11§#';-V . &3HEimrrAPY GAZETTE *»HONE I4141: « MHWMMMI .'->/• " ' fwo Million GE Appliances l i e Shipped Since V-J Day ft^ECTE^;^ Student Cotincil Officers KBfly;-.:'-: YORK, Fab* 18^MO»O-Idepartment,^with headquarter* at ^nutt ; ^OOftQOO electric appliances Syracuse. Highest on the shipment list were fcaV* beeft »hlpp*<i since V«J day Nearly 1,411,000 /by foment* JBlectrlc—*nd-afi I Hated electric clocks. were shipped last year' to. dealers,' factories, and manufacturing facilities ara being considerably ex- and the year ended with only two panded, the company revealed to- and - one-mtlf days' production In day til a statement on Its appliance the factory Inventory. 3n January, 1H5, about ^6,000 clocks were manufacturing operations. made, but by December the figure The shipments during- 1M4-I5 had risen steadily* with the result represented 98 per cent of produc- that 256,000 were manufactured tion a&d an average of three to that month, the report said. four days elapsed between the com 141,000 Btattrona pletion of an appliance and its During *Mi, nearly 141,000 fiatshipment from the factory, the reIrona reached the.market, producport stated. tion having been started in SepDescribing Its expansion program for appliance manufacture, the tember. In 1943>, shipments jumped company revealed that two war to 76$,000, and the year-end Invenplants at Erie, Pa., erected by the tory found only two and one-half government for die use of GE in days' production on hand. ; JRefrigerators vrent' into .producproducing propulsion equipment for navy and merchant marine ves- tion last August, and 70,000 were sels, nave been purchased for the shipped by the «md of last year,, production of household refrigera- leaving four-days" production on The student council at Scotia tors and freezers. A. factory at hand Dec. 31. The manufacture of Trenton, NJ, operated by the com- electric ranges began again last Junior High school elected officers pany during the war on various September, and the year ended for the second semester at a spegovernment contracts, has been ac- with three days' output in the fac- cial assembly Friday afternoon, quired for the manufacture of elec- tory and distribution warehouses, T. K. Hymers, principal, said yes*"• tric washers. A small plant at more than 22,000 having been terday. White Plains was recently pur- shipped to dealers. Left to rjght are Mary Brooks, Washers went into production daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles chased for the production of kitchen units known as "dis- last August, but ^nly a small num- Brooks, 4 James street, president; ber were manufactured that month. David Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. posalls." By the end of the year, 15,200 had Donald R. Smith, 117 Washington Other Planta Bought been shipped « the market, leav- road,, vice president; Marilyn Hu> -At Allentown, Pa.| facilities have- ing fbur~and~ens-half days' manu- ber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil also been* purchased, the company facture in the total inventory. Bald, .and a government plant at The manufacture of radio re* Scranton, "?au, as been acquired •ceivers was resumed by the elecfor the manufacture of dishwash- tronics department last October, ers and sinks A leased plant at and by the end of December, nearly .idiUerton, ; NY, and. a new factory 14,000 had been sent to- dealers. at Norfolk, Conn., will produce The Dec. 31 Inventory at the facfluorescent starters. AH of these tory represented only-one and one^ •Mew facilities; will augment the half days* production; none were main, works of; the appliance and in distributing warehouses. Toast-merchandise department atBrldge- ers' began coming off the line last pprt, CorihM whlchr will be toperat- November, but the Lumber proJng at full capacity, the company duced by the year's end was Insufficient to meet the-demand by :'lWicV:: : -; : ^-"/\- ; '.'f,';:.