How to setup ExamView and test students using clickers (CPS) and a MAC OSX This hand out guides the teacher through the process of opening their class list, assigning the district test to the class list and finally getting the results from CPS. It assumes the CPS base station is directly connected to the teacher computer and that the ExamView suite and CPS is already installed on the computer. 1) You will need to open your class list on server. a. Click on the “Finder” Icon in your Dock b. Press + k at the same time. The following screen should come up: c. Type the following: into the “Server Address” bar. When you hit connect you should see the following displayed: d. Here you will need to type your FirstClass username and password for your name and password, then click on “Connect”. e. Once authenticated to you should see the following displayed: f. Once “ExamView District Testing” is selected and you press “OK” you should see the following come up in Finder: g. Click on the folder called Classes and navigate to your school. You will then see your name as one of the class rosters at your school. In this example we will be opening up Holly Magee’s class. h. We can then double click on the icon and ExamView TestManager will open up automatically and load with the selected class list. 2) Add the district reading or math test to your Class a. Click on the following icon: come up: or type + N and the following screen will b. For the “Assignment name” type the grade of the class followed by your name c. Select “Paper test scored manually, with a scanner or with CPS response pads d. Select “Online test delivered over a local area network (LAN) and then click “Next” e. Click on the folder icon just below the box and the following will come up: f. Select “ExamView District Testing” Tests (shown below) g. Select the folder “Tests” and click on the “Choose” button. This will populate the white box with all of the tests available. h. Select your grade and the subject you are testing on. Once this is selected please click on the “Preview Test” button. i. Please verify that the printed tests match the “Preview Test”. Once you have verified that the tests are the same please click on “Done”. j. Finishing the verification of the test you can now click the “Next” button and the following screen will appear: k. Type in a password for the test (this will only be used for students making up the test using ExamView Test Player) and select “Use for all students”. l. Click on the “Next” button and the following screen will appear below. m. You should not have to make any changes to this screen. Please click on the “Next” button and it will bring you to the next screen (shown below): n. Since this will be a district test we will need to modify the screen. We will want to select the following: i. For Step 8 select “Do not allow students to check their responses.” ii. For Step 9 select “Do not show an end-of-test report.” o. Once the above items are selected your screen should now look like the following: p. Please click on the “Next” button and the review of the test will be displayed: q. At this screen you can read what choices you have made before clicking on the “Finish” button. Please review your choices and verify the following: i. The correct test is being selected for grade and subject ii. Students can take the test on paper and on a local area network (LAN) iii. Students can only take the test one time and it must be completed in one session iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Students may take the online test anytime. Students have an unlimited amount of time to complete this online test. Test questions will appear in the same order for all students. Students cannot check their responses. No scoring information will be provided to students after completing the test. r. A successfully added Assessment will appear on your class list (shown below). 3) Save your class list by clicking on the icon or typing + S. 4) Hand out clickers to the students so they can take the test. a. The class lists have been setup so that the clickers can be passed out to students in alphabetical order. To verify this you should be able to double click on a students name and the PAD ID number should match with how far that student is down on the class list. Shown below is an example: Nefertit Garcia is the fifth person on the list. He should be given clicker number five. I can double click on his name and verify that he is indeed supposed to have clicker number five. b. If a student is not on your class list you can add them by doing the following: i. Click on the come up icon on your tool bar. The following screen will ii. Type in the First Name, Last Name, Student ID (PersonID from Infinte Campus) and a PAD ID that is not currently being used. This can then be given to the student for testing. 5) Administrating the test a. Once all clickers have been passed out to the students you may start the test. To do this click on the Assignment and make sure it is highlighted (shown below) b. Click on the icon on the Tool bar or go to Assignment Get Results From CPS response pads (shown below). c. The following screen will come up: d. Please verify that “Student Managed” is selected before clicking “OK”. Once you have done this the following screen will come up: e. When you click “Start” the screen will change to the following: f. The above screen means the test is being administered and students can use the clickers to take the test. DO NOT END TEST UNTIL ALL STUDENTS HAVE FINISHED. g. Once all students have completed the test you will then click on the “End” button. The following screen will come up: h. Choose “Yes” to end the test. This will end the test and import the scores into your class. h. Once scores have posted you need to save your class. If you do not save your results, then the test WILL be discarded). To do this you either click + S or click on the following icon:
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