THE STAR?MONDAY. MARCH 18, 1014 RITCHIE TO GIVE TOMMY MURPHY CHANCE «s.SS'K« i.unch ?- im«ii r. AT warmn's w DREAMLAND 4<lf»>ia«lon, HUGH FULLERTON VISITS THE TRAINING QUARTERS OF jfrwnW i UQUIof%f CLEVELAND NAPS ON SWING AROUND CAMPS IN DIXIE Jx reOTH FILLER ***** **### ***** ***** ***** By Hugh S. Fullerton ATMINI, Qm , 1"^ z - *"YtX. 'Xm HVtll* hi -xl »> ? ' ' i-nmaas wkiutlm . K»nr»*»lf Aitklom It I V fc**?«£riTr< P A.i««n \u25a0 * <? " F*»ufU* ?11 Mllto 4 ">\u25a0'?? '\u25a0" »»?? *?«(? STRAIGHT FROM THE FRONT ** .in They will have to wait for the peache* to \u25a0om before they will know whether that crop wa* hurt, ami In the Nap* It la the aamt> way I rather expected to find the *c*ra of tha Federal league assault allowing on the Cleveland tFar front It The ararw appear more «t« Charlie siouirra' pocket hook titan on the playing fThe temper mid ambition of tbe club appear better than la tiny oven of last spring Thru they preceding season were hopeful, but full of doubts Now they »r«> like a battalion that haa l»eeii under fire and learned confi- rH» AND STEWART 8 to 11 B. M. greet Entartaleare?B Clagi High Vaudavllla Cabaret Continuous AMERICAN CAfE Fbnrth snd Pl*» "Oo chn« youraalf, I'll Jump to tha Fed»," It th« way eome of the veterans are answering the man Mjirt at apring training camps tMla year. and that of the laat eight year* ha* liwn with It* manager nor I* there The team I* not serlottaly changed from la*t seasonmuch pro*peet of vital changes Th»« pitching department tnual be repaired and the hole* made by the Fed raid repaired. The !>«at prt>Hi«K°t 1 c*n see to iho trio of |o*t pitcher* U l.erah l.equlel llagvruian When thla tall fellow wa* with the Chicago He I* atlll * Cub* be waa 1 feet S Inches tall, and weighed atiout I#<» feet 3. but ha weigh* Jt'3. !«**( year Im> awepi the t'owat league and ha comes back older, heavier and *(ronger. Often the slended. tall pitcher reachea hla full power when he broadens out (mentally aa well aa phya- ? Effort ? raaacva Cabvet Vaudevilla I p. m. to 1 a. m. ? CASH PRIZES. K spply to PtrKtor. Thumday. Contestant* French Dinner With Bottle of Wine, 50c JUMPS? gome food shooting waa done at Sundav '* meeting of the Seattle Trapshooters' association held on 'Harbor Island Hugh moaning waa high gun. running up 8" faille* out of a poealhle 100. UMoVer. a novice, popped »2 bird* had won tha ad miration of the crowd. It appears that Roy Opple h*» ilii DENTISTS OHIO Idone a "Juwped to the Federals" Opple. who !? ail autoteur stunl. gunsman. ha* seldom been excelled of teeth at the Harbor Island trap* Sunday palnle*s he failed to *h#W np at the regular Amalgam filling ground*. instead deatoihrig (he bin* recks at the Green I.aHe Oun club's shoot He was Utgli r»n. smaaMng 4.1 out of M. $1 r6old Crowns... $3 PLAN r p«rtetoi» Bf idgework $3 Olub full Sets Teeth $5 & Up Any that work . prove doesn't satisfactory will ha repaired tree > of charge at any time. today. If yon In SOON Come fre« elimination and wish?for estimate WE STAND BACK OF OUR WORK FOR 12 YEARS' GUARANTEE (07 University St., 2nd snd UniFrasee* versity St- Opp Peterson Co. nSfflHB i aoeond 1« A match unique in court tenhistory wa* on nis schedule for today when the long talked of contest for the world'* rourt tennis championship between Jay Could. undl*puted and world tleorge a professional amateur K t'ovry, MAYBE IZKft THE I.AU YKIIH PUG WON'T SIGN VANCOrVIR. March l« -Owner Hrown admitted today that "Pug" Hennatt. *et#ran »- <-«nd baseman, and A! Illeaier probably would not be with the Vanoouter elnb this I loth are holdouts ?