How to write a risk assessment The University has a Duty of Care for its staff, students and visitors. To comply with this Duty of Care and current health and safety regulations, it is necessary to make a risk assessment for all of our activities. The University’s Safety and Risk Office and School Web pages contains forms, which will be useful in making the risk assessment. A proforma is included as Appendix 1. An example of a risk assessment for microbiological research (Appendix 2) is attached. A more specialized risk assessment is needed for some work, such as genetically modified organisms (see Dr. P.C. Morris). Essentially, it is necessary to consider and document the hazards associated with the work, determine the level of risk associated with these hazards, itemize procedures taken to minimize/control the risks, document any training needs, consider the level of risk after instigating control measures, and determine the nature of any further action needed. NATURE OF THE HAZARDS: A consideration of hazards would include: 1. Pressure vessels – these could explode 2. Burns/scalds – from autoclaves, equipment with heating elements, hot water and Bunsen flames 3. Micro-organisms - these could cause infections 4. Chemicals - these could be toxic, inflammable or explosive when used single of in mixtures 5. Radionuclides these could lead to long term health problems 6. Trips and falls – from items left inadvertently on floors. 7. Electrical hazards – electric shocks 8. Cuts/injections – from broken glass, sharps, needles 9. Explosion hazards – from mixtures of chemicals 10. Centrifuges. – these could fail leading to an explosive release of the head. 11. Other equipment 12. Display screen equipment. – could lead to eye strain and/or repetitive strain injuries 13. Fire – from equipment, solvents or chemical reactions. 14. Manual handling – could lead to back injuries This list is illustrative, and it is accepted that the actual hazards in the workplace may be different. PERSONS AT RISK Then, it is necessary to list those individuals considered to be at risk. These individuals should be signatories to the risk assessment. LEVEL OF RISK The level of risk is usually categorized as “Low”, “Medium” or “High”, and will reflect the likelihood of exposure to the risk (see Appendix 2). 1 CONTROL MEASURES: This section will describe the means by which the risks associated with the various hazards are reduced. Control measures may include the adoption of a different (safer) technique, a reduction in the exposure to the hazard and/or the use of personal protective equipment, e.g. laboratory coats/disposable gloves. For examples see Appendix 2. LEVEL OF RISK AFTER INSTIGATING CONTROL MEASURES Then, it is appropriate to consider the risks after taking means to prevent or reduce the risks. TRAINING NEEDS Any training needs must be documented in a separate section. NATURE OF FURTHER ACTION NEEDED: This could include investigating alternative (safer) procedures or medical surveillance. 2 APPENDIX 1Proforma RISK ASSESSMENT REFERENCE NUMBER: TITLE: LOCATION OF WORK: DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: NATURE OF THE HAZARDS: 1. PERSONS AT RISK: LEVEL OF RISK: Low/Medium/High CONTROL MEASURES: LEVEL OF RISK AFTER INSTIGATING CONTROL MEASURES: Low/Medium/High TRAINING NEEDS: NATURE OF FURTHER ACTION NEEDED: PREPARED BY: DATE: COUNTERSIGNATURE: DATE: DISTRIBUTION: Personnel; Work place; File copy 3 APPENDIX 2 Example (A Risk Assessment for microbial pathology research) RISK ASSESSMENT REFERENCE NUMBER: (to be added in School Office) TITLE: Research in microbial pathology LOCATION OF WORK: DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: The nature of the work reflects research into the pathogenicity of bacteria associated with the aquatic environment and with diseases. The work involves the manipulation of bacterial cultures, preparation and use of bacteriological media, and a limited amount of biochemistry involving the isolation and characterisation of purified sub-cellular components associated with pathogenicity and/or enzyme activity. The work is not regarded as being especially hazardous, but staff and students MUST exercise care and attention to minimise risks of contamination both to themselves and others in the laboratory. NATURE OF THE HAZARDS: 1. Pressure vessels. Use of portable autoclaves operating under high pressure (typically 121oC for 15 min). These autoclaves are used for approximately 1-2 hours each working day. The hazard reflects the presence of hot steam under pressure, which could lead to scalds. In addition, there is an explosion hazard. 