i DOCK EXPERTS SIGN Many Ecard to Outline System for City Made Public Soon. IS POSTPONED ! n of Wharf Contidrrrd by Commission. Harbormaster SpeMrr I GlTfn Iaj' a IS Abnoe Vcmxe. day cleared for Honolulu. To bring the barn-- Gerard C. Tobey Chief Slover Orders Men to wa to Supple dock the tug Oneonta yaslerdav ordered to Astoria, aa the Watch Liquor Sales. Tobey arrived from San Francisco with cement In tow of the tug Dauntless. Sounding were made ofr Supple a berth and plenty of water fouud. J. S. rolhemtis. assistant engineer. Department of Engineers, and who I. BARS TO BE SCRUTINIZED temporarily attached to the Port of of aiding that Cooa Bav a. a mean prganlxatton to perfect plan for harbor Improvement, returned to th city He was assigned to the yesterday. s Police Head and Jodge TaxwcU work by Major Morrow. Corp of Engineers. I. 8. A. a P.ur-rhStop Selves as Bound to Inspector Beck, of the 17th llght-kon-tou rfiatrlct is ulanning a trip of Rom by Inebriates. Coos Bay on the tender Heather, whlch Families Suffer. Is under orders to proceed thera and tTKAMIK Two of three New York clll engineer asked .to become members of the tward of consultation of the Public Inx-kCommission hare telegraphed Chairman Mulkey that they will Their compensation will b tl a day and espensea. The thirdl ap"" pointee baa not replied and It mmr.l that ha la absent from tha city. Another messasre haa been aent. .vt an adjourned meettnic of tht yesterday the acceptance wera will male known. Chairman Mulkey Hive out the name of the men who are to outline rortlanJs public dock system when tha organisation of tha trio I perfected. The matter of the sale of the first block or bon.1 of 3.S00.000 authorised, Grant came up. but a City Attorney had nu,t forwarded notice a expected,a waa taken until an adjournment week from today. that Commissioner Corbett suggested 1 Klren tha when nnal consideration e question of street end. aa to the of adjacent property to occupy them, an effort ba made dock, provide for a connection between so that If on earn side of tha atreet. control them carico tha same Interest, to lue other, can be handled from one place, on tha as Is now done at sereral west side of the harbor.who la attached Harbormaster Speler. but to the IMbllc Dock. Commission, really work, under the Executive formal Hoard ami City Council, ofmade absence to application for a leae 11. when he will Tlslt tenln Ausrust Ban Franclaco. his parent, at granted absence for a period of al-IS previously been djyj. which had lowed by the other bodies. TAKlrPS CCT. SAYS VEYSEY s ae-re- Com-mlsl- prlT-ilex- O"" l:atc War May Ftollow Move of Elmore IntereM on haa featured tha apschooner pearance of tha new ita.ollne n Tillamook on the Portland-BandoLyddon Captain route, accordlnit to Veysey. on of tha ownera of the raao-lln- e been In schooner Anvil, wh'ch baa He aya veral month. that service here left Tlllamoolt that when tha Thursday he carried a consignment ac-of waa cement for Tillamook which rata baa cepted at IJ a ton. whll tha aa mer-irwaa classed aa IS It a ton. been . -In effect rtia rnana.se. " there ba been on feed, which was f.xed at 14. Heatdea. ho aays, the Tillamook cut from the rate from Portland to Ptualawtariffs the huh f i to f i a too. On of $7 welKht. ton a at Newport been to it It la $ a ton measureand to FlorenceVeysey that shipsalna ment. Captain aa they realise satisfied, were per, there the dlfflcuitle met In the Winter In fact reaching th aroall harbor, and the aev-erbarbound that vessel, A are often the Tillamook la owneddava. fcy S. tlmore tt Company, which oper.. -- . to -rr tnw mwvmwv " -1 1- - Plmnr Tillamook and In about 10 days will fiave tha new sTasouge Knggnrr ready for ervlce on tha Oregon Coast. It la expected that lower rate, will rontlnue. They will be met for a tlm by Captain Veysey and associates. The achooner tvilhelmlna I. also gasoline . n. .mr.li'. Ihnurh not maklna Kan. Ion. and all Independent carrier may be Involved. Coast.-Kste-cuttln- n -- k. al . 