Corporate development today: driving strategy, accelerating growth 2015 Global Corporate Development Study Contents :Yk]\gfgmjj]k]Yj[`$o]j][gee]f\l`Yl[gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]flg^Õ[]jk ;<Gk!lYc]l`]^gddgoaf_ Õn]kl]hklghj]hYj]l`]ek]dn]k^gjo`Yll`]qYj]dac]dqlg]f[gmfl]jafl`]f]pl^]oq]Yjk& Prepare to lead on strategy. As CDOs get more involved in both corporate and M&A kljYl]_q$l`]qoaddf]]\lg`Yn]Ykljgf__jYkhg^fglgfdql`]kh][aÕ[kg^l`]\]YdeYjc]l but also disruptive forces in play across all sectors. 2 Strengthen in-house skill set. 9o`gd]YjjYqg^f]oaf%`gmk]kcaddkoaddZ][ge]f][]kkYjq$ hYjla[mdYjdqd]_Yd$lYpYf\j]_mdYlgjqkcaddk]lk& 6 Take a holistic approach to M&A.9\ghlaf_Yhgjl^gdagYhhjgY[`lgE9$ZqlYcaf_ YZYdYf[]\dggcYll`]Zmkaf]kkYkYo`gd]$oaddZ]]kk]flaYd& 9 Take a (big) technology leap. With advanced analytics, CDOs have a unique opportunity to explore and understand better the various factors that can affect a transaction. 10 Measure and reward performance appropriately. The successful CDO will be able to put lg_]l`]je]Ykmj]kl`Yl[Yhlmj]l`]jYf_]g^lYkckl`Yll`][gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]fl^mf[lagf ;<>!akj]khgfkaZd]^gj$hjgna\af_gZb][lan]af[]flan]kYf\j]oYj\k& 12 Involvement in the Capital Agenda • Our 2015 survey respondents are more involved in leading on the full range of capital allocation decisions than ever before. • While the CDF’s primary focus is inherently on investing capital, it also plays a vital role in optimizing corporate capital deployment. • Kaplq%Õn]h]j[]flg^j]khgf\]flkkYql`]qd]Y\Yf\h]j^gje ,+!gjd]Y\gfdq **!afghlaearaf_[YhalYdY[lanala]k$Ykljgf_ increase from our previous survey. 44% 6% 20% 11% 30% 7% Raising: Do we have the right capital structure to meet our strategic priorities? Ra is Perform only 19% Lead only in g ing st ing iz rv e Not involved 5% The Capital Agenda es 54% GfYn]jY_]$0)g^j]khgf\]flkd]Y\Yf\h]j^gjegj lead only when investing capital. Most lead on deal origination (91%), valuation (95%), due diligence 1,!Yf\f]_glaYlagf 1*!& Inv e g in Pr On average, 41% of respondents lead and perform or lead only when preserving capital. Most lead on operational restructuring (55%), with fewer respondents leading on cost j]\m[lagf ,1!$j]ÕfYf[af_ +*!Yf\kmhhdq[`Yaf eYfY_]e]fl *0!& 57% Investing: What is the best way for our company to grow, and is it aligned to our core business? On average, 50% of respondents lead and perform or lead only when raising capital. Most lead on fundraising through \an]klalmj]k .*!o`ad]^]o]jd]Y\gf^mf\jYakaf_l`jgm_` equity (50%) or debt (44%). Respondents from the Americas are less involved in raising capital. Preserving: How can we improve the performance of our assets? 24% Op ti m >]o]jj]khgf\]flkd]Y\gfZgYj\'klYc]`gd\]jYhhjgnYd ./!$lYphdYffaf_ .-!Yf\afn]klgjj]dYlagfk ,+!& Optimizing: What steps can we take to maximize our portfolio’s performance? On average, 65% of respondents lead and perform or lead only when optimizing capital. Most lead on portfolio rationalization/divestments (76%) and asset portfolio review (69%). Fewer respondents lead on measuring ROIC (60%) or on [Yk`Ögo^gj][Yklaf_'ogjcaf_[YhalYdeYfY_]e]fl --!& 22% Lead and perform 25% 10% 22% 43% Introduction Steve Krouskos Deputy Global Vice Chair, Transaction Advisory Services Gmjf]o[gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]flklm\qÕf\kka_faÕ[Yfl[`Yf_]kafl`]jgd]Yf\j]khgfkaZadalqg^l`][gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]fl ^mf[lagf ;<>!Yf\l`][gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]flg^Õ[]j ;<G!& 9^l]jq]Yjkg^mf[]jlYaflqYf\[gfljY[lagfafl`]\]YdeYjc]lYf\l`]_dgZYd][gfgeq$[gehYfa]kYj]gf[]Y_YafY[lan]dq k]]caf_lg_jgol`jgm_`e]j_]jkYf\Y[imakalagfk E9!&K]araf_ghhgjlmfala]ko`ad]j]eYafaf_^g[mk]\gfghlaearaf_[YhalYd Yf\hgjl^gdagkak`a_`gfl`][gjhgjYl]Y_]f\Y&L`]k]kljYl]_a[_jgol`gZb][lan]kYj]ljYfkdYlaf_aflgYoa\]jj]eal^gj;<Gk \m]lgjYha\eYjc]l[`Yf_]k$l`]Zdmjjaf_g^k][lgjdaf]kYf\\akjmhlan]^gj[]kÈkm[`Yk]f`Yf[]\_]ghgdala[Yd[gf[]jfkYf\ shareholder activism. CDOs are playing an increasingly vital role in strategy at both the corporate and business-unit levels. That change is leading lg]n]f_j]Yl]jafngdn]e]flafhgjl^gdagghlaearYlagfYf\[gee]j[aYdYkk]kke]fl&O`ad]l`akaf[j]Yk]kl`]hjgÕd]Yf\ aehgjlYf[]g^l`]jgd]$alYdkgZjaf_kZjgY\]jj]khgfkaZadala]kYf\Yf]]\lg\]n]dghf]okcaddk& Gn]jl`]hYklÕn]q]Yjk$l`];<>`Yk\]n]dgh]\egj]^gjeYdar]\hjg[]kk]klg]nYdmYl]\]Ydk&Alak[gf\m[laf_j]_mdYjhgjl^gdag j]na]okg^l`]Zmkaf]kkYf\mf\]jklYf\kl`]_jgoaf_f]]\lgh]j^gje[mdlmjYdÕlYkk]kke]flkYk_dgZYdarYlagfZjgY\]fkl`] pipeline of potential targets. With a wider remit, the CDF now also needs a stronger grasp of such megatrends as digital transformation and big data analytics, as well as understanding of the latest regulatory and tax implications of deals. 