MLC Retirement How to Complete your Tax Return using TaxPack 2009 How to Complete your Tax Return using TaxPack 2009 Questions and Answers What information is included with my PAYG Payment Summary? (for non-superannuation MLC MasterKey Annuity Investors only) To assist with the accurate assessment of your income stream by the Australian Tax Office (ATO), a ‘Summary of Income Payments’ has been included with your PAYG Payment Summary. Please provide both of these to your taxation adviser or accountant if they are completing your 2008/2009 Tax Return. Q2 How do I complete my Tax Return? Q3 What if my Tax File Number is not shown on the Payment Summary The Tax File Number shown on your Payment Summary is the number provided by you on the Tax File Number Declaration Form (formerly known as Annuity and Superannuation Pension Declaration Form). Where your Tax File Number has not been given, one of the following will appear: •999 999 999 – no Tax File Number provided. MLC is required by legislation to deduct tax at a rate of 46.5%, after adjusting for the Deductible Amount from your income payments. The ATO has issued the information booklet known as the TaxPack. This booklet, containing several Tax Return forms, should have been available to you in July. •111 111 111 – MLC has been advised that an application for a Tax File Number has been made but not yet allocated. The ATO will generally allocate a number to you within 28 days. The TaxPack will assist you in completing your Tax Return. Please refer to it for further information. Copies of the TaxPack can also be obtained from newsagents and the ATO. •222 222 222 – MLC has been advised that an interim notice has been issued but an official Tax File Number has not yet been granted. MLC has only prepared an example of how to complete the annuity and pension pages of your Tax Return. The important points to remember are: •The total gross Superannuation Pension or Annuity Taxable amount you received during the 2008/2009 financial year should be completed in question 7 of the TaxPack. •If your investment was purchased with a Superannuation Lump Sum you may be eligible for a Tax Offset. The ‘PAYG payment summary – superannuation lump sum’ will contain a section called ‘Tax Offset amount’, you will then need to answer question T4 of the TaxPack. Page 03 •444 444 444 – MLC has been advised that an exemption to provide a Tax File Number has been granted, (eg the income recipient receives an age, widow or Veterans’ Affairs pension). If you have any questions or require further information, please contact your financial adviser or phone the MLC Client Service Centre on 132 652 weekdays between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm (AEST/AEDT). The information contained in this brochure is based on our understanding of the taxation laws and forms at the time of publication and is for general information only. For advice in connection with your particular tax affairs, contact a professional adviser or accountant. This brochure contains excerpts from the TaxPack 2009 published by the Australian Taxation Office and is copyright Commonwealth of Australia reproduced by permission. MLC Limited ABN 90 000 000 402 105–153 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 50053 MLC 07/09 Q1 MLC Limited ABN 90 000 000 402 AFSL 230694 MLC Nominees Pty Limited ABN 93 002 814 959 AFSL 230702 RSE L0002998 The Universal Super Scheme ABN 44 928 361 101 Registration number R1056778 How to Complete your Tax Return using TaxPack 2009 Q7 TaxPack 2009 pages 13–14 This guide is to be used in conjunction with the ‘2009 Tax Return for Individuals’. T2 TaxPack 2009 pages 63–65 Did you receive any income from an Australian: •annuity, •superannuation pension, or •pension not shown at question 6? No Go to question 8 Are you eligible for the Senior Australian tax offset? If you are unsure, refer to page 63 of the TaxPack 2009 for information on eligibility for this tax offset. If you have a spouse, you will also need to work out if your spouse is eligible. See the definition of spouse on pages 93–94 of TaxPack 2009. No Go to question T3 Yes Yes 3 Read below Payment summary for year ending 30 June 200 7 Payee details John Smith 1 Sample Street Sampleville NSW 2000 1 Note: the example given only applies to income from a MLC MasterKey Allocated Pension, MLC MasterKey Term Allocated Pension, MLC MasterKey Pension, MLC MasterKey Pension Fundamentals or MLC MasterKey Annuity. You will still be required to complete the rest of your Tax Return in accordance with your personal circumstances. Investors who have investments with more than one fund manager will need to aggregate the various totals before entering them onto their 2009 Tax Return. For more information please contact your tax adviser. Salary or wages NOTICE TO PAYEE Your main salary and wage occupation If this payment summary shows an amount in the total tax withheld box, you must lodge a tax return. If no Occupation code X tax was withheld you may still have to lodge a tax return. For more information about this payment summary or lodging your tax return, you