How to create a brochure in your language The Sand vik Identity T H E B RO C H U R E T H E P RO G R A M It is a brief presentation brochure of the Sandvik Group which can be used in lots of different ways – as a mailer, a leave behind or as a hand-out at exhibitions. The format is 4+4 pages folded together into a brochure. You can make whatever changes (copy as well as pictures) you feel necessary to adapt it to your local condictions. You can order a CD with the graphic document and pictures from Group staff Advertising and Identity, KB, by writing to The brochure is made in QuarkXpress (version 4.11) for Mac. You can also open it in a PC environment. THE DOCUMENT It is called KB_brochure01.qxd P H OTO G R A P H S A N D G R A P H I C F I L E S Photographs are high resolution TIF-images in CMYK format. Diagrams and graphics are made in Adobe Illustrator 9.0. T Y P E FAC E A N D P R I N T I N G PA P E R Recommended fonts are Gill Sans for headlines and Sabon for paragraph text. (Or similar, e.g. Helvetica and Times). For printing paper use Silverblade Art 240 g/m2 or a similar white, coated paper. The Sandvik Identity COVER PAGE Products from Sandvik Tooling play a key role in today’s modern manufacturing industries. They are used to process and refine materials made of steel, stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum and composite materials to produce finished components. Y y hnology compan Sandvik is a high-tec very products in the with advanced technology. leading edge of contribute Our role is to ng our actively to improvi ivity and, customers product their profconsequently, s, itability. The product service we know-how and the offer must provide maximum customer with ance, value – in perform ty safety, flexibili quality, speed, y. and overall econom RE AREAS THREE CO KNOW -HOW to to having access the most state-of Sandvik Coromant has thousands of products. But all the specialists throughout the world who, at any given moment, are working in customers’ plants are just as important. These specialists in their ent the-art equipm yellow coats offer sound advice. They help program machines with the proper available, we also cutting data to ensure that customers’ of the world’s productivity is always at peak levels. employ many ers in the area foremost research ogy. technol process of materials and 4% of its invests Sandvik Annually, , sales in research total invoiced ce. quality assuran development and Today’s cemented-carbide insert is the result of sophisticated high technology. Each year, Sandvik Coromant introduces about 1,000 new products and product variants. To maintain this high tempo, AT HOME E V E R Y W H advanced CAD/CAM is needed, both in ER E development stages and in production. the Sandvik is an international compan y with operations in 130 countrie s worldwide. Our philosophy has always been based on being close to our custome rs. As a result we are better able to understand and meet the needs and wishes of the users of our products. This enables us to develop better product s. And we can ensure that they are used in the most efficient manner. Because our custome rs today are located virtually everywhere on the globe, we are also there as a local partner. At the same time, we are a global enterpri se in the true sense of the word. With worldwide product ion resources. An extensive IT network that reaches every corner of the earth. And efficient logistic systems that know no geograp hical borders. Oi l/g as Cons Cars. Airplanes. Ships. Engines. Machines. They all consist of many components, each of which has to be cut and processed to its final form. Cemented-carbide tools from Sandvik Coromant and high-speed steel tools from Sandvik CTT are modern industry’s most important means for this purpose. Other space Aero nics ctro Ele Driltech Mission is a holds a worldleading supplier of The Sandvik Group and toolscore threerigsselected indrilling leading position for rotary and down- in the-holespeciali drilling. zes Tooling areas: Sandvik steel e and high-speed cemented-carbid Sandvik Mining orking. tools for metalw concentrates on and Construction rock and service for machinery, tools Specialty excavation. Sandvik products in Steels focuses on special stainless steel, ce alloys and resistan materials. ED A MULTI FACET High-speed Special alloys. Stainless steel. hard materials. Tough steel. Heating s. ed carbide. Ceramic materials. Cement ’s Diamond. Sandvik Cubic boron nitride. many facets. has ls materia expertise in position is the Our cutting-edge lass laboratories result of our world-c . In addition for materials research & umer- Pr oc es s relate tive