^y. -"''' ^Included In the report released dealers for samples, and none were today. are; figures ^n the' shipment shipped from the factory. ^ of flocks; flatirbns,; refrigerators, Is Named Chairman by .washers* ranges, and /toasters* all of thejh produced by the appliance The Noble Grand, Mrs, and merchandise:: departmennt and i aftMated,• factortea./ Also included Marie Latiibert; Lodge a wi shipment f igii res; bit: radio re^ ceiverSyproduced by theelectronics Will Meet Tonight Mrs. Stalker to Direct Rebekah Entertainment Spec"UlEStio„ Seen Test of MJP Slrengtli Residents of Carm^Sta^ i'^i^ujp! >|oins; /Wltja. " ^ g ^ n i z a t i o n and jttakea Plans for Town Betterment Huber, 209" Riverside avenue, secretary. Glenn Ryder Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ryder Sr v of .314 Alexander avenue, was elected treasurer. Other candidates were Reinhardt Johnson and Barrent Henry, president; Gary ^Schumacher, vice president; Patricia Engle, Richard Pelham and Raymond Bowman, treasurer. Miss Huber was the only candidate11 for the office of secretary. :_' ./- ./.' SPEEDER FINED $IS Frank .Piflgeon of 23 North Jay street, Schenectady, pleaded guilty to a speeding charge and was fined $15 by Edward F. Wura, Town of Glenvllle justice of the peace, last night Pidgeon was arrested by Trooper Joseph Slkora of Thomas Comers' outpost ^ a n organisation to represent Cannan presidents In their relationii 'with the Rotterdam town government and to study means of Improving the community was Joined last night by about 150 residents at a meeting held In the Carman school. . T h e / g r o u p took oyer the re^ cently fprrned Carman Improvement association and adepts its officers foHowlhg a heated discusslow oyer the purposes of the organizatlon. Some of the group expressed suspicions of a readj^ made orgahlzation with officers already chosen but later accepted it when the president, John J. Kihmilre, explained that «lt was theirs to do with hs they wished. The orflcters were accepted for a year's term and a n . executive board, made up of one representative from each of seven, districts, into which the area is arbitrarily divided/was chosen and instructed to draw up bylaws.. The : other Officers are Bethel E. Merton, vice presideht and Marcel HIckey, secretary;: ; "-^'•:.:''7^:"-:v..-;v-; President Kihlmlre explained the .purpose of,the organization was to "see that Carman taxpayers get representation and their money's worth for their taxes" and to study the cost and the feasibility of suggestions made .to Improve the community* Among some suggestions already ma de> upon which ho judgment has been passed, are Incorporatioh Into a village, the laying of sewers and the tike; he said. Representatives of the seven districts In the area are Robert Holman, George Arsenault, George W; C. DuPont, Raymond r C. Winston, Archibald Peabbdy. Thomas J. Master son and : William ;J» Heffer- GAZETTE PRONE 4*4141 founded b y : a, groiip'. Of about 20 residents who met recently at .the home of Clifford E. Slater. At that time the" desirability Of yarlbus improvements In ihe area were discussed and the need for the organisation ; was