can: Tax withheld Income Payer’s Australian business number (do not show cents) (do not show cents) ! visit ! refer to TaxPack, or .00 .00 C ! phone 13 28 61 between 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday. Day/Month/Year Day/Month/Year Period of payment You will require the following in order to complete your Tax Return: •Your Summary of Income Payments (non-superannuation annuity clients only) If you do want to calculate your tax offset, you can use the senior Australians and pensioner tax offset calculator at Income To assist you in completing your Tax Return for 2008/2009, we have included the following examples. In addition, MLC has prepared some questions and answers to help you identify areas relevant to your particular situation. •Your PAYG Payment Summary Read below If you are entitled to the tax offset, you do not need to calculate your offset entitlement. The ATO will calculate your entitlement for you using your taxable income details and your tax offset code letter. Read page 64 of the TaxPack 2009 to determine which code letter you will need to use. PAYG payment summary – superannuation income stream The Australian Taxation Office also issues a ‘Short Tax Return 2009’ form and a ‘Retirees TaxPack 2009’. If you are using these forms please refer to your accountant or financial adviser for assistance in completing your Tax Return for 2008/2009. Note Payee’s tax file number 2 to 123 456 789 3 4 Employer lump sum payments Tax free component $ Tax offset amount $ Day Month E .00 .00 F .00 G $2,500.00 .00 K Amount A in lump sum payments box .00 .00 R TYPE $1,125.00 .00 3 Tax offsets .00 H T1 $ Taxable component Year .00 .00 I TYPE .00 A Australian Government pensions and allowances ________________________________________________________________ . Payer’s ABN or withholding payer number Australian annuities and superannuation income streams Payer’s name T4 T5 $2,500 .00 Taxed element J Untaxed element N $10,000 .00 .00 Taxed element Y .00 Date Lump sum in arrears – taxable component MLC Nominees Pty Limited ABN 93 002 814 959 is the product issuer of the MasterKey Pension ProductsZand is the Untaxed element T6 T Trustee of The Universal Super Scheme R1056778, SFN 281440944 ABN 44 928 361 101 TYPE MLC is thefrom issuer ofyour the MasterKey Annuity Products AFSL 230694, ABNto 90 000 402 8 Australian superannuation lump sum payments Copy theLimited details PAYG Payment Summary question 7 on your Tax Return Date of payment Payer’s ABN .00 Year Taxable component Taxed element Q .00 Untaxed element P .00 Y CODE CODE TAX OFFSET VETERAN O T CODE CODE S $1,125 .00 G .00 Transfer the amount from TOTAL SUPPLEMENT TAX OFFSETS on page 8 and write it here. .00 Australian superannuation income stream Private health insurance You must also complete Private health insurance policy details below. Ongoing baby bonus claim First-time baby bonus claimants and all transferees must use the Baby bonus instructions and claim 2008. .00 Write this total amount in the boxes under Tax withheld in the left column at item 7 on your tax return. Number of eligible days Amount of refundable tax offset not previously claimed by way of reduced private health insurance premiums If you received a ‘superannuation pension’ with an undeducted purchase price (UPP) before 1 July 2008, the deduction which you claimed on your past tax returns is now accounted for and included in the tax-free component. VETERAN N If you had a spouse during 2007–08 you must also complete Spouse details – married or de facto on page 5. Branch number Taxable component Signature of authorised person Page 01 TAX OFFSET If you completed item T2 Senior Australians above DO NOT complete this item. T3 Pensioner .00 Add up all the tax withheld amounts on all the payment summaries from your Australian superannuation income streams and Australian non-superannuation annuities. TYPE See page 67 of the TaxPack for details regarding this .00 CLAIM . 00 P If you had a spouse during 2007–08 you must also complete Spouse details – married or de facto Question T4 refers to tax offsets for an Australian superannuation pension or annuity. on page 5. Child-housekeeper’s .00 V for is shown The tax offset youseparate maynetbeincome eligible on your PAYG payment summary – T2superannuation Senior Australians income (includes age pensioners, service pensioners and self-funded stream. If you had a spouse during 2007–08 you must also complete Spouse details – married or de facto on page 5. newstart, youth allowance and austudy payment Month Read below retirees) Lump sum in arrears $ $ tax free component Australian Government allowances and payments like as per the above example.Day Go to question T5 Spouse (without dependent child or student), child-housekeeper or housekeeper If you received an Australian non-superannuation annuity, you would have received a PAYG payment summary – individual non-business. Your PAYG payment summary – superannuation income stream may also show the tax-free component of your superannuation income stream. That amount is non-assessable non-exempt income, that is, tax-free