MARKET WATCH: Affordability puts riders in homeowner hands Page 14 ONLINE EXCLUSIVE Long Island Dealer Doubles Wright Stander Sales DEALER BEST PRACTICE How To Master Your Inventory Maintain appropriate inventory levels and troubleshoot along the way Page 8 Exclusive Interview New Stihl VP of Sales & Marketing Plans for Market Share Growth Page 12 Product coverage Commercial Walk Mowers Page 18 Hedgetrimmers Page 20 Blowers Page 22 New 2013 Catalog! over 9,000 parts. March/April 2013 • 800.841.3989 Available through servicing dealers & distributors. ❯ To inquire, visit Table of Contents Volume 36 No. 3 | MARCH/APRIL 2013 FEATURES dealer Best Practice Yard 04Front A Lesson in Perseverance 06 12 Best of the Web Benefits of using a stand-on mower; Polaris introduces Brutus line of work vehicles; A switch to mulching blades reaps many benefits; c-Systems integrates Vendor Flat Rates; Toro TurfMaster 30-inch Walk user product review Supplier Spotlight New Stihl vice president of sales and marketing plans for growth in market share. 14 Homeowners to Mow More in 2013 Affordability puts large-deck, ride-on mowers in the hands of homeowners. 16 Trimmers That Help Trim Cost Users are willing to spend more for a grass trimmer that saves on time and cost. 26 8 How to Master Your Inventory Maintain appropriate inventory levels and troubleshoot along the way with these tips. Product coverage 18 20 22 Check out our new, more interactive Product Guide at It works anytime, anywhere, and on any device – no app is needed! Commercial Walk Mowers Hedgetrimmers Blowers 18 Bob’s Business Tips Stop wasting your time and money on an open house and direct your energy toward creating valuable education programs for the customer. 22 20 Online ExclusiveS Long Island Dealer Doubles Wright Stander Sales Over the last three years, Wright Stander sales at Major League Power Equipment have more than doubled. A Perspective on Running Equipment Dry Before Storage Some people may get away with draining their gas tank and not experience any problems. But draining fuel is like Russian roulette. ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ YARD & GARDEN 3 Front Yard By Lisa Danes A Lesson in Perseverance Dealers who have continued to learn from the ups and downs of the industry and adjust their business accordingly are the ones who are still around. 1233 Janesville Avenue, P.O. Box 803, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0803 (920) 563-6388 | Fax (920) 563-1702 For display advertising: (800) 547-7377 Ext. 1662 Fax (920) 563-1702 For classified advertising: (800) 547-7377 Ext. 1662 Fax (920) 563-1702 Cygnus Reprint Services For reprints and licensing please contact Nick Iademarco at Wright’s Media 877-652-5295 ext. 102 or For list rental: Elizabeth Jackson, Merit Direct LLC (847) 492-1350 Ext. 18 | For change of address or subscription information: (920) 563-1745 or fax (920) 563-1704 I visited a dealer in central Wisconsin the other day to just chew the fat and shoot some photos for use in the publication and on the website. We sat in his office and talked for a long while before I wandered the dealership and grounds taking photos. He has been in the industry for almost 50 years, and while the dealership has a heavy focus on ag, the dealer offers three mower models, and a few shortlines. In our discussion he taught me that in everything there is a lesson. He shared some of his frustrations with the lawn equipment segment— both equipment manufacturers and his competition. Thanks to his manufacturer “partners”, he has many competitors very close by. As the market in his area became saturated, he pulled back on the number of lines he would carry and the amount of equipment he stocks. As for the undercutting competition, he has learned to sell against the games they play. If the competition is offering a mower at a price just a hair lower than his, he tacks on a value-added service to make up for the difference, or lowers the unit price and adds on a warranty to make up for the price cut at the sale. Bottom line, he can’t control the manufacturers, and he can’t control his competition. What he can control is how he meets their actions with 4 YARD & GARDEN Published By ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ his own. Throughout his time in the industry facing these challenges, he has shown a positive attitude and perseverance. Those qualities are what have kept him in business. The outdoor power equipment business isn’t an easy one to be in. But the dealers who have continued to learn from the ups and downs and adjust their business accordingly are the ones who are still around. As many challenges continue to come your way, don’t get mad—get even. P.S. On the topic of perseverance, watch for some exciting changes coming with our next issue! ADVE RT I S I N G Publisher....................................................... Deirdre D’Aniello E D I TO R I AL Associate Publisher........................................Gregg Wartgow Editor ..................................................................... Lisa Danes Graphic Designer ............................................ April Van Etten PRO D U C T I O N VP Production Operations ................................... Curt Pordes Production Director ............................................. Steve Swick Media Production Representative��������������������� Connie Wolf C I RC U L ATI O N Audience Development Manager....................... Angela Kelty Published and copyrighted 2013. Cygnus Business Media: John French - CEO; Paul Bonaiuto - CFO; Kris Flitcroft Executive Vice President; Greg Udelhofen - VP Content; Debbie George - VP Marketing; Ed Wood - VP Human Resources; Julie Nachtigal - VP Audience Development; Curt Pordes - VP Production Operations; Eric Kammerzelt VP Technology All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. SUBSCRIPTION POLICY: Individual subscriptions are To contact Lisa Danes: Phone: (920) 563-1634 Email: available without charge in the U.S. to qualified subscribers. Publisher reserves the right to reject non-qualified subscriptions. One year subscription for non-qualified individuals: U.S. $35; Canada and Mexico $55, $80, all other countries (payable in U.S. funds, drawn on U.S. bank.) Single issues available (prepaid only) $10 each. Canadian GST #131910168. YARD & GARDEN (ISSN 0896-6834) is published six times a year: January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August September/October and November/December. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Atkinson, WI and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to Yard & Garden, PO Box 3257, Northbrook, IL 60065-9770. Printed in the U.S.A. Canada Post: PM40612608. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Yard & Garden, PO BOX 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2 Volume 36 Number 3 Productivity. Inside & Out. Patented Four-Wheel Suspension System Long Lasting Hercules™ Cast-Iron Mower Spindles iCD™ Cutting System The IS® 3100Z Series offers premium performance, comfort and convenience features that make it a great customer value and our best-selling design. You’ll notice superior cut quality with our innovative iCD™ Cutting System and extreme productivity with our patented four-wheel suspension system. Demo one today. Experience the difference suspension makes! Visit or call (800)933-6175 to find your local dealer! ❯ To inquire, visit What’s This? Best of Web Visit to search for the eight-digit code at the end of the news item and read the complete story. Kawasaki Exiting Handheld Lawn Equipment Business What’s This? The Engines and Power Products Division of Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A., has announced that it will no longer remain in the handheld power products business category after December 31, 2013. Kawasaki said the move allows the company and its dealer network to focus resources on its core business: premium 4-cycle engines. The company told its dealers that it will continue to implement programs and promotions that had previously been announced for the 2013 calendar year, and that all service and warranty support programs will remain in force for any units ordered prior to December 31, 2013. This includes the stocking of parts needed to satisfy any claims for the life of the standard product warranty. 