SpCl F 127 N3H63__ 1889 , .f^^fHOT §«E'-'-«' ^ Ys'maiden lane, rercussi Ojl'^ NEW YORK\ lO 24780 FRONT ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. , gst^ nU^l'^H- 11 owwer lan the f sfr^a iving!wlu^1aniT3^^passes over thev&odeVoi 11S\\ •^t^^^'^^^Kfrom fhis\ fne silent maiorify; e worMly;(>,W\ise '^nd\ provide a support) for\,fhose\*wM depend upon ^ snow s1ronq';\arnT.,^\ \\\ Thfe •MVBEDGERLEY PRES) DENT •HENRYS LEEVICE U ifiaqara raiis PHE6T A-HALL •JOHN SECRETARY •OB Ireland ACTUARY f?INGFIELD, ^(rancliOjji MASS. NEW YORK. 243Broadway ST. PHILADELPHIA, LOUIS, Cor. BOSTON, 31 CHICAGO, BUFFALO, SYRACUSE, 92 La Salle 520 Walnut St 5" a f ^9.5 6 5,5 2 2.6 5 Olive MilK. 1» 8,809,995.04 « 755,527.61 St 12 Law Exchange _ Onondaga County Savings Bank Bi urplus by 4 per cent standard FACTORIES, MERI DEN, CONN. 6 MAIDEN LANE NEW N-ORK , inS^ro- JDirectlij in front of th€ new Jubilee Park, facing the STate Reservdhon, Acknowledqedl the finesl" siTuafed hofel at IliOLCi'ara. 'HE CLIFTON has the exclusive advantage of being the only hotel from all apartments and every verandah of which there is a ful V ' and unobstructed view of the Falls. This is a fact of Importance to all visitors. The view is grand in its extent and beauty, embracing, as it does, the islands, rapids and surrounding country for miles. THE CLIFTON HOUSE is celebrated for its quiet elegance and many features of comfort and convenience. The apartments, en suite or single, are exceptionally attractive in appointments, and the culslnt, service, and attendance superior In all respects. Address, (^eo.TTf. Colburn. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. ESTABUSHED 18l4^ • ouse ara (ialls. X-U £§^'0 pen jrom OWING TO THE RECENT DEATH OF MR. D. R. JERAULD, OF THE FIRM OF WHITNEY & JERAULD, THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. 8. M. N. WHITNEY, AS SOLE SURVIVING PARTNER. rTTHE ADVERTISEMENT offering this hotel for sale, ^ ' of settling up the affairs half a century, and tion of the business of this is for the of a partnership which has existed \\/y. I ' j'^ IV\ purpose for over will not interfere with the successful continua- famous old hotel. oJune 1- *•" 23- (T --^ an The La^g^^t Mill Furnishing Ho^^^ ^^ ^^^ Wo^^ld- How TO See Niagara, " Come And For with me, I'll I your guide and mentor be, the points of vantage know, The mazes of the woodland glades, And many a secret Mother Nature keeps Only for those whose love for her ne'er sleeps." NIAGARA FALLS FROM THE CANADA bIDE AT FALLS VIEW. How N THIS TO See Niagara. centennial year of the great American Republic the highways Europe are crowded by American travelers who would while the flesh in rather than fain see take their chances after death. of Paris More than any other people, they are a nation of travelers, and, with the prevailing high order of education and better general it is intelligence, knowledge than any other of suspected that if the customs officers their have probably a own at Liverpool, country. Yet Southampton, Bremen, and Havre were to interrogate each as he stepped from the jangway upon foreign "'*' > who had never seen Colorado, the fairy isle soil a surprisingly large number would be found the Golden Gate, the Yellowstone Park, the Caflon of the of Mackinac, or that crowning glory of their native land, the Falls of Niagara. Is it that ease of access diminishes curiosity? Distance and danger have always possessed mysterious attractions to the Anglo-Saxon race, that has never hesitated to brave hardship and peril in exploring unknown regions, while often neglecting scenes of beauty and grandeur nearer home. Certain chief objective point, that is it and it From the great cataract. the foreign traveler to America has always Niagara foreign books of travel that is in when the time we New from of that York, prince fall the Jesuit F"ather Hennepin Mecca of all a million inhabitants, has converge a greater number of therefore, point. "How In to see rail Niagara," this great western there ical is become student who have been no lines of our population, that country forcibly struck than enter any other American ail roads lead to Chicago, there is with its city. In pointing out, as, twenty centuries ago, directly to Niagara. The by the circumstance that the waters great east and west trunk-line of railway, from which its starting ail but one road to be considered, for should have found their outlet over the great precipice directly by and the great cataract en route. Chicago, we may properly make "The Garden City" our remarked the curious fact that large rivers always ran less the practically the center of the Republic, to which Rome. But from Chicago eastward but one whose double lines of steel lead roads led to of lovers of Nature. So rapid has been the westward movement more than the the luxurious ease of a palace car and in the society in Depew, an annual procession, from every quarter raconteurs, Mr. globe, have sought this gazed with aston- first many weeks through day when the French Bartholdi delegation was carried there but eleven hours, in of his find the best descriptions of ished eyes upon the stupendous wonder, after a toilsome journey of wilderness, to that lovely for by of sapient geographlarge the towns would Great Lakes below the track of a passengers might see the wonders of ON THE WAY TO NIAGARA, THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL VESTIBULED LIMITED. Therefore, from its depot summer heat, we take one "The Niagara Falls Route." where the lake breezes temper the Central, the finely-appointed express trains of the Michigan at the foot