Market-Link Volume 28 No. 1 Fall 2009 A quarterly publication of the Management in Food and Nutrition Systems Dietetic Practice Group How to Insulate Against “Job Instability” In thIs Issue 1 How to Insulate Against “Job Instability” Marty Rothschild, Vice-President of Sales and Marketing, Aladdin Temp-Rite Usually when I’m asked to write an article for a magazine or journal, the topics include equipment, healthcare trends, and foodservice decisions — something specific to our business. 2 But for an article on management, I will need to draw from my experience having “earned my keep” as a manager for now almost 40 years. Since I am a working manager and not a professor I am more inclined to write or recommend more from a practical view than a theoretical one. After all, experience may be the best way of moving from theory to practice; implementing what works while abandoning what doesn’t. These disciplines explained below have worked for me and I think they will be equally effective for anyone as we face a very difficult job market. As the latest national unemployment figures now approach 10%, staying employed or finding employment is a timely topic as you may be experiencing a little job angst. MFNS Officers 2009-10 Surely there are circumstances beyond your control that may contribute to your finding yourself unemployed; there are no 100% secure positions anymore. Capable people have lost their jobs. As a matter of fact, the employment experience of the future will probably call for more flexibility and change than anyone can predict or even imagine. Human Resource specialists and career counselors predict that recent college graduates may change careers as much as 7 – 9 times before retiring. That’s careers — not jobs! So in this present financial tumult and uncertain future what would make you a more employable applicant or a more valuable employee? How can you insulate yourself against the nagging fears of unemployment and do your best to assure a constant paycheck? The simple answer is by making yourself more employable — you also become a more valuable employee. Maybe it’s too basic to consider but, believe me, there are those that don’t get that simple message. They become victims rather than victors — over and over again. You will be worth more to your employer if you take the initiative, are energetic, current in your skills, and constantly curious. So even in the event that an uncontrollable circumstance occurs – even if the company hits misfortune, or there is a change in ownership, management or direction — you will be better equipped to land successfully elsewhere. How do you do it? As you might suspect it’s not a magic formula. As with many successful career strategies it’s more a case of art than science or more discipline than mysticism. So here we go…my 4 disciplines – Discipline #1, know Your craft. Are you an engineer, a dietitian, a foodservice director, a salesman, marketer, doctor, continued on page 4 Raising Recognition of Food Service Initiatives 3 Off the Book Shelf 4 How to Insulate Against “Job Instability” (continued) 5 Recognition of our ADA Award Recipients 6 Clinical Nutrition Management: It’s More Than Clinical 7 Reduce and Reuse: An Initiative of Benefitting Cost and Quality Standards 8 Chair’s Column 9 Editor’s Column 10,11 2010 ADA Member Benefits 12 DPG Newsletter Database Raising Recognition of Food Service Initiatives Patti Dollarhide, RD Money is tight. Everyone is re-thinking their menus and buying habits as we are forced to examine if we can still satisfy our filet mignon tastes on a hotdog budget. Hospital food service is always on the radar to reduce costs, even if they only make up a small portion of the overall spend. Radiology spends more replacing one x-ray tube than we do on a month’s worth of groceries. There have been some great suggestions for how to drive cost out of your operation in previous newsletters – good old food service 101 principles. As the pressure from administration continues to focus on reducing human capital, it becomes even more important to match the right product selection with the right application. Food service directors are continuously asked to reduce staffing without much thought to potential revenue opportunities or revenue losses. Directors and their staffs become weary of retail ideas that cause them work, and often opt to discount them when putting together their plan on how to reduce. If you look at other segments within the non-commercial food service industry, it becomes apparent that there is often money to be made from the time-starved working class that we have access to everyday. Restaurants are notorious for “limited time offers” or LTOs. LTOs are looked at as a pain by the purchasing agents, the kitchen staff and others. The inventory requires additional managing, the distributor has to bring in the product for a short time, the staff needs to be properly trained, there are signs to make, cashiers to train, etc. etc. Their reason that they utilize these plans is because it drives increased sales. Do we have the opportunity to drive sales in the hospital cafes? Reasons to celebrate are plentiful between nurse’s day, doctor’s week, Valentine’s Day…. people need gifts, and last minute parties are the norm. There are a million reasons why we can’t do it—it drives up our cost per average occupied bed (eob), it creates additional work, and aren’t dietitians really supposed to be taking care of patients? Show your hospital what you and your team can do – wow them with a special event and charge for it! Sell cooked prime rib to take home so an employee can work and be a great hostess too. Maybe additional sales from a special event could be earmarked to a favorite hospital charity. Maybe the additional money can be used to save a few FTEs that are important in your quest to improve service. However you decide to direct the revenue, make sure your department gets the recognition it deserves. Successful food service directors learn early that your job is as much about tooting your horn as it is about doing the job. A very special thank you to the sponsors of our practice group! You helped make ADA Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo 2009 a wonderful experience for all of our members in attendance. Jenna-Bell Wilson – The Cranberry Institute Dave Carter – National Bison Association Patrick Moran – Vitality Foodservice, Inc. Paul schick – Burlodge USA Inc. Patti Dollarhide – Cargill, Inc. Amy Cohn – Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition MFns Officers 2009-10 Chair – 2009-2010 (V) Gary Kawula, MPA, RD E – Chair-Elect 2009-2010 (V) Sue McGinley, MBA, RD E – Immediate Past Chair 2009-2010 (V) Nancy Bowen, MBA, RD, LD E – Secretary 2009-2010 (V) Linda Horace RD, LD E – Treasurer 2009-2011 (V) Mary Angela Miller, MS, RD, LD, FADA E – Nominating Chair 2009-2010 (V) Patti Dollarhide, RD, LD E – Nominating Chair-Elect 2009-2011 Pam Ferguson, RD E – Publications Editor – Appointed Yearly Rita Berthelsen, PhD, RD, LMNT E – MFNS BOARD – 2009- 2010 SOPP Project Director and Publication Editorial Review Coordinator – Ruby P. Puckett MA, FCSI, E – Director at Large 2009-2011 (V) Tamie Frable-Newman MS, RD, LD, LDN E – Director at Large 2008-2010 (V) Patti Oliver, MS, RD, MBA E – Director at Large 2009-2010 (V) Brenda Sheridan MS, RD, LD E – Awards Committee: 2009-2010 Inez Speranza, RD ADA Professional Issues Delegate Kathleen Niedert, MBA, RD, LD, FADA E – ADA DPG Relations Manager Lisa Sands, MS E – V - voting member 2 Market-Link Fall 2009 Off the Book Shelf Ruby P. Puckett, MA, FCSI President, Foodservice Management Consultants Program Director, University of Florida Dietary Manager Training Program through Flexible Learning In the article written by Marty Rothschild he stated “—a simple answer is to make yourself more employable —as a result you become a more valuable employee”. After reading his article I chose a book that will provide tips and techniques that will help you become more employable, a more valuable employee and to be noticed in a “good” way. The book will also assist you to examine your image, improve your communications, leadership skills, and adjust to change plus many other guidelines to help you fit into the corporate culture and move into a more responsible position. The book is entitled 101 Ways to Stand Out at Work, written by Arthur D. Rosenberg, a consultant in the New York-New Jersey area. He specializes in business analysis, project management, documentation, corporate communication and training. The book is published by Adams Media, an F+W Media Company, Avon MA, copyright ©2009; ISBN 10: 1-59869-981-4; paperback, 242 pages, 20 chapters with an appendix and index. Each tip begins with a quote made by a well known successful person and each tip contains methods in how to by using examples. I have chosen to highlight some of the tips that appear to always cause the most problems for managers. TIP 9. Effective communication can eliminate the majority of management problems. There are two points to improve communication skills and they include: 1. Assess your major weaknesses, seek feed back 2. Develop a plan of action for improvement. TIP 19. Leading is about us, not me and uses this famous quote by Warren Bennis and Peter Drucker “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” TIP 25. The more you know, the more power you can bring to bear. In using power you must use solid- information, state facts and have data to back it up. Michael Korda stated— “[power] is all around us; we have only to seize it. It does not lie beyond the every day activities of our lives, but in them.” To acquire power you must actively seek it. TIP 31. Half your skills become obsolete every four to six years, and the clock is ticking. This tip is the foundation of the American Dietetic Association—learning is lifelong. Existing skills will continue to be needed such as technical, functional and organizational, but other skills that we may not envision at this time will need to be learned. TIP 40. A healthy mind needs a healthy place to live. The best way to deal with health problems is to avoid them. Change your life style, eat right, exercise, stop smoking, seek the assistance of a physician when something seems wrong and reduce the stress in your life. TIP 51. Intelligence is learning from your own mistakes: wisdom is learning from the mistakes of others. Mistakes help us to learn only if we profit from them. List mistakes you see others make, try to figure out why and determine if you are making the same mistakes. Develop a plan to eliminate them—such as false assumptions, rationalizing, and habit. TIP 58. Ready or not the future is coming. Heraclites stated “nothing endures but change.” It is important to determine what can and cannot be changed. Stop going in circles, realize and work on those things that can be changed. Recognize the need for change and accept it. TIP 69. Don’t wait too long to take advantage of an opportunity. Robert Frost said “I took the road less travel by; And that has made all of the difference”. Timing is everything. Managing ones’time is frequently the hardest job a manager has in doing less important jobs first, accepting excessive visitors, interruptions and using company e-mails/web site that may not relate to work. TIP 78. Turning down an assignment can turn off the boss. Tip 29 states Initiative is the single most important factor in being regarded as an asset. Tip 78 means taking the initiative, be an enthusiastic team player, be an asset and be able to break out of your comfort zone. Be a volunteer. TIP 87. Focus on the objective first, and how to achieve it second. Start the plan with the objective, what do you want to accomplish in the most effective and efficient manner. Collect data and maintain information and records to achieve the objective. TIP 94. Networking pays off your investment with interest. The author list 21-ways to make networking pay off for you and the person with whom you wish to network The tips I found to be most important were: Be tactful, discreet, patient, clear, positive, sensitive, prepared, relevant, organized, responsive, committed, and never misrepresent. This is an easy read book that contains a roadmap on how to“move ahead”. Regardless of your level of responsibility this book will provide you some practical information on how to improve. The quotes are excellent and applicable to the tip and to your job and life in general. Another Book Layoffs, the poor economy and the demands of clients have added additional pressure to the foodservice director and the staff. Administration wants continued on page 4 Fall 2009 Market-Link 3 continued from page 1 How to Insulate Against “Job Instability” lawyer, Indian chief? Whatever — stay current. I would suggest that you subscribe to a magazine or journal that provides updates in your craft. Attend professional organization meetings with peers, exchange ideas. Don’t stop learning after