- LOS ANGELES HEEALD: TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 1896. Local, Eastern and Foreign Commercial Dealings WALL STREET SPECULATIOiN The Last Report on tbe Treasury Bankrupt Th* deneral Bill In National Congress?An- clant and riodern nilllorialrei Compared?Local Market Changes Government receipts for April to the were $1G,250,198; the expenditures $22.20th --761,388. For the fiscal year the receipts are $266,5;iU,035; disbursements, $292,121,930. The congress committee which ls engag- ed on tbe new bankrupt law in its latest report says: "The committee will suggest a few reasons for apswering in the affirmative tbe question, 'Is a bankruptcy law needed?' From the bureau of statistics we learn that the total number of failures ln ihe United States from 1879 to 189.7, both Inclusive, amount to 171,389: this vast number constitutes an army of men crippled financially?most of them active, aggressive, honest men who have met with misfortune ln the struggle of life, and who, if relieved from the burden of debt, would reenter the struggle with fresh hope and vigor and become active and useful members of HOciety. What Is the buredn resting upon these men? From the same source we learn that the total liabilities from 1879 to 1895, Inclusive, of the number who failed as just stated, aggregates $2,611,521,704. Ought the rights of creditors representing claims for this enormous amount to be ignored?'' "Even a modern millionaire Isn't ln It with the ancients. Solomon was bequeathed the fabulous sum of $38,1X10.000.000, ami - was made trustee ln addition of a fund of Croesus's wealth has been $4,165,000,000. estimated at $2,600,000.000. Alexander the Great brought back $5,000.000.000 us the spoils of one expedition. Lucullua, the epi cure, was worth $500,000,000. One of the Tiberius left Ptolemys had $1,385,000,000. which Caligula spent In one $118,000,000. year ln riotous living. One supper cost the latter $150,000. Cleopatra dissolved a pearl worth $400,000 ln vinegar and swallowed It. ?New England Grocer. of the United States consuls in France have made reports on mushroom cultivation in that country. "The Industry Is a very considerable one. employing capital ln and around Paris nlone of over Four a million and a quarter sterling, while sixty wholesale linns in Paris ileal exclusively appears to In mushrooms. The utmost care be required In every one of the processes necessary to the artllicial production, neglect In any one spoiling the whole crop. There must be a cool and even temperature, a certain moisture ln the atmosphere, anil darkness, or nt least an abof sunshine. A slight, steady air sence current, moving always In the same direction, and If possible from north to south. Is also important. In the department of the Seine alone there are said to he over 30of> caves in which mushrooms aro grown, and In these live about 100 people, who rarely see- the dnyllght. The caves are usually exhausted stone quarries, the descent Into them being by way of rope ladders. A mushroom lied yields daily for uhout three months, and then the soli is exhausted and is of no more use, and a new bed has to be prepared. Hence, by timely preparations of fresh beds, mushrooms can be picked throughout fresh the year." Current Quotations . ON 'CHANGE Business Transacted and Prices Paid at TREASURY STATEMENT. WASHINGTON, May 4.?Today's stateof the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $269,969,738; gold ment reserve, The Day's Transactions on tho Board ol Trade CHICAGO. May 4.?There was a very fair speculative trade lv wheat, largely In way uf liquidation, the range for the day being .)(,e. Weakness early was due to the lower rubles, Liverpool coming easier. I hen the weather in the Northwest was belter than of lale ami cut some figure, light shippers In the Dakotas and Minnesota being reported. The receipts in that lection, 100, were liberal and Indications pointed to liberal world's shipments, both ot which added to the weak tone. There was an increase on ocean passage. Another feature was the prediction that New York would make large gold shipments this week. There was heavy selling of July Home by some of tho large commission houses und professionals, and under a lack ot support prices sagged down. Minneapolis advices regarding the flour situation were rather discouraging, reporting reduction! in prices and talk of some mills shutting down. There was a liberal out Inspection and prices were steadied for a whole by the signal service report of NEW YORK, May 4.?The only appreciable effect of continued engagements of gold for export on today's stock market Trailing was a contraction In business. was on a limited scale, but, so far as it Tbe went, was fairly well distributed. inlluence of the gold engagements amounting to 2.150,000 was offset by th|ri extreme ln money, further reported improveI ease ment In gueral trade, more encouraging advices regarding the progress made in planting the crops and a higher market for American securities in London and a moderate purchaso in this market for that account. Railroad earnings continue mainly favorable. All the gold engaged f,or shipment goes to Germany, anil Indications point to the outgo of a similarly large amount at the end of the week. The gold Is exported under exceptional conditions, a premium being paid for the metal Incidental to.the reformation of the Russian currency