T i U ' K S D A Y , A P R I L 15, 1943. TOE BOLIVAR BREEZE top floor of our school building has heen drafted into essential war work and, since no successor i* available at this time, James Cof fin and Elton Ingalls of the Sen 'or Clafe are doing his Janitorial work after school and weekends. PAGE FIVE Mrs. T. L. Tapp, Instructor in Lloyd Bean has three brothers whc Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Stout, Mr. commercial subjects, left Wednes- are in the Army—Wlllard, Arthu: and Mrs. Max F. Stout and Mr. day to be present at, the graduation and Emmett; the latter was inductand Mrs. James F. Hough of Rochexercises of her husband from th t ed Monday, April 12th. OBI, April 13—Next Sunday 1 ester were quests of Mrs. W. B. officer's training school at Ft* BelPalm Sunday and will be observed j Turner Saturday evening. volr, Va. Mr. Tapp is to be transFourth Grade—Mrs. Hanchett In our local church with spenta: I RICHBURG, April 13—Mr. a n i ferred next week into active service New» It«m» trom the Office James Hlckey has moved to Rlch- music and appropriate sermon. Mrs. H. E. Goodrich entertainer 1 Mrs. Carl A. Anderson of Olean Is RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT junior Class play tonight I 'The We were saddened to learn, that substituting for Mrs. Tapp during burg. On the following Sunday w? cele- Thursday in honor of their grand Whereas it has pleased the dear Souse of Terror," » <y~">z mys- John H. Oott, former custodian of We have purchased »15,45 worth brate Easier Sunday with a special j son. Harry Howard OoodTich c' her absence. Father to remove from our midst j^-y production. of defense stamps in the last two the top floor of our school building, program. Baptlslmal services wJB i Wellsvllle, who left this Monda; Mrs. Nettie Appleby, it becomes weeks. passed away recently. Although he be given for anyone desiring them morning for Fort Niagara, having our sacred duty to tender cur GRADE NEWS Mr. Henry has taken the school was here only a few we°ks »•» f*" The Hobby Club of the Fourth and the church doors will be op"?n been inducted into the arme- heartfe'.t sympathy to those who Kindergarten—MUs Hall jtation wagon W get the annual he belonged to us and admired his Grade met Friday morning. Pau- for anyone desiring to unite with forces. are left to mourn her loss. All the children in the morning line White showed us her collection :he church. See our pastor, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Baldwin of supply of trees for our local and quiet, dignified mien and exce».u; Resolved, that a copy of these and afternoon K i n d e r g a r t e n of perfume bottles. LeRoy has a L. M. easier for details concerning this place and Mrs. Grace Baldwin resolutions be printed in The Bolidistrict reforestation. As we have service. classes went to Mr. Nicholson's very interesting collection of air- either service. ordered 20,000 trees, a larger con- [ of Bolivar were Sunday aftemoor var Breeze, be spread upon our planes. He has these very neatly Twenty-one persons from here visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dcnak' Journal and a copy sent to the bealgnment than can be delivered, | Another casualty from *he rank Greenhouse on Shaner Avenue. Mr. Nicholson showed them arranged and mounted in his scrap- attended the Spring Conference Crane of Friendship. w e nave to get our allotment and of former Bilivar Central school | reaved family. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Green an' they are stored In Saratoga. I students now in war service bring around the greenhouse. They like book. Beverly Wilson, Ann Thor Rally held at Port Allegany last Bolivar W. C. T. U. to see the flowers and little plants, ward, George Shaner, and Ker Friday evening. They went by Mr. and Mrs. Buel Green of Aim; • J Una gold star group la three. Mrs. Leona Casey 1 Newton showed the new stamp S and were also shown the tools anr were guests Thursday of Mr. and bus. District Superintendent Coyle tendered sympathy is extended to \T£L,""t»!