Advanced Financial Models Example sheet 2 - Michaelmas 2014 Michael Tehranchi Problem 1. Consider a binomial two-asset model with prices (B, S) (8, 12) : 3/4 vvv v v vv vv (6, 8) HH HH HH H 1/4 HH$ (4, 5) Introduce a call option with payout ξ1 = (S1 − 10)+ . Find its unique no-arbitrage price ξ0 . What is the replicating portfolio for this option? Solution 1. A replicating portfolio for the option can be found by solving 8φ + 12π = 2 = (12 − 10)+ 4φ + 5π = 0 = (5 − 10)+ with solution φ = −5/4 and π = 1. The time-0 value of this portfolio is (−5/4)(6) + (1)(8) = 1/2. Hence, there is no arbitrage if and only if the time-0 price of the option is the cost of replication ξ0 = 1/2. The no-arbitrage price can also be found by identifying the martingale deflator Y = Y1 /Y0 , which solves E(Y B1 ) = B0 and E(Y S1 ) = S0 ; that is, (3/4)8a + (1/4)4b = 6 (3/4)12a + (1/4)5b = 8 so that Y = (a, b) = (1/3, 4). There is no arbitrage iff ξ0 = E(Y ξ1 ) = (3/4)(1/3)(2) + (1/4)(4)(0) = 1/2 as before. Problem 2. Consider a trinomial two-asset model with B0 = B1 = 1 and S given by S ?3 /2 2? ?1/4 ?? ?? 1/4 ? 1/2 1. Find all equivalent martingale measures for this model. Now introduce a call option with payout ξ1 = (S1 − 2)+ . Show directly that the payout ξ1 cannot be replicated by trading in the stock and bond. Prove that there is no arbitrage in the augmented market if and only if 0 < ξ0 < 12 . 1 Solution 2. An equivalent martingale measure solves EQ (S1 ) = S0 , (no discounting is needed since the num´eraire is cash) 3p + 2q + r = 2 p+q+r = 1 and hence (p, q, r) = (p, 1 − 2p, p) for 0 < p < 1/2, where p = Q{S1 = 3}, etc. Denoting by φ and π the holding in the bond and stock that would replicate the payout ξ1 , we need the three conditions to hold simultaneously: φ + 3π = 1 φ + 2π = 0 φ+π = 0 Impossible! There will be no arbitrage iff ξ0 = EQ (ξ1 ) for some equivalent martingale measure. Evaluating the expectation in terms of Q introduced earlier gives that there is no arbitrage iff ξ0 = p for some p ∈ (0, 12 ). Alternatively, let (φ, π, ψ) be a candidate arbitrage in the sense that (A) (B) (C) (D) φ φ φ φ + 2π + ψξ0 + 3π + ψ + 2π + π = ≥ ≥ ≥ 0 0 (B+D-2A) ⇒ 0 (A-C) 0 (1 − 2ξ0 )ψ ≥ 0 ξ0 ψ ≤ 0 If 0 < ξ0 < 1/2 the only solution to the system of inequalities is (φ, π, ψ) = 0. Otherwise, note that if ξ0 ≥ 1/2 then the portfolio (−ξ0 , +ξ0 , −1) is an arbitrage and if ξ0 ≤ 0 then the portfolio (+ξ0 , −ξ0 , +1) is. Problem 3. (Call surface) Let (Bt , St )t≥0 be a model of an arbitrage-free complete financial market with two assets and suppose that Bt+1 ≥ Bt > 0 for all t ≥ 0. (a) Let C(T, K) be the initial replication cost of a European call option with strike K and maturity T written on the asset with price S. Show that T 7→ C(T, K) is increasing, and that K 7→ C(T, K) is decreasing and convex. (b) Show that it never optimal to exercise an American call option early. Solution 3. Let Y be the unique martingale deflator such that Y0 = 1. We will show that Y is a supermartingale. Since the market is complete, there is no problem with integrability. Hence Yt Bt |Fs E(Yt |Fs ) ≤ E Bs 1 = E (Yt Bt |Fs ) Bs 1 = (Ys Bs ) = Ys . Bs 2 Next we show that the process defined by Yt (St − K)+ = (Yt St − Yt K)+ is a submartingale. Jensen’s inequality and the martingale property of Y S together imply E[(Yt