your yellow highlighter dries up and your text books are sold! There are lots of information on how to better organize, maintain priorities, and improve efficiencies. Whether its “process” or “content” there are things to learn to improve what you do. A question to ask yourself maybe, “after 5 years do I have 5 years experience or a year of experience repeated 5 times over?” Do you offer more knowledge in your craft than a fresh recruit ? It’s a competitive world out there and you must continue to grow. Discipline #2, know Your industry. What a time to be in the healthcare field! Your industry is center stage. You cannot pick up a newspaper or magazine without reading about healthcare. Of course, there are other outlets for you as a professional in this industry that will provide you with even more“insider” information about industry trends and forecasts of where the industry is going. Knowledge of the industry will give you a leg up on staying current and under- standing the interface of discipline #2 and discipline #3. Discipline #3, know Your segment. In your case it’s nutrition or food service. Stay abreast of what is happening here. Networking, visiting others, observing experienced pros; all can contribute to your staying flexible and creative. Also, by understanding the way the industry and your specific segment fit together will enable you to speak more authoritatively when supporting an opinion with clear rationale. Don’t stagnate or grow stale. Discipline #4, know Your company. Learn your products, your hospital, your mission, your procedures, your policies, your brands. Learn what makes your employer unique, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Be a positive influence for your employer where it’s good… reinforce… where there are ways to improve—work towards improvement. The fact that you have continued to make positive contributions in your position will give you more creditability for future recommendations and suggestions. You can be a part of needed internal change. If the situation can’t be improved by your efforts, and can’t be supported—then it may be time for you to take your skill elsewhere. There is no place for passive aggressive behavior in any organization. If you cannot continue to support your company and your decision is to leave, you will at least be better equipped to make a move. You have made the proper investment in “You Incorporated!” Your constant and steady investment in these 4 disciplines have made you more employable. Obviously this management advice concerned the employment side of your life and didn’t touch life away from work…family, social, health, or spiritual dimensions – all part of a balanced personality. All work and no play, or no life—can mean burn-out. You will find that balance is an important support mechanism as you work or look for work. As a “forever learner”, you will weather the storm because of the balance and the self discipline you have exercised. No matter what the task, you must invest in constant renewal. By being better in your chosen field (craft) and staying current in that field (industry and segment) it will pay off for both you and your employer. This kind of personal investment will separate you from the rest; this personal exercise of initiative and discipline will pay off even in the roller coaster ride of life. Off the Book Shelf continued from page 3 4 more accountability from all staff and correct/useable information to make decisions in a timely manner. A well written business plan can be used to provide this information. Market-Link on how to develop business plans. In the book Food Service Manual for Health Care Institutions I provided an outline for the writing of the business plan. Business plan development continues to be a problem for students and managers. In the late 80’s Jim Rose, RD, MS, published six-series of article on “How to write business plans” in the newsletter Hospital Food & Nutrition Focus. Jim was among the first dietitians to publish articles on the importance of developing business with guidelines in how to write one. Several years ago Char Norton RD, MS published an article in the Since this continues to be a problem I reviewed the business literature and found a book that provides step-by-step information on business plans. The book, Business Plan in a Day, 2nd edition, is by Rhoda Abrams, who has published more than a dozen books and is a syndicated columnist for USA Today. Market-Link Fall 2009 The book is paperback, it details the nine steps needed in developing a business plan plus methods on how to present the plan and how to ruin the plan. The book contains a business glossary, business resources, an index and 179 pages. The book is ©2009, published by The Planning Shop, Palo Alto, CA; the ISBN is 13: 978-1-933895-07-9. This is a must book for all managers. When the boss asks for a business plan for a project you want to implement, if you follow the examples, forms and advise in this book the outcome should be accepted. I highly recommend this book as part of your business/ leadership book case. Recognition of our ADA Award Recipients Bill Barkley and Gary Kawula Bill Smith, Joyce Scott-Smith, Bill Barkley and Rachel Barkley Please join the Executive Committee in Congratulating our two National ADA award winners!!! MEDALLION AWARD WINNER Joyce Scott-Smith, MS, RD Director, Food & Nutrition and Dietetic Internship UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside, Shadyside Campus Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania EXCELLENCE IN MANAGEMENT PRACTICE AWARD WINNER William C. Barkley, MBA, LD, RD, FADA General Manager and Food Service Director The Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics Kansas City, Missouri Don’t forget to vote! We have a very qualified slate of candidates to lead DPG 41. Directions for voting will be available soon. the slate of candidates for 2010-2011 is: CHAIR-ELECT: Rita Berthelsen, PhD, RD, LMNT SECRETARY: Gayle Dixon, MS, RD, LDN • Lynnette Jones, MBA, MS, RD NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIR-ELECT: Sally Fresse, RD • Amanda Goldman, MS, RD, LD Fall 2009 Market-Link 5 Clinical Nutrition Management: It’s MoreThan Clinical Jennifer Tomesko, DCN, RD, CNSC Clinical Nutrition Managers (CNM) function in a dual role which encompasses both the clinical and the patient services realm. A competent manager directs and manages all clinical aspects, which are integral components of the food and nutrition services