CLASSIFIEDS 754-8463 GARAGE SALES or contact Kati Peiffer at 319-385-8126 or Compensation based on degree and experience, benefits. Application deadline April 25th, 2014. EOE. Immediate Openings Clear Falls Bottled Water is accepting applications for delivery/shop positions. Must have clean driving record, able to lift a maximum of 80 lbs, and like working with the public. Full time with flexible schedule. Apply in person at 321 S. Main St., Burlington, IA. MECHANIC If you are mechanically talented and have your own tools we will train you on boat motor repair and rigging. Apply in person at Archer Auto Marine 308 Division St Burlington. WANTED: Complete Auto Service Available! BICYCLES 2 VINTAGE English Made Folding Bicycles (Raleigh Shoppers) good condition. $600 for the pair. (217)453-6505 AUTOS Someone to help with the laundry service. Call 319-752-1528 MANUFACTURING JENNISON INDUSTRIES is currently looking for production workers in a manufacturing setting. Applicants must have a good work record and be safety and quality minded. Interested candidates can pick up an application at 106 Washington, Burlington, IA 52601 MEDICAL CNA Full Time needed for night shift Apply in person at New London Nursing & Rehab New London, IA EOE/AAP Disability and Vets Advanced Home Health Care CNA’s needed. All shifts available. Please stop by 1525 Mt. Pleasant St. to fill out and application. Medical Assistants needed for an expanding office in Mt Pleasant. Will train. Please respond with a CV to PO Box 2665 Iowa City, IA 52240. 319-385-7614 Boles Auto Sales 3 mi. E. of Mt. Pleasant on Hwy. 34. There are lots of Great Buys in today’s Classifieds Check Them Out! 12 ga. 15 shot, 2 tu bes L ifetim e W arran ty $ 400009 Pulse Auto Salvage Wanted wrecked cars and trucks Computerized Inventory National Parts Locating 402 N. 2nd St. • Rome, IA 800-292-0095 1997 BUICK Lesabre 93,000 miles, 3.8L, lady driven, 2nd owner. $3900 319-392-4877 or 931-1132 CASH FOR JUNK CARS 1805 Olive St. Fri., April 18, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Lots of fishing poles, USA made knives, tools, hunting items, small boat motor, older collectiles and Japanese collectibles, Boyds Bears, treadmill, prom dresses, and a bunch of misc. 2143 S. Central BUFFETtofhe W EEK 319-850-7536 Fri. 8am-12 and Sat. 8-1pm bag sale 12-1. 2 family sale! Beer lights, log splitter, 250 gal water tank, misc. holiday items, children & adult books and puzzles, baby items, girls & womens clothes & shoes, dishes, wall hangings, tea sets, nic nacs, afgans & much misc. Priced to sell! 1675 L ight/L aser available Buying batteries $5 and dirty copper wire 75¢ /lb. Also Buying Scrap Metal 11836 Tama Rd For appt. (319)750-6159 Find Us on Facebook K EL-T EC M odel K SG Now offing estate & farm cleanup 50/50 Sat., 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Eliptical, Foozeball table, TV, crib, Barbie Jeep, girls items, misc. Treats available. Fixing Dents, Door Dings and Hall Damage Economical and Enviornmentally friendly Dents as low as $50! 319-752-2209 Buying Trucks, Vans, Semis, Buses & Farm Equipment 11235 Memorial Park Rd. L icen sed G un D ea ler 1624 A etna St.,B urlington Paying $100-$1000 per Vehicle BURLINGTON 1220 Mt. Pleasant St. Burl. (319)753-6586 H ardy G un & Loan EEK LOCAL INSURANCE company looking for a goal oriented individual with proven personal and financial success, natural drive to succeed, and desire to help others. Ability to manage an office, hire associates and develop marketing and sales plans is required. Even if you don’t have insurance experience, we want you to consider our business opportunity. Send resume to P.O. Box 156, West Burlington, IA 52655. See Paul Boles