system. The premium of 3-16 per tent required for gold bars apparently rentiers impracticable the export of gold in that form. The foreign exchange market reflected freer drawings of bankers' bills against tho shipment and an Increase in commercial bills, but the Inquiry for remltances was large enough to keep rates about on a parity with Saturday's llgures. Speculative interest was confined to the Industrials. A concession of a point in Sugar was ostensibly due to reductions ln the foreign and domestic grades of the product. A lull recovery was made in the later dealings. The market at times reflecting realizing sales in a general way, the current of prices was upward and the closing was at about the best figures and showing fractional gains in most instances. Bonds were quiet, but firm on transactions of $902,000. Governments displayed strength on purchases of $109,000. CLOSING STOCKS. NEW YORK, May 4.?The following are ihe closing stock .imitations: C c Co 1 iw. Oregon Imp Oregon Nay 17 Atchison 16 Northwestern ...lOIIVf} Adams Ex 150 pfd 55 do Alton, TH 14S1. Am Sugar pfd.lo3 NY Central 98U >\ u 25a0 > L*_ jN.... j.l Baltimore &O. 17U 27' fio',s Pacific Mail Canada Pac PD&E 2Vi Canada South.. SOU Pittsburg 160 Central Pac 16' i Pullman Palace.]*-*) dies &0hi0.... 1714 Heading Chicago A1t0n..154 12^ C B&Q BHi U S Rubber 2434 Chicago Gas... 70' i do pfd 84')» 16t_ Con Gas 163 RG W pfd do 43 CCC & St L.. 35 11!_ Rock Island Col C & 1 717s '.:.?/_ hi 1? S> Si' Ist pf ? t'Otton 11 t: 79 Del Hud50n....127 St Paul pfd 161 do 125% DL&W 44" 1 D& R G pfd... 49Va St Paul & 0 do pfd 128*4 D& C F C0.... 19 Pac... 211 Erie 14"4 Southern 3n->_ Sugar Refinery.. 124T4 tlo pfd iio ; 1 1 Fort wayne .160 112 Texas Pac pfd B'/2 Great N pfd ...100 T & O Cen pfd... 73 C &E I Hocking Val'y 17 Union Pale SK 43 Cen 96*4 IT S Express Illinois P 7 n WSt L & m p A H do pfd 18Ms X & T pfd.... 27H IS'-. W F Express.... 98 L, E & W Union.. 85*4 pfd.... Western do 71Vs W& L E Lake Shore.... 150 JMt pfd 35", do Lead Trust.... 26*4 19 Minn &St L L& N 524 k-J D AY R G 13*4 7 ,vfC A 109 Gen Electric 36!s Man Con Natl Linseed 17 16 31 Michigan Cen.. 96' Col &F J. pfd do 100 Missouri Pac. Btha Hft T Cen 2% 21 M & Ohio US Leather pfd. 61 68 jJaahChatt cordage pfd. V 20 Cordage.. S S Natl 9*4 So R R pfd.... 10 do pfd do 31M> N J Central.... 100J4 b8 Nft W pfd 5% Am Tobacco pfd do 98 North Am Co.. MS Northern Pac. l*i \£'2 do pfd VP* Am Tft C C0.... 94 Ontario & W... 15is ... ... ' ........ HAVO" .. . " J &II& Cen6s... ... £1 n^set in the Dakotas. Liberal reducin the visible supply bad a like tendency. But closing cables came easy and many of the early buyers turned sellers. Ihe market, however, closed about y,c reaction from lowest prices. There waa a fair trade in corn. The feeling was weaker, attributed largely to the tine weather, further decline In wheat, moderate cash demand and fair movement. There was a fair general trade In oats with range anil the close showed no particular%cchange. Provisions had a strong start on account Of the day's run of hogs numbering only 30,000 Instead of 38,000 as estimated on Saturday. AV'hen John Cudah'y's brokers jumped ln to sell pork in quantities greater than was wanted, there followed a collapse. As soon as that pressure was withdrawn, the prices recovered. The leading futures closed as follows: A\ heat No. 2?May, Go' 4; July, 61%; September, 62£. Com No. 2?May, 28; July, 29%; September, 30%. Oati No. 2-May, 17%; July, 18*4; SeptemCash quotations were as follows: Flour, dull and easy: No. 2 spring wheat, No. 3 spring wheat. 64«59*4; No. 2 red. 64%; No. 281 -*: No. 2 oats, 18: No. 2 white, ir,';^"'. 19%r{(21 f. o. b.: No. 8 white. 18i,d<al8% f. o. H.i No. 2 rye, 35' i: No. 3 barley. 26!528"f. o. b.: NO. 4. 26; No. 1 flax wed, 89*4; prime tlmOthy seed, $3.30: mess pork, per bbl., $7.9oifi) 8.00; lard, per 100 lbs.. $4.75; short ribs sides (loose). 14.104 M.15; dry salted shoulders (boxed), 4%«4%; short clear sides (boxed), 4%<q4'4; whisky, distillers' finished goods, per gab. 122; sugars, cut loaf, $6.37; granulated, $.i. Ij. showers tion ' 1 SAN Call - . - .... - - ??£A*3i > ; ' -*° . FRANCISCO MARKETS Board Prices ol Cereals and Pece :ve! -' ' , oraiiK'-s. navels, SI.TjIi" 70"v-io, --do fancy. fo.OOl&S.Co. Tropical truu -Hawaiian bananas, tl.OOfs O fl ,: Persian dates. !. LS U? lt.0OTIS.BO; 2li" ' " '* pineapples, 1495, Butter?t-anc) creamery, li; seconds, 1! ©\u25a0"%: fati"v dairy. i:" .m 1:1: (|r> seconds It Cheese?Fancy mild new, 7/.c; fair to good, 6®7c; young Ann rlca, eastern, Vldi IIc. Il<bl2Ue! ranch, 13H«l>c; eggs, 1 I'" I.i. Poultry?l.vc turkeys, gobblers. 160.17 \u25a0lo bens. 15016; roosters, t-1.0nw4.60: young tlo, 7.0U09.0f1; small broilers. 12.0004.00' large do. t5.50@6.00; hens, $3.50@4.40; old duetts, *i.nu'ii....»i; youiia uucks, a.wias.w, geeso. U.at01.70; old pigeons, $1.50@1.75; young tlo tI.BOOP.no, Game?Hare, 500 60c: cottontail rabbits, 11.28; bush do. 75c; gray geese, t2.00O! Eggs-Store. (luck c? sks, 15; do Ogmiddlings, sks, tons, 42; wool, hides, number, XXIHi THE T tit irr. 1 LAZA VISTA HOTEL C A XTT1 A OJ\n XJ\ OATATTNA VISIBLE GRAIN. NEW YORK. May 4.?The visible supply of grain. May 2, as compiled by the New York produce exchange is as follows: decrease, 2.551,AVheat. 