of of Of few cities is Lake Street, the railway aspect so agreeable as that of Chi- combing waves the On the other, stretches grassy parks with shady nooks and waters of the gray-blue lake. suburban villas embowered in such bright parterres of flowers, rich tasteful residences and then the prairie, rounding the Lake luxuriance of foliage as no other great city knows,- and belching black smoke from their tall chimneys of Calumet with the furnaces of South Chicago cago from this in For miles on the one side line. ripple or roll or dash in the distance. From between the sand dunes of Michigan City, and again at New Buffalo, we catch pictur- rich and populous region of Southesque glimpses of Lake Michigan and then strike into the To the observant traveler to Detroit. ern Michigan to cross the base of the great peninsula lakes and cool, clear charming ride by day-light. The rolling country, with its silvery lands, varied by occasional forests, by streams, its fields of waving grain and luxuriant pasture forms an attractive panorama through neat villages and prosperous-looking well-built cities, this is a and even with the most careless traveler divides Nearly all this region is famous for its yield of wheat and herds of in its pastures graze flocks of sheep and produces the clear plate-glass of the car-windows, interest with the fine the latest novel. quality of graded cattle and flour that it ; blooded horses with pedigrees of royal are alive with a great variety of manufacturing industries. length ; and its towns and villages MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD STATION AT KALAMAZOO. Nor will the- ture, taste in fail and refinement both private and Those that is eye not to remark the evidences of material prosperity and of educated in the numerous examples of the best forms of modern public buildings. strike the traveler most forcibly, however, are the new railroad stations. only because their necessary proximity to the railroad track forces notice, but because of their manifest and convenient arrangement The architecture. turret, the severely are in style solid, plain for the gray beauty and appropriateness, brick tower and and material, are all This them upon public admirable construction, their purposes of their use that make them models of railroad lime-stone of Kalamazoo, and the brick-work of cul- architecture rustic Ann Arbor, with its Renaissance towers and broad eaves of Battle Creek, the stone-trimmed boulder rock-work of Grass Lake, diverse as thoroughly harmonious, and suggest the venience and even the cosy prettiness to be found in they comfort, the con- the internal arrangement, furnishing and decorations. Detroit is not only a city of active enterprise and business prosperity, but a city with a dramatic and picturesque history of two centuries, illustrated by the marble statues of her earlier heroes on the facades of her City Hall and the fine granite and bronze monument opposite to those Central, into which of a come later generation. also other trains and whose massive yet graceful tower of the city, the train is run Entering the magnificent depot of the and through cars from at the foot of Jefferson down on board of a powerful all Michigan quarters of the compass, Avenue is one of the features steel transfer boat and quickly lON AT BATTLE CRtt^, the across ferried summer broad or river The strait. at least, a delightful incident of the steamer a beautiful view is passage over the majestic stream, brief journey. From obtained of the miles of busy water-front of the broad bosom of the stream covered with craft of every description. wooded park Belle Isle, of and below are the ramparts is, in the hurricane deck of the great of old Far above Fort and city, the the lovely is Wayne and of the towers and domes of the immense Exposition buildings. Reaching the Canada shore the through Her Majesty's Dominion. train is soon under way again and makes fast time indeed Passing St. Thomas, the railroad centre of lower Ontario, canal, we soon reach the Niagara River, and a moment later, FALLS ViEW," the great cataract bursts suddenly upon our expectstops and every passenger hastens to the verge of the embankment, a and Welland on the famous ship announce as the trainmen ant vision. hundred derful The train above the feet " river, to scene of beauty and enjoy for every second of the allotted grandeur before him. Horse-shoe Falls, and the eye takes the American Falls, in The point of minutes, the won- five view directly is the entire extent of the Horse-shoe or Canadian and with the wood-crowned Goat Island between, the raging, white-capped rapids and the lesser islands above, and the boiling cauldron below, with the spray rising above the from the abyss and dissolving in the sky above. Beyond is column of snowy the American shore on which the larger buildings of the town of Niagara Falls may be discerned back of the trees river. of Prospect From no Park, while other point is far up to the right stretches the so comprehensive a view obtainable, broad expanse of lake-like and it is well that the trav- MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD STATION AT ANN ARBOR. should eler see first, Niagara here, as he gains thereby the best idea of topography. its Leaving Falls View, the train passes over a deep-cut road through which one catches a lovely glimpse, as of a framed picture, of the ment later the station of the river angriest From is of bit water in which the of the A Falls, Ontario, is reached. crossed on the famous Cantilever the bridge, world, one Niagara snowy gothic tracery world," and