10897515 Benefits of Using a Stand-on Mower When stand-on zero-turn mowers were introduced to the marketplace more than a decade ago, manufacturers hoped the product would soon become as popular as both the sit-down zeroturn and intermediate walk-behind. Today, thanks to improved designs, better price points, a refined market position and wider distribution, manufacturers are optimistic that the standon won’t be standing still much longer. The stand-on mower is designed for landscapers, especially those who have smaller, highly landscaped properties to maintain. The nice thing about the stand-on is its ability to maneuver into tight spots, but still give the operator a chance to ride. 10262775 A Switch to Mulching Blades Reaps Many Benefits In 2013, Rotary’s blade manufacturing division will reach a milestone with the production of its 200 millionth blade at a facility in Glennville, GA. Mulching offers many benefits to the mower operator as well as the area being mowed. Making a simple switch can save users time and improve the areas appearance. Mulching blades 6 YARD & GARDEN ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ are designed to cut finer grass clippings that can fall back into the grass to decompose. Grass clippings can contain up to 80% water and also provide many nutrients that are returned to the soil when mulched. 10910313 Polaris Introduces Brutus Line of Work Vehicles Polaris Industries recently unveiled the Polaris Brutus line, the company’s first purpose-built commercial vehicle line that delivers front-end power take-off (PTO) capability. The Brutus product line is an outcome of the alliance formed between Polaris and Bobcat in 2009. The co-developed vehicles leverage the strengths of both companies with Polaris’ expertise in utility vehicles and the powersports market, with Bobcat’s experience in work vehicle technology and attachments. Polaris will manufacture vehicles for both Polaris and Bobcat, while Bobcat will manufacture attachments for the two companies. 10889723 c-Systems Integrates Vendor Flat Rates Flat Rate Time (FRT) from c-Systems provides the ability to link equipment on the repair order/shop ticket to the associated vendor’s labor flat rates. The dealer only needs to point and click to add the appropriate labor rate within a repair order, thus removing the hassle of manually looking up labor codes, descriptions and times. c-Systems worked closely with Ariens, Exmark, Kubota, Stihl and Toro to develop this type of exclusive integration. 10893139 PRODUCT REVIEW: Toro TurfMaster 30-inch Walk Brandon Land, owner of Year Round Lawn in West Monroe, LA, picked up several new commercial accounts this year. He wanted to use a push mower on them, but they were sizable yards that required a little more productivity than a typical 21-inch push mower. Land purchased the Toro TurfMaster 30-inch Walk Mower, designed for rugged commercial use, earlier this year from Ouachita Lawn & Garden, also in West Monroe. He says the productivity gains have been obvious. In addition to his new commercial properties, Land is also using the mower on other properties he’s maintained for years. 10911163 Popular Podcasts Visit to check out the Green Industry Insider, a monthly audio recap of the industry’s top news. Follow us on Twitter: Do work – not paperwork. Introducing: Flat Rate Time (FRT) from Infinity, c-System’s Premier Business Management Software. c-Systems has the only Outdoor Power Equipment business management solution that allows you to link equipment on a repair order/shop ticket directly to the associated vendor’s labor flat rates: simply point and click to add the appropriate labor rate within a repair order. This cutting-edge solution removes the time consuming hassle of manually looking up labor codes, descriptions, and times. In addition to saving you and your technicians time and reducing paperwork associated with warranty repairs, FRT also: • • • reduces the likelihood of making a mistake when pricing helps standardize equipment repair descriptions can increase billing amounts and profits on each repair order. c-Systems worked closely with several leading manufacturers to develop this exclusive integration, including Ariens, Gravely, Exmark, Kubota, Stihl and Toro. ❯ To inquire, visit For more information, please contact us at: 800.334.3114 Dealer Best Practice ❯ By Lisa Danes How to Master Your Inventory Staying tuned into the market and your customers helps you to maintain appropriate inventory levels and troubleshoot along the way. P lanning and managing your inventory doesn’t have to be a guessing game. Knowing your customers and the products they desire will help you to anticipate demand. Add to that valuable knowledge gained through relationships with your distribution channel, and you are on your way to having a better handle on inventory and expectations. Your careful monitoring of inventory throughout the selling season will help you to meet demand while staying out of the overstock danger zone. 8 YARD & GARDEN ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ Caution and the customer With the recent recession and stranger-thanusual weather patterns, dealers have become even more cautious about how they plan inventory. They are being careful about how much inventory they are willing to take on simply to please manufacturers and gain discounts. “Dealers are way more responsible in their inventory management as far as not letting certain manufacturers and distributors take advantage of them by loading them up with inventory. Excess inventory at the dealer level is not good for anybody,” says Todd Winstead, president of distributor Tidewater Power Equipment Company in Virginia Beach, VA, and recently appointed president of the Outdoor Power Equipment and Engine Service Association (OPEESA). Dealer Best Practice Dealers are being careful about how much inventory they are willing to take on simply to please manufacturers and gain discounts. sell in one year are reconsidered for stocking. This timeframe used to be three years. Regional weather also plays a role. If you are on the East Coast and have seen healthy sales, your parts inventories may be where they were in previous high-sales years. If you are in the Midwest and dealing with drought, you might be carrying a heavier parts inventory and less wholegoods. “I think dealers are more cautious than in years past,” says Wade Freeman, senior sales manager for distributor Dixie Sales. “Dealers are carrying more parts inventory than in past years, however. Parts houses do well in periods like this with the recession.” While you can’t predict the weather, you can stay on top of the purchasing behavior of your customers. Remain cautious when it comes to weather, but strive to be educated on the customer and their buying intentions. “Stay close to your customer and look at the way the customer purchases as buyer behavior,” advises Pesson. “We are asking our customer to help us have the parts when they need them. We have parts purchase boxes and give them to our customer so we can check their levels before they run out.” Dealers are choosing to plan for increased turns of inventory so as not to carry too much for too long, which can increase liability and risk. Evaluating the sales of equipment as well as parts, and how to proceed with ordering, is important. “It is a must that you look at turns and shorten your timeframe for booking orders in order to keep you from overstocking inventory,” says Lynn Pesson Jr., president of Southland Engine Co. Inc. with three Louisiana dealership locations. “We also shorten our booking orders because of the droughts.” Pesson has also changed the way he evaluates parts. Those that do not inside scoop with their dealer partners. Winstead says his distributorship also works to educate their territory managers and dealers on market intelligence gained from manufacturers, tradeshows and organizations like OPEESA. “Distributors and suppliers have comprehensive research data which is very valuable to dealers—provided they take the time and effort to both request and study these materials,” suggests Ed Kovalchick of Net Profit Inc., a consulting firm. “Be aggressive about capturing all of the available research.” For Pesson, choosing to deal in only a few lines for a product category shows his dedication to the brand. As a highdollar dealer, this also increases the manufacturers’ interest in his success. “We have only three ride-on lines and the relationships starts there,” Pesson says. “We believe healthy market share only comes from a Valuing channel partnerships Customer relationships are not the only ones you need to spend time cultivating to help you become better at managing inventory. Building close relationships with your suppliers benefits you greatly. These connections can be informative and helpful in many ways. “We host update schools and provide a consistent message about Dixie Sales to our dealers,” says Freeman. “We help dealers to be in-the-know about news with a particular manufacturer and general industry knowledge.” Distributors have more access to manufacturers and can share the Three Ways a BMS Keeps You on Top of Inventory 1. Use sales history data to establish seasonal stocking levels and create suggested purchase orders. 