,NH KK'I'-LEADEE THURSDAY, FEBKUAKY 25, 1954 PAGE THRE1E Plan Fathers' Night In Romantic Operetta Role Girl feds United^^Churchwomen * Man For World Day of Prayer Observed by PTA Mm, Dftiwrcit Honored At 95th Birthday Party Clubwomen Hear Talk by Artist 'Ah WOODBRIDOE — A »te*dy strum or caltan vbited the Woodlbrldge — Three separate can Indians, migrant workers and home of Mrs. Belle Dfmarwrt, - St. E l l a s ' I8EUK ~ At a meotltifi of Iselir. AVENEL - An art demonrti*service* have been planned by the low - income Tarm communities 102 Grove Avenue, Saturday, to Uon was (riven by Charles Miller, School 15, P.T.A., February 18, « BS the setting United Churchwomen of WOIKJ- "will bpneflt Christian universities nrl, conrr»tuUt« her on h«r 95th Avenri, at a meeting of the Avtnej ,, n f Miss Rosemarle brids* In observance of World Day throughout the world will also be combined program was held for birthday, Founders Day and Fathers NiRht,. Woman's Club held In the Aventl at Pray«r on,March 5. aided. ullI hUT of Mrs. Bart The nonocenarlan rrorivfd School. After a short business session The flr»t jervlce will be held at man; gVit, cards, mwwftrt »nd l,Hwrence Street. presided over by the president. Mrs. Miller, president of the the Mrat Presfoyterlan Church, tetarrttiM, Incladlng * telegram Mrs. Lloyd Harayda, the p r ^ Railway Art Center, who t u InFrank De , , n n k ue Binuinc W o o d b r l d f e l t 2 P. M., where from Mayor Hugh B. Qulrley. gram was presented under the ditroduced by Mrs. Harold Schiller, , J. I. Michael Serdln- J o n n Havea, , n a t l v p o f rection of Mrs. R. Finn. program chairman, spoke on and Mr. and Mrs. Mt- Islands, near the Pljl Islands, will <>( The honored guest and speakripmorntratfd painting, and MM , 52 Claire Avenue, er was Mrs. John Pauliis. vice that the current Interest In art be the guest speaker. He Is now president of the New Jersey Cong'may be due to the Increased pres* t\ nioriiillR. Rev. C. A. studying at the Drew Theological Ht the dou- Seminar* Madison. sura of modem living. ISEUN - Mrs. atorge Bedlak ress of Parents and Teachers and Rev. William Klnz.le, assistant was named chairman' of money- County chairman cf Pounder? .•vi'iiioiiyHe mentioned President EisenDay. Her topic was "rfistory and a baby blue ny- pastor of the local Methodist hower, Winston Churchill and i mulching accesorle*. Church, will be the guest speaker raising projects a t a meeting of A ( . c o m p U g hmer,t 5 of the National ISE1JN - - Tentative plans to other urea* men who are actively >nay of sweetthe Woman's Auxiliary of the IseCongress of Parents ami Teacliof trie seoottd service to. be soonil a »nlarur Its headquarters on the interested in art. Mr Miller ,,.d'baby's breath. lored by I/he youth of the local lin Lions Club held at the home ers." a rtill llf« picture in ppisLincoln Hlfilway were made at a (|;1nt.s were Mitt Anne churches at the First Presbyterian Other guests were Mrs. Joseph of Mrs. Stanley Caado, 15 Flat th tols at the »nd then the ,'r bridegroom's slater Church at, 1:30 P.M. Till, p a s t state membership mfetl|i8 of the Iselin First Aid picture was presertt«L»to Mrs, Avenue, nnif, Bahway.Mr. and At 8 P. M. the service will Inchairman; Mrs. Russel Hanvr, Squad. Danid Levy. presldent.'