«aaOD llrown haa atao given out the news that < »lrh' r Check, obtained from ihe »',>aat I. -ague. and reported a* having )ump<-fi to the FVds, would romt her* to talk buslnens. WAS GOOD GAME TO THE EAST TRIAL CHIROPRACTIC OR 1 OSTEOPATHIC TREATMENT Any morning from ft-)* to 11 t4 until April 1, Jttat to roni'iniw thoea who want tb« baat that oara la the treatment that e»r#« all r»r*KA»r.A or mrw A 1.1. IHMKAMKM or WO Vf K.N rhronlo and many eo-railed , All tha newer natural methoda and mHiciM* Mr tr»a»mmt tor all !>*. ,p,nrtrnry, Impal r+4 Vitality and N 'fvogi nmymt lIfMJHf fall* Moure ?:»* a. rt, to ap. m Mundaye. I I \ Incurable ? to IS. Call or writa DR. MACY ftl'fctlAlJMT OlaN Bl4* . rirat m/u6 VudUaa, graft It 0-W. R. & TITLE TO FALL VJL.I The Shoe Repair' Man fit Union St.?7 ground to pitched clubs tho' i Their parasites mike them so. ITcbters. prutito'ors, referee*, all ring follower*. are rxpecu-d lu carry a ? ? ? luaftjuiti?Ab Wilt, Oi«*nU«d ktiir ? the greategt plST't It Ui'W»'' f). M iwben II Jumpa to tho »4*l -Olad to ?ct rid nf him: he's through. and besides ho'a a dlaor gaitlsor. O M (« h«n U. Jmupx back to organised baseball) player. b»U ? Packey a ?Ab. one 9hof>»?lloM*dl»on as TnnelHMe, A«t- 14-16 W. Harrison J. NUERNBERG Phone Queen Anne 3127 DR. C OANCINU la learn HIPPODROME I (in* that a legal victory doe* not purae. Al|l>e«lltig (always cop tfieagainst lo tha court* the decision nhrrtlty. fr'tftb mmd talfta OfrhMtfi ln«c laufbt hj C»mpM(ra« I»>plrc« (ta«t« TMfbvra. sort ?t SEATTLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY the Good* of the Following Merchants?-T hay Are Thoroughly Reliable *nd Select IMrector Vsn< e ha* completed arfcr the *moker to be given at the H A C. March JO The affair will be wound up with a battle royal between seven colored boys. Tortiand and Vancouver *111 send boxer* rangement* from PREPARE FOR SPRING up yt»ur f*tur« Front. Lot a» qu<»|f prlcM tor * n«« "I>u»la*m getting* Awnlnf "mart* In S*attl* lUtlmttrt Irr# IJvvn >ou ** LINQUIST & LUND 1104 THIRD AVE. ELLIOTT 534Q RESTAURANTS ' ' German Delicatessen Shop ARRANGE CARD PAY FOR OUOS Wisconsin At hie tic conmiladinn, *u«t><-ndtnc bin) for ? ye»r, However, Ute coiumltsion. h* van which the nourt said had foil'-d. \u25a0imply delivered the punch In a more technical waj. and Pacify will not fluht in Wisconsin fi* a C F. Baasch of thp ?1a THIRD AVI. CAFEB K V. ADAMS J. D. TUAUARD ye*r HOLD MEETING Plana for the King holaslic track meet county Inter st the aisle M*v J were din Csmpslgn to ralne fund* to aend missed bv tiiauduate Manager llorr the I'nlverslty of Washington crew and .14 principals of hlch *<-hool* East to romiiete at I'ouchkeepale' 'outside of Seattle, In the I'refon ha* started on the catnpu* taine building, Sunday *? university csmpua NEW YORK BOY WILL GET FIRST CRACK AT TITLE CHICAfIO, March IS?' flgn up Kltellle anuounced hern today Willie Hltnhl* for another match." that he did not Intend to meet auv he hud given Tommy MurIs the burden of hundred* of Chi* one unlll phv ii chain s