bit daunting bit it can actually be very simple… As your salespeople are talking to prospects throughout the day, you want them to identify the prospect’s key questions and objections and have them take note of these. You can also record these sales conversations and then have them transcribed into text and edited into different pieces of marketing copy. Then what you want to do is take all those questions and all those objections, find the answers or rebuttals to them, and create messaging in the form of emails, blog posts, sales letters, videos, podcasts, special reports or interviews with an expert on the topic. Now you have all of this messaging you can add to your SalesVortex that will address the most common questions or objections raised by prospects. If you’re a member of Glazer-Kennedy’s Insiders Circle, you may have noticed how they do this when promoting their events. They will write the complete sales letter for the event first and then they will break each part of the sales letter into different pieces of content for promoting the event such as videos, audio interviews, teleseminars, emails, newsletter inserts and blog posts. They do the hard work once then slice and dice it into a variety of different formats. 39 www.TheSalesVortex.com Message Timing When you’re planning out the spacing of your messages, you may want to use what’s called a Fibonacci frequency pattern. Fibonacci is basically a sequence where the first two numbers are 0 and 1, and then each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. So basically it goes like this, you start with 0 and 1 as the base, then it would go, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc., This means that message 1 goes out on day 1. Message 2 goes out on day 2. Then another message on day 3. Then the next message goes out on day 5. Then on day 8, then on day 13, then on day 21, etc. This will give you a naturally occurring pattern that is effective, but not too aggressive and also moves people through your messaging at a consumable rate. The 8 Critical Messaging Stages Let’s talk about messaging stages. Basically there are 8 messaging stages that we need to create communications for. They are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pre-Sales Messaging Working Lead Conversion New Client Welcome Sequence Project Completed Stage Ascension Promotions Referral Gathering Campaign Ongoing Nurturing Communications Client Reactivation Campaign 40 www.TheSalesVortex.com Pre Sales Messaging The first stage is targeted at your cold leads. While they’re a cold lead, you want to send them some introductory information about you and your business. This should be grounding material that educates the prospect as to why you’re THE expert in this field and what makes you different from your competitors. This usually comes in the form of one of the free SalesMagnets we just discussed. In the pre-sales stage, you want to send them as much additional valuable content as is necessary to get them to raise their hand and take the next action step. Ideally, you want them to actually buy something from you or at least request a call, an appointment, or visit your place of business if you operate offline. In this stage, you should also confirm the prospect’s request to receive more information from you by email. This is known as a double-optin confirmation. While this is not a mandatory step, it will help you remain compliant with all the CAN-SPAM laws and email deliverability rules and helps make sure your emails actually get delivered properly. Working Lead Conversion Process If they make a purchase during the pre-sales messaging, they will jump to the new client welcome sequence, but if they request any other methods of contacting you, 41 www.TheSalesVortex.com they will simply move to the next stage which is the working lead conversion process. Once they move to the working lead stage, your goal is to identify their needs and wants, then send them a proposal or offer that solves their problem, handles their objections, and closes the sale. This is often best accomplished with a sales letter. In order to identify the prospect’s needs and wants, you can do a phone interview, an in-person interview or you can send them to an online survey or an ASK campaign. An ASK campaign is where people give you answers to questions. Then the software will tell you what the most common answers are and pull out certain buzzwords that people type over and over in answer to those questions. You want to make sure you use those buzzwords throughout your marketing messages. With some email marketing systems, such as Infusionsoft™ CRM, you can also use what we call a selfsegmenting trackable link to identify a prospect’s specific pain points or areas of interest. The way this works is you send the prospect an email and it has links to different types of content related to various problems or interests your prospect has. When they click on any of those links they are essentially telling you that they have an interest in that subject. Now we can configure the CRM system to automatically adjust the messaging and the type of information you’re sending to this prospect in order to be more congruent with the subjects they’ve just expressed an interest in. 42 www.TheSalesVortex.com Pretty cool and powerful, huh? Another way to identify what a user is interested in is thru website analytics software that allows you to track a user’s movement thru your site. This will give you a very good idea of what the most popular content on your site is, what people are most interested in, what pages they spend the most time on, and what pages they spend the least amount of time on. All of these different data points can then be measured and tracked to help you identify common needs and wants of your target market. Something else you should do at some point when you’re working a lead is to send them a proposal or make them an offer. Again, whenever you’re sending proposals, it’s best to standardize your service offerings so you can generate proposals quickly. (In some cases, you can completely automate the process.) You should structure your packages into good, better and best options. When doing this, Dan Ariely, author of Predictably Irrational, recommends that in order to improve the chances of someone choosing the best option, you want to make the better option a decoy to some degree. What he means is that you want to make the difference between the better and the best option dramatically different in terms of features and benefits, but you want to make the best offer just a little bit more expensive than the better option. You want to design it so there’s no reason not to buy the best offer, because the difference in value is huge, 43 www.TheSalesVortex.com but the difference in price is small. This will help push people to the higher priced offer. A great example of this is Busch Gardens Amusement park tickets. You can buy a 1 day pass to Busch Gardens for about $50 or you can buy a season pass for about $65. If you live within a reasonable driving distance to the park, wouldn’t you spend the extra $15 just in case you wanted to go back 1 more time during the season? For a family of 4 that would cost