* * * Morning News • Monday, October 20. 1997 5B Community news They may be lonesome, but performing doctors know how to cut stress 'W! 'hat do the simple folk found on a stage accompanied by a do when they are lonely country music band. Music flowed and blue?" Or. when from the collective heart of the they are stressed group. The Lonesome Docs. out? I kept . Our daughter. Amy, had located humming the . these former medical students via tune from the Internet When she discovered Camelot as I that all four of her former classmates watched the lived in middle Tennessee, she edoctors belt mailed each. They had performed out song after together in medical school and have song on the been donating their time and talent stage in to local communities since rediscovBrentwood, a ering each other a year ago. In late suburb of October, they're performing for the Nashville. local Episcopal Church. Senior Scene Tenn. As I supervised the grandchikireu A plastic during the performance, I rememRuth Garrett surgeon, an bered from yean ago how a medical orthopedist a student at Harvard used to go to the geneticist and an obstetrician basement and pound out his frustrapoured their hearts into their pertions on the piano. Unfortunately, he formance — their contribution to a lived right below us in the student benefit for senior citizens. The dormitory, and I learned to take little group had a mandolin, three guiAmy to the Boston Library at that tars, a bass, and our daughter as time each evening. female vocalist The drummer had We read "Thidwick. the Bigbeen imported from the community. Hearted Moose," every evening for This performance was worth the l& the entire year. At age 2, it was no hour drive last weekend. wonder she could recite it by heart Funny—country music never She surprised the Harvard booksounded so good. After hearing a store personnel one afternoon medley consisting of the "Wabash when, upon seeing the book on sale, Cannon Ball," "Your Cheating she picked it up, and "read" it! I just Heart," "Rocky Top," the smiled and let them think she really "Tennessee Waltz" and other local was reading. favorites, even Bach or Beethoven Research continues to indicate paled in comparison. Only then that intense work is not harmful if could I comprehend how a daughter we have an outlet a release of raised on classical music could be stress. Doctors, like most of us. must CASAS FOR CASA 4 Marvin Pntchard, left, a Lowe's employee, and Harry Kahea, a Union Camp employee, cut shingles for one of four playhouses being built for the deal with pressure. The demands of family, parenthood, career, and society require an escape. Urban lives do not permit a quiet walk in the country during or after work. The physical demands of sedentary careen are light —we no longer herd the cows back home in late afternoon for milking, climb the lofts to tots hay to the hones, or weed our vegetable gardens. In our high-tech society we. unlike our ancestors, expend little energy for our food supply. Hans Selye. research physiologist in Montreal demonstrated the multiple detrimental effects that stress has on the human body. The excessive outpouring of cortisone from the adrenal glands when we are subjected to ongoing stress is damaging.