^, ""I^J Mrs. Eva Mead W that they have collected. Mrs. Arlouine Packham of Ken- Mrs. Albert Lind. Mrs. Buel Green J £ TT* w 8 „d his Principals completed their the family of Wlllard Bean, who is ItggL'JS^SSL Mrs. Maggie Peavy _. .the u . r arithmetic i L Z Z Z u . „syllabus , I I „ K „ . rreported m n r M VIH«H OM(,™ ~„ remained until Saturday. more Is visiting friends in Obi. revision of killed in In action on ,v theJ Nicholson works. Before they left Committee 36 Miss Alice Cady spent the weekFred Powell is in Meadville, Pa., Third Grade—Mrs. Hogan Monday and these will be dlstribut- j African sector of the World War Mr. Nicholson gave them a geranium plant so they could watch It end in Perry with friends. ed soon. A meeting of all the • In the first World War only fou We have planted a Victory Gar- on business. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT grow. They went to the greenFrank Herrick cf Bolivar was : Fred Hills is in Olean to4ay for teachers of the District will be held gold stars were added to our « r house so they could see what it den in our room. Each one has a Whereas it has pleased the dear caller at the H. E. Goodrich homr examination and will go to Buffalo at Bolivar Central School eax'y In vice flag. The Bolivar boys whc was like so as to make one of their garden. We planted cabbage and Fathtr to remove from our midst jjav "did not come back" in 1918 were own. tomatoes and are going to trans- this week where he e x p a t s to be Thursday. Mrs. Susie Whitwood, it becomes into service '"for our Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hardman an: our sacred duty to tender our plant them to our gardens at home. inducted Kenyon Andrus, Lowell Andrus, i We are sorry Lyla Cole is out of country. Lou ell Newton, custodian of the Carltc-n Velie and Charles Krelner. heartfelt sympathy to those who First Grade—Miss Quirin This community was saddened i visitors in Olean Wednesday, school on account of illness. are left to mourn her loss. Thursday morning the group took last Wednesday evening by the r Mrs. Roger P. Convey of Olear Resolved, that a copy of these a trip downtown to visit several death of one of its most esteemed ' is spending this week with he: stores. They have made themselves citizens, the passing of Mrs. Mil- ] daughter, Mrs. Harold Stohr and resolutions be printed in The BoliFOR var Breeze, be spread upen our a grocery store and have been dred Ferrington of Jordan Hill.' family. DEFENSE journal and a copy sent to the bestudying other kinds of stores, too. NILE, April 13—Mr. and Mrs. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock j Lloyd McCrae was a business reaved family. They nave learned what articles WORK at the house and 2:30 a t the local I visitor in Wellsvllle Friday afterdifferent kinds of stores sell and Harold Babcock of Almond were c h u r c h Bolivar W. C. T. U. ° n Saturday with Rev. L.'noon. where one should go to buy various r $ e n t guests'of Mr. and Mra."Ar- M i Mrs. Leona Casey Casler presiding. The pallMr. and Mrs. Harry Jennings anc things a family may need. To see thur Babcock. Mrs. Eva Mead <i>e TeTS w e r e o l d Mr. and Mrs. Wrayburn Clark * neighbors: Stan- j Mrs. Jessie Jennings were Sun da' displays of different kinds of merMrs. Maggie Peavy ley and Jesse Burger, Rudolph : dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alchandise, they visited the Market rnoved Friday to their new home on Reitz, Gerald Childs, Charles Frost I fred Jennings. Committee ::,; (Basket, Loop's Furniture Store, Penn. Ave., which they have pur and "Tip" Foster. Burial in the | Mitchell Goodrich of Buffalo, H chased from Mrs. James Henry. Parker's Drug Store, and the Dilc The S. D. B. Ladies Aid Society W e s t Genesee cemetery beside that L. Mlllis of Jordan Hill and Mrs. variety store. will meet Thursday, April 22, at of her husband, Carl Ferrington, Angle Whitoomb and Mrs. Juanit Cady of Richburg were Sunday •the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford who died several years ago. Second Grade—Mrs. