APICS Cleveland September, 2013 “The mission of the Cleveland Chapter is to continue to be the premier provider of operations management education in the greater Cleveland area.” How to Plan, Schedule and Sequence for Demand-Based Manufacturing By: Michael D. Ford, CFPIM, CSCP, CQA,CRE Principal TQM Works Consulting SEPTEMBER PDM DETAILS This presentation provides attendees with the means to align their purchasing and production plans with market demand. It is based on LEAN concepts that minimize all inventories: raw materials (RM), work-in-process (WIP) and finished goods (FG). The facilitator will engage participants in hands-on examples that demonstrate the calculation of material flow from receiving parts, through sub-assembly, and ultimately end item production. Attendees will learn: The concepts behind demand-based manufacturing. The requirements needed to execute flow. How to calculate flow rates for RM, WIP and FG. How to sequence mixed-model production (MMP) to match demand. An algorithm that effectively sequences MMP. Note: participants will require pencils and calculators to perform the math exercises (or be good at math!). Topic: How to Plan, Schedule and Sequence for Demand-Based Manufacturing Speakers: Michael D. Ford Location: The City Club 850 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44114 2nd Floor Conf Rm Date: Agenda: Wednesday, September 11th, 2013 5:30—6:15 PM Arrival / Registration 6:15—7:00 PM Dinner 7:00—8:00 PM Presentation 8:00—8:30 PM Discuss / Closing Remarks Admission: APICS Member $30.00 Non-Member $35.00 Student Member $10.00 Student Non-Member $15.00 Add $5 if you pay at the door RSVP: Program deadline for registration is Tuesday, September 10, 2013 Registration & Payment: Register and pay online by visiting us at http://www.apicscleveland.org/?q=pdms . You may register online and pay online using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. There will be a $5 up charge if you need to pay at the door. Note—These are procedures using Cvent secured services. Points Receive One Certification Maintenance Point for each PDM attended. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. 2. 3. 4. Monthly PDM Topic President’s Message City Club venue for 2013-14 About our Speaker Newsletter 5. CSCP class offered 6. Membership Info 7. Train the trainer workshop 8. BOD Contact Page 1 President’s Message Welcome to the 2013/2014 APICS Season The Board has been busy planning the upcoming year. Our new Director of Programs, Dan Zubricky, has an exciting program schedule. Our Professional Development Meetings (PDMs) will continue to be held at the City Club in downtown Cleveland. The 2013 PDMs will consist of speakers in September and November and a plant tour in October. We do not have a December 2013 meeting due to the holidays. 2014 will bring more speakers and another plant tour taking us to the conclusion of the year with the last meeting in May 2014. APICS continues to be the global leader and premier source of the body of knowledge in supply chain and operations management, including production, inventory, materials management, purchasing, and logistics. The Cleveland chapter will continue to bring cutting edge materials, meetings and tours to its members. APICS 2013 September 29–October 1, 2013 Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center Orlando, Florida, USA Please consider attending the leading annual gathering of supply chain and operations management professionals worldwide. Supply chain and operations management professionals are expected to achieve maximum productivity, meet consumer demand, and remain agile amid instability and unpredictability. Each year, the APICS annual conference offers relevant education, best practices, and thought leadership to help attendees lead their organizations and enable these goals. At this year's conference in Orlando, you will learn the strategies and tactics you need to leverage your customers as a strategic asset—from mining big data to developing better collaborative relationships and more. At APICS 2013, you’ll learn how to create more sustainable, resilient, strategic, and value driven supply chains. APICS 2013 will attract more than 2,000 attendees from 40 countries, offering a range of learning and networking opportunities including Board Positions APICS has a few positions open on the Board. Please consider being a volunteer on the Board to network with other professionals, improve your skills which will enhance your career, and to continuously learn and have fun while doing so. If you have any interest in joining the team, please contact me. Best regards, Bob Dr. Robert Stoll APICS Cleveland Chapter president1@apicscleveland.org 2 September 2013 PDM….About Our Speaker: Michael D. Ford, CFPIM, CSCP, CQA, CRE, CQE Michael D. Ford, is Principal of TQM Works Consulting. He provides innovative solutions based on 27 years of experience in retail, distribution, manufacturing, and consulting. His work history includes software implementation, business planning, inventory control, distribution planning and corporate training. This includes a broad range of experience from ETO to MTS, as well as nonprofits, service, and Department of Defense. He has presented at over 260 industry events throughout the U.S., Canada, Nigeria and S. Africa, and has provided over 4,100 hours of classroom training. Ford is regularly invited to speak at major international conferences such as APICS, 6-Packed, and SAPICS (South Africa). Ford is a graduate of SUNY-Buffalo, earning a B.S. in Industrial Engineering. Ford combines his technical expertise with personal skills to develop a unique “outside the box” approach to life’s challenges. He specializes in delivering training that is “edu-taining.” Ford has been recognized as a “subject matter expert” (SME) within the field of operations management and served on the review team for APICS CPIM courseware updates and currently as an SME for the APICS Principles courseware. Contact information: michaeldford@earthlink.net or 607.624.4853 (cell). 