department. However, they must productively manage many business aspects in order to control costs and produce positive outcomes in today’s changing healthcare environment. A preset rubric helps staff evaluate products against need, cost and service. In today’s changing world, the market is competitive since there are a few main pharmaceutical companies providing similar nutritional products so usually the lowest price wins. Often contract prices are based on volume, and can even be negotiated as a sole-source agreement, however in that case usually 90% of the products must come from that company. Today’s clinical nutrition manager should not only be competent in clinical nutrition care but also in cost containment and finance. It’s important to be budget savvy since clinical staff salaries, merit increases, overtime, productivity, pharmaceuticals, food cost, educational expenses, and patient education materials can greatly impact the department’s budget. In most organizations salary increases occur yearly but salary expenditures may also fluctuate with staff changes. For example, if an employee has resigned a position, it is desirable that the position must be covered without accruing overtime expenses. Productivity needs to be monitored so that each dietitian, dietetic technician or diet assistant is working at maximum capacity. By maintaining adequate staffing levels, departmental costs can be controlled. If possible, when the census drops, staffing down should occur. This may not be possible with full time staff, but with part-time and per diem staff it may be an option. It is helpful to offer staff the opportunity to have an extra day or half day off. Some will want the time and may take it without pay.This is also dependent upon union contracts. Mentoring and motivating employees is crucial to improving retention and assisting with career advancement. Each dietitian or technician should have at least one personal clinical goal to achieve yearly, and the clinical goals should align with the departmental and hospital goals. However, this may require additional continuing education or educational expenses which can be costly at times. It’s beneficial from a monetary standpoint to obtain continuing education credits that are free of charge often provided by pharmaceutical companies, food companies, and even the National Kidney Foundation. The motivation should in turn result in fewer turnovers of employees which has a positive monetary affect. Turnover of employees can result in up to 150% of the employee’s yearly compensation when lost time and productivity, recruitment, and time invested in training are taken into account. The CNM also needs to keep up with the market trends in regards to medical food supplements or pharmaceuticals. The formulary should be nutritious and appropriate to meet the needs of the patient demographics and acuity levels, but also remain cost effective. The CNM should evaluate the evidence prior to meeting with the pharmaceutical representatives pertaining to the possible products for the enteral formulary, so an educated decision can be made on which product to choose. 6 Market-Link Fall 2009 Monitoring food cost, yet providing our patients with nutritious foods within the nutrient analysis is another budget related concern of the CNM. When dietitians educate patients, often the foods recommended are not the foods provided to patients while in an institutionalized s etting. So it’s important for the CNM to work with the executive chef and general manager to determine the most appealing yet compliant items within their physician prescribed diet. The CNM needs to be well versed in food service operations, patient food delivery systems, and trends in customer/patient satisfaction to help suggest appropriate modifications for the patient. Relationships are also key to being successful within healthcare institutions. These relationships may include, but are not limited to hospital administration, ancillary managers and staff at all levels. Building and sustaining a trusting relationship with hospital administration may help when negotiating future budgeting issues, staffing issues, or the development of new programs. Effective communication helps build relationships with employees, which in turn improves retention and reduces turnover as well. This facilitation of positive relationships also can improve relationships between ancillary staff and the patient as well. The food and nutrition services department has always been a revenue generating department due to cafeteria, catering, or vending sales. In the past, the clinical area was non-revenue generating, but the trend has been an increase in third party reimbursement for clinical nutrition services provided. If the demographics of the community and staffing allow, the CNM should have an outpatient program in place that can generate revenue for nutritional counseling and assessment. If staffing is tight, a plan can be developed for outpatient services which will off-set the cost of the dietitian salary. From an inpatient perspective, the CNM can work with physicians and case management for documentation of malnutrition coding to help receive reimbursement. It is crucial to document that nutrition services are an essential part of routine care and publicize reimbursement by insurance providers and other third party payers. The best CNMs are cutting edge. They are expert clinicians, mentor and manage a clinical staff, and help promote positive outcomes in the patient services area as well. As managers, they must remain well versed and understand many different aspects of the food and nutrition services as a business. Being an expert in one area may not make a CNM a good manager, but being competent in many different areas will. Reduce and Reuse: An Initiative of Benefitting Cost and Quality Standards Part II Joanne Shearer, RD, MS, CDE, LN, Food Service Director, Averra Heart Hospital of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Jenette Merrill, RD, LN, Production Dietitian, Averra Heart Hospital of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, South Dakota In the summer 2009 issue of Market-Link, we outlined our plan to reduce foam cup usage by 50% at the Avera Heart Hospital of South Dakota. This article describes the program and how through an intensive employee education campaign, we were successful in meeting our goal. In just one year we saved 38,500 foam cups from ending up in the landfill and saved several