9fmeZ]jg^[gehYfa]kYj]j]khgf\af_lgl`]k][`Ydd]f_]koal`f]ol`afcaf_&L`][gf[]hlg^l`]É[`a]^_jgol`g^Õ[]jÊ`Yk already been seized by early adopters. It could be the next evolutionary leap for corporate development, given the function’s increasing convergence with strategy. Our latest study certainly suggests this as a possibility, while highlighting emerging trends and providing insights on best practices being adopted today. <janaf_kljYl]_q$Y[[]d]jYlaf__jgol`&>gmjkaehd]ogj\kÈZmll`]qka_fYdn]jq\a^^]j]flYf\n]jq[gehd]p[`Ydd]f_]kYf\ \]eYf\k^gjl`];<G&F]o[`Ydd]f_]kj]imaj]f]oj]khgfk]k&Gmjklm\qÕf\k[gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]flYlYljYfk^gjeYlagfYd afÖ][lagfhgafl&L`]egklkm[[]kk^md;<Gkafl`]^mlmj]Yj]dac]dqlgZ]l`gk]j]^g[mkaf_$j]k`Yhaf_Yf\h]j`Yhk]n]f reinventing themselves today for the needs of tomorrow. Steve Krouskos 1 1. The strategic imperative Has your corporate development ^mf[lagfc]hlmhoal`[`Yf_]7 ;<GkYj]Z][geaf_egj]afÖm]flaYdaf[gjhgjYl]kljYl]_q$lYcaf_gff]oj]khgfkaZadala]k Yf\af[j]Ykaf_dqZ][geaf_Z]ll]jhgkalagf]\lgafÖm]f[][gjhgjYl]km[[]kk&Gmj*()- Global Corporate Development study indicates that the roles of the CDO and the CDF oadddggcn]jq\a^^]j]flafl`]q]YjkY`]Y\Ykl`]qYj][`Ydd]f_]\oal`Yf]ojYf_]g^ responsibilities. Digital transformation across all sectors, increasing shareholder and regulatory scrutiny, and the heightened presence of global competitors are among the megatrends j]k`Yhaf_E9afhjg^gmf\oYqk&;gjhgjYlagfkl`Yl`Yn]Z]_mflglYc]Y\nYflY_] of new technologies and advanced analytics - and that are shoring up their strategic [geh]l]f[a]k%Yj]k]]af_eYjc]l%\a^^]j]flaYlaf_j]kmdlkafl`]aj\]Ydgml[ge]k& Strategic alignment The CDF, led by the CDO, is now at the heart of the organization’s growth strategy. Our survey clearly shows that developing a leading role in corporate strategy and strategic planning have become critical priorities for corporate development. Among our survey j]khgf\]flk$,,j]hgjll`Yll`]Za__]kl[`Yf_]afl`]jgd]g^l`];<Ggn]jl`]hYklÕn] years is the greater alignment with the wider corporate strategic focus. ÉL`];<Gjgd]mk]\lgZ]egj]ghhgjlmfakla[affYlmj]$o`]j]Ykfgoal`Yk[`Yf_]\ lgZ]af_egj]YhYjlg^l`]kljYl]_a[_gYdkg^l`]Zmkaf]kk$Êfgl]kgf]]p][mlan]$o`g j]khgf\]\lggmjkmjn]q&ÉL`]jgd]`YkZ][ge]egj]g^Y\jan]jafl`]E9hjg[]kk$fgl bmklY[ggj\afYlaf_jgd]$ZmlYdkglYcaf_Yka_faÕ[YflhYjlafl`]hjg[]kk&Ê Not surprisingly, alignment with strategy is a success factor that executives cite repeatedly. With more than half of our respondents focused on growth, it is critical for CDFs to deliver _jgol`kljYl]_a]k&Log%l`aj\kg^gmjj]khgf\]flkhgafllgYda_fe]floal`gl`]jc]q executives and departments in their organization as the most important factor in enabling them to do so. ÉL`]jgd]g^l`];<Gak]ph][l]\lg]ngdn]lgaf[dm\]kljYl]_a[ planning on top of the existing business development, M&A, portfolio eYfY_]e]flYf\ghlaearYlagf^mf[lagfk$ÊkYqka transaction executive at an emerging market conglomerate. 2 LYZd])2O`Ylakl`]Za__]kl[`Yf_]afl`]jgd]g^l`];<Ggn]jl`]hYklÔn]q]Yjk7 44% 18% Strategic focus 16% Volume of activity Deal process 10% 6% 6% Size of deals Reporting lines Other LYZd]*2@gokYlakÔ]\Yj]qgmoal`l`]k]Ykh][lkg^qgmjljYfkY[lagfk[gf\m[l]\afl`]dYkllogq]Yjk7 5% 20% 30% 12% 20% 46% =^Õ[a]f[qg^\m]\ada_]f[]hjg[]kk 5% 3% 1% 20% NYdmYlagf2Y[imakalagfk 17% N]jqkYlakÕ]\ Kge]o`YlkYlakÕ]\ 35% 29% 22% 27% 49% ImYdalqg^\]Ydk[gfka\]j]\ 3% 22% 21% 26% 44% 9[`a]naf_kljYl]_a[gZb][lan]k 5% 22% 25% 45% 12% 8% 5% F]mljYd 40% 38% 43% Kge]o`YlmfkYlakÕ]\ FglkYlakÕ]\YlYdd H]j[]flY_]g^\]Ydk[dgk]\ NYdmYlagf2\an]klalmj]k LjYfkY[lagfafl]_jYlagf L`]egklkYlakÕ]\j]khgf\]flk • For each respondent, EY summed the scores for each Yfko]jlgl`]k]k]n]fc]qYkh][lkg^ljYfkY[lagfkYlak^Y[lagf& O]mk]\l`akk[gj]lgk]hYjYl]l`]lghl`aj\g^j]khgf\]flkÈ l`ak_jgmho][Yddl`]j]khgf\]flko`gYj]ÉegklkYlakÕ]\Ê with transactions. • In the balance of the report, we compare the answers for the egklkYlakÕ]\j]khgf\]flkY_YafklYddgl`]jj]khgf\]flk$ Yf\`a_`da_`lka_faÕ[Yfl\a^^]j]f[]kYkal]ek[gjj]dYl]\oal` transaction satisfaction. LYZd]+2O`YlYj]l`]c]qkm[[]kk^Y[lgjkaf]p][mlaf_gfY_jgol`kljYl]_q7 23% Executive performance metrics 31% Evaluation of c]qe]lja[k 47% Integrated implementation team 59% 62% 67% ;d]Yjdq\]Õf]\ strategy performance metrics and goals Existence of [d]Yjdq\]Õf]\ strategy Alignment of strategy Yegf_c]q]p][mlan]k' departments Note: up to three responses allowed 3 Convergence of M&A, corporate strategy and sharing of resources Table 4: Please indicate the extent to which you are involved in the following aspects of the transaction cycle 8% 9dl`gm_`l`];<GYf\[`a]^kljYl]_qg^Õ[]j ;KG!jgd]kj]eYaf separate in most organizations, the connection and collaboration between the two are becoming much stronger. The roles overlap in various aspects of the transaction life cycle, particularly portfolio eYfY_]e]fl$f]oeYjc]l]phYfkagf$\]Õfaf__jgol`hjagjala]k Yf\gZlYafaf_[geh]lalan]afl]dda_]f[] k]]lYZd]-!