3 CSCP INSTRUCTOR-LED CLASSES START SEPTEMBER 10TH Cleveland Chapter of APICS will offer the 2013 version of CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) Instructor-Led classes in preparation for CSCP certification exam. Classes are scheduled for Parker Hannifin Corporation located in Mayfield Hts. This is a 14 week program starting the evening of September 10 through December 10. To register, please visit our website. CSCP provides a deeper integration of day-to-day best practices, techniques, and technologies, enabling you to maximize your organization’s efficiency and boost the bottom line. Questions can be directed to Steve Nemeth, CPIM, CSCP at snemeth@sbcglobal.net. Group discount pricing is available. Stay competitive with an APICS CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) certification! APICS Cleveland Chapter 2013-2014 PDM Venue at THE CITY CLUB. The City Club is located downtown at 850 Euclid Ave Directions: Convenient garage parking is available in the APMCO parking garage immediately West of and next door to City Club building. Covered access to the building is available via a walk-way bridge on the 4th level of the garage. Once in the building, take elevator to 2nd floor for dinner and meeting. Please bring your parking ticket to the PDM for validation. From the West Take I-90 east to E. 9th Street exit, E. 9th Street North to Prospect, left on Prospect. AMPCO Parking is on the right about 1/2 block. From the South via I-71 I-71 North to I-90. I-90 to E. 9th Street, E. 9th Street North to Prospect., left on Prospect. AMPCO Parking is on the right about 1/2 block. From the South via I-77 I-77 North to Exit 163 (E 9th St exit), E. 9th Street North to Prospect, left on Prospect. AMPCO Parking is on the right about 1/2 block. From the East I-90 west to Exit 173A (Prospect Avenue exit), Right on Prospect, past 9th Street. AMPCO Parking is on the right about 1/2 block down. Directions are also available at: http://www.cityclub.org/AboutUs/ParkingDirections/tabid/170/Default.aspx 4 ATTENTION all APICS Chapter Instructors– Do you want or need the following training to apply for the APICS Qualified Instructor Program or just need this special training to enhance presentation skills? If so; plan to attend the Train-The-Trainer Workshop (TTT) - Columbus, Ohio October 25-26, 2013 (Fri/Sat) Note: TTT is being held in conjunction with the Mid-Atlantic District Meeting. This Train the Trainer Workshop is designed to provide attendees with skills, techniques and workable methodologies to successfully deliver adult training in any subject. Objectives: During this interactive workshop, you will write instructional objectives, formulate lesson plans, and personally present two training sessions. One session will be 5 minutes in length and the second will be 10 minutes. During these sessions the attendee will use the procedures, tools, and techniques learned in this workshop. Both sessions will be recorded and critiqued specifically for you. Most find this real-time-learning process to be so effective that they can put their new skills to use immediately upon completion. This class is designed to improve the delivery of your future training sessions allowing you to instruct in a confident, more results-oriented manner. This material understands various student learning preferences and prepares you to address the unique needs of today’s learner. Who Should Attend: People who instruct or want to instruct adults. Beginner Intermediate Advanced Class Activities: During the first part of the class, we will meet each other, learn the specifics of the course, its purpose, the basics of successful instruction and the overall objectives we plan to achieve. During the remainder of the two days, we will cover the following topics: the training process, learning objectives, lesson plans, the components of communication and motivation, training evaluation, media selection, and challenges. These sessions will include your active participation in training demonstrations, some of which will be recorded and replayed for critique by your peers and the workshop instructors. This interactive workshop facilitates learning by doing. At the conclusion of this workshop, the participants will understand how to: Use visual aids Motivate learners Effectively use media Lay out a training room Write learner-centered instructional objectives Deliver training that meets learning objectives Effectively prepare and deliver a training session Prepare visuals that are clear, effective and