hundred dollars in supply costs. One of the reasons we targeted foam cup usage was the excessive waste by customers in the A La Heart Cafe. Some employees would think nothing of filling two-20 oz foam cups with water and ice every morning to take back to their workstations. This resulted in disposal of 77,000, 20 oz foam cups that wentdirectly into our municipal landfill every year. While savings in supply costs was a consideration, our primary concern with foam cups was the environmental costs and health concerns for both humans and marine life. The main chemical ingredient in foam cups is polystyrene, a type of plastic that is easily foamed and used in disposable food packaging. Foam cups are mistakenly referred to as Styrofoam, a building material manufactured by Dow Chemical. Food service foam packaging is made of expanded polystyrene that is 90% air and 10% polystyrene. The reasons for reducing or eliminating polystyrene are compelling. Styrene has been shown to leach into food and drinks especially those that are high in fat or contain alcohol. Styrene has not been assessed by EPA for its carcinogenic risk although one agency has classified styrene as a “potential” carcinogen(1). No scientific body to date has classified Styrene as a “known” carcinogen. Low recycling rates for polystyrene foam disposable food packaging contributes greatly to the landfill where it does not decompose. Polystyrene is usually not recycled because of food contamination and other factors. Polystyrene contributes to litter and in many parts of the world plastic makes up 90-95% of marine debris creating a significant health threat to marine life. Polystyrene debris clogs storm drains and adds to costs for cleanup. Concerns about the production, use and disposal of foam packaging has led to polystyrene bans in many communities. Before we initiated our“Reduce and Reuse” campaign with foam cups, we researched other alternatives to foam cups. For our analysis, we utilized a publication accessed online, “Choosing Environmentally Preferable Food Service Ware” published by the organization, Healthcare Without Harm (HCWH) The HCWH paper outlines the most preferred to the least preferred options for food service ware(2). While reusable food service ware is the most preferred, our facility has inadequate layout, space, and storage for ware washing. Compostable bio-based products are the next most preferred. However, we lack access to a composting facility and the cost of these products is prohibitive. Also, not much is gained by sealing compostable disposables in plastic garbage bags and tossing into the landfill where it will take many years to decompose. Although paper products are bio-based, they are coated with a fossil fuel plastic making them unsuitable for composting. The least preferred on the list is the polystyrene foam food ware disposables which we use in large quantities in our food service operation. Based on this analysis, we decided to reduce the quantity of foam cups rather than switch to bio-based products. Our goal was to reduce 20oz foam cup usage by 50% by selling a reusable 20 oz mug in the cafeteria. Employees purchase the mug at cost plus tax in the cafe. Getting a reduced price on fountain drinks is the incentive for using the mug. Ice and water are free with the mug but charged when using a foam cup without a food purchase. The double wall mug and lid are made from polypropylene (PP), a safer plastic than polystyrene(3). ■ Prior to rolling out the program, we embarked on an extensive employee education campaign: ■ Nutrition service director educated department managers at directors staff meeting ■ Placement of educational poster board presentations in all employee break rooms ■ Published article in the hospital employee newsletter ■ Ran a screen saver slide program on hospital computers This program was very successful in meeting our goal of reducing foam cup usage by 50% from 77,000 cups per year to 38,500 cups per year. Our foam cup usage dropped within the first month and remained low for the entire year. The anticipated decline in participation as the year progressed did not happen. We attributed the success of the program to the intensive education campaign prior to implementation. For the 2010 fiscal year, we have several green initiatives planned: ■ Reduce polystyrene take out containers by 30% ■ Replace current napkins with post-consumer product napkins ■ Reduce computer paper usage by 50% ■ Change to a certified sustainable coffee program Going green is one of the most important movements influencing health care food service operators today. Not only does going green have positive impacts on the environment, it draws eco-conscious customers and saves money in the long run. In a 2008 National Restaurant Association survey, 62% of consumers polled continued on page 9 Fall 2009 Market-Link 7 Chair’s Column Gary Kawula, RD, MPA, Chair of DPG 41 In the August issue of The Journal of the American Dietetic Association, American Dietetic Association President Jessie M. Pavlinac’s Presidents Page carries the headline “Let’s Make 2009 a Year to Remember”. To accomplish President Pavlinac’s request, the Management in Food and Nutrition Services (MFNS) Executive Committee has created several initiatives to strengthen and improve the services offered to our membership and to truly make 2009-10 a year to remember. Through conference calls and a meeting in Denver, the Executive Committee chose to focus on three primary goals or pillars. The goals are: ■ Member benefits (volume, participation/usage) ■ Memberships (current, % increase over previous year) ■ Finances (budget, balance) The following is a breakout of specific action taken or to be taken for each pillar. Member Benefits: Program Champion Char Norton, MS, RD, FADA, FCSI, FHCFA Mentoring Program Patti Oliver, MS, RD, MBA Leaders List serve Patti Oliver, MS, RD, MBA new Members Packet Tamie Newman, MS, RD, LD, LDN Book Club - Linda Lafferty, PhD, RD, FADA Sue McGinley, MBA, RD Blue Ribbon Committee Tammie Newman, MS, RD, LD, LDN For Marketing Materials: national Awards - Inez Speranza, RD Member Recognition Brenda Sheridan, MS, RD, LD Market- Link editor Rita Berthelsen, PhD, RD, LMNT Webinars Char Norton, MS, RD, FADA, FCSI, FHCFA Membership Champion Gary Kawula, MPA, RD / Sue McGinley, MBA, RD Member survey Sue McGinley, MBA, RD Creation of a student Membership Category – Gary Kawula, MPA, RD (will be implemented in June 2010) Finances Champion – Mary Angela