nt the title ctt#o fight fan* In telegrams to Mll"The manager of .llmmy Duffy of - promoter* today. Look port, N. V.. offered in* a gimr Tl>« chain|>lnn l« popular a* a remill" of $10,000 fn fight 111* boy In sult of bla victory last wck ov«-r liiilfalo," said Kltrhn"I ntn itimAil anil lh<»y want to »eo alderlng It. After I meet Murphy glad ltuffy." him In action uKalu. I will be to bo* *»**»»** * grand Eddie AFTSR DOUGH f<»«( ? Olympic View Sanitarium, < Owner Oug experts a big holler from his ball players when hi- enforces ths new ruling put In effect by the national association that all minor league atb letes must deposit $30 on receipt of uniform* Th*- money t* turn cil back at tb<- end of the reason when the full equipment la returned to the r.lub. enoh ? McKarland |»rt' fr»# enoldH. Gastric Ulcer of the Stomach and Howels, Catarrh of the Bladder, Prostatitis In tun, all Bp*ol Dtaeaaes lo women; Hheumatlam of all forma; ftiaeaaea, Bplall Nervous lepay. Heart and Rcietna. aad many othera too numerous to It yog are In doubt, mention. write and 1 will give you names and addresses Of people I bav« cured. N. Union Pacific EX-SOX TO LEAP \u25a0 from Oregon Short Line "FRITZIE" FAILS TO QUALIFY AS A BIRD DOG AH team 2 southpaw of public wallet, with funds the dls|Mis*l of every camp fol lower and down and-oufer who Is tha Nstursl Wsy make* them prey. It's 60 cent* here, a dollar there He I*, unlike the business man, ex pected to lavishly entertain every By Graney one who halls him by his first I ran I dia» a pleasant prospect lie'* got to he a good felnsme ?A ride along this beanttfut river for the future years of presentlh« low. If be si-cnda lesa than *iOO a glvns you a scenic trip unsurpsnsed day fighter. month ha'a rated «« a piker. lo America What ring favorite, or. for that W hat chance ha a he to gnio a ?You can g<> through ffslt t.ske matter, what other profe«ahmal ath- substantial foothold la any comCity leaver (without addisnd lete. ever I«m nines a slice*** Id the munity* To buy property, he's got tional e»l>ens«') business world. except, perhaps, as to make money In big sums. Bo owner <if a saloon or cafe* rare la this that when a successful VIA THE Today the winners awaaxer down fighter does boy property valued at the street with hat and cane, and IIS,OOO. let * say, he gets a million mane plastered over their eyes. dollars' worth of publicity Tomorrow they're bums Of course, Is It any wonder that most ot there are exceptions. but they only thctn Income paupers? boms -after etnphsslse the rule i a few years of victory* doom htm to pauperism when hi* That, say* Eddie has set Grim*?, famous referee, In what uiakra the game the most precarious of any to which a man an dsvote his energiesEllTTOß ) star AWAIT BATTLE ? A FIGHTER STRUTS TODAY; BUT TOMORROW HE'S A BUM (The rump follower* of the prlte ring arc th» vampires who drain the fighter of hi* fruits of victory, snd Klion and WUllama fumUhed a exhibition In their match In the White Home Pkrlor'a handicap pockat billiard tournament Sunday AND A number of baseball men Inter- afternoon, the former the victor by ests! In the organization of a six- a acore of 100 to *7 fn the even league, to be known aa the Ing'a match Karreii triumphed over Washington State league, met In Fadden, 10" to Three Fine Trains Daily