1 W PISClIAnGIXG MCEHIC Urlurnlnr Portlandcr Cabin HERE Are Among risdcnjffi. of discharging th con- - usual Work 1'inmrnli of Oriental cargo wa. beaun the Bank Lint yesterday aboard steamer Lucerlc. which I on her sec Captain rail voyage to Portland. Mathle report, an uneventful pa.Mir except porta that an from unusual amount of fog waa encoun lered. The Lucerlc brought 500 bale of raw allk. valued at IJ00.000. which waa ondis-a charged at Seattle and aent East special train. Her entire cargo amounted to about 1C00 tons. She had 20 passengers In the cabin and a number In the steerage, among tha flrat-clatraveler, being Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hare, formerly of thla city. Mr. Hare lias been engaged In military medical work In the Far Eaat and I. returning on a vl.lt. Dr. John R. Pugh. who waahere last aa surgeon of the liner Orterlc. a sister hlo of the Lucerlc. making his first trip on the Lucerlc lie served at one time on tha numeric and haa had wide experience In hand and Orientals. lirr Iromlgranta The Lucerlc ha. a large amount of lumber and flour to load for tha other aide and will finish with flour and gen eral cargo on Puget Pound. Th OrientalJlnr Henri k Ibsen arrived In th river yesterday morning from tha Far Kast via th Golden Gate and will began discharging today. over-Pacif- ic a. 1 MONARCH TO RCX TO FETE J art Strainer Being Orrrhaulr-d- . to Increase Fleet for Astoria. Preparatory to going on the Port run during tha Centen nial celebration, the ateamer Monarch shifted yesterday to Supple yardIn where a fresh water tank la to ba stalled on th lower deck forward, that he will not have to depend on water available in tha lower harborI for ber to b boiler. Tha Teasel's bow heathed and considerably laaa Impor tant work will be done to place ber In land-Astor- jesm. lucerlc one-wa- Interests, operating the steamer Lur "In from Portland every morning, and N. fleet, leaving both R. the 0.-morning and evening, will give As dally. Th railroad steamer five torla Interests will also have frenuent train There will service If travel warrant be fast schedules In effect between As on bay point tha and th tnrla and atearaer Carlo will ply to aea with IN OFFTCRKn TO STOP 8AI.CS OF IJQl'OR TO DKCNK3. H. A. B. Williams, of 805 First street. offers to subscribe I2O0 REWARD I" P"rt Manila San Pedro Pr P"" li..mot.... eaa Pedr Jn port P.av.r Pri u.nnk Ibati.. loilton....ln Praakvslsr. ...Coos Hay. . All. 7 Nome City Sua H. kUroor. n . "'so Iloacnke Il-s- . us. ........ .!Hocjtw.:. nJn ... Aos! mi Franeiao Au. fas fito Ant II. riertnle ye. con t.r u. 9 A - toward a fund to provide for rewards for the arreet and conviction of who sell liquor to IntoxiIn a letter to The cated aeraona. Oreconlan he says: your Sunday Issue 1 see where "In one Frank Mays Is fined IJio and aix montha in Jail for Belling liquor to an Intoxicated man. A decent saloon can conduct it. business without such tactics, but the dive never. To put the dive out of business Is simple If the people will take hold of the proposition and will offer rewarda for the arreat and conviction of any saloonkeeper that sells Intoxicating liquor to a person alresdy Intoxicatby ed. I will start the ball a subscription of f200." T T A Autr. . J u . .....Bsroessn. socaa. l a's II limMK.. 1 11 1 XV gldr..aa DI'SO.... Aus. 14 lft Alllaace. ...... Eureka...... IS Au. Ho .....fcan Hongkong. ... iraiblyoa aebsdalea a Devart. For. T. 8 Kama. R. Elmer. Tll'.ameok.... Au. tn ..lisyocaaa. ... Au. Bay ... ,...n D.aeo.... Aua. h Oi Dill Nome City. .. ..Fan Pedro. ... A UK. Aul. 10 ..Coos bar rakweir. Ooiilm Gat. .. 1 u,.mi4 . . . A us. 11 AU. Anvil. ....... ,, ltOOOD .. Ran Pedr.... Aiir. 12It Heaver Au. 15 Ibsen . Bonckong-..- . Hnrik Auk. V'a on. . . . . . rriuciM Aug. 15 ..Manila Lucerlc. - IS ti,Ar ..tan reJro....u. ... Au. 17 .fan Dloce. tiro. W. us. 1 Alliance. ...... Eureka. ...... AAu. San Pedro.... Roe City S . .. Honskong. areola. ..... . . . MongUong. . . .Spt. l ai. .i: . gld. A. relocate; channel buoys In advance of Mr. he arrival of the cruiser Boston. Beck expect the Heather to reach the river dally from Neah Bay. which point she waa to hare left Saturday. V n. a fall ..il V at the CUStOm- house co'mprlsvd the temer Beaver. Roanoke and Saginaw from Ban Fran cisco, the Oleum from Port Kan Luis, Alliance from Eureka and the British. teamer Uucerlc from the Orient ana Puget Sound. The Alliance cleared for he return, the