^^mmmm *'<f;'-'-: , ' • ' . > - . • •••"*. *••>"• " - •LWA^aimt Religious, ^^^|~jh«jttdi'cip in Hiring Worker* * : *iW; MRS. M Y R T L E R O B E R T S Services will fa* held at the J e n nings . funeral parforf Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock Sot Mra, Myrtle Roberts; 68, registered nurse, who died Saturday in Ellie hospital. The wife of the late E d w i n Robr erts of 141 4 Nptt Terirace, s h e h a * been a. resident here about tour years, coming from Summtrbill, flJ. She belonged to Emmanuel Baptist church. ft She leaves a-daughter, Mrs. William C. Ketchum. Incrimination : £ • ; . . • ' M«iiMi Ifequiem JWass S u n g ^qvirorgraga - -' -> •' :< g . „ — . i Wmierxs Action (?ommiftee Work 1$Manned i * .....I i • i n , i uni • ; , ., V !-. . , / •- ..mm - -, • *_^n nr'r- '{'• • ^0^ 1 . t- ' . 1 £^ ^J*Ak • • • ' • * - , ' ' * ' '••- -'•:• " ': i-X- «if " i n HedrTa/lljGn ; DO Pwfmcils ; The F a c u l t y Women's club . b t Eachron, Mlsa- Maria. Smith, Miss '-Kr«. Charles S, Ruffner, recently, Members of t h e S c h e n e c t a i y A s appointed chairman o t the Wom- Union college will meet on Friday Sarah Steers, Mrs. Alonso Paige sociation for Childhood Education , » y TQNI A D A M S en'* Action Committee for Victory at the home of Mrs. James. M. Walton, Mrs. J o h n Faber, Mrs. held -tbfelr 4wice-po'stponed m i d and Lasting Peace, has received Cline. Kingsley W. Given will be Thomas Peel and Mr». William season meeting yesterday afternoon A3UPANT, March 12. CW.—New word from national headquarters the guest speaker, Mrs. Mortimer Fabrey. at the YWCA. Joseph Czysewskt, s r ^ ^ a r ^ t o d a y - b e c a j a e - t h a J h - s t state J ELLSWORTH HINSIK in N e w York, that oply 62 senators F. Bayre Is chairman, assisted by in charge of Americanization f o r """'.rig ,the Union to enact a law mskMrs, P e t e r Pinep Jenkins of Ros~ tbe Schenectady public schools, and can b e absolutely counted on t o Mrs, Norman Bennetton. Mrs. G. Ing religious o r racial prejudice in Ellsworth CA1) Hinsie, 42, 4t 022 support a n International organisa- M&rcellus Clowe, Mrs, George D. endale road entertained recently security of the citizens' Unity comselecting -workers a- punishable ofAltamont avenue, who died Saturtion to enforce p e a c e . Twenty-4wo Kellog, Miss Esther G. Ely, Mrs. for her son, Edwin, w h o celebrated, mittee, epoke on Dumbarton Oaks, day in St. Peter's hospital, Albany, senators are doubtful, the letter Irving Langm'uic, Miss Mildred his sixth birthday. Present were A t e a preceded t b e meeting. ... / G o v e r n o r Dewey, after a "15-minafter a brief illness, will be burled from Mrs, N o r m a n deR, Wblte- March, Mrs. W. N. Maryin, Mrs, Susair Williams, S u s a n Stearns, p t e public ceremony. In the. execuIt w a s announced that the folin Vale cemetery after services this bouse, national chairman of the Vladimir Rojansky, Mrs. Harold J. S a r a Linder, Gall Sims; Barton Bis- lowing elementary teachers In the tive «>hamberr signed the Ivesafternoon at 2 o'clock at the Oriscommittee, Informs, and 22 listed Rowen, Mrs. D . Richard W e e k s grove, D a n n y DlCarlp, Everett M a y - Schenectady a r e a have"been named Quihn." anti-discrimination bill at wold funeral home, Woodlawn, St. MILTON I* OARLISU5 nard, Clayton Moraveo and George* ACE school representative*: as irreconcilable. These figures and Mrs. J.«i3arold Wlttner. , 1:25 p.m before approximately 200 v Creorge's Masonic lodge conducted loft Tqd. persons. Mrs. Irene B. Bhaw, BrandVwinej H U D S O N F A L L S •*- A reijiuem were compiled from t h e voting recservices at the parlors last night. ord* of senators, their speeches and Similar legislation is being conMiss Ethel K. - Wetmore, Edison; The Music Study club will meet high mass for Tech. Sgt.