&9fmeZ]jg^ companies that responded to our survey are already more proactive in terms of pipeline management and deal origination, dedicating more internal resources and time than they did in the past to a\]fla^ql`]ja_`llYj_]lk&>gj]pYehd]$l`]qYj]eYcaf_Z]ll]j connections with their business units and leveraging advanced technical methodologies. They now evaluate potential acquisitions much earlier, long before the actual transaction. Gf]j]khgf\]fl]phdYafkl`YlÉoal`afl`]ZjgY\]j[gjhgjYl] \]n]dghe]fl^mf[lagf$l`]qYj]YZd]lg\jYogfYka_faÕ[Yfl number of resources, with large strategy teams giving the ability to Zjaf_lg_]l`]j^YajdqaehgjlYflnajlmYdl]Yek&Ê9fgl`]jj]khgf\]fl kYqk$ÉOal`Y\]n]dghe]fllgoYj\Yegj]Y[lan]kljYl]_q department, the CDO is now able to have a more active and j]d]nYfl[gmfl]jhYjlafkljYl]_a[\ak[mkkagfk&Ê Corporate strategy 27% 17% CSOs, others 5% 25% 70% 1% 12% 9% Transaction strategy 78% CDOs CSOs, others 1% 7% 2% 7% Transaction opportunity 32% 60% 18% 73% CDOs CSOs, others 5% 38% 58% 3% 17% Transaction execution 80% CDOs CSOs, others 4% 4% Transaction negotiation/ close 48% CDOs 33% 60% 2% 5% 12% 82% CDOs CSOs, others 4% 5% 26% 17% 10% 66% 23% 50% CDOs Transaction effectiveness CSOs, others Table 5: Please indicate where you believe you play a leading role in corporate strategy Not involved Ensuring M&A decisions are grounded in portfolio reviews Yf\kgmf\ÕfYf[aYd\YlY 77% 55% Aligning M&A and/or divestment strategy with capital allocation decisions 23% Perform only 63% Lead only Lead and perform Note: percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding 74% 57% Analysis of strategic alternatives and portfolio optimization 68% 74% Innovation/expansion into new geographic markets 52% 58% Prioritizing markets investment 51% 58% 51% 51% Competitive intelligence 46% <]Õfaf_kljYl]_a[hjagjala]k$ including organic growth 70% CDOs CSOs, others Note: respondents who indicated that they held leadership position on corporate kljYl]_q lYZd],!j]khgf\]\lgl`akim]klagf 4 6% 9% ÉL`]kljYl]_qYf\E9l]Yekkalf]pllg each other, so there is more often healthy competition to generate bright ideas rather than Ykh][aÕ[\]daf]Ylagfg^jgd]k$ÊY[[gj\af_lg a transaction executive at a European consumer products company. 2015 Global Corporate Development Study LYZd].2Akl`]f]plkl]h^gjl`];<Glg]d]nYl]lgY[`a]^_jgol`g^Ô[]j ;?G!gj[`a]^hgjl^gdagg^Ô[]j ;HG!7 Focus of corporate development PreÕfYf[aYd [jakak >afYf[aYd [jakak Hgkl– ÕfYf[aYd [jakak The f]o fgjeYd 2004-2008 2009-2012 2013-2014 *()-Yf\Z]qgf\ • Focus on deal strategy and execution • Broader strategic focus important • Greater balance between acquisitions and divestments • 9[`a]naf_kljYl]_a[ gZb][lan]k • Acquisitions dominate thinking • Divestments on agenda • Increase in partnership deals • Defensive mergers and balance sheet deleveraging • Strategic buyers re-emerging • Greater creativity in doing deals • Increased awareness of ÕfYf[af_Yf\ZYdYf[]k`]]l constraints • Jgd]af\]Õfaf__jgol` kljYl]_q • Private equity strong competitor for deals • Domestic regulatory frameworks and favorable environments • Geographic expansion — emerging markets a strategic imperative • Global regulatory convergence and tightening regulation • Rethinking geographic footprint as portfolios are reassessed • Greater awareness of ÕfYf[af_ After years of focusing internally on managing costs and dgo]j%jakcgj_Yfa[_jgol`^gddgoaf_l`]_dgZYdÕfYf[aYd[jakak$ many companies are starting to focus actively on M&A as a route to future growth. Executives who responded to our 2015 Global Corporate Development Study named their top transaction gZb][lan]kafl`]hYkl)*egfl`kYkklj]f_l`]faf_l`]aj[gj] business, achieving economies of scale and acquiring a customer ZYk]&9egf_l`]ajc]qgZb][lan]k^gjl`]f]pl)*egfl`kYj] Y_j]Yldqaf[j]Yk]\^g[mkgf]fl]jaf_f]o_]g_jYh`a[eYjc]lk Yf\\]n]dghaf_f]ohjg\m[lkÈhdY[af__jgol`Yll`]^jgflYf\ center of their strategy. In fact, a growth strategy is now so important that the prospect of strategy and corporate development becoming a single unit, with a CGO or CPO at the head of it, is a distinct possibility. A few leading-edge companies have already appointed a CGO, and other businesses are considering such a position. • Greater alignment with the treasury function and the lending community • Greater uncertainty and caution around dealmaking • More involvement in integration • Increased focus on performance evaluation • Af[j]Yk]\d]Y\af_jgd]af l`];YhalYd9_]f\Y • >g[mkgfhgjl^gdag eYfY_]e]flYf\ ghlaearYlagf • ;gee]j[aYdYf\gh]jYlagfYd Ykk]kke]fllYc]k[]fl]j klY_] • Jakcfgdgf_]jk]]f [gjj]dYl]\lg\]Ydkar] • ?j]Yl]j\]Yd[geh]lalagf • Egj]hjgY[lanalqafkgmj[af_' hah]daf]eYfY_]e]fl • Mk]g^Za_\YlY'YfYdqla[k lggdk M&A CDO Transaction strategy Capital allocation Aligning M&A strategy with corporate strategy ;?G7 ;HG7 Portfolio management Acquisitive growth Growth strategy É9^l]jeYcaf_l`]fmeZ]jk$_jgol`akl`]eYaf gZb][lan]$Yf\l`];<Ggofkl`Yl$ÊkYqka transaction executive at a US manufacturing company. 