-Mter U» i kv will make their clude ft drama, "These Others," It was announced that Mrs. past president oft Middlesex CounIt was reported that durlnR the* tlemons* ration. -•iiiway on returning to be presented at the Avenel William Dangeli Is making a ty Council; Patrick Boylan, prinpant month 21 calls were nmd*v Mrs. Levy oprnrd the mfetlnf 'linn trip to Washlng- Prwtoyterlan Church. oMchwork apron to toe filled with cipal of School No. 1; Mr. Boylan 194 miles w w covered and 112 with a p r a y r , and the reading of There will be special music at was principal of School No. IS a t man hours Riven, There were four « piYm In commpmoratlon of ,t it ended Woodbrldge all three services, aocordlne to money for the Iselin Public Li- the organisation of the present , accident CHIIR. five transportation Bwtlwrnood Week. ,lUrl Technical High Miss Louise A. Huber, general brary. P.T.A., Mr. T. J. Henderson who Mrs. John Baity, Mrs. Charles oases. 10 envrcencies, two oxygon Th*> tsroin voted to noeept Ini. employed a t Lee's chairman. ' helped organize the association, culls rcqulrinR 10,300 pounds of to nttenri (he l*Vder»tlon; The World Day of Prayer will Corthell and Mrs. Charles Chrls- Mrs, Martin Hofftnan, life memHiilcviiy. Her husband were named chwperones for Bay observance!;, of the Fords milbridKe High School be dbserved this year In 11? coun1 ber and present parliamentarian 'h* tnen-affi recreation programs The now olTlcrrs (A the squad W w m ' s Club, tho Woman's Club hiatcd from Port Mon- tries beginning In flhe Of School 15 P.T.A. wrre iTrentlv Installed. They ln- nf LHwnce Hirbor, the Port,i School. He will be Isknds and continuing for 24 at School 15 on Friday nights. Mrs. Russell Furze also was honThe next meeting will be March of the Parmln^dWe rlndfti: Mathcw Hratfeo, presll-nrt Bliss, Texas, on hours. Offerings will to «I veil to ored as one of the original orHpnl-; Bernard Uwti«, vice presi- Woman's Club and the Woman's. United States and foreign mis- 16 at 8 P. M. at the home of Mrs. mi duty. ganizers. However, she was not slons. In this country the Amerl- DartRfll, 70 Pershing Avenue. r'nnt; Rsmuel Blod«U, treasurer; Club r* Iwl!n. A^ Invitation to ftt1 due to illness. Hurry Van Biwklrk, financial sec- • "•nf the ?*<**? conference on the The history of the association Crusade of Freedom, to be held in retary: Geoice Birssmn, Ixiliiiry Conducts wfis read by Mrs^. George Hods•wcrrtarv; J o s e p h Communale. Prln"»ton, April 29, was also acson, a first grade teacher at ,.,„/»( rs/ii'/; Campaign John Barhv and GeorRe Hill. cepted. School 15. Anthony ('uiffrrrtii, Colnnia lumtonr. will swis the romantic role Reservations for the book and •ni'-tefs; John Bui'Rcr, captain; At a candlelight ceremony, the HiiintiK Mrs. Meinert of Uobprt when Siemuml KIIMIIMTB'S "New Moon" is prrsentrd at .'•. William Thomas, assistant cap- •>nt,hor'>i '"a, tn iVip held Artrll 8 iK following past presidents were InWtetflpld llifili Scliool on March Ml) and <>Ui iintlrr auspices of , . \i!••:, William Gertty ,. ^ tain; Tonv Porcda, first lieuten- Perth Arrthnv, miy rtlll be made Sv troduced and honored: Mrs. Ray- the Musical Club of YVrstfidd. Mr. (iuffrpdii. a native of Port , a ii meeting of the < ant. Martin Cartck, second lieu- wltl) Mrs. l^vv. it was'announced.' WOODBRIDOE — Jerry Ferti«, Rcadinc was rdncatert in Wmnlbridse Township srliools. He has mond McCrory. Mrs, Harry Kline, v^iiiury of t h s Wood- producer of the Adath Israel PlayClosing date Is March 15. ' • •! tenant, John Botoak, sergeant at appeared extensively in concert, opera, and musical romedy both Mrs, Richard Dlekenson, Mrs. ', i,,,. company. Friday, ers' forthcoming comedy-meloarms; Pete Dougherty and Tony Mrs. Levy was appointed to 1 in New Jersey and in New York City. Township residents will reRobert Perlllard1, 'Mrs. Norman nci nwnd was Winner drama, "8talag 17," iwhloh will be Poreda, publicity committee; Bill' air and water pollution committed member Mr. Ciuffreda for his concert several seasons ago at the Jensen, and Mrs. Carl Goldstein, iiin'.so prize. . , . , pr«MOUd April ia..