for your next car deal!!! G U N tof he W INSURANCE Roberts Tire Center All Tires Available! •Truck •Light Truck •Light Passenger •Agriculture Bauer Built Tire 1207 Broadway West Burlington (319) 753-2895 Delta Service Center & MR. T’s TRANSMISSION Family Owned since 1979 •Transmissions• •Brakes• •General Repair• •Foreign + Domestic• 319-752-0101 or 800-972-6263 600 S. Main St., Burlington Sell your stuff! Call Classifieds 319-754-8463 Monday-Friday 8 to 5 The Palm s 4920 A ve. O • Fort M adison, IA 319-372-5833 palm EASTER BRU N CH BU FFET April20, 2014 • 10 a.m .-2 p.m . S tuffed P ork Loin,G lazed R oast,P ineapple H am ,H oney M ustard H am ,G rilled P ineapple C hicken,B aked C hicken Fried C hicken,C hicken & B roccoliC asserole,C hicken & R ice C asserole,C atfish,W alleye,Tilapia,M ashed P otatoes & G ravy,C orn,C arrots,G reen B eans, S oup,P each C obbler,A pple C obbler,B read P udding & R um S auce,S easoned P otatoes,A u G ratin P otatoes,C orn B read S tuffing,B aked B eans,A ssorted A ppetizers,P eel& Eat S hrim p, FullS alad B ar,D essert B ar,C innam on R olls M ake Your R eservations TO DA Y! 1997 FORD Mustang, red, great shape, 150k miles, power everything, V6, air, auto. Call (319)671-1089. 2005 HYUNDAI TUCSAN, V6, auto, leather, all power, newer tires. Looks and drive excellent. (319)752-0662 399881 Absolute Transportation Inc. 725 S. Roosevelt, Burlington 319-754-8759 Complete auto, truck & van repair services Fri 8 - 4. Sat 8-12. Dining canopy, 20” girls bike, pet taxi and beds, hamper, Coach purse, nice women’s clothes (2x, CARGO TRAILERS TRUCKS 22w), men’s jeans 42-30 and 44-30, girls 6 to 10-12, misc. CARGO TRAILER, 5x8 Great 1994 FORD F150 ext. cab, runs Timber by Menards (new good, 4x2, 8 foot bed, high $1898), in very good condition, miles, good tires. $1200 Fri., 9-4 & Sat., 9-1. Multi-Famsome extras. $1000. 319-392-4877 or 931-1132 ily. All seasons clothes for (319)758-0788. Girls, boys and adult, misc. 2005 SILVERADO, silver, items. Choose your next career $12,500. 53,000 miles. Dual Sell your stuff! Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds exhaust. 8’ bed. 319-671-2171 Place an ad in Classifieds S.E. Iowa’s #1 Advertising or 319-392-4937. 319-754-8463 Source for New Jobs 2004 Z71 Silverado, 4x4, extended cab, chrome side rails, tow package, $12,000, 123,000 miles. (319)392-4937. of GOLF M EM BERSHIP the W EEK 2518 Vineyard St. D eer R un G olf C our se #1 D eer R u n D r., H a m ilton , IL 217-847-3623 • w w w .d eerru n h a m ilton .com TW O N E W SIN G L E M E M BE R SH IP S F O R $7 00 O r join w ith a p res en t m em b er for terrifica lly low a n n u a l fees ! AUCTION CALENDAR 05/13, TUESDAY REAL ESTATE AUCTION, 5:00 PM at 511 S. Starr, Burlington, Iowa. DOROTHY HARWOOD ESTATE, F&M Bank and Trust, Executor. Kelli Johnson, Trust Officer. Eric Benne, Attorney. Auctions by Smith, L.C. Find a New Job 399680 Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds BIG RESULTS Call Classifieds Monday-Friday 8 to 5 to place your ad or at 24/7 Sew ‘n Sew Shop 3206 D ivision St.,Burlington 319-752-5733 w w w .sew nsew APARTMENTS UNFURN. Caspian Village 701 E Pennington St. Now taking applications for studios, 1 bedrooms, and 2 bedrooms. Ask about our specials. Call 319-753-2632 2 BEDROOM, 611 W. Van Weiss, $495. Onsite laundry, air conditioner, dishwasher, many upgrades. No pets! Equal Housing Opportunity. 877-932-0781 STONEGATE VILLAGE 1 or 2 bedrooms. No section 8 or HUD. Stonegate Village Apartments, 4051 West Avenue, Burlington. Call for appt. to view (319)471-3812. PARK MADISON APTS. U sed H usqvarna Viking D esigner SE Em broidery M achine w ith exclusive sensor lift system $2,100 04/17, THURSDAY ESTATE 04/30, WEDNESDAY at 6:00 AUCTION, 4:00 p.m. at 1818 PM. LAND AUCTION. 