you less then the price of another 1 day ticket for just 1 person, so it’s really a no-brainer. This is a powerful pricing strategy that I strongly encourage you to implement. Okay, so after you’ve presented the prospect with a proposal and pricing terms, you want to handle your prospect’s objections. This is where what we talked about before in terms of gathering this information during different sales calls and client interviews will become invaluable. You need to address any objections they still have. You want to acknowledge them. You want to accept them. And ideally you want to reverse them. What I mean is that whatever their objection is, turn it around and make that the reason they should buy! For example, if they say that the price is too high, the reason they may feel the price is too high could be because they’re not currently making enough money in their business to afford it. So make that the reason that they need to buy! Explain in detail how you can make them more money so they don’t ever have to worry about the price of something again. Just be aware though, most price 44 www.TheSalesVortex.com related objections are more about trust or a perceived lack of value than about the actual dollar amount. Another example would be if they say it’s not the right time. Since the economy is so bad, they want to preserve their cash. Once again, make this the reason to do it right now! Make the glass half-full for them. If the economy is bad, then probably all of their competitors are thinking the same way. They assume it’s time to cut expenses and since marketing is always the easiest expense to cut, it usually goes first. But what happens if you explain to the prospect that since everyone else is quitting right now, this is their chance to take over market share at a lower cost and capitalize on this opportunity while everybody else sits on the sidelines. This is their chance to grow, so challenge them! “Do you really want to sit out on the sidelines during this time of opportunity? You seem like you’ve poured your heart and soul into this business and a lot of people are relying on you, so I can’t imagine you really believe that now is the time to give up the fight. You don’t have to worry because you won’t be alone. We’ll be there to guide you thru it.” Kinda’ hard to argue with that, don’t you think? The final step in this stage is obviously to close the sale. In order to close the sale, not only do you need to establish the value of what you’re offering, but you also need to create some urgency. If people are not given a reason to take action, most people will maintain the status quo and not take any action. Therefore the first thing you want to do is impose some sort of deadline, some sort of limited quantity or 45 www.TheSalesVortex.com availability, some sort of special deal that only lasts for a certain amount of time – whatever it is, you need something that creates a sense of urgency that pushes that prospect over the edge to take the next action and complete the purchase. The second thing you need to do to close a sale effectively is reverse any risk to the buyer. You need to make this purchase a risk-free proposition for them. Whether that’s a money-back guarantee, whether it’s a performance-based pricing plan where they only pay for results, whatever it is, whatever you’ve got to do, you want to make sure that they feel confident that if this doesn’t work for them for whatever reason, they have a way to get their money back. Therefore, there is no excuse not to buy (or at least try) what you’re offering. Typically, you should put in some performance clause, like if you’re going to do a marketing project for somebody and you’re going to give them a money-back guarantee, they should have to agree that they’re going to implement what you told them to do the way you told them to do it. The third thing you can do to help close the sale, if necessary, is to offer flexible payment options. Allowing them to split the purchase into multiple phases or multiple payments or a smaller initial deposit, whatever it is, whatever you need to do to get the customer to take action, is critical. New Client Welcome Sequence Once you get them to buy, they become a new client, but like I said, your marketing does not stop once you get them 46 www.TheSalesVortex.com to buy. Your marketing continues here. In fact, there are more steps here than there are in the beginning. As a new client, everyone typically has some level of buyer’s remorse. You really want to be certain that you reassure this new client that they’ve made the right buying decision. Remind them that you’re not only going to honor and deliver what you sold them, but that you’re going to exceed their expectations and that you will be expecting them to refer you to other friends and colleagues afterwards. There are several ways you can do this: 1) Introduce them to the key contacts they’re going to be in communication with throughout the process. If there’s a project manager and a sales person and maybe another consultant or strategist that they’re going to be working with, let them know who those people are, how to contact them, when they’re available, what their background is, etc… 2) Make them feel like a member of the family. Really welcome them, embrace them, let them know that now they’re part of a community of like-minded business owners or customers. Let them know that they now fit into this world of yours and that you all work together to build each other stronger by sharing ideas, tips, tricks and resources. If you have a forum or some other community type website where clients or members can interact, give them access to that. 3) Build them an overview of what the process is. For whatever they bought, there’s some sort of process that needs to happen. Maybe they need to go to your website 47 www.TheSalesVortex.com and download something. Maybe you need to schedule a strategy call. For example, If we’re building you a website, we need to gather some information from you so we can do the initial website design mockups. Let them know what the process is, what the timeline is, so they have clarity on what to expect, when to expect it and what is expected of them in order to make the project successful. 4) Gather any additional information that you need from them. If you need certain information in order to implement what you’ve sold them, gather that information now. For us, doing website development, we typically need to know information to access their domain registration, their FTP servers, where their video files are and we need to gather the actual content for the website. 