55,510,0(1.1 bushels: --000. Corn, 11.319.000 bushels; decrease, 3,K57.000. Oats, 8,840.000 bushels; decrease, 1.497.000: rye. 1,434.000 bushels;' decrease, X6.000. Barley, 1,139,000 bushels; decrease, 00,000. SILVER BULLION. NEW YORK. May 4.?Bar silver, 68; Mexican dollars, 54. A FRANCISCO, May 4,-Bar silver, esvt: Mexican dollars, 54®54%. LONDON, May 4.?Bar sliver, 31 l-16d.. ?cr1 1?. PETROLEUM. NEW YORK, May 4.?Petroleum dull. was My prices for wallpaper beat all the cltv. A. A. Eckstrom, 324 South Spring street. J.M. Cronenberg Chicago Grain and New York Stocks ON I*BUALMARGINS. Marketl by wire every fifteen minutes. Market reuorts mailed free on application to any ftddrtll, Office No 125 West Third street, Stimson block. Telephone No. 1441. Iyf tbe marvelous French J>\LJ 87 LtH jK/fHaCt Fi \ Remedy CALTi-JOS free, and ;i legal K'i'iraiUr>clhat Calthos wilt IMnrharac" «t EmtMlon*, vfz^\nm> ->fS? c \ ond RESTORE Loft Vlc«r. V?AL V <. M b~te it end pay ifsatisfied. YON MOHL CO., lllfTBoUAdrtrf!, IciCriMD A.fni,, Irrlnoali, Ohio. ( - i6a uun-poifloai M rcmcdj *'it? for Gonorrhoea Gleot, Sportnatorrhaea \v bitfw. unnatural in 110 dinmSßm tJcarnntrtrt q| chargfiii, or any inflammatlou, irritation or ulceraB**M nit f» itrietum. com»s.on, ti"li of mucoiiß mem- *" Bv|rHEEvANS Ckeu;\u25a0"}«<-Cr). MA' HCiNNATi 0 jjUflH Nou-aatringent. Sni <* *>y DraffffUU, n( plain wrapper, OT n ' * ' \ u 25a0 * v. 8. a JsSmM "xprftso. prepaid, for ?"?^fllffltaaSp^v \a $l.ori. er 3 bottles, f2.7b. \u25a0* Circular cunt cv 1 ranPß 1 ' C. F. HEINZEHAN, 222 N. Main St., Los Prescriptions or night. carefully \\T7JML r T V Hand-picked, South Wellington Lump Leave Los for ilicave fornia Railway street and Pasadena , for Los Angeles. jffijPßDr - White HOTEL 6BEEH a- |18 a.in a »::m a.m aU:3oa.m a 3:30 p.m * '* HOTEL METRQPOLE I°,Lo HOTEL ARCADIA Room 31 Bryson Block I use only the Alcttrai brands ol Asphalt, which ate ihe purees and higho't grades known and are guaranteed Ireo from coal tar or petroleum residuum. - tlon of a famous French pliyßicinn, will quickly euro you of bP ner- ' " INCOMPLETE WITHOCT IT JOHN *H. °ROIXER CATERING Prompt delivery to all parts of elty. Downey-av*. at ~* ' jgjggj HOTEL RfIMONA ABBOTTSFORD INN HOTEL PORTLAND HOTEL HOTEL HOLYROOD HOTEL . j -- jexcept P-Via Pasadena: O-Via Orange: Sunday: all other trains HOTEL AVALON t??'?*?"***UfYTCI BIHWvUD J E o'brien, iIUIIL Dntnoltn Fourth and U Sts., prop San k DEPOT: Orana aye. aad Jefferson In effect January 1, 1896. Diego. Ticket office, 129 N. Spring st. Grande station. St. ' Daily ftt)op.m Leave lially LOS ANGELES, Jan. 1, 1896. To the public: I was seriously afflicted about ten years with lung;, liver and for kidney troubles. Tongue could never express the misery I endured during those I was reduced in flesh until I was a mere skeleton: my sight and hearing were badly impaired; was constantly troublec l with constipation and piles, and had a severe chronic cough. In short, life was a burden and death would have been welcome. I was treated by various specialists without avail. I finally resolved to give Dr. Wong of No. 639 Upper Main street, a trial.Him. Of course, like many others. I had no faith in a Chinese doctor, but it took only a few doses of his lifegiving herbs to knock all the skepticism otit of me. In just five weeks the doctor pronounced mo cured, and now I can truthfully say that I never was healthier and never felt better in my life. My sight and hearing are both fully restored; that obnoxious cough, constipation and piles are entirely cured, and I am rapidly gaining in flesh, having gained forty pounds in two months. I earnestly recommend all sufferers and skeptics to give the doctor a trial and be convinced of his superior skill as a physician. JOHN M. STEVENSON, 620 Bellevue avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. years. i The | ® * (?) Morgan I Oyster Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In I Oysters I ® ® ® Poultry : Fish I® ersAndofallkinds of Shell Fish. Packthe celebrated "Eagle Brand" II Oysters. | GOLDEN EAGLE MARKET tt it it I i §® 1 | \\ I JJ km \mm*m\r Ro Knife or \\\ RaY% KM 9:21 2:30 i J l a'SIoSS L 6 ;ioSm;/ A2 am s:iopm! A 9:10 Lips} am 9:0O am 1:10pm 6:15 pm 0:00pm 10:00 am 0:00 pm 9:ooam 10:00 am and " co ?,? .?. .?. Anaheim Whlttler snd Fulton Well, Tustin " . l:10pui - , lot Mm \u25a0 646 S:We* J A'.:M*m 6:65 fain I f Altlilm 6:60 < I A 1:10 601. am 1 ( 6:06 Bm t | f UtIONO. »:60Bm 6:O5|K 6:»JS All-Sank A> l£t \6:06S&Ira \ A 646 m { Monica. : "" "" " Soldiers Home port LO3" Angeles Santa »:«»Mn 1:60 mm 4:44 fcm «:64 mm 6:60 SM 6:66 Eta 1 ttO pm 4:B i 10:00 I ?\u25a0 s:lopm j ii, f 6:60 6:66 6:10 am 4:9upmi LOS ANGELES' vw 7:ibSip i.lv n 1:M irtk IrlJ in A 7 to an 6:55 m 6:66 nt lOMfl ta 1:16 ta A 1:01 m 6:01 m A 7:41 m [6:66 firA hm !:»mm: ' ' : Pomona and Ontario Cblno \u25a0' Covlna San Dlmas [) Lordsburg Monrovia i I Arcadia and f] Dunne Santa Barbara A 2:3.) pm| 5:25 pm Wi? A 11:20 am A3:5 pm 5:0 pm ANGELES, ....j-sr.e am pm 5:25 pm 8:00 am 4:30 pm 5:25 pm: S too am!) PLEASE SEND THIS SOME ONE WITH CANCER Oft TUMOR. Representat. - Bernardino and Colton mil: 4:39 pm! in women's breasts, \.QM TO Ar. from " Riverside, 8:ooami1 9:2. am I Redlands. 2:30 pm Kan voadtrfnl cures, ccstly HHaW DESTINATION A 0:15 pm| Pain! 11 w ?' lido dally. PACIFIC COMPANY TIME TABLE-APRIL 27, I*) 4 '? 4:5 a pml *dally and La s. Fran., Sacramento/ 9:lMpni ,' anil East, via Ogden i 11:10 pin Portland. Or llMpm El Paso and East,.... Pasadena 7:59 ami A 6:26 ami «?" 