THE ESSENCE OF NEGATIVE EGO = fear, separation & self-centeredness => I. choosing negative ego is choosing a life of over-identification with matter BEFORE A PERSON CAN CLEAR THE NEGATIVE EGO THEY MUST KNOW WHAT THE NEGATIVE II. EGO IS : may seem very elementary; however, to the vast majority of humanity & even Lightworkers it isn't EVERYONE HAS AN EGO OR PERSONALITY WHICH THE SOUL & SPIRIT WORK THROUGH WHICH IS GOOD : the key idea though = that EVERY PERSON WANTS TO SPIRITUALIZE THEIR EGO III. & NOT HAVE A NEGATIVE EGO What Is The Negative Ego & How To Clear It (1) THE KEY TO MASTERING THIS LESSON = TO UNDERSTAND THAT THERE ARE TWO WAYS OF THINKING IN THE WORLD AND ONLY TWO : there are two distinct philosophies of life that all of humanity fit into regardless of their Spiritual beliefs or lack thereof => each person in God's infinite universe thinks with their Spiritual, Soul or Christ Mind or they think with their negative ego mind; these two philosophies could be called the philosophies of the lower self and the Higher Self; if you listen to the lower self, you live a "low life existence"; if you listen to the philosophy of the Higher Self, you live a high life existence; TO FULLY REALIZE INTEGRATED FULL SPECTRUM PRISM CONSCIOUSNESS YOU MUST REMOVE YOUR ATTENTION FROM THE LOWER SELF INTERPRETATIONS & PERCEPTIONS IV. OF LIFE AND INSTEAD KEEP INTERPRETING & PERCEIVING LIFE FROM THE HIGHER SELF IN THE BEGINNING, PRIOR TO CREATION & JUST AFTER CREATION, THERE WAS NO NEGATIVE EGO MIND : God didn't create the negative ego mind, humanity did => it developed as a result of God's Sons & Daughters coming into matter & physical bodies and over-identifying with them => IN THAT MOMENT WHEN THE SONS & DAUGHTERS OF GOD THOUGHT THEY WERE A PHYSICAL BODY RATHER THAN A SON & DAUGHTER OF GOD JUST INHABITING & VISITING A PHYSICAL BODY = WHEN NEGATIVE EGO DEVELOPED => this is referenced in the Bible as the story of Adam & Eve and the eating of the forbidden fruit & the serpent or snake which was the symbol of the negative V. ego mind or lower self SINCE OUR THOUGHTS CREATE OUR REALITY, WHICH PHILOSOPHY YOU CHOOSE WILL DETERMINE WHAT YOU SEE : in truth, you don't see with your eyes, you see with your mind => "The mind creates bondage or the mind creates liberation!" - Sai Baba; YOU WILL HAVE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS IF YOU THINK WITH YOUR NEGATIVE EGO MIND; YOU WILL HAVE POSITIVE EMOTIONS IF YOU THINK WITH YOUR SPIRITUAL MIND => your thoughts create your feelings, emotions, behavior & physical health or lack thereof; psychological health = maintaining a good mental diet; the key is to deny any thought not of God to enter your mind and to be vigilant for God and His/Her Kingdom at all times and never to go on automatic pilot Copyright © I AM University - L98 1/5 THE CONCEPT OF DENIAL & AFFIRMATION : whenever a negative ego thought tries to enter your mind, just deny it entrance & push it out => switch your mind like a channel changer to a positive and/or more Spiritual thought; it is literally occurring a million times a day; YOU ARE THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF YOUR PERSONALITY AND IT IS YOUR CHOICE => God & the Ascended Masters will not do this for you no matter how much you ask; THIS IS YOUR JOB => by denying the negative ego thoughts & keeping your mind steady in the Light at all times, the negative thoughts will die from lack of energy & a new positive habit will be formed in your subconscious mind ... and it will become easy to be positive; IT IS ONLY HARD IN THE BEGINNING, ALTHOUGH VIGILANCE MUST ALWAYS BE RETAINED REGARDLESS OF YOUR LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT THE NEGATIVE EGO, IN TRUTH, DOESN'T EXIST : Sananda/Jesus said in A Course in Miracles that "the fall never really happened, we just think it did!" => in other words, we have all always been one with God & have always been the Christ... BUT IF WE GIVE INTO NEGATIVE EGO THINKING IN OUR OWN MINDS, WE WILL LIVE IN THAT STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS EVEN THOUGH, IN TRUTH, I. IT IS NOT TRUE What Is The Negative Ego & How To Clear It (2) THINKING WITH THE NEGATIVE EGO MIND = LIKE LIVING IN A NEGATIVE HYPNOSIS, OR LIKE DREAMING : when we dream at night we really believe & feel that the dream is real; when we wake up in the morning from a nightmare we are so relieved it was just a dream => normal waking life is the same => you have ben dreaming with your eyes open, living your conscious life ; you are living in II. a dream of the negative ego's interpretation of life rather than interpreting life from