help you s designed to ct u d ro p t ea cipe ideas e start with gr inspirational re d fabulous. W h it o w fo e e k lif a to m to ow how plore our e bring them Group, we kn rogram, and w roducts, and ex p p , ch es n ti lu ili l b o a o p At JTM Food h ca day’s sc out JTM’s irements of to learn more ab to e d tional ideas. si in meet the requ k o ke a lo es and promo p Ta . ci rt re o p te p ri su vo g fa few of our and marketin t inspired by a ge d n a s d n ra exciting b The Company. JTM Food Group is an international, multi-segmented, forward-thinking food-processing company still rooted in the same principles of the original butcher shop: quality and value. For four generations, the campus of food professionals at JTM has provided great-tasting, quality foods and the highest level of customer service, both domestically and abroad, to customers who demand the best. First Priority: Food Safety All of our products are fully cooked, as food safety is the #1 priority of all our activities. At JTM, we have thorough procedures in place, continuous in-line inspection and rigorous quality assurance through chemical and microbiological screening. Audits by external agencies confirm that these programs are operated at the highest levels in the industry: c / - =<=J9DDQ#FKH=;L=< 9;ADALQ '-!J9<=JK9F< -#-#FKH=;LGJKGFKAL= c=JLA_=<#FL=?J9L=<"*--)* c-ADDAC=JM<AL=< 9;ADALQ At Your Service. Support *9JLF=JAF?OAL@$.'-;@GGD GG< -=JNA;=E=9FKOGJCAF?OAL@L@= industry’s best, including a dedicated team of support professionals. c #F@GMK=MDAF9JQPH=JLK Full-Service Provider JTM helps schools address ongoing food service issues around the country every day. We are a flexible, full-service processor that has worked with a variety of school districts of all types and sizes. Time/Inventory Management JTM provides solutions to optimize the operational efficiency of your school kitchen. c D::GAD9:D=KL=9E9:D=HJG<M;L pouches that accommodate standard school kitchen equipment c ,=?AKL=J=<A=LALA9F c GFLJGDD=<>GG<;GKLK c %FGOD=<?=9:D=-9D=K.=9E c /F;GEHDA;9L=<<AKLJA:MLAGF and delivery c MDDQ;GGC=<9F<;GFN=FA=FLDQ packaged products c ,=K=9J;@9F<=N=DGHE=FL c ,=KHGFKAN=MKLGE=J-=JNA;= c '9JC=LAF?9F<!J9H@A;K c PL=F<=<*D9FF=<KKAKL9F;= &=N=D*&<GDD9JK c *JG<M;LAKLJA:MLAGF9F< Transportation c ,=<M;=<HJ=H9F<;D=9FMHLAE= c /F;GF<ALAGF9D!M9J9FL==GF N=JQ9K=G>*JG<M;L c #EHJGN=<FMLJALAGF c #F;J=9K=<N9JA=LQ9F<;@GA;= c $.'AK9F'=E:=J9F< 9F-(*9LJGF c AJE?J9KHGF9FQ9F<9DD;@9F?=K L9CAF?HD9;=9LL@=/- c 9KQ;GEEG<ALQLG/- Food balance tracking via the website c :ADALQLGE9L;@HJGHJA=L9JQ recipes through an in-house team of culinary professionals c !=F=J9LAF?A<=9K9F<E=FM applications for the items we process c '=FMHD9FFAF?9KKAKL9F;=LG address changing regulations c GG<K9>=LQL@JGM?@>MDDQ cooked solutions c 'AFAEAR=<HJ=HLAE=LG9<<J=KK changing labor trends c #F<ANA<M9DDQIMA;C>JGR=FE=9LKLG help control food costs and ensure portion consistency Culinary Support =N=DGHE=FLG>E=FMAL=EKL@9LOADD keep your kids coming back and help utilize your commodities faster. c $.'G>>=JK9N9JA=LQG>;GEHD=L= market-driven recipes that utilize our school products c =<A;9L=<$.';@=>H9JLF=JKOAL@ individual schools nationwide c 'GJ=9HH=LARAF?E=FM9HHDA;9LAGFK mean more students going through lunch lines c 'GJ=LJ9>_;E=9FKAF;J=9K=< 9N=J9?=<9ADQH9JLA;AH9LAGF* and entitlement funding We believe in serving healthy foods that taste good. As a school food service provider, you know better than anyone else how difficult it can be to get kids to eat what’s good for them, rather than what simply tastes good—but that’s all about to change! c .@==LL=J-L=HKHJG?J9EAK9N9AD9:D==P;DMKAN=DQ>JGE$.' c Q9<<J=KKAF?<A=L9JQF==<K>GJJ=<M;=<DGO>9LKG<AME9F<GJO@GD=?J9AFJA;@=FLJ´=K =LL=J-L=HKHJGEAK=K improved nutrition and improved flavor. c =LL=J`9NGJLJ9FKD9L=KAFLGEGJ=KLM<=FLK:MQAF?DMF;@9LQGMJ;9>=L=JA9 c =LL=J-L=HKHJG<M;LK;9F:=HJG;=KK=<>JGE/- GG<K<GF9L=<;GEEG<ALA=K When you see the Weigh Better symbol, you can feel confident you are serving a nutritionally balanced, reduced fat product that is designed Low/Reduced Fat Products to promote the health and wellness of today’s students without sacrificing taste or appearance. Sloppy Joe All JTM school items have either zero grams trans fat or zero added trans fats (naturally occuring) as is allowed by HHKA 2010. .