Contents Main Brochure TABLE OF SESSIONS AND EVENTS centre pages I - IV How to Find your Way through the Programme 2 The Patron of the Conference Welcome Message The Conference Scheme The Themes and the Structure of the Conference Conference Languages Conference Proceedings Types of Events and Presentations Schedule of Events – Overview 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 Welcome to North Rhine-Westphalia Düsseldorf The Conference Venue Registration Tours for Accompanying Persons Post Conference Tours The ICDE Prize of Excellence The International Programme Committee Contacts & General Information Co-operating Regional and National Organizations Sponsors & Partners 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 14 Parallel Sessions and Poster Sessions / Discussion Groups by Stream and Session 16 SESSIONS AND EVENTS OF THE 20TH ICDE WORLD CONFERENCE IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER 18 Plan of Exhibition Stands 50 Plan of the Congress Center Düsseldorf CCD. back cover Conference Proceedings CD-ROM back cover Contents Supplement PANEL SESSIONS 75 The Extension Events - Overview The FernUniversität Event The German Distance Learning Day The NRW Teachers Day The Sponsors & Partners 76 80 82 87 89 Imprint: Editor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Hoyer - Scientific Programme Chair of the 20th ICDE World Conference, Rektor FernUniversität Hagen, Germany Editorial Support: Friedhelm (Fred) Nickolmann, Andrea Anhold, Sabine Haake - D-2001 Office Design: FernUniversität Dez. 4.2 Medienproduktion © ICDE, Oslo, Norway, and FernUniversität, Hagen, Germany; March 2001 74 HOW TO FIND YOUR WAY THROUGH THE PROGRAMME OF THE CONFERENCE (see Main Brochure) PANEL SESSIONS A number of Special Panels related to particular themes will take place during the Conference with invited speakers as follows: Special Presidential Session: Thursday, 05 April 2001 09:00 - 10:30 Room Stadthalle X Ethics in Distance Education and Open Learning Panels: Tuesday, 03 April 2001 14:30 - 16:00 room 17 Trends in North American Distance Education Tuesday, 03 April 2001 16:30 - 18:00 room 8 Converting Print-based Distance Education Programs to Online Distance Education Programs: the Experiences of Distance Education Institutions in Seven Countries Tuesday, 03 April 2001 16:30 - 18:00 room 17 The Globalization of Distance Education: Could It Represent a New Form of Colonialization? Wednesday, 04 April 2001 11:00 - 12:30 room 8 The Legacy of Distance Education: Case Studies of Transformations Thursday, 05 April 2001 09:00 - 10.30 room 26 Editors of Journals on Distance Education Thursday, 05 April 2001 09:00 - 10:30 room 28 East-West-Partnerships in Distance Education: Experiences of the FernUniversität and its Partners in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) 75 20th ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education Düsseldorf, Germany, 01 - 05 April 2001 The Extension Events - Overview by Day, Time, Room, and Theme Please note that three Extension Events Series are listed separately: - The FernUniversität Event - The German Distance Learning Day - The NRW Teachers Day / NRW Lehrertag page 80 page 82 page 87 Monday, 02 April 2001 Monday, 02 April 2001 11:30-12:30 room 6 Extension Event Observing how learning is changing: The European Experts’ Network for Educational Technology (EENet) Observatory- an Information Platform for ICT in European School Education Systems Monday, 02 April 2001 11:30-12:30 room 8 Extension Event Thinking About Institutional Strategies for Work-Based Learning Monday, 02 April 2001 11:30-12.30 room 18 Extension Event ”Open and Distance Learning in UNESCO’s Programme: New Opportunities and Challenges for E-Learning in the Information Society” Monday, 02 April 2001 14:30-16:00 room 6 Extension Event room 8 Extension Event E-Challenges for Phare Countries Monday, 02 April 2001 14:30-16:00 Discussion Group: The Future of Women’s Global Education Monday, 02 April 2001 14:30-16:00 (14:30-18:00) room 17 Extension Event Virtual studies and European degrees. the attitudes of students of European Distance teaching universities towards virtual studies and their views about bi- national degree courses and individualised course selection from a -future- „European Distance Teaching University“ Monday, 02 April 2001 14:30-16:00 room 18 Extension Event Approaches to the analysis and representation of subject matter content in interactive learning environments. 