«Hf 11 at the Reedy and Tony Poreda, "fund of the Third District Civic andr Woodbrid?e HlRh School. He also appeared In this area with the who was unable ,to attend. , ii;|) drive Is now be- WoodbrkJge Jewish * Community drive committee. Legislature Forum at its meeting1 OpemtH Ouild in prodaotioiM of "New Moon" and "Sweethearts," The past presidents and hon! mil, wives, moUhers Center, has announced committee His latest operatic appearance was in "Riffoletto" at the Brooklyn in ttt .. ored guests were presented with i iiu-iiu>n are Invited chairman lor the production.. Academy of Music. nouncement made by Mrs. StephAVENEL — The Infant daugh- owsakes. Mrs. Kovacs Hostess en Markulln, who attended th» They are: Mrs. Irving Hutt, ter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. McThe ''Mother Singers," a moth•< : Li' MullirlSKMENT properties; Mrs. Leonard Cutler, Carthy, 104 Remsen Avenue, was ers' chorus organized and directed Al Wedding Shower forum. The pollution committee wlu "Who's Who"; Miss Joan Klein, christened Bernadette at a cere- by Mrs. Jack Roberts, sang a numAVBNEL — Mrs. Stephen Ko- draw up a resolution t h a t will b d makeup; Mrs. David Cherensky, mony in St. Andrew's Church. ber of selections. The group Invacs. Rahway and Mrs. Harold submitted to the State Federation Mrs. Emanuel Ooldfarb, Mrs. Sunday mornin«. Rev. John Egan cluded: Mrs. Lloyd Harayda. Mofllt, were hostesses at a shower convention in Atlantic City In the Maurice Ohodosh, wardrobe; Ar-' was the officiating clergyman, Mrs, Henry Welman, Mrs. Ed; ' held lant Thursday evening In spring. thyr 8lnnett, costumes; Ronald Mrs. Lillian Miller, Avenel and ward Modavis, Mrs. Fred Relght, Mrs. Thomas Markous, Jurt|lofl AVENEL — Miss Laura Lee, I After an extended honeymoon Mrs. Mofllfs home, 411 Alden Hoffman, sat electrician; Edward S t a n l e y Oolesxewski, Carteret Mrs. Way 'Smith, Mrs. Norman KCOMMENDS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, the couple will reside in New York Road, in honor of the former Miss i advisor, reoorted on the Junior Slotkln and John EMU, technical were sponsors. Jensen, Mrs. Lester Jentis, Mrs. A » \ Cilv Laura L w Lane, 401 Alden Road, I Clwl) activities, and Mrs. advisors; Alfred Kaplan, Leonard , (|itii: Interior Decoratoi T h e McCarthys entertained Joseph Pawluch, Mrs, Vernie A reception for over 100 guests who became the bride of Sut. Rich- Hninrlch, international 407 Alden Road, became Cutler, Reuben Stern, set cre«t: IK views on Furnltui* crnests at open house in their CumminRs, Mrs. David Weissman, the bride of Sfit. Richard W. Nel- was held in tihe Fraternal Order of ard NeVbone. February 21 in- the chairman, announced that t h e II im ihTiiratlne Problem* Arthur Melnlck. Victor Ostrowev, home, following tihe ceremony. Mrs. Josroh Neupauer. bone, son of Mrs. Evely H. Nel- Eagles reception hall, H o t a r t First Presbyterian Church, Ave- wool afghnn has ibeon sent to KoEdgar Greenfield, stage