How to evaluate a true DSP.

How to evaluate a true DSP.
A DSP should protect the media planner/advertiser interest by keeping the floor
prices down. An SSP on the other hand should try to raise the floor prices to secure
the publishers interest. Hence operating a DSP and an SSP simultaneously would
create a conflict of interest.
The DSP must provide a fully self-service interface. Clients should be able to have
complete control via the interface and build an expertise around its use.
If the DSP provides managed services help to the agency, the DSP should be using
the same interface that the agency would be using.
The DSP must remain neutral and have zero allegiances to any publishers, exchanges
or other vendors. A true DSP should embody the word “platform” and not just be
conduit or pretty interface to a pre-existing business.
The DSP must be fully transparent, starting with pricing and fees. But also how it
makes use of data layers, optimization and how it conducts profiles.
The DSP should not mark-up media cost without the agency knowing.
If the DSP works with a publisher directly, it should be in an effort to make that
publisher’s inventory “biddable.” The DSP should not earn any additional margin
from revenue sharing with the publisher or arbitraging the inventory.
The DSP must allow the agency to use its own exchange seats. This allows the
agency to always have visibility into the exact cost of media to ensure the DSP is not
taking any additional margin.
The DSP’s goal should be to expose any feature or tool that a supply source provides
(either ad exchange or data provider) and not to try and obfuscate/hide or re-brand
certain components (ex. “DSP Auto Segment #1″, with no transparency into what
that means). If a supply source provides it, the DSP should expose it for the agency
self-service and let the agency decide whether to use it or not.
The DSP should not “bulk buy” media in order to re-sell to its clients. This could
either be a function of another way to make margin, a lacking of technology, or a
combination of the two.
Related to the above, the DSP should not take on media risk. Every impression
should be purchased on behalf of a platform user at that time based on an active
campaign that that platform user has created targeting that impression.
For more information please contact:
Delta Projects Danmark
Flæsketorvet 68, 1. Sal
1711 `København V
Telefon: 70 25 16 38
Country Manager, Bine Aagaard Johanson