your God Mind THERE IS A WAY OF INTERPRETING LIFE THAT WILL BRING YOU INNER PEACE, JOY, CALMNESS, HAPPINESS, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, NONJUDGMENTALNESS, ....ALL THE TIME REGARDLESS OF WHAT IS GOING ON OUTSIDE OF SELF : there is another way of interpreting life that will make you angry, upset, irritable, impatient, moody, emotional, unstable, manic-depressive, depressed & sad => THIS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT IS GOING ON OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF; IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH HOW YOU ARE INTERPRETING III. LIFE THE BLESSING METHOD : the Holy Spirit & Ascended Masters would have us bless & give thanks for everything that happens in our lives => "Not my will, but Thine, oh Lord, thank you for the lesson"; the negative ego does not interpret things as teachings, lessons, challenges or gifts => it curses, gets angry when its attachments and/or expectations are not met; the Spiritual Mind only having preferences, rather than attachments, is happy either way for its inner peace is a state of mind rather than attached to something outside of self; BLESS EVERYTHING THAT COMES INTO YOUR LIFE AND "WELCOME ADVERSITY" AS SAI BABA HAS SAID for everything that comes into your Aura IV. of influence happens for a reason & is God teaching you something you need to learn Copyright © I AM University - L98 2/5 THE NEGATIVE EGO COULD BE DESCRIBED AS "DUALITY" : in transcending negative ego in its fullest extent, one has learned to transcend the world of duality! LIGHTWORKERS HAVE BEEN FOCUSING ON THE SPIRITUAL LEVEL & MAKING GREAT PROGRESS: but if this core psychological level is not mastered there is a cancer ; just because you have achieved your ascension or taken your 7th initiation and broken the Wheel of Rebirth doesn't mean your work is done & you are some God Realized Master; in truth it is when you get to this level that the real work begins => there are 352 levels of initiation back to Source and the 7th initiation, although high for our Planet, is minuscule in the whole scheme of things "IF YOU WANT GOD, YOU MUST WANT GOD LIKE A DROWNING MAN WANTS AIR!" YOGANANDA : you will not find God being indecisive or sitting on the fence => "Love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart and Soul and mind and might, and love thy neighbor as you love yourself!" EVERY PERSON ON PLANET EARTH ONLY HAS ONE REAL PROBLEM AND THAT IS THE NEGATIVE EGO : the negative ego is the cause of all negative emotions, all negative thoughts, all negative behaviors, all physical diseases, all psychological diseases, all relationship problems, poverty consciousness or lack of money ... in essence, IT IS THE NEGATIVE EGO THAT IS BLOCKING YOU FROM GOD REALIZATION What Is The Negative Ego & How To Clear It (3) THE ULTIMATE EXISTENTIAL CHOICE OF EXISTENCE: make a pact & vow with yourself & God to choose only God no matter what, from this day forward and to never "consciously" choose negative ego again => perfection is not never making a mistake, but rather not making a conscious mistake; in India they call this vow the "vow of Brahmacharya" or the "vow of purity" => Gandhi took it and it was the key to his success; the taking of this vow will move you forward faster than all the ascension activations on Planet Earth => this is the real key to Self & God Realization Copyright © I AM University - "GOD IS HIDDEN BY THE MOUNTAIN RANGE OF EGO!" - SAI BABA : it is the negative ego in all its infantile variations and manifestations that leaves us open to negative implants, negative elementals, parasites, negative imprints, etheric damage, etheric mucous, astral entities, core fear, gray fields & negative archetypes IN ESSENCE, THE NEGATIVE EGO COULD BE DEFINED AS "IMBALANCE": anytime we are getting out of balance it is the negative ego that is causing it ; this comes down to which voice you are listening to => are you listening to the voice of separation or oneness, fear or love, self-centeredness or group consciousness .... "Choose once again" - A Course in Miracles L98 3/5 MUCH HAS BEEN GIVEN BY THE ASCENDED MASTERS AND MUCH IS NOW EXPECTED : you are expected (1) to act like God at all times in all situations in all contacts with people; (2) to step into Planetary World Service in whatever way you feel guided to ... => service is the only reason you are here for after actualizing your personality, Soul and Monad COROLLARY LESSONS THAT ARE ALSO REQUIRED THAT EMANATE OUT FROM THE INITIAL LESSON OF DENYING THE NEGATIVE EGO & CHOOSING CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS : *learning to balance your four bodies, *learning to integrate your three minds, *learning to properly parent the inner child, *developing self-love & self-worth, *learning to own your personal power at all times, *learning to reprogram the subconscious mind, *proper control of sexual energy, *psychic self-defense, *right human relationships, *proper care of sexual energy, *right human relationships, *proper care of the physical body, *mastery of the desire body .... => imbalances in any of these areas are, of course, because the negative ego programming is still present A GOOD METAPHOR FOR BALANCING THE FOUR BODIES: look at the Four-Body System as four tubes filled with water => the water is actually energy but it is easier to understand what happens if you see it as water; many Lightworkers are top heavy, they are filtering a great deal of their water into the Spiritual tube which leaves the mental, emotional & physical tubes depleted or vice versa => this creates imbalances & leakages and a whole host of problems; *the same can be seen in the Chakras => when certain Chakras are over-emphasized, causing over-activity in some & under-activity in others, this effects the glandular system & causes a whole other manifestation of lessons .... the idea here is to keep the water balanced in all four tubes => BALANCE & MODERATION IN ALL THINGS; *you can install & activate your 7 levels of initiation prior to really mastering this psychological level; however, you will not fully "actualize" your ascension until you master this area also => this will allow you to become a truly Self Realized being on all levels AS ONE MOVES INTO THEIR ASCENSION & SEVEN LEVELS OF INITIATION ONE BEGINS CLEARING NOT ONLY ONE'S OWN KARMIC STUFF : but also the planetary mass karma, clearing on some level the karma from all one's Soul Extensions from one's Oversoul and the 144 Soul Extensions from one's Monad ... as one continues to evolve this continues to the group Soul level, group Monadic level and eventually to clearing on the solar, galactic & universal levels ... if you have not done it completely in your Self, how can you possibly consider doing it on these larger more expansive levels? Copyright © I AM University - L98 4/5 HOW TO KNOW WHEN YOU ARE OUT OF BALANCE & IN BALANCE : *on a physical level it may manifest as fatigue or improper diet; *on an emotional level as mood swings or negative emotions; *on a mental level as negative thinking; *on a Spiritual level as meditating too much or too little => a balanced person is a calm person who has inner peace, detachment but is also very responsive to self, other people & life ; a balanced person can feel themselves going out of that subtle appropriate range & will then be vigilant & make the appropriate correction within an individual body or within the entire organism WE LIVE WITHIN A GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS WITHIN OUR OWN BEING : we must strike a balance between our physical body, emotional body, mental body, Spiritual body, inner child, inner parent, subconscious mind, conscious mind, Superconscious mind, our 7 Major Chakras, our Christ Mind over negative ego mind, our Soul, our Monad & our personality; EACH PART HAS A VOICE & A PLACE EXCEPT FOR THE NEGATIVE EGO which allows for the full merger with the Soul & monad; all these other parts form a vast communication system within us which we must stay attuned to & honor; when we don't, imbalance occurs which then can lead to a whole host of other problems like dominoes falling ONE MUST BE RIGHT WITH SELF BEFORE ONE CAN BE RIGHT WITH GOD & OTHER PEOPLE : each of us as the conscious mind and/or president must be like an orchestra leader bringing all aspects of ourselves together in balance like a beautiful symphony, which is called God Realization; IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO DO A SUPER QUICK INVENTORY OF ALL PARTS OF SELF TO BE SURE EVERYBODY IS HAPPY => ALL THESE PARTS REALLY WANT IS TO BE PART OF THE TEAM; sometimes they can get a little greedy and it is the job of the orchestra leader, conscious mind, or inner parent to demonstrate tough love & be a strong loving president and let all these parts know who is in charge EVEN THOUGH THE PRESIDENT OR CONSCIOUS MIND IS IN CHARGE, THE PRESIDENT & WHOLE TEAM IS TOTALLY SUBSERVIENT TO THE DICTATES OF THE SOUL & MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE : in the Eastern religions this is called the "sattvic personality" as opposed to the tamasic or rajasic; Copyright © I AM University - L98 5/5
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