2. Burns/scalds – from autoclaves, hot water (such as from the hot water tap) and Bunsen flames 3. Micro-organisms (COSHH, 2002; Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens). This is the major area of concern in the laboratory. Personnel use a range of Category (Hazard Group) 2 pathogens including Aeromonas spp. (predominantly A. hydrophila and A. salmonicida), enterics (including Yersinia ruckeri), Listeria monocytogenes, and Vibrio spp. (including V. anguillarum, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus). Also, unknown isolates may be received for identification. The problem with the cultures is that of the development of disease. This may result from accidental ingestion, inhalation or self-injection leading to clinical disease. 4. Chemicals (COSHH, 2002) Antibiotics and other pharmaceutical compounds (chloramphenicol, furazolidone, nalidixic acid, oxolinic acid, oxytetracyline, nitrofurantoin and sulphonamide are present in 1-20 g quantities in the refrigerator in the laboratory) could lead to skin irritation (following direct skin contact), respiratory distress (following inhalation) and in extreme circumstances to severe allergic type reactions (predominantly by inhalation). The hazard concerns exposure to the pure compounds by direct contact with the skin or via the air (uptake via the respiratory route). Aryl methane dyes, i.e. crystal violet that is present in the laboratory, are used in biological stains. These compounds may be regarded as carcinogenic (the most likely 4 risk is by skin absorption). An additional concern involves inhalation of the powdered dye and the possible development of respiratory distress. Solvents. One-litre quantities of absolute ethanol, 95% methanol and acetone are kept in screw capped glass bottles within a metal solvent cupboard. One hundred millilitre quantities of these solvents are contained in glass bottles, and used for decolorizing biological stains and for chemical extractions. The most likely hazard stems from fire and explosion. Disinfectants. Sodium hypochlorite, in 5 litre containers, is stored in the laboratory, and used as a disinfectant. Small (200 ml) volumes of diluted (0.1% v/v) Chloros is contained in open polypropylene containers, as disinfectant. Direct contact with the skin or eyes could result in (chemical) burns. 5. Trips and falls – from items left inadvertently on floors. 6. Electrical hazards (Electrical at Work Regulations, 1989) – electric shocks from sockets; problems (electric shocks) from unsafe equipment 7. Cuts/injections – from broken glass, sharps, needles 8. Explosion hazards – from the inadvertent mixing of chemicals; solvents. 9. Centrifuge. There is the possibility that an improperly balanced centrifuge could fail, causing the centrifuge head to become detached and released explosively from the machine leading to severe injury. 10. Display screen equipment. Two computers are available for use by the staff and students. Separate risk assessments have been made, and for the staff eye examinations are arranged on a rolling three-year programme. The hazards concern eyestrain, headaches and repetitive strain injury. 11. Fire – from solvents, chemicals and paper (ignited by Bunsen flames and spontaneous self-ignition). PERSONS AT RISK a. Staff and students who use the laboratory. b. Visitors. LEVEL OF RISK 1. Low (this assumes that the autoclave is used strictly according to the manufacturers instructions; fortunately, the electric autoclave has sufficient automatic fail safes to reduce further any concerns). 2. Moderate (due to the regularity that staff and students use hot water, autoclaves, and Bunsen burners, it is considered that there is a moderate risk of minor burns and scalds despite the presence of warning notices). 3. Low (the cultures used in the laboratory are not harmful pathogens, and the risk of harm resulting from their use is considered to be “low”) 4. Low (The quantities in the laboratory are low, and with current practices observed during the assessment and the irregular use of these chemicals, a realistic risk of harm is “low”). 5. Low 6. Low (high voltage items are not present; all electrical items, i.e. computers, printers, refrigerators, deep freezers, centrifuges, mixers and spectrophotometers) 5 have current PAT testing stickers, and providing that the items are handled sensibly then the risk of a problem occurring is deemed to be extremely low) 7. Moderate (with care, cuts or self-injection should not occur, but it is realized that minor cuts/grazes may possibly occur) 8. Low (this is extremely unlikely to occur given the nature and quantities of the chemicals contained in the laboratory, and the regularity of their use). 