5/3/2013 Really!! MPAAA: HOW TO SPEAK BOSS “THE TALK” Presenters: Janet Gruber, Sheila Holly, RJ Webber EQ: HOW DO WE ENGAGE IN DIRECT DIALOGUE TO BUILD GREAT ORGANIZATIONS Who Are We? Schedule of Day Janet Gruber = Student Data Manager for the Novi Community School District 8:30 – 9:00 Introductions 9:00 – 9:30 Workshop Sheila Holly = Executive Assistant to Assistant Superintendent for Academics 9:30 – 9:45 Role Play 9:45 – 10:00 Questions and Answers RJ Webber = Assistant Superintendent for Academics, Novi Community School District 1 5/3/2013 INTRODUCTIONS: SPEED DATING • Share a Passion of Your Life • Share a Great Part of Your Job • Share a Particular Challenge of Your Job HOW DO WE BUILD GREAT SCHOOL SYSTEMS? Level 5 Leadership Level 5 leaders are ambitious first and foremost for the cause, the organization, the work – not themselves – and they have the fierce resolve to do whatever it takes to make good on that ambition. A level 5 leader displays a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will. - Jim Collins The Flywheel In building greatness, there is no single defining action, no grand program, no one killer innovation, no solitary lucky break, no miracle moment. Rather, the process resembles relentlessly pushing a giant, heavy flywheel in one direction, turn upon turn, building momentum until a point of breakthrough, and beyond. - Jim Collins 2 5/3/2013 IT BEGINS WITH A CONVERSATION • Essential Question • Conversation Framework • Courage and Will SO MUCH TO DO…SO LITTLE TIME. HOW TO MANAGE THE CHAOS Get in front of the situation Stop and Think…who needs to know? Know your audience Involve Critical People – make them part of the process Build a relationship (build a team) = Trust Make a connection Listen to your audience response (2 ears/1 mouth) Be responsive Have a quick 5 minute communication plan Always explain the why! Be transparent Organize your ideas with a Communication Plan Have 3 simple “Talking Points” Keep the core message simple and make it clear Don’t get side tracked Keep your message in the forefront Repetition – Repeat your core message 7 times 3 5/3/2013 WORKSHOP: ISSUE, EQ, FRAMEWORK, AND WILL You will be tasked with identifying an issue that needs to be addressed, building an essential question for your conversation, developing three main talking points, and being prepared to engage in a role play at the conclusion of the workshop. Janet, Sheila, and I will guide you in this exercise. We want to help you to be a leader in your district We want to help you push the fly wheel ROLE PLAY 5 of you will be randomly chosen to engage in a discussion with me…the goal is to model what a focused and intentional conversation looks like. WHAT! 4 5/3/2013 THANK YOU: QUESTIONS? • Resources: Office of Academics Flow Chart • Conversation Template • Good to Great and the Social Sectors Jim Collins 5 Office of Academics, Functional Organizational Chart 2012 -13 RJ Webber, Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services Responsibilities: Responsibilities: Provide leadership & support for new initiatives (Atlas Rubicon, iObservation, Marzano, 7 Habits, etc.) , continuing pro Coordinate special communities (Social Justice, Interschool Council,), Board workshops, & bldg level programgrams (IB, AP, K-12 Writing, Read & Be Well, Etc.), & all responsibilities below ming geared to K-12 systemic change Direct & Coordinate K-12 instructional programming with Instructional Coaches, CALs, CATs, Literacy Specialists & the Maintain a collaborative & interactive working relationship with administrators & staff offices listed below; evaluate programs annually Maintain & oversee budgets for all department operations & federal grants Direct & Coordinate district staff development, teacher/mentor program, & Galileo program Align: Curriculum, Assessment, Observation Oversee & Coordinate Federal Grant programs Direct & coordinate district staff with AdvancED Oakland Schools Liaison (LAC-O, OCREAC, Teaching & Learning, Etc.) Oversee & coordinate course approval & textbook approval & purchase Serve as Board contact Donna Tinberg, Wanda Ciancio, Jim Fry, Bob Steeh, Director of Student Services Technology Systems Operations Manager Director of Technology Director of Community Education Responsibilities: Responsibilities: Provide general super- Primary technical contact for vision for district district special education Establish & maintain operaprogram, assuring tions including staffing, salary, compliance with state/ budget, & departmental procefederal laws, reguladure development. tions and performance Manage purchasing, installaindicators. tion, & life-cycle maintenance Serve as child find of PCs, servers, LAN network coordinator for grades connectivity equipment, voice K-12 (receiving and & video equipment, peripherals processing referrals Manage Helpdesk operation from parents and othstaff, Technology Support er sources.) Technicians & Network Engi Review METs, IEPs, neer etc., and provide re Establishes guidelines & quired notice to parschedules for maintenance & ents of district’s intent support