HOW TO CONTACT US For cancellations, general enquires or any other queries please ring the office. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm To contact the Office ring; 01270 761104. For emergencies outside office hours please ring the above number and you will be put through to our out of hours team. What is an emergency? An emergency is if you are taken ill, or into hospital or anything else that requires urgent action. 1 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR MEDICATION All service users and staff are protected by policies and procedures for dealing with medication. Service users who are able are encouraged to maintain responsibility for their own medication. Those service users unable to administer their own medication can be provided with assistance subject to certain conditions being met. This assistance must have been identified through assessment by care management and be part of the care plan. The term medication includes the administering of all prescribed medication. If you wish to see the full policy, you can request a copy from the office. 2 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 SERVICE USER GUIDE Care Needs Ltd is a family run Limited company, providing care and support in the service user’s home. We aim to provide a professional service with highest quality care to all our service users. Our objectives are to promote independence and autonomy. We ensure that all our staff are performing to our high standards with constant supervision both formally and informally. We provide the following types of services: Palliative Care Personal care Providing meals/snacks Domestic services including shopping and laundry Companionship Support Care Needs Ltd operates a fully qualified ‘Double Up’ team, which specialises in care associated with debilitating and terminal illness. 3 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 Social Care Workers are chosen for their initiative, flexibility and outgoing and friendly nature and an ability to work alone. All Social Care Workers undergo a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) and ISA Adults First check, before they are allowed to commence work. Our staff are trained in all aspects of care. They receive a full 3 month induction which includes basic training given by the Supervisors when they start; this includes shadowing with experienced Social Care Workers. It is envisaged that all Social Care Workers will attain an NVQ level 2 in Social Care as soon as possible after starting work with Care Needs Ltd. Social Care Workers are required to wear an identification badge and full uniform at all times. They will also attend courses run by Social Services, local colleges and in-house trainers including: 4 Safeguarding Adults Dignity in Care NVQ’s Fire Safety Health & Safety Moving and Handling Safe Handling of Medicines Infection Control Basic Food Hygiene First Aid Dementia Training Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 Catheter Care Emergency procedures, what to do in the event of a fire, unable to gain access to a Service Users home, and what to do if a Service User has an accident. Administering eye drops All staff update and attend new courses on a regular basis. 5 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 The registered Manager of Care Needs Ltd is Brenda Westwell. Brenda has worked in Home Care for over 18 years and has been running Care Needs since 2000. Before this, she was employed as a Manager/Trainer Manager for Bass Breweries for over 16 years. Training received over the last 20 years includes; 6 Fire Safety, Health & Safety Bookkeeping Managing Staff Disciplining Staff Recruiting Staff Moving & Handling Training for Management Stock Control Wine & Spirit Diploma Organising staff to cover holiday/sickness Customer relations Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 COMPLAINT/COMMENTS PROCEDURE Care Needs welcomes comments and suggestions on any aspects of the service we provide as this helps us to improve our service. We also welcome your concerns and complaints as it helps us to resolve problems and to make improvements for you and other people using the service. INFORMAL COMPLAINT PROCEDURE Please let us know at once by telephoning us on 01270 761104 We will do our best to rectify the situation as soon as possible. Should you feel the complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, then you should put it in writing. Once you have done this, the complaint then becomes formal. FORMAL COMPLAINT PROCEDURE If you need help to make a complaint contact Age UK on 01606 836599 or the Citizens Advice Bureau 0870 1204040 Written complaints should be addressed to Mrs Brenda Westwell at Care Needs Ltd at the address at the front of this brochure. 7 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 When a written complaint is received, we will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 7 days. We will investigate your complaint and inform you of the outcome within 28 days. You are welcome to contact the local government ombudsman at any time during the course of your complaint if you feel we have not dealt with your complaint to your satisfaction. Complaints can be made to Cheshire East Council Supporting People & Contracts Team Integrated commissioning Floor 4 Delamere house Crewe CW1 2LL Phone 03001235010 8 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 OUR SERVICES We provide care and support to service users in their own homes The service users include: Older People (over 65 years old) People with Physical Disabilities People with Dementia People with Terminal Illness Our services include: Domestic duties Housework, laundry, ironing, shopping, light meals, and pension collection Personal care Washing and bathing, prompting medication dressing/undressing and Companionship/Support Work Someone for you to talk to and share a joke with accompanying Service Users outside their home. 9 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOUT US Our Sandbach branch covers the East Cheshire areas of Sandbach, Congleton, Alsager, Middlewich, Holmes Chapel and Goostrey and Crewe. If you wish to discuss any of the services in the Sandbach area, please call the supervisor on 01270 761104. Care Needs Ltd is regulated by Care Quality Commission (CQC). Citygate Newcastle on Tyne NE14PA Telephone : 03000 616161 Fax : 03000 616172 Our CQC inspection report can be found on the CQC website, or if you would like a copy sent to you please contact the office. Care Needs Ltd compiles as Annual Quality Assurance Report every year. The assessment provides details of the previous year and the plans for the forthcoming year, if you would like a copy please contact the office and we can send you a copy. 10 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 CODE OF PRACTICE SUMMARY You have the right to: Expect that your dignity as a human being will be respected Your views on the service you receive and how they will be provided