0:25 am l A 11:25 am «? 12:25 pm 1:86 pm ?' 6:20 pm: v l urcd 1 Write for 63-page Treatise aud Home \testimonialscf many Ko r>T for 2:o3pm AND LOS ANGELES ELECTRIC RAILWAY, PASADENA Cars leave Fourth and Spring streets. For Rublo Canyon and Echo Mountain? 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.: 1:00, 3:00 and pm. 6:00 Returning leave Echo Mountain?B:oa and 0 :UO a.m : 2:00, 4 :00 and 4 :lo p. m. For Altadena?B:oo a.m. and every hour until 10 p m. Returning leave Altadena-e:3O a.m. and hourly until 9:30 p.m. For Pasadena? Every Fifteen minutes from p.o. Half hourly before 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 and after these hours. Office, 222 W Fourth street. W. D. LARKABbE, SupU E. P. CLARK. Gen'l Manager. .' SOUTHERN Leave Los A nseles Leavo Redondo for for Itedoiido Los Anireles Dally 7:oa.m Dally 8.05a.m For passenger and freight rates apply at depot, corner tlrand avenue nud Jet7ersun street. Tela, phono West L L. T. OARNSEY, President. L. J. PERRY, Superintendent. ft ® .. J CARLTONT^enl il 7:44*06. 8:66 IS 12:17pm. 4:20 pita 6:10 pltt 12:17 pin 4::opin pin. 12:17 4:16 pm 6:10006 A am Catalina Island '.1:4 Chatsworth Park A4:l« pm Chatsworth Park?Leave from and arrive River Station, San Fernando street, only. A Sundays excepted. ATTORNEYS-AT-L A W THE INSIDE TRACK. W. H. BHINN. 205-20S Wilson blk., Spring St. All S.P. Co. s trains stop at First street (except BARBERS' SUPPLIES AND GRINDERS the four San Francisco trains) and Commeioiat STEINEN £ KIRCUNEH, 1.0 N\ Main st. street (except the U:tio San Francisco erasing train), in the bustuess center ol the city, saf lag BICYCLES i "KEATING," Hawley, King A Co.. 210 N. Main, time aud street car fares to passengers. Ueneral Passenger Otnee, 226 S. Spring street DRUOaiSI S-WHOLESALE T. W. BHAUN tfc CO., 405-407 N Main; tel. 904. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES COAST STEAMSHIP CO. LUDWIO A WAGNER, Mott Market, tel. 850. GROCERIES?WHOLESALE Uoodall, Perkius &Co., tienerai Agents, San FranHAAS, BARUCH A CO., 320 to 826 N. L. A. St. cisco. Northern routes embrace lines for Portland, Or., HOTELS ABBOTSFORD INN, cor. Bth and Hope; tel. 1171 Victoria, R. C, and Fuget Sound, Alaska and all coast points. LAW, COLLECTIONS, CIERCANTILE REPTS STANDARD COLLECTION A MERCANTILE SOUTHERN ROUTES Co., (lnc.) 6109,000, 211-212 Stimson. A. C. Broderson. att'y. TRUE TABLE FOR MAY, IS9& LIPB AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE Leave San Francisco BANKERS' ALLIANCEOF CAL., 21S Court st Retail Dealers, Business Men and Firms A I:4opm A 9:40 am| - -pACIFIC PHOTOGRAPH?LANDSCAPE S. S. Corona, May 1, 6,17, 25; Fort Harford Santa Barbara I June 2. itcdomlo Port Los Ansel,-., s. S. Santa Rosa, May 5, 13, Newport j 21, 29; June*. 329-333 S. Mala St. Tel. Mara 183 San Diego I For? is. S. St. Paul, May 7.15, 26, 61: East San Pedro?! Junes. San Pedro and way 's. S. Eureka, May 1,11,16, art ..| June 4. ports Leavo Port Los Augeles and Redondo Notice to Stockholders ForS. S. Santa Rosa, May 7,16,26, CALIFORNIA AND ARIZONA RAlL31; June S. way company. The annual meeting of the S. hi. Corona, May 6,11, 16, 37: Diego Snn stockholders of the California and Arizona June 4. YARN HOUSES Railway company will be held at the office For? NEW YORK BAZAAR, 143 N, Spring St. S. S. Santa Rosa, May 1,6, IT, of the company, ln the city of Los An25; June 2. San Francisco geles, on Wednesday, May 13, 1896, at 10 Port Harford S. S. Corona. May 5, 16, 21, 26; m., to elect a board of directors ocloek a. Stockholders Annual Meeting. i Santa Barbara.. v Junefl. for the ensuing year, and to transact such other business as may properly come beLeave San Pedro and East San Pedro. Office of the California Sewer Pipe company, No. fore the meeting. 049 South Broadway Los Angeles Oat., April G. HOLTERHOFF, JR.. 60, 13*'-. For8. s. Eureka, May 6,14, 26, 60; Secretary. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the San Francisco June 7. And S. S. St. Paul, May 2,10,18, 66; Angeles, April Cal., 29, Pipe company, 1896. 5-13 California Sewer will beheld at ! Los 1 ay ports June a the office of tne company ln the city of Los Ange | p. mI lot Cal on Monday May 11, 1896, at 3 ocloek Cars to connect with steamers via Ban Fedre of said day for the election of a board of director (Arcade depot, ut 5:05 p.m. slid leave Notice to Stockholders S. P. R. R. 0 ensuing year, for the aud for the transaction j R. R. depot at 5 p. m. suchotuer; businesses may p-operly be brough I Terminal Cars to connect via Redondo leave Santa Fa Idepot PACIFIC LAND IMPROVEMENT before suld meeting. at 9:60 a. m. or from Redondo Railway depot I company. The annual meeting of the stockSecretary. MOTT, B. It. at 9:05 a m. holders of the Pacific Land Improvement Cars to connect via Port Los Angeles leave a P. company will be held at the office ot the R. K. depot at 1:10 p. in. forsteamers north bound. company, in the city of Los Angeles, on Plans of steamers' cabins at agent'a orflee, smote Wednesday, May 13. 1896, at 11 ocloek a. m., berths may be secured. to elect a board of directors for the enThe company reserves the right to Chang a lie suing year, and to transact such other 050 TO 860 BUENA VISTA ST., steamers or their days of sailing. business as may properly come before the For passage or freight as above or for tickets to meeting. G. HOLTERHOFF, JR., ÜBS KNGSLB3, CKUIPOWMIaI and from all Important points la JCuropa, apply ta Secretary. aolilßiMf, r. Qieaada, lak UkV Office, 126VW. Third St. Lea jSmmm, Los Angeles, Cal., April 29, 1896. 