lielllogham Sunday to go over the The new league la Intend*! plans. to the East to succeed the Western Trl-Stat# league, which failed Cities to be You will enjoy the advantsgea of Kicctrlc lllork Slg Included are Helllngham. Kverett. IM'TTK. Mont. March If Hog. Hteel Coaches Olympla, Aberdeen. Centralla and Ing fans here anxiously await the nala- -Standard i'wlluian sud Tourist Chehalls gong that sends Monte Attell and Jimmy Fox. featherweights, toge'hi-r In the ring hern tonight The winner meet* Jimmy Carroll, prominent coast boxer, who Is now In Seattle SAN FRANCISCO. March 1« fiuck O'Flrlen. former Hoston Tied Sox pitcher, snd later sold to Oak land, may Jump to the Federal* O'ltrlen haa requested that Oakland turn him over to Indianapolis If Word ha* been received from Ray this is refused. O'Brien says he will < ainpbell. the Seattle acrapper, to Jump. the effect that he ha* added another win to hla recent atrlnic of vlctorte* Ilia Inteat achievement waa the dofeat of Eddie Moran In 10 faat rounda at Brooklyn A BERIiEKN, March Id The feathrrweUht champlonahlp of the To he beard at P'lit'a N'orfhweat will he claimed by to A little man fllKht a winner of the Jockey BenFor firat baaa triad, nett-Te* Vernon battle at thla place And than a can The bout ta acheduled to go elirht To him mi tied ronnda §? FREE TIIK rKnrRA.I. WAS Jt'ST OROAS roil THK BENEFIT OF" LEA(ii'R champion, began Never before ha* an played a profe**lonal amateur for thl* htgfc title The matrh started today will continue tomorrow and Wednesday. claaay A LEAGUE forme other day and handed th<-iu the ahort end "i a 4 to-3 score He was touched for ? Hwam tl feet Tha Mr agslnat the CLEANS 'EM UP 1 nnuica loft. taain than thay did a and pot****lng mora MEET UNIQUE rHH.AnKl.rillA. Seattle I'nlted and fort 1-awtnft battled to a one all tie on the Wood land park ground* Hunday afternoon. Although the I'nlted entered the fray reputed to be the stronger, the soldiers battled them to a atfcjid atlU. and very nearly eopped. OPPIE \u25a0ethod. >n< ? March ? IV 4 DUG IS AS ENTHUSIASTIC AS over ovor Walter M ilia, tho young semi-pro plti;h< r KrablMfl In California Mails la a left hander and strength. SOCCER NOTES amateur EVERY FRIDAY We aiafe* ft specialty without platos by onr ? ? Charles KhbetAaliouldJump to tbe Federal loaiTHe so he could help dedicate those new park* five hlugles. night Haitian* H* ? ? 0(»r, If yon art a sufferer from asthma In any form. It will I have pav you to investigate. of 30 years' cured asthma standing, not in Boa to u utd Now York but here In Seattle and town* around Seattle, and I have not failed In one of th'-rn. Now, If you are a sufferer from tMa dlaeaae and can't sleep nlghta. I will give relief at on'-e and a cure In time. The following diseases I will absolutely cura: Asthma, Bronchitis. Catarrh In all Its ? Hoollk doesn't proinUe much. BUI Jame* look* better thl* season, now man. I> Oregg and Walker are mere pro*p»<'l*. with no line on thani »*v* tholr minor leagua form. Tha playara wbo have worked with hlin like Bowman. There I* not likely to he any material change In the rwgular team ao the only added ureng'h will be lu the understudies. There are plenty of them. nu»*t of them being well tried material-- Itoy Wood, froui Slnut City. (Seorge Ihinbip from the Canadian and llruce Hartford