Washington ior Ban M Kranclaco with 490.000 feet of lumber. ha schooner Resolute for Honolulu. the Beaver and Roanoka for California ports and the Saginaw for Raymond. James Laldlaw. British Consul, said he had been advised that the H. M. 8. Shearwater, a sloop-of-wassigned to duty on the Pacific Coast, where hut two British aaval vessels are assigned, would reach Astoria from Csaulmault about September 4. Alter a short stay she will proceed here, ar riving about September 10. ior a visit of a week. Harbormaster ripeier say. that owlnr to her small slxe na win arrange to anchor her at a convenient place between the bridges so tne and crew may use the Stark-strelanding. One shift of sandhoga employed In caisson No. (. on the Broadway bridge work, announced a strike because they were not In accord with their foreman, and yesterday they wera paid off by of order of Engineer Tom Alexander, tha I'nlnn Hrlclre A Construction Com- nanv The men. It was reported, had ordered the foreman out of the caisson Saturday night. He not only refused but managed to force an or tnem he left the through the "lock" before As the- - delivery oi Ir chamber. pier Is not of the sides th granite for rapid the company will not hurry sinking operations and the loss of a few men is no handicap. Threa chains and a "deadman were broken yesterday at the yards of th Portland Shipbuilding Company when th hull of tha wrecked steamer M. K. Henderson" waa being hauled out. and It waa not until late In th day on the way so that a full that h wa damage could ba obtained. view of the Captain Shaver says that he doubts If any attempt will be mue 10 repair here, aa she l badly noggen. mo deck Is twisted and there la little ot value but her machinery. Th hearing before Local Inspector Edward and Fuller, where Captain onJordan. inai ollot of the tug Sameon. is on a charge of neg.lgenc In connec proDADiy win collision tion with th be concluded today, a there ar but three wltne.se. to be called. yes-erd- av ar et Movements of Vessels. When a man selfishly persists In spending money for beer and whiskey that ought to go for the comforts, and, perhaps, the very necessaries of life for his wife and children, such a man needs treatment. Some would say that he should be put under restraint and forcibly kept from wasting that which belongs to his family even more than to himself. If, however, this man can be made to give up drink b a treatment administered without his knowledge, it would certainly seem to be a wise thing to do. but in searching for such a treatment the wives and mothers of drinking men should be careful that they deal with honest people and get an honest treatment. The White Ribbon Remedy la honestly made by honest people, with the sincere desire to help the homes that are being Injured and, perhaps, even desotastelated by alcohol. It is odorless, habit-formino less, contains absolutely drugs, and may be administered secretly if desired. It has proven Its efficacy so many timea that those who earnestly desire to win the drinker from the alcohol habit may begin treatment with confidence that excellent results will follow. White Ribbon Remedy costs $1.00 per box, or six boxes for $5.00: and may be obtained of Woodard, Clarke Co.. Portland. Or. mlttee were of the opinion that one of the deputies now employed could work at night, thus relieving those at work during the day from this posting work, and that the City Auditor's office now has deputies enough. Mr. Barbur nststed that all his men are very busy with city business, all of which must pass through his office, and that He waa inbe needs another man. structed to draft an ordinance providing for an additional deputy, and will present It at the next meeting of the ' committee. CITY "I, for one, shall not lend my support to a civil service system that keeps derelicts In the police department at the expenre of women and children, whose drunken husbands are robbed by unscrup ulous saloonkeepers. In these words Acting Chief of Police Slover. addressing tha members of the day relief, went on record as being heartily In accord with the efforts of Judge Taxwell to enforce the law which forbids the Bale of liquor to men already Intoxicated, as brought to a