Auction Calendar 2aCRES BaTH NEaR HOME NIMROd s 3 BEdROOMs--107Great s for Cattle. 40' x 48' 16' x 80' 1999 Holly Park on 3/4 acres in insulated, finished with in-floor heat. Hillview. Newer well and septic. 40' x 32' pole building, with 18'x 80' $49,500 Double Garage....................... lean too and other building. Deep $44,500 well, needs septic. Owner is very motivated. $149,500 Will divide. Possible terms CHECK WEBSITEFOR FORMORE MORE LISTINGS CHECK WEBSITE LISTINGS 9-19c eow PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, amended on March 12, 1989, which makes it illegal by David Anderson to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, Wadena County VSO familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. In the State of Minnesota, discrimination based on creed, marital status, and status with regard to public assistance is illegal. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity by David Anderson, Wadena County Veterans Service basis. Veterans Notes FOR RENT Pine Villa Apartments in Menahga is now taking applications for one-bedroom apartments. Rent is based on 30% of income. To apply for housing for elderly persons or persons with disabilities, call 888-847-7404. Sunday, October 28 - 10:00 a.m. Kings Corner. Mahnomen, 101 1st St. North, (just West of the Bank off Main St.) Complete Liquidation-Real Estate sold @ 2pm., Vintage Commercial Building 11,000sf 2-level building on 78x150’ City lot. Call for info. or showing. Also, personal property. Large auction! Wadena County Jokela Auctions, Inc. Park Rapids, MN. 218-538-6508. www. Frazee Livestock SOLD AT AUCTION SALE TIME: Property Transfers FOR RENT. 2BR ground floor apartment in Menahga. Utilities included, $575. Call (218) 5645883 or (218) 237-3453. 10-3tfc MOVE IN SPECIAL! Move-in now to a 2BR Townhome located at the Meadow Run Townhomes in Menahga. Sign a 1 year lease and receive 6-months free Cable TV and phone. Some income restrictions apply. Section 8 vouchers accepted. Please call (888) 847-7404 today for an application. 8-29tfn Slaughter cows & bulls at 12:00 p.m. Feeder cattle at 1:00 p.m. - NOVEMBER 2012 - • Friday, November 2 • Slaughter & SPeCIal hOlSt Feeder Sale Already consigned: 150 head of Holst Strs taCK & hOrSe Sale (to follow - Property Transfers Wadena County David R. Morris, a single person, hereby conveys to Cole A. Sablovitch, Lot 7 of Block 3 in Southbrook. Alain D. Lohse and Aleen F. Lohse, h&w, hereby convey to Cory D. Oehlke and Ranchael M. HILLTOP VILLAS in SEBEKA Oehlke, as joint tenants, Lot 13 of has an immediate opening for a Block 4, Southbrook. one bedroom unit. Must be 62 Ronald D. Lepinski and Karen Officer years of age or older or 18 years Lepinski, h&w; and Kevin L. of age and older with a disability. Lepinski and Kristin Lepinski, Rent includes water, sewer, gar- h&w, hereby convey to LPS Real bage and heat. Rent is based on Estate and Development income. Certain income restric- Company, LLC, a MN Ltd. Liability tions apply. For more information Company, An undivided 2/3rds contact D.W. Jones Manage- interest in and to the SE1/4 of ment. (800) 810-2853 or www. Section 31, Township 137, Range by David Anderson EHO. 34, except the E 300' thereof, Wadena County Veterans Officer Creating Better Living. 7-25tfc AND an undivided 2/3rds interest CENTENNIAL APARTMENTS in and to the S 16 rods of the E 20 IRS statutes of original deadline of the tax IN SEBEKA FIRST MONTH’S rods of the SE1/4 SW1/4, Section 31, Township 137, Range 34, limitations return. So you would have RENT FREE with one year signed AND an undivided 2/3rds interest lease. Centennial has immediate Nothing is forever except until June 15, 2013 to file a 3-BR openings. Rent includes in and to the right to use the trail death and taxes. However, 2009 tax return for a refund. water, sewer, garbage and heat. over the E 300' of the SE1/4 of there are limitations imposed But filing an extension may DW Jones Management, (800) Section 31, Township 137, Range except the S 1130' thereof, to on the IRS known as Statutes extend the period for claim- 810-2853 or our website: www. 34, provide access to the SE1/4 of EHO of Limitations. Here are a ing refunds. Section 31, Township 137, Range TTY 711. Creating Better Living. few: VA Expanding Burial 34, except the E 300' thereof, as 5-16tfn reserved in Book 72 of Deeds, If you have never filed a tax Options in Rural Areas HOME FOR RENT in Eastwood return, the IRS wants you to The Department of Vet- Estates, Sebeka. Call Anderson Page 167. City of Staples, a MN Municipal file the most recent six years. erans Affairs announced re- Homes, (218) 837-5177. 