5) Remind them about next actions. This is a process you can put in place to automatically remind the customer at certain periods throughout the initial implementation, here’s the next step, here’s what I need from you. You can have this totally automated and coordinated so you don’t have to think about it. You can set it up so that x days into the process, an email goes out requesting more information or notifying them of this next step. Then x days after that another email is automatically sent requesting something else. 6) And then the last one is surprise them with something special. People love surprises. People love things that they didn’t bargain for. It’s typically very memorable. Send them something in the mail, send them a t-shirt, send them movie tickets, a lottery ticket, or send them a gift card 48 www.TheSalesVortex.com to their favorite restaurant. Depending on the amount they invest with you, you might send them a book that you find valuable that’s related to what they’re doing or a free weekend hotel stay somewhere so they can start getting used to having more time on their hands now that you’re solving some big problems for them. Really, there are lots of different things you can do here, but the key is to do something. Make it unique, unexpected and memorable so it sticks in their mind and they’ll likely brag about it to others. Project Completed Stage The next buying stage is the project completed stage. During this stage, you’ve now fulfilled your requirement to the client based on their initial purchase. Maybe it was a course they went through, a product they bought or software they’ve now been using for a period of time. Whatever it is, whatever defines the completion status of the initial purchase, this is where you want to do a variety of different things. The first thing you want to do is send them a satisfaction survey. A lot of business owners are afraid to find out how satisfied their customers really are with them, but it’s critical. It’s the only thing that’s going to help you get better and learn what it is your customers want, what you’re doing well and what you’re doing badly. 49 www.TheSalesVortex.com There are lots of different questions you can ask them related to this, but you want to keep it fairly short. You can ask them things like: • Why did you hire us in the first place? • What is it we did that our competitors didn’t do that made you choose us? • What was missing from what we offered you, or what’s missing from our industry as a whole? • What can we do that would thrill you? Or what didn’t we do that would’ve thrilled you? • What if you owned a business like ours, what would you do differently? And more questions like that so you can understand their key reasons for buying. Their answers may surprise you… You also want to make sure to gather a testimonial. At this point, they should be at one of the most excited states they’re going to be in during your business relationship. They feel validated because they made a purchase – a decision to trust you, you delivered on what you said you were going to deliver, and now they’re overjoyed with it. This is the ideal time to capture the testimonial. If possible, you’d like to capture their testimonial on video. It doesn’t have to be all professional or anything. If your 50 www.TheSalesVortex.com smartphone has a video camera or you have a little portable camera, that should do the job. Try to shoot it outside in the sunlight for best results. In fact, once again… if the purchase was big enough, you may even send them a $100 portable video camera they can use to shoot and send you the video testimonial and then they can keep the camera as a gift. If there’s any post-project follow up tasks you need to complete, this is where you start some messaging about that. This may include things like final payments, signing off on the project, etc… Ascension Promotions Next you want to move into recommending additional products and services to them that will further help them achieve their goals. You really want an ascension ladder model where people start with a basic product and they’re constantly buying up and up and up – increasing the amount of money they spend with you in order to get more direct (or exclusive) access to you or your services. Typically the highest level of ascension is one-on-one personal coaching with the owner of the business, or something like that, at least in the information marketing world. Now if you own a plumbing service, maybe it’s a 24-7 oncall support plan. Regardless of what you sell, you can always find ways for people to spend more and more money with you, and it should be a natural progression. 51 www.TheSalesVortex.com This is a great time to talk about continuity revenue. You see, there are really only 3 ways to grow your business: 1. Sell to more customers (Most Expensive) 2. Increase the revenue per transaction by bundling or charging more for what you sell. (More Profit, Less Work) 3. Increase the number of transactions per customer. (When there’s no additional cost involved with each additional transaction, this is the holy grail!) Number 3 typically comes in the form of continuity income from memberships or re-orders. Your goal – regardless of what you sell – should be to get as many of your customers as you can on some sort of continuity monthly billing program for something related to the original purchase. In my industry, website hosting is a common example, where you pay $x amount to have your site hosted on a server. Again, for plumbing, maybe it’s a monthly plumbing service contract where you pay x amount a month and if anything happens your service calls are free. For a car wash it could be a monthly VIP program where you can wash your car as many times as you want for a flat monthly fee. Obviously the online software industry uses this model extensively, which is why software companies can be so profitable. Bottom line is, you want some form of monthly continuity revenue added to your business, so at the beginning of 52 www.TheSalesVortex.com every month, you know that $X,XXX.XX amount of revenue is coming in every month before you even open the door, before you have to sell anything else, etc. It just establishes a baseline of recurring revenue that buys you an enormous amount of peace of mind. When doing any kind of recurring billing though, it’s best to automate it. You don’t want to have to send invoices every month and wait to get paid. You want a credit card on file that you can bill automatically. You can also automate some of your other billing, invoicing, and collections type stuff as well with the proper system. Referral Gathering Campaigns The next stage in this series of processes is the referral gathering stage. This is where you’re going to educate your clients on how to properly refer you. You want to teach them what to say. More importantly you want to teach them who to say it to. Who is your ideal client? What does that person look like? Who do they know that resembles that? Educating your prospect or client on giving you good referrals is a key part of getting valuable referrals. As I mentioned, it’s important that you set the expectation earlier in the sales process that your business is designed so that it runs 90% of the time off of testimonials and referrals and that this is a key part of your success. Explain that if you delight them with your service, you expect that they will be willing to ACTIVELY refer you to others. By actively, I mean picking up the phone and calling their friend or colleague and introducing you and explaining what great a job you did. 53 www.TheSalesVortex.com If you set that premise in the beginning of the sales process, then when you get here, it’s a no brainer. They’ve already agreed to it ahead of time, and now you’re just