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Otto accom- guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. GoooDePew for an evening meeting. The Second grade bought $18.60 ADVERTISEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Whitford of panled by Mr. and Mrs. Albert rich. worth of defense stamps this week. Little Genesee and Prin. and Mrs. Adams motored down in Pennsyl- j Mrs. Earl Stchr and Miss OnnaFOR SALE J. Fred Whitford of Bolivar were vanla Sunday and visited at the lee Saunders will entertain the Saturday callers of their mother, home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. D. B. ladles aid at their home FOR SALE—Uied International Wednesday. April 21. A tureen Wakefield. Mrs. Mary Whitford. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Eddy are dinner will be served at 6 o'clock. farm tractor, 1530, in good condiMr. and Mrs. Harold Babcock of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Goodrich, tion; also 300 feet of 5 5-8 casing. Almond were reoer"- guests of Mr. moving to Pleasant Valley where he has employment and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Homer Oooley and daughter, M. O. Shaner, Bolivar. N. P. Phone and Mrs. Arthur Babcock. 37-J. (36-39 pd). The S. D. B. church night busi- Francis Burgett are moving from Virginia were Saturday evening k dinner guests of Mrs. Juanita Cady. Kossuth to the Burgett farm, here, ness meeting and social hour was FOR RENT—Furnished ApartMr. and Mrs. George Kimble and held Saturday night in the church formerly known as the Osterstuck ment and sleeping room over F. A. Mrs. James Kimble of Scio called parlors. There were 22 in attend- farm. Loop & Son Co., Store. Phone 88 on Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Cady and ance. (36-37) family Friday afternoon. Ernie Jordan moved last week LATE LOCAL NEWS Dale West of Rensselear Tech at Annual Leek Supper at M. E. into Cleo Compton's tenant house. Troy, N. Y., is visiting at the home Church in Shinglehouse, Pa. Watch John subject, Olean printer, Hft of his rrpjther, Mrs. Vera West. for date. 38 CARD OF THANKS Friday night for Buchannon, W. Mrs. Fred Jennings and , son. Va„ where he will be a flight inWe wish to thank our friends FOR SALE—17 acclimated horses. Bobby were weekend guests of her and neighbors for their many ex- structor. Subject, who was Olean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Archi- No green western horses. Purepressions of sympathy during our boy parachute jumper 12 years ago, bald of Portville where her brother, j bred Belgian mare, wt. 1900 in foal was sworn in the Army Air Corps James Archibald is spending a 30 i t o one of the heat stallions in Inrecent bereavement. day furlough from submarine duty. ' diana. Pair Red Roan mares, wt. The family of the late John H. Reserves In December. Prof. Herbert L .Sackett, who is Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Skinner j 3800. Pair Sorrell Geldings, wt. Cott. 36pd to retire from service with the and two sons were Sunday dinner 3300. Severad medium priced SUBSCRD3E—The Bolivar Breeze, Olean high school this year, will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brae- I horses. If you'd like to spend any $2.00 a year. An ideal Christmas entitled to a pension of around don of Friendship and also called pa*t of your money to buy War $2,000 a year. gift. on Mrs. Cora Burllngame of Black Savings Bonds and Stamps we Creek. | can use a good note. Horses sold Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Stohr, •worth the money with Hanna & TENTATIVE BUDGET Sr., entertained Sunday at a din- Hunt's guarantee. Can use* any ner at their home in honor of their I kind of cattle at a good price. No FOR THE VILLAGE OF RICHBURG, N. Y., 1943. son, Harold G. Stohr, Jr., whoNeft business done on Sunday. If you for the Army Air Corps Monday. can't come in the day time we The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. have electric lights and will be at General Fund $ 1,535.00 