related to the topic And much, much more (continued on page 6) 5 (continued from page 5) Classroom hours: 15 Format: Two-day workshop (8:00 AM – 5:30 PM.) Location: Embassy Suites-Columbus Airport, 2836 Airport Drive, Columbus, OH 43219 Rate: $129/night + tax (includes breakfast) Reservation information and room block code will be provided once district meeting is announced. _______________________________________________________________________ Price: $400 Fee includes: Textbook and classroom supplies, Lunch & coffee breaks Transportation, Lodging, other expenses: on your own Minimum class size: six students (we reserve the right to cancel the class if registrations are not at minimum by September 27, 2013) Completion award: Certificate Instructor: Pamela Somers, CPIM, CIRM, CSCP TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT CONTACT: Leann Goettel @ 800-444-2742 x5522 or lgoettel@apics.org There is a maximum of 10 seats available - so make your reservation NOW! RESERVATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 Payment information: by check: mail to Leann Goettel, 4619 Williamsport Road, Monongahela, PA 15063 – make check payable to APICS Pittsburgh Chapter. by credit card: (Visa/Master Card/Discover) – call credit card information into Leann Goettel – 800-444-2742 x5522. About the instructor Pamela Somers, CPIM, CIRM, CSCP Principal, Saw-Whet Solutions Somers is principal of Saw-Whet Solutions, a training and consulting firm specializing in progressive supply chain and operations management strategies, including systems implementation, Just-in-Time, lean, total quality management, and sales and operations planning, with a focus on managing change. She has more than 24 years of comprehensive training and practical experience. Somers is recognized by APICS as a master instructor for instructor development programs and review courses for both the APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) exams. Somers currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council (CSCSC) and is a former director of the APICS Canadian District. She has served as a member of the APICS Finance Committee, the Chair of Governance Committee, and the APICS Board of Directors. 6 2011/2012 APICS Chapter Membership Data & Anniversaries June - September 2013 - APICS Chapter Membership Anniversaries New Members Kelly Wasserman Seth Graves 5 Years hassan ouaankour Ram Das Andrew Shaw Jeff Truax, CPIM, CSCP Frank McKinley Brian Councell Steve P. Palleschi 10 Years Cecilia Preston Richard Herr Atef Halaka Patrick Anderson, CPIM Maribeth Blanchard Pamela Allen, CPIM Greg Heckaman Jeff Byrd Rod McGuire Heather Schmidt 15 Years Lucas Krepshaw Wayne Cutting, CPIM Tim Pace David Kostiha, CPIM Fouad Alsmail Rene Garcia, CPIM William Bird Harlan Cohen, CPIM Tommy Daher James Hahn Camila Negret, CSCP Jessica Paprzycki, CPIM Justin Birch Terry Schlaich 20 Years Monica Lackner Douglas Broome Matthew Rafn Amy Popp, CPIM Jennifer Darling Patrick Kenney, CPIM Somalatha Bangalore Annette Hartman, CPIM Kimberly Hurd Darrin B. Cappy 25 Years Jen-Yi Chen William Hradek 30 Years New Certifications Jeffrey Baker Congratulations!!! Michael Popagain Jeffrey Massie Jr., CPIM 35 Years Camila Negret, CSCP John Bolton, CPIM Venkata Kiran Kumar Gudikandula, CSCP Joseph Langan, CSCP Celeste Miller, CSCP Jason Hildenbrand, CSCP 7 CLEVELAND CHAPTER BOARD MEMBERS NAME TITLE ORGANIZATION Brent Alberda Robert Stoll (open) (open) Dan DiFilippo, CPIM Dan Zubricky Ed Merker, CPIM (open) Roger Davis Dennis Okocha, CPIM, CSCP Steve Nemeth, CPIM, CSCP (open) Yvonne Nader Kevin Ward Leilei (Benjamin) Kou Niki Zmij Oya Tukel Kamlesh Mathur (open) Past President Capgemini President Ashland University President-Elect Secretary Treasurer Tarkett Director of Programs / Events Arcelor Mittal Director of Communications Swagelok Company Academic Affairs Advisor Director of Chapter Marketing National Safety Apparel Director of Membership Aero Fluid Products Director at Large Director of Education Advisor Systems & Technology America Greetings Corp Employment Services Coordinator Accounting Principals Historian Administrative Assistant Cleveland State University Representative Cleveland State University Representative Case Weatherhead School of Mgmt Representative John Carroll University E-MAIL president3@apicscleveland.org president2@apicscleveland.org president1@apicscleveland.org secretary1@apicscleveland.org treasurer1@apicscleveland.org programs1@apicscleveland.org communications1@apicscleveland.org academics1@apicscleveland.org marketing1@apicscleveland.org membership1@apicscleveland.org director1@apicscleveland.org education1@apicscleveland.org technology1@apicscleveland.org coordinator1@apicscleveland.org historian1@apicscleveland.org admin@apicscleveland.org Please contact Ed Merker at communications1@apicscleveland.org for article submissions or editorial comments Check out our meeting and class schedule at www.apicscleveland.org Join us on LinkedIn Follow us on Twitter Become our Fan on Facebook PO Box 31357 Independence, Ohio 44131 FIRST CLASS MAIL U S POSTAGE PAID ATTENTION CORPORATE MAIL ROOM If unable to deliver to addressee, please forward to Materials Department or HR 8 CLEVELAND, OH PERMIT #3444
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