hands. Mrs. Harayda, president, anPerth t h Amboy. A b nel. rea. RALPH STEIN mmm bone! (PlalnflcW, Sunday in the Street, P Also, Mr. 4nd Un. Joseph nounced that the organization has The bridegroom's m a t e r n a l Olmb members were asked , to Games were played and refreshSchleslnger, tickets; Alexander Rone on record in favor of In- Avenel First Presbyterian Church. Teat-grandmother, Mrs. E. Dick. i.;,itii use my column creased state aid for education. Rev. William. Wager, Highland ens. Plainfleld, who is 90 years of Prank Kkh Mrs Helen Bush m f f ' !, i.ii purposes, but to- Cohen, Community Voice publicrTanic tiisn. Mrs. ncien »usn, Is an ii i>e an exception. I ity, and Mrs. Sidney Le' Bow, She urged that all members and Park, supply minister for the age, attended and danced a t the y Mrs. Joseph Torrls, Mrs. Angflo South Amboy, newspaper publicity. !ui, rare exception otJhers interested in education Avenel church, performed the wedding reception, Mancer. Mrs. J. Masculine, Miss dealer and appraiser will be presHenry Olass, Perth Amboy, has because I bewrite to their legislators supportDolores Bush, Mrs, E. Toth, Mrs. ent, to appraise antiques belongdovtole-ring ceremony. lieve it is my announced that rehearsals are ins the stand. Robert Clark. Miss Nicholas Fin- ing to club members. WOODBRIDOE — In preparaThe bride, given in marriage by d u t y t o a c - now underway for "Stalft? 17." The fathers were hosts and InHostesses for the evening W»re des, Mrs. Vicky Stone, Mrs. Thomquaint as many which will be the 13th production tion for the opening of the new cluded Lloyd Harayda, P r e d her father, was attired in an as Lane, Mrs. A. Griffiths, Avenel, Mrs. Joseph Radowski, Mrs. Vfllankle-length sown of embroidered of Bhls amateur theatrical group In man Avenue School around liomemakers as Reight, Henry Weiman, Michael Mrs. Evelyn Nalbone, Plainfleld; liam Kuwnlak and Mrs. Harry rivlon tulle over satin, with a ho;p March. 15. five new teachers, a Lecavls, Ray Smith. possible w i t h In its nine years of existence. Miss Mary Franch and Marnier- Jones. skirt, the plain nylon bodice had a Janitor, a janitor's assistant and the wonderful. The attendance award was won itc Thompkins, Newark; Mrs. Joa clerk were named at a'meeting by Mrs. Ous Lauer's first grade vee neckline. Her fingertip veil money - saving seph Pelican, Mrs. Joseph Orsanr. Often Is was attached to a crown of seed of the Board of Education Tues- pupils mothers. opportunities AVENEL, Mis, Al'Ulur Mopje t MM. -Kdwan* Peterson, Mrs, J . "My husliand wants to go on * pearlg. ©he can-led a bouquet of t!i.;t await them day. The ways and means committee director of the Avenel Community Zwawostodki, and Mrs. Julius Pe1 U iliey see us Donald C. Whitaker. a former reported that a family movie night t h r e e orchids surrounded by Cani'-rr DrcssinR Rroup is makfng trozi, Perth Amboy. Also present fishing trip." "Where?" baby's breath and stephanotis over N o W at our teacher, who was on military is schedulrd for March 24 at an urucnt plea for clean white ma- was Laura's fiancee, Richard Nel"I dunno. There's something leave, was reappointed at $3,700 a School 15. The committee in a orayer book. tcriuls to bo usnd for making dres- bone. fishy about it." Dolores Bush, Avenel, the year, his place on the salary guide. , studio about their Three dls- Others appointed were Miss Sophie oharue of the affair is composed of honor, wore an ankle-length sings, ArranHements