-Stress is the result of too much energy.** states Dr. Walter Borte in-We Uve Too Short and Die Too Long." That energy, not released is harmful Psychologists have many suggestions for managing stress: relaxation training, exercise, meditation, or biofeedback are common. Pet ownership is suggested to lower stn especially for older adults, and their ownership is often associated with fewer visits to physicians. But the Lonesome Docs have discovered the best way yet leant imagine a better equalizer than enjoying what you do in your spare time while contributing your talent 'to the community. MONDAY MORNING October 20.1997 CASA Playhouse Raffle. Carl Elnxxe/Savannah Mtxnmg MONOAY EVENING October 20. 1997 I 6:00 I 6:30 I 7:60 l' 7:30 I 6:00 I fl;S6 Ifr.OOI fr.M 110:00 Sul Susan (Fired Up Carolina/ [Tha Truth DaWmeNBC(CO9594 1304662 City 9665 151391 4198 |6933 Business J.Pepin Fur) Circle 72846 Antiques 82223 Elizabeth Taylor 79759 The NamHour 13778 Bakfcg WVANfl Brooklyn South Clown Home Imp. Cosby (CO Raymond CybiN(CO George WTOC Mem 3759 CBS Nam Freeh 6223 7339 7846 9681 37265 10961Wihout Ply. (CC) 67914 3995556 m mi. . .i NFL FootttH BuRalo Bis at Wianapcis Cote. (Live) (CC) 918662 Jeopardy! Nam 10049 WnMi nmcop Rocket Science. ABC Nam WJCL 90285 (CC) 28643 94001 75466 Ally McBeel ICO 88049 Nam 71846 Cope (CO Simpsons LrvaSngla IMroaa Place (CO WTQS 80594 30827 (CO 57339 43391 68285 34643 46830 LAPO Mad About flalnlaM hs.Edtton Journal In House (Good Mem sWcokn (HNz(RR) MM 83594 (Judge Bean (Fatter !1M .!•[.•.,.«,. If 'JJ.'.M.IBlli.li.'J ^M The Man Who Knew Too Much 250285 News 339 (NBCNem Martin (CO ET575 (391 8778 WSAV News This Morning (5) ICQ 907136 What Casas for CASA Playhouse Raffle Whan: Through Oct. 26 Whs**: Savannah Mall $2 each or $6 for $10 and . will be on sale at the Savannah Mall playhouse display area. The ptayhdusse: There are four playhouses being raffled off that ; would make wonderful gifts for .• Christmas: the Garden Cottage, v Beach Bungalow, Doctor's Office, > • and the Lowe's Playhouse. The ' • houses are built by Lowe's Home Improvement Center, the Adams * 'Group, Mark One Construction and. the Remodeler's Council. Chatham . Orthopedic Associates, Wendy's, Memorial Medical Center, Colonial Oil and Ameribank. Who beneflta: All proceeds benefit the Savannah/Chatham County Court Appointed Special Advocates Program (CASA), who speak for the best interest of cNldren in the child protection system. ' • • • " ! ' More infafnurtton: Call CASA at 2311997. Morning America (CO 97933 mm , i L: :_ t Movie (4:30) )tan WMh a Horn (1950, OrarM) *** KM Heart (1964, Comedy) *** Glenn Ford, War AITOW (1954. WeHem) ** AMC •attne Page, Michael Anderson Jr. 715198 Lauren Baeai. Dons Pay. tCQ 727933 Maureen OHera. Jal Chandar. 973285 Voyages Butting lor Mummlee: Tales From Colurnbo How to Dial a Murder. 598643 Corumbo Short Fuse. 364488 Qulncy,bl£.EvanCtkh ARTS Earthquakes. 