Bridge, American down above fifty feet a great triumph of engineering Falls, the and a mo- ; mile and a half farther two hundred and undoubtedly one of the strongest and is has a fine view of the Falls safest " the and daring. skill structures the in Rapids, and the rocky walls between which the surging waters flow, while below are seen the Suspension Bridge and the Whirlpool Rapids. From Suspension Bridge station at the eastern end of the Cantilever Bridge to Niagara Falls, N. Y., the train often runs so near the edge that one may look down upon the madly turbulent waters far below and get fleeting glimpses of the bridge he has just crossed, the Falls, and the foaming rock-walled amphitheatre into which they pour. most of the hotels, At the latter station the town, is museum, the shops, the photographers, and here most the travelers stop. Trollope thought that seen. " it Let the visitor see mattered very it all," he little, said, "and or not at business, let him proceed We to enjoyment. I from what point the Falls was first learn the whereabouts of every point, so as to understand his own position and that of the waters sight-seeing." all, ; and then, having done that doubt whether it in the way be not the best to do this with of all agree with the English traveler and novelist in this view, provided the tourist "•'-^n THE CITY HALL AND THE SOLDIERS' MONUMENT, DETROIT. , But there has ample time at his disposal. more than It is, is nothing the American traveler usually begrudges time, and nothing in which he desires so therefore, fair much to economize. to suppose that the traveler has, by reading and study acquainted himself with the general, and to some extent with the and of Niagara Falls Canada side, will be of material assistance Nor does take Whether he has vicinity. up his it matter so much He quarters. they dislike walking; by said, I upon which in side of the river the visitor shall would locate on the American they are generally accustomed to the frequent use of their own There legs." side, because side, seeing that is this advice, although the conditions have been materially altered or modified since The map, or not, his observation from Falls View, on the would send Americans to the Canadian but English people of the geography and topography fixing the salient points securely in his mind. as in Trollope's time " I local, much it force was given. construction of the suspension foot and carriage bridge across the chasm from Prospect Park, on the American, to a point near the Clifton House, on the Canada from one to the other. Still, side, has made it easy to pass there are considerable distances to be traversed, and, although Americans of both sexes are much better pedestrians than they were a generation ago, the will find carriages necessary to reach the more distant points. the Falls the visitor should trust to his The matter visitor of location, therefore, from the East will naturally own powers But in the visitor immediate vicinity of of locomotion. becomes largely a question of convenience, and the stop in the town on the American side, making his choice between the great International, which has become a famous meeting place for conventions of MICHIGAN CENTRAL DEPOT AND THE RIVER FRONT, DETROIT all kinds ; the Cataract House, by the Rapids, still, as of old, a favorite resort the ; Kalten- bach, quiet, of foreign aspect and unrivalled cuisine, or the Prospect House, English and removed from the Canada tocratic, laid out. much possible, will as Niagara it equally convenient position on the edge of one side and the Horse-shoe Fall Fall on Horse-shoe museum building in the the street cliff in full view. Fall, when desirous of if leave to and go down the steep paved commanding be the old stone as one find Falls, Ontario, stands in a side near the But he who comes from the West, Park was to the Queen Victoria utilizing Michigan the his Central time as train at House, which Clifton directly in front aris- the American of In fact, no other building, unless the park, affords any such superb it and beautiful views obtains from the windows and the broad verandas of the Clifton House. THE CANADA Arrived, then, at the Clifton House, for him. A breakfast or for good opera or Niagara, than a us suggest that the time will not be wasted near the corner of one of these broad, old-fashioned verandas visitor seats himself hour let SIDE. pair of should apply as well to dinner, as the case be may found be, quite useful shoes. all will garments. Keep, by all until the the and leisurely scans the scenes before stout, serviceable, comfortable field-glass if — scarcely less so, in fact, at And, indeed, these adjectives means, your fine clothes for the hotel ACROSS THE RIVER, THE SLIP AT WINDSOR AND THE TRANSFER STEAMER. you need have parlors or dining-rooms, but wear such apparel in your drives and rambles that no apprehension Your meal of from sun, dust, or spray. out over, start engage your carriage when you come results ill to settle. a standard subject for And here let clear — and and hackman good pedestrian, may arise Niagara Falls has become humorist, with the mother-in-law, the plumber, worn about as threadbare. The fact brother — probably persistent, or extortionate than his city more clamorous, of are a no difference distinct, that us say that the and alleged the joker the ice-man, and the hotel clerk Unless you upon your explorations. and make your bargain that is he is His rates less so. who are limited by ordinances that are rigorously enforced by the authorities, and the visitor That cannot trust himself to make a bargain