36.24 Summer, Burlington. DORIS Surveyed Acres located 1 1/2 JANE WENIGER ESTATE, miles north of West Burlington, Richard Brown, Executor. IA. Take Beaverdale Rd. to Auctions by Smith, L.C. Washington Rd., then 1/4 mile east to 142nd Ave. (private dead end road), then 1/4 mile 04/20, SUNDAY, 1 p.m. Connorth. This tract of land is exsignment auction. River Town cellent recreational land with tilAuctions, 3017 Flint Hills Dr., lable acres & CRP income and Burlington. features Prime building sites - Developer’s Dream with utili04/22, TUESDAY EVENING ties nearby! Auction to be held AUCTION, 5:00 P.M. at 701 at the Machinist Union Hall, Sweeny, Burlington, Iowa. 16452 DMC Hwy. 34, West BECKY, BARBY & BOBBY Burlington, IA. Todd Lange & (HARRIS/DABNEY), OWNHolly Bridgham – Sellers. AucERS. Auctions by Smith, L.C. tion to be conducted by Fraise Auction & Real Estate. 04/27, SUNDAY, 1 p.m. Consignment auction. River Town 319-367-5744 – www.fraisAuctions, 3017 Flint Hills Dr., Burlington. 309 E.A gency R d.,W est B urlington 319-754-5941 TO RO TIM E C U TTE R E RO TU RN M O W E RS 100 OFF $ M od els: M a n y to choose from ! 04/22, Tuesday at 3:00 PM. REAL ESTATE & HOUSEHOLD AUCTION: 2 story, 4 bedroom home with detached garage and pole barn located at 402 Ash Avenue, Trenton, Iowa. Also selling Appliances, Furniture & Collectibles. Regina Ackles – Seller. Harold E. Ackles, Jr. – Power of Attorney. Auction to be conducted by Fraise Auction & Real Estate – 319-367-5744 – 399972 AUCTIONEERS 04/24, Thursday at 1:00 PM: ESTATE AUCTION: Selling a 3BR ranch style home with attached 2 car garage located in a great neighborhood at 406 W Jackson, New London, IA. Also selling furniture, appliances, household, lawn & garden. Auction to be held on site. Edna Walker Estate– Seller. Auction to be conducted by Fraise Auction & Real Estate. 319-367-5744 – 04/24, THURSDAY ESTATE AUCTION, 4:00 pm at Port of Burlington on Front Street. ROBERT IVINS ESTATE, Bill Ivins, Executor. Auctions by Smith, L.C. 05/10, Saturday at 9:00 AM. BAR/RESTAURANT AUCTION: Selling two connected commercial buildings for one price located at 110/112 S. Main Street, Burlington, Iowa. After the real estate, we will sell the bar and restaurant equipment. Open House: Friday, April 25th from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Charles Manes Estate – Seller. Dennis C. Manes – Executor. Auction to be conducted by Fraise Auction & Real Estate – 319-367-5744 – 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Starting at $550 Call: 319-752-4797 NEWLY REMODELED 1 bedroom. Large kitchen, laundry on sight. In a desirable area. Heat, water, trash included. No animals. $550/month. 319-208-1288. 3 BEDROOM apartment in Ft. Madison. All new 2 years ago. Includes fridge, stove, water. $600 a month. No pets. Must have good references. (319)470-8711. 1 BEDROOM townhouse, no smoking, no pets. Taking applications. $450. (319)392-8367 1 BEDROOM, stove & refrigerator, water furnished. 319-572-2377. NORTH HILL 1 bedroom. Electric + water paid. $470. References + deposit 319-753-0923. 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartments, currently leasing. May be furnished. 319-750-6379. COMMERCIAL RENT HOUSES RENT COUNTRY LIVING! 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, nice area, new carpet and windows, gaRent reduced to $750 per raage. 1315 Barrett. $825/mo. month - unique opportunity. A-frame style house on 1 acre Not accepting section 8. Call 319-601-1669. with 2 car garage; hard surface road in Central Lee School Dis- WEST BURLINGTON, nice and trict; 5 minutes from Siemens; cozy 1 bedroom, appliances 15-20 minutes from IA Fertilizer furnished. Garage. Nice yard. Co. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, Rent negotiable. 319-752-5801 no pets. 2442 255th St., Mon3 BEDROOMS, new kitchen, trose, IA. 319-470-7020. bath, carpet and paint. Great LARGE 4 BEDROOMS, fenced location. 1305 Parkway. in yard, 2 car garage, stove $925/mo. 319-868-7722. and fridge provided. $1000 permonth. 104 S. Garfield Call MOVING & STORAGE 319-850-6294. HOMES FOR rent. Marc@Diamond 319-572-4567. RIVER TOWN AUCTIONS SUNDAYS - 1 p.m. 3017 Flint Hills Dr., 759-7963 In Stock Now ! NORTHWESTERN Mini Warehouses, 5x10, 10x10, 10x20, 12x24, 20x50. (319)754-5778. 116 W . A gency R d. # 2, W est B urlington 319-752-0348 • w w w.runningw ild-iow Asics Cum ulus 16 Retails $115 Taco Pizza $ Only 10 LARGE Expires 4/23/14 6 05 So u th 10th • 752.576 7 NOW TAKING applications. 4 bed, 2 bath home. $1,200 per month. 1009 Ave C, Ft Madi2 BEDROOM, six room lower. MINI STORAGE son. Call Gwen at Century 21. All rooms newly remodeled. (319) 750-1179 4 locations. New kitchen, bathroom, hardwood floors. Ceiling fans 3 BEDROOM 2 bath ranch with throughout. First floor laundry appliances, Sunnyside area hook ups. $550/ month plus with appliances. Call Judy Stedeposit. 319-759-4386. Leave vens 319-759-5555 or at Re- WILSON’S Mini Storage next to name and call back number. max 752-8888. Alliant, 603 S.Roosevelt, 5x10, 539 & 539 1/2 Adams. Down- 2 BEDROOMS, spacious living 10x10, 10x20, 10x30 753-6929 stairs is a one bedroom for room and dining room. Appli$600. Upstairs 2 bedroom for ances including washer/dryer. $700. Both have washer dryer $695 + deposit. Agent owned OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT hook-ups, newly remodeled, call Judy at 319-759-5555 F&M Bank Building, 1, 2, & 3 and water and trash paid. Call IN BURLINGTON, spacious room suites available. Prime lo319-850-6294 Call Millie at home with detached garage c a t i o n . 319-752-3661. and central air. Available imHOUSES RENT mediately. $700 plus deposit. IF YOU NEED A NICE PLACE Call or text 319-750-8247 TO RENT Call Mohammad or CONTRACT HOME Layla 759-5365 or 752-0902. 2 to 4 bedroom 319-572-4216 Business hours 8-4pm, M-F. HOME TOWN DUPLEXES /RENT w w w .georgeslaw nm ow Expires 4/30/14 New Owners, New Management New Expectations! 12 FT. CEILING storage available. Multiple loading docks, triple net lease 20¢ per square ft. Can build a office inside storage facility to suit your needs! 35 parking spaces! Call 319-750-8200. G eorge’s Law nm ow er Z EEK HOUSES RENT Small ads, Small price. 643 Higbee Ave. Inside Moving Sale. Friday only, 8-2. River Town Auctions 3017 Flint Hills Dr., Burlington AUCTION CALENDAR 2720 Lucas Ave. 905 S. 9th Starts 1 p.m., View at Noon 399998 319-209-0212 FABRICtofhe W EEK w w w .quiltsandm 04/17, Thursday at 4:00 PM: 16 FOOT Crestliner Jon Boat. ESTATE AUCTION: A Sat., April 19 only, 8-2. Golf and 25hp 4 stroke mercury motor. 2BR/1BA single story home Less then 10 hours. Trolling fishing, trailer hitch & accessowith a 3+ car finished garage ries, LPs, bedspreads and lots motor, on-board charger, steerlocated at 1216 Stowe Street, ing wheel and controls with Burlington, IA. Also selling Apof household items. trailer. 1 year old. Setup for pliances, Furniture, Household, bass and crappie. $7,900. Tools & Lawn & Garden. Aucoff Kirkwood, Thurs., Fri. and 319-572-3350 tion to be held on site. Janet A. Sat., 8:30a.m.