76 Monday, 02 April 2001 16:30-18:00 room 6 Extension Event room 8 Extension Event Edubox: a platform for flexible learning Monday, 02 April 2001 16:30-18:00 Brazilian Association for Distance Education (ABED) meeting Monday, 02 April 2001 16:30-18:00 (14:30-18:00) room 17 Extension Event Virtual studies and European degrees. the attitudes of students of European Distance teaching universities towards virtual studies and their views about bi- national degree courses and individualised course selection from a -future- „European Distance Teaching University“ Monday, 02 April 2001 16:30-18:00 room 18 Extension Event American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC): Developing International Consortia: Collaboration, Content, Cooperation Tuesday 03 April 2001 Tuesday 03 April 2001 9:00-10:30 room 6 Extension Event World Bank Distance Learning and Knowledge Initiatives Tuesday 03 April 2001 9:00-10:30 room 8 Extension Event room 18 Extension Event Regional African Meeting Tuesday 03 April 2001 9:00-10:30 Learning Communities as Distance Education Environments Tuesday 03 April 2001 11:00- 12:30 room 6 Extension Event 11:00-12:30 room 8 Extension Event UOC Talenta Tuesday 03 April 2001 Issues and Open Discussion on ICDE Task Force on Research Tuesday 03 April 2001 11:00-12:30 room 18 Extension Event Global Seminar, International Networking: Concepts and Principles 77 Tuesday 03 April 2001 13:30-14:15 room 2 Special Concurrent Session / Special Presentation Blackboard: „The future of learning: views from different continents“ Tuesday 03 April 2001 14:30-16:00 (14:30-18:00) room 7 Extension Event Gender Issues in Virtual Open and Distance Learning Environments Tuesday 03 April 2001 14:30-16:00 room 8 Extension Event Regional Meeting for Oceania, review of regional activities in ODL and possible collaborative ventures Tuesday 03 April 2001 14:30-16:00 room 18 Extension Event room 6 Extension Event Dual Mode Revived - The Swedish Approach Tuesday 03 April 2001 16:30-18:00 Building a Library and Learning Support Academic Network in Europe Tuesday 03 April 2001 16:30-18:00 (14:30-18:00) room 7 Extension Event Gender Issues in Virtual Open and Distance Learning Environments Tuesday 03 April 2001 116:30-18:00 room 18 Extension Event The Nordic approach to Open and Distance Learning Wednesday, 04 April 2001 Wednesday, 04 April 2001 11:00-12:30 room 6 Extension Event AIESAD, 20 years of Iberoamerican University Cooperation ( ”AIESAD, 20 años de Cooperación Universitaria Iberoamericana”) Wednesday, 04 April 2001 11:00-12:30 (11:00-18:00) room 7 Extension Event Research on Media-based Learning in Member Institutions (EADTU -European Association of Distance Teaching Universities - Educational Research and Technology Group) Wednesday, 04 April 2001 11:00-12:30 room 18 Quality Assurance for Service to On-line Students 78 Extension Event Wednesday, 04 April 2001 14:30-16:00 (14:30-18:00) room 6 Extension Event room 7 Extension Event Latin American Regional Meeting Wednesday, 04 April 2001 14:30-16:00 (11:00-18::00) Research on Media-based Learning in Member Institutions (EADTU -European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) Wednesday, 04 April 2001 14:30-16:00 (14:30-18:00) room 8 Extension Event La Coopération Francophone pour l’EOAD: Nouvelles Orientations; Projects Réalisations Wednesday, 04 April 2001 14:30-16:00 room 18 Extension Event room 6 Extension Event room 7 Extension Event UOC Talenta Wednesday, 04 April 2001 16:30-18:00 (14:30-18:00) Latin American Regional Meeting Wednesday, 04 April 2001 16:30-18:00 (11:00-18:00) Research on Media-based Learning in Member Institutions (EADTU -European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) Wednesday, 04 April 2001 16:30-18:00 (14:30-18:00) room 8 Extension Event La Coopération Francophone pour l’EOAD: Nouvelles