including the extent of services and the timing Decide who will or will not provide these services. You do not have to have a care worker with whom you are not compatible, or in your opinion does not carry out the tasks proficiently Request a review of the service provided and change these services if and when the need arises Full information on all the services that Care Needs provides and the charges involved in providing such services Privacy and confidentiality. Personal information held by Care Needs is available on request and will not be discussed with a third party without your express permission 11 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 Expect that you will not be subject to discrimination because of colour, creed, disability, age, gender or sexuality. Expect that any member of staff will act in your best interests at all times, and comply with all the policies and procedures outlined in this brochure Complain about the service. Care Needs has a complaints procedure, a copy of which is contained in this brochure 12 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US Care Needs has been formed to provide you, the service user with help in your own home. We pledge to: Treat you as an individual and with respect Value your dignity Perform all the duties as set out in your care plan To provide Social Care Workers who are prompt, reliable, courteous and competent Confidentiality – service users and their relatives or representatives know that their personal information is handled appropriately and that their personal confidences are respected 13 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 WHAT WE EXPECT FROM YOU WHEN YOU RECEIVE A SERVICE Tell us if you will not be at home when you are expecting a visit from us – by phoning the office on 01270 761104 Understand that staff will wear protective clothing (e.g. gloves) to prevent cross infection Provide the toiletries you like to use Provide ordinary household materials and equipment which is safe to use to help us do tasks for you Understand that we may not be able to do something the way you would like us to because we must follow our ‘Moving and Handling Policy’ in order to maintain the Health and safety of our staff Sign a record if we help you deal with your money Allow us to use a medication system in line with our policy if we support you with your medication Not to ask staff to perform tasks which are not included in the care plan Not to offer gifts or gratuities to our staff 14 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 HEALTH AND SAFETY Our aim is to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment, practices and equipment for all our staff, and to provide training and supervision to attain this aim. We recognise that our activities and practices can affect the health and safety of others. WE ASK OUR CARE WORKERS TO Take reasonable care of themselves and others Assess and report any health and safety risks to which they or others are exposed to while at work Use any equipment as per training instructions given Co operate with you and Care Needs Ltd on health and safety matters Comply with any statutory provisions WE ASK YOU TO Provide safe and acceptable working conditions and equipment Take reasonable care of yourself and others Provide complete details of your needs and requirements Co operate with Care Needs and its workers in order to achieve a safe and healthy working environment 15 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 MOVING & HANDLING Sudden Deterioration If your ability to move or transfer from a bed or chair is affected due to illness or some other reason, there are only certain tasks that our Social Care Workers can do for you. This is because of Government Moving & Handling Regulations. Most people can safely remain in bed and essential care tasks can be carried out there whilst awaiting medical advice or the provision of equipment such as a hoist. If you are in bed, we can: Assist with personal care Assist with medication Assist to make you comfortable Provide general advice on continence products Prepare food and drink We CANNOT without a moving and handling assessment or equipment: Move your position, for example from bed to chair Move you whilst taking all or most of your body weight Social Care Workers cannot under any circumstances lift you from any position even with assistance from another person, be it a relative, friend or other Social Care Worker. 16 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 MOVING & HANDLING ASSESSMENT The purpose of an assessment is to ensure that the health & safety of both the service user and care worker is maintained while a service is being provided. The risks associated with the moving & handling task will be identified and action taken to minimise them. It is the responsibility of both the care worker and service user to comply with the assessment. This may mean that care workers use equipment or work in a way that is different to what you are used to, or the environment may need to be changed to make the moving & handling task safer. 17 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 POLICY AND PROCEDURE DEALING WITH PETS Purpose This policy & procedure established guidelines for home Social Care Workers to deal with pets in the service users own home. It has long been recognised that a pet can contribute significant benefits to the general health and well being of service users, particularly those at risk of becoming isolated. However, the health and safety of home care workers must also be taken into account when dealing with service users pets. A copy of the full policy can be obtained if you contact the office. 18 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 INSURANCE COVER We are insured for loss or damage with the UKHCA If you find for whatever reason that there has been damage to any of your property or belongings whilst a Social Care Worker was in your home, you must report it immediately to us Call the Manager on 01270 761104 The Manager will investigate the occurrence of the damage and report to our insurers if necessary 19 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014 YOU AND CARE NEEDS The Care Needs Code of Practice is designed to provide guidelines to enable: The highest standards of care to be provided The rights and welfare of service users to be of paramount importance The rights and welfare of care workers to be protected Gifts Staff cannot receive gifts from the service users. There may be occasions where it is acceptable, but this must always be reported to the Manager. Fees If your care is commissioned through the council all your Invoices will go through them. If your care is commissioned privately through Care Needs Ltd or you receive a Direct Payment, you will receive an Invoice from us every fortnight. Care Needs Ltd charges can be obtained by phoning the office. 20 Reviewed 03/2013 Review due 03/2014
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