Untitled By Justin Credible How to make your personality interesting Composure • -‐Maintain Composure • Women need to figure out if you are real or fake so they test you. Examples: • James bond • George Cloney (oceans 11) • Clark gabel (Gone with the wind) Self image of women • • • • • • • • • • Adaptable Practical Wise -‐ wait until she messes up then bust on her Charming Emotional Intuition Money wise Motherly Smart Style conscious Amplifier • Things that increase their desire are Amplifiers Confidence • The things that increase women’s desire and amplifier are confidence, and the way you carry yourself Emotional Intelligence • The More you have the ability to delay gratification the more you can have. Attraction • Feeling you feel when you have a sexual interest in them • Personality traits and style of communication • (UNLINK) The Idea of being attractive Levels of success: • Do 1 skill then build on that skill then build on that skill • 1st level -‐ start a conversation that is paid to be nice to you • Try talking on instant messenger where you can do searches on people online • start conversation Get phone numbers email address Approach cold • Approach talk then ask them out on the date • Ability to take things to a physical level kiss hold hands • Men are the ones who are supposed to take the initiative at each point it's the man that is risk rejection. • If your nervous she knows it She will be disappointed that you didn't make the move • if you can't do it your not what she is looking for BRIDGES -‐ is the answer • Starting a conversation Getting number First date First kiss • HAVE THE IDEA YOU CAN'T LOOSE ANYTHING • If you want someone to do something setup that situation so they would do that anyway. I am in an apartment Alone things are going pretty well How can I set the situation up so the thing I want to will happen automatically anyway? • The key here is DON'T ACT LIKE SHE MAY REJECT YOU The Rules for women: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Don't talk to a man first Don't meet him half way Don't call Always end phone calls Don't except sat date after wed Don't see him more then 1 or twice a week SEING THE MATRIX • Feeling you feel when you have a sexual interest in them Personality traits and style of communication (UNLINK) How can you attract something? • By Clearing Fear and anxiety • What’s the worst thing that can happen if you approach a hot women to start a conversation Plan How to physical and emotionally respond to a women that isn't interested in talking to you LAUGH -‐ Have fun with it • Chose an approach to do and then memorize all of the detail • Imagin what is going to happen the body language and voice tone you are going to use • Rehearse how you are going to handle the worst possible situation you can imagine and your response. Approaching Women • • • • • • Have a little bit of consciousness as to what she is doing Know what you are going to say and exactly how you are going to say it. Test Everything HEY WHAT UP GIRL Don't put up any signs that you are uncomfortable it’s ok to pause… actually… it’s a Good idea pause often OPENER You know I realize that every guy has been coming up to you and talking to you but your beautiful and I wanted to see what you were like as a person. • HEY CAN I ASK YOU A QUICK QUESTION? • ARE YOU SINGLE? (LOOK SUSPICIOUS) • • • • • WELL I KNOW SOMEBODY THAT MIGHT REALLY LIKE A WOMEN LIKE YOU THAT MAYBE YOU SHOUL D HAVE A CUP OF COFFEE WITH THIS PERSON SHE WILL SAY SOMETHING LIKE…WHO MIGHT THIS PERSON BE? THEN YOU SAY WELL LETS GO DOWN TO STARBUCKS AND I WILL TELL YOU ABOUT HIM. 3 MINUTE EMAIL AND PHONE NUMBER APPROACH Wait until the conversation is going good then turn away Turn back and say hey do you have email As she is writing the @ symbol say • Say write your number and your name then draw a little picture so I remember what you look like. Opinions hey I would like to get your opinion on some thingHey give me a female opinion what do women think about this?Do you think men understand what women want and need.Anyone ever analyze your hand writingGet number say I don't have time later. BOTH IN CARS Signed numbers if she doesn't get it give her the local area code.Hand tension trick Hand writing analysis Walking up to a women and say you are really (pause) beautiful Maintain strong eye contact to a women you don't know it's powerfulYou get it When you first meet a women you can tease her look around at other things Make funny remarks with a carefree detached tone.TALK TO HER LIKE YOU WOULD YOUR BEST FRIENDS Don't ask questions directly Never give her what she wants. If you do it's BOARING LIGHT FIXING FOR A JOBEND THE CONVERSATION THE TURN BACK AND ASK FOR EMAIL LOOSE THE IDEA OF NOT TRYING TO BE PICKING UP Think about different Jokes, Question Invite to party Style You whole persona Where would the women I am attracted to hang out? INTERACTION WITH WOMEN COMMUNCATION INTERACTING WITH WOMEN You can say anything and have it mean anything ay simple things . Excuse me your beautifulExcuse me your interesting DATE REQUEST -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Waste no time Talk about times your busy before you talk about times your available Busy Thursday busy Saturday night lets get together staurday afternoon. If nothing else maybe we can just be friends CUP OF COFFEE -‐ Say it's easy and if your psycho I can leave easy without feeling bad If she has plans Say you need to cancel that. -‐ Then lead into something more -‐ Take them somewhere that you can go have fun -‐ Pool -‐ Mini-‐golf -‐ Go cart racing. • Something interesting without costing that much money CLASS • Having a sense of style Knowing what you like that is part of what is expectable socially. Shivilry and romance Opening doors Walking on the outside of the curb Pulling out a chair If you do those things it communicates to the women that you get it. WHAT IS ROMANCE? -‐ Buying gifts -‐ Communicating how you feel -‐ Dark restaurants THE DATE • • • • Have her come to your place to start I have a great place come over and then we will go This way your car is close if you want to go home Then when she walks up say come in for a sec ENEMIES ARE : BOARDING AND PREDICTABLE • Most guys try and act nice • Dance around it • Being a provider DO NOT BE BOARING AND PREDICTABLE When your out together leave her alone for a while Walk to a different part of the store SOCIAL CURDICY TURNS DOWN THE ATRACTION • Instead of you seeking her approval you get her to do it to you • Turn the situation around in a fun way When your behaving in a selective choosey way and a women is trying to get your aprovial and attention. Your flaws disappear THE HIGHER YOUR STANDARDS ARE THE MORE SHE WILL SEE YOU HAVE FUN WITH THIS STUFF Never give the women a direct answer unless it is no If she says call me tomorrow you say no you call me you want me If she complains about you say I am glad you like it you need to send mixed messages for Example: lets say you have been hanging out and you guys go back to your place Sit on couch start kissing • Say you know I think we should be friendsThen kiss her. • Spank her if she does something nice. • BEING PREDICTABLE IS THE ENEMY GET MORE IN TOUCH WITH THE PART OF YOU AS THE MAN THE MATURE MASCULAN MAN So when you have a women that comes over to your house She is now In your territory • • • • I NEED NOTHING TO MAKE ME HAPPY I AM NOT TRYING TO FILL A HOLE INSIDE ME If the women starts acting more controlling You are turning more into a wussy Predictable Put some space between you and her See her half as much as you are seeing her. Get a life of you own Reflect on any areas where you are a girly man and stop it • THE MORE YOU BUST BALL'S THE BETTER IF SHE SAYS WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO.= • ITS TIME FOR YOU TO TAKE THE LEAD Body language Is Key to creating a Key Impression Women use body lanaguage when they judge because it’s reliable. Body language is a tool to communicate and develop that relaxed confidence that is attractive. The effect of someone’s body language is Felt. If you are confident she will be relaxed. For example: when sitting down you need to take up more space if you are standing Stand in a shape do not rock back and forth. you need to act like you own the place. Make sure your sholders are relaxed confident guys have little to no movement when they do move they do it slowly. To relax your shoulders Lift them up and put them back. when you are walking the most important thing to do is to walk slowly. put a little tension in your hands. Roll your chest back and spread your Arms out a bit Make sure you have a Confident expression on your face? Your body should always looked relaxed? You should always look like you having FUN Good Body Language communicates Higher social Status When you do these things at first you will feel Nervious Recognize that Confident or Nervousness you get before you do something. Walk at half speed Breaking into the group Get into the groups Psychological space Break in with Your hand while you are Looking away When you get Eye contact with everyone it communicates that You will not be Ignored When they know you cannot be ignored Backup a little to let them know you are not going to make them feel uncomfortable BODY LANGUAGE TO INTERACT WITH HER • If you want to get close to a women Stand close but look away. • Test Everything and keep track your results • Approach slowly you want the energy to build its tarts about 10 feet away • you want to get eye contact from every person • Talk to and date hot women to stay sharp • Don't think of the hot girl as a regular piece of Ass. 5 step email 1. 2. FIRST Open : hey your profile caught my attention Tease and Accuse her I hope you’re a girl and not a 55 year old perv Mention something about yourself. 3. 4. 5. 6. Qualify the person: Ask questions, what do you listen to What’s a deal breaker when you meet a guy. What’s the first thing you notice when you meet a guy CTA -‐ call to action: tell her what you want her to do. Leave a little hook at the end, hey I need to ask you more questions assume the close. TRIGGERS • Misdirection: bust on her, don't call her, be a mystery • Jealousy: she is in a competition for my time or company Ex: I am sorry it took so long to reply I am just getting too many emails From the site I am overwhelmed. • Whats your phone number • Say I'm not really too sure about you. • Be strong on the phone, call her as quickly as possible Hey had a few minutes thought I would give you a buzz hope you not as scary as the last girl that I met. • Qualify women from beginning to end Good Luck with your search • Be a guy with high standards • Hey I am really busy I don't have time to email Whats your number? The best days to email • Sunday 10-‐2 • Sunday 5-‐7 If you see her picture online • I figured it out now you have become an alcoholic because of all Of the dumb asses talking to you • I hope you are some chick and not like a 55 year old perve • Nice hair did you get drunk one night and stick your head in a food processor or something. • I really think you Look cool, except for your hair It looks like your gardener cut it. Email: • You seem like a cool interesting women but I am not really sure about you though So I would like to ask you some more questions so email me back. • WOMEN ARE ALWAYS PLAYING A SERIES OF MIND GAMES • WHEN YOU PLAY GAMES WITH WOMEN IT IS ALWAYS CONTEST OF WILLS AMAZING APPROACH TO GET YOU STARTED • • • • • • Walk past the girl and stop turn around Put you hand on her shoulder And say almost as a after thought you look stunning Then you Bolt before she can open her mouth to say anything then you can never look at her again Women are a gift from men to ME How would you act if you were a man with many options? I wouldn’t care about the out come There is a Certain language that women speak that men don't • If you have many options you act carefree like you don't even care what happens. What are women doing in there relaxed and natural state ? What do they crave more then anything else ? • connection • A women wants to know how a man is going to react in a situation that is why they Test you. • YOU HAVE TO BE CONFIDENT • YOU HAVE TO STAY CONNECTED • SPEEK THE LANGUAGE OF EMOTIONS • EMOTIONS ARE CONTAINGIOUS WHEN PEOPLE INTERACT • THERE IS A TRANSFERANCE OF EMOTIONS IT ALWAYS GOES FROM THE MORE CONFIDENT TO LESS CONFIDENT. • SO YOU ALWAYS NEED TO BE THE ONE WHO IS MORE CONFIDENT. WHATS THE EXPERANCE THAT I AM CREATING • ALWAYS ASK YOURSELF AM I CREATING AN EXPERIENCE? She is attracted to the look • Women are about qualities and style You can project your presence in a room, so as soon as you walk in to a room • There is something you are radiating Use your presence to show that you are in charge WHEN YOU LOOK AT HER YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT HER IN HER EYES IT'S CREATING PRESENSE • PROJECT YOUR PRESENSE BY GETTING YOU SELF INTO A HIGH EMOTIONAL STATE 3 questions Routine ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● if you had to choose one thing that makes life worth while what would it be? Backup (name something that you enjoy doing) X = what makes life worth while (GOING TO SCHOOL) Y = if x what kind of things does that enable you to do (MEET PEOPLE, LEARN, MAKE MONEY) Backup (what do you like about that?) BEING SOCIAL z= if x and y how does that make you feel inside We fulfilled your life goal in 2 minutes you can die now. ● FOLLOW UP • Hey What's your name? (shake hand) • Hey I'm Justin nice to meet you • What's you phone number? • Cool call you later Four immutable laws for approaching women 1. 2. 