@JGM?@GMJKK9MDLGF-G<AME initiative, JTM has successfully reduced the sodium content across all our school product lines by Low/Reduced Sodium Products GN=J9F9N=J9?=G>9F<O= are committed on continuing this effort as we develop innovative new products that you’ll be proud to serve your students. Sweet Teriyaki Sauce In the first year of our Assault on Sodium (from 5/1/11 to 4/30/12), JTM used 172,532 fewer pounds of salt - a total of 25% less. That’s almost 31 billion fewer milligrams of sodium or four truckloads! Better Steps Key: Low/Reduced Fat Low/Reduced Sodium Allergen-Free Gluten-Free Whole-Grain Rich Allergen-Free Products Gluten-Free Products We understand that many American’s have special dietary requirements and that there is a growing demand for allergen-free and gluten-free products. From allergen-free and gluten-free ground beef crumbles and burgers to gluten-free sauces and fillings, JTM has a solution that will work for you. Cooked Ground Beef Since 2009, gluten-free items have seen an astonishing 114% growth rate on restaurant and food establishment menus nationwide. Source:, published 01/09/2013 You can count on JTM to help you meet the ever-changing school nutrition meal requirements, including making sure you can Whole-Grain Rich Products serve your students whole-grain rich products that taste great. We make it easy for you by offerring a wide array of delicous whole-grain rich products including mac & cheese, pasta dishes, breaded proteins and heat-and-eat sandwiches. More than 9 out of 10 school districts are increasing offerings of whole-grain products. Source: SNA Survey of School Nutrition Directors, August 2010 Macaroni & Cheese 9J9E:99FLAF9K"AKH9FA;AFKHAJ=<HJG<M;LK<=DAN=J9N9JA=LQ G>>J=K@ :GD<`9NGJK JGE.=P'=PLG&9LAF9F<9JA::=9F O= have flavor profiles that will fit well on your menus that are on trend and in demand. Mexican food continues to be the most popular =L@FA;>GG<K=?E=FLAFL@=/FAL=<-L9L=KOAL@9H=J;=FLK@9J= G>=L@FA;>GG<K9D=K.@=9J9E:99FLAF9HJG<M;LDAF=AF;DM<=K taco and burrito fillings, carne guisada, seasoned and diced pork, an array of sauces, chilis and soups. Turkey Taco Filling Reasons to Celebrate! Products Bring some fun and excitement to school lunch and plan “mini-celebrations” throughout the year to build excitement and increase participation. Go all out with 99J9E:99FLAF9MJJALG,A;=GOD9J GJ feature a themed menu item to commemorate the day. Fillings and Proteins FEBRUARY 24 (9;@G9J Celebrate Cinco De Mayo MAY 5 SEPTEMBER 15 National Tortilla Chip Day OCTOBER 15 OCTOBER 4 NOVEMBER 6 National Taco Day National Nachos Day Hispanic Heritage Month (Reduced Fat & Sodium Options) c D9KKA;.9;G9F<MJJALG ADDAF?K ==> *GJC .MJC=Q0=?=L9JA9F c @GJARG;GF*9H9K==>*GJC c 9JFAL9K*GJC.MJC=Q c *MDD=<.MJC=Q@AHGLD=OAL@9F<OAL@GML;GJF c MDAF9JQJ9F<A;=<==> *GJCGJ.MJC=Q c ==> *GJC.MJC=QJME:D=K Sauces (Reduced Fat & Sodium Options) c +M=KGD9F;G@==K=-9M;= c @=<<9J@==K=-9M;= c (9;@G@==K=-9M;= c $9D9H=FG D9NGJ=<@==K=-9M;= c -9DK90=J<= c *G;GF;@AD9<9 Chili, Soup, Stew & Sides (Reduced Fat & Sodium Options) c -GML@O=KL@ADA;GF9JF= .MJC=QGJ==> OAL@GMJOAL@GML:=9FK c '=PA;9F.MJC=Q@ADAOD9;C=9FKGJF c .@J===9F@ADA0=?=L9JA9F c 0=?=L9:D=.GJLADD9-GMH0=?=L9JA9F c 9JF=!MAK9<9-L=O9F<*9NG.MJC=Q !MAK9<G-L=O c '=PA;9F'9;9JGFA@==K=OAL@@A;C=FJ=9KL c A=KL99F<==>9KK=JGD= Pork Carnitas Better Steps Key: Low/Reduced Fat Low/Reduced Sodium Allergen-Free Gluten-Free Whole-Grain Rich FIESTA MAC & CHE ESE 5 lbs. JTM Que so Blanco Sau ce (#5718) 3 lbs. Hot Wat er 2 lbs. Dried, W hole-Grain Pa sta 2 lbs. Canned Black Beans 1 lb. Pepper and Onion Ble nd 1. Preheat conv ection oven to 325°F. 2. Lightly spra y bottom and sides of stainles 3. Cut open th s hotel pan wit awed bag of JT h pan coating. M Q ue so Blanco Sauce 4. Add hot wat and pour into er to pan and the center of th blend ingredie 5. Add dry past nts using a wir e pan. a to mixture an e whip. d bl en d us 6. Cover the pa ing rubber spat n, transfer to ula. preheated oven 7. Remove pan an d ba ke at 325°F fo from oven, stir r 30 minutes. well and add bl 8. Return to ov ac k b