10-10tfn Corporation, hereby conveys to This means 2011 - 2006. cently that it is moving forAndreas Vogel and Michelle Vogel, as joint tenants; That part When taxes are owed for ward with a plan to provide of the NW1/4 of Section 35, late filed returns, the Service burial services for Veterans Township 134 North, Range 33 applies a 5 percent penalty in rural areas where there West, Wadena County, Minnesota, per month up to 25 percent are no available VA national BY TRP. JESSE GRABOWdescribed as follows: Comagainst the amount due. A cemeteries, state Veterans Minnesota State Patrol mencing at the northeast corner failure to pay penalty of 1/2 cemeteries or tribal Veterans Safety Education Officer of said NW1/4 of SW1/4; thence Subscribe to the South, along the east line of said percent per month may also cemeteries. Review Messenger NW1/4 of SW1/4, a distance of be assessed unless the failure “VA is committed to im218-837-5558 242.00 feet to the point of begincan be justified. This penalty proving service to Veterans ning; thence West, parallel with the north line of said NW1/4 of cannot exceed 25 percent. in rural areas,” said SecreSW1/4, a distance of 242.00 feet; But if no taxes are due, no tary of Veterans Affairs Eric thence South, parallel with the penalties are assessed. K. Shinseki. “Through an BY TRP. JESSE GRABOW east line of said NW1/4 of SW1/4, Minnesota State Patrol The IRS has three years to innovative partnership with a distance of 81.40 feet; thence Safety Education Officer audit your tax return. This existing cemeteries, we will West, parallel with the north line of said NW1/4 of SW1/4, a disis measured from the actual be able to ensure burial for Question: I keep hearing tance of 250.00 feet; thence filing date. For instance, if Veterans in more locations parallel with the east line of about “Four E’s” South, the return was filed before that meet the high standards you talking said NW1/4 of SW1/4, a distance when it comes to traffic safe- of 270.00 feet; thence East paralthe deadline, the time is of national shrines.” measured from the June 15, Under the Rural Initiative ty issues and I have even lel with the north line of said deadline (for overseas’ filers). plan, VA will build small heard you talk about a “Fifth NW1/4 of SW1/4, a distance of feet to the intersection After the three year period National Veterans Burial E”. What is that and why is it 492.00 with the east line of said NW1/4 of has expired, the IRS cannot Grounds within existing being talked about at certain SW1/4; thence North, along said initiate an audit unless there public or private cemeteries times during the year? east line, a distance of 351.40 feet Answer: The Four E’s are to the point of beginning. Subject is a suspicion of tax fraud. in rural areas where the unSo the IRS would have until served Veteran population critical components to traffic to a 45.00 foot access and loading easement across that part of said June 15, 2012 to audit a 2008 is 25,000 or less within a 75 safety — education, enforce- NW1/4 of SW1/4 described as folment, EMS and engineering. lows: Commencing at the northtax return that was filed on mile radius. time. But this three year statVA plans to open eight The Four E’s are a product of east corner of said NW1/4 of ute can only begin once a tax National Veterans Burial the statewide Toward Zero SW1/4; thence South, along the line of said NW1/4 of SW1/4, return is filed. Grounds in Fargo, North Da- Deaths (TZD) program which east a distance of 242.00 feet to the The IRS has 10 years to kota; Rhinelander, Wiscon- is the umbrella initiative of point of beginning; thence West, collect outstanding tax liabil- sin; Cheyenne, Wyoming; all Minnesota traffic safety parallel with the north line of said NW1/4 of SW1/4, a distance of ities. This period is measured Laurel, Montana; Idaho Falls, projects. The TZD formula