6-1J L i f F. H. MAUDE A CO.. 211 W. First St. SADDLES, HARNESS AND SADDLEWARB I. F. MORENO, 220 Allsost. SAFES, SCALES, REFRIGERATORS CHAS. W. ADAMS, .33 N Main. Tel. 1347. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TOOL COMPANY OOUNSTABLE 4 COUTTS, 156 N. Los Angeles. UNDERTAKERS AND EMRALfIERS ROW, 256 S. Main St. Tel. 1349. BOOTH WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN STOESAK, Sll S. Spring st. bet. sth aud 6th. O. WINES AND SPIRITS J. F. A. LAST, 129 and 111 N. Main su * 0? or dlarases of the geucrative organs, such bs Lost Manhood, ', \1 TInsomnia, l'alnsln tho Buck, Seminal Emissions, Nervous Debllltv nasli Pimples, tlnfltnoss to Many, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele nej V Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents qofekBfsseldlschaiYe.whlchlfnotcheckedleadstoSpermntorrhrcaand Trains via Pasadena station 7 mm. earlier westbound ami leave I »a"| m m. later eastbound. * Serpentine and Soapstons FAIRCHILD "HwMw «TJ|PJfl' arrive ' Delivered Contractor in Asphalt Work ~ Jf Q HtfYTPI HU 1 EL,O ! Field Agents for SANTA CATALINA ISLAND, also for W. T. Co. 's ocean excursion steamers, tugs yachti and pleasure launches, Telephone :i ' Trains leave anrl arriva Grande Sta- a rt:"»o a.m. a 10:5) a.m. a 12:4 ap.m. a 4toop.pl. a 5:00 p.m CHICAGO EXPRESS?DAILY. .a 5:3.i p in. To Denver. Kansas City. Chicago, St. Downey avenue leaviug Ume 7 minuves later. UeLouis. Leaves ually 10:45 a. m. Arrives Iween Los Angeles anil Pu.sndena?Hound trip 350. daily t ;05 p. m. Leave' Los Angeiesfor" Leave AltadeDfl.function Altedena Junction. for Los Augeles. SAN DIEGO TRAINS. 1 Lv "9:00 am, 2:00 pm Ar 12:30 p m, *7:15 pm a 10:30 a.m. Here Ten Years. I a 11:30 8:80 a.m p.m. c a.m c 12:88 a Bi>op.m SAN BERNARDINO TRAINS. a 4:80 p.m. j Directory of *7:10 0 am. 10:45 am, «4:00 pm, AH trains siart from First street dei»ot. | P-Lv4:45 pm am. i O-Lv 10:1."> am, *5:10 pm SOUTHERN P-Arrive 8:66 am. 9:50 am. 1:05 pm. *5:00 pm, Angeles Leave Los for Leav«~U c Los 1 1 I Glendale. 0:45 pm O-Ar »11 am, 8:56 pm Aiigelts. CALIFORNIA b 7:;on.m b 8:02 a.m. RIVERSIDE AND REDLANDS TRAINS 0 8100 a.m <; 8:42 a.m. P-Lv «7:10 am. 0:00 am. 10:45 am, *4:00 pm, ?' MA Jta a I2:rj> p.m a 1:13 p.m. 4:4". pm O-Lv 10:15 am. *5:10 pm ft 5:05 P-m I .a 0:oa p.m. P-Arrive 0:50 am. 1:05 pm. *5:00 pm. 6:4spra Leave Los Angeles for Hun Pedro Leavo East O-Arrive <"11:00 am. 3:56 pm 9ANTA CATALISA Long Beach aud East ior Wan Pedro. Los Angeles. PASADENA. MONROVIA AND AZUBA. 9:00 am. 10:45 am. 1:35 phi. 8 RHE N" a 9:15p.m a 7:1.» a.m. Leave ?7:10 am. 1:10 ?4:00 pm, 4:45 pm, *5:30 pm 10,80 p.m a a a.in. a 5:15 p.m. 5:55 am. 9:50 am, I:o3pm, a 4:00p,m. Arrive *7;52 am, 4:15 pm, *5:00 pm, 6:45 pm pkiS( and second Long s Between E. San Pedro and Beach 10 minutes. UfITCI lini 1 CUDCnitf Sts., Los Angeles. lIUItL nULLtnDtbn CATALINA ANAHEIM AND SANTA ANA TRAINS. Steamer for Avaton connects with 1:10 p.m. Leave *S:00 am. 0:00 am, 2:00 pra, 5;10 pm T train dally, e.tcepi huudays. Arrive 8:50 am, 12:30 pm, *3:56 pm, 7:15 pm RCBIO CAZfVON AND ECHO MOUNTAIN Trains leavo Los Angeles dally ut i>:3o a. in., REDONDO BEACH TRAINS. I Lv 8:50 am, 5:05 pm Ar 8:29 am, 4:40 pm c 11:30 a. m. and a 8:80 p, in. Fine pavilion and hotel. Grand scenery. Telescope uad searchlight SANTA MONICA TRAINS. a?Dully, b?haily excejit Sunday, c?Sundays BPHINa 9T Leave 7:10 am, 10:00 am. 5:05 pm. only, d?Maturdnys only. ; Arrive 5:55 am, 4:40 pm, 6:50 pm stages meet the rt:l.r> a. m. train nt Pasadena for Mount Wilson on new trail. Passengers leaving Los Angeles the S:l5 a.m. } PERRIS AND SA NJACINTO TRAINS. DnUnOnlui. American-European plans. train for Mount Wilson can returnonthe same .1 day. Leave P-*9:00 am, O-»10:15 am Special rates to excursion and picnic parties. jArrive P-M-,05 pm, O-Ml:00 am Depots east end of First street and Downey aveCochrane, proprietor. nue bridg 's. ELSINORE AND TEMECULA TRAINS. City ticket office, CJreenewald's cigar sore, cor- ] Leave P-*9:00 am, O-*10:15 am AND 1 Arrive P-*l:05 pm, "6:45 pm O-«ll:00 am ST., NINTH RIVEB- ncr Heroml and Spring streets. TUC DriLVCI 1 MAIN street depot. General ofllres. First Ml nUntLL side. E. J. Davis, Prop. BURNETT, (ieneral Manager. f,W. B.WINCUP, ESCONDIDO. FALI.BROOK. General Puss'inger Agent. I A9T COLORADO Leave *2:00 pm Leave ?9:00 am Arrive *12:30 pm Arrive »7:15 pm Cement and Catalina Island J. A. Angeles Pusartcnu. ' \u25a0 X.A IW 1 3« V**tSecond Street W mm Mmf.i% \u25a0% %A I m T I ICE CREAM AND SHERBETS A SPECIALTY -*\u25a0>T-am.