Orientations; Projects Réalisations 79 FernUniversität Hagen: Preparing the University for the Future The "Lernraum Virtuelle Universität" / Education and Knowledge Space: Virtual University Room 12 Time Monday, April 2nd Tuesday, April 3rd Wednesday, April 4th 11:00-12:30 Multimedia Components in Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Statistics 11:00-11:30 Mittag, Multimedia, the WWW and New Perspectives for International Co-operation in Statistics Education Nuyken, Ströhlein, Statistics Online: An Integrated Learning System 11:30-12:00 Locher, Java-based Interactive and Experimental Numerical Analysis 12:00-12:30 14:30-16:00 Components for the Virtual University of the FernUniversität CampusSource - Open Source Infrastructure Software for Teaching and Learning Virtual Seminars Collaboration on the Virtual Campus 14:30-15:00 Sternberger, Vogeler, Virtual University Platform as Part of the FernUniversität IT-Infrastructure Köster, CampusSource The OS Approach to University Infrastructures Feldmann, Scenarios of Virtual Universities Demonstrating Typical Interfaces of a System for Students, the Supervisors and System Administrators Ochs, Internet-based Learning, Teaching and Research at the Graduate School of the History Department (Virtuelles historisches Promotionskolleg 15:00-15:30 Schmauß, Universtiy Library Hagen - the University's Single Source for Document and Information Supply Kaderali, Authentication and Access Management as Central Topics of Every Infrastructure Leidhold, Clasroom Components, such as Private and Public Working Area for Students and Tutors and Content Production Components Schmidtmann, Developing a Virtual Seminar Model 80 15:30-16:00 Demuth, Tools for Teaching and Learning in the Network Benzberg, Mobile Kommunikation im Rahmen der computergestützten Hochschullehre Six, Comprehensive Support for the Creation, Delivery, Administration of Online Assignments and Manually, half Manually and Automatic Correction Services Feldmann, Teaching and Learning in the Virtual University 16:30-18:00 Components of VU -continued Information and Communication Engineering From Print to Online Course Delivery Systematic Development and Examples 16:30-17:00 Ferber, The CUBER Project - Building a Gateway to Higher Education New Web-Based Undergraduate Program in "Information and Communication Engineering", Fox, Part I: Academic and Curricular Aspects Laaser, From Print to Online Course Delivery 17:00-17:30 Branskat, Web-Based Assignment System Heinrichmeyer, Part II: Technological Aspects Ahuja, Managing the Development of Multimedia Lectures Bischoff, Röhrig, Remote Experimentation in a Collaborative Virtual Environment Schulz, VINGS-Virtual International Gender Studies 17:30-18:00 81 20. WELTKONFERENZ FÜR FERNLEHRE UND FERNSTUDIUM DÜSSELDORF, 01. - 05. APRIL 2001 * 20th WORLD CONFERENCE ON OPEN LEARNING AND DISTANCE EDUCATION, DÜSSELDORF, 01 - 05 APRIL 2001 German Distance Learning Day (GDL DAY) Dienstag / * Tuesday, 03 April 2001 ☞ Fernlehre und Fernstudium im deutschsprachigen Raum * Distance Teaching and Distance Higher Education in the German-Speaking Countries Plenum / Plenary 9:00-10:30 Room 3 ERÖFFNUNG DES GDL DAY / * OPENING OF THE GDL DAY PODIUMSDISKUSSION / * PANEL DISCUSSION: ☞ Haben wir eine Chance für eine Deutsche InternetUniversität? / * Is There a Chance for a German InternetUniversity? Sektion / Section I Room 3 Sektion / Section II WORKSHOP 11:00 - 12:30 ☞ Präsentation des deutschsprachigen Fernunterrichts und Fernstudiums / * Presentation of German LanguageBased Distance Teaching and Distance Higher Education WORKSHOP 11:00-12:30 + Paradigmenwechsel / * Change of Paradigms I WORKSHOP 14:30 - 16:00 + Internationale Dimensionen / * International Dimensions I WORKSHOP 14:30-16:00 + Paradigmenwechsel / * Change of Paradigms II WORKSHOP 16:30 - 18:00 ☞ Internationale Dimensionen / * International Dimensions II WORKSHOP 16:30-18:00 + Paradigmenwechsel / * Change of Paradigms III 82 Room 14 German Distance Learning Day (GDL DAY) Fernlehre und Fernstudium im deutschsprachigen Raum Programm < Präsentationen in Deutsch mit Simultan-Übersetzung ins Englische > < Informationen zur Anmeldung und Teilnahmegebühr am Ende von Seite 3 > < For English Version of Programme Refer to Pages 4 to 6 > PLENUM 9:00-10:30 Room 3 ERÖFFNUNG DES GDL DAY Prof. Dr. Rolf Arnold, Universität Kaiserslautern PODIUMSDISKUSSION HABEN WIR EINE CHANCE FÜR EINE DEUTSCHE INTERNETUNIVERSITÄT? Moderation: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schnotz, Universität Koblenz-Landau Teilnehmer: Dr. Paul Rühl, Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern PD Dr. Thomas Efferth, Virtueller Campus Rheinland-Pfalz Dr. Paul-Thomas Kandzia, Virtuelle Hochschule Oberrhein VIROR Dr. Marion Bruhn-Suhr, Bundesleitprojekt Virtuelle Fachhochschule Prof. Dr. Claus Unger, Lernraum Virtuelle Universität (FernUniversität in Hagen) Dr. Hubert Groten, Kompetenznetzwerk NRW Universitätsverbund Multimedia Dr. Volker Zimmermann, IMC information multimedia communication GmbH, Saarbrücken Sektion I WORKSHOP 11:00-12:30 Room 3 Präsentation des deutschsprachigen Fernunterrichts und Fernstudiums Dr. Martin Hendrik Kurz, Deutscher Fernschulverband e.V., Hamburg: Fernunterricht in Deutschland, Daten, Fakten, Visionen Dr. Franz Palank, Europäisches Studienzentrum Wien: Das Fernstudium in Österreich Dr. Kurt Grünwald, Fernfachhochschule Brig: Das deutschsprachige Fernstudium in der Schweiz Dr. Burkhard Lehmann, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fernstudium im AUE e.V., Kaiserslautern: Fernstudium an Deutschen Hochschulen Dr. Hubert Groten, FernUniversität in Hagen: Das Studium an der FernUniversität WORKSHOP 14:30-16:00 Internationale Dimensionen I Olaf Zawacky, Carl-von- Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg: Support im Online Studiengang Master of Distance Education Eva Gothsch, Ula Schweer-Skrivanek, FernUniversität in Hagen: Mehrsprachigkeit und interkulturelle Kompetenz Dr. Volker Zimmermann, IMC information multimedia communication GmbH, Saarbrücken: Die Philosophie der Corporate Universities 83 WORKSHOP 16:30-18:00 Internationale Dimensionen II Kai Roloff, virtual heaven eLearning GmbH, Berlin: Studienreisen von morgen – Lernen im Universum nebenan Anna Garleff, Helmut Vogt, Universität Hamburg: Kooperation mit der Open University UK Inge Döll-Krämer, ILS Hamburg; Günter Schwesig, Deutsche Fernschule e.V., Wetzlar: Fernunterricht für deutsche Schüler im Ausland Sektion II WORKSHOP 11:00-12:30 Room 14 Paradigmenwechsel I Michael Vennemann, Staatliche Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht Köln: Die deutsche Bildungslandschaft im Umbruch – Folgen für den Fernunterricht Heinrich Dieckmann, Harald Stürmer, Studiengemeinschaft Darmstadt: Neue Chancen durch Onlinelernen – Anforderungen an ein multimediales Lernmanagementsystem Egbert Andratzeck, Studiengemeinschaft Darmstadt: Paradigmenwechsel in der beruflichen Bildung, von der Faktenorientierung zur Handlungsorientierung WORKSHOP 14:30-16:00 Paradigmenwechsel II Dr. Hans-Peter Baumeister, Deutsches Institut für Fernstudienforschung Tübingen: Multimedia und Online – Chancen und Risiken für den Fernunterricht Prof. Dr. Michael Bischoff, Fachhochschule Lübeck: Der Online Modul Umweltorientiertes Management Joachim Klaus, Universität Karlsruhe: Neue Medien – neue Möglichkeiten für sehgeschädigte Studierende WORKSHOP 16:30-18:00 Paradigmenwechsel III Norman Lahme, Universität Münster: Freestyle Learning – interaktive Lernsoftware Frank Schweickert, Universität Kaiserslautern: FiPS – ein multimediales Physikfernstudium Daniel Weichsel, Universität Karlsruhe: Molekularbiologie - ein Programm der Lehrerweiterbildung ANMELDEVERFAHREN / TEILNAHMEREGELUNGEN: Die Teilnahme am GDL Day ist im Teilnahmebeitrag für die 20. ICDE Weltkonferenz enthalten. Die Teilnahme nur am GDL Day am 03. April 2001 ist bei Entrichtung eines besonderen Teilnehmerbeitrages von 490 DEM (Studenten mit Ausweis: 195 DEM) möglich. Formlose Anmeldungen richten Sie bitte an den Koordinator des GDL Day: Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Loeper, Universität Koblenz-Landau, / Fax: 02 61 - 287 15 01, Die besondere Teilnahmegebühr ist vor Ort am Registration Desk im CCD. zu bezahlen. 