9. Low (the proviso is that the equipment is handled properly). 10. Low (the level of use of the two computers is <1 hour daily). 11. With current practices, the level of risk is deemed to be low. CONTROL MEASURES: Current control measures are deemed to be adequate. In terms of the specific hazards: 1. Before attempting to use the autoclaves, staff and students must familiarize themselves with the instruction manual and receive training from the technician in charge of the laboratory. The work necessitates the use of autoclaves, all of which are regularly tested, and have current certificates (for pressure vessels) and electrical safety (PAT testing). The risks associated with autoclaves reflect burns caused by individuals who touch the outside of the vessel. Personnel need to regularly reminded that there is not any need to feel an autoclave. The gauge provides the necessary information about temperature. The message is to keep hands off the surface of the autoclave! A second problem is concerned with scalds caused by venting the autoclave rapidly when it is under pressure. This is unacceptable, and must not occur! Also, personnel must not try to open the autoclave when it is under pressure. The gauge provides the information about whether or not the autoclave is under pressure and/or cooling. However, it is virtually impossible to open modern autoclaves when they are under pressure but it is essential that personnel do not try! A third potential problem reflects the explosion of glass bottles upon removal from the autoclave. This happens when filled bottles (of ≥50 ml volume) are tightly sealed, and the sudden difference in pressure causes them to fracture and even to explode. This risk may be minimized by ensuring that the caps of all bottles are loose; and after autoclaving ensuring that the liquid inside the bottle is not bubbling prior to removal of the bottle. In any case, wear heat resistant (autoclave) gloves, and keep bottles at arms length. Previously, there has been injury and death caused by explosion of autoclaves. Also, severe injuries have resulted from the explosive release of the lid when the autoclave is under pressure. Modern autoclaves – including those in Room S13 – are safe if used properly. 2. Hands must be kept away from autoclaves (there is no need to feel the surface – the temperature gauge will provide the necessary information). Heat resistant (autoclave) gloves must be worn when lifting/moving containers of hot/boiling water. Keep hands away from the hot water tap (these taps have now been labeled to indicate the presence of “very hot water”– if you see the water steaming, it can be reliably assumed that the temperature is ≥60oC. The biggest problem for burns is undoubtedly unguarded Bunsen flames. The risk may be minimized by extinguishing the flame when finished with the work; minimizing the height of the flame (most work with the Bunsen burner involves sterilizing 6 inoculating loops – a small flame of ≤10 cm works just as well as a large flame; and adjusting the air hole on the Bunsen burner so that the flame may be seen (if the air hole is completely open, the flame is virtually invisible). It is good practice to ensure that there is a clear space around Bunsen burners, which MUST be kept well away from colleagues and overhanging shelves. 3. The cultures could cause disease following infection by injection, inhalation, or orally. The procedures for Category 2 pathogens, as detailed in the Safety Booklet MUST be followed. A synopsis of the regulations taken from the HSE Regulations Governing Work with Pathogens has been included in Appendix 1. In all work with microorganisms, person protective equipment (PPE), namely a properly fastened microbiological laboratory coat must be worn. If contamination is suspected, the contaminated object should be placed in an autoclave bag and sterilized at 121oC for 15 minutes. Surface spills may be disinfected – 0.1% (v/v) Chloros is effective but a contact time of one minute is necessary. To protect the individual, household style rubber gloves should be worn. The disinfected surface/object will then need to be washed carefully with tap water to remove the Chloros, which is a powerful bleach. The rubber gloves may be washed in flowing tap water to remove the residual disinfectant. 