3. If you believe it will work anything will work You must be cooler than she is and she must know it. ( make her earn it) You must create emotion (if you start with a bang you are more likely to end with a bang 4. Do something she has never seen before. HOW TO PSYC YOUR SELF UP TO APPROACH WOMEN • Start talking to random people go to a bar tender talk to her • Do warm up sets. PICKUP TOOL BOX • • • • • You look like your up to no good. Are you guys causing trouble over here? Are you going to like me the 3rd time you see me? Do you remember me? Is everybody having a good time here.? Be over the top in an interesting way • Go up and sit down and say did you save this seat for me? • Put you balls on the line PART2 –Justin Credible’s -‐ Method. 1. Make Decisions 2. Don't Change your option on what she thinks 3. Know your environment 4. Be an Effective Communicator 5. Story Telling 6. Take Charge 7. Don't Tolerate Bad Behavior 8. Get a money belt 9. Convey Value 10. Social Proof WOMEN ARE LIKE A & R SCOUTS FOR MEN Value Emotional Connection (ex Laughing together) Compassion sensitive. Goals -‐ Have Ambition and Goals Authenticity -‐ Who you are on the outside is who you are in the inside Self Worth -‐ Confidence and high status behavior you have to feel worthy of hot girls WHEN GOING INTO THE SET -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ SIMPLE MODEL 1.Open 2.Demonstrate Higher Value Ex: Any Other Guy in the room I will introduce you to any other man in the room and they are not as cool as me and my friends. 3. Create emotional connection Ex: Sit down and show her why you guys are destine to be together Create Physical connection WHEN GOING INTO THE SET -‐-‐-‐-‐ FULL MODEL 1. GET INTO THE GROUP -‐-‐-‐ Opener route the opener ex: I can only stay for a second but Me and my friends other there were wondering who lies more men or women. body language is rocking as if you are about to leave and you are conveying personality words don't matter Be smiling. break into their world Conveying active disinterest. ex: You know we are eating dinner were really busy it's kind of a guys night out but really quickly almost like they are a pain in your ass. Make them want to keep you Around Use magic, spirituality, psychology games calibration weight point step back and say where am I do they want to keep me do I want to leave on a high point and come back say I'll sit down and say I can only stay for a second. or maybe you take them on your arms and say lets go make some friends. 1. Connect with her 2. build report 3. find commonalities • Ask her all those cheesy things like what are you favorite films music etc.. • you want to make her sell herself to you and tell you why should be with you Close What is you goal that night? You think can I get my largest goal tonight and if you can't then you step it down Get the phone number isolate her from the group stay with the group and take them all with you YOU HAVE TO HAVE CALIBRATION ALWAYS ACT AS IF IT GOING GREAT IT'S ON The secret is getting feed back Assume the Close and think it is on and then don't fuck up If a women comes up to and starts rubbing on you don't have to start at step one. so always know where they are at. Routines are great SIMPLE CALIBRATION There are only three responses that you get from everyone in the set 1. Green Light 2. Yellow light 3. Red Light so if I am in a set and everything is going good and I see a person going to yellow or red I just jump in and give them what they need to go back to green It means they need something from you. Like attention. If the girl or guy is making eye contact or rocking back and forth getting ready to leave. Just give them what they need make a compliment. to get back to green unless you bring her to red ex throwing a NEG Some responses • Give them Value • You neg her and tease her • show disinterest through words or body language • maybe you gave a bunch of value to her friend • push/pull • become a source of validation • sincere • qualifier • make her a time constraint IF YOU STAY AT A GREEN LIGHT TOO LONG IT IS GOING TO BECOME YELLOW OR RED so you need to figure out what the next intersection So you figure out where she is at her in the process and where she needs to be taken next FIGURE OUT WHO SHE IS • figure out what she needs? • what is her self image ? • what is her personality type ? • does she have high or low self esteem? • how sexually open is she? • whats her self image? • what does she do for work? • what does she want? • is she older? • was she closer to her father? • can she not be pigeonholed? • where is she at in her life? • what are her needs? • You can learn econ but the market has its own behavior THE NUMBER ONE RULE I LEARNED EARLY ON DON'T BUY THINGS FOR GIRLS DON'T BUY THEM ANYTHING HOWEVER, DON'T BE CHEAP BE ABLE TO CALIBRATE COLD READING when you give them a huge insight with a test but some girls will freeze up because they don't like tests everyone is a new challenge KNOW WHAT A THREAD IS IF THE GIRL IS STARTING TO GET MAD AT YOU BE LIKE "OMG" GUESS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME TO DAY IN THE ELEVATOR By Having Motive and Conveying it decreases your value Simple answer: You get feedback LETS GET DOWN TO THE BRASS TAX NUMBER ONE THING IS YOU HAVE TO HAVE A TIME CONSTRAINT THERE ARE TWO THINGS A GROUP THINKS WHEN YOU WALK UP TO THEM 1. why is this guy talking to us. 2. How long is he going to stay here. SO SAY I GOT A REALLY QUICK QUESTION AND THEN I HAVE TO GO REJOIN MY FRIENDS OVER THERE NUMBER 1 MISTAKE IS YOU DON'T GIVE A TIME CONSTRAIN Second is that you don't route your opener So you have to say ME AND MY BUDDIES OVER THERE WERE JUST HAVING A DEBATE DON'T WAIT FOR THERE ANSWERS -‐-‐-‐-‐if there paying attention then continue • It has to be spontaneous • it has to be not hitting on her • unless she is already attracted to you and you know it • if you understand the basic principles you are going to be able to generate your own NEVER GIVE THEM THE CHANGE TO SAY NO GUYS I NEED TO GET YOUR OPTION ON SOMETHING NEVER BEGIN WITH PLEASE,EXCUSE ME, • YOU NEED TO COME IN WITH = OR HIGHER ENERGY LEVEL • THEN YOU CAN BUT RIGHT IN • WHEN YOU SEE THE GUYS GOING OVER TO THE GIRLSBUST EM • MAKE SURE YOU ARE INVOLVED WITH THE WHOLE GROUP • THAT THEY ARE ALL GIVING YOU GREEN LIGHTS • IF NOT FEED EM ALWAYS SELECT YOUR TARGET GUYS WHO TALK A LOT TEND TO DO BETTER HOOK THEM WITH INTERACTIVITY BE DOMINATE OR LEADING BUT GIVE THEM INTERACTION KEYS TO OPENING: The PUA is the exception to the rule you have to show value No Hands In pockets don't hold drink to close to chest don't give the girls time to respond Always enter the set with = or a little higher energy Whenever you have to the opportunity to scream do it Everything that is funny in second grade is funny again DHV Spikes -‐ demonstration of higher value • When you go out it's a