84 German Distance Learning Day (GDL Day) Programme Distance Teaching and Distance Higher Education in the German-Speaking Countries < Presentations in German with Simultaneous Translation into English > < Information on Registration at Bottom of Page 6 > < Programm in deutscher Sprache auf Seiten 1 bis 3 > PLENUM 9:00-10:30 Room 3 OPENING OF THE GDL DAY Prof. Dr. Rolf Arnold, University of Kaiserslautern PANEL DISCUSSION IS THERE A CHANCE FOR A GERMAN INTERNETUNIVERSITY? Moderator: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schnotz, University of Koblenz-Landau Participants: Dr. Paul Rühl, Virtual University Bavaria PD Dr. Thomas Efferth, Virtual Campus Rheinland-Pfalz Dr. Paul-Thomas Kandzia, Virtual University Oberrhein VIROR Dr. Marion Bruhn-Suhr, Federal Project - Virtual University of Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Claus Unger, Education and Knowledge Space: Virtual University (FernUniversität in Hagen) Dr. Hubert Groten, Competence Network University Consortium Multimedia NRW Dr. Volker Zimmermann, IMC information multimedia communication GmbH, Saarbrücken Section I WORKSHOP 11:00-12:30 Room 3 Presentation of German Language-Based Distance Teaching and Distance Higher Education Dr. Martin Hendrik Kurz, German Distance Teaching Association (DFV), Hamburg: Distance Education in Germany, Data, Facts, Visions Dr. Franz Palank, European Study Centre Wien: Distance Higher Education in Austria Dr. Kurt Grünwald, University of Applied Sciences for Distance Education, Brig: German Language-Based Distance Higher Education in Switzerland Dr. Burkhard Lehmann, German Association for Distance Education (AG-F), Kaiserslautern: Distance Higher Education at German Universities Dr. Hubert Groten, FernUniversität in Hagen / University of Hagen: Distance Studies at the FernUniversität WORKSHOP 14:30-16:00 International Dimensions I Olaf Zawacky, Carl-von- Ossietzky-University of Oldenburg: Support in the Online Programme Leading to a Master of Distance Education Degree Eva Gothsch, Ula Schweer-Skrivanek, FernUniversität in Hagen / University of Hagen: Multilingualism and Cross-Cultural Competence in HigherEducation Dr. Volker Zimmermann, IMC information multimedia communication GmbH, Saarbrücken: The Philosophy of Corporate Universities 85 WORKSHOP 16:30-18:00 International Dimensions II Kai Roloff, virtual heaven eLearning Ltd., Berlin: Tomorrow’s Student Exchange - Learning in the Education and Knowledge Space next door Anna Garleff, Helmut Vogt, University of Hamburg: Co-operation with the UK Open University Inge Döll-Krämer, Institute for Learning Systems, Hamburg; Günter Schwesig, German Distance School, Wetzlar: Distance Teaching for German Pupils Abroad Section II WORKSHOP 11:00-12:30 Room 14 Change of Paradigms I Michael Vennemann, Federal Central Office for Distance Teaching, Köln: Change in German Education - Consequences for Distance Teaching Heinrich Dieckmann, Harald Stürmer, Study Association Darmstadt: New Chances by Online Learning - Standards to be set in Multimedia Learning Management Egbert Andratzeck, Study Association Darmstadt: Change of Paradigms in Vocational Training, from Facts to Actions WORKSHOP 14:30-16:00 Change of Paradigms II Dr. Hans-Peter Baumeister, German Institute for Distance Education Research, Tübingen: Multimedia and Online – Chances and Risks for Distance Teaching Prof. Dr. Michael Bischoff, University of Applied Sciences of Lübeck: Online Module in Environment-Oriented Management Joachim Klaus, University of Karlsruhe: New Media - New Possibilities for Blind and Partially Sighted Students WORKSHOP 16:30-18:00 Change of Paradigms III Norman Lahme, University of Münster: Freestyle Learning – Interactive Teaching Software Frank Schweickert, University of Kaiserslautern: FiPS – Multimedia Distance Education in Physics Daniel Weichsel, University of Karlsruhe: Molecular Biology - Programme of Continuing Education for Teachers PARTICIPATION and REGISTRATION The GDL Day is an integral part of the 20th ICDE World Conference and will take place at the Conference Venue (CCD. Düsseldorf). All delegates registered for the 20th ICDE World Conference have open access to the GDL Day - no additional