eans and pepp en covered for er and onion bl an additional 10 end. -15 minutes to heat thorough ly. Recipe yields on e 2” full size in sert; 26 - 1 cu *One 1 cup serv p servings ing provides 2 oz. M/MA + 1.2 5 oz. grain eq uivalent Vegetarian R ecipe ANDE GR NACHO #5383) n Chili ( a e B e e r 5718) ervice. TM Th F until s Sauce (# ° o 5 c 14 n 5 lbs. J t la a B o old hot TM Ques er and h o Chips h h c ig a h 40 oz. J N r o in a 165°F hole-Gr o HACCP t o c 50 oz. W n la tray. Queso B ips) on a hili and h c C ns. 0 n 2 a e . x B ree ed scallio ppro c h a ( li T s s , M s ip T o h J ñ c jalape 1. Heat nacho hips. 2 oz. of es, sliced e. e over c v c c 1/ li u u o 2 a a S S d n e o o io c c c t 2. Por so Blan ttuce, sli eso Blan edded le over Que z. of Qu r o i h il s 2 h : C l) le a d n 3. La option ee Bea etable llowing ( z. of Thr fo o e 4 h t ther veg le f o d o p y u n c a 4. La 8 h wit ble + 1/ h nachos ed vegeta r p u c 5. Garnis 8 t + 1/ equivalen in a r s g g . in z v ser + 1.25 o ields 20 . M/MA z ipe o Recipe y 2 s e an Rec rovid i r p a g t in e v g r Ve *One se Queso Dip is the most menued cheese sauce on the Top 500 restaurants’ appetizer and starter menus. Source: 2013 Technomics Menu Monitor (MLJALAGF9DN9DM=KE9Q;@9F?=:9K=<GFKH=;A_;AF?J=<A=FLKMK=< )D<1GJD<J=;AH=KJ=AFN=FL=<>GJLG<9QKCAL;@=F =;ADA9K#L9DA9F 9NGJAL=K9J=KDGO;GGC=<9F<E9<=OAL@9ML@=FLA;#L9DA9FAF?J=<A=FLK #L9DA9FAFKHAJ=<>GG<K;GFLAFM=LG:=HGHMD9J9;JGKKL@=;GMFLJQK 9E9LL=JG>>9;L L@J==GMLG>=N=JQ>GMJJ=KL9MJ9FLKK=JN=GF= GJEGJ=E=FMAL=EL@9LE9Q:=;D9KKA_=<9K#L9DA9F=;ADA9K#L9DA9F 9NGJAL=K<=DAN=J?J=9L`9NGJ9F<=>_;A=F;QLGQGMJE=FMK=;ADA9K products include meatballs, marinara sauces, meat sauces, and Alfredo sauces that are convenient and versatile. These products are perfect for fresh-scratch applications. Alfredo Sauce Reasons to Celebrate! Bring some fun and excitement to school lunch and plan “mini-celebrations” throughout the year to build excitement and increase participation. Go all out with a =;ADA9KMAD<3GMJ)OF*9KL99J GJ>=9LMJ=9L@=E=< menu item to commemorate the day. National Spaghetti Day JANUARY 4 FEBRUARY 7 National Fettuccine Alfredo Day JULY 29 OCTOBER 17 National Lasagna Day National Pasta Day Products Sauces c *9KL9'=9L-9M;=K==> *GJC .MJC=Q GJ 0=?=L9JA9F – All-meat, allergen free, and extended varieties c D>J=<G-9M;=J=<M;=<>9L Proteins c '=9L:9DDK==> *GJC GJ.MJC=Q a 'MDLAHD=KAR=K;L ;L ;L H=J(K=JNAF? c -HDAL#L9DA9F-9MK9?=&AFCK*GJC c ==> *GJC.MJC=QJME:D=K – All-meat, allergen free, and extended varieties Pasta & Sauce Entrees (featuring Whole-Grain Rich Pastas) c -H9?@=LLAOAL@'=9L-9M;= 5 = 2 oz. M/MA 4 = 2 oz. M/MA 3 = 2 oz. M/MA c -HAJ9D,GLAFAOAL@'=9L-9M;= c *=FF=*9KL9OAL@#L9DA9F'=9L-9M;= c 9C=<4ALA c D>J=<G-9M;=OAL@*=FF=*9KL9 Portion Pack Pasta & Sauce Entrees (featuring Whole-Grain Rich Pastas) c -HAJ9D,GLAFAOAL@'=9L-9M;= Beef Meatballs (shown actual size) Pork or Turkey Meatballs also available Better Steps Key: Low/Reduced Fat Low/Reduced Sodium c *=FF=*9KL9OAL@#L9DA9F'=9L-9M;= Allergen-Free Gluten-Free Whole-Grain Rich PENNE PASTA PRIM AVERA 5 lbs. JTM Alf redo Sauce (# 5722) 3 lbs. Hot Wat er 2 lbs. Dried, W hole-Grain Pe nne Pasta 1 lb. Italian Vegetable Blend (frozen) 1. Preheat conv ection oven to 325°F. 2. Lightly spra y bottom and sides of stainles 3. Heat JTM A s steel hotel pa lfredo Sauce in ns with pan co steamer or wat ating. 4. Pour Alfred er ba th to 165°F for 15 o sauce into a se 2” co d nds (HACCP). eep full-sized 5. Add hot wat stainless steel er and blend w insert. el l. 6. Add dry pa sta and blend well. 7. Bake covere d in 325°F oven for 30 minutes 8. Remove from . oven and stir well to blend sa 9. Cover again uce and pasta and finish in ov then add vege en for remaini table blend. ng 10-15 minut es. Recipe yields on e 2” full size in sert; 22 - 1 cu *One 1 cup serv p servings ing provides 2 oz. M/MA + 1.5 0 oz. grain eq uivalent PASTA SAUCE 78) T A E M WITH uce (#55 Vegetarian R ecipe e Pasta ain Penn r G le o eese ried, Wh arella Ch 2 lbs. D z z o M d hredde 1 lb. S at Sa hetti Me g a p S M 5 lbs. JT t Water g. . 