capturing it. You can also provide some referral incentives, if necessary. It could be a commission on the sale, it may be a bonus product or service that they get for free or at a discounted rate for member referrals, or maybe it’s a refer 5 get 1 free kind of a process. You also want to have in place a nurture campaign for these referrals. Again, keep in mind that anybody who comes referred to you from an existing client is not only highly qualified, but you also now have the presumption of credibility, meaning because they’re being referred to you by a friend they trust, that trust transfers to you. The logic says: My friend trusts you, so you must be trustworthy. And because I know you did a good job for them, I can reasonably expect you to do an equally good job for me. Therefore, I’m more willing to do business with you than with anybody else. This also means they will likely be much less price-sensitive. But again, the key thing is because they’re referred, they’re highly qualified, they’re ready to buy, and they should move through a different buying cycle than a traditional cold lead that came in to your SalesVortex through traditional marketing activities. They should probably move directly into your salesperson’s funnel. For more information on building an effective referral campaign, go download Jay’s 93 referral systems report 54 www.TheSalesVortex.com from our website at http://www.TheSalesVortex.com/referrals Ongoing Nurturing Communications You should also have a nurturing sequence which allows you to maintain regular, consistent contact. This communication should really go out to everybody who is a customer or client of yours, and even your prospects. This is the sequence where you’re going to remain top of mind. And like I said, 70% of the prospects that don’t buy from you today, will buy from your competitor within 12-24 months. Here you want to just provide more valuable education and communication. Again, you want to keep educating them: • Keep highlighting things that illustrate the value of implementing your services. Offer them tips and tricks on how to do different things themselves. People still like to do certain things themselves, even though it’s not usually the best use of their time if they’re a business owner. • Offer them valuable tools and resources and just cool things that you find throughout your day. Offer them additional educational videos and webinars on certain topics. Notify them of different news and events. There’s lots of different types of news and events. There’s things going on in your industry. There’s things going on specifically within your company. Maybe you got an award for something, or maybe 55 www.TheSalesVortex.com you’re doing a local event of some sort. Let them know about that. And then there’s also world events that may impact them, such as the stock market crashing, or unemployment rates rising. Essentially if there’s something going on that’s popular and timely and being talked about on a large scale, there’s usually a good opportunity to insert yourself into that conversation and use it as a marketing spin as well. • You can offer them mini-courses on different topics to educate them more, but also to get them more interested in the topic and hopefully buy something else from you related to the topic. • You can send additional case studies and testimonials. This will help you establish trust and credibility with your prospects, but it is also valuable to your existing customers. It not only celebrates their success (people like to be celebrated and rewarded for their good efforts) but it also helps drive desire in other clients to be featured in one of your case studies or testimonials. It also makes it more likely that the customer being featured will refer you as they show this off their accomplishment to friends, family, and peers. • Talk about ways you can do promotions with them or make them joint venture partners. • And you can also do reviews on different books or courses that you’ve gone through and found valuable. All of these things are immensely valuable to have in your nurture sequence and they’re one of the key things that you can use to convert a prospect into a client, and also, once 56 www.TheSalesVortex.com you have clients to just keep them educated, informed, and have your company and brand stay top of mind with them. Client Reactivation Campaign The final messaging campaign should be your client reactivation campaign. Here your goal is simply to reactivate any inactive clients. You’re going to have lots of people on your list that have either moved away or aren’t interested in your product or service anymore, or for whatever reason have just dropped off their engagement with you. As long as there is still an opportunity for them to do business with you, you want to try to re-engage these people. You want to try to send highly targeted and personalized campaigns based on their past purchase history. If they bought from you before, figure out what they bought from you and then hit them with a variety of different messages through a variety of different formats all targeted at what the next thing they should be buying is. If they bought a website for example, maybe the next thing is SEO and/or Pay per click promotion services. Or maybe it’s social media marketing, or video marketing or all of the above! If you have to, give it to them at a ridiculously low price just in order to re-activate them. Remember, these people are already customers. They’ve already bought from you and should trust you. You’ve already spent the money to acquire them. You’ve already turned that initial investment into profit. At this point, anything else that you spend to get them to buy more is in most cases pure additional profit, right? 57 www.TheSalesVortex.com Remember, It’s always going to be cheaper to re-activate or sell more to an existing customer than it would be to go and find a new customer and work them through this entire sales cycle again. Reactivation is a key strategy for maximizing the value of your customer base and dramatically increasing your profitability. 58 www.TheSalesVortex.com 59 www.TheSalesVortex.com 60 www.TheSalesVortex.com Tracking User Activity and Marketing Effectiveness 61 www.TheSalesVortex.com We now have all these well planned marketing pieces in place. Now we need to track them so we can identify what works and what doesn’t and refine things as necessary. There’s a variety of different ways you can track. And ideally what you want to track beyond engagement is all of your marketing expenditures that cost you money. Whether it’s your newspaper ads or your coupon books or your Pay Per Click campaign… whatever you’re doing, you want to make sure you track it thoroughly. Motion Sensor Marketing Let’s first talk about motion sensor marketing. Basically what we mean by motion sensor marketing is installing trip wires in our business that a prospect will trigger as they move through our SalesVortex. This is a process of tracking activity taken by your prospect in order to determine who are the most likely buyers. You want to identify the most common actions your existing clients took before they made a purchase so that you know exactly