-3:30 p.m. HUGE Sly Estate – Seller. Auction to 2007 60hp E-tech SALE. Womens plus clothes be conducted by Fraise AucEvinrude with controls and boys 7-10, enamelware, tion & Real Estate. $3900 Tupperware, 3DS games, jew319-367-5744 – www.fraiselry, glassware. Rain or shine. B & H Marine Keokuk, IA Call 800-894-8528 Saturday, 9 a.m.; rain date Sunday. Microwave, computer, table & 2 chairs and misc. SERVICE FOR ALL WHEELS M ACHINEtofheW EEK Des Moines County Extension seeks a County 4-H/ Youth Coordinator. This person will work closely with 4-H members, volunteers, schools, and the community. Candidates must have demonstrated proficient skill development in leadership, communication, technology, and the ability to work with diverse audiences. For details of the position and to apply visit: 2715 S. 14th St. Estate Auction Sat., 4/19 309-924-2334 AUCTION CALENDAR BOATS & MOTORS W EEK Youth Coordinator SEA-DOO JET SKI $500. 319-759-6265. of R IDIN G LAW N M OW ER the GENERAL 400013 RECREATIONAL Accent Chairs 400011 309-337-1341 Quilts & M ore 200 E.N ichols St.,Stronghurst,IL 50 O ff $ 399992 104 S . Broa d w a y • S tron gh urs t, IL CAL L AH EAD TO R ES ER VE YOU R S P OT H ours:M on.-Thurs.9-5;Fri.9-7;Sat.9-4 399966 Effe c tive thru M a y 31, 20 14 30 2331 Avenue L,Fort M adison,IA 319-372-7103 Bits , P iec es & Bolts S a le 56” Stiffly Finished H uck N orm a lly 10.00/yd . $ N ow 6.00/yd . $ N auvoo Art and N eedlew ork Shop http://artneedlew 1265 M ulholland St.,N auvoo,IL 217-453-6769 H ours:9 am -5 pm M on.-Sat. 399148 How to ha ve a m one y-m a king Ga ra g e Sa le Ad vertis e to 148 ,000 c us to m e rs w ith The Ha w k Eye m u lti-m ed ia prod u cts Let your pet help represent your favorite Iow a team ! M ade in the U.S.A.• Price:$7.50 & up Variety ofcolors & styles to choose from ! Pet,B ath & B eyond 319-752-5150 1109 Sum m er St.• B urlington T ues.-Sat.• 7:30 am -5:00 pm 05/08, THURSDAY PUBLIC AUCTION, 4:00 pm at 6898 Hunt Road (South of Burlington--off Hwy. 61). MARTHA HESTER, OWNER. Auctions by Smith, L.C. 05/04, SUNDAY, 1 p.m. Consignment auction. River Town Auctions, 3017 Flint Hills Dr., Burlington. New Inventory. Every Day. Looking for a great deal? Turn to The Hawk Eye Classifieds. AUCTIONS By Smith, L.C. “Your Extra Service Auctioneers” 319-753-2579 AUCTIONS TUESDAY AFTERNOON AUCTION: April 22, 3:00 pm at 2230 S. 13th, Burlington, Iowa. MARJORIE BELL, OWNER. a nd o urem a il c usto m ers Ga ra g e S a le Tip #4 D o n ’tFo rge tFrid a y M a n y exp erts m a in ta in tha t S u n d a y is the b es td a y fo r a s a le, s in ce p eo p le ten d to res erve S a tu rd a ys fo r ru n n in g erra n d s . S ta rtyo u r s a le ea rlier in the w eek tha n yo u thin k. Believe ito r n o t, the b es td a y o fthe w eek to ho ld a s a le is F rid a y, a s this is w hen m o s td ea lers a n d retired p eo p le w ill co m e. 399857 P e d ic u re M a y 3rd 10 a m -4 p m $ TEAM ED UP W ITH FLOORS DEC OR & M ORE CHAIR tof he W OFF S e rge r Cla s s THURSDAY ESTATE AUCTION: April 17, 4:00 pm at 1818 Summer, Burlington, Iowa. DORIS JANE WENIGER ESTATE, Richard Brown, Executor. THURSDAY AFTERNOON ESTATE AUCTION, April 24, 4:00 pm at Port of Burlington on Front Street. ROBERT IVINS ESTATE, Bill Ivins, Executor. TUESDAY EVENING AUCTION: April 22, 5:00 pm at 701 Sweeny. BECKY, BARBY & BOBBY (HARRIS/DABNEY) SHOE tof he W EEK PIZZA tof he W EEK 5 00 2011 Harley-Davidson FLHTK Electra Glide Ultra Limited 1690cc Twin cam 103 Engine, Color Vivid Black, Fuel Moto Exhaust 2 into-1-into 2 stainless steel head pipe wth Jackpot 4.5" Pro mufflers, Fuel Moto Air Cleaner, Dynojet Power Vision Tuner. 6500 Miles, $18,500. Call 319-572-2508 399991 $ 2011 HarleyDavidson 399552 D e b b ie Cle m 5C Thursday • April 17, 2014 AUCTIONS EEK 2008 150 VITACCI only 1491 miles. Like new. $1100/offer. (319)750-3227. CLASS tof he W MOTORCYCLES Alte rn a tive Fa m ily H a ir Ca re COLLARS tof he W EEK PEDICURE theof W EEK
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