3 lbs. Ho an coatin p h it (HACCP) w s n d . a n F p ° o l c 5 e e 2 t s 3 for 15 steel ho ven to to 165°F stainless vection o h n f t o o a c b s t e r a e e id t s rt. 1. Preh er or wa teel inse tom and s m t a o s e s b t s le y a in r in sp Sauce sized sta 2. Lightly etti Meat eep fullh d g ” a 2 p S a TM se. uce into 3. Heat J d well. ella chee Meat Sa r n i a t le t z b e z h o n g e m a p le with pasta th 4. Pour S n sprink and dry minutes. e h r 0 t e 3 t a ta r s w a fo t o °F oven ce and p 5. Add h in a 325 lend sau b e. d e o r t e v ll e o elt chees tir w m s o d t n 7. Bake c s a e t n ove 10 minu ve from ditional d a n 8. Remo a r n fo n to ove ings 9. Retur cup serv 1 lent 2 2 in equiva sert; a r in g . e z iz o s + 1.50 2” full z. M/MA ields one o y 2 e s ip e c e id R g prov up servin *One 1 c Alfredo sauce is being highlighted on the menu by limitedservice and quick-service chains as a way to build appeal through new baked pasta dishes, pizzas, and flat breads Source: Technomic, Inc., 2012, The Future of LSR: Fast-Food & Fast-Casual Restaurant Consumer Trend Report (MLJALAGF9DN9DM=KE9Q;@9F?=:9K=<GFKH=;A_;AF?J=<A=FLKMK=< -G9JLGKM;;=KK9F<=D=N9L=QGMJK=FK=KOAL@=PGLA;`9NGJK<AK;GN=J=< in various regions of Asia. Asian inspired entrees are continuing to be one of the fastest growing ethnic trends in America. Technomic’s recently released 2013 restaurant predictions included an increase in Asian fare, and more ethnic flavors across traditional, American based E=FMK)MJ-G9JAF?J9?GFK9M;=K9F<=FLJ==K<=DAN=JJA;@`9NGJK rooted in traditional Asian ingredients like ginger, soy and garlic. Asian Brown Sauce Reasons to Celebrate! Products Bring some fun and excitement to school lunch and plan “mini-celebrations” throughout the year to build excitement and increase participation. !G9DDGMLOAL@9-G9JAF?J9?GFPHJ=KK,A;= 9F<(GG<D=9J GJ>=9LMJ=9L@=E=<E=FM item to commemorate the day. Sauces c KA9F9K=-9M;= c -O==L@ADA-9M;= c -O==L9F<-GMJ-9M;= Ou sauce r Asian no hi s contai n gh corn fructose syrup ! c !=F=J9D.KGK-9M;= c "MF9F-LQD=)J9F?=-9M;= JANUARY 21 FEBRUARY 20 Celebrate the Chinese New Year! c -O==L.=JAQ9CA-9M;= c KA9F9J+-9M;= Proteins OCTOBER 6 National Noodle Day c A;=<==> *GJCGJ.MJC=Q KA9F(GG<D=9J c A;=<*GJCAF!=F=J9D.KGK-9M;= c A;=<==>GJ*GJCAF-O==L@ADA-9M;= c A;=<==>AF-O==L.=JAQ9CA-9M;= c ==>GJ*GJC'=9L:9DDKAF-O==L.=JAQ9CA-9M;= c KA9F==>,A: AF?=JKOAL@-O==L.=JAQ9CA!D9R= Sweet Teriyaki Sauce Better Steps Key: Low/Reduced Fat Low/Reduced Sodium Allergen-Free Gluten-Free Whole-Grain Rich HUNAN ORAN GE S PAGHETTI & M 5 lbs. JTM H EATBALLS unan Orange S au ce (# 73 13 10 lbs. JTM C 0) 5 lbs. Stir Fry ooked Meatbal Veggie Medley ls (# 50 35 ) (fresh or frozen 5 lbs. Whole16 oz. Mandar ) Grain Rich Spa in O ra ng ghetti Noodles es (2 lbs. dry past a + 3 lbs. water ) 1. Heat JTM H unan Orange sa uc e to 165°F (HA 2. Prepare spag CCP) and hold hetti noodles co at 145°F or high ok ing al dente an er (HACCP) un 3. Heat JTM C d hold hot unti til ready for se ooked Meatbal l re ad ls rvice. y in fo r service. 325°F oven fo approximately r ap pr oximately 15 m 20 minutes. Hol inuntes or in a d at 145°F or 4. Prepare Asi steamer, covere higher (HACCP an vegetable m d for ) un til ready for se edley in steam 5. Blend Asian rv ic er e. co ok in g lightly (al den vegetables with te). spaghetti nood 6. Add 3 lbs. of le s (o r lo mein). JTM Hunan Ora nge Sauce and 7. Combine m mix thoroughly eatballs with re . maining Hunan 8. Portion 6 oz O range Sauce (2 . of the pasta lbs.) and blend & vegetable m well. ixture on the pl ate, top with 4 m ea tballs coated in Garnish ideas: sauce and serv 1/2 oz of crispy e immediately. fried noodles, Mandarin Ora nges, 1/2 oz fin ely diced red pe Recipe yields 6 ppers, sprinkle 1 servings | of sesame seed *One serving pr s ovides 2 oz. M /MA + .50 grai n equivalent + 3/4 cup other vegetable ) 0 5 0 ce (#73 Tso’s Sau l a r e n e JTM G I 1/2 lbs. L 2 arrots O C C RO 13) redded C B 8 h 5 S H # ( T I k . a W 3/4 lb Beef Ste BEEF easoned S M T J ter) 10 lbs. .5 lbs. wa ccoli 4 o r + B e d ic e r en. s. Steam ice (3 lb 350°F ov R a 2 lbs. seconds) n in w o 15 s r e r t B u fo ( d in e r m e Steam r 8-10 or high 7.5 lbs. r). o 165°F et pan fo t e h h t s a a b or highe r n F e ° o t 5 a k w 13 a ( e t t Beef S g temp r or ho easoned a steame