Miller, MS, RD, LD, FADA, Gary Kawula, MPA, RD Develop an external Funding Program – Gary Kawula, MPA, RD This list of programs will go a long way in not only making 2009 a “Year to Remember”, but making 2010 a year to “WOW” our membership. The MFNS Educational Meeting was well attended and by all accounts a huge success. The Breckenridge Brewery staff provided food and service beyond our expectations. Everyone raved about the Bison Kabobs. Our speakers were outstanding with timely and relevant information. Our sincere appreciation to Amy Cohn of The Bell Institute at General Mills, Sharon Sachenski of Vitality Foodservice INC., and David E. Carter of the National Bison Association. Let me take a moment to praise two of our members for outstanding accomplishments. Patti Oliver successfully launched the Leader List-serve in November and within a few days we had over 160 list-serve members. The success of this service can be evidenced by a recent query, when a MFNS member Christi Shultz asked a question regarding Food storage. In less than 15 hours, Christi had received eight quality responses. Several other topics have come up and a big THANK YOU to all who support this member benefit. Inez Speranza has worked tirelessly to give direction, create applications and successfully help our membership win the respect and awards they have earned. The proclamations from Pennsylvania for Joyce Scott-Smith, MS, RD, LDN the Medallion Award recipient and from Missouri for Bill Barkley, MBA, RD, LD, FADA for the Management Award for Excellence are priceless. Thank you, Inez, for all you do. Have a wonderful Holiday. Gary HELP WANTED WEB CONTENT MANAGER HARD WORK, NO PAY ✮ THIS VOLUNTEER POSITION REPORTS TO THE CHAIR. PRIMARY FUNCTION IS TO COORDINATE WITH THE WEBMASTER FOR OVERSIGHT OF THE CONTENT AND PLACEMENT OF CONTENT ON THE WEBSITE THIS PERSON IS THE LIASON BETWEEN THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND THE WEBMASTER KNOWLEDGE OF WEBSITE AND PRINTING SOFTWARE IS NEEDED THIS IS A THREE YEAR COMMITMENT: COMPLETE JOB DESCRIPTION IS AT ANYONE INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT GARY KAWULA AT 8 Market-Link Fall 2009 Editor’s Column Rita Berthelsen, PhD, RD, LMNT What an excellent experience I had at the American Dietetic Association (ADA) Food & Nutrition Expo (FNCE) in October! I have to share with you some of the things that lead me to this statement. #1. The implementation of electronic registration and badge issuance was very smooth and efficient; I heard many, many people compliment this. #2. The organization of the entire meeting needs to be recognized. Every session I attended started exactly on time, attendees were not wandering in throughout the session and the sessions ended exactly on time. This allowed my preplanned schedule to actually work. Applause is due to the ADA planning committee and the volunteers from the Colorado membership. #3. The Executive Committee meetings of DPG 41 on Friday and Saturday were run with ease and a sense of mission. Gary Kawula facilitated significant work achievement and allowed adequate time for discussion. (Stay tuned, this practice group has some great initiatives in store for you). #4. Information shared with the Executive Committee by Lisa Sands was helpful, timely and also allowed us time to pose questions. Lisa is the ADA’s DPG Relations Manager for MFNS; helps me closely with every Market-Link issue and I was excited to meet her in person. #5. The DPG Showcase this year was especially exciting for me because dietitians came with specific questions regarding value of membership, questions for mentors and genuine interest in the support our DPG could provide. #6. The quality of the presentations seemed very high to me; the poster sessions were informative and presenters seemed quite comfortable with explaining and discussing the data. Living in Nebraska, this year’s FNCE was convenient and certainly showed respect to the membership residing in the central part of the country. Thank you ADA. Well done. Reduce and Reuse: An Initiative of Benefitting Cost and Quality Standards continued from page 7 stated that they would prefer to dine at an environmentally friendly restaurant if given a choice(4). Going green and taking care of the environment enhances the image of the hospital food service and is simply just the right thing to do. References 1. International Agency for Research on Cancer (2002). Summaries and evaluations-Styrene; Vol 82:437. Retrieved from documents/ iarc/vol82/82-07.html 2. Healthcare Without Harm. Choosing environmentally Preferable Food Service Ware. lib/downloads/food/EPP_Food_Svc_W are.pdf 3. Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. Smart Plastics Guide-Healthier Food Uses of Plastics. http://www.iatp. org/iatp/factsheets.cfm?accountID= 421 &refID=102202 4. Restaurant Industry-Facts at a Glance, National Restaurant Association. www. ind_glance.cfm Fall 2009 Market-Link 9 2010 ADA Member Benefits Update By becoming one of the more than 70,000 members of the nation’s largest organization of food and nutrition practitioners, you give yourself access to a wide variety of benefits, including information resources, educational opportunities, public policy initiatives, practice-based research, networking connections, and promotional tools. As a member of a dietetic practice group (DPG), you’re well aware of at least one major benefit of ADA membership, but there are dozens of others— with new and improved offerings every year—that you might not know about. Of course, ADA wants you to take full advantage of all the opportunities that membership provides. Below is a listing of some of the newer resources ADA provides for its members, as well as those of particular interest to DPG members, accompanied by brief descriptions of their function. Please feel free to share this list with your colleagues. For a more extensive list of benefits, visit the members-only section of ADA’s Web site at or call the Member Service Center at 800/877-1500, ext 5000, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time. NETWORKING & PROMOTION RESOURCES Member Interest Groups (MIGs): Member Interest Groups are groups of ADA members who have a common interest. Unlike dietetic practice groups or affiliates, member interest groups focus on areas other than the practice of dietetics or geographic location. As divisions of the national organization, MIGs reflect the many characteristics of ADA’s membership and the public it