SOE-zine How to tackle the double dip Call: 0845 6470247 Email: Visit: Take a look at the future with Brian Weatherly Text messaging - One dentist's personal experiences Cardiff User Group review What's on this month Focus on... SMS replies contents welcome Welcome to this month’s issue of SoE-zine. As we pause for breath in what is an extremely busy time for us, we can look back on a few highlights of our April activity and look forward to the coming month with anticipation and enthusiasm. 03 Welcome from Greg Clay 04 Brian Weatherly gives us a glimpse into his vision of the future Pg 4 06 Your journey starts here - by Greg Clay 08 What’s on - Show news and dates for your diary 09 Fantastic Upgrade Offers 10 Text messaging - Miss it, miss an appointment! - by David Nelson 12 SoE in the news Pg 6 13 Henry Schein Minerva helps dentists Face the Challenge April is always a busy time for us when the month starts with NHS practices rolling over their contracts, and this year we were delighted with the way in which our internal support team dealt with enquiries. One of our key measurements for success is our ability to solve issues on the first phone call which helps reduce customer frustration – I am pleased to say that on “rollover” day our team solved 94% of issues on the first phone call. In fact of 857 calls answered on that one day alone, only 10 queries remained unanswered, I consider this to be true testament to the knowledge and expertise of our support team. At the end of April we travelled to Manchester to the BDA where Brian Weatherly, President of SoE, was delighted to be a speaker. His seminar was extremely well-received and the dental forums were alive with debate and praise in the days after, commenting on Brian’s insight and delivery of some extremely thought-provoking statistics. As we look forward to the rest of May we anticipate a very busy month with opportunities to meet customers at major exhibitions and conferences. SoE representatives will be at Hampden Park for the Scottish Dental Show (24th-25th May, Glasgow) and then visit London for Dentistry Live (25th-26th May, London), where anyone who missed Brian’s BDA presentation in Manchester will have another opportunity to listen. 14 Local User Groups - Update from Cardiff event 15 Focus on... SMS Replies Pg 10 We are excited by the sheer volume of new initiatives around SoE at the moment, each designed with the needs of the dental practice in mind and we look forward to every opportunity to showcase these to new and existing customers. Visit us at Dentistry Live & the Scottish Dental Show! Click here for details Greg Clay Pg 14 2 Sales & Marketing Director, Software of Excellence 3 and in answer to the demands of the market we are also improving the workflow and medical history functions of the software and will have an ability to utilise digital signatures, once the dispute as to whether these are legally acceptable has been resolved. Brian Weatherly gives us a glimpse into his vision for the future As a business solutions provider Software of Excellence is building a reputation for listening to customers’ needs and wants. Our work with both the THRIVE programme and the Best Practice Check Up has given us a unique insight into the thoughts, aspirations and performance of UK dental practices. Here, Brian Weatherly gives us a glimpse into his vision for the future. “The difference between what our customers need and what they want, or think they want, is subtle but crucial. We consider that a significant part of our job now is to study practice performance, analyse how it can be improved, and then develop the highly automated business solutions required to help practices become more efficient and productive. If we try to predict what the dental market will look like in the future we can point to increasing “corporatisation”, by this I mean the growth in group practices who integrate and rely on the implementation of processes and systems to control their business operations. 4 We also foresee an increasing reliance on automation within dental practice management as practices become increasingly familiar with technology and its application. There is no doubt that software is changing the way in which practices interact with their of a practice as a kind of jigsaw, where disparate pieces can be brought together within an EXACT™ “wrapper”. In our continuing development of EXACT™ we will retain all the clinical elements for which we are well-known; Quick Charts, “My view on dentistry is that as an essential aspect of overall healthcare there will always be a need for dentists. I am optimistic about the future and I believe that SoE can be a major influencer on the future of the profession.” patients and dentists are beginning improved x-ray viewing and to understand the need to evolve utilisation, seamless integration their communication techniques to and less of a need to individually meet changing market needs. configure the software. But we are We consider the business elements also listening to user feedback We have learned some insightful and perceptive information from the THRIVE programme, for example, we now understand that it is sometimes difficult to get team members to change behaviour; businesses often run as well as they need to rather than as well as they can. Incorporating a system’s approach is highly beneficial on every level; if a dentist wants to retire and appoint an Associate and realise the full value of their investment the practice