ot holdin S h in t a M e T c e J u v r a t 1. Hea Tso’s S ). Rese General tructions igher). s h M In r T o g J F in t t ° a 2. He CP 145 nal Hea Operatio hot (HAC e e ld o S ( h e d an cook ric Tso’s. roccoli & b m General a e d t n rrots. a f 3. S e e ed B li and ca n o c o c s o a r e b S owl. uce with 4. Blend serving b f and sa e a e b in e e in med ric 5. Comb rice. z. of stea o .2 2 coli over c n o r io t B r o & P 6. f Beef etable 3.8 oz. o ther veg o p u c h .7 Portion t + 1/8t quivalen e rvings e in s a . r g z o - 6.0 MA + 1 ields 54 2 oz. M/ s e id v o Recipe y r gp oz. servin *One 6.0 Technomic’s recently released 2013 restaurant predictions included an increase in Asian fare, and more ethnic flavors across traditional, American based menus. (MLJALAGF9DN9DM=KE9Q;@9F?=:9K=<GFKH=;A_;AF?J=<A=FLKMK=< Mainstream America loves their comfort food. These familiar favorites are always a hit with students and provide you with convenience, consistency and versatility. This product line includes burgers, Bar-B-Q, mac and cheese, E=9LDG9> KDGHHQBG= -9DAK:MJQKL=9C K9MK9?=H9LLA=K chilis, soups and heat and eat sandwiches. Vegetarian Minestrone Soup Products Burgers & Patties Breakfast Sausage Links (Pork) c ==>.MJC=QN9JA=LA=K c DD=J?=F>J==GHLAGFK c DDE=9L 9DD=J?=F>J== 9F<=PL=F<=<GHLAGFK Individually Wrapped Sandwiches (Beef, Pork and Turkey) c 09JA=LQG>''KAR=KAF;DM<AF? 9F< c D9NGJ=<H9LLA=K9N9AD9:D=AF;DM<AF?)JA?AF9D @9J:JGAD=< '=KIMAL= )FAGF $9D9H=¼G*=HH=JB9;C c ,=<M;=<>9L9F<KG<AME c "=9L9LAFGN=F9:D=_DE c F@9F;=<H9LLA=K9HHD=K EMK@JGGEK ;@=JJA=K c DDE9<=OAL@O@GD=?J9AFJA;@:MFK :AK;MALK and pancakes Meatloaf Slices & Salisbury Steak Patties (Beef) c J=9C>9KLK9F<OA;@=K9F<LOAFH9;CMJ?=JK Rib Patties (Beef or Pork) - no high fructose corn syrup Sloppy Joe (Beef or Pork) c !JADDAF,A:*9LLA=KOAL@9F<OAL@GML9J+-9M;= c 9J+,A: AF?=JKOAL@9J+-9M;= Bar-B-Q (Beef, Pork and Turkey) Mac & Cheese Breaded Proteins c ,=<M;=<>9L9F<J=<M;=<KG<AMEGHLAGFK (featuring Whole-Grain Rich Breading) c 1@GD=?J9AFJA;@GHLAGFK c J=9<=<==>*9LLQ9F<==>*9LLQ AF?=JK c J=9<=<*GJC@GH-@9H=<*9LLQ9F<*GJC*9LLQ AF?=JK Beef, Pork and Turkey Crumbles c -LJ9A?@LFGG<D=9F<D9J?==D:GON9JA=LA=K c *GJLAGFH9;CGHLAGFKAFGN=F9:D= J=;Q;D9:D=H9H=JLJ9QK c*9KL9FLJ==Kw@ADA'9;9F<@==K=:MJ?=J'9; c DDE=9L 9DD=J?=F>J== 9F<=PL=F<=<GHLAGFK c 1@GD=?J9AFJA;@GHLAGFK Seasoned Beef Philly Steak c *GJLAGFH9;CGHLAGFKAFGN=F9:D= J=;Q;D9:D=H9H=JLJ9QK Gravies & Sauces c@ADA==> *GJC .MJC=Q0=?=L9JA9F c -9MK9?=!J9NQ*GJC c 1A<=J9F?=G>`9NGJHJG_D=K9F<L=PLMJ=K c @=<<9J@==K=-9M;=KJ=<M;=<>9LJ=<M;=<KG<AME c ,=<M;=<>9LJ=<M;=<KG<AMEGHLAGFK Breakfast Sausage Patties (Beef, Pork and Turkey) c )HLAGFKOAL@9F<OAL@GML:=9FK c DD=J?=F>J==GHLAGFK c,=<M;=<-G<AME-GMHK c ,=9<QLGMK= c 0=?=L9JA9FGHLAGFK Better Steps Key: Low/Reduced Fat Low/Reduced Sodium Allergen-Free Gluten-Free Whole-Grain Rich Reasons to Celebrate! Bring some fun and excitement to school lunch and plan “mini-celebrations” throughout L@=Q=9JLG:MAD<=P;AL=E=FL9F<AF;J=9K=H9JLA;AH9LAGF!G9DDGMLOAL@9MAD<3GMJ)OF MJ?=J9J 9'AP9F<'9L;@'9;@==K=9J GJ>=9LMJ=9L@=E=<E=FMAL=ELG commemorate the day. MAY 1-31 SEPTEMBER 1-30 National Bar-B-Q Month MAY 5 (feature Bar-B-Q one day 9O==CL@JGM?@GML'9Q National Breakfast Month (feature breakfast for lunch once a week <MJAF?-=HL=E:=J OCTOBER 14-18 National Hoagie Day MAY 28 National School Lunch Week OCTOBER 1-31 (start with Meatless Monday then feature a different culture each day >GJL@=J=KLG>L@=O==C National Hamburger Day MJ?=J9J National Chili Month >=9LMJ=@ADA K=JN=<9 variety of ways, once a O==CAF);LG:=J KFAST FOR LUNCH BURRITO EA BR SE EE CH & (#5715) G EG K, STEA 2 1/2 lbs. JTM Cheese Sauce 813) (Philly) Steak (#5 5 lbs. JTM Seasoned Beef tillas 78 ea. 8” Whole Grain Tor er) (8 oz. brown rice + 16 oz. wat 1 1/2 lbs. Cooked Brown Rice 5 lbs. Scrambled Eggs d hot (145°F or higher) until 165°F or higher and hol JTM Cheese Sauce to HACCP ready to ak and 1. Heat JTM Seasoned Beef Ste assemble burritos. ble burritos. or higher until ready to assem °F 145 at hot d hol and s egg ambled eggs. 2. Add scrambled with JTM Cheese Sauce and scr mix and l bow or pan ge lar a Steak in burrito. 