for having WOODBRIDGE material picked up may be made I'n.t1 cliores. of Mrs. Norman Jensen, Mrs. former tinguUhed rabbis, alt i;> home decorating chaplain* In the armed forces, Weiss. Mrs. Florence Mlnaky and Henry Weiman, Mrs. Michael gown of royal 'blue velvet over ny- by calling Mrs. Moore, Wo. 8-1495. lon, with a,hoop skirt, and cari, like many other each representing one of the view- Miss Helaine Baum, all at $2,800 Pegos and"Mrs. Lester Jeniis. The group meets every Wednesried a colonial Aouquet of mixed ,i, t l u i It has Its "pealt points of the Jewish religion, Re- a year. , flowers with royal blue ribbons a t - day from 1 to 3 P. M. in the social Andrew Ellis, Port Reading, was i ii ,1DW seasons" Dur- form. Orthodox and Conservative, room of the First Presbyterian SUNDAY SERVICES tached. •THE FRIENDLY STORE' •••A periods" we are ex- will speak tonight at the Wood- named Janitor of the Inman AveChurch. Anyone interested is welw l spe t Russell E, Nelbone, East Orue school at $3,200 a year, his du> WOODBRIDOE — Rev. Earl H. ul pressed U) fill all of brtdi-e M M O N come to attend. Those present at U U U T Center Ct Devanny, pastor of the First Pres- ange, br6ther of the groom, at' •:iuk,e(s' requests thet at a Joint:™«tt «g off the the last meetins were: Mrs, Frank th C Congretended as best man. s c h o o , A t , t n e byterian Church, will beein SunBrecka, Mrs. George K. Young. gallon and 8taterhooa. day at the 11 o'clock service on For 'travelling the bride wore a !; nil-season" Just the t i m e M r s U I U a n R06S W|H Mrs. Otis Scars, Mrs. Otto JenRabbi David M. Elchhorn, a rethe first of si?i sermons on "The light green suit with ned acces- sen, Mrs. Alex Johnson, Mrs. Donui - We have to strive h e r d u l l e s M janitor^ asform rabbi. Is director of Field Lords Prayer." As an offeratory, sories. Laura attended Wood- ald Campbell, M r s . Herman s i S tantat $1.30 an houn. • liiid epoutih chores to form r a b . Rlii Howard Hauen, choir director, will bridge High School and was emp , Operation, Division off Religious imtnber of our large O M r s H o w a r d Kramer was apMrs, Charles Havell. Mrs. p, poslUon a t sing "The Lord's Prayer" by Ma- ployed a t Boyt's Drug Store, in AcUviyes off the i th NaUonal N U l Jewish Jeish Metuchen. The bridegroom attendDaniel Howell, Mrs. Alsreda Brix, lotte. .iiiv .successful decora- Welfare .Board. He served In Eued Newark High School and en- Mrs. Thomas Mill, Mrs. Jolm competent. rope as a combat chaplain and listed in the U. S. Armed Forces in Sherman and Mrs. Moore. WEDDINGS IN RENO .1 Mall will tell you, guided the Army's efforts to care 1948. He .Is now ««rving in the for the maw thousands of JewRENO, Nev.—Believe is or not, • an easy thing to do! The value o l N e w YorK v tys '' Alined Force Administration DiviTho Soviet Army is said to have ma Modenuge .Dec- lsh concentraUon camp victims In axable real eetate has been put but 4,741 couples were married In sion Building, Church Street, New tested atomic guns of various overcome France, Germany and Austria. t a new rocerd total of $20,369,- this town, better known for its di- York City. sizes during, recent maneuvers. Rabb) Samuel Rackman, 1$ rabvorces, during ,1953. problem by sacriflc•uii all profit during the bi of Congregation Shatrfty Refila. Par Rockaway, n. Y,r an Ornil-season." tliodox group. He served in Eumi* during our ofXrope as Military Aide to the Thea! .im dolnc Just