660933 Egyptian Crypts 765952 864662 Paid Prog. Vtjrattone 519556 i Zone 350575 BET M.Hickay Copeiand Cattahan Paid Prog. Breath rVQ PfOQ. PtBQ PfDQ. *aW Prog. (Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Pai d Prog. BRAVO Business Day 211681 Earty Edition 416049 Homing Maws (CQ 329001 CNN 711846 COM Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Dr. Km (Petty Show Paid Prog. PaMProg. Juaflct 5696914 COURT raid Pro0. (&30) (CO BportsCenter (CC) 973310 BportaCenksr (CO 480759 ESPN 177440 734223 The TOIOub 853117 FIT TV Sampler 932198 Raacua 911 (CO 899981 TheWatoneThs RTTV FAM Moonshner. 585778 112196 PaMProg. Workout Kids Workout Baby SMan (CO 561952 OwHasM 921074 UFE BeeHejulce Looney ftugrats UdleBesy Blue 320643 R-Scarry Looney QuMltoL NICK 389556 868488 61 141223 893001 165643 168372 694730 617681 132S75 Foi Sports Nam 862285 Foi Spofta Mem 445464 Foi Sports News 9776SJ WdProg. PaMPMf- •eJdFvoj. 8PSO (Rfl) 386440 806469 542759 330001 Scooby acoopy QHHgan Brady Bnch Amen Utte House 930204 TBS 'aid Prog. Paid Prog. rWKl PrOfl. PaWProg. PaWProg. PaMProg. AtatarmM Oiacovary 859730 381914 881339 860646 (CO39D6S2 143681 603488 602759 Critters Btg Oarage | (Qnoaee Rerya TIC KtttyCats Big Garage Gnomes Pappytand Rory's Off the Air Ctub Oanca 589440 Crook A Ctaae 4434C6 Last o< He Good TNN Gun. 548010 J. Quest raz4tania Bugs Bunny, Bugs IpeneerForMre Tin- 596730 790371 Shedowght 357820 341117 Sunny 140812 IJuetTakee One 400488 Btoomban (ntormatton USA Action Extreme Team (CO 401117 Television (5) 189310 ffilUMJM, MAX SNOW TMC PPV1 PPV2 Author! Author! (1962, Comedy) *** Al Pacano, Ham (1992, Drama) *** Dusfri Hoflman. Gesna Dyan Cannon. Tuesday Wekt (PG) 586372 Qjust. Andy Garcia. (CC? (PG-»3> 7973B1 Chain (4:50) A Ferewel to Arms (1957, Romance) ** Hock Hudson. Jemier Bogus (1996, Fantasy) ** Wrioopi Goldberg. Gawd PocHotywoodMchMlJ. Depenieu. Haley Joel C<mei<- (CQ (PG) 397440 Fos. (CO 5156198 Jones, VWorio De Sica. 133391 Big Trouble (S) 505407 Shakasp're 236865 215372 Reecuen, Storm of Courage: Two OomWck and Eugene (5:45) * ** March or Die (7:35) (1977, Adventure) ** Gene Woman (935)97099204 Hackman, Terence Hit (PG) 97162894 77340391 (1125) Torn Huke. (CO (PG-13) 60420792 All ooga Go to Heaven 2 (7:15) (1996. Windy City (8:40) (1984. Comedy-drama) ** John FaaatolJka>(t995, Drama) ** Satan Never Sleeps Shea. KateCapshsw. Josh Mo$teL(R) 65347310 EmttemDavida. (CQ (H) 726310 Chldren) ** (CC) (G) 27213933 (5:05) 31857551 >**Westsy$rwm (CO 5529310 Devifs Own (5) 1054407 Mother *** Atari Brooks. (CO (PG-13) 5835778 Off the Air Off the Air jDeadTMaa EitMc 5300469 Turbulence (5) 1052049 Private Parts *** Howard Stem. (CO 5626020 MONDAY AFTERNOON October 20.1997 3:00 I 3:30 I 4:00 I 4:30 I 5:00 I 5:30 •other World (CO Days of Our Lives (CO 10 69310 Artkur (CQ barney Instructional TV 28198 Saaame Street 17594 mury Povich (CO 52S64 Bubsm UaM fCQ 3100 As the World Turns (CO The Young and the Suneet Beach 50662 I72 One LUe to Uve (CO 52372 HBO MAX SHOW TMC PPV1 PPV2 onight 5 Late right WNh Conen lUter (O'Brien (12-.35) 2770266 (9467957 Las* Late Show WNh Ton Up to the Minute (2:05) 21874353 725914 508594 : The Fortune Andy Gnr»h.(CO 766776 Home Matters 321372 CraOsStyts. 