address- 242.00 feet; thence South, paralfrom the day a tax liability Idaho; Cedar City, Utah; St. lel with the east line of said NW1/4 has been finalized. The li- Stephen, Maine; and Elko, es traffic safety issues by of SW1/4, a distance of 45.00 bringing together people feet; thence East, parallel with the ability could have resulted Nevada. from a balance due on a tax VA officials will announce from each of the 4 E’s to north line of said NW1/4 of SW1/4, return, an audit assessment, further details about the eight come up with plans that will a distance of 242.00 feet to the with the east line of or a finalized proposed as- new burial grounds as infor- help reduce fatal and serious intersection said NW1/4 of SW1/4; thence sessment. mation becomes available. injury crashes. This approach North, along said east line, a disYou have three years to This new initiative will make has been very successful to tance of 45.00 feet to the point of collect a tax refund. This VA burial options available reduce preventable traffic beginning. Also subject to a rightof-way easement across the eastperiod is measured from the to more than 136,000 Veter- deaths. 33.00 feet thereof. Said tract The “fifth E” is something I erly ans and their eligible depencontains 3.5 acres, more or less, personally came up with sev- and is subject to all restrictions, dents. A National Veterans Buri- eral years ago and have been reservations and easements of al Ground will be a small, talking about it a lot in vari- record, if any. A. Hendrickson and Robin VA-managed section of three ous classes and during traffic E.Lee Hendrickson, h&w, hereby consafety radio programs and to five acres within an existvey to Larry Schleicher and ing public or private cem- many other venues over the Barbara Schleicher, as joint tenetery. VA will provide a full years. The fifth E stands for ants, Lot 4, Block 2, Forest Haven. range of burial options and everyone. I believe that eve- Sandra Kilbo, single person, hereby conveys to Ronald G. control the operation and ryone needs to take personal Beck and Joy M. Beck, as joint maintenance of these lots. responsibility for their own tenants, Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, These sections will be held actions behind the wheel or MDC Second Addition to the City to the same “national shrine” as a passenger or pedestrian, of Menahga. L. Greenwood and Jaynie standards as VA-run national a motorcyclist or bicyclist. L.Gary Greenwood, h&w, Bruce A. Everyone needs to work Peterson, single man, and Dale cemeteries. VA is still evaluating suit- together to insure a safe envi- Persons, single man, hereby convey to Aaron J. Peterson, single able sites for its Rural Initia- ronment on our roadways. man, Lots 10 and 11, Block 6, Together, we can accomtive in other areas. In Laurel, Folkestad's East. Montana, VA is exploring plish much more, and that is KD Rentals LLC, a MN LTD. with local officials the feasi- what TZD is all about: work- Liability Company, hereby conbility of acquiring a portion ing together. This is very veys to Chris J. Grangruth and of the Yellowstone County important now because for Tracy L. Grangruth, as joint tenE 150' of N 150' of Reserve Veterans Cemetery to estab- the first time in five years, the ants, Lot A in Halvorson's Out Lots to lish as a National Veterans number of Minnesota’s annu- Menahga. al traffic deaths is up. We’ve H.C. Harrison, aka Harold C. Burial Ground. VA operates 131 national had a deadly year and the Harrison, and Marjorie M. Mohscemeteries in 39 states and increase in traffic deaths is a Harrison, h&w, hereby convey to Kathleen L. Browne, Lots 7 and 8, Puerto Rico and 33 soldiers’ serious wake-up call for all of Block 1, Whitetail Estates. lots and monument sites. us to understand our respon- Susan Boyle, single person, hereby conveys to Lori Clews, Nearly four million Ameri- sibilities behind the wheel. Let’s close the year safely Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Original cans, including Veterans of of Verndale. every war and conflict from — during the holidays there Town Armond M. Swanson, Jr. and the Revolutionary War to the will be a statewide campaign Lorraine W. Swanson, h&w, herecurrent conflicts in Iraq and to stop drunk