4. Data sheets MUST be consulted for each chemical if there is doubt about its safety. There are two classes of compounds that could pose problems, i.e. pharmaceutical compounds (principally antibiotics) and stains (particularly aryl methane dyes). Skin absorption may be prevented by wearing PPE, i.e. disposable gloves (this is especially recommended if it is known that the individual has an adverse reaction to any given compound). Thereafter, the used gloves must be placed in the autoclave bags for sterilization and disposal with the standard bacteriological waste. Also, the compounds should be weighed (and used) in laminar airflow cabinets. If a compound does come into accidental contact with skin, wash thoroughly with tap water. On no account should any compound be brought into contact with the mouth. By use of gentle techniques, manipulations in the fume cupboards/clean air cabinet, airborne dispersal of a chemical may be eliminated – do not deliberately breathe in any dust produced during weighing or mixing procedures. Disposable gloves must not be worn outside the laboratory. If the gloves are contaminated then there is a risk that the contaminating material could be transferred to door handles, and therefore, other individuals could become contaminated. To reduce any risk associated with the use of solvents, it is essential that they are stored in the appropriate solvent cupboard. Solvents must never be used in the presence of naked flames (solvent vapours could all too easily ignite). Also solvents must not be mixed, unless there is good chemical evidence that such mixtures are not potentially dangerous (causing explosions or increased amounts of potentially flammable vapours). Small quantities or ethanol, methanol and acetone may be disposed down the laboratory sinks providing that disposal is accompanied by copious quantities of tap water. Although there was no evidence 7 in the laboratory for the presence of ethers, these compounds are extremely volatile and disposal is by means of collection in designated Winchester bottles and transfer to the School stores for later removal by a contractor. Although there was not any evidence for the presence of strong acids or alkalis, workers are reminded that work with such chemicals poses extra risks that must be considered if use is contemplated. 5. Items must NOT be left on the floor for others to trip over. Personnel need to be aware of any items, which could be left on the floor. 6. Electrical items must not be used if they have not been tested or the test is out of date (there should be a sticker on the plug). If an electrical item is seen with an out-of-date sticker, the technician in charge of the laboratory must be informed. The item will either be electrically tested or the plug removed before placement in storage. Hands/fingers must be kept well away from electrical sockets and well away from the conducting pins on the plugs 7. Broken glass or glass fragments must not be picked with bare hands. Damaged glass objects should not be used. Sharps and razor blades are inherently sharp, so to minimize the risks of cuts/stab wounds these items should NOT be left on benches/floors or other surfaces. When changing the blade, the use of forceps is recommended. In short, THERE IS NO NEED TO TOUCH SHARPS/BLADES. Broken glass, needles, syringes and sharps must NEVER be discarded into the black general refuse sacks. Instead, these items must be placed into the designated container. Needles – self-injection is mostly a problem when the cover is being replaced. Minimize any risk of self-injection by keeping fingers well away from the tip of the needles, and by placing the needle (without first replacing the cover) directly into the discard bin. 8. Mixtures of chemicals/solvents may become explosive or poisonous. In essence, chemicals must not be mixed unless you are certain of the result. Solvents must always be used/kept well away from sources of ignition, particularly naked flames; the solvent containers must be kept well sealed and stored in the designated solvent cupboards. Chemicals must not be disposed of down sinks without first verifying with the safety sheet that the procedure is an acceptable means of disposal. 9. The manufacturers instructions must be followed before use of the centrifuge. Also, the user must ensure that he/she is familiar with the instrument. The technician in charge of the laboratory will give instruction. To minimize any risk, it is essential that the centrifuge head is properly fastened, the centrifuge tubes are properly balanced, the lid properly fastened, and speed of operation kept within the manufacturers guidelines, i.e. the centrifuge must not be used at speeds in excess of 4,000 r.p.m. 10. Use of the computers has been assessed separately. The height, angle and brightness of the screen need to be adjusted to suit each user. Also, the chairs are 8 of adjustable height and angle to suit the