^Milton I* % Rev. H. D. Shimer will Conduct ROY BORDEAU Mrs. Robert W . Williams and her Miss Janet Hamilton, Elmer; Miss sidered by seven other states and Carlisle, formerly of Schenectady, their answers t o a questionnaire on March 18 at the'home of Mrs, other services this afternoon. children, Ann, S u s a n and Holly, of Julia Arnold, Euclid; Miss EMaasubmitted to t h e m before t h e last also by congress. NewxYork'a law Andre Plngon of Myron s t r e e t husband' of Mrs. Shirley M. CarFormerly a constructHm engineer Pvt. Roy W. Bordeau, son of Roy ~/m Rosendale road will leave today t o beth. Scott, F r a n k l i n ; Miss Elizaelection. l a e l e c t i v e July L Mrs.' N e i l Reynolds . will be in Bordeau of 1027 Albany street, Is employed with several concerns, lisle. 263 Main street, w a s conBaying he was "happy and home on furlough. Private Bor- Mr. Hinsie bad been working at ducted at 8 a.m. Saturday in St. "At present", Mrs. Whltehouse charge of the program on "Music spend several weeks with Lieuten- beth X. MacMlllan, Fulton: Mrs. ant (JG) Williams, w h o i s stationed Clotilda M. Fleischner, Halseyj proud"* to approve a measure by deau entered service 'Nov. 10. 1W4 the General Electric Co. prior to Paul's, church by \Rev. E. J. E. states, "it is possible for senators i n - t h e Concert Hall". in Baltimore, Md. whl£h "the people of the State of and trained at Fort McClellan his illness. He was born . in this Surprenant. pastor. \ Sergeant Car- representing about T per cent of Mlss"*Louella Denesha, Hamilton; N e w Y o r k / t h r o u g h their govern- where he received the Infantry city where he had been a lifelong lisle, son of Mr. a n a Mrs.. Harold the people to block a treaty. W e Miss Annie B. Davison, Horace T h e members off the Edison club Mrs. J a m e s Lake Elrod of Union ment, reaffirm thefF faith in- the marksman's medal. Mann; Mrs. R h o d e Bun-ell, H o w e ; can be plunged into w a r by a s i m A Carlisle of' th/s village, w a s held a duplicate abridge party on resident. He " belonged to St. On complesimple principles of our free re- tion of his furlough h« will report George's Masonic lodge. killed in action aJfc/Bayiitne, le_rna1orUy YQtf, Pi ;day s v W n g - a t ^ e ^ " l u b h Q u e e 4 g ^ e t ^ P f l n M f r ^ ^ Lrnco public", JVwe-y dedaied but every difficulty is in t h e w a y m Rexford. North-sought winners with her sister and brother-in-law, Miss Margaret Downey, Maywood; to Fort Meade, McT Bordeau is a 'Besides "his wlfeTMrs. Madeline "bourg, Jan. *3. "X X x by this act the state- deThe purple heart medal and a of our accepting a treaty of were Miss Eileen 1!. Kavanagh and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesley Rice Mrs. Helen H. Cain, Nott Terrace; former Mont Pleasant High school Knueppel Hlnsle; he leaves a" step* clares the simple principle that in Miss Mary Kelly, Oneida; Miss presidential citation w a s awarded peace." E. M. Stacey. East-west winners son, P v t Albert Hanna of the U.S. employment there shall be no dis- student and w a s employed at the Army overseas; one sister, Mrs. posthumously to Sergeant Carlisle Paul Mansfield Adamson of Phila- Helen Cole, P l e a s a n t Valley. This results, the letter poltjts out, were Mr. and Mm, W. T . Thomas. General Electric before entering crimination by teason of race, Mrs. Ann H. Erbachtr, RiverAgnes Palmer of this city; and t w o and was received recently by fils from the fact that the requirement Others playing were Mr, and Mrs. delphia, Pa., Is ' spending several creed, color or national origin. It s e r v i c e . - - . Sergeant Carlisle served of a two-thirds vote In the senate J. L. Tooher, Mr. and Mrs. John days with