179646 OnHslde jOnsielde WMhorae Batoon 543488 America's Country Hfts Crook AChees 391952 BNfl (1994. ComedHramt) ** Gokfe HswnJColt 46 (i960. Western) ** Randolph Soom Ruti Roman. Zachsry Sool 346074 ssei. Chriatimi Lahk. (PG) 345933 A Weekend in Ma Country (1995, Romarce<omsdy) Falh Ford OvMne Lank. TMC Last 01 t>e Good Buys. 367788 OawTta 370489 CtMbOawce 92H17 to SwNeMol tie tight «CQ 914827 Three WWm (1995, Fantasy) ** Pain* Smvia. ropGun (1986, AoVenrur*) *** Tom Cnise. Kely Tracey Hewn. fCQfPGl 4964407 fXXPQl 987489 373448 Anthony Edwerds.jCQ (PG) 509223 VMM (1982. RMWOS) ** Ms! Gtson. The Ua (1996, Drama) ** Vbes (1245) (1988) ** Cyndi Laupsr. 9ocHotymod(11)(CO Lee Cums. Bjsti Wood. |CC) (PG) 9608310 <Cq(P6»55704681 5156196 Ms Owl (1990. Ackon) * C. Thomas (1155) Al TheWM Perty (1.05) (l95«.Cnme 4omi (CQ (90-13)9856440 Arthoo»Qum 463X196 99451I662 lorn to Race (1988, Acfcn) * Joseph The Fury (206) (1978, Horn*) ***Krt Oouflm, John Cassavetes. Amy Irving. (R) 4664596 (R) 1942020 ^ TMes (113013254759 Oochran I Co. 5675421 fPG-t8|4H1448 |1UOuky«e (iwn * Rey Uots. (CO (R) 5301116 Mary, Oasy Law. |* 15) (H74, Adton) *** Ku5t(r995.Saencefckon)** Cochran I Co. 8346686 (NMProg. feMProg. CoHage Football (RR) 162976 m. Great Ma Greet 433315 172792 Md Prog. 336063 Myeteriea 536334 ThaOarkt 6S2S94 TraneWoitd Sport 939759 ABL BasketDal Atlanta Gkxy at PWedetfW Rage. RRj 351594 SHOW Ryan* Ixpnwa (1985. War) *** Frank (1160, **Frar*S1nalrs70ear Trevor Hovwd. Brad Oedsr. 562686 SammyDevisXCO Mto Mania (Pan iof2) Law! Order American for PewA Bake (1974. ** Barb* 387537 Dream. (CO 860711 Streisand. Michael Sarra 256363 PeM Prog. [PaM Prog. paMProg. Tribute to Ray Charm 799698 low mMettnedu Monde 353659 U»YKIngLr#e(nR)(COCreeafVe (78010 Mobodys Child (1996) **Merto Thomas. 156030 604117 MAX Joker Is WW (11:15) (1967)*** Frank Sinatra 27849594 ntaCnieefil Johnny Mm. 967627 Home and Family 326952 Little Bear HBO Mem This Morning (CO 160669 Cat's Eye (1985. Horror) * Drew Banymore. James (Beyond Tomorrow (1940. Fantasy) ** Richard Woods. Alan KkxKPQ-13) 649247 (Carbon. Jean Parker Planet Oroova Top ID 886448 namf^CMaljwjjtiSj PwarSsam. 84141001 Afraid of tie Dark 1668440 rafcSackUva(CO 715662 Donovan. (PG) 6721778 WhoaaUna Bat rightUva3333372 Daffy Show Or. Katt Daytime taaaten Msssachuteis vs. Louise Woodward. 7324372 Daytime Session (9) 1860339 rVl Great MR Gnat (11:30) (COrOoH Nke Tour Champansr«p. Final Round. (RR) ntsriorMoUvesMtami 345952 KNchen Cudna •" 68792 Mem 048686 WWW Mem Mow (106) 330*5570 Jam Zone (ii) 350575 Movie (11) Tousles Matins du Monde 165049 CNN Today (CO 784952 IMtoek (CO 985594 [Rcssanne [MhjhtaMe (110) 36699D60 | aenera1Hoap«al(CO 15486 ajsi Pels (1955. Uuekei cema» The ApprwttoMMp afOuddy Kiwtt (2:15) (1974, Co*** Who's AfraM of Virginia WootfT (1966. Drama) drama) * ** Rcnard Dreytun. Uchsina Larctot (PG) 24319310 **Uvton Brando. 632952 Bmtxth Taylor. Richard Burton 42161662 Law A Order Intolerance Columbo How to Dais Murder. 238759 Coiumbo Short Fuse. 872894 nwCommWi 505372 '"' MONDAY LATE NIGHT October 20,1997 Hercute:TheLegendai Joumara (C019594 Bamaby Jonas H952 Judge Judy IReel TV me Oat the Earth Diagnosis Mur«VUry ' ILAPD Hypernauta(&l5)(l997.Chldren) (Munchle (9:40) (1992, Fantasy) ** OMget (1959) ** Sandra Growing jBrotheriy NVe'reBack! ICQ 298391 (289643 (9429646 Marc Brandon Daniel. 