5 2. New demands require new skills 9j]qgmk]l^gjf]o[`Ydd]f_]k7 The emphasis on strategy and the convergence of roles means that the CDO of the future emklZ]YZd]lg^Y[]YjYf_]g^f]o[`Ydd]f_]k$Y[imaj]f]okcaddk$Yf\\]n]dghYf\ klj]f_l`]fj]dYlagfk`ahkoal`c]q\]hYjle]flk']p][mlan]k& O`ad]kljYl]_a[hdYffaf_Yf\ÕfYf[]Yj][mjj]fldql`]egkl[geegfkcaddk]lkj]ka\]flaf l`];<>$egklg^l`]gl`]j[geh]l]f[a]kl`Ylgmjj]khgf\]flkogmd\dac]lg`Yn]afl`] ;<>Yj]j]dYl]\lgjakceYfY_]e]fl$d]_Yd$j]_mdYlgjqYf\lYpkcaddk&L`]hj]k]f[]g^l`]k] kcaddk[gjj]dYl]kkljgf_dqoal``a_`]j\]YdkYlak^Y[lagf& J]khgf\]flko`gYj]egj]kYlakÕ]\oal`l`]ajljYfkY[lagfk Yk\]k[jaZ]\aflYZd]*!Yj] egj]dac]dql`Yfgl`]jk ..nk&,,!lg`Yn]d]_Ydkcaddk]lkYnYadYZd]afl`];<>&L`]qYj] Ydkgegj]dac]dqlg`Yn]j]_mdYlgjqkcaddk .+nk&*/!Yf\lYpkcaddk ,,nk&**!afl`] ;<>&Gf]kcaddafj]dYlan]dqk`gjlkmhhdqakZa_\YlYYfYdqla[k2bmkl*)g^l`];<>kkmjn]q]\ have this competency, an area that they will need to address as big data increases in aehgjlYf[]lg[gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]fl k]]hY_])(!& Doing the right deal: strategic issues top the agenda ;gee]j[aYdYkk]kke]floaddZ]YeYbgjkljYl]_a[[`Ydd]f_]&Alakgf]g^l`]logd]Y\af_ [Ymk]kg^\]Yd^Yadmj] l`]gl`]jZ]af_kljYl]_q!$Y[[gj\af_lgl`]nYkleYbgjalqg^l`] respondents to our study. Strategy and commercial assessment are at the heart of all ljYfkY[lagfk$Yf\a^l`]k]^mf\Ye]flYdhjg[]kk]kYj]ÖYo]\$alakYdegklaehgkkaZd]^gjl`] \]Ydlgkm[[]]\&GmjÕf\af_keYc]Ykljgf_[Yk]^gjl`]aehgjlYf[]g^YjgZmklkljYl]_q and a formal M&A process that includes detailed pre-transaction analysis, analyzing targets gfl`]ZYkakg^Y[gee]j[aYdYko]ddYkÕfYf[aYdYkk]kke]fl& 9l`gjgm_`[gee]j[aYdYkk]kke]flafngdn]kmf\]jklYf\af_l`]eYjc]l$l`][geh]lalagf Yf\l`]lYj_]lÌkZmkaf]kkeg\]d&L`]Ykk]kke]flYdkglYc]kaflgY[[gmfll`]lYj_]lÌk products and services, synergies and potential to create value for the acquirer. To spot Yf\eYc]l`]ja_`l\]Ydaflg\YqÌk[gehd]peYjc]lhdY[]$l`];<>oaddf]]\lgZ]YZd]lg use advanced analytics of big data, mining vast amounts of structured and unstructured information and be able to turn them into a commercial advantage. ÉO]d]n]jY_]\YlYYfYdqla[klgY[`a]n]YZ]ll]jmf\]jklYf\af_ g^[geh]lalan]hgkalagfaf_$o`gÌkoaffaf_$o`gÌkdgkaf_$ÊkYqk a transaction executive at a US company in the water industry. 6 Table 7: Please indicate the resident skill sets in the CDF Table 8: If you were able to add another skill set to your ^mf[lagf$o`Ylogmd\alZ]7 Strategic planning 88% Finance 83% Accounting 65% Legal 52% Business unit/operations 46% Corporate governance 42% Regulatory 40% Risk management 36% Tax 29% Treasury 25% Big data/analytics 21% Investor relations 21% Sales and marketing 19% Information technology 11% Human resources 10% 4% Real estate Note: multiple responses allowed Table 10: Use of analytics in the transaction life cycle Table 9: Causes for transactions to fail 54% 52% 68% % 66 73% 72% 71% % quite or most important 60 5 % 54% 8% % regular or extensive use 83% Deal management process Corporate development process Integration process Strategic process Commercial assessment process EfÔciency of due diligence process Transaction integration Quality of deals considered Achieving strategic objectives Valuation: divestitures Valuation: acquisitions Note: multiple responses allowed 7 Operational assessment, cultural competencies Gh]jYlagfYdYkk]kke]fl Zmkaf]kkhdYf$l][`fgdg_q$kmhhdq[`Yaf$ `meYfj]kgmj[]k!akYfgl`]jYj]Yafo`a[`[gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]fl is becoming more deeply involved. Our respondents indicate having used external advisors or other business units to obtain services such as operational diligence, modeling or business planning and commercial diligence. This indicates the need to develop greater mf\]jklYf\af_YZgmlo`]flgd]n]jY_]kcaddk^jgegl`]jZmkaf]kk units or to co-opt operational specialists into the CDF. 9fgl`]jf]okcaddakYkk]kkaf_[mdlmjYd[geh]l]f[a]k&9_dgZYd hdYqaf_Õ]d\`YkZjgm_`lhgl]flaYdlYj_]lk^jgeYddgn]jl`]ogjd\ aflgl`]\]YdkhY[]$j]kmdlaf_afakkm]kg^[mdlmjYdÕlYf\j]imajaf_ E9kljYl]_aklklgd]Yjf\a^^]j]flklqd]kg^\]YdeYcaf_Yf\ klYc]`gd\]jeYfY_]e]fl& Gmjj]kmdlkk`goYka_faÕ[Yflaf[j]Yk]afl`]fmeZ]jg^ j]khgf\]flkl`YlhdYflg]fl]jf]o_]g_jYh`a[eYjc]lkafl`] f]pl)*egfl`kÈ.