must operate in a certain way. If a Principal is not always “on site” the practice needs to have the operational systems that facilitate the consistent management of the practice. This is where automation and processes become hugely important and add considerable value to a practice. If the systems within a practice are good enough it can continue to operate and earn a good reputation despite the absence of the Principal. We believe we can help practices achieve this goal and operate in the most efficient way possible. My view on dentistry is that as an essential aspect of overall healthcare there will always be a need for dentists. I am optimistic about the future and I believe that SoE can be a major influencer on the future of the profession. There is no doubt that we are facing difficult times however for those who survive and thrive I believe we will be stronger as a profession. For Software of Excellence “There is no doubt that to deliver everything software is changing the way required by the business in which practices interact with side of dentistry is a their patients and dentists significant challenge. Part are beginning to understand of our understanding of the need to evolve their how the dental landscape communication techniques to is changing is through the meet changing market needs.” rise of “corporates” – these practice groups have their heritage in retail and although for some do not necessarily regard this as a change for the better, their desire to carry out procedures in a certain way and follow defined processes is a application. Our products work – valuable lesson from which most of that there’s no question – our practices can learn. challenge is to motivate the dentist and the team to integrate the Some practices are currently not technology into the practice and succeeding because they are unaware of new techniques, or are apply it for the greater good.” resistant to trying them. My view is that we cannot let this deter us from developing and refining our ideas. We want to help practices deploy technology in whatever way helps them most. Today we are ready to offer some of the individual components that we believe will help make practices more efficient. This autumn all these elements will be incorporated into an attractive package; EXACT™ V11 which we intend to launch with a sustained campaign driving towards 2013 (see page 8 for more details on Version 11). Brian Weatherly President, Software of Excellence I believe Software of Excellence has a real competitive advantage in the market and we are now living by the mantra of “What value can we add for the patient?” We are winning practices because our offering is not just about “technology” anymore, it is about Click here to unlock your practice’s potential To take control of your future why not take a Best Practice Check Up and find out where your business could improve performance 5 Your journey starts here... In forthcoming issues Sales and Marketing Director Greg Clay, will give an insight into some of the strategies principals and practice managers can employ in order to build a more successful practice. In this his first article, he broaches the subject of how to get credible, accurate knowledge about your business. Marketing can often seem like a complicated, complex discipline particularly if you’ve ever tackled one of the many weighty volumes dedicated to the subject. But the fact is that we are all consumers in one way or another and live in an environment where “the brand is king”, so in some small way we can all claim to know at least something about what marketing is. 3 Key Questions Developing a marketing and communication plan for your practice does not in the first instance require finance to any great degree, what it does require is time and objectivity. No-one can develop a strategy for any type of business whilst wearing rose-tinted spectacles; if you 6 “Establishing where you are needs to be done by analysing defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your business such as recall effectiveness, chairtime utilisation and top ten treatments by value, to name but a few.” believe that everything about your practice is the very best it can be, congratulations now is the time to retire! If however you are one of those many people who have a desire to improve your practice for the benefit of your patients, your staff and above all yourself, then you have at least the right motivation to succeed, what you now need is some guidance to help you through the process. the trees, and objective decision making and realistic planning can undoubtedly be helped by your ability to obtain sound, accurate business information. If we go back to basics, I believe marketing, in its simplest form is essentially about 3 key questions, - Where are you? Where do you want be? and How are you going to get there? And it logically follows that to answer the 2nd and 3rd questions you first have to establish exactly where your business is at a particular moment in time. Meeting Practice Needs It was in an attempt to meet exactly some of these needs that prompted us to launch the Best Practice Check Up – an online questionnaire that tackles some of the fundamental business questions faced by dentists today. The results from this survey, which has been running since January, are now providing us with key information about the overall performance of UK dentistry and enabling us to benchmark individual practices. What may surprise you, is that