23187952 (Loni Anderson. (CO (PG) 65736001 Dee. 5662759 Can't Buy Ma Love (&15) (1987, Comedy) ** Where Have You Gone, Top Gun (1986. Adventure) *** Tom Cruise. Kely Taxicab Confessions 4 (CC) 212285 Part* Dempsey. (PG-13) 32424556 JoaOBsagglo? 263759 McGiis, Anthony Edwards. (CO (PG) 266846 Tha PnaMto (1986. Action) ** Sean The Bridges of Madison County (5:45) (1995) *** MaboHous (1996, Suspense) * Sharon Stone. (11:40) ' babels Adjani, Chazz Pakninten. (CC) (R) 157759 Comery. (CO (R) 8996730 CM Eastwood. (CO (PG-13) 85117933 Fast Track (CC) 3304933 Extra leecuers, Stories of Courage: Two Woman (1997. StargataS&tRre& Devil In a Blue Dress (1995) ** Drama) Efaabeth Perkins, Seta Ward. 4330858 Water. (CO 449117 Denzel Washington. (CO (R) 9748117 35760204 Chances Are (5:45) (1989, Fantasy) Al Doge Oo to Heaven 2 (7.35) (1996. My Boyfriend's Back (1993) * Andrew Another 9 1A Weeks (1997, Romance) Mickey Rourke.(R) 5164020 Lowery. (CC) (PG-13) 636662 *** Cybi Shepherd. (PG) 43836643 Children) ** (CC) (G) 66391914 Evta(4) (Booty CaH Jamie Foxx. (CO 5237730 (The Devil's Own** Harmon Rxd-(CC) 4173049 (Love Jones ** Larenz Tale. <CC) (R) 3774407 . Prtvate Parts (5:30) (CC) 5301933 (Murder at 1800** Wesley Srtpes. (CO 5623391 |BAW Traffic School 3264136 (Lady Love 58 13556 26730 AHUyChHdren(CO 1 2627594 Ocean's Eleven (i960. Comedy-drama) ** Frank the Joker Is WHd (11:15) Guys end-Dotts (4:30) Von Ryan's Express (1965, War) *** Frank AMC Marlon Brando. 632952 Sinatra, Trevor Howard. Brad Dexter. 218469 27849594 Sinatra. Dean Martin. (CO 8407865 Miss Marple (Part > 0(2) Law t Order American northern Exposure Al Is law i Order Intolerance. Biography Jane Russel. Poirot 809575 ARTS Va«ry.(CC) 336204 Dream. (CO 852627 829339 802662 (CO 803391 BET Tonight 258933 Comtevlew 358372 HHUsl 355285 tap City 227834117 Ptanet Groove 269049 BET Tous lea Means du Monde 542961 •oHce (1984) ** Gerard OepardNu. 722933 BRAVO Pasaaga Tribute to Ray Charles 401198 ^.4 |t^_« BiwtaM WortdYtew(CC) 987952 Moneytne ITI. news punjen The Wortd Today (CO Sports Larry King Lrve (CO CNN 769643 702198 346556 355204 374339 450223 453310 J79551 DaHySnow stem (Laugh Caddyahack (1980) ** Chevy Chase. (R) 3398310 J.Katz OattyShow Stein COM LaRFWd Laugh Cochran* Co. 6572339 Trial Story 6542198 Justice 5256778 Supreme Justice 6552575 COURT >ayStes'n legal 0*1503466 Figure Skating Legends Championship. 264488 Cheerlead SportaCtr. NFL ntrne Monday 459020 JpCtoee SportaCentor (CO ESPN 746407 519440 690575 710643 C-Bumet C. Burnett the Wattona The Sinner. Mother Teresa: n the Name of God's Poor (1997, Hawaii Rve4 The Young The 700 dub 371335 FAM E23117 Assassins. 154662' Drama) GarattneChapkn, Wilem Kaa. 142827 155391 614469 Mtaed Blessings (1995) Gabriels Carteris. .147372 HomtcMe: Street 476989 teeop Intimate Portrait 168866 Mysteries 144285 Debt UFE AmoMt Hao.Days Wonder BewNchad Love Lucy OddC*ple Tajd (CC) Figure Out HnyToon Doug (CO Rugrtta MCK 377391 605846 614594 180952 ' 138759 364827 185407 344223 632730 658778 637285 368643 Futbol n Hotshots. (Live) 580730 Fox Sports Nam 346894 Fox Sports Mews 893907 Ex. Sports Sport. SPSO E72339 656391 920488 Shattered (1991) *** Tom Berengsr. (R) 718759 Metiers Matten Coach (CO Coach (CO Buried ANva ** Tin Matfteeon. (PG-13) 438001 TBS strange name riyng arrant Shatter 616223 WHd Discovery Nature's Black Holes.