(mh^jge,+afl`]dYkl)*egfl`kÈ and this will present its share of challenges. Furthermore, deal kljm[lmj]kafeYfqeYjc]lkYj]`a_`dq[gehd]p$g^l]fafngdnaf_ bgafln]flmj]k$hYjlf]jk`ahk$YddaYf[]kYf\YjjYf_]e]flkgl`]jl`Yf straightforward mergers and acquisitions. Table 11: Top 3 areas where the CDF has used services from other business units (BUs) on transactions over the last 12 months 1 Operational diligence ++ 2 Eg\]daf_' business planning +( + Commercial diligence */ Note: multiple responses allowed Table 12: Business objectives and rationale for transactions Entering new geographic markets 60% 43% 56% 60% Strengthening the core business Acquiring new technology 43% 48% 53% Acquiring customer base 45% Achieving economies of scale ÉL`][gehd]palqg^l`]ljYfkY[lagfhjg[]kk `Ykaf[j]Yk]\oal`l`]af[dmkagfg^[mdlmjYdÕl assessments and increased focus on seller and c]qklYc]`gd\]jkafl`]lYj_]lZmkaf]kk$ÊkYqka transaction executive at a European consumer products company. New product development 8 45% 34% 42% 43% Portfolio optimization Speed to market 29% Next 12 months Note: multiple responses allowed 53% 38% Last 12 months 58% 2015 Global Corporate Development Study Growing involvement in portfolio management 9fgl`]jeYbgjkljYl]_a[[`Ydd]f_]l`Yl;<Gkoadd^Y[]afl`]^mlmj] oaddZ]l`]lYkcg^j]ZYdYf[af_Y[imakalagfkoal`\an]kle]flkafY role and culture that has typically focused more on acquisitions. Gmjj]khgf\]flkkh]f\jgm_`dq/(g^l`]ajlae]gfZmq%ka\] transactions, and are preparing to spend more time on acquisitions that will fundamentally change their business. They expect the average percentage of their time spent on such transformational Y[imakalagfklgaf[j]Yk]afl`]f]pllogq]Yjk$lg*-&)^jge).&/ [mjj]fldqYf\bmkl)*&-Õn]q]YjkY_g& However, our survey respondents say that in two years they expect to spend even less time on divestments than they do now. But it is advisable to not lose focus on divestments, because they create value, are a strategic route to longer-term growth and should be considered as part of regular reviews of the entire portfolio. AfYZmkaf]kk]fnajgfe]fleYjc]\ZqjYha\l][`fgdg_a[Yd advances, regulatory changes, increased shareholder scrutiny and shifts in customer purchasing power and demand, strategic portfolio reviews are the most important tool to optimize capital Yf\j]kgmj[]Yddg[YlagfkYf\\]l]jeaf]o`Yl\][akagfklgeYc] regarding growth, restructuring or potential divestment. The CDO’s role is central to these decisions, and our study reveals that respondents are increasingly more involved in leading on capital allocation decisions than they were in 2010. Table 13: What percentage of your time was spent on the ^gddgoaf_Y[lanala]kÔn]q]YjkY_gYf\fgo7O`Yl\gqgm ]ph][lallgZ]aflogq]Yjk7 Buy side: 39.3 Small to mid-size acquisition Acquisition of a minority interest 35 46.5 19.5 18 5.7 12.5 16.7 Transformational acquisition 25.1 Sell side: 14.6 12.9 9.9 Small to mid-size divestment IPO/spin-off Transformational divestment 3.9 4.8 3.9 3.3 3.8 3.2 % of time Õn] years ago average Current % of time average Expected % of time two years from now average ÉL`];<G`]Y\kkljYl]_qYf\[gjhgjYl] development. Strategy is focused on portfolio eYfY_]e]fl'Y\bY[]f[a]k&L`];<G`]dhk determine capital allocation, and the business mfalkogjcoal`afl`gk]hYjYe]l]jkÇZmkaf]kk mfalkgofl`]kljYl]_q$ÊkYqka transaction executive in the manufacturing industry. 9 Spotlight Big data analytics can be a big deal for M&A J]khgf\]flko`gYj]egklkYlakÕ]\oal`ljYfkY[lagfkYj]em[` egj]dac]dql`Yfgl`]jklgmk]YfYdqla[kj]_mdYjdqgj]pl]fkan]dq oal`j]_Yj\lgl`]imYdalqg^l`]\]Ydk[gfka\]j]\ /+nk&-+!Yf\ l`]]^Õ[a]f[qg^l`]\m]\ada_]f[]hjg[]kk /-nk&,*!&;<Gkoadd `Yn]lg\]l]jeaf]`golgeYc]l`]Z]klmk]g^l`]k]f]okcaddkYk the technology and use of analytics matures. :a_\YlYak[geegfdq\]Ôf]\afl]jekg^^gmjÈNËkÉÇngdme]$ variety, velocity and veracity. Data has exploded at an astonishing jYl]afZgl`ngdme]Yf\n]dg[alq l`]kh]]\Ylo`a[`al[ge]k$Yk o]ddYk`go^Yklalf]]\klgZ]YfYdqr]\!afl`]dYkl^]oq]Yjk&Alak present in a huge variety of structured and unstructured forms, and [Yfkge]lae]kdY[cn]jY[alqgjY[[mjY[q& 9fYdqla[kakl`]e]Yfk^gj]pljY[laf_nYdm]^jgel`ak\YlYÇ the tool through which actionable insights are generated. In a study j]d]Yk]\af*()+$Afl]jfYlagfYd<YlY;gjhgjYlagfhj]\a[l]\l`Yl l`]Za_\YlYl][`fgdg_qYf\k]jna[]keYjc]logmd\_jgoYlY*/ [gehgmf\YffmYd_jgol`jYl]$j]Y[`af_MK+*&,ZaddagfZq*()/ ÈgjYZgmlkaplae]kl`]_jgol`jYl]g^l`]gn]jYddaf^gjeYlagfYf\ [geemfa[Ylagfl][`fgdg_qeYjc]l& Big data has huge potential to transform the effectiveness of CDOs and the teams they lead. So far, companies have Z]]f[gf\m[laf_Zmkaf]kkYfYdqla[k^gjkh][aÕ[^mf[lagfk&9l l`]nYdmYlagfklY_]$0+g^gmjj]khgf\]flkeYc]eg\]jYl]lg