from llUaHulngton l>elug the new colli era, Btn\e O'Neill, wboae catching wa* a *en*atlon laat *ea*on. will ha tha mainstay behind the plate, with Bill Cart«ti aa flrat Haaaler, Hilling* and (Hilda are the helper*, litddu, from the New York State leaaue, 1* touted highly lie I* stock), strong and he hit 2.11 do« n there Hilling* hit Sfto for Qulncy and Hasaler waa tried out by the Nap* last year, \u25a0found too young and sent to Toledo for seasoning, (hen re called He la only It now, and very proniUlng Summing up, the Nap* look a batter yaar ago?^mora confidant of thamaalvea ? ? IF THE FEDS SHOULD START their raUl on th<* contract players. I'iillertoo aaya he know* TWO TKA.MH THAT WOl liD OO OVKIt IN A BODY a a DREYFUS, BARNEY PITTS bur* president, has erltten to Dug 10 the effect Hint, should the I'l rate* retain Charley P*ullerton lat or than April 9 a check for $1,200. which It the naDi"' a* drafting price, will be sent and Qlmitll. Proprietor ? 1 TO EAT ? KotHtki nn4 K»»l«r Asthma! Bronchial Asthma! 110 looka like fJcorK" Mut ? on all tuonay r III), the former Tlk't atari and Jennine* hulleve* thit flu- resent Itlanoe will go beyond mere look* Iraltv) A PLACE K.ialfr li<Miklrta, «nl« no* rrndy IT COST THE DETROIT Tl K'T« SlO.flOO to ft Itiilph Comet-ck, the rlKhttmnd »;?<tt>nll artist who »»» th" [iflllo Of I'll C\u25a0< IItil toll IllKl peason. you 7&r A f*v t'f *ti* *h' \u25a0.r> r«?-I|#t of yrl' m fcr to Knalsr e*iih 4'mr*l« froril I9C doft !? ll* »s< h now Ordtr I Ml M»tKf.TY trORKI 111.1 rir«| A»Wf ifllr, FREDDIE There la iv doubt but that lllrmlnghatii haa hi* men better In hand th«<> ar* mom lu ayutpathv with hi in than any Cleveland tram ?«*?«< h »""« ' > tnr»Hfi«|l II * have nrlntjiig orders DOPELETS mall FRANK P. NOLAN 1407 Fifth Ava. I.'e will dence In It* conimatwler SCENIC CAFE FIRST Fullorton " *"»«? %"». JJLC route yard JVAVY |L . ? Prat March I# ~Clevsland'a loam, calculate. » InmlllS 1 * of GETTING FULLERTON'S HOT STUFF already ahot 10 Federal*. and Ju*t rallying from tha shock, hat had another aarloua *et bach In tha miscarriage of training plan* Jul! how much tha v*e*k of ram and *now, follow*'! by tha Coldest weather of tha yaar In Georgia, ha* damaged tha Napa' pannant chances, It hard to placaa by the by from j ' ih« eafHf. cm nmt your Older I M . Mr. Out-of-Town Buyer ***** ?> I lAUtr* FKKf .""""""" M I Iv \uJ 25a0 1 iPmnt m Tl« |g«|« ..t. i TOniOIIT ftirfudinK ,««««« ? ? ? population Ireland'* been cut in two in the i-entury And with a few morr hnaeimll lentnet! land will tw tlrelv ? Seattle Friday: ?1# Flut Artatt 311 Hilftl HtwH FUNERAL DIRECTORS running, lr# d>'pi>|UiiMt*d fa ? op«nn apriiiß training second day He did the tame; He felt at If he Could play a game. Whan the third day came And he tried to fling He put his arm Into a (ling, Wf shall not mar the mcndorMi humiliate you or belittl* oxr prt> fnjiolon by bidding (or the burial or cram at lon of your loved ohm. I>et us know your wishes and th«f will be compiled with. BUTTERWORTH & SONS MORTICIANS 1921 FIRST AVSNUC KLEIN'S SHOE HOSPITAL,6I3-2adAv. NHT TO ~ SACREDNESS ? The fleet day out. He was feeling great; He was out there early And out tljere late. On the The Mecca ban last ICTLO IIPTIL WORDS BY SCHAEFER-MUSIC BY macdonalp
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