that. I tre Commander's Special Advisor : iioincnMkers the opon Jewish Affairs. He has lectured "i purchasing lovely cus. to several thousand chaplains at •lUpcovers . . . the Air Force and Service Porces : iiavmu their cherished SHIRTS t DIAPERS Chaplain Schools. Rabbi Racknwn i'lt'ivs reupholstered, etc. Is lecturer al Yeshlva University. QUILTED PADS a member of the Executive Comnm-ct! Now Is the time mittee of tfve Mlzrachl OrganizaRECEIVING BLANKETS 'l.aiitane of our unsur- tion of America and Is author of Mmienuge workmanship many articles In both English and KIMQNAS # SWEATERS ' 'iii.ility Modernaie ma- Jewish publications. l BOOTIE SETS t DRESSES :arh we are offering a t •fr First, decide to live within your income. 1 Rabbi Edward T. Sandrow is 1"re low, low prices! SDllS t DIAPER BAGS uipU'ie details phone U« head of Temple Beth El, CedarThen, stick to that decision. hurst, Long Island, and Is a confu K-i»(ii). We shall be very BIBS tNOVELTIES provide you with all of servative rabbi. He Is a graduate •fc Second, set yourself a definite ^oal, |ti!ii|iii w. wonderful details at of Jewish Theological Seminary 'u obtlKutlon to you. You and a member of the Rabbinical so you'll have^Someth'ing worth aiming for. Assembly of America. He served . you decide! iirefur, we would be roost as Chiplaln In the Army for al-peak with yrtu In pperson most four years, being stationed , save a definite amount each pay day, In the Aleutian Islands and-Alasstutjlo located a t ka. He Is a Teaching Fellow at i % you'll get what you want when you wpnt it. iStreet, Woodbt'idg*. New York University, member of Lions Auxiliary To Aid Library Iselin Aid Squad Installs Officers -4 J 'Stalag IT to Be Offered By Adath Israel Players McCarthy Infant Baptized Sunday Laura Lee Lane of Avenel Bride of Planfield Man It VLPH Inman Ave. School Staff Assembled Material Sought By Cancer Group 3 Rabbies to Speak At Center Tonight CHRISTENSEN'S Complcle LAYETTE llems Including How to save successfully... on new: slipcovers, the executive committee c# the upholstering,' .cornices and Synagogue Council of Amerlda and m-built furniture, designed Hlswdruth Ivrlth and chairman of the Hebrew Arts Foundation. Dtcorators, it-quest by a phooe call to The sale of surplus Americai 1-10(1!) or u visit to my studio 04 Main'Street" Wood-1 food to the Soviet Union or its adv. 'satellites has been banned. fetLt ll:-. SFF YOUR D O C T O R Regular elimination rtquiret muscular «xercii# of tht inttilinal muiclei. Too fraqutnt utt of luxative» )ont«l!mti w«ok«nt these mujclw. V/« can lupply Irtth, dtptndcible laxativtj in many formi, but <or prolonged,<jon»tip<ilion—IM ,.ypur Doctor, '• FIRST 1 I I " , fourth, whenever you receive «xtrp money, fOre as much of it as you possibly can. fifth, don't try to save too much . . . iave a reasonable amount regularly. J We'll welcome you as a depositoi. Safety for Savings Since Thj3 PERTH AMBOY CRIB COMFORTER SITS „ , 3.98. CRIB COMFORTER SETS ^4.98 CRIB QUILTS , 0 , 2.98 CARRIAGE COVER SETS 2.98 to 5.98 BABY BLANKETS 2.981.5.98 Full Line ol PLAYTEX NEEDS FliEE! ()n« Pair I'LAYTEX BABY 1'ANTS with each 10.00 I'jircliuse in out Infants'--Dept. 8TORE 1IOUKS: Daily 9 A.'M. to (i P. M. Friday 9 A. Ht. to 9 i'. M. , • «ILO8ED WBBNESUW NOON Savings Institution KITH AMIOY, NIW JHSit M f M I I I FiDt^Al OIFOSIT INSUIANCl COIfOMTION UKVAHTMKST STORK i.\ ST., \nnnnmintih> v
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