How to make a Complaint to Phoenix

How to make a Complaint to Phoenix
This document explains the process to be
followed when making a complaint to Phoenix.
This document contains information belonging
to Phoenix Commercial Collections and is
provided solely for information purposes.
What happens at Stage 1 of the process?
Stage 1: Is the initial or first stage of the complaints process
which involves a full investigation by a member of the
company’s Customer Care Team who are conversant with
legislative guidelines and our policies and procedures.
What do I do if I want to make a complaint?
Phoenix accepts written or verbal complaints, however for reasons of
clarity we would encourage that you put any grievances or comments
in writing, detailing fully each point and the area of your concern.
By putting your complaint in writing, it will enable us to clearly
understand the reasons of your complaint.
You can do this by:
Telephoning our Call Centre on: 0844 824 3884
What happens at Stage 2 of the process?
Stage 2: Should a Customer not be satisfied with the
response provided at Stage 1 of the process, then they can
request that the matter is referred to a manager who will
look at the complaint and review our initial reply to ensure
that each point has been dealt with and that the responses
given were accurate and detailed.
Downloading and completing a copy of our Complaints Form
Or by writing to:
Phoenix Commercial Collections
FAO: Complaints Officer
Paragon Business Park
Chorley New Road
Bolton, Lancashire
Upon receipt of a complaint, our office will log and acknowledge
your complaint within two working days, prior to commencing an
investigation concerning the reasons for your complaint. We will
endeavour to respond to your complaint within seven (7) days of
receipt, however where this is not possible due to the investigative
measures required to resolve your complaint, we will notify you by
letter or by telephone explaining the reasons for the delay and provide
you with an indication of when you should receive a response.
Our complaint process has three (3) stages plus an external
investigation process.
1. Stage 1 - The initial complaint and investigation
2. Stage 2 - If a customer is dissatisfied with the response provided
at Stage 1 they can request a review of the findings.
3. Stage 3 - If a customer is still dissatisfied at the response provided
at Stage 2, they can request that their complaint is referred to a
senior member of our Management Team.
What happens at Stage 3 of the process?
Stage 3: Should a Customer remain dissatisfied following
the response provided at Stage 2 of the process, then they
can request that the investigation is moved to the third
stage of our complaints process, where it will be passed
to a senior member of our management team, who for
reference is the Director responsible for company
operations, to review the circumstances of the complaint
and our response provided. Following their assessment and
if felt necessary, a full re-investigation would be carried out
and a response provided.
Please note that should a customer feel that it is not
possible to put their case in writing or feel that their
problem needs to be immediately resolved, for example
when a bailiff or enforcement officer is present at their
premises, or where their complaint relates to how a current
call/visit is being handled then they can be request that their
complaint to be dealt with verbally, although dependant on
the enforcement stage present this method of complaint
cannot always be accommodated.
What do I do if I am still unsatisfied with the response
to my complaint?
Please note: that CIVEA will only investigate a complaint
if it has firstly gone through our complaints process.
Where a customer still remains aggrieved following our three stage
complaint process they may at this point (once having completed
stages 1 to 3) refer their case to our governing body the Civil
Enforcement Association who are contactable by writing to:
Data Protection: Phoenix is a data compliant organisation and
will only use the personal details and information contained within
a customer’s account file to respond to their complaint and any
information obtained/used during the complaint investigation
process will only be seen by those who are directly involvedin the
management and resolution of their complaint.
The Civil Enforcement Association
513 Bradford Road
West Yorkshire
WF17 8LL
Customer Complaint Form
When completing this form, please ensure that you provide as much information/detail as
possible to ensure that we are presented with all the facts surrounding the areas of your
grievance. Whilst we would always wish to avoid causing a customer to complain about our
services, we do accept that on occasion a customer may believe that they have a justified point
to make therefore we welcome all constructive comments.
Should you have specific accessibility or disability requirements, please contact our Call Centre on 0844 824 3884, whereby a member of our
staff will arrange to accommodatate your requirements. We utilise the following service providers who can accommodate such requirements:
Language line - a language translation agency
Type Talk Relay Service - A text relay service for deaf or speech impaired customers
Braille and Large Print Information - Phoenix retains the services of a number of specialist providers who can provide
information/literature in these formats.
Please complete the following
Our ref. no.
First name
Contact telephone numbers / email address
How would you prefer to be contacted?
What service/type of debt are you making a complaint about?
Council Tax
Business Rates
Parking Penalty Charge Notice
Commercial Rent
Other (please specify) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Please tick box below or specify in the space provided, the nature of your complaint.
Reason for complaint (please tick box as appropriate)
Bailiff visit/letter but debt already paid to our client (i.e. the Council)
Bailiff visit/letter but prior agreement/arrangement with our client (i.e. the Council)
Validity of the warrant/court order
Bailiff visit/letter but debt already paid to Phoenix
Bailiff visit/letter but prior agreement/arrangement with Phoenix
Disputing the fee & charges applied to my account
Seizure of goods
Bailiff was rude and/or abusive
Member of offfice staff who was rude/aggressive/unhelpful
Other (please specify) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Please detail the nature of your complaint
(Continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary)
What would you like us to do to put things right?
Please read and sign the declaration below.
By signing this declaration, you consent to Phoenix Commercial Collections exchanging information with our instructing Client and/or those
persons or organisations involved in handling or the management of your complaint.
Signature ...................................................................................... Name (Block Capitals)............................................................................................................ Date: ..................................
All information received in connection with your complaint will be kept confidential.
Please return to:
Phoenix Commercial Collections
FAO: Complaints Officer
Paragon Business Park
Chorley New Road
Bolton, Lancashire
Fax: 01204 664 066
Reference No. ...............................................................................................................
Date received ............................................................................................................................ Date Acknowledged ..................................................................................................
Referred to Department (Specify) ........................................................................ / Staff member..............................................................................................................
Action taken to resolve Complaint
Have details been scanned to database/log?
/ Date scanned ................................................................................................................
Date of response to complainant ..........................................................................