2. System is updated with preloaded manufacturer’s price lists. This not only provides an efficient way to keep pricing as accurate as possible, but provides the dealer with new part numbers and superseded part number information. 3. A good BMS provides a paper trail detailing all movement of inventory. Nothing should ever appear or disappear from inventory without this audit trail. Having this tool allows the management staff to easily identify and take corrective action with regards to inventory overages and shortages. It also provides a means to effectively do cycle counting to ensure accurate on-hand quantities. Provided by Dave Baumgarten, lead trainer for Constellation Dealership Software-Ideal & IDS ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ YARD & GARDEN 9 Dealer Best Practice six Can’t miss tips • Plan for shorter turns of inventory and don’t take on more than you need • Educate yourself on the buying intentions of your customers • Gain market intelligence from supplier partners, industry associations and trade publications • Stay in constant contact with your supplier about your needs and concerns • Move stalled inventory to dealers in other areas that are selling out of equipment • Use a business management system to manage inventory from each manufacturer individually always done it, but with the internet and communication now, it’s easier to do. The key is communication.” commitment to the line. The nice thing about being a volume dealer for a manufacturer is that you mean something to their bottom line.” A relationship of good communication with your suppliers can also help you to remedy an equipment overstock situation. Being proactive in moving your inventory to another dealer is better than waiting for a long-shot sale to walk through the door. Territory managers can help you find a place in the market for inventory that is not selling at your location. “Stay in constant contact with your supplier,” advises Winstead. “There are always areas of drought and areas that are booming. Communicate that you are heavy and need help moving equipment, and a lot of the time it can be moved to where the sales are. Dealers have 10 YARD & GARDEN ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ Inventory monitoring and manufacturer turnarounds Once you have made a sales prediction for the year and have received equipment and parts shipments, it’s time to slip into inventory-monitoring mode. The frequency of monitoring will depend on the season you are in, but should always be consistent. “When in season, inventory monitoring can be an hourly practice,” says Winstead. “The dealers who aggressively manage their inventory are going to do better than those who do not. If you sell all of your mowers on Wednesday, you need to order more on that same day to get them in on Friday to have more inventory to sell for the weekend.” Inventory from each manufacturer should be monitored individually to account for the different rates and times when orders are filled. A business management system (BMS) is an indispensable tool for inventory management. “Each supplier has a unique fill rate and fill-time,” says Kovalchick. “Consequently, each supplier’s inventory has to be managed individually. If the inventory is being controlled with software, items have to be divided up into unique sections with their own set of inventory controls based on the ability of the supplier to provide the inventory.” After the recession, manufacturer fill time was a concern for many. Several manufacturers slowed their production to meet lowered market demands. As the market picked back up, manufacturing needed to follow. “As we came out of the recession, the whole channel was a bit dry as far as components, and a lot of manufacturers struggled to keep up with demand,” explains Winstead. “Healthy manufacturers and suppliers reduced their inventory to safely stay in business. As we came out of it, it was hard to ramp that system back up. A hold-up on components and parts can shut down an entire assembly line or manufacturing plant. I wouldn’t say it is a good or bad thing. It’s a healthy thing. I’m just happy we are on the other side of it.” e. s u u o y s e d la b e h t s a d o o g s a ly . n o lt e is b r n e u w o S m o r Am f s e d la b r o t a d e r P r o T H X Upgrade yours with Constructed of a steel blend using the patented MARBAIN® heat-treated process, Sunbelt’s XHT and Predator blades resist bending and impact damage keeping the blades sharper for a longer period, reducing downtime and improving efficiency. And when it is time for regular maintenance, these extremely hard blades will take a precise edge that maintains that perfect cut - yard after yard, day after day. Superior mulching blade Patented MARBAIN® heat-treating process ensures maximum strength 25% - 40% harder longer-lasting, impact-resistant Cutting edge stays sharp less downtime, more efficient Scan to watch the Sunbelt XHT and Predator blades being manufactured P: 1.800.438.0660 F: 1.800.752.8242 ❯ To inquire, visit Flat blade designed for professional mowers Airflow tooth design allows more airfow & smaller clippings Extended cutting length increases cutting efficiency SUNBELT supplier Spotlight ❯ By Lisa Danes New Stihl Vice President of Sales & Marketing Plans for Growth in Market Share In his 18th year with Stihl, Nick Jiannas steps into the role of vice president of sales and marketing with a plan for continued success with their dealer network and growth in the homeowner market. I n 2012, Stihl announced the retirement of its longtime vice president of sales and marketing, Peter Burton, and the appointment of Northeast Stihl branch manager Nick Jiannas to the vacated position. In his new role as vice president of sales and marketing at Stihl Inc., Jiannas will draw from his vast experience working in many areas of Stihl. In his time with Stihl, Jiannas has learned the value of the independent servicing dealer, and what pairing that with effective marketing can do for the success of Stihl and their independent dealer network. He hopes to further grow market share and strengthen the company’s mutually beneficial relationship with their dealer network. Building on experience In almost 20 years with Stihl, Jiannas’ experience has touched on many areas of the outdoor power equipment business, giving him a breadth of knowledge to build off of in his time as vice president of sales and marketing. Jiannas also speaks fluent German and works well with Stihl colleagues at their worldwide headquarters in Germany. “This is going on my 18th year with 12 YARD & GARDEN ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ the company. I spent eight years out in the field, eight years in the head office in Virginia Beach, and a small stint in Germany as well,” says Jiannas. “My experience has included almost every position you can possibly do under the umbrella of sales and marketing. I have gained a strong understanding of what makes a Stihl dealer tick, and what kinds of things resonate with our independent