agreed upon. Last night's .meeting was for the purpose of offerliig ther organizar tJoh to the people of the area- X; The group voted to meet;again next month to pass upon the bylaws the executive board was instructed t o prepare- " r Fraternal Notes / M e e t i n g s Tonight Schenectady Review, WBA, Barrett street halt B n a l B r i t h lodge, Jewish Com> munlty center. Brotherhocw' of Railroad Clerks, Clinton street hall. Queen l:-*?e,~ Barrett street haU.' . Scotia^gC_ \ IOOF hall, Scotia. Knights oih Bellevue, .Bellayue rooms, Corlaer Masonio lodge, Masonic temple. Schenectady City lodge, K, of P., 968 State street Barrel eh" iOOF hall, Woodlawn.' " ' : . • -V;':'.- vy,'.Arcadia >ebekth lodge, Rotterdan hall., / Amerlcaii Z^eglon auxiliaries, old Central fire station. XEA group, Jewish Community center. : Schenectady OES chapter, IOOF. hall, Mont Pleasant «'-:..^;*^ Shiawassee *iupcil, Z51—Statr street. American Legion post of Scotia, Memorial hall."' : "', Champion IOOF lodge, State and v Hawk street hall. St. Pa-.'.'s IOOF lodge, U0 State s t r e e t ; -. --;• "'.>' Delanson Rebekah lodge, IOOF hslli TDelanson. - ' Fraternal Order of the Eagles, Franklin street ball, . . .; Townsend club, I, Liberty street h a l l . •.•.;'• / . : • : -•"'•':/••;•••*'".•'•' S t Paul's Fellowshtp club, 440 : State street " :'•.-;•. , : | •V';^; .:••/"';-".;• r ."'"'•).' '.-» '•'-''••"' 'r.rC.'-^y/-C. ;";;*GA^^;"CLxrB' TO: : MEJOT;;-;;;: : Guan-Ho-Ha Fish aJid Game club Of Scotia will meet at 8 p.m.; ThursChina did not acknowledge Japaday in the Friendly\'Social h a l t nese sovereign over the Ryiikyu North Reynolds street, William H. islands until 1895, following the n a n . '.;•;'.''"<' •'-""• The organization was originally Way and, president, said yesterday. end of the Sino-Japanese war. • That Loosen ;DUA^^BUG-^^a ^etjtf/Hot^tnboroi* 4-IJ iclub> held a Valentine; pariy Many wearer* of false teeth" have Saturday night sit- th% village aurcered real ; embarassment because wajiMed at- JustTthe wrong time] Do™hbT not liv«' l o g ivero / R e v . Edward Diamond, in fear of thla happeidnj happening tb to you.>" yoa^Just » Httte. PASTE&rM. the allar Niels Rask, Mrfc George GuhOw, apHnklo ,ltt^j,tn2n"Rt!,d> l*owdert'on-; your piatea. l e a d ' s ; Alice Christmam Bertha Ho dbcralsa teeth more firmly, so ibey WilbSr, Helen ^Srokman,/Arlene and feel more .comfortable. Does not sour. Roberta Chesnut Phyllis and Mar- ^ c "Si'JK2MUSJ 0 ^' Wenture breath).. guerite Madison, ; Marlon. Tate, Al- Cet FASTEKTH at any drug store* berta WJliiams, - Mary Chrysler, Janet and Joan JSchoonmaker, Brenda Fletcher, Dorothy Knowles; lona Borden, Helen Clark, Rose Russo, Rachael .Briggs, > Ruth Chambers, Martha TBbsiei: and 'KarenVRask.. ;/;;-;/"• :-:;:\.-/;;.;':'/•;.;•. Also W&lda and Allen Cheahut Edward Borden, Albert Fidler R s y moniJ Gordon, Niels and Norman Raskv Clifton McDuffee Herbert Schoflald, George and Everett Tate, William Grelssler, Robert Haner David HorTman; William Tate, Gor- Sjj Vat Appointments Phone 4-9441 don Granlees Dou^as and Richard Croote and Richard Knowles, «2t STATE STRlET y r Uoor» Aoors ihe J^tasa theatrs! ' . Auxiliary News -•• '/•'; fflLEX HENRY KLEIN EYES EXAMINED Glasses Properly Htfed The women's auxiliary of Christ Episcopal church met Wednesday at the schoolhouse. Attending were M.rs, Abram Ball, - Mrs. Wilson Briggs, Rev. and Mrs. Edward Diamond Mrs.. Anna Kelly, Mrs. Earl Llddle, Mrs. Ralph McDougal), Mrs. Hettle I*. McDougall, Mrs. Roemyn Schrade, Mrs. Harmon Schrade and Mrs. Alice Williams. Plans were made, for a bake sale for thtf benet& ot the Red. Cross o s Feb. ^23 at Shafer's store. Committee members for the>March meeting will be Mrs, Edward Diamond, Mrs. Hettle L. McDougall and Mrs. Alice Williams/'/;.