of all systems to implement. Responsible for IT vendor, Directly supervise and contract & outsourcing manevaluate related seragement vices staff (teacher Oversees & executes all Techconsultants, school nology related bid projects social workers, Primary administration of speech/language email for staff pathologists, school psychologists.) Primary administration of telephone equipment, including Recruit/interview/ desktop & cell phones, Disco recommend employees for the special Emergency Responder, Cisco education department. Call Manager, Unity Voicemail, & Avotus Call Coordinate Section Accounting 504 referrals/ evaluations/meetings Primary Administration of across the district. district security systems (video surveillance & door access) Serve as the district MIACCESS coordi Monitors compliance in acnator. cordance with technology Serve as the Testing standards, policies & proceAccommodations dures Coordinator for the Partners with Assistant SuperMichigan Merit Exintendent to oversee Social am. Media sites & Website for Serve as the primary district district trainer for Non -Violent Crisis Intervention Responsibilities: Support the integration of instructional technologies in the delivery of instruction & the learning process Review current research & literature for best practices in instruction & provide PSD based on those practices Provide leadership, planning & implementation of the district’s technology plan Provide Leadership & coordination of the instructional goals of the district & the Technology Department’s support of technology & the technology systems Develop/support with the district’s administrative staff on the integration of technology. Work with Library/ Media program of new technologies for consideration by the district Support & consult with the district’s administrative staff on the integration of technology Provide overall leadership & Direction fro the district technology department. Sheila Holly, Executive Secretary Responsibilities: Responsibilities: Develop, supervise, administer comprehensive Prepare agendas/reports for: NILT, Comm. Ed. Lifelong Learning Program Interschool Council , B of E Work collaboratively with other district admin- Submit Class rosters for IXL.com istrators/staff towards successful achievement (online math support) from Zangle of district goals Solicit bids for the purchase of: Math Develop/sustain partnerships & collaborative Supplies, Science supplies, & textrelationships with City of Novi, business combooks for all 9 schools in the district munity, human service agencies, law enforce- Order Weekly Reader & Scholastic ment, court system, & other educational instimagazines for the K-4 buildings, Time tutions which provide additional services to for Kids for Novi Meadows 5-6, Perilocal families & community members. odicals for the IB program Oversee concise, timely completion of district, Order office supplies for: Office of federal, state, local agencies or institutions Academics, Instructional Coaches, reporting. CALs & CATs, Write Start Program, Supervise/support teaching staff in early childRead & Be Well Program, Title I Prohood programs (all day/half day preschool). gram, Title III Program Conduct continual assessment/curricular re Order Business cards for the ESB view of preschool program. Administrators & new employees Supervise/ monitor the before & after school Coordinate the various workshops/ child care program & licensing process to conferences for NCSD & CC: Regisensure compliance with all requirements of tration Payment and/or reimbursement MDE & Human Services Child & Adult Li Coordinate, schedule, and set-up for censing Division. various: Meetings, Interviews, Supervise/support staff in the Adult/ Luncheons (as needed), Reserving Alternative Ed program. Apply for, administer conferences rooms, Type up notes/ & monitor compliance of all county, state, & minutes as needed, Update approprifederal grants supporting the program. Conate files &/or binders duct continual assessment & curricular review Fill in for the Superintendent’s Execuof adult/alternative ed. tive Assistant when she is on vacation Coordinate/administer effective, efficient use District Notary for teaching certifiof district’s physical facilities & outdoor spaccates, residency, birth affidavits, etc. es for community use. Negotiate leases, estab Assist the Public at large & Bldg Seclish/administer policies/procedures for faciliretaries with questions regarding: ties use, determine/approve building use. ReResidency, Tuition, Visas & Passview/approve requests for flyers/print material ports, MIStar, General community & to be sent home with students. district questions Oversee/supervise Shared Time Services with Prepare advertisements for the Novi 4 parochial schools. Hire staff/monitor compliNews (i.e. Kindergarten Round-up) ance as it pertains to state PPA. Act as district contact, coordinate the needs of Central District Registration (Summer) Japanese School Process Supplemental Pay forms Develop & coordinate additional year-round Update Curriculum Website academic support programs