h i s mother a n d sister, sideFMIsa H . Eviia Chadwick, V a n brothers, Burton R. Hinsie and Dr. wife. expresses the rule that must be Dfeland E. Hinsie. There are t w o w i t h the 26th cavalry reconnais- to ratify a treaty, giving, for ex- Horn, Mr. and. Mrs. C, W. Bryant, Mrs. John Mansfield Adamson and Corlaer; Mrs. Rebecca E . Matties, A if» fundamental in any free society—' necessary. Violation constitutes a nieces. His mother, Mrs. Lillian P. sance troop, Yankee division of ample, the 100,000 people of N e v a d a Mr. and Mrs, August Schmidt, Mr. Mrs. Frank S. Lawrence of Park- Woodlawn; Miss Marjorie Chamthat no man shall be deprived of misdemeanor punishable by a $500 Hinsie of the Amsterdam road, died General Patton's Third army In the same weight against a treaty and Mrs. Oliver W, Goffigon, Mr. wood boulevard. berlayne, Y a t e s ; Mrs. Beatrice the chance to earn of his bread by fine or a year's imprisonment, or eight weeks ago. France, Germany and Luxembourg as the combined populations of and Mrs. F. V. D. Longacr4 Mr. Learnan, Sunny view; Miss Helen reason of the circumstances of his both, Commission findings will be Miss Mary Gazeley of Goucber Thoma, Sacandaga; Miss Katherine as a radio operator in an armored N e w York and Pennsylvania, and Mrs. F. E . Baker, Mr. a n d Mrs. birth". unit. , 23,400,180, would have in favor. John C. Minick, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. college, Baltimore, Md., will arrive Hennesey, Lincoln, Scotia; Miss subject to court review. Employers MRS. RUTH McGREEHAN '&*Dewey now must name the five- of fewer than six persons,- religious, Sergeant Carlisle w a s formerly State chairmen of the w o m a n ' s O'Neal, Mr. arid Mrs. C; L. Perle- on Thursday to spend several d a y s Marjorie Hamilb,. Mohawk; Mim Funeral services will be held member commission created by the charitable, social and fraternal oremployed at the Schenectady army committee are arranging inter- berg, Mr. and Mrs. Walther E . with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wil- Ruth Broeland, Van Antwerp; Miss Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock measure to investigate workers' ganisations, are exempt. Minetta Baraclough, Draper; Mlsi depot. He enlisted Aug. 10, 1W2 views with the doubtful senators, Wyss, Mr. and MrB. L. C. Partridge, liam E . Gazeley, of Avon road, at the Glock parlora, J a y street,, complaints of discrimination by Lois M. Sager, John Bigsbee; Miss "By its work the commission will for Mrs. Ruth Montayne McGree- and received his basic training in and headquarters hopes a number Mr. and Mrs. Brainard G. Hatch, employers, labor unions or employ- meet from day to day the hidden Mrs. Burt 'h. N e w k i r k of Rosa Lurana B, Hoag, Brown; Mrs. the horse cavalry at Fort Riley, of them will join the favorable list, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wright, Mr. ment agencies. Each commission irritants which if circulated would han, formerly of this city, who died Kan., later transferring to the Mrs. Whitehead concludes. and Mrs. Clair C. Lasher, Miss Vir- road h a s returned after spending Helen C. - Howjand, 108 Union Saturday in Westfield, Mass., after member wili receive $10,000 annu- fester discontent among, many a brief illness. Burial will be in mechanized cavalry after completIn a recent Interview Mrs. Ruff- ginia Smith, P, B. Weld, Mr. and a w e e k in Marblehead, Mess., with street; Miss E v a Bateman, Sohaally. Further ner stated that plans, are under Mrs. E. J. Jackson, Mr. a n d Mrs, her daughter a n d son-in-law, Mr. nectady museum and Mrs. Florence groups of our citizenry. It is f i r Parkview cemetery. The parlors ing a course in . radio. Commission's Duties Hartwell, retired