performance stick with your tribe have fun don't stand against the wall no one will want to meet you they want to be apart of the tribe As soon as you walk in show is on. Don't look before you enter 3 second rule. If you wait to long you get too nervous Throw yourself into the fire Don't Drink Always Smile on approach -‐ think of something funny in your head The First approach is sooo hard PLEASURE MEETING YOU -‐ When It is time to go. Always have the body language like your about to leave hey guys quick opinion on something I only have a second so my friend has been dating this guy for 3 months or whatever like I am about to leave then go back in and be like how do you guys all know each other use time constraint then if they say I thought you only had a second say your right I have to get back to my friends you should meet them. I think you will like them. Don't lean If they can't here you don't lean in stand up straight Opening has to come from a place of genuine spontaneity The Names of the oceans: Don't waste time asking questions to your friends GEOGRAPHY OPENER Alright quick question I have to rejoin my friends in a second But how are you with geography You’re ok How many continents are their? How Many Oceans Are their? Ok There are 5 oceans But what we are trying to figure out are their names TEETH OPENER Hey guys quick question I know were in a club having fun But your answer to this question will probably change the rest of our lives I was having a debate with my friends And we talk about deep things when we are together So I want you to think carefully about this Because your answer will change the rest of my life and it's true Flossing before or after you brush? GET THE RESPONSES Before or after Ok let me see your teeth Ok before If the target is there throw a neg her way LOOK AT THE TARGET OK DEFINITELY AFTER No offense throw you have nice teeth Then you go into C vs. U's routine NEVER BEGIN WITH A QUESTION NEVER BEGIN WITH PLEASE, OR EXCUSE ME. Who talks like that? Show strength because what you say is more important than whatever they are saying I keep saying it but you come in with = or higher energy level When you are out at a bar and you see guys going to start hitting on the women you treat them as a group and blow them out of the water DON'T FOCUS ON ONE FOCUS ON THE GROUP but know your target ALWAYS BE LEADING OR DOMINATE Talk Alot EX • You seriously think that • OMG how do you go out with this girl • you can dress her up buy you can't take her anywhere • ew you just spit on me ALWAYS BUST BALLS It's about proving that you are not hitting on her and that you are teasing her Always do something to convey an active dis-‐interest in the girl you are interested in HEY YOU GOT SOMETHING ON YOUR SHOULDER Act Kind of like the bully in the school yard Make comments about her ok this relationship is over it's never going to work out you can keep the dog GENERAL GROUP DYNAMICS When Approach ing a group with 3 guys 1 girl show them respect and they will let you do what you want Make them think that you are their friend, that they are cool etc.... A-‐MOG -‐ How to blow out the alpha male of the group Justin befriends and makes a new buddy on the way Start with memorized openers Then after a while you will get in the flow PAWNING IF THERE ARE TWO HOT GIRLS GO UP THE GROUP RIGHT NEXT TO THEM GET THEM GOING LOUD AND THEN PULL THEM IN SAY WE ARE JUST TALKING LET ME GET YOUR OPTION REALLY QUICKLY NOT TOO CLOSE I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET ANY IDEAS. IF YOU APPROACH A GROUP OF GUYS AND YOUR -‐ PEA-‐COCKING LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE NOT GAY SAY THAT GIRL OVER THERE IS REMINDING ME ALOT OF MY EX GIRL FRIEND AND its KIND OF FREAKING ME OUT. THE OMG OPENERS 0. OH MY GOD DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT LOOKS LIKE? Stepheny Ross You look exactly like Stepheny Ross Who is the girl I went to JR. Prom with Are you from Ohio by Any Chance? Is your last name Ross maybe? Well here’s the reason It’s funny because I'll tell you this really quickly Then I have to rejoin my friends But you made me think of this and I haven't thought of this for years But Stepheny Ross was the first girl I ever fell in love with I took her to jr prom and me and my friends had this big plan We’d get like a hotel room afterword And bring the girls to the hotel room And we did that did that And we were sitting outside in the lawn of the hotel at like 2am or whatever And she was sitting sort of between my legs Not like that we had our cloths on. We were outside and she started telling me how her mother had died and since then it had brought her and her brother and father really close together without her and as she was saying that tears start to drip out of my eyes And it was the first time. I ever felt love for a girl without wanting to sleep with her And it was like the feeling of love you feel for a family member And that was my first experience of love and that was Stephaney Ross who you remind me of So I don't care what you name is I am going to call you Stephaney for the rest of the night. 1. OH MY GOD WHERE DID YOU GET THAT SHIRT? – ASK THIS TO THE APLPHA MALE AND WATCH IT BLOW THEM OUT. The Reason I am asking is because I have that exact shirt A girl was staying the night at my house she needed something to wear in the morning she wore it out and I never saw it again I saw the girl again a few times but I never saw the shirt again that's why I have to get two of everything I own that I like and that way I don't loose them 2. OMG YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE I Dated this girl, and she had a sister named nora and the girl I dated was the older sister and nora was like 2 sisters younger so she was like 13 or 14 when I was dating this girl and she was like really cool she looked exactly like you except she had glasses and she was really smart she was like really really bright and I always wondered what she would look like when she was grown up and your like a grown up nora 3. OMG YOU HAVE THE EXACT SAME SHOES That my little sister, dragged me to go shopping with her for like 3 hours and we couldn't actually find the shoes they actually said that they just sold the last pair so if you bought those at Melrose your dead 4. OMG YOU DON'T WORK AT THE STANDARD DO YOU? cause You look exactly like this new waitress who started working there and I thought that it was you and I felt like if I didn't say Hi it would be rude and if I said Hi and it wasn't you I didn't want to be rude but I didn't want to be an asshole either 5. OMG LOOK AT THE GIRLS HAIR What is up with that Do you think she is like hiding a gun in their or something I am not normally that rude I am not queer eye for the straight guy your hair is fine and everything 7. HEY GUYS I WANT TO GET A QUICK OPIONON