drivers. Help us by convey to Neil C. Hutson and ADVERTISE IT Afghanistan are buried in in this effort — plan ahead Jay C. Hutson, as joint tenants, VA’s national cemeteries on for a sober ride and report Lot 3 of Southbrook Improvements. Veterans Notes Review Messenger, October 31, 2012 • Page 19 starting at 6:00 p.m.) • Friday, November 9 • Slaughter & Feeder Sale • Friday, November 16 • Slaughter & Feeder Sale • Friday, November 23 • No Sale - Happy Thanksgiving • Friday, November 30 • Slaughter & Feeder Sale Contact Jerry at (701) 730-3050 or (218) 334-2427 Commission: Feeders over 200 lbs, - $10.00 per head; Cows & Fats - $13.00 per head; • Baby Calves $5.00 per head • Bulls over 1000 lbs, - $20.00 per head; 10-31c DURWIN LORI KJELLBERG’S DURWIN && LORI TOMPERI, TOMPERI, REALTY 218-564-5073 218-564-5073 3-16tfc KEVIN KEVIN KJELLBERG, KJELLBERG, Owner/Broker Owner/Broker 218-564-4358 218-564-4358 Auction Calendar FOR RENT REAL ESTATE Veterans Notes Ask A Trooper Ask A Trooper ke .. T THE S! ers et els! ER ga 59 How To Make Your Car Disappear . . . FOR SALE IN THE CLASSIFIEDS! That’s where auto buyers and sellers meet to get the best deals on wheels! REVIEW MESSENGER Sebeka 837-5558 Menahga 564-4559 more than 19,000 acres. As always please see your local County Veterans Service Officer if you have any questions. You can contact your local VSO at (218) 6317617 or by email at: david. and as always have a great week. drunk drivers by calling 911. If you have any questions concerning traffic related laws or issues in Minnesota send your questions to Trp. Jesse Grabow – Minnesota State Patrol at 1000 Highway 10 West, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-2205. Or reach him at Anyone who knows the location of any person(s) pictured or listed in this column is asked to please contact your local law enforcement agency or the Wadena County Sheriff’s Department at (218) 631-7600. Callers identity will be kept confidential. For your own safety do not try to apprehend them. Please call law enforcement immediately. *** Lorenzo Morelos Ramirez, Age 26 209 SE 7th St. Long Prairie, MN Warrant: Contempt of Court *** Brandon Lee Kloepfel, Age 31 17231 Hubbard Line Rd. Park Rapids, MN Warrant: Contempt of Court *** Chanan El Carlson, Age 47 812 E 3rd St. Audubon, MN Warrant: Contempt of Court *** Deante Deangela Williams, Age 17 14209 County Rd 119 Menahga, MN Warrant: Contempt of Court *** Ralph Kurt Sugner, Age 55 517 Delaware Ave. Mount Vernon, OH Warrant: Traffic *** call with your fowarding address when you move! The post office won’t forward periodicals such as your local newspaper! Review Messenger SEBEKA(218)837-5558•MENAHGA(218)564-4559 District Court Wadena County October 18: Connie Devault, 21, $290, stay 90 days for Wadena, speeding, $130, one year (count 1); social MSP. host ordinance, probation to October 11: Mitch Scher- court one year, continued merhorn, Sebeka, speeding, (count 2), Wadena PD. District September 29: David $130, MSP. September 30: Meredith Court Patson, Wadena, speeding, Ringwelski, Staples, speedWadena County$130, Menahga PD. ing, $230, Wadena CS. September 2: Ashley July 23: Harold Sorenson, Hepola, Menahga, ATVMenahga, assault-fifth de- failure to report sale/transfer, gree, trespass-refuse to $115, MN DNR. depart, disorderly conduct, September 5: Jamie probation to court one year, Bryniarski, Bertha, seat belt continued (counts 1,2,3) required, $115, MSP. Wadena CS. September 11: Henry Choi, September 23: Julia Wilmette, IL, speeding, $130, Steward, Wadena, DWI, MSP. $565, stay 89 days for two August 24: Thomas Bowen, years, Wadena CS. LeCenter, seat belt required, September 15: Alexander $115, Verndale PD. Kellen Jr., Wadena, liquorAugust 24: Robert Higgins, consumption by persons Big Lake, seat belt required, under 21, $290, stay 90 days $115, Verndale PD. for one year (count 1); social August 30: Patrick Kinney host ordinance, probation to Jr., Ashland, WI, driving withcourt one year, continued out a valid license endorse(count 2), Wadena PD. ment for vehicle driven, $190, September 15: Justin Verndale PD. Wright, Wadena, liquor-conSeptember 8: Louis Dorge, sumption by persons under speeding, $150, Wadena CS.
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