Law Library How to use OSCOLA on EndNote X7

Law Library
How to use OSCOLA on
EndNote X7
LAW-026-Q-1 / March 2014 / MD
1. How to insert citations, footnotes and references into a Word document
2. How to manually add a full stop and/or a pinpoint to the end
of every footnote
3. How to make the footnote numbering begin a ‘1’ for the start of a new
chapter within the same document while having one bibliography at the
end of the document
4. How to edit the OSCOLA style that is networked at Cardiff University
5. Subsequent citations
6. Bibliographies – How to order references by category, for example
legislation, cases, books and journals
7. How to remove EndNote field codes from a Word document
This guide is intended to complement other guides and resources available on
the web by providing information which specifically relates to the use of the
OSCOLA style or information which is not found on the other resources listed
on this page. Therefore, you will need to use this guide in conjunction with the
following resources:
Cardiff University EndNote Web guide
Cardiff University’s EndNote and Endnote Web FAQs page
EndNote Web’s help pages
EndNote and EndNote Web’s FAQs -
Citing the Law online tutorial
OSCOLA quick reference guide –
OSCOLA fourth edition (58 page) guide
OSCOLA for EndNote guide, which details which fields should be used
to create references
1. How to insert citations, footnotes and references into a Word
1. In Word, position the cursor at the point where you wish to insert a
reference in your text. Click on References on the menu bar then click
on Insert Footnote.
2. Click on EndNote X7 on the menu bar then click on Go to EndNote you will be taken into EndNote.
3. Highlight the reference you wish to insert from the EndNote library
then, click on the ‘Insert Citation’ button
. A footnote will appear at
the foot of the page and a full reference at the end of your document.
2. How to manually add a full stop and/or a pinpoint to the end of every
OSCOLA requires that every footnote ends with a full stop. If a footnote you
insert does not end with a full stop and/or you need to add a pinpoint to the
footnote you can do this in one of two ways:
Either add the full stop or pinpoint manually at the end of the footnote and
outside the footnote’s grey EndNote field (see below).
Or right click on the footnote, from the menu that appears select Edit
Citations followed by More…. From the ‘EndNote X7 Edit & Manage
Citations’ dialog box that appears select the Edit Citations tab and enter the
full stop and/or pinpoint in the ‘suffix’ field. Please note that you will need to
use the space bar before entering a pinpoint.
3. How to make the footnote numbering begin at ‘1’ for the start of a new
chapter within the same document while having one bibliography at the
end of the document.
1. In Word mouse click at the beginning of each chapter, click on Page
Layout in the menu then click on Breaks followed by Continuous
(under ‘Section Breaks’).
2. For the first footnote of the new chapter in Word, position the cursor at
the point where you wish to insert a reference in your text. Click on
References on the menu bar then click on the down arrow at the
bottom of the ‘Footnotes’ pallet to open the ‘Footnote and EndNote’
dialog box. Change the ‘Numbering’ option from ‘Continuous’ to
‘Restart each section’ then click on Apply.
Word will now begin numbering the footnotes at ‘1’ in the new chapter.
4. How to edit the OSCOLA style that is networked at Cardiff University
Please note that if you can also contact Matt Davies in the Law Library Email: ; Phone: 029 2087 5687) if you would like any
amendments or advice on making amendments in respect of the OSCOLA
EndNote style.
The following instructions will allow you to edit/change the OSCOLA style that
is networked at Cardiff University and then use that edited OSCOLA style for
your own purposes:
1. In EndNote click on Edit – Preferences – Folder locations then click
on the Select folder button for the ‘Style folder’. Find the OSCOLA
style and right click on the style and click on Copy.
2. Then click on the Look in drop-down menu at the top of the dialog box
and locate your H:\drive. Click on your EndNote folder (or any other
folder you use to store your EndNote files).
3. Then create a styles folder within the EndNote folder by clicking on the
create new folder icon and call the new folder Styles. Double click on
the Styles folder and then paste the OSCOLA style into the folder by
right mouse clicking inside the dialog box then selecting Paste. At this
point you may want to rename the output style to make it easier to
recognise. To rename an output style, right mouse click on the style,
select Rename, change the name of output style then press the
Return key. Then click on Select – Apply – OK.
4. In EndNote click on Edit – Output styles – Open style manager. Find
the output style in the list then click in the box next to the left of the
output style then click on Edit. Another window will open containing the
full details of the style.
5. Click on the links on the left of the window to bring up functionality that
will allow you to change the output style.
After completing editing
1. Click on the File – Save as to save your changes and alter the name of
the style then click on Save.
2. You will now need to view the amendments by opening a Word
document and seeing the changes when the style is selected.
How to reset your preferences back to the original settings to access
and use the full list of output styles networked at Cardiff University
1. Click on Edit > Preferences > Folder locations
2. Under ‘Style Folder’ click on Select Folder
3. In the dialog box that appears, in the Look in field click on Windows (C:)
> Program Files (x86) > Endnote X6 > Styles
4. Then click on Select > Apply > OK.
Your settings have now been reset and when you click on Select another
style another window will open containing the full list.
5. Subsequent citations
In a subsequent citation of a source, briefly identify the source and provide a
cross-citation in brackets to the footnote in which the full citation can be found.
If the subsequent citation is in the footnote immediately following the full
citation, you can generally use ‘ibid’ instead.
For subsequent citations of cases, a short form of the case name is sufficient
to identify the source. From the ‘Case’ reference type template use the
‘Abbreviated Case Name’ field for text for subsequent citations.
Subsequent citations of legislation may use abbreviations or other short
forms. From the ‘Statute’ reference type template use the ‘Short Title’ field for
text for subsequent citations.
Secondary sources – Books, Journal Articles, etc
Use the ‘Short Title’ field for text for subsequent citations.
6. Bibliographies - How to order references by category, for example,
legislation, cases, books and journal articles
How to create a category
 In Word create the categories (for example, legislation, cases, books,
etc) by selecting Configure Categories from the Categorize
References menu.
From the ‘EndNote X7 Configure Categories’ window that appears click
on Category Headings.
A box will appear under the ‘Category Headings’ menu in which you
can add the required category heading.
In order to delete any headings right click on the heading, in the
‘Category Headings’ menu, then click on Delete.
How to Move references under the correct ‘Category Heading’
 In Word select Configure Categories from the Categorize
References menu.
From the ‘EndNote X7 Configure Categories’ window that appears click
on All References in Bibliography and drag and drop the references
into the correct Category Headings.
After you have completed configuring your references click on OK.
7. How to remove EndNote field codes from a Word document
Turning off EndNote’s field codes enables users to make final edits to their
footnotes and bibliography references (see above) and prevents EndNote
from re-formatting a document’s references. It also prevents the document
from being amended if it were to be opened up on a computer with a different
citation management tool. Therefore, it is advised that you remove EndNote
field codes when you submit a paper for publication or marking.
In Word under the EndNote Web tab select Convert to Plain Text from
the ‘Convert Citations and Bibliography’ menu.
From the dialog box that appears click on Yes, to save a copy of the
EndNote formatted document and to open a copy of the unformatted
The footnotes and bibliographic references in the newly opened
document will be unformatted, with the EndNote codes removed and
will enable you to order the references as required and free from any
EndNote formatting.
BUT-037-Q-1 / March 2014 / MD