John P. Convey and son Jack, your service any evening. With the Sinking Fund 2,000.00 Roulette, Pa.; Miss Mary Smith, shortage of gas and tires let us i Fire Department 2,435.00 Port Allegany, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. spend (Sundays going to church v Highway and Walks 2,955.00 T. O. Miack and family, Mr. and and while there give a word in i n g m e n n e e d . . . we've Mrs. A. G. Price and son George, silent prayer for all our soldier "Lend m o r e money to help Street Lighting 1.302XX)' Miss Jeannie Pryett, and Mrs. R. P. boys. Phone 153 lor appointment, g o t to b u y W a r B o n d s as we c a r r y o n t h e fight!" T h u t ' s Health Officer and Vital Statistics 165.00 Convey, Olean; Mr. and Mrs.George HANNA & HUNT, Belmont, New never bought them before! , -vi 36 Library, 500.00 Stohr, Riohburg; Miss Gloria Tripp, York. what o a r Government is Miss Jean Bowdoin and Phillip a w: '• .)j American Legion 25.00 I n t h e n e x t few weeks y o u may b e a s k i n g y o u a n d all t h e r e s t of u s . . . Pounds, Bolivar. FOR SALE—House to be moved Water Department and Payment of Bonds 4,688.00 visited by o n e of t h e t h o u s a n d s of from premsies, $500 cash"*. House a s k i n g u s t o l e n d it 1 3 b i l l i o n fighting for rent at 77 Olive St. Mrs.. Cutler m e n a n d w o m e n w h o a r e giving t h e i r d o l l a r s i n t h e n e x t few w e e k s ! 1 3 TOTAL BUDGET $15,605.00 MacMillan, Phone 13J. 36pd t i m e a n d effort t o t h e 2 n d W a r L o a n billion extra dollars—over a n d above CAR OIF HORSES—On Friday, LITTLE GENESEE, April 14— Drive. W e l c o m e t h e s e p a t r i o t i c workNOTICE OF MEETING all r e g u l a r W a r B o n d b u y i n g ! Mrs. Gilbert Winderberger, accom- April 9 we will receive another e r s if they c a l l . . . buy from them all TO HEAR COMPLAINTS ON VILLAGE BUDGET panied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry carload of horses. Among them W e c a n d o it . . . we must d o it . . . Llndquist of Bolivar, was in Buffalo will be. several matched pairs of the War Bonds you can! Notice is hereby given that the estimate and tentative budget for we owe it t o o u r b o y s w h o a r e fightheavy draft horses. Thacher the Village of Richburg, N. Y., for the year 1943, has been completed by on Monday. 35-36 Better still, d o n ' t wait f o r t h e m . G o Mrs. Lucille Hawks spent Monday Brothers, Hornell, N. Y.' i n g o v e r s e a s . For their sake. . . . the Village Board and a copy thereof was filed in the office of the Village in Wellsville with her son, Donald Clerk, in said Village, where the same will remain open to public inspecto y o u r n e a r e s t b a n k , p o s t office, o r FOR ©ALE—1934 Plymouth SeWe've got to build more ships! We tion until April 26, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., when a public hearing will be who Is ill at his home there. W a r B o n d b o o t h , a n d invest more Robert Waymond, oldest son of dan in good condition. Inquire of held to consider said budget before final adoption. b r o k e all r e c o r d s last y e a r w h e n we Mr. and Mrs. Luellan Waymond,- Guy F*fcch, 82 Davis Street, or call fighting dollars now! I t ' s t h e least Dated AprU 15, 1943. b u i l t 8 m i l l i o n t o n s of s h i p p i n g . T h i s is a surgical patient in the Olean 71-R. (35tf) F. W. OWENS, Clerk. you c a n d o to h e l p t h o s e w h j a r e General Hospital. year, we're building 1 8 million tons FOR SALE—Rebuilt Ingersollfigh*iny n r d dying o v e r s e a s ! Ensell and Turner Polen of Buf- Rand compressor, 6x6. Inquire of . . . b u t still it i* not enough! falo spent the weekend at the home Bolivar Machine Company, <jr A m o n g t h e 7 different ki-»ds of f J. S. of their ^parents, Mr. and Mrs. John phone 281. . .39^36 We've got to do more fighting! M o r e » Polen. G o v e r n m e n t securities is ^ n e thr-S exa n d m o r e of o u r s o l d i e r s a n d sailors Robert San-ford returned to his actly fits y o u r own p