with him should not travel without a guardian. the traveler may know what the rates and fees are, But you do not want your carriage Table Rock, until for may seize you. walk, on through the gates and into the directly opposite Island, and again stant variation or south-east in you cliff walk you the American at the views, but find will we you have reached the Horse-shoe at all yourself So Queen not beyond and stop leisurely at a Victoria Niagara Falls Park across the road. fail to stop Point a few moments at Ramblers' opposite the northern the very end of the Horse-shoe are beautiful and in I'^alls your driver to await you there and instruct Inspiration Fall; Table Rock, will give them on the following page. you come to that point you want to proceed dozen places as the desire Following the until no a mist or grand. rain of If Falls. the wind Rest, end of Goat There is a con- be from the east spray as you approach the Horse- FALLS VIEW ON THE CANADA SIDE. ADMISSION KEES, RAXES AND TOLLS. Cave of Inclined the Winds (with guide and dress) Railway (Prospect Park), Behind Horseshoe Falls, with guide and dress, Canada Museum (American Side) Whirlpool Rapids (either side) $i.oo lo side, 50 50 Whirlpool (either side) Crossing New Suspension Bridge, 25 cents. Extra, for two-horse carriage Crossing Railway Suspension Bridge (over and return), 10 cents. Extra, for two-horse carriage, Ride in van around Goat Island Ride in van around the entire State Reservation, with privilege of stopping off at any or every point of interest, and continuing the ride in following vans, " Maid of the Mist," from foot of Inclined Railway to Horseshoe Falls, landing on Canada side and return, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge Street Railway Company, from Soldiers' Monument, Niagara Falls, to Suspension Bridge, fare 5 cents. Dufferin Islands, pedestrian, 10 cents carriage with occupants, Round trip to the Whirlpool Rapids, Canada side, via Old Suspension Bridge and Horse-car line, Round trip to Whirlpool Rapids, American side, via cars Round trip to Whirlpool, American side, via horse-car and transfer carriages . . ; . RATES OF FARE ALLOWED BY LAW IN THE VILLACE OF NIAGARA FALLS, For the Use and Hire of Carriai^cs 7c/iere no express eontraet For carrying one passenger and ordinary baggage from one place to another Each additional passenger and ordinary baggage, For carrying one passenger and ordinary baggage from any point in this . 50 50 25 . .25 10 25 . .50 50 -55 45 55 N. Y. is rfiadt' therefor. in the village $0.50 25 village to any point in the village of Suspension Bridge i.oo additional passenger and ordinary baggage 50 additional piece of baggage, other than ordinary baggage, 12 Children under three years of age, free. Over three years and under fourteen years, half price. Ordinary baggage is defined to be one trunk and one bag, hat or bandbox, or other small parcel. For carrying one or more passengers, in the same carriage, from any point in this village to any point within five miles of the limits of the village, at the rate of $1.50 for each hour occupied, except that in every instance where such carriage shall be drawn by a single horse the fare therefor shall be at the rate of $1.00 for each hour occupied. Each Each , shoe Fall, ance. If but with the precautions we have suggested you the visit be made in the afternoon, as indeed or less at your back, lighting up spray and ing prismatic rainbows would recommend that House be taken upon them. this route In falling fact, shoe Fall. the river-side and The charge one not to be omitted. Nowhere sky. else, is but more be made visit the in the morning, Falls the to we Clifton Table Rock House, you descend the hy- at the the watery veil of the end of the Horse- including attendance, and the experience a unique Standing just outside, the flood seems to pour down out of the very probably, does one gain such an idea of the heighth of the Cataract, for the view from above tends to dwarf the senses. annoy- Table Rock. pass behind fifty cents, trifling should, you will have the sun be reversed and the walk from Procuring a water-proof suit and a guide but a water with sparkling brilliancy and paint- should your after dismissing the carriage at draulic elevator to it will find this Nowhere fall. else is the fall Passing within the cavern that the waters have excavated more powerful to the from the soft strata of crumbling shale beneath the hard ledge of lime-stone over which the Cataract pours, we see that it probably extends behind the entire the path, preventing further entrance. fall, but at presence of the stalwart and experienced guide, there less in far as the presence of raging winds and waters. anyone, speaks of the buffeting of the blows with the fist, last a thin column of water With any reasonable amount and Trollope's description is really equally graphic. falls discretion, no danger, but one Professor Tyndall, air as indescribable, is of who the effect across and the feels power- has penetrated as being like actual THE AMERICAN FALL FROM THE CANADA SIDE. Returning to the realms of daylight and the upper one finds the leisurely drive from air, Table Rock through the upper portion of the Queen Victoria Park a very delightful one, following the shore of the river along the raging, tumbling Rapids which descend fifty-five Cedar Island, which wages a constant feet in three-quarters of a mile. tive flood, islands that little be traversed, is have been renamed for a beautiful left and near the upper end in of the Park, we come honor of Lord DufTerin. strife with the destruc- to a