How to navigate the growing PPP industry: Key sectors, key markets and industry leaders Thursday 23rd February 2012 The Marmara Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey Turkey’s PPP market is building to be one of the most exciting in Europe with a raft of deals coming to market. But the market is not without its obstacles and issues in the political and legal environment could slow procurement. Can the Turkish PPP programme live up to its potential? Topics covered during ‘Winning Bids in Turkey’ will include: Sponsored by: Supported by: • Government’s view on the PPP programme - finding the capacity to deliver the deals • A legal view on the Draft PPP Law - procedures, conditions and regulations • Opportunities and obstacles for international bidders • Making PPP in Turkey bankable in the international context • Sector-by-sector presentations on roads and bridges, airports, healthcare and ports PPP BULLETIN INTERNATIONAL 08.15 Registration PPP Bulletin’s `Winning bids’ conferences are a series of focused oneday events bringing attendees practical information about how to win new PPP business. Focusing on growth areas and emerging markets, the conferences will bring together public procurers looking to attract new partners with the private sector looking to enter new markets. Through presentation, panel discussions and networking, participants will also share views, experience and knowhow about how to implement a strong PPP pipeline To find out more details about attending this event, please contact Kirsty Wilson on +44 (0)20 8675 8770 or email Sponsored by: 08.45 Welcome Remarks Colin Leopold, Editor, PPP Bulletin International 08.50 PPP Implementations by Privatisation Administration – A wider approach to PPPs in Turkey SPEAKER: Ali Güner Tekin, Department Head, Advisory Service, Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry, Privatisation Administration 09.20 PANEL: PPPs in the Turkish Transportation Sector • PPP or privatisation? • Opportunities and constraints for bidders • Raising finance for these mega-deals • A closer look at the Candarli and Mersin port PPPs SPEAKERS: Funda Ocak, Deputy Director General of State Airport Authority Yalçin Eyighn, Istanbul Metro Municipality, Department of Rail Systems Ms. Sedef Yavuz Noyan, Senior Planning Expert, Ministry of Development (Invitation) 10.00 Opportunities and challenges in bidding for (and winning) transportation projects in Turkey SPEAKER: Mehmet Cosan, CEO Astaldi 10:30 Morning Networking Coffee Supported by: INTERNATIONAL 15.30 Afternoon Tea SPEAKER: Dr Ahmet Kesli, President of International PPP Platform 15:45 Structuring an attractive deal and mobilising funding in Turkey 12.00 Contractors Panel - knowledge share between Turkish and international players SPEAKERS: International Finance Corporation (IFC) Michael Davey, Director, Turkey, EBRD Alain Terraillon, EIB representative in Turkey • Making Public Private Partnerships happen in Turkey • Navigating the delivery of maintenance in concession projects • Working with the Turkish public sector to make deals happen SPEAKERS: Hüseyin Arslan, Chairman of the Board, YDA Construction and Trade inc Mehmet Cosan, CEO Astaldi Berk Albarak, Deputy Director General of Istanbul Sabiah Gocken Airport, Limak Atilla Yurdakul, IC Ictas (Invitation) Arda Acikosoz, Turkerler (Invitation) 12.45Networking Lunch PPP IN HEALTHCARE 14.00 Healthcare slot – can bidder appetite keep pace with deal flow? • Is the PPP health law working in practice? • Projects in the pipeline • Lessons learnt from early schemes A closer look at the Ankara Etlik integrated health campus SPEAKER: TBC 10:45 PANEL: Making PPP in Turkey bankable in the international context • The current infrastructure requirements for Turkey • Who is investing and who wants to invest • Private sector concerns and market management • Political and economic risks for the region • Currency Risk PPP BULLETIN 11:30 Practitioners view – Is a new PPP law necessary? SPEAKERS: Sule Kiliç, MD, Head of Financial Advisory, Turkey, UniCredit Menkul Degerler A.S. Mustafa Tiftikcioglu, SVP of Project and Acquisition, Garanti Ceyda Cetin Erten, Project Finance, Senior Vice President, DenizBank A.S. Meltem Gülsoy, Head of Project Finance, TSKB (Invitation) 14.30 Contractor’s Perspective on Health PPP Schemes SPEAKER: Hüseyin Arslan, Chairman of the Board, YDA Construction and Trade inc 15.00 Design Quality – A keycomponent of successful Healthcare PPPs • The advantages of Public Private Partnerships • Design lessons learned in the last 20 years • The care for a “Design Exemplar” approach • Learning lessons across other social PPP sectors SPEAKER: David Ross, Design Director, Keppie Design 16.30 Attracting PPP Investment – Risk Assessment and the role of the lenders technical advisor • Why PPP investors want independent risk advice • The role of the Lenders Technical Advisor • When the LTA should be involved • Lessons learnt – specific risk areas technically of concern to investors • How and why the public sector should mitigate risks • How the LTA can help PPP sponsors, contractors and service providers SPEAKER: John Seed, Development Director, International Infrastructure Finance, Mott MacDonald 17:00 PANEL: Where next? What can we expect from the Turkish PPP market in the next few years. Sectors, projects and companies to watch. SPEAKERS: Sedef Yavuz Noyan, Turkish State Planning Organization (Invitation) Mehmet Cosan, CEO Astaldi Ceyda Cetin Erten, Project Finance, Senior Vice President, DenizBank A.S. Ali Güner Tekin, Department Head, Advisory Service, Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry, Privatisation Administration 17.30Chairman’s Closing Remarks Networking Reception SA VE by wi sen th di yo n g ur pa bo ym ok en in t g Thursday 23rd February 2012 The Marmara Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey * Early Bird Discount ends 13 January 2011. **Single deluxe city view with buffet breakfast at The Marmara Taksim for 22 and/or 23 February 2012. Please contact us for additional nights. Room rate is subject to availability of PPP Bulletin’s room allocation. Please indicate the number of delegate places you require Early Bird* Delegate rate EU €455 UK £400 + vat US $650 EU €565 UK £495 + vat US $805 No. No. Hotel Reservation** 22nd February 2012 Hotel Reservation** 23rd February 2012 EU €248 UK £220 + vat US $360 EU €248 UK £220 + vat US $360 YOUR DETAILS Contact Name:Job title: Company: Address: Postcode:Tel: Email: Payment information I am entitled to 5% discount on the above prices as I am enclosing a cheque / paying by credit card with my booking Cheque – I enclose a cheque payable to ‘PPP Bulletin’ for Credit card Please debit my card by Card number Expiry date Card Holder’s Signature Invoice – I wish to be invoiced the amount of £ Visa Mastercard Issue No Security No Date Purchase order numberReference HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS CONFERENCE? 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