you almost certainly already have the means to answer at least some of this question not least because it is all about your business, and who knows your business better than you? But the reality is that as with most owner occupiers, sometimes it is difficult to see the wood for The acquisition of quantitative data that will help you understand the current position of your practice is invaluable in helping you think about your business and helps to substantiate aims and objectives and gives definite criteria by which to measure success. Establishing where you are needs to be done by analysing defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your business such as recall effectiveness, chairtime utilisation, top ten treatments by value, to name but a few, and the ability to obtain accurate information in these key areas gives you the scope to understand where inefficiencies exist and how you can best improve productivity and performance. Fundamental Factors For instance, recall success is one of the fundamental factors in running a successful practice and having up-to-date statistics on recall effectiveness not only allows you to appreciate the viability of various recall methods, but also helps you to understand the “knock-on” effect of a reduction or increase in recall uptake. The timing of recalls also has a significant impact on the level of appointments for the following month and knowledge in this area helps you to accurately forecast purchases, staff rotas and holidays and plan ad hoc events such as team training. The amount of time each chair in the practice is in use is another key productivity indicator and the analysis of data can help you understand trends and predict slow down with a greater degree of accuracy, which in turn enables more accurate planning. If chairside time is under-utilised, there is usually a good reason, accurate business data will let you identify where shortfalls exist and develop strategies to help fill gaps in your appointment book. Establishing where your practice is gives you the ability to plan for the future, knowing how and whether to expand the practice in key treatment areas, understanding what level of capacity the practice needs to function at in order to be profitable and ultimately can provide you with the information you need to be able evolving process; it changes as economic conditions change, it alters with the advent of new technology and needs to be flexible enough to cope with differing patient demands. Being “The power of business knowledge should never be underestimated, it is the foundation on which successful planning is built.” to modify elements of your day to day operations that can have a significant impact on turnover and gross income. Business Knowledge Most practice management systems can provide you with a certain level of information that will help you embark on this marketing journey, but at Software of Excellence, we understand that this process can be difficult to achieve on your own. Our recognition of the value of robust, accurate business information has led us to take the process one step further. The development of THRIVE was aimed at helping practices understand where they are in relation to a defined set of KPIs. Our THRIVE consultants then work with principals and practice managers to interrogate the data inside EXACT™ in order to understand the practice’s current position, facilitating realistic goal setting, which, when supported by regular monitoring, provides a complete business programme. The power of business knowledge should never be underestimated, it is the foundation on which successful planning is built. The more accurate the information you can take from your business, the more targeted your planning will be. Marketing is a constantly able to access updated business information quickly, easily and on a regular basis gives you the tools to take firm control of your practice and your future. Greg Clay Sales & Marketing Director, Software of Excellence Click here to find out more about the products and services offered by Software of Excellence To find out where your practice is now why not take a Best Practice Check Up Click here to unlock your practice’s potential 7 what’s on... Fantastic Upgrade Offers! Upgrade from EXACT™ Front Desk or EXACT™ Evolution to EXACT™ Professional and benefit from additional functionality to increase your capacity to do more dentistry and drive more patients into your practice. Scottish Dental Show Hampden Park, Glasgow, May 24th-25th The Scottish Dental Show provides the perfect opportunity for our Scottish customers to talk face-to-face with our team and take advantage of some fantastic show offers. Visit us at Stand L23! • Quick charting • Configurable service list Dentistry Live QEII Conference Centre, London Westminster, May 25th -26th • Recall Manager – banish ‘white space’ from your appointment book See SoE on Stand 89 at the exhibition and take up the opportunity to hear Brian Weatherly talk more about the key success factors that contribute to practice profitability. • Invoiced work by dentist Following his appearance as a speaker at the BDA Conference, SoE President Brian Weatherly presents: • Configurable medical history questionnaire • SMS and email reminders - reduce FTAs and increase recall efficiency • Custom screens • Presentation Manager – increase treatment plan acceptance ‘Practice Productivity, Profitability and Performance; using management data to enhance you practice‘ • Multi-column appointment book (inc. activity tabs) This seminar will open the eyes of principals and practice managers to the true potential of their business. Using “live” data collated over the past 2 years from practices on our THRIVE programme, these results provide a thought-provoking insight into how practice management data can be positively applied to a variety of elements in order to increase internal efficiency and attract, retain and treat more patients. FRONT DESK USERS: UPGRADE NOW for only £500 per licence! • Access to THRIVE Business Services – average turnover growth of £100,000 EVOlution USERS: UPGRADE NOW for only £350 per licence! PLUS one day of FREE training in EXACT™ Pro AND Get a FREE practice check-up 6 months after your upgrade! A review of Brian's BDA presentation will be available in the next issue of SOE-zine MINIMUM 20% Coming Soon in EXACT™ Version 11 off Digital Imaging Our specialist Digital Imaging team will show you the benefits of tight integration between EXACT™, EXAMINE Pro and your chosen X-Ray hardware. We have learned some insightful and perceptive information from the THRIVE programme and will be incorporating an increased level of automation into our new Version of EXACT™: •Recall Manager: automates processes and captures more information. This new functionality will dramatically increase practice efficiency. •Utilistation Manager: is designed to make best use of all available surgery time and configures the software to automate the use of short notice lists. •Online booking: over 1000 patients have now booked appointments online using our new module. Fully integrated in EXACT™, online booking will be further automated to attract more patients to your practice. •Text Message Replies: Configure EXACT™ to log and confirm appointments and file text replies in the patient’s record. •Workflow Manager: focuses on the management of in-bound and out-bound workflow processes. Automatic prompts to reception staff make it easy to follow clinician’s instructions. 8 Look out for news about our National User Groups in September – dates and locations to be confirmed. To register your interest email: 25% off EXACT™ with interest-free finance! The UK’s leading practice management software £500 off guru Helping to increase treatment plan acceptance by over 27% Don't miss out on these great show offers! Visit us at the Scottish Dental Show & Dentistry Live! 9 we arrange for an automated text message to go out to patients as a reminder at a predetermined date and time. Additionally, the system allows us to view who hasn’t received the message, prompting us to use another method to contact them. Strategically we can assess the percentage of failed appointments and analyse the most successful methods of patient communication. By David Nelson Clinical Director Cranmore, Belfast • Struggle through your patient database making telephone calls to try and fill the appointment? • Send a late cancellation fee to the patient and either lose the chair-time or hope for a lastminute booking? • Send a quick text message to your short notice “list” to try and fill the appointment? • 10 Or it may be the case that you hardly ever get any FTAs, because like me you use a text messaging service to remind patients of their appointment in advance so that if necessary they can reschedule with a reasonable amount of notice! Technology has progressed immensely in recent years. According to Ofcom, nine out of ten people own a mobile phone (91% in 2011) whilst one in seven households are now mobile-only. Whenever patients attend and complete their medical history form we ask for a contact mobile number and give them the option to receive reminders and recalls by text, email or letter. "Text messaging is a significantly cheaper option than either letters or phone calls. For today’s dental practices this means only one thing – patients are now more contactable than ever before. In fact, it would seem the latest trend is to text instead of talk, it’s quicker, cheaper and a more effective way for dental practices to send recalls, appointment reminders and other practice information. The majority of patients opt for a text messaging service and this has become our main method of patient communication. Converting to digital and working in a paperless practice not only ensures we promote our environmental credentials but also has a dramatic impact on costs - text messaging is a A, B, C or D? Text messages are invaluable to today’s modern dental practices, revolutionising recall and reminder processes by helping ease the burden of what used to be a laborious and timeconsuming task. So next time when someone asks what you "Text messages are invaluable to today’s modern dental practices, revolutionising recall and reminder processes." Text messaging - Miss it, miss an appointment! Imagine the scenario; a patient cancels 2 hours before their appointment. Do you: within EXACT™ we can quickly communicate between ourselves without leaving the chairside. significantly cheaper option than either letters or phone calls. Let’s be honest, without a reminder some patients simply forget about their appointments, so we send out text reminders 48 hours before the patient’s appointment. This gives them opportunity to cancel or reschedule if necessary, saving us time and fees when compared with last-minute cancellations. The result has been a remarkable reduction in FTA rates something which all practices can benefit from, especially in these difficult