-.:;".-:"/' A "SeraJching" Dog"'v:'. I* In'Tormeat Thousands of do«r owners have found this good way to ke^p their pets from constant scratching', biting, tubbing; andr digging;. Once a week give them a dose of Rex Hunters. Dog Powders. These powders usually help to bring prompt ease7 from; an\ Intense ; Itching irritation that has centered In the nerve endingn of. the dog's skin.: The urge -to scratch abates—the - dog la happier,, more contented. No wonder a purchaser writes: "Rex /Hunters Dog Powders have given my dog' great reHeC^Mahy- ihantos from "Shink" and gelt*' Why hot try them on your own scratching dog, 25e^ at^th«: Florence Pet Shbpr? 123 Jay S t / a n d . leading dealers everywhere; (Econorriy/sise box fOr 51.00 only>-~ • '•",• /'•'••;••> Gas In Stomach and towels RELIEVED OR KO COST Every person who Is troubled with •xcesslve gas in stomach and bowels should Cft-» package of/Baaimsnn's Oa* Tabwrs and try them for quick relief of the distress, . ...*•. Sharp palna lit tha abdpmen are often due entirely to gas pressure; Many sufferers occasionally have/ m burning pain at the ntfof the stomach* called heartburn^. Others complain at times of palpitation, labored breathing, sonr risings, nausea, bloating, headache .or dlazlnesa. any of which r«ajr result from gas treasure, . .• • Monoy-Bacfc Ouaranto* , Baalmsnn's Qaa Tablets are made especially for the relief of excess gas ana discomfort resulting from gas pressure. Th«y contain no physic. Sold on a''• positive guarantee or money backftf tha first bottle should rati to give satlsiact : Uon with resultsv; Any good druggist can supply you. \2*utfon: XJss onQr a» directed. Always on hand at / : / / / Gazette Ada Bring Results Mrs. Nina Stalker has been named chairman of the entertainNEW YORK, Feb. % UF>—New ment committee of Palm Rebekah York city's special congressional lodge for the next three months election tomorrow? in the large 19th by Mrs. Marie "Lambert noble district in; Manhattan's lower east grand. Mrs. Harriet Herbeck will Side is expected to test the strength assist Mrs; Stalker. Others on the committee are Mrs. of:^thS:American--labor party as a Agnes Briggs, Mrs,!May Benjamin, third; party i n the city. ; Mrs. Bessie; BarWr, Mrs. Bernice ;/ The AIJP has jiamed its own candidatel ^Jbhannes Steel,. radio Boshart, Mrs. Belle DuClos, Mrs. Mrs. Marion commentator, to oppose the: demo- Myrtle...-; Frazier, cratic: nominee^ Arthur^ G. Klelri, Goutchy, Mrs. Viola Gillespie, Mrs. and the republican candidate, army Lucy Hancock, Mrs. Bessie HardCapti William S; Shea. / - . ' / / •>/;. ing,MrS. -Jennie Hunter, Mrs. Anna Mrs> -Heretofore the ALP'S power has Haerry.VMISs DorothjLJ^rvis, ibeen? exercised largely through Its Margaret Mabie, Mrs. Elsie Moehle, marginal weight t o / o h o of the MrsV Jennie Peters, Mrs. Sarah Potter, Mrs.'Ida Peer, Mrs; Carrie major»p^rty/ candidates. ./ • ;/ The by^lecUoff ^was eailed to fill Peck, Mrs. Mary Preston, Mrs; a vadancy caused ^ by • the" resign a- Lulu .Simmons, Mrs. Edna Spitzer, t^Onvof ^Repy; Samuel ;Dicksteln, Mrs. Bessie Tupper, Mrs. Clara Williams ahd democrat, - to v become; a . state Tapp, Mrs. Hattie 5 Mrs. Catherine Zimmer. Mrs. Lamsupreme; court justice. ;. bert and Mrs. Sarah Hillman, vice Steel has: the backing of Secre- grand, will also serve o»"the, comtary of^ Commerce Henry A; Wal- lhlt.tee."'':'r:>' .V.