Sustentabilidad – Grandes Tendencias y como puede ayudar en posicionar Medellin como Destino de Negocios. Guy Bigwood MCI Group Sustainability Director Group Sustainability Director MCI Sustainability Services Trusted advisors to GOVERNMENTS ASSOCIATIONS DESTINATIONS (CVBs) CONVENTION CENTERS CERTIFICATION STANDARDS Building Community in the Sustainability World Since 2007 MCI has organised 132 events about sustainability and energy Selection of MCI Sustainability Consulting Clients MCI Sustainability Services provides strategic consulting to associations, corporations and governments worldwide Sustainable Event Consulting - EU Presidency - Denmark - Singapore Tourism Board - UN Global Compact Summit, NYC - Visit Denmark and Wonderful Copenhagen Convention Bureau - UN COP15 Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen - Costa Del Sol Convention Bureau - UN Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum - International Climate Change Conference, Hong Kong - World Mayors Climate Change Summit, Copenhagen - European Wind Energy Association Sustainable Destination Advisory Services - Gothenburg Convention Bureau - Capetown Convention Bureau Venue Consulting - Copenhagen Bella Congress Center - Estoril Congress Center - Capetown Convention Center - Stockholm Exhibition and Congress Center I’m a past-president of the The premier dedicated global community for sustainability education, research, policy and standards for the meetings and event industry Agenda Macro-Trends Industry Trends Case Studies Approach Smart Biz the world is CHANGING 9 billion in 2050 6.5 billion in 2005 5 billion in 1987 The world population 3 billion in 1960 is increasing 2 billion in 1930 1 billion in 1800 5 million 10 000 bef. JC 250 million in 1 5 000 bef. JC 0 1000 2050 Producing more waste 10 Climate Change is long term and its effects are only just beginning CO2 1850 1900 1950 2000 Living beyond our means Sustainable Supply A Sustainable Future Current Reality Sustainable Demand Source:The Natural Step the world is going green 15 Sustainability – Green Economy.. $5.7 Trillion Low carbon and environmental services and products market in 2015 (18% growth in 4 years) Paradigm SHIFT in how people select, buy and organise meetings and events the Paradigm Shift is and will effect everyone GOVERNMENT CITIES INSTITUTIONS VENUES CORPORATES HOTELS SUPPLY CHAIN Smart destinations are SEIZING this opportunity So how do you convert and position a destination to become a “green leader” First a little bit of Theory ! Forget GREEN Think SUSTAINABILITY INTEGRATED SUSTAINABILITY Integrated Balanced Strategic Approach Undestand RISKS! Physical Regulatory Reputation In case you missed it! 97% of Greenland melted in July July 12th – 97% Source: Nasa July 8th – 40% What is the climate risk to Medellin? RISKS ! Physical Regulatory Reputation What are the potential risks through regulation? RISKS ! Physical Regulatory Reputation 73% of buyers would reject a destination with a poor environmental record IMEX 5th Annual Survey of Buyers Attracting New Staff Generation Y 81% Employees want to join a company that makes a difference 80% of buyers have taken environmental results into account when organising an event IMEX 5th Annual Survey of Buyers ALL THIS RISK CREATES OPPORTUNITY! % Average Return on Investment on Corporate Climate Change Initiatives Source: Climate Disclosure Project Marriot New York Marquis New Energy Management System saves 18% of energy $800.000 a year 2.3Year ROI 5-15% Price Premium for Certified green property sales and rentals Locum Destination Review and Green Business Review Exploit New Opportunities Growth in meetings about sustainability Since 2007 MCI has organised 132 events about sustainability and energy Clients driving change Why are these clients implementing sustainability into their meetings 80% SAY THAT CSR WILL BECOME A MORE SIGNIFICANT PURCHASING CRITERIA - MPI Source: MCI Stakeholder Survey 44 45 Oracle: Year on Year Savings $1.5M Associations in action Comparing and analysing vendors Comparing and analysing destinations INFRASTRUCTURE CVB CONFERENCE CENTER HOTELS Smart destinations are SEIZING this opportunity SO WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION What is a sustainable meetings destination HARDWARE SOFTWARE • Infrastructure of city • Recycling • Carbon Emissions • Public Transport • Meetings industry commitment • % certified venues/hotels • CVB sustainability communications • CVB support to help clients be sustainable SO WHAT ARE SMART DESTINATIONS DOING TO BE SUSTAINABLE Sustainable Destination Management Framework Learning from our work and others we created the SDM framework EDUCATION COLLABORATION TOOLS STRATEGIC PLANNING FRAMEWORK CERTIFICATION MEASUREMENT SALES & MARKETING Strategy: Big Vision 2020 Goal: Gothenburg will be the world´ ´s leading sustainable city Collaboration Case study: Denmark Inspire greater collaboration, innovation and sustainable development of the meetings industry. Deliverables Green maps to find green suppliers Comprehensive planner toolkit Destination and Association Consulting 67 Who is the healthiest of them all? 2012 Scandinavian Destination Sustainability Index 25 GOTHENBURG HELSINKI Software 20 MALMÖ OSLO STOCKHOLM COPENHAGEN TRONDHEIM STAVANGER TAMPERE AARHUS UPPSALA KARLSTAD AALBORG ESPOO 15 10 REYKJAVIK 5 TURKU 0 0 5 10 15 Hardware 20 25 30 MEASUREMENT Increasing trend - destinations 70 Increasing trend - venues 71 Increasing trend sustainable event reporting Reporters - Reed Elsevier - Vancouver 2010 - COP15 - London 2012 - EU Presidency - MPI Certification Working your way through certification Minimize RISK! MAXIMIZE OPPORTUNITY! Do you want to be a leader or follower? Sustainable Destination Management Framework Learning from our work and others we created the SDM framework EDUCATION COLLABORATION TOOLS STRATEGIC PLANNING FRAMEWORK CERTIFICATION MEASUREMENT SALES & MARKETING THE END almost “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change.” - Charles Darwin You have the power to influence change For more info MCI Group Sustainability Director
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