extensive use of analytics, but by and large, they have not yet d]n]jY_]\l`]^mddhgl]flaYdg^Za_\YlYYf\'gjYfYdqla[kafE9& Ways in which big data analytics can boost deal effectiveness include: • Mkaf_hj]\a[lan]YfYdqla[kYf\^gj][Yklaf_lgÕ_mj]gmll`]jakck and opportunities in a deal • Drawing quantitative and qualitative insights from social media analytics during due diligence on a target and its products • Mf\]jklYf\af_c]qZmkaf]kk[q[d]kZq]ehdgqaf_YfYdqla[k ]&_&$ogjcaf_[YhalYd! • =ehdgqaf_Y\][akagf%eYcaf_^jYe]ogjcZYk]\gf\YlYk[a]f[] lgj]Y[`YfgZb][lan]na]og^YkljYl]_a[hgjl^gdag • Aehjgnaf_l`]]^Õ[a]f[qg^l`]\an]klalmj]hjg[]kkYf\hj]hYjaf_ [Yjn]%gmlÕfYf[aYdaf^gjeYlagf • Identifying potential synergies by utilizing larger data sets and \]l]jeafaf_o`]l`]jl`]]ph][l]\kqf]j_a]kYj]dac]dqlgZ] realized :a_\YlYYfYdqla[k[Yf`Yn]Yka_faÔ[YflaehY[l on business improvement and transactions. The following are some examples of how analytics can help companies in a transactional context: Social media analytics • While performing due diligence on behalf of a company in the Ymlgeglan]Y^l]jeYjc]l$=Qmk]\ kg[aYde]\aYYfYdqla[k KE9!lgYfYdqr]YdYj_]\YlYk]lg^YZgml 500,000 online posts to gain deeper insights into a target and reach YfgZb][lan]na]ogfl`]lYj_]lhjg\m[lk&L`]lYj_]l[gehYfqYkk]jl]\ that its superior warranty policy and product quality had been the driver of revenue growth historically. But SMA highlighted that relative hja[af_oYkYem[`egj]ka_faÕ[Yfl\jan]j$oal`l`]\ada_]f[]hjgna\af_ a cost-reduction opportunity on warranty policy. • During an engagement in the food and beverage industry, EY used KE9lgYfYdqr]Y\YlYk]lg^YhhjgpaeYl]dq,(($(((gfdaf]Yf\ social media discussions to gain deeper insights on a target. SMA `a_`da_`l]\l`Yll`]lYj_]lÌkhjg\m[llYkl]oYkka_faÕ[Yfldqaf^]jagj to the competition and a deterrent to future growth. The diligence implication was that the target had been underspending on product \]n]dghe]flYf\j]^gjemdYlagf[gklk$hjgna\af_Yka_faÕ[Yfl post-close revenue enhancement opportunity. Cash management • A telecom company had a large customer base but fragmented visibility into its accounts receivable 9J!&=Qhjgna\]\\]lYad]\ljYfkY[lagfYd\YlY analysis that allowed the company to institute a cash culture program to ingrain AR metrics into the company culture, compress payment terms, accelerate initial customer contact for collections and consolidate the number of collection paths. The company ]klYZdak`]\Ykljm[lmj]\YhhjgY[`lgeala_Yl]jakcYf\kYoYfglYZd] [Yk`%Ögoaehjgn]e]fl& • Using sophisticated analytics, a global pharmaceutical company was YZd]lgdaZ]jYl][Yk`^jgeogjcaf_[YhalYdlghYq\gof\]Zll`Ylal had incurred during an acquisition. There were clear opportunities for improvement in order-to-cash, purchase-to-pay and inventory, and analytics helped the company optimize these opportunities. For more information about EY’s analytics services, nakal]q&[ge'YfYdqla[kgj[gflY[l2 John E Burns Partner, Transaction Advisory Services, Americas #)*)*//+..-/ bg`f&Zmjfk8]q&[ge John Hopes Partner, Transaction Advisory Services, EMEIA #,,*(/1-)/01) b`gh]k8mc&]q&[ge Stuart Bright Partner, Transaction Advisory K]jna[]k$9kaY%HY[aÕ[ #.)*0*1-.,0+ klmYjl&Zja_`l8Ym&]q&[ge 10 Spotlight Regional variations Americas 18% 47% 60% 74% 41% have a separate M&A committee lead and perform on corporate strategy Yj]kYlakÕ]\oal`l`]]^Õ[a]f[q of the due diligence process use analytics for the valuation of divestitures say the CDO is accountable for transaction integration Lgh+ljYfkY[lagfgZb][lan]k 1. Strengthen the core business 2. =fl]jf]o_]g_jYh`a[eYjc]lk +&Acquire customer base Lgh+oYqk;<Gl]YekYj]e]Ykmj]\ 1. Fit of deals with corporate strategy 2. ;gjhgjYl]h]j^gjeYf[]'klg[chja[] +&Number of deals completed Lgh+j]Ykgfk^gjljYfkY[lagf^Yadmj] 1. Integration process 2. Commercial assessment process +&Strategic process Europe, Middle East and Africa 45% 57% 81% 67% 40% have a separate M&A committee lead and perform on corporate strategy Yj]kYlakÕ]\oal`l`]]^Õ[a]f[q of the due diligence process use analytics for the valuation of divestitures say the CDO is accountable for transaction integration 9kaY%HY[aÔ[ 20% 64% 80% 53% 89% have a separate M&A committee lead and perform on corporate strategy Yj]kYlakÕ]\oal`l`]]^Õ[a]f[q of the due diligence process use analytics for the valuation of divestitures say the CDO is accountable for transaction integration Lgh+ljYfkY[lagfgZb][lan]k 1. =fl]jf]o_]g_jYh`a[eYjc]lk 2. Acquire new technology +&Strengthen core business Lgh+oYqk;<Gl]YekYj]e]Ykmj]\ 1. Deal pipeline and opportunity analysis 2. Fit of deals with corporate strategy +&ROI on completed transactions Lgh+j]Ykgfk^gjljYfkY[lagf^Yadmj] 1. Strategic process 2. Commercial