retailer channel.” Jiannas says he understands the challenges independent dealers face, and plans to work closely with them to find solutions. He regularly attends dealer meetings and strives to keep the dialogue going throughout the channel. “I’m someone whose Stihl career grew up in the dealer network,” says Jiannas. “These folks are down-toearth, hard-working Americans that give honest feedback, and that’s how we have become better at our job as a manufacturer. I will continuously reach out to them.” Working with dealer partners Stihl and Jiannas have long spoke about the power of retailing through the independent servicing dealer network. The company works with their dealers to ensure customer and brand satisfaction. Nick Jiannas, Stihl Inc. vice president of sales and marketing “Independent dealers help us as a manufacturer to ensure a positive ownership experience for the customer,” explains Jiannas. “They qualify the customer’s product needs and then provide parts and service after the sale. They also provide information and feedback to us, the manufacturer, on our products so we can always improve. The dealer provides that critical connection between the manufacturer and the end user on how we can improve our product offering.” The dealer’s relationship with their supplier Spotlight customer isn’t the only thing that helps Stihl find places to improve. The passion and demands of independent dealers also push the company to make improvements to their products and overall operations. “Stihl dealers demand the best and have really caused us to heavily invest back into our business,” says Jiannas. “Whether it is research and development in Germany, or the production facility here in Virginia Beach, we want to ensure we keep providing the best product and maintain our commitment to continuous improvement. They encourage us to be a better manufacturer.” Stihl continues to invest in their technical support structure, training programs like iCademy and Stihl MasterWrench Service, their distribution network and marketing efforts. These investments, along with aggressive marketing to consumers, helps Stihl maintain their dealers’ margins. More marketing muscle Moving forward, Jiannas hopes to help Stihl gain market share and help dealers gain the recognition of consumers. Educating the consumer on the benefits of choosing an independent servicing dealer and the Stihl Standout Stihl Initiatives Independent We Stand Stihl iCademy Built in America, Believing in America Sponsor for Reach Out Worldwide brand will help grow the company’s presence in the homeowner market. “It has been a rewarding challenge for us, but it is a challenge at the end of the day because the average consumers still think of the mass channel as the place for all of their outdoor power equipment needs,” says Jiannas. “We really have seen positive results when we spend the energy and money to reach out to the consumer and say, ‘Hey, there is an alternative. There is a better choice with your Stihl dealer.’” In addition to connecting with the homeowner customer base through their marketing, Jiannas plans to assess Stihl marketing efforts to be sure they are in line with the changing market and company goals. The ideal result would be continuously improving the effectiveness of the marketing efforts and maximizing the ROI of every marketing dollar. “I hope to review and refine our advertising spending by looking at “All we’ve done for the past 10 years is to stay the course we set nearly 40 years ago ... We knew that if we could remain in the position we were in, maintaining credibility with dealers and helping them grow both professionally and personally, we had all the faith in the world that we could continue growing.” - Peter Burton, October 2011 each line item and making sure we remain relevant in today’s everchanging marketplace,” says Jiannas. “The marketplace is changing at an accelerated pace, so I’m challenging our team to ensure that our media mix is optimal and that our messaging continues to resonate with our target audience. Those are key questions that I will ask myself all the time.” One of the first objectives on Jiannas’ list is to keep developing relationships with, and supporting, the people that he works with at Stihl. Those relationships are what give him the confidence that they have the resources and ability to get their message out there in front of dealers and consumers. “From the inside out, we really have a unique story to tell,” says Jiannas. “So my job and my challenge is educating the American consumer that we have a good product to offer, come check us out.” “Independent dealers help us as a manufacturer to ensure a positive ownership experience for the customer. The dealer provides that critical connection between the manufacturer and the end user on how we can improve our product offering.” - Nick Jiannas, February 2013 ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ YARD & GARDEN 13 Market Watch ❯ By Lisa Danes Homeowners to Mow More in 2013 Affordability puts large-deck, ride-on mowers in the hands of homeowners. A fter an early spring was followed by a drought in 2012, dealers and manufacturers are bracing for what they are hoping to be a promising year for consumer riding mower sales in 2013. As the competitive market drives down the price on consumergrade zero-turns, homeowners are favoring the mowers that promise efficient results. Inventory and sales predictions According to the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) data from fall 2012, riding mower sales were up 16.5% for the first nine months of the year. While the riding mower category overall ended the year flat, zero-turn mower orders were up, and are expected to be up once more for 2013. Manufacturer promotions helped dealers to push sales through the end of the year, but many were likely still left with some inventory. “The rider category (tractors and zero-turns) ended flat to a year ago through December, with tractors slightly down and zero-turn shipments up,” shares Eric Julstrom, marketing manager for Toro. “Many dealers were affected by drought, but in most areas the fall picked up retail sales. In addition to weather, manufacturers had promotions running in the back half of the year to encourage retail.” With last year’s national drought an 14 YARD & GARDEN ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ uncommon occurrence, many dealers still ordered above or in line with 2012 for the 2013 selling season. Last year’s optimism will carry over into this year with hopes of better weather patterns. “Dealers ordered pretty similar for 2013 as they did for 2012,” says Rick Zeckmeister, vice president of consumer planning and marketing for Briggs & Stratton. “Last year started out very strong and encouraged people because it showed a willingness to spend on lawnmowers if in fact there was grass.” Eyes on deck size Another statistic from the 2012 OPEI data shows growth in the sales of larger deck sizes. While 40- to 44-inch decks make up the biggest chunk of the market, the sales of 52-inch mower decks is up 23%. Sales growth for that deck size could be attributed to large property owners or hobby farmers. “We find that the 48-inch deck is the most popular homeowner model with the 54-inch preferred in estate-type settings,” says Dee Warren, marketing manager at Land Pride. “I think the growth in the larger deck is coming from the increase in hobby farmers. More people are looking for a few acres just outside the city limits—the increased acreage requires a larger mower.” With the aging population and concerns over social security, the number of hobby farmers could continue to increase as retirees use farmer’s markets as a supplemental income. Hobby farmers and large-property homeowners alike prefer a machine that will help them trim time off chores and add to their quality of life. “Consumers continue to be pressed for time, so zero-turn mowers will continue to grow because they offer the speed and maneuverability to get mowing done efficiently,” says Julstrom. “Toro’s Smart Speed feature helps consumers mow closer to landscaping more confidently, so they can even skip the string trimming to save even more time.” Priced for purchase