teachers, better that these evils receive open will be open tonight after 7 o'clock. training w a s received at Machiast way for t h e ' appointment of coun- Gerald W. Young, Mr. and Mrs. A. and Mrs. Bernard Cain. The commission is directed to consideration and effective treatH. Mittag, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Me.; Camp Devens, Mass.; Fort ty chairmen throughout the district Mrs! McGreehan w a s born in this conciliate, when possible, and to is- ment than they be Buppresse'd to city. She leaves her father, Clar- Jackson, SC.; Camp Gordon, Ga.; and the organization of commit- Hewitt, Dr. and Mrs. George H. Miss Elisabeth Stark of Scotia s u e "cease and desist" orders, w h e n become the weapon of whispering ence E. Montayne of this city; two Camp Campbell, Ky., and In tee unrts. Referring to her Interest Herman, Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Camp, h a s been appointed business man- monthly business meeting at the • malcontents". in the a i m s of the Woman's Action Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Griggs, Mr. ager of the Kansas State "Colle- home of Mrs. Harold Lohner, Guild", sons, Richard of this city, and maneuvers in Tennessee. *1.' Dewey took five minutes to sign Howard McGreehan of the U.S. Sergeant Carlisle went overseas Committee for Victory and Last- and Mrs. R. E . Sonnekson, Mr. a n d gian" for the spring semester. A erland avenue, Thursday at 8 p.m. Mrs. H. B. Heitzman, Miss Jean Junior In industrial journalism at Mrs, Hewlett Squddef will be guest the bill, using 22 pens t o represent Navy; and a brother, Walter C. in September, 1944, and Immediately ing Peace, Mrs. ~Ruffner said: Hard-to-Find Itejns the letters and punctuation of his Montayne of Scotia. • went into combat and took part "With every year that has passed Peterson, A. B. Taylor, Mr. and K a n s a s State college, Miss Stark speaker. Mrs. D. A. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. A. is also in charge of advertising signature (Approved, Thomas E. In engagements inFrance, Gersince women became voting -citiS. S. • PIERCE & CO, -jh. Dewey). He gave the first pen to many and the counter offensive zens, the w o m e n of America have F. List, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Mon- copy and layouts for the college Beukendaal chapter, DAR, will HENRY BOTHER I annual. She w a s recently initiated meet tomorrow at 2;30 p.m. at the Assemblyman Irving af. Ives, Rein Luxembourg. become increasingly aware of their heimer and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. A requiem high mass will be celeinto Pbi Alpha Mu, honorary s o - General Electric Woman's clubi publican majority leader, chairman obligation to justify t h i s right and Gilbert Jr. ciety l o r junior and senior women, Mrs. Alton Tredlck will speak on of the temporary commission on brated Wednesday morning at 10 privilege. The old attitude of leavdiscrimination and co-sponsor of o'clock in Our Lady of M t Carmel ing the making of the laws govMrs. Marhlofi G. Snell of Lowell and Quill club, creative writing so- "Readers a n d Reading." Miss Alice church for Henry Bottieri, 61, of the measure. erning our state and nation to their road w a s hostess to group two of ciety. xShe i s a member of t h e dra- M. Buck will serve as chairman of 3216 Congress street, formerly owner fathers, husbands or brothers is a Lauds Dewey the First Reformed church at a matic club a n d is active in YWCA hostesses. of the North American Fireworks thing of the past; modern w o m e n luncheon meeting yesterday after- work. Ives, Lauding Dewey's "leader- Co., who died Sunday at his home accept full responsibility for s u c h noon. Present weire Mrs. Clark V. ship arid co-operation" and the after a brief illness. Burial will be Mr. and Mrs. William R . . Lund laws. Poling, Mrs. E . E. Ryon,,Mra, W. V. commission's "united, unselfish ef- in Sts. Cyril and Methodius cemeof Palmer avenue had as their re* Merrihue, Mrs. George L, Cullen , ''Of all the decisions which muBt fort", said: tery. ^Self-Service Market Do y«v infer be made by our.governm.ent a t this Jr.. Mrs. D o u w F . Beekman, Mrs.' cent guests, Mr. Lund'p sister, Mrs. "I trust that nowhere will an efMr. Bottieri w a s born in Italy, 125 1 Ferry St.