3. Place JTM Seasoned Beef ter of tortilla and roll into a cen into ng filli ese che and meat, egg pped in plastic 4. Use a #12 scoop and place bottom and hold in warmer wra the in ) pan per (24 s rito bur arrange 5. Spray a 2” pan insert and wrap at 140°F or higher. Optional Garnish: Salsa, Pico onions de Gallo, sautéed peppers and MA + 1.75 grain equivalent provides 2 oz. M/ (#12 scoop) | *One serving gs vin ser oz. 4 2.8 78 ds e yiel ivalent 1.5 oz. M/MA + 1.25 grain equ op) | *One serving provides sco (#16 ings serv oz. 2.13 105 ivalent Whole Grain Tortillas | Yield 1.0 oz. M/MA + 1.25 grain equ Option 2 (elementary): On 6” op) | *One serving provides sco 4 (#2 ings serv oz. 1.42 le Grain Tortillas | Yield 157 Option 3 (breakfast): On 6” Who Recip Students who eat school breakfast have greater gains in standardized test scores and show improvements in math, reading and vocabulary scores. Source: School Nutrition Association, “Growing School Breakfast Participation”, March 2011 (MLJALAGF9DN9DM=KE9Q;@9F?=:9K=<GFKH=;A_;AF?J=<A=FLKMK=< ER MAC CHEESEBURG Sauce (#5715) ddar Cheese 5 lbs. JTM Che er 3 lbs. Hot Wat aroni rain Elbow Mac G le ho W , ed 2 lbs. Dri (#5876) Beef Crumbles d ke oo C M JT 2 1/2 lbs. s ese) Diced Tomatoe American Che r 1 lb. (o e es he C ddar Shredded Che 12 oz. n coating. tel pan with pa 5°F. ho 32 l ee to st en s ov es nl and hold hot stai ection nds (HACCP) eep full-sized d co 1. Preheat conv se 2” 15 of r es fo d F si bath to 165° y bottom and eamer or water 2. Lightly spra st in ce au S e heddar Chees 3. Heat JTM C or higher). (HACCP 145°F sauce into pan. 4. Pour cheese end well. blend well. d pasta and bl Crumbles and an f ee er B at w M t JT . ho es d d 5. Ad tomatoes an for 30 minut a 325°F oven then add diced a in st d pa re d ve an co e e uc 6. Bak 10 minutes. l to blend sa rn to oven for en and stir wel tu ov re d om fr an e se ov ee 7. Rem shredded ch casserole with of p to e kl in pr 8. S weight) ely 4.85 oz. by at m xi ro pp (a #6 spoodle servings with a 7 4 s equivalent d el yi e ip Rec + .75 oz. grain A /M M . oz 2 ovides *One serving pr SLOPPY JOE & SWEET POTATO WRAP 10 lbs. JTM Sloppy Joe (#545) 12.5 oz. Shredded Cheddar Cheese 75 ea. 8” Whole-Grain Tortillas 3 lbs. Cole Slaw Mix (2 lbs. cabbage + 1 lb. slaw dressing) 2.75 lbs. Cooked Sweet Potatoes (sliced or diced) 1. Heat JTM Sloppy Joe filling (HACCP 165°F or higher) and hold hot for serv ice (145°F or higher). 2. Portion 2.13 oz. of JTM Sloppy Joe onto the base of the tortilla (approximately #16 scoop). 3. Top with 0.64 oz. of cole slaw mix (app roximately #40 scoop). 4. Sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese over top of cole slaw. 5. Top with 0.5 oz. cooked sweet potatoes (approximately #40 scoop) 6. Fold in the sides to the center, wrap and roll tightly into a burrito. 7. Serve wrapped in foil or sandwich pap er. Recipe yields 75 - 3.69 oz. servings (app roximately #8 scoop of all ingredients combined) *One serving provides 1.5 oz. M/MA ≠ 1.5 grain equivalent + 1/4 cup other vege table (MLJALAGF9DN9DM=KE9Q;@9F?=:9K=<GFKH=;A_;AF?J=<A=FLKMK=< Let’s create great dishes together! Family-owned since 1960, JTM prepares fully cooked, healthier, better-tasting foods with a focus on proprietary preparation, excellent service and customized culinary solutions. We collaborate with food professionals at thousands of K;@GGDK J=KL9MJ9FLK EADAL9JQ?GN=JFE=FLGJ?9FAR9LAGFK <AKLJA:MLGJK9F<J=L9AD=JKL@JGM?@GML(GJL@E=JA;9LG;J=9L=?J=9L dishes, satisfied customers and better results. 3 Amigo Chefs Creative Culinary Solutions .@=EAKKAGFG>L@=EA?G@=>KAKLGHJGNA<= culinary insights and advice to food service operators. @=>K,G: 'AC=9F<'9JLAFHJA<=L@=EK=DN=KAF providing professional culinary solutions that yield better results for our customers. At JTM we work to understand the obstacles you face from day-to-day and we are dedicated to providing you with solutions and recommendations to help you efficiently produce meals and menus that are easy to execute and that keep the kids coming back for more. )MJ;@=>K@9N=<=N=DGH=<9DA:J9JQG>>J=K@K;J9L;@ 9F<HJG?J=KKAN=;GGCAF?J=;AH=KL@9LHJGNA<= operational benefits and were developed with today’s hottest food trends in mind. Recipes Galore From our large collection