what behaviors indicate a highly likely customer. In order to install these motion sensors, you basically just want to track several different user activities. You want to track things like: • The number of emails that are opened • The number of links that get clicked • The number of videos that the person watched 62 www.TheSalesVortex.com • The number of reports that they downloaded • The number of webinars they registered for and attended • The amount of time that they spent on each page of your website. All of these different factors are what we call motion sensors which indicate how likely it is that a prospect is going to make a purchase. The more of these motion sensor alarms that get “tripped” by your prospects, the more likely they are to buy something from you soon. The only way to make it useful and actionable, though, is to assign a value to each action that indicates numerically the likelihood that someone is about to purchase. Some people call this lead scoring, but we prefer the term motion sensors because it more accurately represents what you’re trying to do...track a prospect’s actions thru your world and signal you when they have the highest propensity to buy. Just like a motion sensor alarm in your house signals you when someone is trying to steal something from you... these motion sensors alert you to a much more pleasurable situation… when someone is about to give you money! If they visit certain webpages on your website, let’s say these are all worth one point. If they download a report, let’s make that worth 5 points. If they watch a video, maybe that’s worth 20 points. If they attend a webinar, that might be worth 50 points. If they were referred that’s probably 100 points. 63 www.TheSalesVortex.com The higher the score gets, the higher they rise on the salesperson’s list of people to call. You want the salesperson calling the most highly targeted, most engaged prospects possible. This is a simple way to prioritize a list of prospects and achieve that. You also want to intensify the marketing message as the scores increase. The more actions they take, the more aggressive your marketing should get, because now you know for sure that they’re interested, they have a problem or a need and they want something to resolve that, but they just haven’t found exactly what. Give them exactly what they want, when they want it most, in the form they want it and you really can’t lose. Ways to Track Tracking is one of the main reasons we told you all of your advertising should drive prospects to your website. Your website allows you to collect an enormous amount of data when we configure it correctly. One way to track the effectiveness of your advertising is by always using a specific URL for every single ad you run. So you would use a URL like: http://www.YourSite.com/something for each ad. Similarly, you can track phone numbers in an ad. You can either use unique phone numbers or you can configure them with an extension that can be dialed, Then you simply track how many phone calls you got, or how many calls you got to that extension. For example, let’s say you’re a local small business and you’re doing coupon advertising. One ad goes out in 64 www.TheSalesVortex.com ValPak, and one goes out in a MoneyMailer. You’ll want to use a different URL and/or phone number for each ad, even if it’s the same exact offer. This will allow you to determine how many leads each ad delivered You can also use website analytics and split testing software to tell where people are coming from online. If you run a campaign on Facebook, or want to know how much traffic you’re getting on Google, you can track all that with analytics software. You can also use coupons or specific offer codes that people enter into the form when they’re making a purchase or registering for a SalesMagnet to track what the lead source was. It’s critical that you track each different lead source separately, because the lead source is going to have a different cost per lead and a different customer lifetime value, which we’ll talk about in a minute. There are several key metrics we want to track in order to be able to optimize and maximize your SalesVortex. Landing Page Conversion Rate The first you want to track is your landing page conversion rate. Regardless of the marketing method, regardless of how you get people to your website, you must know how many of the people that visit your website page proceed to take the desired call to action, which again is typically registering for something and providing their name, email, phone number, etc. 65 www.TheSalesVortex.com The landing page conversion rate is the number of requests for information divided by the number of page visitors. Landing Page Conversion Rate = # of Requests for Information ÷ # of Page Visitors Keep in mind that for Landing Page Conversion rate and most of the other metrics we’re going to cover, you want to break them down by source of traffic as your results will vary. You want to clearly identify the ones that work best and do more things like that. Landing Page Conversion is first on our list because it is the key leverage point in your SalesVortex after page visitors. If people don’t get past this stage, it’s game over and everything else you’ve built is essentially useless. You Must Make Your Landing Pages Convert At The Highest Rate Possible. This is primarily a function of a proper market to message match. You need to make sure that the landing page copy matches what was offered on the ad they came in from and everything is congruent from wording to colors. You also need to make sure there’s not a lot of friction in the process. You want to make this page as simple as possible for someone to move to the next step. It should be 66 www.TheSalesVortex.com instantly obvious what they need to do, where they click to do it, and what’s in it for them. The form should be simple with as few fields as possible. Don’t worry - you can further qualify the leads or gather additional information later, if necessary. You should also always have a clearly stated privacy policy and you should state directly on the form that you’re not going to sell their name to anyone. The goal is to get them on your mailing list at all costs. Once you get them on your mailing list, then you can implement all of the strategies we’re discussing here. Email Open Rate Next is email open rate which indicates the % of your emails that are getting opened. Email Open Rate = # of Emails Opened ÷ # of Emails Sent Your email open rate is another critical metric, because if your emails are not being opened, then they’re not being read. If they’re not being read then your prospect is not engaged and consuming your valuable information which means they will be much less likely to make a purchase. 