ON SOMETHING I AM WITH A BUNCH OF GUYS OVER THERE WE WERE HAVING A DISCUSSION WE NEED TO GET A WOMEN'S OPION ON SOMETHING AND GUYS TOO YOU COUNT. he has been dating this girl for 3 months so let me ask you if you have been dating a guy or girl for three months and he is still friends with his ex from college how do you feel about that? GET ANSWERS YOU NEED TO HAVE ALOT OF ENERGY BE LOUD AND USE YOUR HANDS AS GESTURES IT'S A 2 PART QUESTION Your been dating this guy for 3 months he has a drawer in this drawer he has photos and letters from his life he doesn't look at them they just exist in the draw how do you feel about that? then you root it The reason I am asking is because my Friend over there has been dating this girl for three months She wants him not to talk to his ex from college not just put those letters in the closet but to actually burn them she says that it is holding on the past personally I think you can't have love with out trust if you can't trust him you shouldn't be with him but guys think differently then girls THEN THROW IN THE JOKE when they are giving the opinion Say, "OMG you guys are awesome your just like the view" 8. Ok OMG YOU HAVE TO HELP ME WITH THIS SONG IT IS KILLING ME AND MY FRIENDS CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT WHO SINGS THE SONG THAT IS "PASS THE DUCHIE ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE" SPIN RIGHT RECORD RIGHT ROUND I DON'T KNOW WHAT A DUTCHE I KNOW IT'S A JOINT AND WHY ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE DO YOU GUYS KNOW WHO DOES THAT HAVE YOU GUYS HEARD THAT All you need is 2 openers 10. TWO PART KISS OPENER I want to get your opinion on something my Friend has been dating this girls and were having this debate lets just say you are dating a girl she goes out at night have fun party and makes out with a guy comes home no big deal they don't exchange numbers she just likes to get drink sometimes and do that is that cheating? YES Ok, that's not the real question that is the setup to the real question here is the real questions she likes to go out, getting drunk and make out with girls is that cheating? see you guys are a total double standard Jesus Christ The reason I am asking is because she does go and make out with girls and he says it's cheating, she says it's not and they are having this big debate and we were just discussing that you guys just showed your true colors by the way. 11. COLLAGEN OPENER You Take One Cologne sprits it on this wrist other on this wrist quick opinion smell this, (you smell it first) then have her smell it then you say now this one one girl at a time which one do you like better then you say the reason I am asking is because I just moved and I am going through my house and got all these collagens I got a them as presents and they say women have a way better sense of smell, so ok it's one to nothing GO TO SAPHORA GET SOME collagens MAKE SURE IF THERE IS A GUY HE IS INCLUDED IN THE SET THEN STACK 12. THUMB WRESELTING Where are you from? (Maryland) OH COOL I AM ACTUALLY THE US REIGNING THUMB WRESTLING CHAMP BUT I HAVEN'T BEAT MARLAND YET LETS GO. THEN YOU BATTLE and cheat say that's it’s for the world campaign ship Then you beat her and she says you cheated YOU SAY IT'S JUST THUMB WRESTLING JESUS GUYS HAVE TO PULL ALOT OF WEIGHT TO KEEP THEM ENTERTAINED JUST MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THEM TOO I AM THE NIGHT CLUB MANAGER MY JOB IS TO MAKE SURE THAT EVERYBODY IS HAVING A GOOD TIME AND THEY ARE FEELING GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES IT'S A NON NEEDED SHARING ATTITUDE 13 SPELLS OPENER DO YOU GUYS THINK MAGIC SPELLS WORK OR JUST BS? (Follow up with ESP or a Game) you get their opinion or not then you continue: The Reason I am asking is because we were supposed to go out with my friend will. He's not here tonight, you know he just moved to LA to get a girl here at this very club actually He wasn't really attracted to her but they just exchanged information because he is new in LA and Wanted some friends Anyways, She came over to his house Nothing Happened, I know what your thinking nothing happened. They Watched a Movie and then she left he found later like under the sofa cushion this rolled up scroll With this ring around it with like this feather inside the feather was dipped in burnt honey or something like that so he shows me the scroll it had this wired block writing on it that made no sense i was like dude that is like some crazy magic spell now there is this store call the magical child and I took it there I asked the guy what it was and he said it's an attraction spell ever since then since he found the spell he has been head over heals for this women like he will be walking down the street and an image of her will like pop into his head surrounded by hearts or flowers and it's freeking us out and we are trying to figure this outdo you think it is psychological or do you think it's real? GET OPTIONS AND STUFF BEST TO USE ON STRIPPERS 14. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS MORE ATTRACTIVE??? A ROCK STAR AN ATHLETE AN ACTOR OR A DIRECTOR GET OPIONS SAY THE REASON I AM ASKING IS I HAVE A FRIEND WHO'S SOME WHAT OF A CELEBRITY SHE SAID SHE WANTED TO DATE A DIRECTOR I THOUGHT that was interested because I thought like A rock is the most attractive or an ATHLEATE AND SHE SAID no she wanted to date a DIRECTOR BECAUSE 1. Directors they don't age out you can direct for ever 2.They are not vein or egomaniacal and obsessed with their image like rock stars and athletes 3. and ON SET THEY are boss sort of LIKE THE ALPHA MALE their the pimps and the ACTORS ARE their hoes they order everybody around SO IT HAS ALL OF QUALITIES THAT A GIRL LIKES 15. IF YOU WERE BRAD PITT WHO WOULD YOU RATHER DATE 1. ANGELINA JOLIE 2. JENNIFER ANDERSTAND I WAS TALKING WITH MY GIRLFRIENDS LAST NIGHT AND MOST OF THEM SAID JENNIFER ANDASON BUT I ALWAYS THOUGHT IT WOULD BE ANGELINA JOLIE 16. THE ALBINO GARY COLMAN OPENER I got to ask you this before MY FIREND arrives He WAS just IN A LONG RELATIONSHIP AND he just got out of it WE ARE TRYING to help him out we were trying to find out what women find most attractive in a guy. what do you find most attractive in a guy? ATTRACTIVENESS -‐ SO HE'S NOT GOOD LOOKING So if he didn't have looks what would he have to have in order for you to date him HEIGHT -‐ SO IF NOT TALL WHAT WOULD HE HAVE TO HAVE FOR YOU TO DATE HIM GOOD PERSONALITY -‐ WELL'S HE'S NOT THAT LOOKING AND DOESN'T HAVE THE BEST PERSONALITY so if you met a guy that wasn't that good looking and didn't have the best personality was their anything he could have that would make you want to date him you know alot of money, a lot of something. A NICE GUY -‐ WELL'S HE ACTUALLY NOT THAT NICE OF A GUY. he's about 4 foot 6 and really short and pale with a big affro he kind of looks like an albino Gary Colman but that’s ok because your not his type anyway. AFTER YOU DO YOUR OPENER YOU ROCK AS IF YOU ARE ABOUT TO LEAVE THEN TURN BACK AND SAY, Out of curiosity How do you guys know each other? Then PULL on the hooks if you want to fluf for a bit UNTIL YOU NEED TO BUILD V ALU E THEN YOU GO INTO THE NEXT PEACE AS LONG AS YOU ARE SAYING WHY YOU ARE ASKING THEN YOU ARE (ROOTING) Don't remember the words exactly remember the built points. • YOU GOTTA SELL IT • SAY IT LIKE YOU ARE THE SHIT AND THAT THEY SHOULD BE LUCKY TO BE TALKING TO YOU LIKE THIS IS A REAL DELEMA. 