of recipes which have already been created, to designing custom recipes for your specific operation, we are here to help you add a variety of flavorful and healthy items to your menu. Increase your efficiency in the kitchen by implementing Mise en place, which is a French phrase meaning “putting in place”. It is used in professional kitchens to refer to organizing and arranging the ingredients and other components a cook will require for the menu items that will be prepared. What is Fresh Scratch? Also known as “speed-scratch”, fresh-scratch is the art of taking a prepared product or ingredient in combination with “fresh” components in order to create a “signature” dish or meal with “scratch” quality attributes. What are the benefits? c&9:GJAEH9;L9F<=>_;A=F;Q c+M9DALQ9F<;GFKAKL=F;Q c'GJ=:9F?>GJQGMJ:M;CN=JK9LADALQAFJ9F?=G> applications with one core ingredient "=J=K9F=P9EHD=G>@GOLG=PL=F<L@=MK=G>GMJ+M=KG D9F;G-9M;=AFEMDLAHD=>J=K@K;J9L;@9HHDA;9LAGFK c A=KL9'9;F@==K= c!J==F@AD=@A;C=FF;@AD9<9K c(9;@G!J9F<=OAL@.@J===9F@ADA9F< +M=KGD9F;G-9M;= c A=KL9*@ADDQ-L=9C-9F<OA;@ #FL=J=KL=<AFD=9JFAF?EGJ= ;9DDQGMJ $.',=H9F<K;@=<MD=9>J=K@K;J9L;@ demonstration today. Marketing That Makes a Difference Food is fun and we want to help you build fun and excitement around your school lunch program. JTM Food Group takes a @GDAKLA;9F<;GDD9:GJ9LAN=9HHJG9;@LGE9JC=LAF?1=CFGOL@9LO@=FO=OGJCOAL@QGMLGMF<=JKL9F<QGMJ?G9DK G:B=;LAN=K students, and the obstacles you face on a day-to-day basis we will have a greater chance for success. From full on branded concepts based on one of our established brands, to one-off posters and table tents promoting a new item, you can count on us to partner with you to ensure the success of our products. Production Capabilities: c*GKL=JK c.9:D=.=FLK cGMFL=J-A?FK c9FF=JK c1AF<GODAF?K c DQ=JK c(=OKD=LL=JK c-LA;C=JK + + = Marketing for Better Health We believe in serving healthy foods that taste good. As a school food service provider, you know better than anyone else how difficult it can be to get kids to eat what’s good for them, rather than what simply tastes good. c =LL=J-L=HKHJG<M;LK9J=9N9AD9:D==P;DMKAN=DQ>JGE$.' c Q9<<J=KKAF?<A=L9JQF==<K>GJJ=<M;=<>9LKG<AME9F<GJAF;J=9K=<_:=J O@GD=?J9AF JA;@=FLJ´=K $.'HJGEAK=KAEHJGN=<FMLJALAGF9F<AEHJGN=<`9NGJ c KK9MDLGF-G<AME$.'@9KKM;;=KK>MDDQJ=<M;=<L@=KG<AME:Q9F9N=J9?=G>GJ more across our product lines. c =LL=J`9NGJLJ9FKD9L=KAFLGEGJ=KLM<=FLK:MQAF?DMF;@AFQGMJ;9>=L=JA9 c =LL=J-L=HKHJG<M;LK;9F:=HJG;=KK=<>JGE/- GG<K<GF9L=<;GEEG<ALA=K We can also help you educate your students on the benefits of eating healthy and how to fill their HD9L=KLJ9QKLGE9C=KMJ=L@=Q9J= eating a well-balanced diet. We provide materials such as signage and flyers to get the message out in a fun way. Marketing by Brand JTM has established brands that are built to deliver excitement, diversity, fun and big flavor profiles. We work with districts to find promotional opportunities that drive participation and educate students on different cultures, LJ9<ALAGFK 9F<L@=AEHGJL9F;=G>=9LAF?9@=9DL@Q :9D9F;=<<A=L"=J=9J=KGE=A<=9K9F<AFKHAJ9LAGF =D=:J9L="AKH9FA;"=JAL9?='GFL@OAL@L@=E=<"AKH9FA; E=FMGHLAGFK>GJKLM<=FLK-A?F9?=9F<?J9H@A;K;9F:= provided to build excitement and participation. This brand 9DKGOGJCKO=DDAF9[MAD<3GMJ)OFMJJALG,A;=GODf concept. =D=:J9L=9F<=<M;9L=QGMJKLM<=FLKGF&A:=J9LAGF9Q O@A;@AK;=D=:J9L=<GFHJADL@9F<;GEE=EGJ9L=KL@= DA:=J9LAGFG>#L9DQ:QDDA=<LJGGHKAFL@=-=;GF<1GJD< 19J =9LMJ=<A>>=J=FL#L9DA9FAFKHAJ=<E=FMAL=EK<MJAF?L@= month of April and end the month with a build your own H9KL9:9J-A?F9?=9F<?J9H@A;K;9F:=HJGNA<=<LG:MAD< excitement, participation and deliver educational facts. =D=:J9L=@AF=K=(=O3=9JOAL@L@=E=<KA9FE=FM options for students during the month of January and =:JM9JQ-A?F9?=9F<?J9H@A;K;9F:=HJGNA<=<LG:MAD< excitement and participation. This brand and its products 9DKGOGJCO=DDAF9[-G9JAF? J9?GFPHJ=KKKA9F9Jf concept. =D=:J9L=L@=KL9JLG>:9K=:9DDK=9KGFAFKHJAF?OAL@;D9KKA; :9DDH9JC>GG<KDAC=:MJ?=JK @ADA@==K=<G?K 9F<E9; ;@==K=-A?F9?=9F<?J9H@A;K;9F:=HJGNA<=<LG:MAD< excitement and participation. This brand and its products 9DKGOGJCO=DDAF9[MAD<3GMJ)OFMJ?