serves. Current MIGs include the National Organization of Men in Nutrition (NOMIN), Chinese Americans in Dietetics and Nutrition (CADN), Latinos and Hispanics in Dietetics and Nutrition (LAHIDAN), the National Organization of Blacks in Dietetics and Nutrition (NOBIDAN), Fifty-Plus in Nutrition and Dietetics (FPIND), Filipino Americans in Dietetics and Nutrition (FADAN), and the newest addition, Muslims in Dietetics and Nutrition (MIDAN). National Nutrition Month Materials: National Nutrition Month (NNM), celebrated every March, is an annual nutrition education and information campaign created by ADA that’s designed to focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. ADA provides food and nutrition professionals with access to a wide variety of supporting materials to help convey this important message, including fact sheets, flyers, classroom guides and games, recipes, press releases, and event ideas. Registered Dietitian Day: March 10, 2010 was the third annual Registered Dietitian Day. This special occasion was created by the American Dietetic Association to increase the awareness of registered dietitians as the indispensable providers of food and nutrition services and to recognize RDs for their commitment to helping people enjoy healthy lives. Registered Dietitian Day promotes ADA and RDs to the public and the media as the most valuable and credible source of timely, scientifically-based food and nutrition information. Find a Registered Dietitian Online Referral Service: ADA’s Find a Registered Dietitian online referral service is free to Active category members representing their own private practice, group practice or employer. Consumers and businesses search this Web-based site to connect with members who provide nutrition consulting service expertise. Me, Inc., Online Branding Toolkit: ADA has developed this online branding toolkit to provide you with the resources needed to improve your brand, including communication tips, downloadable promotional flyers, developing your (Version for DPGs) online presence and much more. INFORMATION RESOURCES Newly redesigned, ADA’s Web site is faster, more userfriendly, offers a more powerful search function, and can be personalized to meet your needs. The new features five sections specifically targeted to members, students, the public, the media, and other health professionals, making it easier for all visitors to access the content they want. Build your MyADA profile and get involved with quick links to blogs, forums, surveys, and online communities—and get connected by easily subscribing to and sharing e-newsletters, RSS feeds, podcasts, and videos. And as always, keeps you informed with 24/7 access to scientific and professional resources, and links that are essential for any food and nutrition practitioner. The secure, member-only site can be accessed using your member ID and password, and provides a wealth of information and programs in a location that guards your privacy. ADA NewsBytes: This monthly e-newsletter from ADA’s Board of Directors informs members of developments affecting food, nutrition, and health topics, as well as ADA’s legislative and regulatory priorities. Daily News: Opt in to receive this key resource for keeping abreast of the top news stories concerning dietetics and the profession. Delivered to your e-mail inbox every weekday morning, ADA’s Daily News is a quick review of the nation’s leading food, nutrition, and health headlines, with links directly to the articles. On the Pulse: More government-focused than ADA’s Daily News, On the Pulse is a weekly e-newsletter on ADA’s legislative and regulatory priorities in both Washington, DC, and state legislatures. It also addresses reimbursement, research findings, and practice-related issues. continued on page 11 10 Market-Link Fall 2009 ADA New in Review: Formerly a section of the Journal, the new online exclusive ADA New in Review compiles abstracts and citations from nearly 200 different scientific and professional publications to convey fundamental knowledge in nutritional science that spans specialty practice. The monthly ADA New in Review e-mail alerts members to recent updates and provides an overview of each month’s content, while the New in Review page at adanewinreview provides 24/7 access to both new material and archives. CAREER RESOURCES Center for Career Opportunities: The Center for Career Opportunities is a 1-day exhibit opportunity for FNCE exhibitors and other employers to meet face-to-face with qualified nutrition professionals who are interested in employment opportunities. Attendees are encouraged to bring their résumés in order to participate fully and get the most from the experience. Employers who have participated in the event have commented on the high caliber of potential recruits, and with attendees coming from across the country, you could find your next dietetics employee or employer at this event no matter where you are located. ADACareerLink: ADA’s online job service allows you to post résumés, target searches by specialty and geographic location, respond directly to job listings, and receive e-mail alerts about new positions. For a fee, you can also recruit professionals for your organization. Access this indispensable service under the Career Center in the Member section of Compensation and Benefits Survey of the Dietetics Profession 2009: This comprehensive report details compensation for dozens of core RD and DTR jobs, broken down by region, education, experience, supervisory and budget responsibility, and several other factors. You can also use this information to determine fair market value for your services by accessing the interactive salary calculation worksheet available at, which is based on a statistical model developed with data from the survey. The worksheet offers a rough idea of what professionals with similar characteristics and in similar situations earn, on average, and provides a sense of the relative importance of each factor in predicting salaries. Members enjoy significantly reduced pricing for this downloadable report. PRACTICE RESOURCES MNT Practice Resources: There is a wealth of information on ADA’s Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) Web page to help members understand the business of dietetics. Consider it your one-stop shop for practice management education. Learn about codes for nutrition services, how to become a Medicare provider, private insurance reimbursement, tips to expand MNT coverage, telehealth, and