The rise in larger deck purchases could also be a result of lowering prices. As market competition drives the prices of mowers down, zero-turn mowers with large decks are within reach for more homeowners. “As this segment matures we expect stronger growth in the more premium consumer grade products priced from $4,000 to $5,500,” says Tony Weber, BOB-CAT product manager. “We expect that homeowners will continue to favor newer and lighter commercialgrade zero-turns with the most popular models being the 52- to 54-inch mowers priced from $6,500 to $7,500.” The price jump to a larger deck seems manageable for more homeowners. They also have plenty of financing options to help them make that jump if needed. “The competitive nature of the market is bringing prices down so they are more affordable, while generous financing options are making moreexpensive mowers—usually with larger decks—more affordable because it is easier to up-sell consumers when the monthly payment increase is very small,” explains Julstrom. The world’s largest supplier of outdoor power equipment parts. Founded in 1957, Rotary is a family-owned business that takes exceptional pride in supplying guaranteed quality parts backed with superior customer service. Altogether, Rotary offers over 9,000 parts, tools and accessories for outdoor power equipment including hundreds of new items for 2013. Quality always comes first at Rotary A longtime leader in blade manufacturing, Rotary pro- duces over 8 million austempered mower and edger blades every year at its state-of-the-art plant in Glennville, GA. Rotary blades are made in the USA from premium grade highcarbon steel, then heat treated and tested to meet rigid standards for quality, durability and performance. Rotary’s blade division was one of the world’s first to be certified for ISO Rotary Corporation manufactured its 195 millionth blade in 2012. 9000 Quality. Rotary’s full line of vortex, diamond-cut, quad tex and premium quad trimmer line is available in loops, donuts or bulk spools. Our monofilament trimmer line is proudly made in the USA! Rotary has built one of the industry’s most advanced distribution networks Rotary has built one of the industry’s most advanced dis- Approximately 80% of the com- tribution networks. Most orders are processed and filled the parts are made in the USA including of the USA from eight U.S. distribution centers.* Rotary’s pany’s outdoor power equipment a variety of foam air filters manufactured by Rotary. More parts, more value day they are received, ensuring next day delivery to 80% fill rate now exceeds 95%. Rotary distributes parts to thousands of customers in all 50 states and 68 countries. The company’s customer service department provides The industry’s most complete line of outdoor power equip- complete dealer support for all servicing dealers from 8 a.m. ment parts, tools and accessories is featured in Rotary’s - 8 p.m. EST, Monday thru Friday at 1.800.841.3989. Orders 2013 sales catalog including nearly 200 new items. may be sent by fax to 1.800.424.3945. by sizes, order numbers, product illustrations and original It contains over 1,450 pages with comprehensive listings Doing business with Rotary has never been easier! Shop online 24/7 at equipment numbers for replacements. New for 2013 are choke control cables, Pro Gear trans- missions, drive shafts, spindle assemblies for Toro, John Deere and Cub Cadet plus electric PTO clutches for Cub Cadet and Dixie Chopper. Other featured items include various deck belts for Ex- mark, Grasshopper and Husqvarna models and idler pulleys for John Deere and Cub Quality Parts for Less. Cadet. Rotary has also in- troduced new mulching blades for Dixie Chop- World Headquarters: P.O. Box 747 • Glennville, GA 30427-0747 Distribution Centers: Glennville, GA • Richmond, VA • Largo, FL Albany, NY • Mesquite, TX • Columbus, OH • Fresno, CA • Evansville, IN per, Husqvarna, MTD and 2013 Sales Catalog is available for qualified servicing dealers and distributors. John Deere, as well as PTO switches for Cub Cadet and MTD. ©2013 Rotary Corporation. Rotary is a registered trademark of Rotary Corporation. Available through servicing dealers & distributors. *Source: Statistical data for UPS ground packages shipped within the continental U.S. as of Nov. 2010. Subject to change. Delivery time may vary in certain geographic areas. ❯ To inquire, visit Scan with your smartphone to view video. y o u c a n c o u n T o n R o Ta R y ! c a l l 1 . 8 0 0 . 8 4 1 . 3 9 8 9 market watch ❯ By Lisa Danes Trimmers That Trim Cost Users are willing to spend more for a grass trimmer that saves on time and cost. W ith pre-season sales of trimmers already looking promising, 2013 could be a good year for the product category as commercial users embrace multi-tasking tools and plan to buy. conducted by our sister publication, Green Industry PRO magazine, further reinforces a positive outlook with 68% of contractors saying they intend to buy a trimmer in 2013. Sales estimations Dealers are ordering strong for 2013 and filled their floors with inventory as the spring selling season approached. They also prepared by generating promotional materials for the peak season while experiencing a good amount of pre-season sales. “Pre-season sales of trimmers are slightly higher compared to last year,” According to Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) data through fall 2012, trimmer sales were up 4%. Manufacturers like Husqvarna said they saw growth in the sales of commercial-grade trimmers in 2012. And a fall buying intentions survey shares Scott Walker, vice president and general manager for Bryan Equipment Sales headquartered in Loveland, OH. “Given (the right) weather, we expect an increase in trimmer sales.” Bryan Equipment is a regional distributor of Stihl equipment. Many manufacturers believe that if the weather cooperates, trimmer sales will be up in 2013. Warranties, promotions and financing options will help to drive sales of trimmers further. “While it is largely dependent on weather, we have some great promotions in place that will help drive sales, along with our new extended ROPS STANDARD DUAL PUMPS & WHEEL MOTORS WORLD PROVEN THAT'S A CLAIM WE STAND BY. We want to offer the best bang for your buck, which is why our machines are tested on rough terrains worldwide. And we're proud to say they stand up to the test. The Cobra comes with a limited warranty including 3 years on parts and labor and 10 years on the deck, so we know you'll be satisfied. Exceptional value, World Proven performance−that's our promise to you. 7 GAUGE STEEL DECK ❯ To inquire, visit 16 YARD & GARDEN ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ 48”, 52”, 60” DECK OPTIONS market watch consumer warranty program,” says Jeff Dewosky, vice president of dealer sales for Husqvarna. Durability a focus for all Customers looking to buy are looking for something that will last. This is true of course for both commercial and homeowner users. They won’t be skimping on price this selling season if it means the product they choose is built to last. “Commercial users seek out dependable, durable products that require minimal maintenance,” says Dewosky. “They also need something lightweight and ergonomic, since they use the product for multiple hours each day. Consumers also look for dependability and durability, and they seek out specific features like easy start and easy line replacement. We’ve heard from our consumers that they are willing to spend more to get a quality product.” Multi-use tools and multiple power options Customers are looking for tools that save them money on the front-end with multi-use tools, and in the longrun with fuel savings. Multi-use tools are gaining popularity among commercial users who can quickly and affordably outfit a crewmember with a multitude of tools powered by one source. “Many users are choosing a ‘multi-tasking’ tool such as the Stihl KombiSystem,” says Walker. “These units provide versatility, save on storage and transportation space, and provide significant cost savings.” Building off of the success of their Cordless Tool Line, Oregon recently entered the trimmer market with a battery-powered option. Their product is accessible to the