=Jf;GF;=HL Expand Your School Menu Busy parents today have little time to cook. As a result of increased restaurant dining, kids have been exposed to a OA<=N9JA=LQG>>GG<LQH=K$.'MLADAR=K/-;GEEG<ALA=KAF;DM<AF?:==> HGJC LMJC=Q ;@==K=9F<LGE9LGHJG<M;LK to develop on-trend products that help you efficiently expand your menu. Better Options cD::GAD9:D=:9?K_L@9D>H9FKH=J>=;LDQ9F<E9C=>GJ;GFN=FA=FLKLGJAF?9F<J=@=9LAF? cK9K=JNA;=LGGMJ;MKLGE=JK O=HJGNA<=>J==:9?GH=F=JK c"=9LAFKL=9EC=LLD= LADLKCADD=L KL=9E=J ;GFN=;LAGFGN=FGJEA;JGO9N= c<9QJ=>JA?=J9L=<K@=D>DA>=>GJC=LLD=;GGC=<=FLJ´=KGDMLAGFK c<9QJ=>JA?=J9L=<K@=D>DA>=>GJAF<ANA<M9DDQIMA;C>JGR=FAL=EK c*JG<M;LK;9F:=;MKLGEAR=<LGE==LQGMJH9JLA;MD9JF==<K c$.'AK-=JN-9>=;=JLA_=< ary B iment ner e ag Op l Comp Product Heating Instructions 5 lb. PRODUCT BAG HEATING INSTRUCTIONS: Steam Kettle / Tilt Skillet Steamer From Frozen: From Frozen: * D9;=MFGH=F=<HGM;@AF boiling water. * D9;=MFGH=F=<HGM;@=KAF a perforated full-size pan. c( ).GFGLKL9;CGJ overlap bags. "=9L9HHJGPAE9L=DQ minutes and check for an internal temperature of °F or higher. )F;=HJG<M;L@9KJ=9;@=<J=;GEE=F<=<L=EH=J9LMJ= place on serving line or hold hot until ready to use. "=9L9HHJGPAE9L=DQ minutes and check for an internal L=EH=J9LMJ=G>°F or higher. )F;=HJG<M;L@9KJ=9;@=<J=;GEE=F<=<L=EH=J9LMJ= place on serving line or hold hot until ready to use. Remember to check product temperature... Gently fold over the bag with thermometer in the fold or place two (2) unopened bags on top of each other with a thermometer between them. DO NOT PUNCTURE THE BAGS! Product should be 155°F before serving. PREPARED MEAT ENTREE HEATING INSTRUCTIONS: Steamer Convection Oven *D9;=>JGR=FHGJLAGF=<E=9LAL=EAFKL=9E=J *D9;=>JGR=FHGJLAGF=<E=9L item on a sheet pan. "=9L>GJEAFML=K@=;C>GJ9FAFL=JF9D L=EH=J9LMJ=G>°F or higher. GGC9L° >GJEAFML=KL@9O=<GJ EAFML=K>JGR=F@=;C>GJ9FAFL=JF9DL=EH=J9LMJ=G> °F or higher. Industry Partnerships .@=E=JA;9FGEEG<ALQAKLJA:MLAGFKKG;A9LAGFAKL@=;GEEMFA;9LAGF DAFC:=LO==F9?JA;MDLMJ= AF<MKLJQ ?GN=JFE=FL9F<L@=;MKLGE=JKLJAN=K LGKLJ=F?L@=F/-KGEEG<ALQ GG<*JG?J9EO@A;@HJGNA<=K>GG<LG participating school lunch programs, charitable institutions, residential child care institutions, child and adult day care centers, summer camps, summer food service programs for children, elderly nutrition programs, supplemental feeding programs >GJHJ=?F9FLOGE=F AF>9FLK 9F<;@AD<J=F9F<K=FAGJK #F<A9F@GMK=@GD<K9F< disaster victims. Learn more at $.'D=N=J9?=K%-=JNA;=KAF;DM<AF?%>GG<K=JNA;=;GE.@=KG>LO9J=9<<J=KK=KE9FQG>L@= complexities of tracking and accounting manufacturers face when selling to the noncommercial school >GG<K=JNA;=E9JC=LAF?MKAF?/-;GEEG<ALA=K&=9JFEGJ=9LOOO%>GG<K=JNA;=;GE $.'@9K:==F9HJGM<E=E:=JG>-(>GJQ=9JK.@=-;@GGD(MLJALAGFKKG;A9LAGF-(AK the only professional association dedicated solely to the support and well being of school nutrition professionals in advancing good nutrition for all children. Learn more at #FL=J`=P#F;AK9F#FL=JF=LL=;@FGDG?Q9F<K=JNA;=K_JE >G;MK=<GF>GG<K=JNA;= :A<<AF?.@=/-AKFGOOGJCAF?OAL@#FL=J`=PLGHJGNA<=?MA<9F;=LG BidAdvantage for schools’ users that will assist schools with procuring and serving @=9DL@Q>GG<K.@=/-:A<LAHK9J=DG;9L=<L@JGM?@GMLL@=KAL=9J=E=9FLLG underscore dietary recommendations, procurement rules and remind users of the creative ways healthy meals can be prepared. Learn more at JTM Food Group has committed to help America’s schools serve healthier meals L@JGM?@9;GDD9:GJ9LAGFOAL@L@=DDA9F;=>GJ9"=9DL@A=J!=F=J9LAGFQOGJCAF? with the Alliance, JTM and other participating companies are making it easier to find and purchase more affordable, healthier products your students will love. 0AKAL@=9DL@A=J?=F=J9LAGFGJ?9F<BGAFL@=DDA9F;=K"=9DL@Q-;@GGDK*JG?J9E and gain access to hundreds of resources, including a variety of free technical tools to implement and promote healthier options for students. Our Passion: JTM Food Group prepares better-tasting, fully cooked, healthier, easy to use culinary solutions you can trust. JTM offers complimentary samples of all our products. Call your JTM Sales Representative at 800.626.2308 or your local JTM Food Broker with your request. 200 Sales Avenue c Ha rrison, O H 45030 c 800.626.2308 c 513.367.4900 c Fax 513.367.3508 c www.JTM 001S-0313
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