•". V-l . "•;:.. >"••_;"- ([ i lace and "former MayOr P. H. Xa '[•^y: ';lE^ph. Thursday : Guardia.: The Daily Worker, com*Ehe committee has voted to hold munist publicatiori,* hasr supported covered V dish luncheons at noon him editorially. * each Thursday at the Friendly SoMayOr William O'Dwyer and U.S. eial clubj.3jpi:th Reynolds' Btreet,:_ with nhnu! 1/j>he weight and obert^jFi W a g i w ^ ^ j - N y ] "The lodge will meet at; S p.m. bulk; of most hearing aids! have endorsed Klein, a former rep. ioday i n IOOFf hall, Mohawk averesentative who lost his seat In. nuef Mjts. Muriel Strivers wilt. be the old; rl4ih district through re- in charge of entertainment^ and reappbrtiohmeht, He> also ' has the freshments. backing of the Liberal; party. Friends' carried on the campaign riroirt THIS f S for Shea, who was unable to take ^•ejii IUCM the stump, because of army regulations. »•. • " The district, which extends along the east side from the battery to 40th street, is predominately democratic. The 1944 total vote was approximately 95,000 but officials expect tomorrow's balloting to be Seventy-four boys and girls have much lower. enrolled In. the "Animal Parade", NO SfFAPHi fiSTUSJ PACK' Oddly, only o n e ; of the candi- this year's version of the annual NO BATTERY WIRE! dates, Klein, will be able to vote. reading club at Scotia Public 1 .'.; ^"M^aB^ri';*!• clearonic experience -it* Steel lives outside the district ana library, it was announced yesterShea failed to register last fall. day. . I behindBcltone, the electronic hearing -:;':,' ;'• ~—~^ *'/""'"": During the 10 weeks from Feb. % 'aid^^u;h-I|ke precitipn and highett 4 to April 13 members will read : io^iur.Iftioy remarkably life-lik* ion* 10 books about animals. Displayed fc^Wi' |*JT irelter weiring co*nfprt. You at the 'library are animal posters Wear only ONE compact umt,induding showing names of boys and girls ;> «arpi«e and cbfd! Fully guaranteed Frank Ormlnskl gave a demon- enrolled and the number of books W. G. G. BENWAY stration'on how and why to candle read. A party for members comeggs at a meeting of the Earnest pleting the assignment will be held 90 State S K ^ I b o n y Eagles 4-H club recently in Alplaus April 13. school. A total of 38 boys and girls are enrolled from Mohawk school; 24 Michael Paparella, president, was MAM THIS COUPON I O 0 ft > in charge. Thomas Bates, Mr.Or- from Sacandaga; nine from LinW. 6. O. BEHWAt mJnt".:l and Warren McDowell had coln, and one each from Beukencharge of recreation and refresh- daal, Thomas Corners and Brown. ments. Club members are: Elizabeth Alexander, Robert AtEdward Ormlnskl and Douglas Falazeke are enrolled In the for- wood, Barbara Bailey, David Biel* - C S S £ V a u - # ^ « » ' f f ^ i S S " f J estry pre" sit Poultry bulletins, is- eckl, Nancy Birdsall, Mary Lou sued by Cornell university, were Bishop, Raymond Bishop, Barbara presented to poultry members. A Bausman, Jean Bute, Peter Chanscrap paper drive Is scheduled to donnett, Peggy Ctute, Janet Compere, Bobby Coville, Tommy Dempbe held in the spring. Robert Jaquay, Alfred onlnm ster, Carol Francisco, Ronald Franand Mr, Palazeke will have charge cisco, Sally Hahn, Lucille, Hall, of the meeting to be held Mar. 4. Michael Hancock, Bernard Henry, Donald Henry, Judy Henry, Joyce Movies wilt be shown. Hogle, Roberta Hogle, James Hbyt, 1 '• ' Frank Hutton, Ernest lerardl, John Jenklnson> Leigh . Jones, Barbara KantOrski, Patricia Kantorski, Gall Kellty, J. C. Kcister. Barbara