group of charming Here the carriage should view of the Rapids from the Cascades Platform, and a ramble through Just above the Dufferin woodland mazes and by the rippling waters of the islands. Islands, on the main land, is the famous Burning Spring, whose waters emit sulphuratedhydrogen gas burning with a brilliant flame when ignited. One may spend whole days within the the limits of the park without exhausting A fine is above its top of obtained from the enjoyment. the bluff's, beyond the Dufi'erin termed the immediate vicinage of the Fails, and marks, beauties or Prospect Drive, from which you overlook the whole sweep of the river from To those who would see something more than Island to the gorge below the Falls. Islands, Navy commanding view its particularly the more distinguished historical land- be interesting to continue the drive to the battlefields of Chippewa, three miles Lundy's Lane, but a mile and a half west of the Falls. The return drive should be it will made by way of the bluff by the Roman Catholic convent and monastery overlooking View, the magnificent and extensive view from which, with the sun by no means be omitted. in Falls the western sky, should THE HORSESHOE FALL FROM NEAR INSPIRATION POINT. The under the is by the d'lff cents twenty-five views obtained river, be crossed to the American side by means of the ferry from the landing, may river in Clifton House, or each and twenty-five cents make crossing this The bridge toll a two-horse carriage, and the fine down the by the Suspension Bridge near means of extra for transit very desirable. however, which most of the way follows the edge of the cliff, by. The two miles drive to the Suspen- sion Bridge, is a very agreeable one, passing Wesley Park and affording interesting views from different points of the Falls, the river gorge, and the Cantilever and Suspension bridges, but the ride up the American side along a dusty street THE AMERICAN The union depot Niagara Railroads at of Park. Into it SIDE. the Michigan Central and the Falls, two or three blocks from not so pleasant. is N. Y., all is located New Central & Hudson on the corner of Falls and Second the principal hotels and but five come through palace cars from Chicago, former, and from New York St. Louis, River streets, but minutes' walk from Prospect Toledo and Detroit over the York, Boston, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo over the latter, as well as from Portland, the White Mountains, Norwood and Clayton over the Rome, WaterMiller's carriages, omnibuses and town & Ogdensburgh Railroad in the summer season. transfer wagons are in attendance upon the arrival of all trains, and have fixed and stated THE CANTILEVER BRIDGE OF THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL, — of whom HovvelLs wrote in Their WedThe hackmen are also there, ding Journey, "I do not know how much of their content was due to the fact that they (Basil and Isabel) had suffered no sort of wrong there, from those who are apt to prey upon prices for all travelers, yet their actual services. experience was great reasonableness and The visitor will also neat park phaetons which make the circuit the sum agreed upon." points of various the issue twenty-five cents will interest cannot too strongly reiterate that he possible in the The These How immediate vicinity of the central point, Falls, ten of ticket cents, or enabling him upon payment of to stop over at the so should trust to his You cannot Falls. own legs as much as get close to Nature unless your is Iris and that from which you are to begin your intimate acquaintance with Walk out on the State Reservation by the river or Goat Island. they plunge and rush and foam, resistless here! fare the State Reservation, be found very convenient as cheap, yet we will who can do bank opposite the Hotel Kaltenbach the a for contentment with on the earth. feet are Niagara find at the entrances to passenger a coupon en route. facile power of the As you walk on down waters. and see the American like frightened steeds! How futile would be Rapids hurrying to the all human strength the stream, past the Cataract House, the descent is and to the islands, and, pausing after entering upon it, Here we come lean upon the upper effort greater, the waters rush more swiftly, throwing high in air jets and masses of spray that glitter bright sunlight like drops of molten silver or of crystal. fall. Here you begin to appreciate in and the to the bridge leading railing and look the THE RAPIDS ABOVE THE AMERICAN FALL AND BRIDGE, SISTER ISLANDS, down-rushing torrent the in full come down from the depths green verging into emerald in its as we look down we feel its It us, until It is of the great lakes wildly magnificent to face. beautiful, this — silvery white where deeper masses, dark and far up the long and watch incline shattered into foam, pale its it the American from the Horse-shoe Fall. When of the river to first frost away more or where of from encroached upon, and western its present area its is dash wildly, impetuously, side, is occupied, Goat it when the island which separates Island, was supposed to be nearly and floods of a hundred years have worn a hundred acres in extent, but the ice and less It motion, and fear for the bridge upon which we stand. was private property, and then over a narrow arm late sixty-two acres. years even the driveway has been The greater portion is covered by maples and elms, and smooth-trunked beeches bearing the scars of vandalism, whose wounds the kindly touch Nature has healed. of These cool, quiet forest aisles the twitter and song of