economic times! Sending text messages to thousands of patients is easy; don’t be fooled into thinking you have to type and send them out individually. With our dedicated practice management system Improved Customer Service Combining text messaging with the reporting element of our practice management system has enabled my welcome team to communicate with patients digitally and consequently work more efficiently. Their time is now used much more effectively; they are no longer too busy answering or making telephone calls all day. When a patient walks through the door there is always a member of the team readily available to help them with their queries. It’s this level of service we believe that sets us apart and ensures our patients remain loyal to the practice. Internal communication at our practice has adopted a more “texttalk” approach too. As a 3-level, 6-surgery practice, communication can be difficult, but using the Instant Messaging feature would do if a patient cancels two hours before their dental appointment make sure you reply with answers ‘C’ or ‘D’! People are contacted by text messages everywhere now; the gym, the hairdressers and even their local garage, so it’s only natural that dental practices gives them the odd gentle reminder too! *Ofcom (2011). A nation addicted to smartphones. Retrieved February 9, 2012, from uk/2011/08/04/a-nation-addicted-to-smartphones/ TEXT MESSAGING TOP TIP! Why not add a personal touch to text messaging and use them to wish patients ‘Happy Birthday’ or as a ‘pre-medication reminder’? Remember it’s the little things that count. 11 Sales and Marketing Director Greg Clay presented the Awards in the category of Dentist of the Year: “We are delighted to support the Dental Awards and to have so many of the winners using EXACT™, particularly in these most relevant of categories, demonstrates just what an impact this software solution is having on the efficient operation of these practices.” Geneva triumph raises funds for Dentaid for the past 10 years and has been considering the step up to the full 26 miles for a few years now. Brian planned a full training regime which saw him cover an astounding 1000 miles of training in the 6 months leading up to 12 President of Software of Excellence, Brian Weatherly, has set a high standard for his colleagues to meet and raised over £1400 for Dentaid by running his first ever full marathon on Sunday 6th May in Geneva. the race. He also mapped out a Brian, who is a keen runner has been competing in half marathons course in a very creditable 3 hours pacing plan for the race itself and was delighted that his plan worked to perfection, enabling him to run the 2nd 13 miles 1 minute quicker than he completed the first half of the race, finishing the whole Brian was particularly motivated to beat a time of 3 hours 40 minutes, as coming in under this time earned some additional money for his chosen charity, thanks to a pre-race agreement with SoE’s Sales Manager Ben Flewett who agreed to donate an extra £100 if this milestone was beaten. Brian has hung up his running shoes for a short period but will certainly be back for another marathon at some stage, however as yet he has no firm plans as to when or where this might take place. ble CPD V ifia er ble CPD V ifia er Click here to unlock your practice’s potential The winners were announced at a lavish dinner held in London at the end of April and EXACT™ winners included Practice Manager of the Year, Debbie Hutchinson, from The Crescent Specialist Dental Centre, and both Dentist of the Year North, Michael Gow of The Berkeley Clinic, Glasgow and Dentist of the Year South Zaki Kanaan who is Principal at K2 Dental in London. ble CPD V ifia er Don't forget to take our Best Practice Check Up! We are delighted to report that 8 category winners at the recent Dental Awards 2012 are EXACT™ users. Face the Challenge ble CPD V ifia er SoE news in the Henry Schein Minerva helps dentists Software of Excellence support Dental Awards Winners Henry Schein Minerva has joined forces with some of its leading manufacturing partners to bring an exciting, thoughtprovoking and practical event to dentists and DCPs. The event; “Face The Challenge 2012: Dental Innovations”, consists of 7 hours verifiable CPD including 2 hours covering the CORE subject of infection control and will take place on 6th July at the Hilton, Newcastle Gateshead. At a cost of just £50 per place for dentists and £35 for DCPs this full day event offers something valuable for every member of the dental team. With an impressive blend of practical, business and clinical presentations, Henry Schein Minerva has brought together an array of leading dental speakers and combined this with a chance to visit an extensive exhibition offering the chance to see many of the latest equipment and technology innovations in dentistry today. The highly influential James Goolnik is the event’s keynote speaker and as a practicing dentist he holds a practical, realistic view on how practices can meet the challenge of recession by developing a vision for the future. James will be followed by Brian Weatherly, President of Software of Excellence, who will provide some insightful illustrations as to how practices can analyse and monitor current performance and offers practical solutions for implementing strategies to improve business systems. Other speakers include Dr Rob Muirhead who explores the role of technology in practice and Laura Horton who explains why she believes 90% of non- clinical dentistry should be removed from the dentist, thereby providing a higher level of customer service. As a core CPD subject infection control is always a vital topic for practices and 2 distinct presentations will deliver important and highly relevant information to all members of the practice team. Places can be reserved for Face The Challenge 2012 by contacting Sue O’Rourke Tel: 029 2044 2818 or you can email Sue here. Book before 31st May 2012 and every dentist reservation will receive a DCP place FREE OF CHARGE. In addition every attendee will receive a FREE copy of James Goolnik’s best-selling book; BRUSH. 