How to sponsor the Festival
Friday 25th July - Saturday 2nd August 2014
tel: 07989 651 259
How to sponsor the Festival
Own The Stage
Please contact us to discuss options for Main
Stage sponsorship packages during the nine
days of the Festival, or ask for our further
information including a full presentation pack.
Customised sponsor packages are available
from £1,000, and can include your events and
promotions. Opportunities include illuminated
branding of the 6m-high stage speakers for a
total cost of £4,500 – high impact for 9 days!
Sponsor Fringe Events
From £150
Sponsorship and advertising opportunities at
Festival fringe events (Monday to Friday),
including brochure and website presence.
Including a banner in the brochure above the
fringe event on the relevant day(s), and facility
to display your goods, branding and
information at the event venue.
Brochure Advertising
1/8 Page (46mm x 65 mm)
1/4 Page (96mm x 65mm or 46mm x 135mm)
1/2 Page (96mm x 135mm)
Full Page (210mm x 148mm)
Full Page (Inside Front or Inside Back Cover)
Screen Advertising
Add this option: Your adverts shown on the
main stage screen for 9 days before
performances and during breaks.
Web Advertising
Year-round presence and impact via the
Monmouth Festival website and social media.
Last year’s brochure:
copy available on request
Please note that artwork can easily
be compiled or adapted for you at a
small charge of £10 – £20.
Web content may be incorporated with the
above packages, or as a stand-alone option.
Add a ‘where to stay’ or ‘where to eat’ link.
Make the Most of your Festival
We will publish and distribute 17,500 brochures, which will be in homes, offices and at regionwide locations during June and July. Our website and social media platforms are redeveloped to
provide active, year-round presence. We aim to bring the community together in a unique event
whose success will be associated with our sponsors and advertisers. All this is achieved by
volunteers determined to continue and enhance the Festival’s success.
Thank you for your support, which makes Monmouth a better place to live, work and spend.
Les Modget, Festival Chairman
tel 01600 713007
Friday 25th July - Saturday 2nd August 2014
Please reserve the indicated advertising space in the 2014 Festival brochure
Size (width x depth)
Artwork Charge **
1/8 page
46mm x 65mm
1/4 page
96mm x 65mm or 46mm x 135mm
1/2 page
96mm x 135mm
Full page
210mm x 148mm
Full page, inside front or back cover
Fringe Events (Mon-Fri)
My banner/logo is displayed in the brochure above the fringe event on the relevant day
Please add main-stage screen advertising to my booking as indicated
My advert will be shown on the giant main stage screen for
30 seconds, repeated during a total of approx.90 minutes
every night, before performances and during breaks
(maximum of 20 advertisers will be accepted).
Artwork Charge **
Website, social media and further sponsor opportunities
The 2014 brochure will be featured on the Festival website
Free throughout 2014
My advert/banner will be displayed on the ‘LINE UP’ page
throughout 2014
My advert/banner will be displayed on chosen page(s)
throughout 2014
I would like to discuss web/social media options
Please call
I would like to discuss sponsorship packages
£1000 to £5000
specify below
Artwork charge applies for work done by our designer for compilation of your advert. If design is required please
supply suitable text, logos and pictures. Please supply own artwork as hi-res, full colour PDF, TIFF or JPG with
embedded fonts. Artwork is deemed correct once signed off as approved, and is required before 16 May.
I wish to pay by: Cheque (payable to Monmouth Festival) / Cash / Paypal
(please select)
Payment for advertising is due on approval of artwork. Sponsorship payment will be invoiced following your booking.
Please return this form to: Monmouth Festival, Car Care, 91 Monnow Street, Monmouth NP25 3EW
or contact our fundraisers:
Keith Mortimer
Tom Locke
Mark Williamson
tel 07989 651 259 / 01600 772685
tel 07837 627 260
tel 01600 772936