*,J r Jm. ~- Emissions, St2R 1898. Ea««t end First Downey avenue bridges. We cure U UK Southern Call- IERMINItL BT. IX EFFECT MAY 4, J _ LINES OF TRAVEL Los Angeles depots: day Refined Family Hotel. Newly furnished. Opposite Central Park, 416 West Sixth Street. Tal3le Board a s P ecialt yFinest Caterer in City. A W _____ LOS I'rtvate side entrance on Third Street 8:01), WrtLl BREAKFAST 13 Fargo & Co.'s. 4:60p.m all the horrors of Irapotency. CBPIDME cleanses tbe liver, tha aft ICR kMneysend AFTER the iirtnaryorgan* of all lawnrttto*. CUPIDEBi'E strengthens and restores ("mall weak organs. The reason sufferers are not oared by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with C tJPIDENE ls the only known remedy to core without au operation. HMO testimoniProstatitis. als, A written gusrameo given and money returned if six boxes does not eflfoct a permanent cure. tl.ooabox,Blxfurss.oo,by mall. Send for r»l circular and testimonials. Address IM"«lt WaSl>V(mr \u25a0\u25a0 C*>., P. O. Box 2078, Ban Francisco, Cat Ihr Sola bY OFF & VA UGHN. NE, corner Fourth and Spring Streets. arrfjar BEFORE SND .an Main St., Angeles compounded and Private Diseases of Men and abee- We Never Ask for a Dollar Until Cure is Effected. over Wells, Corner Third and READ THIS LETTER The P°P ular HOTEL HETROPOLE open, and regular steamer service every day except Sunday commencin S Feb 8 -1896. See railroad time tables in Los Angeles daily papers. Camping privileges, etc., free t0 P atrons of W. T. Co.'s steamers only. Full information from Banning Co., 222 S. Spring st., L.A.,CaI. 23w IS We have the largest prsctlce on tho Pacific Coast, treating every form of Weakness To show our ability lv thiß line of practice, Diseased Druggist and Chemist - tSl \S> Vi |j OF MEN ONLY fl lutely nothing else. Hops, £115s. Should read the Los Angeles Daily Herald. If you are in *he city for a few days only and want to keep posted on and Residents affairs, local, state, national and foreign, send in your order. Fifteen cents will furnish all this for seven days, delivered at in Southern your room, hotel or residence. The Sunday Herald is a California magazine which will furnish you a iveek's reading for 5 cts and Third. Los Angeles. European. Cen l-TOTITT T? A VTO"\T Atrally A Cor Spring; II.\JXXLd±J I\2\.al\JiX looated: moderato rate. F. M. MALLORY.Prop £amf vs [I DISEASES new. 3s 5V4tl. Futures with May 'Jtl higher and other months IJil lower: May, 3s; June, 3u; July, 3s V*a; September, 3s lvid; October, 3s 2'itl. Flour closer! steatlv ,wlth a poor ilemainl: SI. Louis fancy winter, 7s Od. Tourists N. >)\u25a0* B Tho Only SPECIALISTS In So. California for American mixed closed easy, ABBOTSFORD INN CO.. Southeast corner Eighth and Hope Sts., Los Angeles INN U LIVERPOOL MARKETS, LIVERPOOL. May 4.?Spot wheat closed dull with a poor demand: No. 2 red winter, 5s 6tl: No. I bartl Manitoba. 5s 4rt: No. 1 California. 5s 6Vsd. b'ulures closed quiet, Is'iVj lower; May. 5s 2'-,il: June. 5s 3d; July, 5s lUd; August, 5s 8%4; September and October, 5s VA&. Spot, corn closed qiilct: k ABBOTSFORD I 2.50: bront. t1.0001.25. Millstuffs?Middlings, $17.50019.50; bran $15.00016.50. Hay?AVheat. $8011.50: wheat and oat. tsfe'lo; out, $7.5(1010; alfalfa, $709. First-class and modern in ail its appointments. Special accommodations for Tourists and permanent rp-j-? jj Los Angele»,Cal SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE. Potatoes?River burbank, 35®60; Oregon ISLAND iMrae. Veitetablos?Los Ancclcs tnmntoea, tl.3Zft 1..i0: striim beans, SS(Tc; green peas, *lffj/l.?r>: Rnrllc, WiiWic; green peppers, dried do, 1010c: aaparaffus, I1.SS01OO; Jrietl okra. 12',-f/ Lie; rlmiiarb, ;:.V./i;.v-; cucumbers. 60efl$l. Fresh Fruit-Apples, t1.501tt.75; I.on?wortb strawberries. 7@loc; common do. 40 tic; black cherries. 750©t1.00; white tlo 75c Citrus Pruits? Mexican innes. fe.6uuiß uip -,i dchoice SI ''II;' r'nllfiirnifi lemons " do, fancy. t2.26f82.60: ('nlifornla seed2.0O: lino; Cii.lisl..',h; BANNING CO.PP" Shipments SAN FRANCISCO, May 4.?Wheat, dull; December, 105%. Barley, inactive: December, 74%. Flour, family extras. $3.7503.85; bakers' extras. t5.6608.66; superfine. $2.85® 3.00. Wheat, No. 1 shipping, 107%; choice. 110; milling, 1169120. Barley, feed, fair to good. 72!4W75%; choice, 75(ffi76),4; brewing, 80@86U, Corn, 90. Bran. $15.50. Oats, milling, 75<582%: surprise, 90(fil00; fancy feed, 82%MR7%: good to choice, 75&80; poor to fair. 67%3i72%; gray, 72%5t50. qr sks, 25,150; wheat, Receipts?Flour, ctls, 20,320; barley, ctls, 90.905: oats. Oregon, ctls, 1115; beans, sks, 389; corn, ctls, 2685; potatoes, sks, 991: onions, den, 221; bran, sks, 1211; 20; hay. tons, 499; straw, bales, 244; wine, gals, 6700; 263; raisins, bxs, 600. 7 do, 30IS70; Early Rose, CO ??75; now potatoe*. jvr CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, May 4.?Common to prime dressed beef and shipping sleera were wanted at $3.40J<4.40, with sales largely at $3.55 W. 4,30, and exporters were again good buyers of choice droves. There was a firm market for butchers' cattle and cows and heifers sold largely at $2.70fu3.25. while bulls sold mostly at $2.25ifi3.00. Calves were only ln moderate demand and sold readily- at strong prices. Hogs?There was an active packing demand and prices were strong 10 cents higher than on Saturday, with the bulk of sales at $3.45r04,30. The pens were rapidly at $3.10«3.65 for common cleared heavy to fancy light with prime straight heavy t3.52K-. Prices for sheep ruled to 10 cents higher, with fancy jstronger Colorado and Mexican lambs selling actively at $5.00. Sheep. $2.35(fj:3.80 for inferior to fancy, and lambs wene active at $3.75® $5.00, according to quality. - . ......... ...... .... 6.000 18S.00O 12,000 Corn, bu 206.n00 Oats, bu 38,000 200.000 Rye. bu 7,000 6.000 Barley, bu 13,000 63.000 On the produce exchange today the butter market was firm: creamery. Iliffilsc; dairy, 9fgl3c. Eggs were steady at 7%ifj"9c. ... \u25a0 Shpmlp. n.OOO 192,000 Receipts _, ~ Flour. bb]g AVheat. bu 'i . .... $123,972,393. CIIICAOO MARKET ond Abrond .... fiarsnips, ~ BOSTON QUOTATIONS. BOSTON, May 4.