St − Yt K)+ |Fs ] ≥ (E[Yt St − Yt K|Fs ])+ = (Ys Ss − E[Yt |Fs ]K)+ ≥ (Ys Ss − Ys K)+ where the supermartingale property of Y is used in the last line. (a) We have the formula C(T, K) = E[YT (ST − K)+ ]. That K 7→ C(T, K) is decreasing and convex is immediate from the same properties of K 7→ (ST − K)+ . That T 7→ C(T, K) is increasing is a consequence of the submartingale property of Y (S − K)+ . Alternatively, if Ct (T, K) is the time t value of the replication strategy for the call option with maturity T and strike K, we know from lectures that the augmented market with prices (B, S, C(T1 , K1 ), . . . , C(Tn , Kn ) has no arbitrage. Convexity in K: consider the wealth Xt = pCt (T, K1 ) + (1 − p)Ct (T, K0 ) − Ct (T, Kp ) associated with buying p calls with strike K1 , buying 1 − p calls with strike K0 and selling one call of strike Kp = pK1 + (1 − p)K0 , where 0 < p < 1. Since XT = p(ST − K1 )+ + (1 − p)(ST − K0 )+ − (ST − Kp )+ ≥ 0 a.s. it follows from no-arbitrage that Xt ≥ 0 a.s. for all 0 ≤ t ≤ T . A similar argument shows K 7→ Ct (T, K) is non-increasing. Increasing in T : consider the wealth at time t associated with buying one call of maturity T and selling one of maturity T − 1, so that Xt = Ct (T, K) − Ct (T − 1, K) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T − 1. At time T − 1, if ST −1 > K, trade the expired call for a portfolio long one stock and short K/BT −1 units of the bank account. The time T wealth is then XT = (ST − K)+ − (ST − KBT /BT −1 )1{ST −1 >K} ≥ 0 so by no-arbitrage Xt ≥ 0 a.s. for all t. (b) Problem 7 below shows that the Snell envelope of the submartingale (Yt (St − K)+ )0≤t≤T is just Ut = E[YT (ST − K)+ |Ft ]. Therefore U is a martingale so U = U0 + M , and hence the optimal stopping time τ ∗ defined in lectures is identically T . Problem 4. Let M be a martingale and K a predictable process, and let Xt = t X Ks (Ms − Ms−1 ). s=1 Let T > 0 be a non-random time horizon. Show that if XT is integrable then (Xt )0≤t≤T is a true martingale. Hint: Show that XT −1 is integrable. 3 Solution 4. Let τN = inf{t ≥ 0 : |Kt+1 | > N }. Note Xs 1{t≤τN } is integrable for all 0 ≤ s ≤ t, since M is integrable by definition of martingale, and Ks is bounded on {t ≤ τN }. Hence we have E[XT 1{τN ≤T } |FT −1 ] = E[XT −1 1{T ≤τN } + KT 1{T ≤τN } (MT − MT −1 )|FT −1 ] = XT −1 1{T ≤τN } + KT 1{T ≤τN } E[MT − MT −1 |FT −1 ] = XT −1 1{T ≤τN } . Now, we have assumed that XT is integrable, and since |XT 1{τN ≤T } | ≤ |XT | we can apply the dominated convergence theorem E[XT |FT −1 ] = E[lim XT 1{τN ≤T } |FT −1 ] N = lim XT −1 1{T ≤τN } N = XT −1 . This shows that XT −1 is integrable, and by induction (Xt )0≤t≤T is integrable. An integrable local martingale in discrete time is a true martingale. Problem 5. Let (Xk )k∈K be a collection of real-valued random variables, where K is an arbitrary (possibly uncountable) index set. Our aim is to show there exists a random variable ˆ taking values in R ∪ {+∞} such that X ˆ ≥ Xk almost surely for all k ∈ K, and • X ˆ almost surely. • if Y ≥ Xk almost surely for all k ∈ K then Y ≥ X ˆ = ess supk Xk exists. This will show that the X (a) Show that there is no loss assuming that |Xk (ω)| ≤ 1 for all (k, ω). Hint: Consider x Xk0 = f (Xk ) where f (x) = 1+|x| . Let C be the collection of countable subsets of K. Let x = sup E[sup Xk ] C∈C k∈C ˆ = sup ˆ Xk . Let Cn ∈ C be such that E[supk∈Cn Xk ] > x − 1/n and let Cˆ = ∪n Cn . Let X k∈C ˆ a random variable, i.e. measurable? Show that E(X) ˆ = x. (b) Why is X ˆ < Xk ) > 0 for some k ∈ K. Show that E(X ˆ ∨ Xk ) > x. Why is this (c) Suppose that P(X a contradiction? ˆ a.s. (d) Let Y be a random variable such that Y ≥ Xk a.s. for all k ∈ K. Prove that Y ≥ X Solution 5. (a) Given the family (Xk )k∈K let Xk0 = f (Xk ). Suppose we know that there exists a random variable Xˆ 0 with the properties characterising the essential supremum of the ˆ = f −1 (Xˆ 0 ). Since f is strictly increasing family (Xk0 )k of bounded random variables. Let X ˆ has the properties characterising the essential supremum of (Xk )k . it is easy to see that X ˆ n = supk∈C Xk is measurable for each n. Also (b) Since Cn is countable, the function X n ˆ is also a random variable. (For instance, note {X ˆ > ∪n Cn = Cˆ is countable and hence X x} = ∪k∈Cˆ {Xk > x}. ) Now, we there is no loss supposing Cn−1 ⊆ Cn for all n ≥ 1, and ˆ = supn X ˆ n = limn X ˆ n . The result follows from the bounded convergence hence we have X theorem. 4 ˆ < Xk ) > 0. Then X ˆ ∨ Xk ≥ X ˆ a.s. with strict inequality with positive (c) Suppose that P(X ˆ ˆ probability. Hence E(X ∨ Xk ) > E(X) = x. This is a contradiction since this would show that E( sup Xh ) > sup E[sup Xh ]. C∈C ˆ h∈C∪{k} h∈C (d) If P(Y ≥ Xk ) = 1 for all k ∈ K, then ˆ = P(∩ ˆ {Y ≥ X ˆ k }) = 1 P(Y ≥ X) k∈C since Cˆ is countable. Problem 6. (Optional sampling theorem) Let (Xt )0≤t≤T be a discrete time submartingale, and let σ and τ be stopping times such that 0 ≤ σ ≤ τ ≤ T almost surely. Show the inequality E(Xσ ) ≤ E(Xτ ). Furthermore, prove that X is a martingale if and only if E(XT ) = X0 . Solution 6. Write the telescoping sum E(Xτ − Xσ ) = T X E[1{σ<s≤τ } (Xs − Xs−1 )] s=1 = T X E[E(1{σ<s≤τ } (Xs − Xs−1 )Fs−1 )]. s=1 Notice that {σ < s} = {σ ≤ s − 1} ∈ Fs−1 and {τ ≥ s} = {τ ≤ s − 1}c ∈ Fs−1 . Therefore, 1{σ<s≤τ } is Fs−1 -measurable, and we can take it out of the expectation with respect to Fs−1 : E(Xτ − Xσ ) = T X E[1{σ<s≤τ } E(Xs − Xs−1 Fs−1 )]. s=1 Each term in the above sum is non-negative since X is a submartingale. Now let Yt,T = E(XT |Ft ) − Xt for 0 ≤ t ≤ T . Since X is a submartingale, we have Yt,T ≥ 0 a.s. However, E(Yt,T ) = E(XT ) − E(Xt ) = X0 − E(Xt ). by the tower property of conditional expectation and the assumption that E(XT ) = X0 . However, by the submartingale property X0 − E(Xt ) ≤ 0. Hence Yt,T = 0 a.s. for all t, implying that X is a martingale. (Note this argument works for continuous time also.) Problem 7. Let (Yt )0≤t≤T be a given adapted, integrable process, and let (Ut )0≤t≤T be its Snell envelope. (a) Show that if Y is a supermartingale then Ut = Yt for all t, and if Y is submartingale, then Ut = E(YT |Ft ). (b) Let τ be any stopping time taking values in {0, . . . , T }. Show that the process (Ut∧τ )0≤t≤T is a supermartingale. (c) Define the random time τ∗ by τ∗ = min {t ∈ {0, . . . , T } : Ut = Yt } . 