more. Popular advocacy materials available for download include the MNT Works marketing toolkit, ADA’s payer brochure for increasing MNT coverage, and a step-by-step billing presentation called “Cracking the Code: Billing Potential beyond Medical Nutrition Therapy.” Access these resources at Hot Topics: Hot Topics are timely, one-page science-based answers to members’questions and issues that have a significant impact on consumer health. Responses are written in consumerfriendly language and are designed to clarify a controversy or debunk a nutrition myth. Some current hot topics address organic foods, bottled water, probiotics, stevia, and superfoods. Eat Right Messages: The Eat Right Messages Program is an online and print nutrition education program that is available on ADA’s Web site as printready, two-page handouts in PDF format. Content includes a statement promoting registered dietitians and a special section where members can include personalized contact information. Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guidelines and Toolkits: Located in the Evidence Analysis Library, these guidelines provide disease-specific nutrition recommendations using a systematic approach that assures nutrition care is based on scientific evidence. Toolkits accompany the guidelines and provide Medical Nutrition Therapy tools used for documenting patient encounters and collecting outcomes. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Center for Professional Development: The premier choice for lifelong learning, the Center for Professional Development offers conferences, workshops, meetings, lectures, live phone teleseminars and webinars, e-learning, CD-ROM and online courses, and audiotapes. ADA’s professional development opportunities are easily accessed through the Center under the Professional Development tab on the Member section of Leadership Institute: ADA’s Leadership Institute is an integrated, intensive, multiformat training program in the theory and practice of leadership in dietetics. The purpose of the program is to enhance the leadership competencies of ADA members both conceptually and interpersonally, through a combination of information, skill development, and practice-based educational experiences. Free Online Journal Continuing Professional Education (CPE): Since January 2008, ADA members have been able to easily complete their Journal CPE quizzes online at See which quizzes you’ve already completed and take one that’s still available to complete for credit. Quizzes are scored automatically online, and once all questions are answered correctly, CPE credit for completed quizzes may be added directly to your Professional Development Portfolio. Fall 2009 Market-Link 11 DPG Newsletter Database Looking for an article from a past issue of a DPG newsletter? No need to sort through all your back issues. Just check the online DPG Newsletter Database index to quickly locate the correct issue. This searchable database provides an index of food, nutrition and dietetics practice articles for most DPG newsletters beginning in 2000 through the present. You can even delve back into dietetics history as some titles are indexed as far back as the late 1980’s. Developed as a resource for members by ADA’s Knowledge Center, the link to the database is located in the Food & Nutrition Information section of the Web site under Food & Nutrition Resources for Members. Or, go directly to If the issue you need is missing from your collection, the ADA Library can provide a single copy of an article. There is a library fee of $5 per article for this service. To request an article or for more information contact the Knowledge Center at Ethics Opinion Ethics opinions reflect the interpretation or application of the ADA/CDR Code of Ethics for the Profession of Dietetics by the Ethics Committee in response to a specific ethics issue or situation facing dietetics practitioners in practice. What is an ethics opinion and where Opinions serve as an educational guide for conduct and are published in the Journal of the American can I find one? Dietetic Association. Market-Link is a management newsletter published quarterly (winter, spring, summer and fall) by the Management in Food and Nutrition Systems Dietetic Practice Group (DPG) of the American Dietetic Association (ADA). 2010 Articles about successful management practices, interventions, strategies, educational materials, meeting announcements and information about food and nutrition management are welcome and should be sent to the publications editor by the next deadline. Viewpoints, statements and publication of advertisements should not be construed as endorsement by or reflecting policies/official positions of MFNS or ADA. Please forward information and articles to Rita Berthelsen, PhD, RD, LMNT, at Subscription cost for persons non-eligible for ADA membership are available by contacting the Publications editor. Market-Link is the newsletter of over 1,200 ADA members. It is published four times a year, and read by decision-making dietitians and dietetic technicians throughout the United States. It is the target audience you are seeking. Market-Link is an excellent advertising vehicle to reach this target audience. Advertising rates: Corporate advertising Corporate Sponsor—1/4 page ad in two newsletters: $350 Corporate Sponsor—1/4 page ad in four newsletters: $650 MFns member display rates Members who are independent consultants or owners of their own business: 1/4 page ad: $175 per newsletter: 1/8 page ad: $90 per newsletter 1/8 page ad: $90 per newsletter Classified advertising Advertisements will be limited to seminars, publications, services or products offered by approved members or professional associations, other ADA dietetic practice groups, or individual MFNS members. 50 word limit: $25 per ad. employment opportunity advertising Individual members may advertise job openings in management positions. 50 word limit: $25 per ad. All copies, logos and art work must accompany the editorial copy. Make checks payable to: American Dietetic Association— MFNS DPG 41. To place your ad or for more information, contact R. Berthelsen. 120 South Riverside Plaza Suite 2000 Chicago, Illinois 60606-6995 Market-Link is a management newsletter published quarterly (winter, spring, summer and fall) by the Management in Food and Nutrition Systems Dietetic Practice Group (DPG) of the American Dietetic Association (ADA). 2010
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