users. Footrests are available. Users are encouraged to take regular breaks, but the current usage is very low. 11. Solvents must be kept well clear of any source of ignition, specifically Bunsen burners. A clear zone must be kept around Bunsen burners, which should be positioned on heatproof tiles. Bunsen burners must be kept clear of shelves, papers, and all chemicals. LEVEL OF RISK AFTER INSTIGATING PROCEDURES TO MINIMIZE THE RISKS: 1. Low 2. Low 3. Low 4. Low 5. Low 6. Low 7. Low 8. Low 9. Low 10. Low 11. Low TRAINING NEEDS: None identified for the current personnel. NATURE OF FURTHER ACTION NEEDED: • The draft University’s Lone Working Policy will impact on some activities of some personnel, especially research students. Consideration will need to given to this policy as soon as the contents are revealed. • Any further activities not covered by this risk assessed must be assessed additionally. PREPARED BY: DATE: Professor B. Austin June 25, 2004 DISTRIBUTION: All laboratory personnel; notice board; safety file. SIGNATORIES: DATE TO BE REVISED: June 25, 2005 9 APPENDIX 1 (synopsis of the regulations governing work with Category 2 pathogens). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Microbiological pattern laboratory coats, properly fastened, must be worn in the laboratory. They must be removed before leaving the laboratory - on no account should laboratory coats be worn in tea rooms, offices, the library or other public areas. Laboratory coats should not be worn outside laboratories and never in a room in which eating, drinking or smoking is permitted. Laboratory coats should not be modified in any way. Laboratory coats should be autoclaved at 121oC for 15 min if contamination is suspected and routinely before sending to the laundry Always work on the assumption that the organisms you are dealing with are pathogens and observe appropriate precautions. Smoking, eating, chewing, drinking, applying cosmetics, storing of food and drink must not take place in the laboratory. Keep fingers, pens, pencils etc. away from your mouth Mouth pipetting must not take place Hands must be washed with soap and water when contamination is suspected, after handling potentially infective material and before leaving the laboratory. Work in a tidy manner ensuring that no unnecessary equipment or glassware is left lying around. All contaminated articles not suitable for flaming should be discarded into disinfectant of which 0.1% (v/v) sodium hypochloride, eg. "Chloros", is effective for Category 2 pathogens. Petri dishes containing cultures should be placed in Sterilin bags for autoclaving at 121oC for 15 minutes). A spore strip (obtainable from Oxoid) should be included to verify inactivation of the micro-organisms. Do not lick labels (moisten them with water from the tap) or touch your mouth with finger, pen or pencil. Do not bring bags, clothing or other personal effects into the laboratory since they may become contaminated. Do not mouth pipette cultures of micro-organisms: use a safety bulb with a pipette plugged with cotton wool. Access will be limited to authorised personnel and other workers with a legitimate reason for access. The door should be kept closed when work is in progress and an appropriate sign "Containment Level 2 work in progress" displayed. Bench working surfaces if not of an approved type must be covered with "Benchkote" and this must be replaced when damaged. Outdoor clothing, handbags, briefcases, etc must not be brought into the laboratory. During normal working care must be taken to minimise production of aerosols e.g. capped tubes should be used for mixing and centrifuging. Bench working areas must be disinfected with dilute sodium hypochlorite after spillages and routinely at the end of each working day. Waste materials must be disposed of safely. In particular, contaminated materials must be totally immersed in disinfectant or autoclaved before disposal. If 10 contaminated materials are to be transported to another laboratory for autoclaving they should be placed in an autoclave bag. 22. Accidents including minor cuts and abrasions must be reported and appropriate action taken. e.g. minor cuts should be cleaned and covered with a waterproof dressing. 23. A copy of the code of Practice has been posted in each microbiology laboratory and must be brought to the attention of personnel involved. Further information on work involving microorganisms, may be obtained from "Guidelines for Microbiological Safety" issued by the Joint Co-ordinating Committee for the Implementation of Safe Practices in Microbiology. 11
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