5 Show that τ∗ is a stopping time. Furthermore, show that the process (Ut∧τ∗ )t∈{0,...,T } is a martingale and, in particular, U0 = E(Yτ∗ ). (That is, τ∗ is an optimal stopping time, possibly different than τ ∗ defined in lectures.) Solution 7. (a) In both cases we proceed by induction. First suppose that Y is a supermartingale, and that Ut+1 = Yt+1 for some t < T . Then Ut = max{Yt , E(Ut+1 |Ft )} = max{Yt , E(Yt+1 |Ft )} = Yt since Yt ≥ E(Yt+1 |Ft ) by assumption, completing the induction. Similarly, suppose that Y is a submartingale, and that Ut+1 = E(YT |Ft+1 ). Then Ut = max{Yt , E(Ut+1 |Ft )} = max{Yt , E[E(YT |Ft+1 )|Ft ]} = E(YT |Ft ) by the tower property and the assumption Yt ≤ E(YT |Ft ), and we’re done. (b) Since U is a supermaringale and the event {τ ≥ t + 1} = {τ ≤ t}c is in Ft , we have E[U(t+1)∧τ − Ut∧τ |Ft ] = E[1{t+1≤τ } (Ut+1 − Ut )|Ft ] = 1{t+1≤τ } E[Ut+1 − Ut |Ft ] ≤ 0 so the stopped process (Ut∧τ )0≤t≤T is also supermartingale. (c) Now, the event {τ∗ > t} = {Y0 < U0 , . . . , Yt < Ut } is Ft -measurable since both Y and U are adapted, hence τ∗ is a stopping time. Since Ut = E(Ut+1 |Ft ) on the event {t + 1 ≤ τ∗ } we have U(t+1)∧τ∗ − Ut∧τ∗ = 1{t+1≤τ∗ } (Ut+1 − Ut ) = 1{t+1≤τ∗ } [Ut+1 − E(Ut+1 |Ft )]. In particular E[Yτ∗ ] = E[Uτ∗ ] = E[UT ∧τ∗ ] = U0 . Problem 8. Consider the adapted process Y given by Y ? 10 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 8 A @@@ @@ @@ 1/3 @ 3/5 7 7; ;; ;; ;; ;; ; 6 2/5 ;; ~? ;; 1/4 ~~ ~ ;; ; ~~~~ 4@ @@ @@ @ 3/4 @@ 2/3 2 6 where the above diagram should be read as P(Y1 = 8) = 3/5, P(Y2 = 10|Y1 = 8) = 2/3, etc. Find the Snell envelope U and find the decomposition Ut = U0 + Mt − At , where M is a martingale and A is a predictable increasing process with M0 = A0 = 0. Identify the two stopping times τ∗ = min{t ≥ 0 : Ut = Yt } and τ ∗ = min{t ≥ 0 : At+1 > 0}. Show directly the equality U0 = E(Yτ∗ ) = E(Yτ ∗ ). Solution 8. Let (Ft )t∈{0,1,2} be the filtration generated by the process Y. The Snell envelope U is defined by U2 = Y2 and Ut = max{Yt , E(Ut+1 |Ft ). The Doob decomposition can be found by M0 = A0 = 0 and Mt+1 = Mt + Ut+1 − E(Ut+1 |Ft ) and At+1 = At + Ut − E(Ut+1 |Ft ). The values found this way can be read from the diagram (Y, U, M, A) (10, 10, 3, 0) n7 2/3 nnnn n nnn nnn (8, 9, 2, 0) w; ww w ww ww 3/5 ww ww ww w ww ww w w ww PPP PPP PPP 1/3 PPP' (7, 7, 0, 0) (7, 7, 0, 0) GG GG GG GG GG GG GG 2/5 GGG GG GG GG # (6, 6, 0, 1) n7 1/4 nnnn n nnn nnn (4, 4, −3, 0) PPP PPP PPP 3/4 PPP' (2, 2, −4, 1) Then τ∗ = 0 almost surely, while ∗ τ (ω) = 2 1 if ω ∈ {Y1 = 8} if ω ∈ {Y1 = 4} Note E(Yτ ∗ ) = E(Y1 1{Y1 =4} + Y2 1{Y1 =8} ) = ( 52 )(4) + ( 35 )[( 32 )(10) + ( 13 )(7)] = 7. Problem 9. (Binomial model) Consider the following two-period market model with two assets. One asset is a riskless bank account with risk-free rate r = 1/4 and the other is a 7 stock with prices given by S 45 |> | || || || 3/4 30 @ BBB BB BB 1/4 B! 1/2 36 15= == == == == == 16 1/2 === |> 1/3 || == | == || || 12 B BB BB BB 2/3 B! 10 Find the equivalent martingale measure Q. (a) Consider a European put option which strike K = 15 expiring at time 2. What is the replication cost of the option at time 0? What is the replicating strategy? (b) What is the super-replication cost and strategy for an American put option with the same strike and expiration date. Solution 9. The equivalent martingale measure must satisfy EQ (1 + r)−1 St+1 |Ft = St . For instance solving 45q + 36(1 − q) = (1 + 1/4)(30) yields q = 1/6 = Q(S2 = 45|S1 = 30). E Since the market is complete, the replication cost P can be calculated inductively as E + E Q −1 E PT = (K − ST ) and Pt = E (1 + r) Pt+1 |Ft . The replicating strategy is found by E E solving PtE (1 + r) + πt+1 [St+1 − St (1 + r)] = Pt+1 . For the American option, the super-replication cost PA is given inductively by PTA = A (K − ST )+ and PtA = max{(K − St )+ , EQ (1 + r)−1 Pt+1 |Ft }. The super-replicating strategy A A A is found by solving Pt (1 + r) + πt+1 [St+1 − St (1 + r)] = Pt+1 on {t < τ ∗ } where τ ∗ is an optimal stopping time. 8 The results can be read from the diagram, where ξt = (K − St )+ . (S, ξ; P E , π E ; P A , π A ) (45, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0) hh3 hhhh h h h hh hhhh hhhh 1/6 (30, 0; 0, −1/27; 0, −1/6) VVVV VVVV VVVV VVVV VVV+ 5/6 o7 ooo o o oo ooo 3/8 ooo oo ooo o o oo ooo o o ooo (36, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0) (15, 0; 1/3, ·; 3/2, ·) PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP 5/8 PPP PPP PPP P' (16, 0; 0, −5/6; 0, −5/6) hhh3 hhhh h h h h hhhh hhhh 5/6 (12, 3; 2/3, −1/27; 3, −1/6) VVVV VVVV VVVV VVVV VVV+ 1/6 (10, 5; 5, −5/6; 5, −5/6) Notice that for any optimal stopping time τ ∗ , we have τ ∗ = 1 on {S1 = 12}. If the holder of the option fails to exercise optimally, the seller of the option need only to hedge the remaining one-period European option (in the bottom right corner of the diagram) at a cost of 2/3 and pocket the rest 3 − 2/3 = 7/3. Problem 10 (Martingale representation). Let ζ1 , ζ2 , . . . be a sequence of independent Bernoulli random variables such that P(ζt = 1) = p = 1 − P(ζt = 0) Suppose that the filtration is Ft = σ(ζ1 , . . . ζt ). Show that for every martingale M there exists a predictable process (θt )t≥1 such that Mt = M0 + t X θs (ζs − p). s=1 Solution 10. Since Mt is Ft -measurable for each t, there exists a function ft : {0, 1}t → R such that Mt = ft (ζ1 , . . . , ζt ). We will make use of the identity ft (ζ1 , . . . , ζt ) = ζt ft (ζ1 , . . . , ζt−1 , 1) + (1 − ζt ) ft (ζ1 , . . . , ζt−1 , 0). Indeed, the martingale property implies Mt−1 = E(Mt |Ft−1 ) = p ft (ζ1 , . . . , ζt−1 , 1) + (1 − p) ft (ζ1 , . . . , ζt−1 , 0) 9 so that Mt − Mt−1 = (ζt − p)[ft (ζ1 , . . . , ζt−1 , 1) − ft (ζ1 , . . . , ζt−1 , 0)]. The desired representation follows from identifying the Ft−1 -measurable random variable θt = ft (ζ1 , . . . , ζt−1 , 1) − ft (ζ1 , . . . , ζt−1 , 0). Problem 11. Suppose X is a bounded martingale with Xt 6= Xt−1 a.s. and β is a bounded predictable process. Let Y be the martingale defined by t X Yt = Y0 + βs (Xs − Xs−1 ). s=1 Show that β can be recovered from X and Y by the regression formula Cov(Xt , Yt |Ft−1 ) . βt = Var(Xt |Ft−1 ) Solution 11. Recall that for square integrable random variables U and V and a sigma-field G the conditional variance and covariances are defined by Var(U |G) = E{(U − E[U |G])2 G} Cov(U, V |G) = E{(U − E[U |G])(V − E[V |G])G}. In this case we can take U = Xt , V = Yt and G = Ft−1 . Note that both Xt and Yt are bounded by assumption, so integrability is not a problem. Also, since X and Y are martingales, E(Xt |Ft−1 ) = Xt−1 and E(Yt |Ft−1 ) = Yt−1 . Therefore, since βt is bounded and Ft−1 measurable we have Cov(Xt , Yt |Ft−1 ) = E[(Xt − Xt−1 )(Yt − Yt−1 )|Ft−1 ] = E[βt (Xt − Xt−1 )2 |Ft−1 ] = βt E[(Xt − Xt−1 )2 |Ft−1 ] = βt Var(Xt |Ft−1 ) and the result follows. 10
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