Welcome How to contact us Local Authority Information School Staff Governing Body The school day About our school Vision, Aims and Values Admission Policy and Arrangements Uniform Collective Worship Religious Education St. Margaret’s Church Every Child Matters 1. Stay Safe Pastoral Care Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Child Protection Medicines in School Jewellery Valuables in School Arriving and Leaving School Contact Details Anti-Bullying (blue pages) 2. Be Healthy Travelling to and from School Food in School Smoking School Medical Service Exercise (green pages) 3. Enjoy and Achieve Learning to Learn Attendance Behaviour for Learning Special Educational Needs Able, Gifted and Talented Pupils Assessment (pink pages) St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Contents Continued: The Curriculum The Foundation Stage English Mathematics Science Information & Communication Technology Music Design & Technology Humanities Personal, Social, Health Education & Citizenship Physical Education Art Modern Foreign Language Out of School Learning Extra Curricular Activities Kidzone and Wraparound 4. Make a positive contribution School Council Houses Partnership with Parents Helping in School Parents Association Governing Body (yellow pages) Equal Opportunities Complaints Further Information Charging Policy School Statistics Key Stage 1 Results 2009 Key Stage 2 Results 2009 Key Stage 2 Results and Targets Term Dates Ofsted Report Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools Report School Profile St. Margaret’s CE Primary School St.Margaret's C.E. (Voluntary Aided) Primary School, Richmond Road, Olton, SOLIHULL, B92 7RR. Telephone Number: Fax Number: e-mail: Website address: 0121 706 5020 0121 700 7428 office@st-margarets.solihull.sch.uk www. st-margarets.solihull.sch.uk/ Head Teacher: Mrs Jane Martin Deputy Head Teacher: Mr Jon Cashmore Standards Leader for Personalised Learning and Inclusion: Mrs U Page Standards Leader for Early Years / Assistant Head Teacher: Ms L Southworth School Secretary: Mrs A Devenport Bursar: Mrs J Daniels Chair of Governors: Mr A Nicklin Clerk to Governors: Mrs A Devenport Crown Copyright Overview Mapping St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Director for People P.O.Box 20 Council House Solihull West Midlands B91 9QU Telephone: 0121 704 6000 Fax: 0121 704 6669 Free School Meals Free school meals are supplied to children whose parents are in receipt of either Income Support, Child Tax Credit or Job Seeker’s Allowance – Income Based. If you feel that one or more of your children are likely to be entitled to free school meals, you should get in touch with: Director for People P.O.Box 20 Council House Solihull West Midlands, B91 1QU Tel: 0121 704 6647 or contact the Head Teacher or Mrs J Daniels, Bursar. Transport The Local Authority provides free transport to school for pupils under the age of eight years who live more than two miles away from the school premises. For pupils aged eight years or over, free transport is provided if the distance between home and school exceeds three miles. In both cases, distances are measured by the nearest available route. Free transport may also be provided on grounds of hazard and regardless of home to school distance. Secondary Transfer Pupils complete their primary education when they are 11 years old and mainly transfer to one of a number of comprehensive secondary schools within the Borough. Langley, Lyndon and Lode Heath are the nearest. All children in Solihull primary schools will receive information on how to apply for a secondary school place in July of year 5. The places are offered in March when the child is in year 6. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School September 2009 Head Teacher - Mrs Jane Martin Foundation 1 (Nursery) Learning & Teaching Assistant Learning & Teaching Assistant - Ms L Turner-Binns Mrs J Wilson Mrs A Rimmer Foundation 2 (Reception) Teacher Learning & Teaching Assistant - Mrs R Stephenson Mrs M Ashton Class Class Class Class Class Class - Mrs L Quigley Ms L Southworth Mr D Andrews Mr J Cashmore (Deputy Head) Mr B Stone Mrs H Nicolas SENCO Part-time Teacher/ PPA Cover French Teacher Regular Supply Teacher Regular Supply Teacher Learning & Teaching Assistant Learning & Teaching Assistant Learning & Teaching Assistant Learning & Teaching Assistant Learning & Teaching Assistant Learning & Teaching Assistant Learning & Teaching Assistant Learning & Teaching Assistant Learning & Teaching Assistant - Mrs U Page (Learning Support) Mrs S Allatt Mrs H Goudie Mrs J Owen Mrs N Meeson Mrs C Allen Mrs M Anderton Mrs L Bird Mrs K Fowles Mrs A Haycock Mrs S Hemming Mrs S Matthews Miss J Richards Mrs J Sirrett School Secretary Bursar Site Manager Cleaning Assistants - Mrs A Devenport Mrs J Daniels Mr T Blackshaw Mrs S Eden, Miss D Finneran, Mr M Westwood Lunchtime Supervisors - Mrs S Hill (Senior), Mrs L Bird, Ms K Cross, Mrs B Griffiths, Mrs D Jenkins, Mrs P Milligan, School Cook Kitchen Assistant Crossing Patrol - Mrs L Bennett Mrs E Brookes Mr A Ford 1 2 3 4 5 6 Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher St. Margaret’s CE Primary School September 2009 Chair - Mr A Nicklin (to Aug 2010) Vicar of St Margaret’s - Rev J Knapp (ex officio) Local Authority Appointment - Mrs J Dabhi (to Dec 2009) Foundation Governor – P.C.C. - Mr P Twiddy (to Aug 2010) Foundation Governor – P.C.C. - Mr I Carnell (to Sep 2011) Foundation Governor – Diocese - VACANCY Foundation Governor – Deanery - Mrs L Hill (to Aug 2010) Foundation Governor – Diocese - Mr G Sharp (to Aug 2010) Foundation Governor – P.C.C. - Mrs A Williams (to Mar 2012) Staff Representative - Mrs M Ashton (to Aug 2010) Teacher Representative - Mrs U Page (to Aug 2010) Parent Representative - Mr G Walsh (to Mar 2013) Parent Representative - Mr M Atkins (to Aug 2010) Head Teacher - Mrs Jane Martin (ex officio) Associate Governor - Mr P Middlemast Clerk to Governors - Mrs A Devenport St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Foundation 1 (Nursery) Times 9.00 am – 11.30 am (under review for September 2010) Foundation 2 (Reception) and Key Stage 1 Times 8.55am to 12 noon 1.10pm to 3.25pm Key Stage 2 Times 8.50am to 12.15pm 1.15pm to 3.30pm Our History St. Margaret's School was founded in 1885 as a Church of England school on a site adjacent to the railway line, now occupied by houses. From its beginning as a small village school it has grown to a school catering for children aged between three and eleven years. The school began moving to its present site in 1960 with the opening of the infant wing. Additional buildings have included a sports pavilion and a technology room. The last major building project was officially opened in the summer of 1993. In the summer of 1998 an ICT Suite was completed. In 2001 the office areas were refurbished and new teaching areas and a library for the younger children were developed. This year we are adding to the building so that the children in the Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) can learn together and share facilities. This is an exciting development. All of these improvements to the school over the years have been enriched by the generous support of the parent and church communities. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School What is a Voluntary Aided School? St. Margaret’s is a voluntary Church of England school in the Diocese of Birmingham, aided by the Local Authority. The aided status of the school gives additional responsibility to the governors in the appointment of staff and for the repair and maintenance of the building. As this is a church school due emphasis is placed on Religious Education and daily Christian worship, though the study of other world religions is included in the curriculum. There are close links with the parish church of St. Margaret's on the Warwick Road. We strive to ensure that our school has a strong Christian ethos that is inclusive of all faiths and backgrounds. SCHOOL FACILITIES Classrooms for Nursery to Year 6 A school hall well equipped for PE and Drama lessons, serving school meals and for the whole school to gather for worship. Stage with lighting. Well stocked libraries. A well resourced Technology Room with food area. A computer suite with networked computers and Internet access. Each class is whiteboard. A conservation area and school pond for Environmental Studies. A pavilion and sports field with large sunshade. Playground spaces. Additional rooms for small group teaching. A new ICT suite and a multi-purpose room are due to be built in Spring 2010. equipped with networked computers and an interactive St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Aims In the context of our Christian values and ethos, a caring, safe and stimulating environment and our commitment to continuous improvement we aim: ☼ To promote curiosity and enquiry and to foster a love and enjoyment of learning. ☼ To motivate all learners to engage in meaningful learning by responding positively to challenges and changes. ☼ To enable everyone to become effective life long learners by developing the capacities of reflectiveness, reciprocity, resourcefulness and resilience in order for us all to achieve personal excellence. ☼ To inspire children to develop their imagination and respond freely, creatively and sensitively to a wide range of experiences and opportunities. ☼ To foster in our children respect for themselves, others and their wider world. To equip children to take their independent place in our changing world by encouraging children’s responsibility for their own health and well being. ☼ To foster a sense of awe and wonder and to enable children's spiritual awareness to be deepened through reflection, whilst they learn to explore, understand, respect and appreciate diversity in faith, beliefs and traditions. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Vision Values We believe in these values. In the context of our Christian community they will determine all that we do in pursuit of our vision for children and adults. Sharing together To love one another Making choices Awe and wonder Responsibility for self, each other and the world Growing in confidence Acceptance of differences Respect of self and others Enjoyment and excitement in life and learning Truth and trust Safety and security St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Our school family is diverse and we welcome children whatever their faith, race, ability or needs. However, St. Margaret’s is a popular school and usually over-subscribed. Application forms for admission to Nursery and Reception are available from St. Margaret’s School and the School Admissions Team 12 months before your child is due to start. Attendance in a school nursery will not give any priority for a place in the reception class at the same school. A reception application form must be completed. Getting a place in a school nursery does not mean that you will get a place in reception because more children apply for a place. UNIFORM - SUMMER As a guide, summer uniform is usually worn from after May half term to October half term. However, we are flexible to meet the climate! Boys Girls White shirt, school tie, school jumper or white polo shirt with school logo. Grey short trousers (long optional for juniors) Grey socks - ankle or knee length Black shoes Navy blue and white cotton dress (gingham or striped) Or White polo shirt with school logo with grey skirt / trousers. White socks - ankle or knee length Black shoes (flat heels) if sandals; not open toed. UNIFORM – WINTER Boys White shirt, school tie, school jumper Grey trousers. Grey socks Girls White blouse, school tie, school cardigan/jumper (jumpers are preferred) Grey skirt/pinafore dress/grey school trousers White knee length socks - grey or navy blue tights Headbands/ribbons etc. - in school colours Outdoor coats – we ask that these are dark in colour, e.g. black/navy. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School PE and Games White T-shirt with school logo, navy blue shorts* and black plimsolls. *(Not cycling shorts). Year 3 only - Swimming Trunks (not shorts) for boys. A one piece swimsuit and swimming hat for girls. Junior Games - Navy blue sweatshirt and joggers - optional, but recommended. All children should have pumps for indoor hall lessons and juniors require trainers for outdoor lessons, on the field, especially in winter. Art An overall with long sleeves is required for art, craft, and technology lessons. An old adult shirt is ideal for this purpose. Please ensure that all items of clothes are clearly labelled. Every school day includes an act of Christian worship. A range of people, including staff members, clergy, other visitors and the children themselves, leads our worship. Each week we have a Songs of Worship Assembly when children are encouraged to enjoy learning new songs, which we use in our daily worship. We celebrate our achievements and efforts each week in our Celebration Assembly. The main Christian Festivals are celebrated with a service in school or in St. Margaret’s Church. Termly communion services are held in school. Parents and friends of the school are welcome to join us for these services and we welcome to the communion table all those who have a personal faith in Jesus Christ. As a Voluntary Aided School we follow the Solihull Agreed Syllabus for RE and the guidelines of the Birmingham Diocese. The children learn about Christianity and the traditions of the Church of England but also have the opportunity to learn about and value the beliefs of other world faiths. Learning is enriched with visits to places of worship and visits from people of faith. Parents wishing to withdraw their children from Collective Worship and / or Religious Education should contact the Head teacher. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School We have close links with St. Margaret’s Church and all school families are welcome to attend for Sunday Worship. Family Worship on Sunday mornings includes Sunday School and crèche. There are mid-week activities for children and young people also. Further information is available from the school or parish offices. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School We are committed to ensuring that all the children who attend St. Margaret’s are enabled to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and eventually achieve economic well-being. We try to ensure that all aspects of our provision contribute to the achieving of these outcomes for our children. We aim to ensure our children’s emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. It is important to us that all our children are happy in school. However, we recognise that there will be times when issues either at school or at home can be upsetting for them and may affect their learning or behaviour in school. In these circumstances we invite you to contact the class teacher in the first instance. All staff take a direct interest in the well-being of all children. If your child has been bereaved do please let us know so that we can provide support for example on anniversaries. Spiritual, social and moral development are at the heart of our provision and from the earliest days in school children are encouraged to recognise that learning is a social and emotional activity. We aim to develop a sense of awe, wonder and mystery in creation and an appreciation of human achievement. We encourage the growth of aesthetic awareness and creative expression through the arts. We foster the recognition of the unique value and worth of each individual- child or adult. Our moral code is based on Christian principles and is explicit both in direct teaching and in the shared values of the school. We value the cultural diversity in our community and seek to learn about and share in the traditions represented. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School All staff at St. Margaret’s are fully committed to the safe-guarding of all our children and staff have received training relating to Child Protection. Should any signs of physical, emotional or sexual abuse be noticed the matter would be immediately referred to Children’s Services. Full details are available in our Child Protection policy. The Designated Member of Staff for child protection is currently the Head teacher, Mrs Jane Martin In order to safeguard children, all parents going on school visits will be checked on ‘List 99’ and regular helpers in school will be asked to complete a CRB disclosure. CRB checks are a routine part of our recruitment procedures. We have robust procedures for storing and administering emergency medicines such as inhalers and epi-pens and parents should keep in close contact with the school with regard to their child’s routine medication. However, we are unable to administer antibiotics or non-prescribed medicines in school and these should not be brought to school. Parents should keep the school informed of any allergies. In the interests of health and safety jewellery must not be worn in school. This includes earrings. If you choose to have your child’s ears pierced, please do so at the beginning of the summer holidays, so that they can be removed for school. The Local Authority does not provide insurance cover for personal property. therefore, suggested that you do not allow your child to bring valuable items to Whilst every effort is taken to help, under no circumstances can teachers accept for loss or damage of personal property. Insurance against loss or damage to instruments owned by the children must be arranged independently of school. It is, school. liability musical Children should not bring mobile phones to school without the prior agreement of the Head teacher. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School The junior playground is supervised from 8.40pm and before this time we are unable to accept responsibility for the children unless they are in Kidzone. Parents with children in the Early Years please wait on the infant playground until the bell is rung. Parents should also meet their children from there. Please advise the class teacher if someone other than yourselves is collecting your child, even as a one off, as we will not allow children to leave school with adults other than yourselves unless you have given permission. Children arriving late or leaving school other than at the end of the school day should sign in or out at the school office with their parent. No child is allowed to leave the premises during the school day unless accompanied by a parent or carer. In the interests of safety children do not use the main gate when arriving at or leaving school as vehicles have access at all times. Parking near the school is hazardous and we do ask parents to consider the safety of all children when parking or driving near the school. Please also be considerate of our neighbours. In the event of illness or accident at school we will contact parents/carers by phone. Please keep us informed of any changes of address, daytime telephone numbers so that we can contact you if your child is unwell or injured. In the case of an accident needing hospital treatment we will contact you immediately. If it is a medical emergency the school will act in loco parentis whilst trying to contact you. A member of the senior staff will accompany a child in an ambulance. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Bullying of any kind is not accepted. Here at St. Margaret’s staff work closely with parents and children to deal with any incidents immediately and effectively. We work with the children through our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship curriculum to provide the children with an understanding of the issues related to bullying. We encourage parents and children to approach school staff immediately if there is a concern. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School St. Margaret’s has a ‘Healthy Schools’ award and is working towards further validation. We encourage children to walk or cycle to school whenever possible as a contribution to both a healthy lifestyle and to protecting the planet from harm caused by carbon emissions. We have funding to implement a travel plan, which we hope will enable us to provide facilities for bikes and scooters to be stored safely in school. Parking near school is both difficult and can be dangerous for the children. We ask that if you have to come to school by car that you park a short distance from the school, parking with consideration for our school neighbours. School meals are prepared in our own kitchens by the School Meals Service and meet the new healthy standards. Two menus are available each day and the children are able to pre-order their choice of meal. Free meals are available for children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits. Please contact the Bursar or Head teacher in confidence for advice or contact Children’s Services. We encourage parents to make healthy choices when preparing lunch boxes that are low in fat, salt and sugar and ask you that you do not send chocolate or sweets. Milk and fruit juice are available for mid- morning break and can be paid for in advance. Fruit is available to the infant children through a government funded scheme. We encourage children to drink water freely and they may bring a water bottle each day for this purpose. Bottles should not contain juice, squash or fizzy drinks. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School It is against the law to smoke on the school premises. The Solihull Care trust is committed to the health and wellbeing of all children and we use their services to help us take the best possible care of our children. Our school nurse is available on a drop in basis for parents to discuss any health concerns or seek advice. She also makes routine height, weight and vision checks. She no longer checks hair for head lice, we ask parents to undertake this task, however she will always provide advice. The school nurse talks to the children about puberty when they reach year 5. The school doctor is available to see any child for whom we have educational or medical concerns and this will be done in consultation with parents. Where there are concerns about hearing we can seek the help of the audiometrician. In the case of speech delay or difficulty we may refer to the speech therapist. Where we are concerned about children’s progress or development we may consult the Educational Psychology Service. Parents are consulted beforehand. We ask that you keep the class teacher informed of any medical concerns that may affect your child in school. We encourage children to take regular exercise and aim to provide 2 hours quality PE for all children. In addition we provide a number of extra-curricular activities that contribute to their physical fitness – football, badminton, netball, basketball, cricket, cross country, athletics. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School We aim for all our children to achieve personal excellence and to enjoy their learning. We are committed to helping children to become effective life-long learners and therefore involve the children very much in the planning, evaluating and improving of their learning. The children learn how to be: Reciprocal learners – learning with others and alone Resilient learners – managing distractions and overcoming difficulties Resourceful learners – making good use of facilities and resources for learning Reflective learners – evaluating and improving learning, alone and with peers and teachers Good attendance is essential to good progress and we ask that parents ensure that children are in school unless they are unwell. In the case of absence, in the interest of safeguarding all children please ring/e-mail the school on the first day so that we can account for all our children. Please confirm the absence in writing on your child’s return to school. Unexplained absences are reported to Children’s Services and recorded as unauthorised on the children’s records. We discourage holidays in term time as learning opportunities are missed and we therefore ask that you are mindful of the impact of holiday absence on your child’s education. If this cannot be avoided a leave of absence form should be obtained from the school office and returned to the Head teacher. Authorisation will only be given in line with our policy, which is available from school and will take into consideration previous attendance and progress. We monitor attendance regularly with the Education Welfare Officer and will routinely contact parents if a child’s attendance drops to below 90%. If you are child is very unwell you should keep them at home. In the case of sickness or diarrhoea please do not send them back to school until 48 hours after the last episode. This helps to minimise the spread of viruses. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Our Behaviour for learning policy focuses on: • • • Recognising & rewarding good behaviour Dealing with wrong choices calmly, fairly, and consistently across the whole school Having a system where everyone knows where they stand Everyone knows: What the school rules are What happens when pupils follow these rules What happens when they choose not to follow the rules We foster a caring culture based on mutual respect, cooperation and support. Inappropriate behaviours are dealt with promptly and firmly. The children are expected to have high expectations of themselves and are encouraged to work together to make St. Margaret’s a happy and safe learning environment for all. We have three whole school rules: 1. Follow Instructions 2. Keep hands, feet and put-downs to yourself 3. Respect people and property We work in co-operation with parents and carers when behaviour gives cause for concern and will consult with outside agencies where extra support is needed. At St Margaret’s we believe that every child is special and entitled to a personalised curriculum, which meets their learning needs. We value all children whatever their needs or abilities and are committed to ensuring that all achieve personal excellence. We therefore monitor the progress of all children and intervene at an early stage when necessary. Sometimes this may mean a shortterm intervention to overcome a specific difficulty and sometimes children may need the additional support provided through the SEN Code of Practice. At St. Margaret’s, children with additional needs are well supported and make good progress because the school, parents and outside agencies work in partnership to minimise barriers to learning. Our policy is reviewed annually and outlines our commitment to the inclusion, where appropriate, of all children in our school family, whatever their needs or abilities. It is available from the school. It was last renewed in July 2009 and no major changes were made. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School We have a policy to support able children and seek to offer them learning opportunities that challenge and extend them. Our monitoring of progress enables us to ensure that children are continually progressing. Our results at the higher levels show how we stretch our children in their learning. Our Policy is available on request. Throughout their time in school children’s progress on their learning journey is monitored and assessed in order to inform the next steps in learning. This will include observations and teacher assessments. In Maths, English and Science these are recorded as attainment levels. These will be shared with children and with parents during teacher consultation meetings. At the end of Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 statutory assessments are made and reported to the Department for children, schools and families (DCSF). The children in year 6 sit national tests in May. At St. Margaret’s we aim to establish a school community where children explore and appreciate the past, make sense of today and are excited for the future. Creativity, initiative, curiosity and challenge are actively encouraged. As a result our children are motivated to improve on their previous best, learn to think, question, apply new skills and make decisions and choices independently. St. Margaret’s is a safe, inclusive and secure school where pupils are encouraged to take risks and learn from mistakes. We aim to provide a curriculum that will equip learners for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century and enables them to be adaptable and flexible and to embrace change and challenge. Through a flexible use of the curriculum we promote excellence and enjoyment in learning. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School This stage in your child’s education describes their learning from 3 to 5 years of age, and is provided in Nursery and Reception. The early years of children’s lives are ones of rapid growth and development. The curriculum for the Foundation Stage underpins all future learning by supporting, nurturing and promoting the child’s development in all areas. There are six areas of learning that form the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum known as Early Learning Goals: • • • • • • Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Communication, Language and Literacy Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Knowledge and Understanding of the World Physical Development Creative Development. Each half term has a learning theme on which all aspects of learning are based. The National Curriculum for Years 1-6. We develop language through speaking, listening, reading and writing. We aim for all children to become willing and fluent readers of a range of literature and able to express themselves clearly and thoughtfully in writing, conversation and discussion. In KS1 and KS2 the renewed National Framework for Literacy is followed. The renewed National Framework for Numeracy is followed and teaching includes opportunities to develop mental and oral skills and to engage in problems solving through practical experiences. The teaching sequence of ‘learn, practice and apply’ enables children to use their mathematical skills to solve every day problems with numbers and measures. We encourage parents to support their children in the learning and applying of number facts such as number bonds and multiplication tables. Children are given the opportunity to investigate relationships and patterns in numbers. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School In Science we aim to extend children’s natural interest and curiosity about their world with activities that will develop their understanding of scientific concepts and processes. The emphasis is on children learning through first hand experience to develop scientific knowledge, investigative skills and other skills including observation, measuring, data handling and fair testing. ICT plays an increasingly important role in all aspects of the children’s learning and we aim to build on children’s natural interest in and abilities with technology. Skills are developed through a wide range of ICT applications and children are encouraged to think critically about the use of ICT and the Internet both in and out of school. Children use ICT to express themselves, explore ideas, analyse information, and find things out and to present their work to others. ICT extends across all areas of the curriculum and through its use we aim to develop children’s confidence and independence in learning. Music is important in the life of our school. The children develop their skills in singing and playing percussion instruments, express themselves in their own compositions and appreciate a wide range of music. We have a school choir and recorder groups and through Solihull Music Service instrumental tuition can be purchased. Music is central to our daily worship and productions. Visiting musicians give children the opportunity to appreciate musical skill and children have the opportunity to demonstrate their own progress in the school concert. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Children are given opportunities to develop practical skills such as cutting, joining, fixing and connecting. They learn to evaluate products, design and make their own products to a design specification and review their own learning processes, making recommendations for future projects. Children also have the opportunity to learn how to make simple healthy snacks. This area of the curriculum helps children to develop their knowledge and understanding of their world. Through historical study we aim to stimulate curiosity about people, places and events in the past in order to deepen understanding of society today. The younger children focus on their personal history and the recent past while older children learn from the more distant past. History is brought alive through visits, visitors and artefacts. Drama, role-play and a range of resources enable the children to interpret evidence and draw conclusions. Beginning with observations of their own environment and locality children learn about people and their environments. Children then extend their Geographical learning to develop an understanding of different societies and cultures and how to care for the environment. In this context we aim to raise each child’s awareness of themselves as individuals, members of communities and citizens of the wider world. We explore the social and emotional aspects of learning and teach the children about how to stay safe and be healthy. At age appropriate levels children are taught how to make and maintain relationships and friendships and to respect and value one another. Sex education normally arises through children’s questions, which are dealt with sensitively. In the upper juniors changes relating to puberty are addressed including the use of a video which parents are invited to view. Children learn about the dangers of drug abuse and how to make wise and safe choices about what they put in their bodies. We use ‘circle time’ to deliver much of the PSHE curriculum. Parents wishing to withdraw their children from sex education should contact the Head teacher. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Children learn to be aware of their bodies and the importance of staying fit and healthy and we emphasise the importance of physical exercise for their well-being and learning. All children participate in a range of sporting activities developing skills in dance, games, athletics and gymnastics. Swimming is provided in year 3 for which there is a tuition charge. The children have many opportunities to participate in competitive teams and we are proud of our sporting successes. The children learn a range of artistic skills – drawing, painting, using textiles, printing, and sculpture and are encouraged to express their ideas freely through them. They learn to critically evaluate their own art and that of famous artists. French is taught from year 2 – 6. Lessons focus on speaking and listening to French and also introduces something of French life and culture. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Out of school learning refers to any activities which learners engage in out of school that are initiated by learners, teachers or parents and which are undertaken either independently or with support. Aims of out of school learning To promote progression towards independence and individual responsibility To provide for the individual needs and interests of learners To engage parents in the learning of their child and in personal life long learning through exciting, enjoyable and worthwhile learning experiences and opportunities To enable children to develop long-term strategies for their future learning needs To ensure that out of school learning opportunities reflect the active and investigative approach to learning that is promoted in school To raise standards of attainment We aim for ‘Out of school learning’ to: Be age/ability appropriate Be enjoyable and fulfilling for learners and their parents Motivate children to become life long learners Contribute to, enrich and extend in-school learning Contribute to the raising of standards Contribute to the well-being of children and families Enable learners, parents and teachers to enjoy a reasonable work-life balance Out of school learning – the core package The Governing Body have decided that the core strand of out of school learning at St. Margaret’s should be the development of reading skills. This is in recognition of the fact that good reading skills are essential in enabling learners to access the broader curriculum as they grow and develop. A range of extra –curricular activities are offered depending on the skills and interest of the staff and children. They have included choir, recorder club, board games, badminton, athletics, football, cricket, netball. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Kidzone is the before and after school club at St Margaret's. For further details and bookings telephone Mrs M Heath on 07968 507635. Children can be looked after between 8.00 am and the beginning of school and from the end of the school day until 6.00 pm. We also have wraparound provision for the Nursery children called Little Kidz. This is available term time from 11.30 am to 3.30 pm. Children attending Little Kidz can then stay for the after school club if required. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Representatives of each class serve on the school council which contributes to decision making in school using democratic processes. The School Council have purchased and organised playground toys, contributed to staff interviews, chosen and supported charities and made suggestions for school improvements such as in the toilets and playgrounds. Children in KS2 belong to houses and gain points for learning, good behaviour, initiative and effort. The winning house is presented with a trophy each week. House captains are appointed from year 6 and they lead worship once each term. We aim for our provision for these four outcomes to lay the foundations that will enable our children to ‘achieve economic well being’ in the future by making wise choices and decisions. Parents are welcome at St. Margaret’s and we believe that it is by working together in an atmosphere of support and trust that we can provide the best possible care and education for your child. We provide opportunities for you to meet with teacher’s to discuss targets and progress and how you can support your child’s learning and progress. We provide a detailed annual report outlining your child’s achievements during the year and invite you to discuss any concerns that it raises. Two-way communication is essential between home and school. We are committed to contacting you about issues relating to your child and ask that you will do the same. We are always pleased to hear from you too when you are pleased with your child’s progress or feel that the school has done something well. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School If you need to contact the class teacher please contact the school office by phone or e-mail in the first instance in order to make a convenient appointment. Urgent matters can be brought to the head teacher or a member of the senior team via the school office. Throughout the year there are many events to which parents are welcome and we do value your support for your child and for the school at these. A newsletter is sent out each Friday with school news and diary dates. We welcome the help of parent and community helpers for school visits, supporting reading, working in the library, transport to sports fixtures and supporting particular curriculum projects. Regular helpers will be required to complete a CRB disclosure and a school volunteer agreement which asks for a commitment to confidentiality. We prefer regular parent helpers to support classes other than those in which they have children. We are fortunate to have an energetic and highly motivated team of people linked to our school who work really hard to enrich the resources and opportunities available to our children. They offer financial support and lots of time and goodwill. As a school we value their support and involvement with us. All parents of children at St Margaret’s are members of the PA and you are warmly invited to join us for any meeting, details of which are on the school calendar and newsletters. We hope you will get involved by helping at events. We need everybody to do their bit so that we can make a real difference for our children. PA projects have included purchase of an electronic screen in the hall, a sunshade for outdoor play, data projectors and computers, outdoor play equipment. Our current project is the Early Years outdoor area. The Governing Body of the school meets termly to discuss matters relating to the conduct of the school and to receive reports. It comprises representatives of the church, staff, parents and local authority and, as well as exercising oversight of the school curriculum and organisation, fosters links between church, school and community. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School We are fully committed to equal opportunities for all and strive to ensure and monitor this in all aspects of our provision. Disability Equality Duty We are committed to St. Margaret’s school being an inclusive community and welcome children with disabilities whose needs can be appropriately met in a mainstream school. Children with a statement of special needs that names our school are prioritised in our admissions policy. We work closely and proactively with a range of agencies to ensure that we are able to meet the needs of children with disabilities, for example the School Inclusion Support Service, the Emotional, Social and Behavioural difficulties team, speech and language team. ‘The school provides outstanding support for pupils with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, creating excellent partnerships with outside agencies and parents.’ (Ofsted June 2008) Our policies for Behaviour and Anti-bullying as well as the content of our religious and PSHE curriculum intend to raise awareness of equality issues and prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils. We track the progress of all learners on a termly basis and intervene as appropriate to minimise barriers to learning. Anyone wishing to see a copy of the Disability Equality Duty and action plan are welcome to do so. Please ask in the school office. We are happy to provide school information in alternative formats should this be helpful. Please ask. Race Equality We have a policy for racial equality and this is available from the school. In keeping with our Christian foundation we encourage children to value people of every race and to respect their beliefs and traditions. We have due regard to the need to: • Eliminate racial discrimination; • Promote equality of opportunity; • Promote good relations between people of different racial groups. Any incidents that may be interpreted as being racist are dealt with effectively and reported to the Governors and Local Authority each term. Gender At St. Margaret’s boys and girls are given equal opportunities. stereotyping and promote respect for all. We challenge any gender Duty to Promote Community Cohesion. Through our values, ethos and curriculum we strive to celebrate diversity and teach the children to deal with difference. We promote positive attitudes towards all groups of people and prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Sustainable Development. “Sustainable development will enable all people throughout the world to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a better quality of life, without compromising the quality of life of future generations.” (Securing the Future 2005). At St. Margaret’s we aim to contribute by teaching the children to care for themselves, for each other and the environment with a ‘future perspective’. Should you have any cause for complaint please contact the Head teacher in the first instance who will be happy to meet with you to discuss your concerns and to agree how they may be resolved. The School Profile can be found online at www. schoolsfinder.direct.gov.uk The school has a charging policy, which conforms to current regulations. • The school will ask parents for voluntary contributions towards the cost of swimming and outings during the normal school day. • The school may not exclude any child from an outing if a voluntary contribution is not offered but reserves the right to cancel an outing if insufficient support is received. • The school asks for an annual contribution to school fund to cover the costs of cooking, fabric work etc and to enable us to provide additional opportunities for the children. • • The cost of instrumental tuition is paid by parents on a termly basis. Any parent concerned about voluntary contributions is invited to discuss this in confidence with Mrs Martin, the Head teacher. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Data Below is a summary of our school attendance data for the academic year 2008/2009. Attendance The registered number of pupils on roll, in Years 1–6 for at least one session from September 2008 to May 2009 inclusive was 179 3.3% of half days sessions were missed through authorised absences. 0.6% of half days sessions were missed through unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences, should they occur, are mainly due to parents failing to notify the school of the reason for their child’s absence or holidays for which leave of absence has not been granted. Unauthorised absences are noted on pupil records. Destination of Year 6 Leavers Langley School, Solihull Lode Heath School, Solihull Lyndon School Humanities College King Edwards, Aston Archbishop Grimshaw Catholic School Fowey Community College, Cornwall 8 12 6 1 1 1 St. Margaret’s CE Primary School COMPARATIVE REPORT This table shows a summary of the National Curriculum assessment results of pupils in the school (2009) and nationally (2008) at the end of Key Stage 1, as a percentage of those eligible for assessment. The number of eligible children is: 30 Figures may not total 100 per cent because of rounding. RESULTS OF TEACHER ASSESSMENT Percentage at each level Speaking and listening Reading Writing Mathematics Science 3 or above Disapplied Children Absent Children 58 26 0 0 9 64 27 0 0 7 7 60 27 0 0 National 2 11 65 21 0 0 Boys 0 16 0 32 32 21 0 0 Girls 0 0 9 18 18 55 0 0 Whole School 0 10 3 27 27 33 0 0 National 3 13 13 22 24 25 0 0 Boys 5 11 5 37 26 16 0 0 Girls 0 0 18 18 27 36 0 0 Whole School 3 7 10 30 27 23 0 0 National 5 15 22 27 19 12 0 0 Boys 0 5 11 21 32 32 0 0 Girls 0 0 9 36 18 36 0 0 Whole School 0 3 10 27 27 33 0 0 National 2 8 16 25 27 21 0 0 W 1 2 2C 2B 2A 3 or above U Boys 0 5 68 26 0 Girls 0 0 73 27 0 Whole School 0 3 70 27 0 National 2 9 67 22 W 1 2 Boys 11 5 Girls 0 Whole School 2C 2B 2A W represents children who are working towards level 1, but have not yet achieved the standards needed for level 1. U represents children for whom it is not possible to determine a level. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School COMPARATIVE REPORT These tables show a summary of the National Curriculum results of pupils in the school (2009) and nationally (2008) as a percentage of those eligible for assessment. The number of eligible children is: 29 Figures may not total 100 per cent because of rounding. RESULTS OF TEACHER ASSESSMENT 2009 and NATIONAL 2008 Percentage at each level English Mathematics Science W 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pupils disapplied Pupils absent School 0 0 0 17 76 7 0 0 0 National 0 1 4 16 49 30 0 0 0 School 0 0 0 14 48 34 3 0 0 National 0 1 4 16 46 33 0 0 0 School 0 0 0 17 48 34 0 0 0 National 0 0 2 12 47 38 0 0 0 TEST RESULTS 2009 and NATIONAL 2008 Percentage at each level English Reading Writing Mathematics Science Below level 3* 3 4 5 Pupils not entered# Pupils absent School 0 7 86 10 0 0 National 6 13 51 30 0 1 School 3 3 55 38 0 0 National 6 6 38 49 0 1 School 0 34 58 10 0 0 National 6 26 48 20 0 1 School 0 7 41 52 0 0 National 5 15 47 31 0 1 School 0 0 34 72 0 0 National 2 8 44 44 0 1 W represents pupils who are working towards level 1, but have not yet achieved the standards needed for level 1. * represents pupils who were not entered for the tests because they were working below level 3 in English, mathematics or science; pupils awarded a compensatory level from the tests; and pupils entered for but not achieving a level from the tests. # represents pupils working at the levels of the tests, but unable to access them, formally referred to as disapplied. St. Margaret’s CE Primary School KS2 RESULTS – 2009 The results of the children who left the school in summer 2009 are listed below together with the targets we had set for the year group. Target Result English – Level 4 and above. 93 93 English – Level 5 and above. 33 10 Mathematics – Level 4 and above. 93 93 Mathematics – Level 5 40 52 Ambitious targets were set for this cohort and where they were not achieved this was by one or two pupils only, and in come cases they missed the target by one or two marks in the test. We are proud of their achievements. At this school each child represents approximately 3%. KEY STAGE 2 TARGETS FOR 2010. 2010 Target percentage attaining Level 4 and above in English (expressed as a whole number) 97 Target percentage attaining Level 4 and above in Mathematics (expressed as a whole number) 90 Target percentage attaining Level 5 and above in English (expressed as a whole number) 43 Target percentage attaining Level 5 and above in Mathematics (expressed as a whole number) 40 St. Margaret’s CE Primary School N.B. Five in-service days (each year) are not included below. These dates will be advised at the beginning of the academic year. AUTUMN TERM 2009 Term Starts Half Term Term Ends Thursday 3 September 2009 26 October – 30 October Friday 18 December 2009 SPRING TERM 2010 Term Starts Half Term Term Ends Monday 4 January 2010 15 February – 19 February Thursday 1 April 2010 SUMMER TERM 2010 Term Starts Half Term Term Ends Monday 19 April 2010 31 May – 04 June Friday 23 July 2010 AUTUMN TERM 2010 Term Starts Half Term Term Ends Wednesday 1 September 2010 25 October - 29 October Friday 17 December 2010 SPRING TERM 2011 Term Starts Half Term Term Ends Tuesday 4 January 2011 21 February - Friday 25 February Friday 8 April 2011 SUMMER TERM 2011 Term Starts Half Term Term Ends Tuesday 22 April 2011 Monday 30 May – Friday 3 June Friday 22 July 2011 St. Margaret’s CE Primary School
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