1. There feed back are going to give you indicators of what you are doing right and wrong If they say is this a survey then that means you didn't route it. 2. If they get uncomfortable and want to leave then you are coming into close or your body language is wrong. rock as if you about to leave then say how do you know each other get the fishing line to see where you want to go from there if you feel like you want to push it LEVEL II Transitioning You go like you are about to leave then you turn back as if you are about to observe something by the way I just noticed something I have to ask are you guys best friends Make an intelligent observation so if they are hooked then great and you can tell when they are if not you need to give more value first EX: Lets say there seated It's going well they are seated you can only talk so long before it's like I am a stranger who is hovering over you so after a while in the middle of the story I will say ok here's the real question who cheats more men or women? I have been standing all day I have to sit down down for a second but I have to rejoin my friends in a second so don't get any ideas • ALWAYS SITS DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STORY • IF THERE ALL STANDING AT THE BAR AND YOU ARE ON THE OUTSIDEIT'S GOING TO START GETTING WIRED • YOU WANT TO BE IN THROWN: • So you Say Come here I will show you something cool and then move her around: and then you are in the center • but it looks to every one that you are the man • IF YOU CAN OPEN A SET AND THEN LOCK YOURSELF INOR JOIN THE GROUP that is good SOMETIMES THEY WILL GIVE YOU HOOPS TO GO THROUGH -‐-‐-‐-‐ Buy us a drink -‐-‐-‐-‐ Tell Us another Story -‐-‐-‐-‐ Do Another Trick Don't just through their hoops I grew up with 3 sisters believe me I am immune to anything a women can say or do to me by now. WING RULES When you are walking with a wing to the bathroom you say • hey real quick I gotta as you a question. WING ENTERS SET WERE YOU JUST TALKING ABOUT THE: • Then you cut them off and fill in the sentence When the wing comes in the wing should enter with a high energy • You have to over sell your friend Always He is really Modest • ALWAYS PUMP UP YOUR WING SOME NEGS Flirting and fun If a girls asks what do you do? • say I can't tell you I don't know you well enough yet if she says something weird go • Note to self I am not going to date this girl Your Fired -‐ always have a big smile on your face when you say it WHERE ARE YOU FROM CHICAGO? OH DO YOU KNOW A GIRL NAMED SARA I want to take you and put on you a piece of rice and eat it like sushi BE THE 10 Act as the hot girl would act she says "I gotta tell you something" YOUR PREGNANT! BE UNFLAPPABLE IF SHE SAYS LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN HARRY POTTER YOU SAY NEVER HEARD OF IT, (JOKING) If you are really enjoying their company stand up OMG you guys are awesome. I don't care what you do I want you to quit your day job I will double your salary and just follow me around and laugh at my jokes like that so quit your jobs i'll double you salary Be Funny THIS RELATIONSHIP IS JUST NOT WORKING OUT HEY JUST CAUSE I FLIRT ALOT DOESN'T MEAN I PUT OUT I HAVE A CONFESSION TO MAKE I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM LETS TAKE THIS SLOW I DON'T WANT TO GET HURT your wing comes in and you introduce the girl PUT THEM IN A FUN SITUATIONS DO MINI TAKE AWAYS If you bring someone in a trance your holding me up I gotta get back to my friends or hold on I gotta talk to my friend for a second PUT THEM ON A POINT SYSTEM ex you just got 3 points or you just lost a point for that once you hit 15 you get my phone number OPENERS IN ACTION You have to PUSH PULL DON'T BUY HER A DRINK Hey I will show you something cool come over here I got your spot haha j/k I have to rejoin my friends in a second CAT STRING THEORY CAT STRING DANGLING IF YOU HOLD THE STRING IN FRONT OF THE CATS HEAD IT WILL GO CRAZY IF YOU GIVE IT TO THE CAT THEN THE CAT WILL GET BOARD AND GO AWAY BE JUST OUT OF REACH DON'T BE GRABBY AND TOUCHY FEELY WHEN A GIRL TOUCHES YOU BE LIKE HANDS OFF THE MERCHANDISE or IF SHE TOUCHES YOU SAY THAT WILL BE $30.00 IF SHE TOUCHES YOU AGAIN SAY YOU MUST BE RICH HOW ARE YOU GOING TO AFORD ALL OF THIS All of this attraction stuff is done with NEGS, pebbles las Vegas attitude having all of that power and attitude work on body language Women are attracted to the looks and the status • YOU WANT TO MAKE HER FEEL THAT SHE IS WINNING you OVER I LIKE THAT DRESS CONGRATULATE YOURSELF you can do push/pull with body language LEAN BACK CROSS YOUR LEGS AWAY FROM HER HARD CORE PUSH PULL Make positive comments but then take it back like I love your style, your totally my type but I don't think I can trust you. • Always Give her Mixed Messages • You have to sell the lines and attitude ONCE YOU DO THE HOOK POINT YOU CAN DO A MINI VERBAL TAKE AWAY you know what I can't be with you but I will introduce to one of my friends tell her you think they would be perfect for each other. Or like you can do the whole I love you I hate you Constantly tell them that you are the type own woman my mother warned me about or that you are going to break her heart and sleep with all of her friends IF YOU TOUCH HER IT IS NOT TO COP A FEEL REMEMBER SHE IS HITTING ON YOU REMEMBER ACT AS IF YOU ARE THE 10 YOU ARE THE SEXUAL OBJECT ANYTHING SHE SAYS IS INCONVENIENCING YOU OF COURSE SHE WANTS YOU. SHE'S MOVING TOO FAST Transition Techniques The 5 Questions Game Ill tell you what it is up to you we do not have to do it if you do not want to We are going to bet I am going to ask you 5 questions we have to make a bet all you have to do is get each question wrong if you get five in a row you win Do you want to do a practice or do you want to start what city are we in? whats your name? What is the name of your best friend? how many was that so far? (if she doesn’t fall for this one) (act like they are smart and you are impressed) then ask have you played this game before? THE MAGIC 8 BALL I am going to tell you to imagine something’s and I will tell you what they mean afterword’s so just imagine an empty all white room In that room put a ball Is it big or is it small? Is it on the ground or is it floating? Are you facing a flat