birds, the scampering of frisky squirrels and cataract deeper shadows. time to pass on, to cross Bath Island, where stood the paper mill, is fine old cold in has that pure, cold flood clear, — are carpeted by a wonderfully varied flora, the — silent but for music of the great and one can readily imagine himself far from the busy haunts of man. From the end of the bridge by which Sister Islands on the western side, circuit of the island near its we come upon the and two others outer edge. deeper mysteries of the great cataract. Be not island diverge to the right in too great Turn, therefore, to the a road and crosses to the left to make the haste to seek the greater and left and soon descend a steep path to a spring clear, cold under the The waters have washed away ing glimpses of which we have mounted the reach the head of we catch now and then the island, where the as a lake, with far Grand Island in first Sister Island, as we shoal water and vines. away paths along the edge until follow the We rapids. gently ripples over the gravel as Far above stretches the it. river, yet in the cool beyond which strong enough in reality. constant storm-struggles and worn by finest ice is shade of the forest, The trees upon them are we come to a bridge for countless ages. From away is what is called the outer one Spouting Rock — not in appear- gnarled and twisted as is ; if by the rocks are bare, we gained, views of the Rapids, reaching away over to the Canada shore. but a short distance no the second and the third, with swift rushing the vines and undergrowth are wild and tangled ; and flood soon if broad and streams and beautiful cascades between, spanned by bridges, light and graceful enough ance, if the distance. from the head of Goat Island, leading to the trees by the insatiable rapids, charm- open ground near the head of the bluff again into the thought of wild waywardness had come to Not of the loose earth, leaving the long roots curiously clinging, as the bare rocks to keep from being carried in terror, to smooth mid a tangled wilderness bluff, think, At what seems that there is the to be any rock there, but the effect of the down-rush of the waters at that point, with probable collision of crosscurrents, dashes the water has induced the popular every visit, on high, perhaps twenty title. The charm and feet or more, in a grand sheaf of spray that fascination of these little islands increase with and when the mind has been overburdened by the power, immensity and grandeur of the Falls themselves, or of the Whirlpool soothe the spirit by the sense Rapids produces, you by of awful, remorseless violence that long contemplation delight to repair to these wave-washed rocks and will the rushing and their cool shadows, the sparkle of the rapids, and the distant music of the great cataract. " But," to use Trollope's language, "we will go at once on to the glory and the thunder, and Recrossing the bridges to Goat Island the majesty, and the wrath of the upper hell of waters." we follow the road leading along near the edge of the bluff over-looking the Rapids until end or corner of the to the Horse-shoe Fall. This is island, where a long flight of stairs sometimes called the Canadian Fall, national boundary line follows the middle of the principal the Canadian side the cataract continues from being direct or in the river which against the flood, shoe is " all — itself in is reached in, and in, by a wooden and in, bridge, one till is but incorrectly, since the inter- current. one unabated After stretching for some straight. little we come goes down to the edge of the line. " From hence But the way from the line of the led to think that the line across to is very far the shore to a point ledge bends inwards depth of that horse- immeasurable, and that he can scarcely trace out the center of the abyss. Go down to the end of the outer world is lost to that you. waters are absolutely around you. to the full wooden There If enjoyment of scenery you nothing else; and the sound is bridge, seat is yourself on the and there no grander spot about Niagara than you have that power will see rail, of eye-control nothing but the water. which You is sit this. till The so necessary will certainly melodious, and soft withal, though loud as thunder. You hear will not see the whole depth of the hell of rivers That converging rush of waters may fall. what the eye can for It see. is glorious to watch them fall down their in first into a curve They come green as a bank of emeralds but with a fitful, flying color, as though conscious that in one moment more they would be dashed into spray and rise into snow. The vapor rises high into the air, and is gathered there, visible air, pale as driven over the rocks. ; always as a permanent white cloud over the cataract the lower hollow of that horse-shoe own like a drive along the stairs cliff, again from corner of the island or on a platform with the green it itself snow. the mind That which is at first at a loss to find fills was only an epithet come at Island you follow the path or from which you look down two hundred feet into the boiling and foam- chasm Canada to the to another stairway descending to front the Suspension Luna shore, and at Island. the northeast Standing at the top, Luna Falls, Park and the village of Niagara Falls to the right. an angle of this stairway, you background of Prospect foot-bridge spans overlook the American and the chasm like a web of gossamer, and stretches the narrow gorge to the Cantilever Bridge in the distance. The American by of Terrapin Rocks to Goat ing waters below the Falls and across