climax Saturday by the sentencing of Frank Mays, saloonkeeper, to serve six a Sixth-stremonths' imprisonment. "Civil service is now on the most severe trial In its history." Chief Slover told the men, "and It Is Just such negligence, or worse, on the part of public servants that will turn the scale and deprive you of the security that you enjoy. You enjoy civil service and you must In return give 'civil service' to your employers. In no respect do you owe a greater duty to the city than In protecting women and children against this class of parasites." Conviction Deemed Easy. No formal order waa Issued by the Chief, who contented himself with citing the law and a former order of Cox. He contends that It will be easy for policemen to obtain convictions for this offense, and that by so doing they will reduce the amount of gross drunkenness In the city noticeably. In this consVntlon tha Chief Is borne out by statistica of the department for the month following Judge Taxwell'a campaign laat year. Under direction of Cox. patrolmen served notice on all saloonkeepers that the law would be enforced rigidly, and a few arrests k were made to drive home the truth. Im mediately the number of arrests for drunkenness took a suddon drop and remained at a low level for some time before they again began to creep up et ef ef ward. Completed statistics for 1910 showed that there were 7717 "simple drunks' taken to the police station, being almost one-ha- lf of the total arrests, and the figures throw no light on' the number of casea In which men held for other offenses came first Into trouble by Intoxi cation. Strict Gnard 'Wanted. Tha Llnnton rockpile received mog prisoners In th year, and the majority of these were confirmed drunkards, in spite of the fact that all the un aggravated cases are released when sober by the police csptalns, without a hearing In court. Striking reduction in these figures could be made, ay the officials, by reasonable activity on the part of policemen, who hava but to step Inside a the city to see saloon In any part-- of men buying drinks who are already ob viously drunk. If the police can t do It, said Judge Taxwell yesterday. I shall do it myself. I am willing to give my time, if neces sary, to put a atop to this practice, but I see no reason why the police cannot do It." Second of the saloonkeepers charged by Mrs. Frank Skidmore her husband a bank account, is jo Mor rison, who will be tried In the Municipal Court tomorrow afternoon, before a Jury. Pursuant to the raking given by Chief Slover yesterday, other arrests are ex wlth-4ooti- ng f -rt Ta-co- Frmn-ebec- o. ) 15 DEAL HALTED PURCHASE OF FLECK WATER PLANT DEFERRED. . S. i i '. : CURED IN FIVE DAYS Varicose Veins Piles, Fistula & , 1 , V - rffeV , JJ.Keefe,Ph,G.,M.D. Enlarged Glands Mens Specialist Expert in PortI am the only specialist his own photoland that publishes man-hrand graph, personally conducts consults and his own office, own patients. his with and treats all and ex1 have mure qualifications other specialist perience than anv city. advertising in this is Every man calling at my office and Individassured of my personal is effectcure a until ual treatmentare that exed. Mv fees "medical comacted "by the variousand ."mueeums. panies." "institutes" Be sure to consult me before treat-in- s elsewhere. Why treat with irresponslbles expert servwhen "yon can secure the ices of a responsible specialist? any of the have "nu Pee me if following disorders: Varicose Veins, ?ierve, Obstructions, Hydrocele, Bladder Illood and Sklu Disorders.F.rnptlons, Poisons, Blood Trouble.Weakness, Prostatitis,, Piles VIceiK. or Fistula. 0 to 5 7 to 8 rally Sunday, 10 to 12 Examination Advice Free. Rooms -s Examination Free 17 Tears of Success In Treating Men Cures Guaranteed or No Pay most Misy Cases Permanently Cured la ONE THEATME.TT. T h from Occnpntlon, Savlng. Mo.t Natural. Moat Safe. K. Detention -- 00 to Any Olve Will Cure. I Permanent A and Radical Borne. ar la Charity aa a Guarantee That Every Statement ta Thla Announcement True. expense. I will demonstrate I ear rapidly, painlessly and at email conclusive evidence of my merit actual results In your case. I will give by abUlty I invite you to oome to which Is obtained and maintained my office. I will explain my treatment for Hernia. Ptlea. Fistula, Varl-ewill Disease..