- The Justice File* KiMr Kids. SVictfy Supernatural TDC 867759 >ancakes. 341136 Babies: Big Cats. 894643 Ultimate Abyss 814407 Seance. 817594 Extreme Mack 798353 tomeome (Hometlme Sob Vie (Bob We Extreme Mach. 737097 Jack ttta Ripper 196551 SurvlvaVSky 241240 TLC UveWlttfWWIe Nelson Danes Last ol the Good Dukes of Hanard 196371 Today's Country (CC) Mae of Hazard Prime Time Country (CO : TNN Guys. 357875 arewel, Hazzard. 556952 796335 546812 396579 WCW Monday N*ro(RR) (CO 383933 ; KungrHc The Legend Lois 4 Ctvfc Superman WCW Monday NhYo (CO 291925 TNT Continues (CC) 549662 891169 Baywatch Trading Places. Highland* The Stone c< Walker, Texas Ranger |WWF RAW (CO 435914 SttkStaMngstCO USA (CO 972020 Scone. (CO 456407 414681 Oeadkns.(CC) 432827 | MS HBO S T A T i JNS ToAiQnt 3665933 Contrary LateSh. The 700 Oub 563995 Paid Prog. rtsu rfOfl. 439624 323599 PaMProg. PaUPro*. 541806 909570 Love Lucy 809173 Van Dyke SMsrs (CO 705179 Paid Prog. 251353 Twin Stories 967686 AmmHAaors 154421 Md Olacovery Nature's Black Holes: The Betm. Bin Cats. 106899 UttJM»toA<>yaa5gil79 f5*! Sports News 572599 115179 Boxing Fight Mgnt at the Forum 292841 PaMProg. 516150 Paat Break *«» Gabriel Kaplan. (PG) 124995 Mrictty Supernatural Seerce 352841 rlld PfOQ. 117537 PaMProg. 723112 Jack MeRteper 503226 Survlvatfiky 763773 Mkse of Haxasrd 501860 Prims Time Country (CC) 778606 Inert Tkua (1990, Comedy-drama) ** Honor I Otory (2:05) (1993, Acton)« Coleman, Man Frewer, Ten Garr. fWirook. Dome Jason, Qu>Js«reys Man From U.N.C.L.E. The Neptune Altai. 733773 Magk (12:40) (1963, Musical comedy) ** Around With ^ Bui Ives (CQ (6) 94563247 Baneriae.^ 45325044 Duck 92661976 Tlie Flrat WHrn Ctub (1996, Comedy) ** Goxfee Parfact (2:36) (1985. Drama) * Jamie Lee Curtis. Body of Influence 2 (4:40) (1992. SueHBO •town. Be* Mttsr. (CO (PG) 6862421 19521711 John Trsvote. taraine Newman. (CC) (R) 13671570 gense) « Jodie F«her (R) 13014678 Lovers, Lkm and and Jury (1:15) (1996, Horror) David Keih. Mo' Money (2 45) (1992. Come>1y) ** Nrueo (420) (1993, Suspense) ** MAX Tntevee (11.40) 23665612 Kove. Laura Johnson. (R) 2992890 Damon Wtyans. (CQ (R) 5272642r vTctons Abrt. (manrj Anas. 70553266 PaatTrn The Laet Road (12:40) (1997. Drama) Feat Money (2:15) (1996, Suspense) **Vincy CyberMcker I (3 50) * Don The SMaOut SHOW 3304933 Jula Strain. (R) 33776570 iuHet, Matt McCoy. Andy Romano. (R) 13045841 Dragon' Wison. (CO (R) 52766686 LapDancsng (12:15) (1996. Adutsor*,) rjtject or. Obsession (1:40) (1994)** French Connection I (315) (1975. Action) ** Gene SomtoRaos(5l5) TMC Lonssa McComas. (R) 73664995 Scon Vaieniine.(R) 14760334 Hactoi>an,FernendoRey.(R) 2088044 Joseph Boaoms. 738541H (1997.Docudrama)»»JonVolgti.(CQfR) 1666363 jfJenle'sPeek*»PierceBroerm(CC)7946131 |*oeewoodJonVgghl(CQ9238150 JPJ9tt_ Body: raMi 6756614 purb>»ance(i997) * Ray Lioaa. (CQ (R) 29S2044 |Sejry mtsrtudes 7968353 (Saiy Stoopera 9759908 (Loat righmy 924617»
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