income. Do not show it anywhere on your tax return. Did you receive an Australian superannuation income stream shown on a PAYG payment summary – superannuation income stream (this is shown at item 7 of your Tax Return)? No Yes 5% of amount B in lump sum payments box 00 B Australian annuities income streams You must also complete item T2 or and T3 in Taxsuperannuation offsets on page 4. Payer details 7 T4 TaxPack 2009 page 67 .00 $ Payer’s Untaxed element ABN 6 .00 Lump sum intermination arrears – taxable component Employment payments (ETP) Taxed element Date of payment 5 $10,00.00 $ Untaxed element .00 .00 Allowances, earnings, tips, director’s fees etc $ D .00 TOTAL TAX WITHHELD $ Taxable component Taxed element .00 If your MLC Income Stream was purchased with a Superannuation Lump Sum you may be eligible for a tax offset. You will need to answer question T4 of the TaxPack by copying the amount shown as your Tax Offset amount on your PAYG payment summary – superannuation income stream into question T4 of the TaxPack as shown below. Australian superannuation pensions and superannuation annuities are now known as superannuation income streams. A sample of the PAYG payment summary – superannuation income stream is shown on the opposite page. CODE H Only used by taxpayers completing the supplementary section TOTAL TAX OFFSETS Items T1, T4, T5 and T – add up the boxes. U .00 Private health insurance policy details Page 02 You must provide the details for each policy if item T5 or item M2 asked you to complete this section. Health insurer ID Membership number F TYPE MLC Retirement How to Complete your Tax Return using TaxPack 2009 How to Complete your Tax Return using TaxPack 2009 Questions and Answers What information is included with my PAYG Payment Summary? (for non-superannuation MLC MasterKey Annuity Investors only) To assist with the accurate assessment of your income stream by the Australian Tax Office (ATO), a ‘Summary of Income Payments’ has been included with your PAYG Payment Summary. Please provide both of these to your taxation adviser or accountant if they are completing your 2008/2009 Tax Return. Q2 How do I complete my Tax Return? Q3 What if my Tax File Number is not shown on the Payment Summary The Tax File Number shown on your Payment Summary is the number provided by you on the Tax File Number Declaration Form (formerly known as Annuity and Superannuation Pension Declaration Form). Where your Tax File Number has not been given, one of the following will appear: •999 999 999 – no Tax File Number provided. MLC is required by legislation to deduct tax at a rate of 46.5%, after adjusting for the Deductible Amount from your income payments. The ATO has issued the information booklet known as the TaxPack. This booklet, containing several Tax Return forms, should have been available to you in July. •111 111 111 – MLC has been advised that an application for a Tax File Number has been made but not yet allocated. The ATO will generally allocate a number to you within 28 days. The TaxPack will assist you in completing your Tax Return. Please refer to it for further information. Copies of the TaxPack can also be obtained from newsagents and the ATO. •222 222 222 – MLC has been advised that an interim notice has been issued but an official Tax File Number has not yet been granted. MLC has only prepared an example of how to complete the annuity and pension pages of your Tax Return. The important points to remember are: •The total gross Superannuation Pension or Annuity Taxable amount you received during the 2008/2009 financial year should be completed in question 7 of the TaxPack. •If your investment was purchased with a Superannuation Lump Sum you may be eligible for a Tax Offset. The ‘PAYG payment summary – superannuation lump sum’ will contain a section called ‘Tax Offset amount’, you will then need to answer question T4 of the TaxPack. Page 03 •444 444 444 – MLC has been advised that an exemption to provide a Tax File Number has been granted, (eg the income recipient receives an age, widow or Veterans’ Affairs pension). If you have any questions or require further information, please contact your financial adviser or phone the MLC Client Service Centre on 132 652 weekdays between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm (AEST/AEDT). The information contained in this brochure is based on our understanding of the taxation laws and forms at the time of publication and is for general information only. For advice in connection with your particular tax affairs, contact a professional adviser or accountant. This brochure contains excerpts from the TaxPack 2009 published by the Australian Taxation Office and is copyright Commonwealth of Australia reproduced by permission. MLC Limited ABN 90 000 000 402 105–153 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 50053 MLC 07/09 Q1 MLC Limited ABN 90 000 000 402 AFSL 230694 MLC Nominees Pty Limited ABN 93 002 814 959 AFSL 230702 RSE L0002998 The Universal Super Scheme ABN 44 928 361 101 Registration number R1056778
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