67 www.TheSalesVortex.com Keep in mind that this is not a completely accurate number as it requires a hidden image to be loaded in the email client and most email clients turn images off by default. Your goal here is to just monitor the trend for this metric and constantly continue to try to raise this number by testing different subject lines. A good subject line will present a benefit while creating enough curiosity that the user will have no choice but to open the email. Some examples would be: • • • • Teddy! You’ll never guess what I just did to double my sales... Wow! I never thought this would’ve worked as well as it did... If you’re not doing this in your business, you’re losing a lot of money... If I had known this when I started, I’d be much richer right now… 68 www.TheSalesVortex.com Email Clickthru Rate Once you’re getting your emails opened, you want to look at your email clickthru rate which indicates how engaging your email copy is and how well you’re getting prospects to interact and seek more information. Email Clickthru Rate = # of Email Link Clicks ÷ # of Emails Opened Remember that getting users to click on links in your emails is a key motion sensor and also an excellent way to determine which topics a prospect is interested in so you can send them targeted information in that area. Sales Conversion Rate Sales Conversion Rate = # of Sales ÷ # of Leads This metric indicates several important things. It primarily indicates the effectiveness of your sales process as a whole, but since that sales process is made up of many different factors, you can often improve this number by making improvements in any of the following areas: 69 www.TheSalesVortex.com 1. Your source of leads – Targeting the customers who have a problem that you can solve and can afford your solution is critical. 2. The effectiveness of your SalesVortex – When your SalesVortex is designed properly by us, it will dramatically increase your sales conversion rate by preselling all of your prospects. 3. The effectiveness of your sales team – The better your sales team understands their customer and the real reasons why they buy, the more effective they will be (assuming they’re dealing with qualified leads). You should constantly be investing in the training of your salespeople and crafting their sales presentations. Lifetime Value Lifetime value represents how much each customer is ultimately worth to you over their entire relationship with you. It’s a critical metric because it helps you to determine how much you can afford to profitably invest in order to acquire a new customer or retain an existing customer. Once you know this number, you can base all of your marketing expenditures on it. For instance, if you know that your average lifetime customer value is $10,000 and your average net profit is 20% then you know you can spend up to $2,000 to acquire a customer and still break even. 70 www.TheSalesVortex.com Obviously, your goal is to make a profit, so ideally you would invest the $2,000 in an ad or other lead source and get a lot more than just 1 new customer from it. But if you only got 1, it would still be a success since you lost nothing and likely learned something. In order for Lifetime Value to be most effective, it should be calculated for different segments of your customer base in order to determine the most profitable segments. Unfortunately, lifetime value is not a simple formula and there are various ways to calculate it. If you Google “Customer Lifetime Value Calculator” you will find several good tools. Here are some of the key factors you’ll want to consider: • Customer Segment • Average Revenue per Sale • # of Total Purchases • Average Customer Lifespan • Amount of Potential Referral Revenue • Cost of Goods Sold • Marketing/Acquisition Costs • Discount Rate (Net Present Value of Expected Profits) ROI Metrics The metrics we just covered deal primarily with activity, engagement and process effectiveness. Now let’s discuss metrics that represent the effectiveness of your marketing investments. 71 www.TheSalesVortex.com Cost Per Lead Your cost per lead is directly related to your Lifetime Value. You want to make sure that all of your marketing efforts have a cost per acquisition lower than your average lifetime value for a particular customer segment. Cost Per Acquisition= Total Cost of Lead Source ÷ Total # of People Making a Purchase Example: $1000 ad / 100 leads = $10 Cost per lead. Notice that I said you want the cost per acquisition to be lower than the lifetime value, NOT lower than the initial sale amount necessarily. The initial sale can be less than the cost per acquisition as long as you know your lifetime value is higher, because your customers buy from you more than once and they refer you to other people - all of which should be the case if you implement everything we’ve just taught you. Black Friday sales on the day after Thanksgiving are great examples of a lot of these principles. The retailers offer loss leaders to get you in the store because they know you’ll likely buy other things too. They combine the amazing deals with urgency and scarcity by having limited quantities available during a limited time window to create intense buying frenzy’s. If you’ve ever seen the line of people standing out in the cold in front of a Best Buy at 4am that morning, you know what I’m talking about. 72 www.TheSalesVortex.com Revenue Per Lead Revenue per lead helps you identify which lead sources generate the largest amount of initial revenue. Revenue Per Lead = Total Revenue from a specific lead source ÷ Total # of Leads Example: $10,000 Sales / 100 leads = $100 Revenue Per Lead Depending on your objectives you may choose to prioritize quick cash now vs. continuous cash for a longer period of time. Ideally, you want to maximize both so revenue per lead is another good indicator of what you can afford to invest in order to acquire a qualified lead. Revenue Per Visitor Revenue per visitor indicates how valuable each and every visitor to your website is. If you’re buying traffic for your site thru things like pay per click advertising on search engines, revenue per visitor can help you determine how much you should pay for each click. 73 www.TheSalesVortex.com Revenue Per Visitor = Total Revenue from website visitors ÷ Total # of Website Visitors Example $10,000 Sales / 7500 visitors = $1.33 Revenue Per Visitor Similarly, if you’re doing a joint venture promotion with a partner, knowing your revenue per click will allow you to tell them how much money they might make from the promotion, based on the size of the list and their average click thru rates. The best way to maximize this metric is to drive highly qualified traffic to your website and make sure your landing pages are optimized to convert as many visitors into leads as possible. Continuously test new headlines, buttons, offer copy and use of images or videos to try and find the best combination for a particular type of traffic. Campaign ROI Your campaign ROI is the key metric to judge the effectiveness of a particular marketing campaign. As long as this is a positive number, the campaign was successful in generating a return on your investment. That doesn’t necessarily mean it was profitable or generated the highest 74 www.TheSalesVortex.com value customers, just that you got more money in than you put out. Similar to when you sell a stock at a profit. (Total Revenue from group of leads - Cost of Lead Source) ÷ Total Cost of Lead Source X 100 Example: ($10,000 Sales - $1000 ad cost ) ÷ $1000 x 100 = 900% or $9 in sales for every $1 invested 75 www.TheSalesVortex.com 76 www.TheSalesVortex.com Valuable