side or a corner? Is it transparent or solid? any color or design? Alright add to this picture a ladder see the ladder? where is the ladder in the room? Is it high or Low? If you wanted to climb it easy or hard? Picture some flowers see the flowers? do you see a few or alot? where are they? are they all one kind or different kinds? describe them a little bit to me? When you see them what do they make you feel? all this information helps it lets me know how screwed up you are add to this picture a horse do you see the horse? where is it? what’s it doing? if you wanted to give me three words that describe the personality of this horse what would they be? Last thing add to the picture a storm do you see the storm? is it violent or genital? is it fucking shit up or is it just Chilin? do you want to know what it all means? I just made it all up j/k I like personality games but this is the only one that I like that is true the magic 8 ball is your self image it is how you see yourself Horse = self-‐image Ladder = ambitions in life flowers = close friends and loved ones Horse ideal man Storm = problems in your life and the way you let them effect Mouse Race There were three mice and they were having a race there was a blind mouse A dumb mouse and I deaf Mouse and they are having a racing So here is the blind mouse (start drawing on their arm) the dumb mouse (start drawing in the middle of their arm) the deaf mouse keep drawing Dog Jaw Have you guys ever had dog jaw before? bark in their face Best Friends Test PUA:I Got to ask you something How long have you guys known each other for HB: A year, A month, 10years whatever PUA: I Could Totally Tell because best friends... I'll tell you what rather then explain it to you I'll give you the best friends test. PUA: Quick Question Do you guys both use the same shampoo? Yes or No HB's: They will start to look at each other (As soon as they do wave your hand in front of their face) PUA: Never mind I got the Answer HB:'s But we haven't told you yet we don't use the same shampoo PUA: Doesn't Matter you passed PUA: Here's how I could tell. Best friends will always look at each other (use hand's coming together gesture)Before they say something it's almost like a psychic connection they'll look at each other first and then they'll talk to you and people who have no connection at all. they'll keep eye contact the whole time and that’s how you can tell (what and see who looks at who first) Point out who is more dominant they might protest but give it to them if they get pissed If there ever like… do it again do it again Your second question never your first question PUA: Have you guy's ever kissed the same guy, not at the same time but kissed the same guy (let them do the eye thing) PUA: J/k at the end. (for your birthday I am going to get you one of those strap on mirrors so whenever your friends not around you have something to make eye contact with. I axing Q's I just noticed something about your eyes: Let me ask you something. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you want to go? C's VS U's Do your Opener then you rock out and then make your observation you know I just noticed your smile you have a perfect U shaped smile or a perfect C shaped smile she's going to want to know more (this is where you take a seat) Ok I have been on my feet all day I have to re-‐join my friends in a second but I'll tell about this really quickly (sit down and join the set) C vs U's A C smile see I have a C smile it is very wide in the front alot of teeth in the front See a U is where you have a few teeth in the front and then it goes straight back kind of like of horse It's a theory of a girl I dated for like a week she said C shaped smiles were perceived at friendly and U shaped smiles were perceived as Un friendly she said as an example. Britney spears has a C and she is always perceived as a good girl even though she is just as bad a Christina Aguilera who has a u. Christina is seen as a bad girl and she has a U shaped smile and if you look at the covers of magazines like people or in style like the celebrities always have big C smiles and for this wasn't just a theory she wanted to be a singer. so she actually got her teeth broken in three places to get her teeth reshaped from a U to A C and I don't know if it's true but I guess it's like a common Procedure in LA but she was like that even though she worked out 2 hours a day she had tattooed lip stick tattooed eye liner it's almost like if you meet a girl in LA you got to take them to the doctor and get a little print out to find out which parts are real and she didn't even look that plastic she looked real and one day I was with her and I noticed she had like 2 little holes on her side black marks I asked her if she had liposuction she said she had. She was an exotic dancer or a little while and she had actually gotten the fat I probably shouldn't say this but she got the fat injected into her labia so she would always look aroused Nice meeting you guys bye bye. So obviously the relationship didn't last long and this is true as soon as she asked me in like the second week what I made for a living what my salary was and was really insistent about it I was like forget it this is not the kind of person I want to date but that’s kind of her story DON'T GET CAUGHT IN ENTERTAINING MONKEY MODE if they say oh do it again or do it to my friend say hey, I'm Not working tonight I'm off duty, I normally charge for this sorry I'm not going to jump through your hoops that will be $50.00 BY THE TIME YOU GIVE VALUE YOU SHOULD BE LOCKED INTO THE SET IF YOU HAVE NOT LOCKED INTO THE SET BY THE TIME YOU START BUILDING VALUE SAY I WILL SHOW YOU SOMETHING COOL TAKE THEM MOVE THEM GET INTO THE SWEET SPOT AND DO IT. OR IF YOUR NOT IN POSSION BY THE TIME YOU BULD VALUE SAY OH COOL I WILL SHOW YOU JUST HAVE TO MOVE OVER HERE IF YOU FEELING GOOD OR COMFORTABLE YOU CAN TEST FOR IOI'S Name Memorizing A great way to always remember names is to make a picture in your head You have to see the picture Testing for IoI's Fake IoI's7 Doing Sex Talk early or Touching you a lot those are just ways to manipulate guys Real IoI's Trust Test 1. Give me your hands 2. Squeeze -‐ if they squeeze back it means they are interested in you 3. Let go and lower your hands -‐ if they lower them with you it means they trust you and their along for the ride if they leave them hanging it means you have more work to do. (if you feel like it's on you can link fingers and more) If she leaves them hanging you can pat her hands and say good I will tell you what that means this is what they call the trust I grabbed your hand and you grabbed mine which means you trust me. if she doesn't say were still new to each other (this is subtext were not supposed to talk about it) As your talking lean away if she leans in to