* time, women are. concerned most Gustav Hjerpe, Mrs, Robert ' E. George Hoffay, and her daughter, from MONTHLY fort be made to make political Capi- and came to this city 45 years ago Georgia Carole, and Mrs.' Gustav tal of w h a t we are now accom- and had been in the fireworks busiALBANY, March 12 UP).—Rear- deeply with those which will affect Kise, Mrs. George I. Clover, Mrs. Ellison of Kingston. On Saturday, plishing, x x x -We have faith, sir, ness here for some years. raignment of persons named in In- our peaceful relationship with the Peter P i n e o Jenkins, Mrs. Kilgore Mrs. Clement Laurence of North t h a t this Is going to work out. x x x Besides his wife, Mrs. Emily Bot- dictments found by -the Governor rest of the world. W e realize that Macfarlane, Mrs. Roscoe Mars, W e believe the commission to be tieri, he leaves five sons, Corp. Wil- Dewey-ordered grand Jury investi- our debt t o American m e n w h o Mrs. K. G. Ruthe and Mrs. Glenn College street entertained a t a wm n» snsKf nrseraswsj»r lunoheon honoring t h e visitors. appointed will do the job x x x But liam, now in France, Pfc. Louis in gating Albany county crime has have been fighting and .dying all B. Warren. If functional periodic disturbances over the world to preserve the that isn't enough. If this Is going Germany, Petty Offtcer Elbert in been delayed pending court of apmake you feel nervous, tired, restless— Mrs. Lillian Hawley of Scranton, at suon times—try tale fersai medicine American ideal cannot be disto work x x x, w e must have the the navy, Henry F v Bottieri of the peals action, Mrs. G. F. Smith of Union street co-operation of the public every- army air force, and Mario Bottieri; - - T h e indictments, originaily-quash- cjiarged .simply by- ^backing t h e m w a s bostess to group four of the Pa., h a s returned home after spend- —Lydia B, Wnkham'e VegVtoble Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken three daughters, Mrs." John J. Murt ed by State Supreme Court Justice up on the home front' while the First Reformed church at her home ing three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. regularly—It helps build up resistance E. M. Dietrloh of Curry road. Cr^molKwi^rtUeyes^promptly b e Before the legislature approved phy and the Misses Clementine and war lasts. W e know that w e shall on Thursday. Luncheon was served against such distress. Also a grand cause) i t goes right to the seat of t h e t h e measure, opponents attacked it Emily Bottieri; a Bister, Mrs. Car- William H. Murray, were reinstated be worthy of them only if w e s e e by Mrs. H a r r y ' Van Slyke^ Mrs, itomacmctonio,fWlowlaa«ldlreettons. last week by the appellate division. trouble w help loosen a n d expel The Parish auxiliary of St. Paul's ngeTmiadeh phlegm, and aid nature on the ground prejudice could not mels Bellavista of the Bronx; and Defense counsel immediately filed to it that their sacrifice results in A. G. ' Alessandrini, Mrs. Roger JBpiacopal chutiilt:—wltt^ htfttr*srTy Waitou, MTS. • W s t t o r S r a n d h o r s f be eliminated by law. • two grandchildren, Ronald Bottler!, nolteesj^aneal^jih^ &&* to»t|njg Epnrt, a . p e e w e - ^ t ^ W : t o soothe and heal