SpecialProblem4D How to Weigha Gator! Many wildlife populationsaremonitoredby taking aerialphotographs.Informationaboutthe number of animalsandtheir whereaboutsis importantto protectingcertainspeciesandto ensuringthe safetyof surrourdinghumanpopulations. In addition,it is sometimespossibleto monitor certaincharacteristics of the animals.The lengthof an alligator canbe estimatedquite accuratelyfrom aerialphotographsor from a boat.However,the alligator'sweightis muchmoredifficult to determine.('YOU weighhim.'o 'No, YOU weighhim!") In the examplebelow, dataon the length(in inches)andweight (in pounds)of alligatorscapturedin centralFloridaaregiven. Your task is to developa modelfrom which the weight of an alligatorcanbe predictedfrom its length. [Source:http://exploringdata.cqu.edu.au/datasets.htm] Length (in) 58 51 53 58 69 72 72 74 74 76 78 82 85 86 85 86 88 89 90 90 94 94 114 L28 L47 W ei ght (Ibs) 28 44 33 39 35 38 51 54 5t 42 5'1 80 84 83 80 90 70 84 105 L02 110 130 L97 355 640 The Report Describeyour investigationin a report. Tell the story,from the introductionto the analysisto the conclusions,with all of the necessarysupportingcalculatorscreenshotsor computer plots andnumericalsummaries.In particular,write your reportsothat the readercanfollow your reasoningasyou proceedthroughyour investigation.Follow the conventionsasdescribedin the generalguidelinesfor writing up SpecialProblems.You will be gradedon both the accr.racyof your work andthe qualrtyof your written communication.Seeyour teacherif you havequestions. Deadline. This SpecialProblemwill be dueno laterthan Chapter4 SpecialProblem4D
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