Bochumer Model About Us RG Off-Road Machines

RG Off-Road Machines
About Us
The Research Group for Off-Road Machines was established in December 2002 at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. It has
since then been under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan
Scholten (junior professor). Our main goal is the focusing and
increase of teaching and research activities in the field of OffRoad Machines in Bochum. Through our practice-oriented
approach in research and teaching, we are a scientific partner
for the industry and the bridge between our students and their
future field of work.
Our research is focused on the comprehensive areas of
tribological-mechanical systems,
service strength and
Bochumer Model
IBAF, the Institute of Construction Machinery, Drive Systems
and Materials Handling is one of the closest partners of the
Research Group for Off-road machines. As a flexible industry
based partner, IBAF works on projects based on day to day
business and offers support well founded on specialists
knowledge in the areas design, structural analysis, simulation
and experimental development. Both institutions complement
each other for the benefit of industry and university with their
focus on day to day business as well as scientific research in
an ideal way.
How to find us
This way, known methods and approaches from other areas
can be applied to off-road machines, and research projects
not directly connected to off-road machines can be integrated
to realize synergy effects.
Inside you will find a short description of our approaches to
the areas of tribological-mechanical systems, service strength
and acoustics. Push us to the limit!
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Research Group for Off-Road Maschines
(Arbeitsgruppe Baumaschinentechnik)
Building IB 1/127
Universitätsstrasse 150
D-44780 Bochum
Phone +49 234 32-26722
Fax +49 234 32-14161
By Car from A43
Exit at Bochum-Querenburg onto Universitätsstrasse
(University Street) in the direction of Ruhr-Universität.
Exit again at Uni-Ost (University East - second exit when
coming from the Autobahn) and follow the road to the
parking areas east of the building IC.
By Car from Downtown Bochum
Take Universitätsstrasse (University Street) exit UniMitte, Audimax, keep left and head for the visitor's parking.
By Public Transportation
Take U35 from central train station Bochum Hbf to Hustadt and get off the train at Ruhr-Universität and follow
the directions on the map.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
tribologicalmechanical systems
The determination of the behaviour of tribological-mechanical
systems - to improve the understanding of constructional
units, for the identification of limits of stress, for optimization
or for the creation of tribological simulations - is the goal of
this comprehensive area.
thermal behaviour
Against this background, the research group developed an
applicable superordinate methodology in particular for sliding
bearings and joints running in dry and boundary friction area.
The system description includes internal causal directions.
Mechanical Behaviour: surface pressure, velocity
FE-contact analysis, reduced stiffness
matrices out of FE, parametrical models, …
Thermal Behaviour: temperature on sliding surface
thermal FE-analysis, identified/reduced
multibodymodels, parameter-open models, …
Tribological Behaviour: friction coefficient, wear
local approach, experimentally determined and parameterised, …
The modelling needs an experimental verification – therefore
the Research Group for Off-Road Machines performs a wide
spectrum of tests on own test rigs for complete constructional
units as well as for simple specimen.
The competence shows itself also in the present key aspects
of activity in this comprehensive area:
simulation of wear for joints in chassis systems
lifetime prediction of maintenance-free spherical plain
Service Strength
The proof of service strength and reliability of mechanical
components is one of the major competences of the Research Group for Off-Road Machines. Independent of a specific task, the assessment of static and dynamic strength is
always based on an integrated concept starting with the identification and quantification of the relevant loads or load combinations, followed by the calculation of the resulting stresses
and strains, and concluded with the comparison with the
corresponding limit states.
Targeted development and optimization processes in the field
of acoustics require an extensive system comprehension of
the investigated machines which covers the complete
mechanism of the noise generation including the excitation,
the structure-born sound transmission and the airborne
sound emission.
Applied tools and assessment methods:
modeling of beam-, area- and volume-shaped components
application of rigid frame statics- and MBS-software tools
for the determination of loads
nominal and local stress concepts for the strength assessment; application of FEM-software for the determination of local stresses as a result of mechanical and thermal loads
determination of limit states and execution of the proofs
of competence according to current technical standards
and specifications (e.g. FKM-Guidelines, DIN 743,
EN 13001)
development of methods to incorporate effects of wear
and corrosion
At present, the research work of the Research Group for
Off-Road Machines in this field is composed of two joint
research projects which are supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the
German Federal Ministry of Economy (BMWi). Several industrial companies as well as universities are involved in these
Subject of these projects is the assessment of service
strength and reliability of mechanical plant components used
for the production of crude oil and gas:
identification of relevant components
consideration of limit states of service strength (e.g. static
and fatigue limits) as well as limit states of serviceability
(e.g. deformations, temperature limits)
derivation of parametrical models for the development of
pumps and plants of higher power ratings, varying operating conditions and plant configurations
consideration of the effects of production on-shore, offshore and in barely accessible areas
development and implementation of methods to incorporate effects of wear and corrosion into the strength
In this context the Research Group for Off-Road Machines
has developed a method for acoustic analysis especially for
the assessment of highly complex machines and vehicles.
The first step of this method is the construction of a global but
nevertheless differentiated acoustic image of the machine in
order to identify the relevant sound sources and the locations
of sound emission. This image also allows for a characterization of the emission in the frequency range. The acquired
system comprehension enables to derive targeted optimization and development approaches. This process is based on
the classification of the sound sources in relation to their
potential of optimization. Finally, in order to establish feasible
solutions, not only the acoustic requirements but also the
individual operating conditions are considered.
Advantages of the method:
systematic identification and assessment of the acoustic
optimisation potential
time-efficient development of feasible solutions for offroad machines
specific suggestions for new product development
cost reduction in the development process (e.g. less
parallel optimization and development process
Research objectives on this field:
Vibro-acoustic analysis and optimization of crawler-tracks:
quantification of impact excitation
determination of structure-born sound transmission and
airborne sound emission
development of approaches for the acoustic optimization
of crawler tracks
Acoustic optimization of driver cabins:
experimentally supported analysis of the present acoustic
simulation-supported interior noise analysis of the cabin
in order to derive optimized components and linkages of
the components during the development process