-Vein- -, Pelvic, Kervoaa, Blood, Kidney and Bladdermicroscopical and a give you free a physical examination; if necessary, pathological and of secretions to determine existing advantage of this person take .hould Every bHolo"c.l condition. opportunity to learn their true condition. Certainty of cure Is what you . wane every ailing Parson as to A thorough investigation should be made by to self and tliose who dethe specialist he consults. Duty and destiny I have the ability attention. medical pend upon you demand th best1 charged a very reasonable have always any you this service. and can givemy who sincerely deman by may obtained be services fee. ao that statements or unbusinesslike sires to be cured. I make no misleading Independent, and I particularly be to propositions; neither do I deslr If you will come to me on a would like to have you for a patient. offer, I h.chare that inducements basis, and the strictly professional g treatment my ability and 30 years' successful experience, and guarantee of cure of certain diseases. WHS CTRK BT NEW SCTBVTIFIC METHODS WHICH CAWOTFAIt WEAKNESS, VARICOSE OR s, swollen v o Snooted veins" obstructions, GLANDS, PILES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES AND ALL DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. We are permanently located, incorporated and licensed under the laws of Oregon. call, If you cannot MEN, IF IN TROUBLE. CONSTXT TJS TODAY. Many caees curefl at blank. write for free book and 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 to 12. home. Hours 9 A. M. to am-11- oi 1 one-four- th 300-10-- BUILDING, TRUST MERCHANTS Corner 6th and Washington Sta., Portland, Oregon. System AND BLOOD PUMF1E Woodstock. The purchase by the city of D. B. Fleck water plant. which supplies Woodstock with water, was a question taken up by the ways and .means committee of the City Council at its meeting yesterday and deferred nntll the next meeting. Councilman Burgard said he had previously been In favor of purchasing the plant, but that as much of the pipe now laid and In use by the Fleck system is too small and will have to be replaced soon with larger pipe. and as he said he understood the city would soon have pipe available to lay in Woodstock to replace the r leek pipes, he was not in favor of pur chasing the plant. n. o. Clark, engineer or the water a revised report Board, submitted showing there are 25.7 miles of pipe In the city and 7.7 miles outside the city limits In the Fleck system. Ho said the probable value of the plant nd eauloment to the city Is I1Z.314.6U. although he says It will cost $46,- 662.83 to duplicate the plant. He figured that the D. J. nnn sys tem of J.96 miles of pipe, which Is leased by the Fleck company. Is worth $140.09 to the city, and the J. I. Mor ris svstem. or Frankey plant. $249.90, this being also leased by the Fleck comDany. The statement was made that mucn of the nine is wooo. tngmeer uism said In his report that tne pipe couia be used for some time except that nre protection will be demanded, and that to meet that demano iron mains musirenlace the wood and the Inch and twoinch pipe He said the lurures ne did not Include "he value of real estate and of the pumping- plant, These water tanks or other fixtures. The he estimated to be worth $15,500. m Income from the Fleck plant Water said. he $11,443.20. was Ronrd recommended to the City coun do eil June 30 that an ordinance passed appropriating $27,500 from the purcnase mo oi tne water fund lor tilnnt. The committee aeciaea to recommeiiu to the Citv Council that $500 be trans ferred from the general runo to tne auditorium fund, to be returned as aoon as auditorium bonds are sola. The salaries of Deputy City Attorand Benbow were rec nv lattniirntts omended increased from $175 a month to 1185 a month. The request of A. Jr. morns, a. r. An.ienon. H. O. Richards and O. P. Ramsey, transit men in the employ of he C.ltv Engineer, for an increase in salary from $110 to $130 a month, was bud-mltt- - ii referred to City Engineer Hurlburt for recommendation. Tha - i ... Aiirtltn,. WAA Authorized tO draft an ordinance appropriating $115 for a steel cage for the City treasurer's department. Alta Mine Gets Xew Equipment. GRANTS (Spe of the Alta Mine Or.,- - PASS. Aug. 7. cial.) The owners near Kerby have Just returned from Portland, where they purchased a Chile steam plant to operate a mill upon the millslte aajaceni io 40-to- n I Cure Men IS MY FEE W'bea Cored General Debility, Weak Nerves, Insomnia Results of exposure, overwork and other irio- latlona ox nature" arleo.e and Kidneys.permanently Bladder quickly an Vrlsm expense. cured at nmall Newly conSPECIAL AILMK.VTS cases cured. chronic tracted and Itching inflammaand burning. All In 24 hour. Cures eftion stopped Consultation fected In seven days. unable to call, write for free. Ifquestions. of list Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundavs. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO, Cor. First, 324.4 Vablnon Or. Portland, st. Par BING CHONG Chineao Doctor Mads of Chines herbs and root madlclne cures all of th heart, kinds dlaessesstomach, kidlunss. liver, ney, blood troubles of man when others and woman ail. If you sutler, call or srrite to 163 H 3d it-- room A. cor. Morrison. L. T. YEE & SONS Reliable Chines spent lifetime study of Doctor h.,-uiH research In Chinas was granted diploma by the Emperor; guarantee cure i wuiucu Lllmrnts of men ana 1 , wm. aaf- i call or write to Js hONS .MEDICINE CO., M2V irst. Cor. Aioer, roniaau. Th. Old. K run-dow- a-- V iT.. V. v. BILIUUa Rfngl rtUrLCif . Are ratyaot to stok beadselM. aooT avtmaeh. aod bad ooos- pianos'. Cooaupawd yaopla ha Ibaas aTsistosu, waica ara "iy oorad nose joa saow wba lo do. Wa h carri thaaa oomplall i,w araia tinflTIB UTU F1U4 mall. Foe bit." Liiaa wrT E lT0di.K Too look ar.d toal bauar aftar sa.D boi at stores er b K.0 r l Consultation Free You Can Find Out the .K .1 M Proper Remedies DR. 1VO Since Dr. Wo practiced in Portland some years ago, he has traveled extensively, visitingsfhe leading hospitals In China and new remedies and securing learning successful, means of combating sickness. Now that he has resumed his practice In Portland or.ce more, he Is prepared to give the people the benefit of his knowledge and ways of treating such diseases as cancer, rheumatism, stomach and lung troubles and .hundreds out of town of others. Patients stamps when inclose 4 cents in writing for symptom blank and 'circular. J. i 7 IN FIVE DAYS 3t nm Varicose Veins, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula, Etc. DR. A. G. SMITH. I am the only specialist In Port-lnn- d who does not advertise a name or photograph, I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct am the most successmy office. ere. ful and reliable, aa medicalprove. dentlala and presa record yon ao statement tbat thla make I will know yon consult a true spea e cialist, who sees and t r a t personally. I possess skill and experience, acquired In sack a way tkat ao other can share, and hould not be clussed with medical companies. It Is Impossible for a medical company to attend college. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine In Oregon or any other state. Medical companies usually are named portrait, whose after a doctor. AIdentity are Inpersonality and definite, la selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctor with questionable ability, give consoltation, examination and as pa-tle- ata No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home. OPERATIONS. NO SEVERE PER.MA.NKXTLY MANY CASES IN ONE TREATMENT. CURED MOST NATMOST URAL, MOST SAFK. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AUIS A THORITIES THAT THIS PREFACT. I AM CERTAINLY CURE BY EXPERIPARED TO EQUIPMENT, WHICH ENCE AND ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUCCESS. I HAVE THE BEST ON EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE $500 GIVE THE COAST. I WILL GUARA AS TO ANY CHARITY ANTEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRUE. VARICOSE VEINS Impair vitality. I daily demon- pre-serv- ed rehealthy circulation is rapidly of the depressestablished insteadguarantee you a I ing conditions. cure to stay cured or refund the money. 