Tools and Resources To Make Your Life Easier 77 www.TheSalesVortex.com Lastly I’d like to talk to you about some tools and resources that we use to manage all this stuff, because we talked about a lot of things here, and there are obviously a lot of moving parts. Project Management and Collaboration The first thing you want is some sort of project management tool so you can kind of keep track of everything, collaborate with the rest of your team, have everybody on the same page, working on the marketing messaging, working on the task that needs to be implemented, building the system out, etc. There are a variety of different product management tools that we've used in the past: • Basecamp is a pretty good tool and lots of people like it. Personally I’m not a big fan of it because it doesn’t allow you to see across multiple projects well and it’s a little pricey. • Google Docs makes it real easy to collaborate on spreadsheets and word documents, etc. You can have multiple people looking at a piece of sales copy for instance and everybody editing it at once and seeing changes in real time as opposed to making revisions and sending them back and forth to the team twenty times which clutters up email and is highly ineffective. • ActiveCollab is a project management system similar to Basecamp, but it is open source, which means that you can run it on your own servers and 78 www.TheSalesVortex.com avoid the monthly fees. • ZoHo Project is a pretty full-featured and affordable project management system which includes Gantt charts, customizable change notifications and all sorts of additional functionality. • Producteev is another tool which is really nice because, if you use Gmail or Google apps for your email account, Producteev ties directly into it, and at the bottom of every email, it adds a little widget. So you can create tasks right from that email, which is handy because in reality most of our tasks come to us through email anyway. This is an easy way to take those emails and convert them into tasks into a system. • Speaking of email… ActiveInbox is a tool I simply could not function without. If you’ve read David Allen’s book “Gettting Things Done” and you subscribe to his methodology, and you use Gmail for your email, this free plug-in is essential to managing the chaos that is your inbox. • SmartSheet is the other tool I use the most. SmartSheet is basically an online spreadsheet, but what's unique about it is that for every row in a spreadsheet, let’s say it’s a task to do something, if you have any questions about that task or if you have any files that are related to that task, you can attach those files right to that specific row and you can have a discussion about that specific row. 79 www.TheSalesVortex.com This is all stored in spreadsheet format which everybody understands how to use just like Excel, but then it gives you this additional collaboration functionality as well, which is incredibly useful and keeps you highly organized. • Liquid Planner is a more advanced project management system which actually allows you to set different estimated times of completion. Instead of specifying just the # of hours or days a particular task will take, with LiquidPlanner you can specify a range for the duration. It will then give you the min and max duration for each milestone and the project as a whole. It will also let you see all of your projects across your entire organization on a Gantt chart or on a calendar so you can see how changes to one project can have a ripple effect on other projects. Marketing Automation A marketing automation platform is really the heart of your system. This is what's going to actually automate all of these marketing processes. • Aweber is one of the most popular and most basic auto responder systems. It allows you to create forms so when people register on your website, you can send them emails over a period of days. It doesn’t have any real marketing automation features though, so if somebody takes a specific action, it can’t easily move them from one mailing list/campaign to another one. But it is a really 80 www.TheSalesVortex.com inexpensive way to get started. • OneShoppingCart is a little bit more advanced. It includes shopping cart functionality, it includes affiliate management and it includes the ability to do different things as people take certain actions. • Office Autopilot is a full-featured CRM system with very good marketing automation type features. Its biggest flaw is that it uses separate systems to achieve its complete functionality, which leaves different data in different databases, which is never a good thing because then chances are good that one set of data may be inaccurate. • Infusionsoft is by far the Porsche of marketing automation systems for small and medium-sized business owners. It is best for lists with less than 500,000 contacts. The amount of multi-step functionality that you can do with Infusionsoft and the powerful way it integrates with other applications thru its API makes it a ridiculously powerful piece of software for such a low price, compared to the solutions below. • Marketo and Eloqua. – These are more enterprise level marketing automation tools and are best suited for companies with large budgets and complex campaigns that know exactly what they are doing and can afford it, since both solutions cost over $1000 per month. 81 www.TheSalesVortex.com Process Mapping Process mapping is one of the most valuable tools you can use because, without having a visual representation of this entire system, it can become very hard to understand what all the pieces are and how they fit together. It also then becomes hard to change something later on, because you won't know if you make a change whether it will affect other pieces of the systems. Here are a few tools to help you map out these processes… Bubble.us is a good, free, web-based tool that allows you to create basic flowcharts quickly and easily. You've also got Gliffy, Creately, and LucidChart in the web-based flowcharting tool arena. All are similarly priced and offer similar features, for the most part. I personally use Gliffy the most. There is also good desktop software like Smartdraw and Mindjet MindManager you can use to map out your systems and processes. Mindmapping is an incredibly powerful way to manage your entire business (and your life). You can use it for a variety of things like brainstorming, note taking, project planning and management, delivering presentations and much more. It has truly redefined how I process my thoughts and ideas and has made me much more organized and effective. It’s critical that you think this all through properly though, so you can see it in a visual way and understand the different pieces and then build your system accordingly. 