assessment process +&Integration process Lgh+ljYfkY[lagfgZb][lan]k 1. Achieve economies of scale 2. Acquire new technology +&=fl]jf]o_]g_jYh`a[eYjc]lk Lgh+oYqk;<Gl]YekYj]e]Ykmj]\ 1. ;gjhgjYl]h]j^gjeYf[]'klg[chja[] 2. Realization of transaction synergies +&ROI on completed transactions Lgh+j]Ykgfk^gjljYfkY[lagf^Yadmj] 1. Corporate development process 2. Commercial assessment process +&Deal management process 11 +& Greater rigor drives reassessment of CDF structures and rewards What are the new ways to enable and measure km[[]kk7 >g[mkgfjakceYfY_]e]flYf\ corporate governance Companies are approaching all deals with increasing rigor and standardized deal processes in the face of growing competition from private equity players and greater focus on corporate governance by boards and shareholders. Among our j]khgf\]flk$l`gk]o`gYj]egklkYlakÕ]\oal`\]YdkYj]egj]dac]dqlg^j]im]fldqmk] Y^gjeYdar]\hjg[]kk^gjYkk]lhgjl^gdagj]na]o 0)nk&-1!$[gflafmgmkaehjgn]e]fl 0(nk&.*!$gh]jYlagfYdk]hYjYlagf //nk&.(!$Z]f[`eYjcaf_ /+nk&.)!Yf\ Za_\YlY'YfYdqla[k .,nk&,-!& This increased rigor is also expanding the required relationships of the CDF across various ^mf[lagfk&9dl`gm_`l`]kljgf_]klj]dYlagfk`ahkYj]oal`l`]ÕfYf[]Yf\d]_Yd\]hYjle]flk$ those respondents with higher deal satisfaction have stronger relationships with the [gjhgjYl]_gn]jfYf[]$j]_mdYlgjq$jakceYfY_]e]flYf\af^gjeYlagfl][`fgdg_q^mf[lagfk& ÉO]ljqlg^gddgoYklYf\Yj\]p][mlagfhjg[]kk$Ykjakcakfgl [gjj]dYl]\lg\]YdnYdm]$Ê]phdYafka transaction executive in the transportation industry. Setting up M&A committees Notably, executives report a growing preference for separate M&A committees that advise ]p][mlan]kYf\ZgYj\e]eZ]jkgf\]Ydk&L`akakhYjla[mdYjdql`][Yk]af=E=9$o`]j],- g^gmjj]khgf\]flk`Yn]Yk]hYjYl]E9[geeall]] [gehYj]\lg*1gn]jYddYf\bmkl )0afl`]9e]ja[Yk!& Our survey clearly demonstrates that the presence of an M&A committee correlates with `a_`]j\]YdkYlak^Y[lagf2j]khgf\]flko`gYj]egj]kYlakÕ]\oal`l`]ajljYfkY[lagfkYj] egj]l`Yfloa[]Ykdac]dqYkgl`]jj]khgf\]flk ,,nk&*)!lg`Yn]Yk]hYjYl]E9 committee. While M&A committees differ in their structure, what they all have in common is giving M&A a strong voice in the boardroom. There is no clear consensus on the ideal governance structure. At one global company, YfE9'afn]kle]fl[geeall]]Y\nak]kl`]ZgYj\gfYddY[imakalagfhjg[]kk]k&9lYfgl`]j$ a multidisciplinary executive committee, along with senior board members, evaluates all ljYfkY[lagfa\]YkYf\eYc]kYfafalaYd\][akagfgfo`a[`gf]klglYc]^gjoYj\&L`]E9 committee governs this process and, in the words of an executive at the company, aims to Éhjgl][ll`]_jgmh$fgllghd]Yk]]n]jqgf]&Ê ÉL`]egj]kljm[lmj]\hjg[]kk^gjdafcaf_mhl`]ljYfkY[lagfhjg[]kk oal`kljYl]_qakeYafdqj]hj]k]fl]\Zql`]E9[gmf[ad$Ê]phdYafka transaction executive at a European automotive company. 12 Table 14: When executing transactions, how often do you use a ^gjeYdar]\hjg[]kk^gjl`]^gddgoaf_7 Table 15: Please indicate the strength of the working relationship between the CDF and the given function Valuation 95% Finance 88% Due diligence 95% Legal 86% Board/stakeholder approvals 90% Strategic planning 84% Kqf]j_qa\]flaÕ[Ylagf'YfYdqkak 88% Accounting 82% Documentation of key transaction decisions 86% Business unit/operations 82% Transaction integration 86% Tax 78% Post-closing adjustments 86% Treasury 75% Transaction measurement 81% Corporate governance 71% Tax mitigation 78% Regulatory 68% Opportunity analysis 75% Investor relations 63% Continuous improvement/feedback 69% Risk management 60% Investor relations 68% Sales and marketing 53% Operational separation (divestments/carve-outs) 67% Human resources 52% Asset portfolio review 67% Information technology 46% Benchmarking 65% Real estate 33% Big data/analytics 52% % strong or very strong % often or always LYZd]).2<g]kqgmjZgYj\`Yn]Yk]hYjYl]E9[geeall]]7 Table 17: Potential options for M&A committees O`gakl`][`Yaj7 CDO CFO Yes 29% >j]im]f[q7 Quarterly Monthly Each stage of M&A process (NDA, fgf%Zaf\af_g^^]j$<<$ÕfYdg^^]j! Kljm[lmj]7 No 71% CDO, head of BU, country/area director, research director CFO, CDO, VP BD, division CEO M&A, strategy <]YdYhhjgnYdl`j]k`gd\7 Everything Up to US$5m Up to US$100m 13 Evolving performance measures for an evolving role H]j^gjeYf[]e]Ykmj]e]flak[`Ydd]f_af_ÈalakYfakkm]l`YlY number of our respondents consider problematic. In our survey, 1-g^j]khgf\]flkj]hgjll`Yl[gjhgjYl]h]j^gjeYf[]akaehgjlYfl or very important in determining individual compensation, and 0-kYql`YlY[`a]naf_kljYl]_a[gZb][lan]kakYfaehgjlYflgjn]jq important measure affecting individual compensation. Although alak\a^Õ[mdllgYhhdqimYflalYlan]e]lja[klg]n]jqYkh][lg^l`] function, reliable measures are a component in determining the effectiveness of both the CDO and the CDF. J]khgf\]flko`gYj]egklkYlakÕ]\oal`[geh]fkYlagf$Z]f]Õlk Yf\af[]flan]kYj]egj]dac]dqlg`Yn][geh]fkYlagfdafc]\lg \]hYjle]flYdh]j^gjeYf[]&:mll`][`Ydd]f_]da]kaf\]Õfaf_ precisely what individual performance means: the measures our respondents use run the gamut from cost, time and quality to the km[[]kkg^hYklY[imakalagfklg$afgf][Yk]$Éo`Ylgl`]jh]ghd]af l`]gj_YfarYlagfkYq&Ê L]Yee]Ykmj]e]fl`Ykegj]kh][aÕ[\]Õfalagfk2l]YekYj] measured most commonly on deal pipeline and opportunity analysis ,/!Yf\Õlg^\]Ydkoal`[gjhgjYl]kljYl]_q ,.!