60 FOR BLOOD POISON. "s .se3 new discovery. I use Professor Ehrllch'e wonderful ience. is the greatest mam of edf ical of Specific Blood Poison. It cases. thousands successfully in used has been His new remedy you. , me explain it to FREE, ADVICE AND CONSULTATION P. M. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1you my treatto ?lnv!te yoTto A. come to my office. I win explainBlood Poison. Piles, Debility, Nervous Hernia. Veins. ment tor VaricoseKidney. and give Ailments, Men's Prostatic and all Fistula Bladder. you FREE a physical examination; if necessary a microscopical ana chemical analysis of secretions. it DR. A. G. S MITH Portland, Oregon AND CONSULTATION ALWAYS Heart Disease Varicose Veins Diseases of Hydrocele the Lungs Liver Disorders Kidney Disease and All Chronic Nervous Debility Blood Disease Rheumatism Diseases sriOs Alder, Corner Third Entire Corner, Second Floor. THE- OFFER TO EN pliSt Our offer Pay when Satisfied is your absolute protection. Consultation, examination diagnosis free. nnd is all Our Men. of Ailments you is a want What Come to us cure. Hours and get it.0. Evendaily 9 to Sun ings. 7 to 8. days 10 to 1. CO. GREEN DR.Washington Portland, Men and Women Cured The famousChi-3. K. Chan Medicine nese Company, with remedies, thlr and of herbs wonroots cure derfully. It has cured when V mfterers J. 'sa. , other ' remedies failed. ailment eure cure tor chronic, privatern.um..um, 111 many have lu J haronl.,Wdn.y Kcmeu of all kinds. A.hr diseases Consultall OPERATION. S.?es ?r" Examination for ladle, by Mrs. S. .Vh Chan. The ED and DISSATISFIED sufferers who have mi a cu re to call on me. It will cost you nothing to receiving without Viair-mn aynmiriRtlO n of your case made, and I shall bo glad to sick and afflicted 1 hold out is your condic tlon. To the Kladly tell you frankly what your tell you so;- if not I will case Is urable I will no false promise. If s I do not accept incurable cases for treat- ment nder any circumstances. dentiaL bn ...,!treated wv. m invjij ni1 C;l or writs to S. K. 220 m Chan. Chinese Medicine C. su. Portland. Oreson. Morrison LEE DR. WING my own I pake I rrrV Tortland, Or. P. M. - OF THE tli..J iS am24 HouH rsulG bears the Beware of counterfeits a I rTO-NIGK- T 3 s..,- - DR. LINDSAY 1 l f uiown" THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST. Entrance 128 ,rfco.n,f Corner Alder and Second Streets. Office Hours a A St. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 A. 51. to Ch nese herb and ro8 I am medicines. Doctor educated ..,, .a trftntmpnt the Physicians pra ticing in Oregon at ha' I Washington. used Chinese herbei-- .ai root medicines a LkSa.-vears. eiv.tv fnr 4f nn.-thO paucuw.. ,.0,-t.- ....u ,tllv examine ... .... ..xt.- - lontr fttun , , ougniy. ino ing tne aisease, no Ki curable. t . isuAnv, ailment.-i- Rtotnnr.n d: ii Iti.aiiey, .1niiuiii. iicii pi. poison, blood eases, consumption, .......-..- . ail curea oy my n for circulars a town pecple write consultation blank. 27 North Fifth St.. Portland. Or. Slen Only I especially Or. St., 363 Diseases of of the Skin - DR. GREFN 234V2 Morrison Corner of Second ONLY SPECIALIST FOR MEN FREE EXAMINATION Wo ChineseMedical Co. TIME-SAVIN- varicose veins can be strate thatnearly all cases by one cured in treatment, in such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are strengthened, pain ceases, and swell ing subsides, a of Your Trouble, Then, if You Wish, Get Right In your busiest season when you have the least time to spare you and are most likelv to take diarrhoea have lose several days' time, unless you Diarand Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera take a dose at hand and rhoea Remedyappearance ot the disease. on the first n. J? OT l J uco.c. . CO, Hulsdaloius. fa. Nature mining property, a he property is new and has one cut 150 feet above the mill where the ore Is sent down by The ore hoot is about 20 gravity. feet wide. The mill carries six rollsa that weight 1200 pounds, and have crushing capacity of 7200 pounds. lr1 treatment. GREAT TONIC There is one reason above all others which makes S.S.S. the greatest of all tonics, and that is because it is the most perfect of all Anv svstem which needs a tonic needs a blood puri hlotvi rmrififrs. n con fier, for it is impure blood which causes the weakened, dition of the body. a. a. 2. is