omo Aut INVOICED SALES BY CUSTOMER AREA Eng inee d Civil enginee and constru ring ction This is Sandvik CTIVIT VE PRODU WE IMPRO ring MANY TYPES OF CUSTO MERS Sandvik’s custome rs are active in many areas. These include the automotive and aerospace industri es, mining and construction operatio ns, chemical, oil and gas, power, pulp and paper, househo ld appliances, electron ics, medical technology, pharmaceutical s and other engineering industri es. About two thirds of the products are industrial-consu mption goods and one third investment goods. The figure shows invoiced sales per customer area. SANDVIK I N KEY FIG U R E S 2 0 01 Founded in: Annual sales: Number of employees : Operations in: Research & Developm ent: M ini ng 1862 USD 4.5 billion 35,000 130 countries 4% invoiced sales Sandvik Tooling can offer a wide range of tools and tooling systems for metalworking applications as well as blanks and components. Products are manufactured in cemented carbide, high-speed steel and other hard materials such as diamond and special ceramics. FIRST SPREAD The VA-Eimco business sector in the Sandvik Group is the world leader in systems, equipment and tools for mechanical mining of coal and other soft minerals, and in road-headers for tunneling and the production of underground rock shelters. Products from Sandvik Tooling play a key role in today’s modern manufacturing industries. They are used to process and refine materials made of steel, stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum and composite materials to produce finished components. We make it possible Sandvik Rock Processing is a leading producer of crushers, screens and feeders for the mining and construction industry. Today’s cemented-carbide insert is the result of sophisticated high technology. Each year, Sandvik Coromant introduces about 1,000 new products and product variants. To maintain this high tempo, advanced CAD/CAM is needed, both in the development stages and in production. Sandvik Coromant has thousands of products. But all the specialists throughout the world who, at any given moment, are working in customers’ plants are just as important. These specialists in their yellow coats offer sound advice. They help program machines with the proper cutting data to ensure that customers’ productivity is always at peak levels. Iron. Copper. Zinc. Gold. Silver. Whatever can be mined on the surface or underground – and regardless of what level it is mined – Sandvik Tamrock offers the right equipment. Steel belts are used in many industries for various processes in which the properties of the steel are highly significant. Sandvik Process Systems is the world-leading supplier of such process installations based on steel-belt technology. The Sandvik company Kanthal is the leading global manufacturer of metallic and ceramic resistance materials in the form of wire, strip, electric heating elements and systems. They are used for household appliances, industrial furnaces and for processing equipment within the electronics industry. The process industries throughout the world use stainless-steel and special-alloy tubes from Sandvik Steel. Exacting requirements are placed with respect to cost-effectiveness, safety and performance. Driltech Mission is a leading supplier of drilling rigs and tools for rotary and downthe-hole drilling. Sandvik Materials Handling is a leading engineering and service company that focuses on the handling of bulk materials and also manufactures components for conveyors. The most important customers are mines and quarries, harbors and terminals, as well as power plants burning solid-fuel. Sandvik Tamrock is the world’s leading producer of drilling tools and drill bits, offering a complete range of cemented-carbide tools for down-the-hole and rotary drilling in all types of rock formations. CENTERFOLD Cars. Airplanes. Ships. Engines. Machines. They all consist of many components, each of which has to be cut and processed to its final form. Cemented-carbide tools from Sandvik Coromant and high-speed steel tools from Sandvik CTT are modern industry’s most important means for this purpose. Sandvik Tooling can offer a wide range of tools and tooling systems for metalworking applications as well as blanks and components. Products are manufactured in cemented carbide, high-speed steel and other hard materials such as diamond and special ceramics. Sandvik Steel is a world-leading producer of seamless tube, strip, wire and bar for demanding customers. Products are manufactured mainly in stainless steels as well as in titanium, nickel and zirconium alloys.
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