registration or fee is needed. Those people interested in attending the GDL Day only, are asked to state their interest to the Co-ordinator Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Loeper, Universität Koblenz-Landau, / Fax: 02 61 - 287 15 01, The Special Registration Fee of 250 EUR for attending the GDL Day only (195 EUR for students providing verification) is to be paid onsite at the registration desk. 86 Der NRW-Lehrertag / NRW Teachers’ Day im Rahmen der 20. ICDE Weltkonferenz für Fernlehre und Fernstudium am Mittwoch, 04. April 2001, 09:00 - 18:00 Übersicht / Overview *Block II and IV in German only * Block I, 09:00-10:30, ist die allgemeine Plenarveranstaltung am Mittwochmorgen: Wednesday, 04 April 2001 09:00 - 10:30 room Stadthalle X Plenary Session Visions 2005 / 2010 for Lifelong Learning That Plenary Session will focus on the visions for 2005/2010 in the areas of lifelong learning: school and vocational education, university and higher education, company and workforce training. The invited speakers will expound their personal and professional perspectives on education and training. A panel discussion will follow the presentations. Keynote speeches will be given by - Guus Wijngaards, Deputy Director, European SchoolNet - Prof. James C. Taylor, Vice-President University of Southern Queensland, Australia - Dr. Alexander Labak, Deutsche Bank, Germany The discussion on the panel and with the audience will be moderated by David Hardy, CEO Open Learning Foundation and Director Open Learning Company, United Kingdom. (Simultaneaous translation to German, English, French, Spanish) Block II, 11:00-12:30, ist eine speziell für NRW Lehrer gestaltete Session: Wednesday, 04 April 2001 11:00-12:30 NRW Teachers’ Day (I) room 17 Extension Event In German „FESTUM - Fernstudium Medien“ (= Zusatzqualifikation Medien und IT in Erziehung, Unterricht und Bildung) Lehrgebiet Theorie der Schule und des Unterrichts, FernUniversität Hagen & Arbeitsgruppen Allgemeine Didaktik und Medienpädagogik und Didaktik der Informatik, Universität Paderborn, Germany Unterrichten im Virtuellen Klassenraum Karrasch, Hartmut; IPTS Lehrerfortbildung online: Förderdiagnostik Knaut, Gisela; Landesinstitut für Schule und Weiterbildung, Germany Internet-integrierende und webbasierte Modelle zur Lehrerfortbildung und Wissensaneignung Seidel, Thomas; Freie Universität Berlin, Germany 87 Während der Lunch Break, 12:30-14:30, besteht die Möglichkeit zum Besuch der Exhibition sowie zum individuellen Erfahrungsaustausch und zu Diskussionen. Block III, 14:30-16:00, erlaubt Teilnahme an einer der Sessions der Weltkonferenz nach persönlicher Wahl. Block IV, 16:30-18:00 ist eine ist eine weitere speziell für NRW Lehrer gestaltete Session: Wednesday, 04 April 2001 16:30-18:00 NRW Teachers’ Day (II) room 17 Extension Event In German Noten verbessern per Internet - als virtuelles Bildungsangebot für Schüler jeden Alters Fahr, Thomas; Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH - Lerntraining Online Das Virtuelle Klassenzimmer – Einsatz bei Siemens Sittig, Wolfram; Siemens Business Services, München, Germany EDMOND - Elektronische Distribution von Medien on Demand: Audiovisual Media at Your Fingertips Paul, Joachim; Medienzentrum Rheinland, Germany 88 Sponsors & Partners MAIN PARTNER: FernUniversität Hagen, Germany CO-PARTNERS: The Open University, United Kingdom Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain CO-SPONSORS: Federal Ministry for Education and Research; Germany Ministry for Schools, Higher Education and Research of the State of North RhineWestphalia Royal Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs, Norway South East Asia Ministers of Education Organization United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) SPONSORS: The World Bank Ernst Klett Verlag PONS 89 ILS Institut für Lernsysteme Private FernFachhochschule Darmstadt sgd Studiengemeinschaft Darmstadt SONY Viviance new education Deutsche Bank AG Deutsche Telekom AG Minolta Douglas Holding AG Stifterverband Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lufthansa AG 90 91 92
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