homeowner but powerful enough for commercial use. Oregon did a considerable amount of user surveys and testing before introducing the product and deciding they wanted to hit both the consumer and commercial markets. The company is very optimistic for sales in the year ahead. “Both markets are very important to us. Clearly you have the opportunity for mass appeal and volume in the homeowner market, but we also recognize the needs the professional market has for our product,” says Josh Huffman, senior product line manager for Oregon. “We’ve got product flowing to the field and we’re very optimistic about the season ahead.” Be sure to read “Lithium Ion Revolution” at to learn about trends in battery-powered equipment and tips for selling to commercial users. LocaL businesses reinvest in the LocaL economy 60% more than chains . * Independent We Stand is a movement of independently owned businesses across the country dedicated to educating their communities about the importance – and the benefits – of “buying local.” Stand up, register your business, and become part of the movement at TM * U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census ❯ To inquire, visit ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ YARD & GARDEN 17 Commercial walk mowers Check out our new, more interactive Product Guide at It works anytime, anywhere, and on any device – no app is needed! Wright’s Velke Pistol-Grip Hydro Walk Mower Wright’s Velke pistol-grip hydro mowers—with deck widths of 32, 36, 48 and 52 inches— can be operated as walk behinds or can be paired with Wright’s Velke foldaway sulky for ride-behind convenience. • Integrated latch system for easy deployment and stowage of Wright’s patented Velke sulky • With the complete Velke system, Wright says you can back in and out of tight spots and make turns quickly • Compact design • Large drive tires • Hydraulic control system with fewer components increases reliability John Deere WHP Series Walk-Behind Mowers Exmark Commercial 30 Walk-Behind Mower With a 30-inch cut width, the Exmark Commercial 30 Walk-Behind Mower offers 43% more cut area per pass, yet maneuverability and balance remain similar to a traditional 21-inch push mower, according to the company. • Designed for superior cut quality thanks to a timed, two-blade, 4.6-inch-deep, 3-in-1 deck The John Deere WHP Series walkbehind mowers offer pistol grip controls and hydraulic drive. The Pistol grip controls allow for easier adjustable tracking. Three models are available: WHP36A, WHP48A and WHP52A. • Reduced horsepower consumption in all three cutting modes • Reinforced structure, frame and deck • Patented front height-adjustment system • Single-point rear height adjuster design isolates the transmission and frame from damage due to impact loading • 14.5- or 18.5-hp engines • 5.8-gallon fuel tank • Standard electric start and standard electric PTO • Seven-gauge fabricated floating deck • 36-, 48- and 52-inch deck sizes Watch a video of the WHP Series at Ferris ComfortControl DD Ferris says its ComfortControl DD series is built tough, with a low, wide stance that results in increased traction and stability. The Comfort Control design provides smooth, user-friendly operation. The Cruise Control Bar with independent steering override allows the operator a multitude of handling options. • Available in various cutting widths from 36 to 61 inches • 23.5-gross-hp Kawasaki FX730V or 20.5-gross-hp Kawasaki FX651V engine options • 5-gallon fuel capacity • 10-gauge, fabricated, double-top deck • Double-reinforced side skirts, overlap welded corners • Dual hydrostatic transmission 18 YARD & GARDEN ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 Toro TurfMaster 30-inch Walk Mower Toro says its TurfMaster 30-inch mower covers more ground in far less time, yet it’s surprisingly easy to handle. A highly productive 30-inch deck cuts a wider swath than 21-inch mowers. The precisely timed, twin-blade cutting system powered by a tough Kawasaki engine provides a clean, professional look. Designed for durability, the mower features a cast aluminum frame, heavy-duty steel deck and a bull-nose front bumper. • Versatile — 3-in-1 deck design provides mulching, bagging or side-discharge • Control System — Single bail design is simple to operate and easy to control • Blade Stop System — Allows the operator to disengage blades without shutting off the engine • Two-Point Height of Cut — Durable design easily adjusts front and rear without walking around the mower • Commercial-Grade Wheels — Tough co-polymer wheels feature precision ball bearings for long life with less downtime and lower replacement costs ❙ Visit for a comparison of the key features and specs of these two products. Anytime, Anywhere, Any device. Get fast, relevant product information on the new Product Guide at Easy navigation Browse companies and products by category Advanced search for quick, relevant results Content fits your device … no app needed Product reviews GET INFO NOW! button speeds results try it now! Go to HEdge trimmers Check out our new, more interactive Product Guide at It works anytime, anywhere, and on any device – no app is needed! Oregon HT250 40V MAX Hedgetrimmer The Oregon HT250 features an Oregon lithium ion battery with premium cell technology for longer run time and more powerful, faster cutting. Plus, the company says a more ergonomic design allows for comfortable use of the 24-inch blade. • Low-vibration design • 74 dB sound power level • Variable speed throttle increases control and runtime • Weighs 8.8 or 9.8 pounds • Laser-cut precision cutting blades for cleaner cuts and healthier plants • 3/4-inch cut capacity for fast, smooth cutting • Max cutting speed of 2,750 strokes per minute • 9.8 pounds with Endurance battery pack and blades • 30-minute runtime with B500S standard battery, 60 minutes with B400E endurance battery dependent on many variables CHT 410 Hedgetrimmer from Core Outdoor Power Core Outdoor Power is a manufacturer of GasLess outdoor power equipment for commercial markets and the discerning homeowner. Its wireless motor works by means of embedding copper-etched conductors into a multi-layered circuit board stator, which when coupled with permanent magnets allows for high torque at extremely high efficiencies, according to the company. Combining the Core motor with a compact, hybrid power cell produces a product that is lightweight, virtually noiseless and completely emission-free. • Weighs 12 pounds • Strokes per minute: 3,200 • 22-inch blade length • Run time up to 90 minutes Husqvarna 122HD60 Hedgetrimmer Husqvarna says its 122HD60 hedgetrimmer offers the perfect blend of weight, balance and power. • 21.7cc 2-cycle engine that is strong enough to easily cut through the toughest branches, according to the company • Dual-action, 24-inch, double-sided blades are made from hardened steel to stay sharper and last longer • Weighs 10.6 pounds • Five-position rotating rear handle for the ultimate in maneuverability and ergonomic comfort ❯ To inquire, visit 20 YARD & GARDEN ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ HEdge trimmers Stihl’s HLA 65 Lithium Ion Extended-Reach Hedgetrimmer Stihl’s HLA 65 extended-reach, professional-grade hedgetrimmer delivers the convenience of 36-volt lithium-ion battery power. • Variable-speed trigger Echo SHC-266 Hedgetrimmer Echo’s SHC-265 features a 25.4cc Power Boost Vortex engine for powerful performance, and an improved heavyduty gear case for enhanced cutting durability. • Commercial-duty air filtration system • 20-inch, double-sided, double-reciprocating RazorEdge blades feature long-lasting sharpness and enhanced cutting performance • Extra heavy-duty vibration reduction system • i-30 technology reduces starting effort by 30%, according to the company • 51-inch shaft, angled at 7°, allows trimming tall hedges and provides a wide-angle view • Six blade-locking positions that offer a 105° working range • 20-inch, double-sided, reciprocating blades • Expands the versatility of the Stihl Battery KombiSystem • Run time with AP 160 battery of up to 120 minutes • Weight with AP 160 battery is 11.3 pounds; with AP 80 it’s 10.1 pounds • Ideal for use in and around areas where noise and emissions