82 www.TheSalesVortex.com Make sure you maintain a map as you make changes to the system so that everything is always working with the latest version of the map. Conclusion Bottom line is if you don't already have this in place and you understand the value of automating this system and standardizing the process, then I guarantee you can easily double your business. Then your main marketing goal becomes simply getting more people into this SalesVortex so the marking system can do all the work for you. By the time your sales people talk to prospects, they will be very ready to buy and they will actually be better clients because they’ve been pre-educated. They understand how it all works and what they have to do to fulfill their end of the deal and that makes for a better client experience all around. It makes your business smoother, easier to run, more measurable and, ultimately, larger and more profitable. So with that, we’d like to wish you an amazing amount of success and joy in your life. We look forward to your profitable future. To Your Success… Teddy Garcia & Jay Abraham 83 www.TheSalesVortex.com 84 www.TheSalesVortex.com Want Your Own Custom Built SalesVortex? From The Desk of Teddy Garcia Dear Business Owner, As a special offer to buyers of this book, my marketing team and I will go to work building a complete Internet based SalesVortex for qualified business owners. Will one of them be you? As you may know, I often conduct one-hour consultations to give small business owners a complete plan for establishing cash-flow systems in their business. And while every entrepreneur I’ve consulted with certainly excels in their area of expertise, very few of them have mastered the most important business-building activity of all… Setting Up and Automated SalesVortex That Generates an Endless Stream of Customers and Profits Now, don’t get me wrong. Many of them spend thousands of dollars and months’ worth of effort on web designers, Internet gurus, marketing seminars and mentoring courses. But at the end of the day, virtually every one of these clients possess little more than a “brochure site” that lacks even the most basic capabilities of attracting traffic and selling visitors real products and services. Some clients, by 85 www.TheSalesVortex.com the time they contact me, still lack any operating website at all. I’m going to change that once and for all. I’ve decided to help a select group of small business owners finally overcome the biggest headache of selling online: Building a customized infrastructure that’s actually designed to sell. Over just 4-5 weeks’ time, I’ll work with you (and make my own best of breed web marketing team available) to: Build you a comprehensive online marketing system like the one pictured above with page after page of opt-in offers, sales letters, upsells, downsells and more — all designed to continually migrate visitors through initial opt-ins and escalating purchase decisions… Establish your fully integrated shopping cart function which not only captures visitor data — it also facilitates sales of your entry-level (and more advanced) products and services… Program a customized, automated emailmarketing system to keep you — and your offers — in front of visitors on an ongoing basis… Create your affiliate recruitment and marketing system — including designing your affiliate recruitment page, programming your affiliate registration function, establishing your online affiliate support center, and uploading your affiliate marketing tools — all designed to 86 www.TheSalesVortex.com convince other list owners, website owners, bloggers, and endorsers to promote your goods and services to their customers. By the time your work with me and the Info Marketing System team is through, not only will you have a fully functioning, marketing- oriented website and Internet selling system, but you’ll also learn — perhaps for the first time in your career — the fundamental principles behind how successful online businesses work. You’ll not only master the knowledge required to become a savvy Internet marketer, you’ll actually hone your skills as you learn how websites function and sell. No longer will you be a victim of zealous web “designers”! Most web designers want to create expensive graphics and flash animation that doesn’t actually serve the sales process. Never again will you blindly buy into the latest Internet marketing offer from “gurus” who want to sell you their small piece of the online puzzle. And no longer will you spend trustingly on expensive seminars, coaching programs and consulting packages when you could be spending your hard-earned money on driving traffic to a working website that’s been built and programmed for you by some of the top marketers in the industry. Before you decide you’re ready for this kind of hands-on development, please understand that — in order to work with us — you must qualify… for a very important reason: 87 www.TheSalesVortex.com I keep my team pretty busy working on building my own brands and with some of the leading marketers on the Internet. And while I’m happy to make them available to finally solve the #1 challenge virtually every small business has — at the same time, they can’t possibly help every business owner who would like to have an Internet Information Marketing system built for them. To see if you qualify, simply visit: http://www.InfoMarketingSystem.com/SalesVortex If your application is accepted, you’ll be working directly with myself — a seasoned internet marketing veteran who has developed marketing systems for some of the top marketers online including Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Tom McCarthy, Rich Schefren, Larry Benet, Strategic Coach, Adam Spiel, Ron Rosenberg and many others. You’ll also have access to our team of traffic-generation specialists — the same team I rely on to drive hundreds of leads and joint-venture partners to my opt-in pages and sales letters. They’ll show you what your current website is generating, then they’ll develop a complete plan for boosting your exposure in literally thousands of new areas on the Internet (and in potentially dozens of new market niches). You’ll also be assigned a project manager dedicated to making sure your website, shopping cart, affiliate system and email- marketing function is operational and ready to sell your products and services…all in just 4-5 weeks’ time. 88 www.TheSalesVortex.com Of course, I’ll be there, too, not only guiding you — but also acting as your advocate with the team — making sure the process is smooth, expedient and hassle-free. To ensure you’re considered for this landmark collaborative program, complete the form at my website below to secure your opportunity to participate in this exclusive opportunity. If you’re accepted as one of the few business owners we’ll work with, our Program Director will contact you within 48 hours by phone or email. But you must apply today at: http://www.InfoMarketingSystem.com/SalesVortex We can only assess your suitability for this unique service once you’ve registered. Once you’re approved, we’ll provide complete program information, scheduling details, task lists and other materials. And while there is a cost involved, rest assured we’re making it as economical as possible to work with us. (In fact, the fee I have in mind could be just a fraction of what you’ve already spent — or might spend — to get a website that doesn’t even sell anything, let alone further your company’s marketing and sales needs.) I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Teddy Garcia 89 www.TheSalesVortex.com
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