35 minutes and 56 seconds. 13 Cardiff User Group brings EXACT™ users up-to-date “Patients’ needs are continuously changing and consequently we have to keep up with what’s new and see which facilities can help develop the practice. Attending the LUG events helps us keep up-to-date with the latest innovations within the EXACT™ system.” focus SMS Replies on... Many practices are already discovering the benefits of text messaging as part of their recall and appointment reminder processes. Now SMS Replies are taking these processes a stage further allowing patients to respond to text recalls and appointment reminders sent from the practice. The new functionality built into the SMS Replies module enables efficient management of text communications giving managers the benefit of having immediate updates on patients’ attendance. Goodwin Partnership, The Dental Surgery. Over 30 practices were represented at Software of Excellence’s Cardiff Local User Group (LUG), held at Henry Schein Minerva’s Education Centre in Cardiff at the beginning of May. Free-to-attend, LUG events provide EXACT™ users with an update of new software features and the opportunity to discuss developments with other users. “What’s New with EXACT™” – Faith Griffin, Senior Business Analyst Faith referenced SoE’s recent market research which identified some of the “biggest issues” practices are currently facing; 1. Bureaucracy and regulation (16%) 2. Attracting patients (16%) 3. Retaining patients (9%) Helping overcome these concerns, Faith introduced the latest updates in EXACT™ version 10.16 which features new “Quick Charting”, giving users quick access to the services they chart and base chart most often. A “hover” menu is populated with the services used which can be customised or refreshed from the “most used” list. This feature was well received by the audience as they understood that this development would simplify and integrate the actions of observation and treatment planning in practice. Faith demonstrated how users can now manage “Appointment Bookings” more easily, incorporating a system whereby the appointment is initiated by the dentist or hygienist from the surgery leaving the reception desk to complete the process via a simple “drag and drop” feature. This professional recommendation for suggested appointment intervals is an important factor in encouraging patients to re-attend. An automatic reminder generated by the software reminds receptionists to gather patients’ email and mobile details if these fields in the patient record are empty. Highlighting the importance of collating such contact details, Faith introduced the new “SMS replies” feature, allowing patients to reply via text to a recall sent by the practice. Recession busting tools – Richard Lee Richard introduced users to the ‘Best Practice Check Up’ an online survey that identifies some of the key issues practices should be focusing on in their business. For those interested in implementing benchmarks to enhance practice performance in areas such as FTA rates and recalls, Richard introduced THRIVE, a programme which has provided over 250 practices with strategies and practical advice on how to perform more effectively. Bernard ended the evening with a Q&A session and some useful “Hints & Tips” for users to take away and implement in practice. Offering relevant and practical advice the event, the Cardiff LUG was a fantastic opportunity for users to find out more about EXACT™’s new features, network with likeminded professionals and meet with members of the sales and support team at SoE. The next scheduled LUG is in London on 20th June 2012. To register please contact Natalie on 0845 345 5767 or email If you would like SoE to arrange a Local User Group meeting in your area please email 14 • SMS replies from mobile numbers are recorded in EXACT™ and can be filed in the patient’s record • Replies are managed from a single screen using simple actions such as ‘Confirm Appointment’ and ‘Cancel Appointment’ • In-bound information is colour coded making it easier to identify and manage Get a personalised treatment plan for your practice! "Best Practice Check Up” is a unique, easy and complimentary new service that analyses performance using individual practice data. The report created from the “Best Practice Check Up” identifies where opportunities exist, enabling our business consultants to suggest innovative ways to maximise your competitive advantage. Click here to unlock your practice’s potential Review of Brian Weatherly's presentation given at BDA & Dentistry Live next issue: Hitting your inbox in June Greg Clay offers advice on how to attract new patients EXACT™ Version 11 - Launch plan and National User Groups ‘Send to a Friend’! Follow us on Twitter: @SOE_official Like us on Facebook: Software Of Excellence
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