raw, tender, i n ***-* highest g g l L J E ^ I i L - ^ 1 1 ^ 1 1 ! Pomncratlc a n d , John-THeng^Atttepfay^-tffZttZrz^f*^^^ endure. That is why w h y millions of and Mrs. Jay E, Friday. The group court HAlHON FACE OR BODY m ^ o T i t y i e a d e r" "who sponsored the women in America h a v e - u n i t e d in sewed for t h e Ellis hospital. Others Legality of the grand jury is the ran be permanently removed so that regrowili i» fmpoivftbpttleof Creomulsion with the un measure with Ives, declared : present were Mrs. Abraham Veeder, their effort to ' attain this- objecTHOMAS H A N D vlble by MULTIPLE ELECTftOIiYBIS, PalftleMly and issue in the court action involving yqu must like the way it "I a m proud that the commonSafely. ; ...... tive. .._.... . . Mrs. F r a n k Walton, Mrs, Frederick Thomas Hand of 729 Albany the indictments. ,ys§he cough or you arc wealth of N e w York has been the Mussina, Mrs. George Helling, Mrs. •^-STRicT PRIVACY—COSSULTA^IOtf FREE "The Woman's Action Commitstreet, retired e m p l o y e - o ^ b ^ N e ^ f ^ - J p h e rearrangnments had been ifaohey back." Myron Bellanger, Mrs. William beacon light, has shown the w a y in York Telephone Co., who died Sun tee for Victory and Lasting P e a c e thfs progressive legislation, espe- day in-Ellis hospital after a week's scheduled for today but were post- already has over 5,000,000 members, Foster, Mrs. John Birch, Mrs. Paul poned after a n oral understanding cially in these critical times, x x x fttHy^-^^rw»4*tw.gi^a*re,^ hef-MlSr = i l m e s a f w i l l ^ ^ r i e ^ ^ n ^ t J o h n V j o ^ twoe sel t h a P i b py«ffi^fu^pitg¥ even though n n t i a t -ij. . forCftuerts^CJiflitCotdirEronchiHy.^gm'JSBflHasst x x"x"jiur 'Ihoughts; Cometery, - Troy;, ~ af teg \ some states. T h e national ofLouise Arnold, Miss Annabelle Mac: ngr t o e indictments ~be nerd Oilijas;,— n»»;.uiA. - ' •••„'.•.•- - " - U i . . M i ' , - . r 's forefigaiibV 7d6BJfes1 Will live" • ficers and consultants of this comTTV - — ' M ,r- >W*d««b^TnoTning at' 9:30 o'clock pending court of appeals action. m i t t e e ape., recognised as leaders d f ^ :each i r speaker 5 5 £ to ^ stand " r aby »" St. Augustine's chUich, Troy. —. « bringing throughout America. One of them, The William A. Tooljey funeral M i8s Dewey's desk, where the governor home at 114th street and Second Alleged Seducer of - -yj!r.fi5iajQUderslggye, dgajLOt sat J n l h e glare of the spot lights. BarKard' college, h a s been apavenue, N o r t h Troy, will be open' Other speakers, all of whom Wednesday morning after 9 o'clock. Italian Girl Restored pointed by President Roosevelt as praised Dewey for his support of one of. our national representatives Mr. Hand was born In Kansas the legislation, were Charle9 H. City, Mo. He lived in Troy when To Duty by Navy at tbe international conference lrs[ Tattle, temporary commission he w a s a young man and moved to N E W YORK, March 12 UL —The San Francisco n e x t moth. counsel; F r a n k L. Weil, Dr. Alvin this city over 20 years ago. H e had third naval district headquarters "I cannot s e e h o w such a group Johnson, John F . Brosnan and Rev. been with the telephone company announced late today that Chief of women, which takes a nonGeorge E. Sims, all members of the until he retired 10 years ago. Pharmacist's Mate Frederick Brooks partisan attitude in its effort t o temporary commission. He leaves a sister, Mrs, Arthur who has been accused of seduction attain so splendid a n objective, by Tuttle, N e w York city lawyer Newconib of Providence, RL, and a of an Italian girl while serving whatever m e a n s m a y be wise and who has been mentioned for chair- niece, Miss Alice Hand of North overseas, had been restored to full proper, can fail to m a k e