Drawing Down Divine Mercy T

Drawing Down Divine Mercy
How to use the Divine Mercy Sunday Parish Mission Program
The Divine Mercy Sunday Parish Mission Program is an enjoyable, comprehensive way to prepare for and
celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy in the parish each year. Our Lord’s message of mercy, captured in the vibrant
video presentations,will captivate any audience. The entire program can be run for 7 weeks prior to Divine Mercy
Sunday and includes a powerful 40-day preparation program complete with meditations and video commentaries.
Your parish will truly be enlivened and prepared for the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday.
The members of your parish are encouraged to read the daily meditations in Part 1 of the book Drawing Down
Divine Mercy, beginning two weeks after Ash Wednesday. Then, for forty days, take the journey in plumbing the
depths of Pope John Paul II’s spirit, through the daily readings and weekly video commentaries, which can be
shown in the parish or in homes. The last ten days includes the Divine Mercy Novena, which begins on Good
Friday and leads up to Divine Mercy Sunday. On Divine Mercy Sunday, the whole parish can have a celebration
and day of prayer using the video programs and components of your kit.
Recommended process to help your parish fruitfully enter into the 40 days of Drawing Down Divine Mercy:
1. To generate interest for the 40-day Preparation for Divine Mercy and the Feast of Divine Mercy, invite parishioners to
the parish to watch the Preparatory Week Video: Miracles of Divine Mercy.
2. If possible, follow up with parish-wide promotions, inviting families to begin the 40-day meditations in the Drawing
Down Divine Mercy book and weekly video commentaries, culminating on Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration and
Parish Mission.
3. Ask families to schedule time for daily spiritual reading and meditation. Read and meditate on the 40-day selections.
4. For six weeks, set aside time each week to watch the recommended videos in the parish or in homes.
5. On the 3oth day, Good Friday, begin the Novena to Divine Mercy and ask the parishioners to prepare for the
Sacrament of Confession. We recommend that you use the Examination of Conscience DVD.
6. On the 40th day, celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy, using the “Day of Grace” resources included in this kit
7. Encourage parishioners to receive the Sacrament of Confession within a reasonable period of time before or after the
Feast of Divine Mercy.
Video Viewing Schedule
Preparatory Week: Miracles of Divine Mercy: The Story of Immaculée Ilibagiza
6 Weeks of Video Formation with Fr. George Kosicki, C.S.B., in the parish or in homes.
Commentaries on Drawing Down Divine Mercy:
Week 1: Summary of the encyclical Rich in Mercy (30 min.)
Week 2: He Who Sees Me Sees the Father, The Messianic Message (30 min.)
Week 3: The Old Testament & Mary’s Role, The Prodigal Son (32 min.)
Week 4: The Paschal Mystery, A Love More Powerful than Death (35 min.)
Week 5: Mother of Mercy, Mercy From Generation to Generation (35 min.)
Week 6: Church Professes and Proclaims Mercy, Putting Mercy into Practice (49 min.)
Divine Mercy Sunday:
• Any of the programs from Celebrating Divine Mercy DVD
• Our Mission is Mercy Be Not Afraid Family Hour DVD
Drawing Down Divine Mercy
CONTENTS of the Divine Mercy Sunday “Day of Grace” Parish Program
40-Day Preparation Resources
30 Copies of Drawing Down Divine Mercy Prayer and Meditation book (305-14)
Commentaries on Drawing Down Divine Mercy by Fr. George Kosicki, CSB (1017-287DK)
Miracles of Divine Mercy — Inspiring story of Rwanda Holocaust survivor, Immaculée
Ilibagiza, on DVD (147-98DK)
Promotional Resources
Day of Grace Summary and Promo DVD with commercials and 5-minute previews DVD and
CD (147-104DVD, 147-104CD)
TV 1-min & 2-min Commercials and 281/2 min show DVC (147-108DVC)
100 Divine Mercy Prayer Pamphlet (327-97)
Promotinal Resources Booklet (375-263)
Divine Mercy Sunday “Day of Grace” Resources
Day of Grace: Celebrating Divine Mercy DVD (147-95DK)
Day of Grace: Examination of Conscience DVD & CD combo (147-89DK)
Our Mission is Mercy Family Hour DVD - Mercy and Youth (133-10246DVD)
Musical Tribute to Pope John Paul II (198-1165DVD)
Chaplet of Divine Mercy DVD Kit (147-103DK)
Divine Mercy No Escape DVD (522-12)
100 Spritual Boquet Envelopes (902-172)
Divine Mercy Picture (522-MP21)
3375 County Road 36
Bloomingdale, Ohio 43910
(740) 765-5500 or
Fax: (740) 765-5561
01-2 / D20-1 / A1 / 10 / 366-73 / 2.11.09