standards restrict normal gas-powered operations • Brushless motor with minimal maintenance Worx 20V Max Lithium Hedgetrimmer Worx says its 20V Max Lithium Hedgetrimmer is a go-anywhere trimmer designed to make caring for hedges, fast, easy and comfortable. Weighing just over 5 pounds, the ergonomic hedgetrimmer is nicely balanced with multiple user-friendly features to make trimming an enjoyable activity, rather than a chore. • Euro-styled trimmer features soft-grip front and rear handles for maximum comfort and control • A clear-view, high-impact plastic shield provides protection and helps deflect debris • Smooth-cutting, dual-action, 20-inch blades minimize vibration to reduce operator fatigue • Fully hardened, factory-sharpened blades operate at 2,200 strokes per minute and have a 9/16-inch maximum depth of cut • Tool has a two-step trigger to prevent accidental startups • Powered by the 20V Max Lithium battery pack There is no comparison between a Zero Turn Mower and any other powered mower when it comes to getting work done quick and efficiently. A Land Pride Zero Turn Mower can cut square corners, zip around trees, and increase overall productivity on your farm, in your yard or at your business. Get mowing work done... with Land Pride’s Zero Turn Mowers! A Division of Great Plains Mfg., Inc. Salina, Kansas Over 250 Products to Fit Your Lifestyle… ❯ To inquire, visit ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ YARD & GARDEN 21 Check out our new, more interactive Product Guide at It works anytime, anywhere, and on any device – no app is needed! Blowers Echo PB-760LN Backpack Blower Maruyama BL3200 Handheld Blower Maruyama says its BL3200 blower features penetrating air volume and big cfm in a quick, compact, completely commercial-grade package. An optional shredder/vacuum kit is also available. Maruyama says the 30.2cc, CER300 E-force engine is Tier 3-compliant and delivers up to 25% more power with 40% less fuel than traditional two-cycle machines. Echo has released what it calls the most powerful low-noise backpack blower on the market, the PB-760LN. • Innovative housing designed to maximize output and efficiency • Easier to operate and start with No Sweat Recoil Assist Starter System • Weighs 9.5 pounds • Features a larger muffler, sound-deadening insulation and a mid-pipe baffle, which help lower the machine’s sound output to 65 dB(A). • 68 dB • 459 cfm • 535 cubic feet per minute (CFM) of air volume at 214 mph, whereas the nearest competitor only manages 477 cfm and 177 mph at the same decibel level, according to Echo Tanaka TBL-7800 Backpack Blower Tanaka’s largest blower features a 65cc engine, 850-cfm output, and a side-mounted throttle control switch. It’s a great everyday blower that can handle the bigger jobs as well, the company says. • Ideal for contractors maintaining green spaces close to homes, or other noisesensitive areas such as hospitals and golf courses • 4.3-hp two-stroke engine • 205 mph • Weighs 22.6 pounds Guaranteed Quality BELTS TOWABLE AL WITH OPTION TOW BAR at everyday low prices! Full line of premium belts plus heavy duty belts reinforced with aramid fiber 1.800.841.3989 DON’T BE LEFT STUMPED Choose the stump grinder that offers you: • Easy to use features • Easy to maintain design • Easy to replace teeth and other parts TOLL FREE: 855.428.2230 • WWW.DOSKO.COM/N3/ for more info! Servicing dealers and distributors only. 30 years ... built better than they have to be ❯ To inquire, visit 22 YARD & GARDEN ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ Since 1983 ❯ To inquire, visit Contractors Rank Backpack Blowers Landscape contractors have a lot of choices when it comes to their backpack blowers. And according to feedback from Green Industry PRO readers, three brands stand out from the rest. blowers Stihl, Echo and RedMax earned the highest favorability ratings of the 10 brands listed in the survey. Read the full article at Efco SA3000 Blower Mighty Mac Blowers from MacKissic Efco says its SA3000 handheld blower features an ergonomic design with a sleek style and look. The VibCut anti-vibration system features four rubber mounts to isolate the engine from the blower handle and body of the machine. Mighty Mac leaf blowers by MacKissic create gale force winds between 160 and 200 mph to blow leaves and debris into neat windrows or piles. This gale is created by a balanced high-speed poly fiber reinforced impeller. This helps the machine run quieter and smoother. The housing is aerodynamically designed for maximum and smooth air flow. This design helps reduce wear and tear on the machine and engine as it is designed for efficiency. • Maximum air volume of 424 cfm • Air speed of 157 mph • Weighs 9.5 pounds • More comfortable to use with its rubber handle with throttle lock • Primer bulb and lift starter for quicker and simpler starting • Throttle lock allows air flow to be adjusted to match the job • Special vac kit for quick and easy conversion to a vacuum /10157063 Husqvarna 125BVx Blower • 170-mph air speed Husqvarna says its 125BVx handheld blower combines high power with state-of-the-art ergonomic design. The blower tube is engineered to be in line with the handle, minimizing rotational force on the wrist. • Flare nozzle for higher air speed • Vac-Kit for vacuuming/mulching lawn debris BLADES at everyday low prices! • Intuitive controls well gathered and easy to access • Blowing tube length adjustable for best performance /10855623 • 8,000-rpm maximum power speed Guaranteed Quality • Stop switch automatically resets to the On position for easier starting BUYA AQUALIFYING QUALIFYING TANAKA TRIMMER BUY AND RECEIVE TA N A AK VISA A ® PREPAID CARD TRIMMER AND RECEIVE A VISA® PREPAID CARD (via mail-in rebate) Commercial Grade Straight Shaft Trimmer TBC-255PF $50 Quality TESTED FOR PERFORMANCE! ISO certified • low-lift & high-lift • heavy duty mulching blades 1.800.841.3989 for more info! Servicing dealers and distributors only. ❯ To inquire, visit Commercial Grade Straight Shaft Trimmer w/Padded Handle OR TBC-260PF Purchase any other qualifying Tanaka Tool and receive a $20, $30 or $40 rebate Offers valid 2/15/13 thru 6/30/13 Visit for details and to download rebate forms ❯ To inquire, visit ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ YARD & GARDEN 23 For more information contact Deirdre D’Aniello, Yard & Garden 800.547.7377 ext. 1662 / Classifieds H AYWAR D DISTRIBUTING CO. Real People + Real Service 34,/5)3s+!.3!3#)49s-%-0()3 Distributors of Quality Equipment • • • • • • • • • • • • REDMAX MEYER PLOWS BOB-CAT STENS PLUGR CLASSEN BIG DOG LITTLE WONDER MANTIS BROWN MFG. RYAN HONDA ENGINES • • • • • • • • • • • • JUNGLE JIM'S SELBRO KINEDYNE NGK ZRATOR DIXON K100 POWER PRO JONSERED PRIZELAWN E-Z TRENCH RHINO Gasoline Engines & Parts ACCESSORIES & PARTS A & I PRODUCTS AMERITYRE ATTWOOD CARLISLE CHAMPION COMET CRC CHEMICALS DESERT EXTRUSION FEMCO FLAMBEAU FLUID FILM GOLD EAGLE STA-BIL GOOD VIBRATIONS GORILLA LIFT INTERNATIONAL SUPPLY JUNGLE JIM’S KIMBERLY-CLARK KI-SOL 4061 Perimeter Dr. Columbus, OH 43228 Toll Free (800) 282-1585 ❯ To inquire, visit Diesel Engines & Parts LAUSON/LCT LIQUIDYNAMICS MARTIN WHEEL KENDA MAX-TORQUE MEGUIARS MITYVAC MOELLER MOJACK NGK NO-SPILL OHIO STEEL OPEESA OREGON® Forestry Products OREGON® OEP OREGON® PowerNow™ PEERLESS PIX BELTS -%$!24/2$%2,).% &AX,INEs /RDERS -EDART)NCCOM WWW-EDART%NGINECOM ❯ To inquire, visit ❯ To inquire, visit Content Licensing for Every Marketing Strategy Marketing solutions fit for: • Outdoor • Direct Mail • Print Advertising • Tradeshow/POP Displays • Social Media • Radio & Television Logo Licensing | Reprints | Eprints | Plaques Leverage branded content from Yard & Garden to create a more powerful and sophisticated statement about your product, service, or company in your next marketing campaign. Contact Wright’s Media to find out how we can customize your acknowledgements and recognitions to enhance your company’s marketing strategies. ❯ To inquire, visit For more information, call Wright’s Media at 877.652.5295 or visit our website at 24 YARD & GARDEN ❙ march/april 2013 ❙ RACOR RADIANS SEA FOAM SEAT KING SLIME SPICER/DANA STA-BIL STARTRON SUTTNER TECUMSEH/LAUSON TILLOTSON TINY-TACH TRAILER PARTS & ACCESSORIES TUFFTOP VELKE GRASS GOBBLER WALBRO ZAMA ard Y Garden WESTERN CENTRAL EASTERN & Market Insights for Equipment Dealers Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Texas for Over 40 Years! Product Lines Distributor Network CENTRAL EASTERN Contact Us Today “Take Advantage of the Smiths Advantage” Phone: 800.551.8259 Fax: 800.551.4712 P.O. Box 578 - 1802 South Arkansas Street Springhill, Louisiana 71075 423 Ea st Jeffer son Blvd. Dallas, TX 75 203 Email: kerry.malkerson@ marrbros.c om m IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 1-800-627-7276 ❯ To inquire, visit ❯ To inquire, visit CANNS-BILCO Contact Deirdre D’Aniello 1-800-547-7377 x 1662 Ad Index c-Systems Software..................... 