Itself felt manship of the permanent commis- Troy. In the councils w h i c h must m a k e duty. sion, told the group: T h e navy said that while its offi- the decisions s o important t o every "In the annals of American cial announcement did not specify woman in America—to .'every womGERALDINE FERRARO , democracy, this day will be noted an in the world. I believe that Why W a i t T i l l the Spring Ruih? Enjoy Your Living Room * Geraldine Ferraro, six weeks old that charges on which Brooks had every woman In America will wish and honored for Its proclamation been held were dropped, "it is safe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward of economic emancipation, x x x _ — Now—-Best Selection, Cholcost FafrrU*! k«—* Fnrrem of- l a g a ^ r O T g ^ ^ T C T t r ^ n T r } * ^ ^ * * 1 , 1 " ^ ^ ^ p- of 111 i a o r - a n y --oV, splendid work." Brooks, who w a s about to receive state has ever by his signature died Saturday in a Rochester hosGIVINOW pital after a brief Illness, will be a medical discharge before his depound of used fats y o u given legal life to a nobler cause". J O H N B I G S B E E P T A tention ona ship at Pier 92, North burled in St. John's cemetery after bring t o your butcher! The regular meeting of John The common cold has more ef- services this morning In the De- river, was removed to the Naval hospital at S t Albans, Queens, for Bigsbee P T A will be held tonight fectively sabotaged our war produc- Legge funeral home. GIVE MORI tion efforts than all strikes put toBesides the parents, the surviv- treatment of a nervous condition, at 8 o'clock in the school gym. SAVE USED FATS-fOR Delmar Berg, scoutmaster,* and the navy added. » gether. In cost to employed per- ors include a grandmother, Mrs. members of B o y Scout troop 42, sons and lost Industrial production Said Japour of Troy; a grandBATUEFieiO MEDICINES will be In charge of the entertainthe loss runs to about one billion father, John Ferraro of this city, ment. Room mothers . o f - t h e k i n . and some aunts, unclps and r.nna» si dollars. dergarten morning class, Mrs. ins. Smith Youmans a n d Mrs. Raymond EVES EXAMINED —'-^ GLASSES F I T T E D Dwyer, chairmen, will serve reOne-Minute Test BENJAMIN F. KLOCK 1—In ancient times what people freshments. Benjamin Franklin Klock, 60, rewere especially noted as navigators hired General Electric Co. machin=£ and traders? ist, who died Sunday at his home, -OPTOMhtRIST2—What Is the principal reason 133 Mohawk avenue, Scotia, will be 158 Jay Street ' Opposite Mohican Market buried in Park cemetery after serv- for nomads' moving from place Phone 4-9313 ices Wednesday Hfternoon at 2 place? ALL WORK DONE 3 - W h a t "big ditch" w a s built by o'clock at the James funeral home, Scotia. Rev. Anthony Van Westen- Ferdinand de Lesseps? iH OUR OWM FACTORY burg, pastor of Scotia Reformed • • * ONLY iXPIRT WORKMIM church, will officiate. The parlors Words of Wisdom Thurs. Mar.lSAfrl.Mar.U will be open tonight. Men are free when they ace in Ttm»i 1:30 PMTWKdrf-*M. I Mr. Klock was b o m In Virginia a living homeland, not when they and lived In Scotia for many years. are. straying and breaking away. Dolly He belonged to the Scotia Reformed —D. H. Lawrence. church for 57 years and was also • » > At our new auction rooms a member of- tho Q.E. Quarter HlnU o n Etiquette in the rear of 709 Union Century club. If you use-a neighbor's telephone His wife w a s the late Mrs. Anna when you have none o f your own, FREE ESTIMATE St., Sch'dy. N.Y. Intranco M. O. Klock. He leaves two daugh- be sure to pay for the call. If it AISOLUTILY NO OBLIGATION one block off of Park PI. ters, Mrs. Howard B. Toll of Sco- Is. a long distance call, check the fttrnm tia and Mrs. Lela K. Boville; two bill with your neighbor so as to Chinese Cabinet end collection sons, R a y W. Klock ofa this city be sure to pay what you owe. and Earl G- Klock of Scotia, and OT over 5,0 iHmiV three grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Tnday'A Horoscope Rare tet of ^Girandole* (the >.