made entirely or roors, neros ana oarKs, which possess not only strengthening properties, but at the same time are recognized as ingrcaients or tne greatest vaiue ror removing every S.S.S. improves the Impurity, poison or taint from the circulation. appetite and digestion, corrects stomach disturbances and steadily tones and builds the system up to perfect health. It adds to the blood the rich healthful properties it needs, and In every way benefits the system. S.5.S. cures all diseases and disorders arising from weak or impure blood. Book on the blood and medical advice free. 5. S. S. is for sals THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- - ATLANTA, CA. at dru3 stores- - at sores, OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE ,nm MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH. PORTLAND, OR. Renewal of Pipes to Be Neoeseary, Councilman Opposes Transfer of mittee recommend to the Council the Ttdra at Astoria Taeaday. employment of another deputy at $75 Low. Hlkh. -4 0 foot a month. T.l feet':!l A. M A M Som of the members of the com- S. P. M feet':I P. M.... I I feet A u time-savin- Aug. 7. Arrived "teamer Ttraakaraiar. from Coos Hay: .Norwegian ateamer Henrlk Ibsen, from llonckons via Brmen Yokohama and ban i.ucerlc from Manila and Oriental porta via Brlttah Columbia and Puset Sound; schooner YVIlhelmlne, from sasolln steamer Caaoo. from Kan Francisco. Sailed titeamer Alliance, for Coos Bay and Eureka; ateamer Olrum. for San Francisco; steamer Sasloaw. for Raymond. Astoria, Aug. 7. condition at tne mnuia of the river at i P. M . smooth: wind, westa Dected. Frank Skidmore, whose wife brought weather, cloudy. Arrived at 4 miles; A. M. Steamer Break about the present upheaval through and left op at 4:1 nay. yv. w In seeking redress Arrivea Verseverance water, from Coos Norwegian her the plucking of her husband, was M. and left op at I! noon amer Henrlk Ibaen. from hlonakons ana for police station yesteTday way porta via Ban rrancisco. raiiea ai s taken to the Pressesy, in an intoxi A V. Steamer Klamath, for Ban Pedro. bv Patrolman Skidmore was wantA. M. Barse Oerald C. Tobey cated condition. Arrived at case, but Mays pan sraned as a witness In the In tow of tug Hereulea. rrom . up at i. Cisco. Arrived ana not be found. could Yaschooner TVllhelmlna. from Gasoline quina. Arrived at 1 and Irrt up at :! f. M. Steamer Caaco. from San Franclaco. A. BARBUR ASKS MORE MEN San Francisco. Aug. 7. Arrived at ArM. Steamer Falcon, from Portland. rived yeterdaj dteamer Temple E. Dorr, City Auditor's Office Works Over from Portland. (san Pedro. Aug. 7. Arrived flteamers from Portland. time on Lien Socket. Shasta and Yellowstone, Shanghai. Aug. 7. Arrived previously. Teooma; Suverlc for Panama alary, for and Seattle: Nlaaara, for Can City Auditor Barbur will soon put on of his deputies at work nights Kan Francisco. Aug. 7. Arrived Steam He reported O. 8. Loop, from costing the Hen docket. ers Tiverton, from to the ways and means committee of Everett: Chehalls. from Orays Harbor; Falthat the con, from Portland: Santa Barbara, from the City Council yesterday Wlllana: Atlaa. towing barge si. from Se dockets are so much In use that very attle; Abeeelnla. from Hamburg: Harpeaka, little can be accomplished by his from Newport News: barkenilne Kohala. deputies In posting the docket during from Newcastle. Australia. the day. He requested that the com PORTLAND, 0 R1 Chil- 1 4 ia ahaD. Th monarch It to make her first Washington trio tomorrow, T leaving A. M , and reaching atreet dock at Astoria at 11:3$ o'clock. She will lay over there during th afternoon, start tng on tha return at I o'clock In th evening and arriving here at 11:S0 y fare It to be I s'clock. The for heavy travel to Tha pro.pect good are and tha Kamm th Centennial rxTXlAIGEMC. to Arrive, Ph frarn. While His Alcohol Man Drinks dren Want Kx-prc- I'minex-tio- 'roN-Mrc- rt a WHICH? OR BEER. Marine Notes. 110.735. BOND SALE DRUNKS UNDER EYE 57.4!I feet of lumber valued at the schooner Resolute yester- tvith 8, 1911. i BOOTS. re.orta To all beach dally trip will b possible. excursionist. AUGUST TUESDAY, OREGONIAN, TITE MORNING " -- sx AAAAiri yrTXXr&XgfJ
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