in order to attain student achievement such as; Summer School, Update District KALPA HS Math Tutorial, MS Pride, NM Success Coordinate updates to District Crisis Seekers, Testing Out, Credit Recovery Plans Nick Kalakailo, Alice Smith, Title I & ESL Coordinator Director of Student Growth & Accountability Responsibilities: Direct the development, administration & man Janet Gruber, Student Data Manager Responsibilities: Responsibilities: Work with the Assistant Superintendent & CTEIS Reporting—for building administrators to coordinate, Course Set-up, Rosters manage & implement the Title I & Title & Grades III programs. UIC (Student Unique Completes: Grant applications & reportIdentification Code) ing through MEGS &Assess district needs Request & Resolution & plan/coordinate staff training in the area MIStar support for all of ESL & Title I, including training for district staff staff regarding effective strategies for use (Scheduling/Enrolling/ with these populations of students. Exiting/Grades/ Conduct/coordinate ELL assessments Reports/Records/ (ELPA and ELPA ISI), compile/analyze Summer School/etc.) data, & maintain relevant databases Pupil Accounting (Fall Serve as a resource & conduit of infor& Spring Count Days) mation regarding ELL/ELPA/Title I is Upload BAA & sues at the county and state level. NWEA test rosters Conduct parent, student & teacher surveys MSDS (Michigan & parent meetings/support as required by Student Database Title I and Title III grants System) Reporting Supports & guides building administrators (Fall/Spring/EOY) & staff in the management of programs (GAD) Graduation & Evaluation of programming & staff reDropout reporting sponsible for the delivery of services in PEPE (Primary EducaTitle I & Title III tion Providing Entity) Plan, develop, & implement a comprehen& EEM (Educational sive training program for ELL teachers, Entity Master) Maintesupport staff & general education staff nance Plan, develop, & conduct training for new SNE Date from CEPI teachers & paraprofessionals on success- SRM Student Roster ful ELL strategies, ELPA testing, ELPA Maintenance) MainteISI testing, & use of data generated by nance files CEPI these tests TSDL (Teacher Stu Program Coordinator: Plan with Title I dent Data Linking) teachers, ELL teachers, Administrators, reporting Classroom teachers & Parent Title I & Manage Novi data Title III program; Facilitate the Title I & central Title III program; Conduction parent Provide AS400 supmeeting & coordination of parents support port as needed for Title I & Title III Provide support for Ad ELL Assessment: ELPA – district coordiHoc reporting nation (Maintain data base); ELPA ISI – MCIR (Michigan district coordination (Maintain data base) Childhood Immuniza Coordinates training for ESL & Title I tion Registry) staff agement of district balanced assessment system & related programs. Support compliant administration & effective use of internal & state required assessments (e.g. NWEA,MEAP) across schools & classrooms. Provide leadership on assessment related committees or task-forces as directed. Create, review & evaluate the district’s formative & summative assessments including the reliability & validity of the assessments; related analysis practices. Plan, organize, control & direct all required assessments including common district interim/ benchmark assessments (e.g. Midterms & finals). Provide leadership to clarify the different purposes that report cards, common assessments, classroom assessments; progress monitoring assessments related to interventions, serve in communicating growth & achievement. Establish & sustain a balanced assessment system that informs student eligibility for interventions; that addresses learning needs during interventions, & provides for seamless exit plans. Work collaboratively with bldg administrators & school staff to develop & implement assessments, engage in analysis; act to sustain the assessment system. Develop & provide assessment related research & professional development for all teachers & administrators to improve teaching & assessment practices. Serve as central resource for statistics, data & related information for School Improvement Plans/AdvancED NCA. Identify, coordinate, maintain & utilize appropriate information systems (e.g. BAA Secure Site, Pearson Inform) & records in support of student learning. Analyze & interpret assessment data; create reports for schools, administrators, Board of Education as directed by the Asst Superintendent of Academics. Evaluate & coordinate all requests for District data. Evaluate & respond to requests to do research in district, such as graduate studies, survey of staff, students & families. Conducts screening & hiring of ESL/Title I staff Communication Plan 3 Simple Bullet/Talking Points _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The What?____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Where?__________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Why/When?___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
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