^<•:<^r^v^^^ e^xJev•|^^gWJ^Be.w.•.^!.fW.y^^• ' W ' W - ' j o . : John A. Buhrmaster of Scotia; a If today Is your birthday, you shepherd end hi* dog) brother, William Ward of Charl- can only be happy If y o u keep ^JBBI^;^3M5af An outstanding large Brest ton, and three great-grandchildren. looking ahead, letting ambition FOR A ctUKRTVL W.AHTW, lit* Ho'or temp carry you to your goal. Guard ten to the sparkle of n drink MRS. ANGELO DI THOMAS against a tendenoy t o become dis-. Beautiful Paisley Shawl mixed with Cjnada D r y Services will be held Wednesday couraged when failure greets your Antique Dolls, Empire Rote* Water. "Pu*<i*oiNT C A R B O rnfmm morning at 10 o'clock for Mrs". Ah- efforts. You are loyal and honest, tmmtmmm NATlON'V'meeflS liveliness t o H i l l l l >llllll'llH>lW apd should.hove many true friends. Carved Mahogany Chair, Rotegeline DiThomas at her home, 1092 the last sip. Webster street, followed by a fu» Do not t r y 7 t o dictate fo anyottA Wood Table (QnyTB Top}, impjr* Canada Dry W a t e r - t h e neral mass at 11 o'clock In Our today, evejr for his or her o w n Console Table, Brett French world's most popular club Lady of MU Carmel church. She good. A)lew everyone freedom of *od*~{» preferred Intthe finest died Sunday at her home after a action, so no. one need block your Standi, Chett of Drawers, Table * W t R«-Uphel$t«r From ^ * W e Re-Style and y berty hotels and clubs. Itaspeprogress. Courtesy toward every, end Chairs, Rrepface - PUcet, long Illness. d p i Ibrmuls points up the l a r # Pramel hx ' Medernlse! ' . She .was b o m in Italy and came one should demonstrate your de- Rugs, Clocks, Cutglea, Colorflavor of «ny tell drink* Serve to this country 34 years Ago and sire to be friendly. ed. Patterned, Blown,' SeHft. since that time had lived In this Tiffany end lacy SandwichweeoTTve One-Minute Teat Answer* city. . h o m e *,.». li Htviland China, Wedfl*woorf, i—The Phoenicians. Beside* her-husband, .she leaves cett* no more •Mini"" ii r "\ nwiuii II I'i'-MK iia> t) i\m iiiwliiiiii I ii iinimiiiiiiiiH* i« i C*mm**m*m*mmtmmimmmm limogei, BUouoT three sons, Corp. Attllllo DlThdmaa thin- efdjx 3—TO find food for their flocks. Steffishlre, WuHeeaift haty fflbtsrt. a m n S g t . E r n e s t DiThomas, both in S—The Sue* canal, , «. < * Penan end Lustrewar»; Modem yrance, a n d Alhert DjThbmal or Chest, Dresters, TeWet, Detbj Amsterdam; HireY daughters, Mrs. ^mi0m*m*l**m\m**+ Vacuum Cleaners, Small Table Agnes Sefanuio, Mrs, Anna CapullO 'lurdjov «te.j ;;.; _,:;- •'. ^j^JJ^M and Mis* Esther DiThomas,.all of r t h V s c t t f r r ~ -* -v—' •:;''/•:., v.;:,;?-; !£ CRACKED WHEAT 5^ 45c Dewey Probe Rearraignment KRUEGER'S NERVOUS TENSION How To Relieve •OMULSION m RE NOW IS THE TIME TO YOUR LIVING ROOM SUITE! taRed Prints COME AN w w PHONE US TODAY + m Grab Bag" O. D. EVELEIGH AUCTION OF ANTIQUES This drink even better/ p> CHAIR and C U S H I O N 24.95 *> '• •'. > far AJ LitnK ABjnuymism SOFA and 3 CUSHIONS 49.50 | COMB IN AND SEE HOW.•;,. • W« R«.Cov»r With Choice* Fabric*! . '• W# Make Old Furniture . U e k Like Now! fctfcmetADy m 7 • ^ • C - / . »Xi. Scotch and Irish a* late a s the end of the 18th • C i f t t u r ^ . h u r l i d butter i n peat bogs f o r <%$$$"afld flav0rl»g,M DAN HICKEY Untitled Document Only^Step^om Stete St, ^ I I O T R $cnenecreoyi Aucfloftier: I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com T w m mm
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