hear you stop talking If she's talking about how much she likes something ex: green day have an opinion that differs see if they agree if they laugh at your jokes that arn't funny if you take her hand and lead her though the club just squeeze her hand for a second and see if she squeezes your hand back then let go and leave your hand flat see if she is still squeezing it 3 IOI's it's on If you talking and you stop talking and she keeps eye contact that is a huge IOI If you feel the tingle then it's time Once You have the IOI's NUMBER CLOSING Seed the Conversation with the Plan Get to know your local weekly check city search for 5 restaurants you want to visit know what’s going on in town You know what my friends and I are going to ________ have you heard of it It's probably not just the best restaurant anyways I am probably going with my friends Don't invite her build some value when you are all done talking and things are wrapping up you know what I am doing sushi with my friends you should go so I will give you a call and well try and go there start writing down your number tear it in half (give her the empty half and the pen) she will write down her number then say draw a picture of yourself so I remember what you look like Cool then exchange them back If She Say's whats this for Say Be Creative or I think it's for your phone number Stay for an extra 5 minutes before you leave Always make it a low pressure sale Any time you see yourself following the girl around cut it and go do you own thing KINO ESCELATION You want to be touching her Grab her say come over here use her as an example if your making a point you want to be touching them sometimes you have to be a guy that touches people alot when you are making your points Start the touch once you hit the hook point MAGIC HANDS Let me see your hands I don't like palm reading but you can actually tell by looking at the lines weather there a right brain thinker -‐ which is a creative person or a left brain thinker see which lines are deeper If she's attracted to you she wants to be seduced KISS CLOSE Would you like to kiss me if they say yes then kiss if they say maybe or I don't know -‐ say lets find out come here if they say no -‐ hey I didn't say you could It just looked like you had something on your mind the important thing: say it like a cocky think -‐ would YOU like to kiss me or you know what you talk too much would you like to kiss me or shhhh would your like to kiss me HOW GOOD OF A KISSER ARE YOU ON A SCALE FROM 1 TO 10 get her to see you on how good of a kisser she is EVOLUTION PHASE SHIFT KISS CLOSE -‐ ADVANCED Start off my smelling her say wow you smell nice (smell her from the base of her neck to her ear) it's a funny thing I love smells because animals people never pay attention to smells but animals when they are choosing a partner or mating they tell everything they need to by smells and humans don't use it enough and the fact is that we are hard wired to respond to that so it's kind of cool say you know what the most interesting thing is nobody knows this or very few people but the most sensitive parts of your body are the parts that never see the sun light and the parts that bend the most and they have like a zillion little nerve endings there and it's supper supper sensitive so next time your with a guy have them bite you right there it's the most amazing thing. (if she's still giving you eye contact and close in) then you go a what the fuck then you take her arm and you bite it When you bit don't pinch the skin and don't suck like your giving a hicky and don't do it weakly you take a big chunk of skin and slowly but very firmly bring you teeth together until they meet then let go. (Calibrate her response) but do you know what the best thing is I am a total weakness for this there are two kinds of people on this earth there ear niblers and neck bitters which one are you? Let her try it on you then say OMG that's horrible I'll show you how to bite come here this is how you bite take a big part of the skin and just bring your teeth slowly together like this here come here (Give her a really good bite) by then it is on or if it's not then you stop take a break then say O God I am trying so hard not to kiss you right now the whole idea of this is you have the frame the structure behind the line is that she's just getting you exited and your a man trying to control yourself be like your driving me crazy just stop looking at me like that If you say that line and she keeps looking at you then it's so on If she turns away it just means she's being polite but if you see her begin to get really uncomfortable after that then you miss calibrated sometimes once you see the matrix you will know when it's your fault or not sometimes she's married and didn't tell you and her husbands friend is right there sometimes she's with her boy friend in the club sometimes she doesn't return your call because she went Get back with her ex GIRL FRIEND TEST it's a good thing to do kind of early on it's a little bit of building value and a little bit of a game and a little bit of kino Once things are going on and your marrying her divorcing her say you know what I am going to give you my girl friend test 1. Say Give me your hand I will write the answers on your hand 2. Just write a Big B on her hand have her close her fist 3. say alright 3 questions First one A. Hot shower B. Long Bath Second Question A. Whip Cream B. Strawberries C. Chocolate Third Question A. Nibbles on the Ear B. Bites on the Neck Well the correct answers are B the right answers are long bath because it's so luxurious a shower is just quick and utilitarian and lounging in a bath is just awesome second one is strawberries because they are like nature’s own candy I love strawberries third one is bites on the neck people who likes bites on the neck are more passionate creative people people who like nibbles on the ear are just boring their are no nerve endings their (demonstrate -‐ of Couse) throw it in kind of anywhere do it for touch or kissing Instant Dates for some reason people have to be moved around everything can't take place in one location move them into your world moving people around creates distortion switch locations with them Always know what’s going on The more you move them around the deeper connection the closer they feel to you you know it's on and you want to get back to her house when you are bringing them back to your house always give them a time constraint you can only hang out for a half and hour Your In the Club maybe you've been making out things are winding down say if I let you take me home do you promise to feed me she's going to say what are you joking say no I am actually really hungry what do you have in the fridge that way there's a reason to go
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