7 Dixie Choipper.............................. 2 Dosko......................................... 22 Ferris Industries...........................5 GE Capital................................... 27 DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Serving PA, NJ, MD, VA, WV, DE, and NY (all products not available in some states) Additional product lines include... ATLAS GLOVE CHAMPION FUEL MEDICS KERSHAW MOJACK • OPTI-OILS • POWERTEK • SOLO • SPYKER • TANAKA • TRAC VAC 125 E. Penn Ave., PO Box 918, Alburtis, PA 18011 800-811-0266 • Fax 800-228-8181 Distribution territories vary by product line ❯ To inquire, visit ❯ To inquire, visit Western CENTRAL POWER DISTRIBUTORS, INC., ANOKA, MN ENGINES AND PARTS MN, WI, Northern IL, Northern IN, ND, SD, and portions of IA. MTD PARTS AND ACCESSORIES MN, IA, WI, MI, ND, SD MacKissic Inc..............................20 Additional product lines include... ENGINES AND PARTS MN, WI, MI, OH, IN, KY, SD, ND, IL Rotary....................... 15, 22, 23, 28 Worldlawn Power Equipment.....16 TERRESOLVE WALBRO WORX ZAMA Ph: (800) 248-4016 Land Pride...................................21 Sunbelt Outdoor Products.......... 11 NGK OPTI-2 & 4 POWERNOW POW’R’KRAFT SEF Hitachi Power Tools.................... 23 Stihl.............................................17 • ACREASE • EASY AUGER • CONVERTIBLE • GREAT STATES • MERRY TILLER • MIGHTY MAC • OHIO STEEL ATLAS GLOVE CHAMPION FUEL MEDICS KERSHAW MOJACK ENGINES & TRANSMISSIONS Quality Lines Quality Companies 800 364-7938 NGK OPTI-2 & 4 POWERNOW POW’R’KRAFT SEF TERRESOLVE WALBRO WORX ZAMA Ph: (800) 248-4016 Distribution territories vary by product line ❯ To inquire, visit ❯ To inquire, visit For more information contact Deirdre D’Aniello, Yard & Garden 800.547.7377 ext. 1662 / ❙ March/april 2013 ❙ YARD & GARDEN 25 Bob’s Business Tips ❯ By Bob Clements Maybe It’s Time to Close the Open House Bob Clements Stop wasting your time and money on an open house and direct your energy toward creating valuable education programs for the customer. I t’s that time of year again, when everyone is getting ready for the season to bust open and the talk of dealer open houses starts. I hear manufacturers complain that they have to attend them, and dealers complain that they have to host them. It seems to me that the only people who like open houses are the people that enjoy the discounts and feed for free. As you can probably tell, I am not a big fan of open houses. I used to be because they used to work, but things have changed a lot over the years. For the most part, the people that show up to an open house are people you would get a sale from either way, or people who are just looking for free stuff and food. Dealers should do away with the open house and focus their money and energy on training for commercial landscapers and municipalities, and partnering with a garden or landscape supply company that targets the same consumer customers you long to reach. The purpose of an open house is to showcase what you do for people who are not aware of what you have to offer. Concentrate your time, dollars and energy on attracting new customers by thinking outside of the box. Commercial user education Let’s think about commercial landscapers since my son is one. What do they need? They need training for themselves and their people. Consider hosting a day of training for owners and key employees that is handled by your manufacturers or distributors. Understanding marketing, customer 26 YARD & GARDEN ❙ MARCH/APRIL 2013 ❙ service, billing, hiring, dealing with upset customers, safety, proper maintenance of equipment and profitability are all things that help commercial landscapers to be profitable. Concentrate your time, dollars and energy on attracting new customers by thinking outside of the box. Why not host a program for their employees on the proper care and maintenance of the equipment you sell them? We know why you shouldn’t run a zero-turn at full power over a curb— but their employees might not. Having your service manager or shop foreman do a workshop on good equipment maintenance will pay dividends on emergency service and put more money in your customer’s pocket. I learned a long time ago that when the customer makes more money they tend to not negotiate as hard when they buy. Mutually beneficial partnerships When it comes to the consumer side of the business, partner with someone who has the same type of customer as you but doesn’t compete against you. That’s why I like my dealers to work with garden and landscape supply companies. These are companies that want to make flowers grow, weeds die and grass green. The customers they have are the customers you are looking to attract. You can share the investment in educational events with your new partner and quickly double the number of customers who show up. Invite a few vendors to do educational workshops for these shared homeowner customers. Provide snacks and refreshments and invite the local press to cover the event. I would encourage each of you as dealers to sit down with your vendors and talk about how you can partner to move in a different direction. I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to work with some of the best manufacturers and distributors in the industry. I know without a doubt that any new idea you have to increase your business without giving up margins would be well-received. The reality of today is that open houses just don’t give you the impact you strive to achieve. Make this the year that you stop the insanity and look for a better way to showcase who you are and the value you bring to your existing and future customers. Bob Clements is the president of Bob Clements International, a consulting firm that specializes in the development of high-performance dealerships. His organization works hands on with dealerships throughout North America, helping them attain the personal freedom and financial wealth all entrepreneurs strive to achieve. For more information, visit For more articles, videos and podcasts from Bob Clements, visit bobclements GE Capital WE’RE NOT JUST BANKERS, WE’RE BUILDERS. We help you build your business by saying YES as often as possible. Most financing decisions are simple, with an answer in under 20 seconds. When a credit application requires more consideration, our team of expert OPE underwriters are just a phone call away and ready to look at every option to responsibly say YES. Winning in this market requires a financing company who helps you build your business. Stop just banking. And start building. YES. GE CAPITAL CAN HELP BUILD YOUR BUSINESS. Credit is extended by GE Capital Retail Bank © 2013 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. ❯ To inquire, visit World’s sharpest Blades! made in usa Precision-sharpened cutting edge for a cleaner, finer cut! TesTed for x Treme performance! Better built blades. • 20% less power required to drive blade for improved engine performance scan with your smartphone to view Xtreme performance video. • Less vibration prevents pre-mature component wear • Up to 46% more particle retention time under deck for better mulching c a l l 1 . 8 0 0 . 8 4 1 . 3 9 8 9 o r v i s i t r o ta r y c o r p. c o m ©2012 Rotary Corporation. Available through servicing dealers & distributors. Rotary is a registered trademark of Rotary Corporation. *Source: Statistical data from an independent study conducted by a major university in 2009 - 2010. ❯ To inquire, visit
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