the Directly in till but the bulk of the spray which use." Climbing the beyond tumult becomes gigantic and sublime, great and beautiful, for its is ; Fall, shorn of one of the greatest in its magnitude to some extent the world and possesses after seeing the other, peculiar beauties of its own. is still Being a few feet higher than the Horse-shoe, the depth and quantity of water that passes over it is THE WHIRLPOOL RAPIDS FROM THE AMERICAN SIDE not so great, and the deep emerald hues of the former are lacking here. however, ture is its is very edge. year by year approaching the horse-shoe curvature, and gothic tracery of purest white as It is it from this point, too, when its Its irregular outline, most conspicuous fea- seems to be broken into spray almost from the you have the sun behind you, that you see, from below, always one, often two, sometimes three rainbows at once, on the spray but painted with a clearness and a vivid strength, of color that you have probably never seen that rises elsewhere. the fall as Vou it will not to go fail plunges into mid Island and stand almost on the brink of air. Reascending the stairway you to Biddle's Staircase. down on Luna will perceive Arraying yourself the foot of Goat Island, whence you near by a in oilskins may little house, which forms the entrance you descend pass behind the Luna this staircase to the rocks at Fall into the famous Cave Winds, and out upon plank walks that have been constructed on the rocks in front of the American Falls. You will be drenched and half blinded by the spray, but the experience will amply repay you for the necessary exertion and discomfort. of the by the bridge over which you came, you follow the river bank by the rapids, through Prospect Park, now admirably laid out and magnificently shaded by fine old forest trees, to Prospect Point, at the eastern extremity of the American Fall. Returning to the main land and other points along the low stone parapet on the edge of the cliff, you get splendid views, not only of the fall at your feet, but beyond the rocky front of Goat Island, It is a panorama so extensive and grand of the magnificent sweep of the great Horse-shoe. From here \nim <» FOOT OF AMERICAN FALL, ^ *JmiL'[ a.r%.'».-^: IN WINIER GARB. ICE MOUNTAIN, AND THE HORSESHOE. in its ties proportions that you want time and In a effects that little make up house near by in the park you will gain entrance to an ated by water-power, and perfectly safe. descent brings you to bottom the take in the innumerable in wliich to of You the you wish. if inclined railway, oper- seat yourself in the car and a cliff, in a building which weather and the spray, and which also contains dressing rooms, self in oilskins and beau- details stupendous whole. the Should the wind be in the in smooth and rapid protects you from the which you may clothe yourdirection, however, right you may climb the rocks at the foot of the American Fall without discomfort, and, looking up, see the great white flood pouring down as if from the very heavens. Just below the foot of the inclined railway yourself on her hurricane deck, shrouded you, and do not mind the gusts with cool spray. Slowly the staunch front of the American Fall in little the wharf of will Maid of the now be quite the the oilskins that will wind that of is it again. You furiously under flies is feel its familiar to boat stems the boiling current, passing along the and Goat Island beautiful in Seat blow from every direction and cover you until, through the whirling clouds of spray, you look up, far up, to the great emerald sheet that pours over the Horse-shoe. moment, grand and Mist. You see it for a mysterious environment, when the curtain of spray hides the boat struggling with the foaming waters and trembling as they boil up and around down stream with her. Then, as if seeking only the swift current, a landing is to made on escape, she wheels about and the Canada side, and the river recrossed, with the slender threads of the Suspension Foot-bridge far above. AMtRlCAN FALLS IN WINIER, FROM CANADA SIDE. About two ful miles and a half below the Falls are the Whirlpool Rapids, scarcely less wonder- than the Falls themselves. though the means river is are seen to the best advantage from the American on the Canada side are more convenient and agreeable. of access so contracted that They it is, as were, on edge, it depth being greater than its Here the its and with such great velocity do the waters pour down the contracted channel that their tion is to the some thirty feet higher in Danube but a peaceful Still at middle the the Iron Gates, but than at their says that in width, eleva- Bigot compares the scene sides. comparison with Niagara the Danube is rivulet. farther below before flowing out of be visited by the is its the Whirlpool rocky New York defile itself, where the river makes a sharp angle to the right at the mouth Central train of the These points should between Queenston and Lewiston. to Lewiston, or the Michigan Central train on Niagara Division to Queenston and Niagara-on-the-Lake, a delightful Lake Ontario side, resort is made with a great mistake to hurry and hasten river, where connection its on the shore of fine steamers for Toronto. In conclusion, let us say that mile of the river from Buffalo ness. See that your many all you to can, therefore, it is Fort Niagara and see much of full it of beauty, grandeur as often may become thoroughly in accord manifestations. And so will you carry away eye and mind varied is enrich and delight your recollections forever. at Niagara. as with you the a wealth can, spirit of Every and picturesqueand so of leisurely nature in memories that its will Mm^ ^f\tSEf1ffp m!