Document 194316

13th Annual IROICA Conference
How to transform international mobility into an added value for the
mobile person and the institution?
Internationalisation as Lifelong Learning for IRO officers.
25th to 28th June 2009
Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais
Draft Programme:
25 June 2009
Registration and earlier arranged meetings (you will have different work rooms for meetings
to your convenience)
Guided tour through the LaSalle Campus, the farm and in Research laboratories
Welcoming reception in LaSalle Beauvais
26th June 2009
Welcoming by the LaSalle Beauvais’ Director and by IROICA President
How can HEI ‘s be of added value to political Institutions – French Ministry of Agriculture
French Ministry grants + Picardy grants for internships – Picardian Council
Questions and discussion
Coffee break
Internships from IRO point of view (examples of programmes, Europass, “survival kit” on
how to organise internships. –Rebecca Key, University of Udine
Students point of view – IAAS or IAESTE
French Company point of view (Why do they want to have interns?) ISAGRI
Questions and discussion
Overview of ICTAS (as a trade mark of IROICA) – Margarita Calder…n-Peter, BOKU
Intercultural training workshop – Jeanine Gregersen-Hermans
Coffee break
Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus Mundus External Cooperaton Windows at MSc
and Doc level –Martina Friedrich, Austrian Exchange Service, National Contact Point for EM
Double Degree with Brasil – ESALQ Professor
Students point of view on Double Degree – ESALQ Student
Canadian interest for Double Degree (what is their interest for a DDP) – MacGill Professor
Dinner in LaSalle Beauvais
27th June 2009
IROICA General Assembly (a separate agenda will be sent out to all IROICA members)
Excursion linked with our Department of Geology: “From quarry to castle”: an organized
excursion to understand human activity impact on environment, Chantilly
Excursion: “F†tes Jeanne Hachette” in Beauvais city centre: Medieval Feast and dinner
For more information about the Excursions please see the end of this flyer
28th June 2009 Departure
Please complaete and return the separate Registration form by 1st June 2009. Please return the
completed form forthe attention of Anne DUTRIAUX by fax: +33 3 44 06 25 26 or by e-mail:
Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais (Rue Pierre Waguet/60026 BEAUVAIS-France) location:
If you need any further information concerning
logistics, please get in contact with:
- Thomas BACOT: +33 3 44 06 76 10
( or
- Anne DUTRIAUX: +33 3 44 06 38 43
How to get to:
Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais
Map of the campus:,2.121
 If you land at Paris-Charles de Gaulle (Roissy) airport:
Take the RER B (train) from the airport to Gare du Nord (Paris)
 fare: 8,20 €
 travel: 30 minutes
Once in Paris Gare du Nord, take the Paris-Beauvais train
 fare: 12,00 €
 travel: 1h10
More information about trains and schedules:
At Beauvais train station: if you arrive on 25th between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm: please inform us, there will
be a shuttle (mini-van) from train station to LaSalle Beauvais campus and Hostellerie Saint Vincent.
If you can’t arrive in this shedule, there will be taxis at the train station.
 If you land at Paris-Beauvais (Till‚) airport:
If you arrive on 25th between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm: please inform us, there will be a shuttle (mini-van) from
Beauvais airport to LaSalle Beauvais campus and Hostellerie Saint Vincent.
If you can’t arrive in this shedule, there will be taxis at Beauvais airport.
 If you arrive by car:
Check on following websites to get the route information:
Excursion 27 June 2009 11.30 – 23.00
From Quarry to Castle
A well-preserved territory near Paris
Saturday, June 27th
Localization: Chantilly, 30 km away from Beauvais
Duration: 6 hours
Extract from The Independent:
“The southern Oise, around Saint-Maximin and Chantilly, has applied to the French state to become the first
place to be granted a building stone Appellation Contr‡lˆe – a badge of official regional excellence – like
that given to a wine or a cheese. The southern Oise is also developing a tourist heritage trail to encourage
visitors to explore the rich history of the ancient underground quarries in the area, some of which date back
to the Roman period.
Until the seventeenth century, Paris was constructed from stone excavated through tunnelling underground
just outside the city itself. The old quarries were later strengthened and turned into the catacombs that
survive under large parts of Paris to this day. In the second part of the seventeenth century, Louis XIV's
chief minister, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, created a commission to decide which stone would best replace the
local building material. The commission identified the stone from the southern part of the Oise –
conveniently linked to Paris by river – as an almost perfect match for the city's existing monuments, such as
the Cathˆdrale.
However, the quarries of Saint-Maximin can authentically claim to be the birthplace of the largely stone-built
Paris that we know today. The southern Oise provided 90 per cent of the stone for the Haussmann era
(post-1860) avenues and streets which give the French capital its sweeping and uniform style (and its
elusive colouring, ranging from shining white to nicotine yellow).”
We will picnic at St Maximin Quarries.
We will discover the development of a Major Geological Site.
We will see how quarries closed down were converted.
We will continue with the castle visit, Ch‰teau de Chantilly, to understand how local materials were used to
build our architectural heritage.
Then, we will come back to Beauvais city for the Medieval Feast.
Medieval Feast:
Fêtes Jeanne Hachette in Beauvais city centre
Saturday, June 27th
Localization: Beauvais
Duration: 3 hours
Every year Beauvais organize its Medieval Feast.
You will participate in the show.
Show on Jeanne Hachette Place (Beauvais city
© Jean-François Bouché
© Yann Cochin
Show on Jeanne Hachette Place (Beauvais city centre)
Copyright : © Yann Cochin