a r t i c u l a r JM:*3FOR RENT studies at Alfred University Sunare going into actual c o m b a t . . . reFOR RENT—Apartment over a n d r e n u i r e m e n t s . T h e s e securiC-* day after spending a week's vaca- Ferris & Forbes Garage, 466 Main q u i r i n g more e q u i p m e n t , a n d more tion a t the home of his parents, Street. Call 163. a r e t h e finest inv s t m e n t in t h e world 31 s u p p l i e s . W e c a n n o t let t h e m d o w n ! Mr. and Mrs. John Sanford . . . bar n o n e ! For your Country's Mrs. Ida Hazard is ill at the MISCELLANEOUS s a k e . . . for y o u r own s a k e . . . invest We've got to buy more War Bonds! home of her son, Lyle Hazard. WANTED—Bicycle fox 10 year Mrs. George Giddings recently all y o u c a n ! T o h e l p p a y f o r t h e t h i n g s o u r fight36-37 arrived at Camp Edwards, Mass., old girl. Phone 283. where she is visiting her husband. CLEANING OUT WORK—Good Mrs. Rose Lane is spending a few days with her son, Gerald Lane equipment, or will sell outfit including tools, new lines, dog house of Buffalo. oV %r The Rev. and Mrs. Charles Bond and 'boat. M. S. Wei's, Sning! >on^e. Pa. Phone 23-F-24. (36-37). were Sunday visitors in Alfred. Mrs. Lucille Hawks entertained at WANTED—All kinds of paper, a surprise birthday party on Friday magazines, rags, metal, scrap Iron, evening In honor of Mrs. Emily old cars, rubber, burlap bags. Hawks at the Frank Burdlck home. Orien Vahff>erpoll, Reed Barn, Six guests were present. Lunch was CUba St., Bolivar, N. Y. 35-36pd served and the guest of honor received a purse of money and many CASH for scrap iron and metal. Burton Barnhart, Bolivar. N. V. gifts. THE REXALL STORE (26tf Mrs. Butler Drew left Friday- Phone 146. GENERAL INSURANCE evening for Greensboro, N. C , to COME IN ~Snd see the 1942 visit her husband who is stationed patterns of wall paper in the Frank ^ there. Miss Roberta Patterson of Kill- S. Mason store at Friendship, N. Y. (13U METROPOLITAN LIFE INS. CO. OIL and GAS WELL SUPPLIES buck, N. Y., is a surgical patient in the Salamanca hospital. She is the GASOLINE — Buy our gas and \d niece of Mrs. James Care and Mrs get a run for your money. OIL— John Kirchgasser. Use our oil and you will always Miss Virginia Paffie entertained have your bearings. Bissett Bros. OIL and GAS WELL SHOOTING Company, Olean Hinsdale and AlALL KINDS OF INSURANCE the Hult Puellae Club Tuesday (47tf evening at her home. Five Hun- leirany. dred was in play and prizes were WE BUY AND SELL—farms, awarded to the Misses Pauline timber tracts, residence properties, Lounsberry, Gloria Tripp and oil and gas royalties, any and all FIVE CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR FIVE CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR Marian Richardson. Refreshments kinds of real estate. Money to loan were served later in the evening. on first mortgages. Allegany CounThe Boy Scout Troop held their ty Real Estate Agency, Box 385, regular meeting Monday evening Bolivar, N. Y. Office rear of A. J. In the Community Hall. Matson's Law office. 18-tf WELDING ENGINEERS Bolivar Central School SENTINEL OBI [ Items of Interest In Richburg Area NILE-- Machinists Wanted 53 Hours Per Week. Day Work. If now employed on defense, do not apply. LUTHER MFG. CO., Inc. OLEAN, NEW YORK CLASSIFIED THE 2nd WAR LOAN DRIVE IS ON! How to invest in "fighting dollars!" d^ •^b Little Genesee Area , Your Easter THEY G1VI THEIR L I V E S . . . Y O U LEND YOUR MCKE SHOES Are Here T h e following businessmen sponsored this A d : NICHOLS & NICHOLS PARKER'S DRUG STORE FRICK-REID SUPPLY CORP. E. S. ROOT Agent C J. AMSDEN & COMPANY NEW YORK GLYCERINE CO, Inc. ^ L H A L L VARIETY STORE "DILCO" STORE A good variety of styles and still a good variety of colors, but always a Complete variety of sizes and widths. X-RAY SHOE FITTING For the Whole Family LUDDEN'S Shoe Store D. S. DEMPSEY & SON Wellsville, N. Y. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com , * * • • - - -
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