^ ^^Smi have cover an area of 1200 acres, employ about 18,000 men, 'l":/ ]">" plant, and stand unique, from the fact that of "aRe that^wrv and etc., Furnaces, Blast Mines, their "^«"' '''?'^^^'^; manufacture is under their own' supervision, and are not C'K"^ material, which m on the open n.arltet for a miscellaneous assortment of crude put a product of . turn connection with 71; years' experience, enables them to t.me the different eradei very snI?rior quality, second lo none, and at the same fcof Steel are always of the same uniform quality 'HE'-E WORKS most improved T""he own Ore ami Coal ri J/ei^e aJl i^one hi/ ^hem j &ii ihe/r own J'^remises. anir ac urers o AJAX FORGE CO. CHICAGO ST THOMAS CAR WHEEL GRIFFIN CAR WHEEL' GRIFFIN "^ •'tl/rned banner banner. b^'^S^.^ned CO. DETROIT. M ICM., WHEEL a FOUNaRY . CO. ST. ILL.. U.S.A. THOMAS.ONT CANADA. WT^^ U. s'.A. CO. CHICAGO. ILL.. U. S. A. P'^necfl^i perJectCf^^ l^iUbinea the Montreal c*« wheel CO MONTREAL. PQ. CANADA '^~2 THE P.H. GRIFFIN MACHINE WORKS. BUFFALO.N.Y, U S --^'-y^-a yr/iooo A. car WHEELSw 100 TONS IRON CASTINGS '75 TONS IRONAH»STEELfORqrNQS Sheet and Roll Brass, Brass Rods, Brass and Copper Wire, Brass and Iron Jack-Chain, Copper Rivets and Burs, Brass Butt Hinges, Brass Curtain and Pole Trimmings, . . Drawer Pulls, Harness Trimmings and Sleigh Bells. HARTFORD, CONN. U.S.A. L' 1 3 1 '"'"'XmLS^ -tn» >ili ;«#^r TT &^Hi32i^^ DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE MACHINE TOOLS FOR GENERAL AND SPECIAL SERVICE [a Js^i n ^=1^^ , In Machine, Raitoay and Agricultural Implement Shops. MAKE AND SELL The hill improved automatic grain Scales. \\ Spec/a/ attention given to production of ./P^ ARD THREAD TAPS, X- STANDARD SIZE BAUQES, REAUERS, AND U. S. STAND- DIES, Etc This Company has famished extensive pJatits to the UNITED STATES, FRENCH, RUSSIAN, PRUSSIAN and OTHER GOVERNMENTS, for the manufacture of FIRE-ARMS, and to many private corporations mailing SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES, Etc., Etc h AANtiO = FREIGHT-AMD'REf R1GERATQR<AR5 NEWBERRY- BLDG DETROITMICH• CAPACITY, 10,000 CARS PER ANNU/A JAMES MCMILLAN, W.K.AMDERSON. Prest. HUGH MCMILLAN. Vice-Presl W.C. MCMILLAN, Gen^^r. JAS ngGREGOF^Gen-^u pr. . JOSEPH TAYLOR. R.E. PLUMB, GEO.O. BEGO, BptmiICW""-'-^^ **fe B IW'J '.ns'nANUFACTURERS OF CAR-WHEELS AMD RAILROAD-CASTINGS. iManufacturerii^ Treas, Sec>. Gea-A^enL Porchrisin^A^enl. DETROIT, MICH. ALSO, GENERAL FOUNDRY WOAK S^ DETROIT MICH:® 'jAnfs.wniuAN, frt^. |ati.wHiTW6,ii<pT. HUGH. frnilIAN,\/- PreiCl **!»isg||^^g^^^^ W . K ANDERSON^ Tttiy WX M'-MILLAN.^etyjmJ Gtnn^r. fO*ft8- JAHES rf-niLLAN, Pr«if. MNIUEkftWUOH.iup'-. HuflHn^niLLAN.VKtP«5f. IKOfltUi.btvy. J0H»3BAi;GH.6en.n5r W.KANDtRiON.Trey ThEGEOf. CHILD ADJbSTABLE CHAIR C° 5t rof>5 Chair especially adapted for the Parlor, Library, SiCK-RooM, AND Physicians' Office. It can be easily converted into a reading, writing, eating or ladies' Cutting Table, changed to an inviting Couch or arranged AS A perfect rocker. , IT EXCEL5 ALL 0THEK3 GAINING A NATIONAL REPUTATION. AND HEAD REST COMFORTABLY. SEND FOR (LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, SHOWING ITS MANY POSITIONS USES, AND GIVING COMPLETE DESCRIPTIONS, PRICES, ETC. A ic(||iilplloi| ^= Any one, even a child, can play it — no musical ability required — the most difficult music rendered perfectly with ease. Key-Board same as other Organs ; self-playing attachment operates indepen- dently upon all the reeds Expression and "tempo" produced at the will of the performer. . These organs are capable of producing the musical effect of a chestra of stringed instruments full or- - Made in the upright styles of organ and piano cases, in mahogany, oak, walnut, and fancy woods of superior design and - finish -^ Send for circular of terms and testimonials from pleased convincing purchasers ronofetitHei^st, ^ /V\ANUFACTURERS OF KEDUCINGPRES5URE VALVE AND STEAM TRAP TO^TE^M HeATlUg •v^PeCIALLV ADAPTED BR/iSS ANO IRON 5TEAM FITTINGS ''Ol.LOWING- «o^° West Shore, Boston & Albany, New York Central &. Hudson River, Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley 4 Pittsb., Kings County Elevated, Lake Shore 4 Michigan Southern, Detroit, Lansing & Northern, Michigan Central, Clev., Col.. Cincinnati &. Indianapolis, Elmira, Cortland 4 Northern, New York, Susquehanna Fall Brook, Beech Creek, & Western,' Cleveland & Canton, Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh, Providence db Worcester, Long Island, Northern Central Div. Pennsylvania ETC. ^i^KQtu^^, fSf ^roadu/ai/^ near Corflandf d 5t. //S and /SO nfth /JVe.,bet 2^^ and 25^ 5^.^^ ^ (E^yfejf York, S/4 C/?esfnaf Sa, Phjiade/phm, Palmer Mouse,— Chicago. Qeniiemen ^^ . _ yVALK N .^ I , -^ ^'^ Sip HATS and The Dunlap 1 N *" SilK Umbrella. SPCL FOR USt iiJ 5rLUlrtL UULLLoUUUii F 127 N8 H68 /^-ff ONLY 00202083 CASH ^rioo.ooo.oo CAJ*ITAJ. l.ifiO.rAHi.ll Tieserve for all Liabilities of .s.u^^ \\<> Net 5 37»,540.ge Surjtltifi, TOTAL ASSETS, January 1st, ^2,300,1 35.37 18S9, ap« PETER NOTMAN, PRESIDENT. <ief lew rof' fuBd ^f\\ t^*- West Pollock, Sechetarv. THOS. F. GOODRICH, ViCE-PreS. Geo. C. Howe, Ass-t Secretary. DI RKCTORS. <; JOHN TAYLOR JOHNSTON, PETER NOTMAN, JAMES W. ELWELL, DAVID STEWART, THOMAS G. RITCH, WM. H. WISNER, EDWARD L. HEDDEN, THOS. F. GOODRICH, WM. E. TEFFT, lAMES R. TAYLOR, FOR USE IN ShtClAL Cullloiiuho J. HERBERT JOHNSTON, AUSTIN CORBIN, GEO. A. HALSEY, UNU CHAS. B. FARWELL, DUMONT CLARKE. )^7 ^^H^
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