-Atchison, 1814; Bell Telephone, 205; Burlington, Sl',4; Mexican, WVy, San Diego, In. _ Yellow onions ure up to $3.00 under an almost bare market. Potatoes are in very light supply and sell at top prices. Egg3 are firmer than on Saturday, a few extra select selling as high as 14 cents. The general market is 12 to 13 oents. squares. irjj. L-Ocat creamery, 2-lb fancy, 2-lb 35537V4c: coast creamery, squares, 30rii32',_c; coast dairy, fancy, 2-lb squares. 27 1,_1f3Uc; do, I*l-11), 25fi27'.c; common grades and very light weights, 20ff22'_c. CHEESE?LocaI full cream, large, lie; n/M',nern ditto, .winm*: hail cream otttxc: Young America. 12c; do (3-tb. hand made) 13c. All Uc more cased for shipment. EGGS?Choice California ranch, 12@ 13.c. VEGETABLES?Artichokes, per cloz. 20c: asparagus, per lb, Bo7ej beets, per 100 lbs, 90c; cauliflower, per doz., ?c; celery do. b6c: oaboage, per 100 lbs, 80c; carrots do, 90c; chilis, dry, per string, SOc; Mexii can, per lb, 15c; green, per lb, 12c; cucumbers, per doz., $1.50; egg ulunt. per lb, 7c; garlic do, 6ra7c; leeks, per doz, 15c; lettuce do, 15c; mushrooms, per lb, 45c; onions, green, per doz bunches, X0O40c: iin. i yellow Danvers, per 100 lbs. $3.00; new white, $2.50; parsley, per box, 60c: per 100 lbs, 75c; peus. green, per b, 3c; radishes, per doz. bunches, 40c; t.uch, i''-i 10, lito; su ing beans, per lb. 17@9c; tomatoes, per box, $1.85(82.00; turnips, per i.hi ins, ioc; watercreMß, per clog, bunches, 40c: wax beans, 809c; summer squash, per lb., 7@9e. I''m I'i.- -iTars. *2 per box: strawberries, common, 4l_fisc; choice to fancy, lOiglSc; apples, $1.5fXii2.00; pineapples, per doz., $7.00; Central American, $4.00if/1.50; BOND LIST. bananas, $2.25 per bunch; cheries, $1,000/ 1.50 following May 4.?The per box; blackberries, 14c. NEW YORK, closing nuotatlons on bonds today; CITRUS FKFlTS?Oranges. Navels. S3 00 were 1ne ©3.50; Mediterranlean U 8 N4scoup..ll7";s C P lftllof'W..lOlV* sweets, t1.75rg2.00' WA bceUUngs, »i.2iwil.bo, lemons, lancy EureII 8 N4s reg....IMS D&RG 7« 91 109 D&R G 4s ka, $1.i0@2.00; Eureka and Lisbon, $1.750 i Va ia reg 5 ci,up..,.112V 68T4 2.00; uncured, $l'u 1.25; limes, ncr 100. SOc Erie 2ds 6*....10R reg §fift8 A HONEY AND BEESWAX?HoneyUS 4s ....109 S A ?up....H0 75....100 comb, 9010 c per lb; strained, 3@4c; bees« Us it S's rreeg 92? H& T Cen 55..109 wax, 25_30c per lb. .100-4 POULTRY?Hens, $4.00@4.75 per dozPac 6s 0 f 95:::.103,? II& T 4s 59*4 ing vo roosters. m...0.04.1.-1: broilers. $3,758 .106 MKT2d Ala Class A MKT Ist 45.... 86 $4.50; old roosters, $3rtJ4; ducks, $4.50@5.50' Ala Class 8....106 Mutual Union 88.111 turkeys, lOfillc per lb. .100 Ala Class C... .10.) HAY?Wheat, 110®11; barley, $10: wheat NJO Gen 55... .RS',4 A a currency. 117 lsts and oat, $9©10; alfalfa, baled, $7i_B; loose, La new con 4s 97V4 N P 2ds 100 NP 114*4 Mo 63 MILL STUFFS-Flour, Con..lßß* Los Angeles 124 Northwest NC'lis Si; Stockton brands. do 8 F deb 55.109*4 $4.40: Oregon 104 v 4s Eastern, $I.OO(fI5.50: bran, 76 $4: per 8 C non-fund.. IU R G West lsis.. ton, local. $18: northern. $15.50; shorts 65.. 86 BPC & P W 58.114 Term per ton, local, $19: northern, $17; rolled barSt P consoSs i5.,130 Term n set 55..103 ley, per ton, $15; cracked corn, per cwt St PC&P AM5s .114 'Ten n set 35.. tc, feed meal, per cwt. $1.00. St L& I M Geu 5s 79V4 Term old 65.... 60 DRIED FRCITS-Apiiles?Sun Texas PaolstU .90 dried Va centuries... 616 sacks, per lb, 4(U5c; boxes, s'_i)7c; evapoSt L&S F Gen6sll2 Va deterred rated, fancy, 607e. Apricots?Fancy, lie Atchison 45.... 80 U P lsts 0f'96...10a choice, unp'eoied 9c. Peaches?Fancy, IM ecA 44*, W 8 48...... s Atchison 6c; choice, 3c. Nectarines?Fancy, S(cC9e' 93 Mo KH 53 OR & N 15t5....1184 Tears?Fancy choice, 6070. evaporated 75 N P 3ds & N4s 80V4 L Plums?Pitted, choice, 7(&*9c. 7&9c. Prunes? Choice boxed, 3@sc; sacks, 203c: fancy, 10c. MINING STOCKS. Angeles, 7c; NUTS?Wainuts?Los medSAN FRANCISCO ium soft, 10c; soft-shell Los Nietos, fancy SAN FRANCISCO. May 4.-The official 10@12c. Almonds?Soft shell, 10c; paper closing quotations lor mining stooits toduy shell, 12c: hard shell, 6c. Pecans?lß&lsW., were as follows; Filberts?l<K|l2%o. ? 37 Grand&Prize Yellow Jacket HIDES AND WOOL?Hides, as thoy run, 32 Hale Norcross..lls Atuies 10c per lb; sound kips, S'/_c; bulls and stags, 15 7 Julia Alta Con 6%c; calves, 15c. Sheep pelts, 6r_>lsc. Wool? 6 13 Justice Alpha Slicing clip, good 4(yoc; inferior. 3Sj3',_c. Con t Belcher 53 Kentuek TALLOW?3.I3V.c. 4 Lady Wash Con.. Keib. Isle LIVE STOCK?AII per lb?Beeves, 2y.rffi3c; 40 Mexican calves, 3((f3-i-_o; sheep, 2*4(}j!3c; lambs, \u25a0ir_scBlest & Belcher.. 66 10 62 Mono hogs, 3V_ff4c. uodle con 18 Mt. Diablo DRESSED MEATS-All per lb?Beef, 60) Bullion ? Buiwer Con 27 Navajo 6V_e; veal, 0O7c; mutton, 6@si4c; lamb. SOS U Occidental Con .115 Caledonia 10c: pork, 6c. 135 Con Cal & Va...195 Ophir CURED MEATS?EagIe hams, 9Wc: Rex 13 ay. Challenge Con... 39 Overman 10@14c. UAic; selected pig hams hams. ay. 33 Savage 96 |p,_e; picnic Diamond C Chollar *'f»»c. hams 517 5 Con Imperial t Scorpion 7c, ay 7Uc; fancy Rex boneless breakfast 38 80 Potosi twrapped), 13c; Rex boneless bacon Confidence un 56 New York.. 3 n Con bacon, breakfast Con 1 10c: Diamond C break35 Utah Coin 15 fast bacon backs, 7V_c; Rex boneless ham, Crown Point 1 4 Silver Hill bugar cured, 9_»o; KtaX boneless butts, nt F.xeoheuer (sets), Pea dried beer 10c: Rex dried beef Currie.. 