S t Paul's lodge lOOF wilt meet Klages. Charles Klages, Shirley tonight In St. Paul's temple, HO Kruczek, David Largetcau. Stanley Slate street A rehearsal of the Ijargeteau, Judy L*hman\ Richard Initiatory degree will follow the Lewis, Marlanna Llrosl, Dean Lockbusiness session. Dcgreemaster wood, Gladys Lunge, Sally Mead, Frank Manley will be In charge Leon Mlllls, Barbara Montana, and Nelson Peek, assistant degree* Marilyn Myers, Michael O'Brien. George Papadoylanls, Billy Parker, master wilt be present Linda Patton, Donald Pearson, Carl S t Paul's Fellowship club will Peck, Michael Plcard. Nancy Radme#t afterward frith Lester Erck- IIIf, Roderick Ro'wledge, Ann Schilman In tharge of the luncheon. ling, Carole Schmidt, Sonja SchneiThe commlttc to s s J s t will include der. Tommy Smith, Omer Sponcy,! William Woolcock, Samuel Scott, Roberta Slryker. Lois Van Heusen, A. A. McLaren, Charles Nilcs and Edward Van Patlcn, Nancy Van William Bishop. Wlnckle, Barbara Vincent, Doris W* ^ov» selecfed sevecol Louis Nlles Is chairman for the Walllnv Keith Wells, Ravmorfti F>«im»um paymanl phra to -fit Feb. 26 meeting of the club. Edgar Will*, Betsy Westad, Patty VVIlAllen, Victor Weber, Les Shiller, iJame* Williams, Bobby Wilmoll' irtclivjdud! requiferrienls. Roy Adam* and Lynn LeggcLt will Hams), son And Arlene Yaunch. assist jgeftone % « 74? Gliildren ^ ^ignUpfor 'Animal Parade^ pSX YO(/ VtfEAft/ Candling Eggs Is Topic at 4-H Meeting INSURANCE PRE NEED NOT BE A BURDEN Team to Rehearse at St. Paul's Lodge IOOF II you ftava * %p*6&\ problem tari'fwi fo osk for our/ awitr*rte»,,;' - .... — » _ . „ . Sgt* Israel Marks pisdharged From Army S g t Tsrael Mark*, Schenectady, has returned to hi* home following his honorable discharge from military service at San Antonio, Texas. H* had verved rn tho army alt forces since July M, 1B41 Prior. | o hli discharge, Marks was assigned at Hondo army air field* Hondo, Ttkai* «a * lecturer In use, of emergency equipment He was awarded the good conduct medaV American, theater ribbon vtA iNSUMNCt How To Relieve Cr*omntel6it «M«Wi promptly b«* causa It BOOS tight to tho seftt of the ttxmbio to ixm Ioos«ai. antJ expel germ laden phlegm, and aid mUure to soothe and heal taw, tender, inflamed bronchiAl mucous mem* branea. Tell your druggist to «ell you li bottle of Oreomulaion'with the nnderatandingr you must like tha way It <julckly nUaya the cough or you are io have your money back WJW of W ; w<lt "Sfii;-ttmae Marks, IT ^m^Wnt^U punsi lo «ntsr J S c S ? i S K l 5 E ^ Y B\U Stern pklci « wtrtrtar In Ralttgrvtl 'Tttfortnancife makes champions," sajr* Mr, Stern. *poft«ca*tef. "So I checked the per» ifocmanc« of thefileading brAndt in certifkxl t«tj.An^ can'i- beat Raleigh* for Wa* nieffifn*, ite*s throat ir nt until , . .for all-round *a/"er smoftinrf. Sure, I'd rather have A Raleigh V Untitled Document wmm Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com UNION MADS ES! Testi bawd on A method u*ed by the United State* Government—certiified by a jury of 14 dittinguiahed doctor*, including eminent throat specialIstg—now orter you proof posittvtj; No other leading cigarette givea you / « a nfco*fne> te$s thto&t itti* tant». v. i* actually «a/ar to amoAa—than the riewr «moother, better tasting Raleigh I All aix leading brandi were tested f. So tty ..Raleighsl Enjoy- the- rieh; c r h ^ tob^cm that make fiale^ha so smooth, so mild, yet so ftiit* fiavored they're the Favorite of millions 1 Remember 4« Raleigh* are ri&htt
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