63 Sierra Nevada 65 Gould & (iusldes), 11c; Rex regular dried beef, to: iioKeo tongues, per in. iw; ngnt medium THE LONDON MARKETS. dry salt clear bacon. 8c: medium bacon, NEW YORK. May 4.?The Evening bellies, 16<t»20, ay 7V4: dry s*i: salt short clears says: I'ost's London financial cablegram 85(940, ay 6; dry Bait clear backs, 6._ The stock markets were irregular today, Rex pure leaf lard, tierces. 6V4c: Ivory lard Consols were lower but firm on the whole. compound, tierces, 6'Ac; Rexollne, tierce at 110%, because this was the first day of basis, 6 1,.; Cottolene, tierces. 6c. the settlement in those securities and partHaiSiivS?Fancy clusters, $1.25: 4-Crown ly 011 reports that the discussion in parL L clusters, t1.10fff1.25; 3-Crown L L, per liament on Rhodes and Argentine South African Inbox, 90c©$l; Sultana, seedless, per box, DOcrif. cidents is a warm one. and othtl; 3-Crown loose muscats, per box. 600 er South American securities were strong70c; 2-C'rown loose muscats, per box. .Wit ly bid for and also Australian mines. Kafordinary loose, per 65c; box, 45055 ffre were dull for reasons given above. CroWn loose, In sacks, per lb, 2'/ _rri/2*'.c\u25a0 Americans were steady to Arm, but with no 3- Crown loose. In sacks, per lb, 2 1_W2*_c' business. The market may be described 4- Crown, per lb, 3__t&4e: Sultana, seedless' as lifeless and requiring a fresh stimulus fancy blchd, per lb, 6-B6U0; Sultana, seedto galvanize the bulls into action again. less, choice, per lb, 3M.rg.4e. Copper was very strong. Fractions: Half boxes 25c, quarter boxes 60c, per box higher than wholes. MONEY QUOTATIONS. BAGS -(Net cash)? Calcutta. SW-; potato bags, 4- drle i fruit NEW YORK, May 4.?Money on call 100 lbs. 64'if 7',.; bean sacks. 6, walnutsaoks. easy at 2tg>3 per cent; last loan, 2V4 per bags, 14&10; wool cent; closed 2V4 per cent; prime mercantile MUCKS 30 AND DRIED PEAS-Plnk. $1.50 paper, 4M>rffs per cent; sterling exchange Washington, steady, with actual business in bankers' »2-90®3.00; 1 mß Lady E U white, small, t1.7502.00: garvan- bills $4.88*4t(t:4.89 for demand, and $4.87*1® (LS&O1.70; small, $8.50<n?4.00; garvancos, large, 4.88 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.BB^'ii) cps, $4i&5; green field peas, $2.50<5a.00; black4.89 and $4.89V4©4.90; commercial bills, $1.58*4 SZSS beans, *_,_i_?iy.>: lentils, imported, ivi.W t $7*»»- lentil" California. «:,<)'., lIM SAN FRANCISCO, May 4.?Drafts, sight, POTATOES-Per 100 lbs, Burbanks. tlrfji 5: telegraph, 10. May 4.?Consols, LONDON, c v da 1 common grades?new, 110%. Si'2si,J YeV '?burbank, 1 : seed, $1.26@1.50; $1.00. GRAlN?Wheat, tl.loftrl.2n: corn. 90rffi95c: GOLD AND BONDS. barley, 75c; feed oats. 11.10QU.25; ail perioe NEW YORK, May 4.?Bids were opened pounds. today for $4,039,509 of gold bonds of the city of New York, being what remained of the Real Estate Trnnit r« $5,000,000 offered for sale some time ago by the city comptroller. Atthe time of the James H. Adams &Co. to Charles Beech33, er.lot H. W. Ogden's subr $478.87. first offer the bonds were to bear three George and Frederick* Barter to George per c»«» Interest, which was sufficient to . attract investors. The tenders today were on a basis of 3"3 per cent interest. The best bid was that of Vermyleu & Co., for the whole or none at 104.089. Heldelback. icklehelmer & Co.'s engage,ment of gold at the subtreasury is for This makes the total amount $1,6.10,0011. thus fur engaged for shipment $2,150,000. All of this gold goes to Germany and Is expected to be transhipped to Russia. It ls all in mostly tfj and $io pieces. Legal tenders have been deposited with the subtreasury In each case. Indications point lo a further shipment thlH week by Ruaalnn account of from two to three million dollars. - MARKETS OF THE WORLD M. Berger, lot 77, Alexandre Weill tract; $1000. Gilbert and Katie Lown to Mrs. Emma MoLeod, lot 35, Koller-Rleman Lake aye. tract; $70. San Jose Ranch Co. to Mrs. Edna A. Thacker, oVi of nw>4 of nw l,.. sec 2, 1s 9, und k'4 of ne'A of nwVi, sec 2, 1 s 9, 22-21; $1700. George Washington Smith to Mrs. Martha G. Germain, lot 19, block 9, Whlttler; $075. Maria and August Boecklln to Frank M. Smith and Docie E. Smith, agreement to convey lot 267, Grider & Dow's Atlams et. tract: $500. Frank 11. and Sarah A. Merrill to William $100. H. Smith, lot 9. block 66, Burbank;MargarWilliam H. and Mary I. Smith to , et Moore, same; $100. Frank A. Gibson, trustee, et al to Richard Sountag. lot 259, Grider & Dow's Adorns st. tract; $300. Thomas and Ella C. Barrows to Oliver H. Duvall, lots 6, 7, 8, 9and 10, block 34, Claremont: $300. . Richard Klchllne to A. Ramlsh and M. C. Marseh, undivided one-sixth lntereat In mining locations In San Franelsqulto mining district: $300. Minerva and Henry Freed to A-lla Inez Morrison, lot S, block 2, Bennett tract; $1800. Sarah 11. anil AY. B. Barber to Henry J. Grlswold, lot D. block 17, add No. 2 to Monrovia tract; $3500. John Perry, receiver of National Bank of Kansas City, to William C. Bluett, block O, Colina park: $4400. 11. C. and E. J. Morse to H. Salkey. commencing al smith, asi cor. of lot 1, Goldsworthy's Ninth st. tract; $1000. Doria Jones to Walter H. Wren, lot 5, block J, Jones tract; $1000. Summary: Deeds, 54; nominal, 37; total consideration, |18,48i,97< . ., I , ; BAKER IRONWORKS -
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