&J]khgf\]flk o`gYj]egklkYlakÕ]\oal`[geh]fkYlagf$Z]f]ÕlkYf\af[]flan]k Yj]egj]dac]dqlg`Yn]l`]ajl]Yeh]j^gjeYf[]e]Ykmj]\Zql`] actual price received or paid versus the original plan. Can ‘soft’ measures better Ykk]kkh]j^gjeYf[]7 Kladd$l]Yee]Ykmj]e]fl`Ykalkk`Yj]g^\a^Õ[mdla]k$afgmj j]khgf\]flkÌna]o&ÉAlakfgl]Ykqlg\]jan]h]j^gjeYf[]e]Ykmj]k ^gjl`][gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]fll]Ye$ÊgZk]jn]kgf]]p][mlan]& ÉL`]fmeZ]jg^\]Ydk\gf]Yf\\]Yd_]f]jYlagfYj]YddhgkkaZd] e]Ykmj]k$Zml]Y[`[ge]koal`Y\nYflY_]kYf\\akY\nYflY_]k&Ê Another executive says that in the previous year, the team had É[gf\m[l]\gf]g^l`]dYj_]kl\]Ydk]n]jYf\_glfgZgfmkYk l`]_jgmhh]j^gjeYf[]\a\fÌle]]ll`]j]imaj]e]flk&ÊGf] [gehYfqj]hgjlkl`YlÉal[YfZ]n]jq\a^Õ[mdllgeYc][`Yf_]k lg[geh]fkYlagfkqkl]ekÊafl`]af\mkljqafo`a[`algh]jYl]k& 9fgl`]jZ]da]n]kl`YlÉl`]Z]klkqkl]ek`gmd\Z]kmZb][lan]Èqgm \gfÌloYflaf[]flan]klg\g\]Ydk^gjl`]kYc]g^Y[lanalq&Ê Lg\]Ydoal`l`]\a^Õ[mdlqg^É`Yj\Êh]j^gjeYf[]e]Ykmj]k$Y fmeZ]jg^[gehYfa]kYj]mladaraf_kg%[Ydd]\Ékg^lÊe]Ykmj]e]fl through internal satisfaction questionnaires. These qualitatively assess their use to the broader business and the smoothness of the M&A process on both completed and failed deals. This is based on the assumption that the corporate development team is an Éafl]jfYdY\nakgjÊYf\k`gmd\Z]Ykk]kk]\Ykkm[`&L`akkmZb][lan] assessment may be more useful in the case of acquisitions, as the best outcome may be not to buy, whereas in divestments, the exit decision has already been made and so deal completion would be a more relevant measure. 14 Table 18: Please rate the importance of the following factors with regard to direct impact on your individual compensation Corporate performance 95% Individual performance 82% Department performance 76% Discretionary 66% % somewhat or very important Table 19: Please rate the importance of the following measures with regard to indirect impact on your individual compensation Achieving strategic objectives 85% Discretionary 65% Continued deal performance 60% Number of deals completed 59% Effective integration 58% Acquiring revenue 57% Number of deals considered 47% % somewhat or very important Table 20: What are the top three ways teams (departments) Yj][mjj]fldqe]Ykmj]\7 Deal pipeline and opportunity analysis 47% Fit of deals with corporate strategy 46% Return on investment of completed transactions 39% Corporate performance/stock price 37% Number of deals completed 34% Realization of transaction synergies 32% Actual price received/paid versus original plan 25% Fgl]2mhlg+j]khgfk]kYddgo]\ LYZd]*)2HjgÔd]g^Y\]kajYZd]hY[cY_]ZYk]\gfe]Ykmj]k [gjj]dYl]\lgkYlak^Y[lagfoal`[geh]fkYlagf$Z]f]ÔlkYf\ incentives Key department measures • ROI of completed transactions Key measures used to determine compensation • Actual price vs. original plan • Effective integration Key compensation factors • Discretionary • Department performance • Acquiring revenue • Continued deal performance • Discretionary • Number of deals completed • Number of deals considered 2015 Global Corporate Development Study The most common integration metrics Transaction integration is a measure that affects both individual and team compensation and correlates strongly with deal satisfaction. Gmjkmjn]qk`gokl`Yl]p][mlan]ko`gYj]egj]kYlakÕ]\oal` transactions tend to follow certain integration procedures. They are egj]dac]dqlgaehd]e]flhjY[la[]kkm[`Yk_gYdk]llaf_$Zmkaf]kk% unit accountability for integration results and executive-level reviews of integration success. 9dl`gm_`l`]eYbgjalqg^j]khgf\]flkgn]jYdd`gd\l`]Zmkaf]kk leader accountable for integration, respondents who report `a_`]jkYlak^Y[lagfoal`\]YdkYj]egj]dac]dql`Yfgl`]jklgYkka_f Y[[gmflYZadalqlgl`]afl]_jYlagfeYfY_]j /1nk&-.!Yf\l`] ;<G -.nk&,+!& Table 22: Top 3 metrics for monitoring and reporting on the integration efforts 1 Financial hjgÕlYZadalq 0- 2 Value of synergies delivered versus plan /* + Synergy delivery against timetable /) Note: multiple responses allowed LYZd]*+2O`gakY[[gmflYZd]^gjljYfkY[lagfafl]_jYlagf7 74% Integration manager 64% 48% CEO Business unit leader CDO 33% 16% CFO Note: multiple responses allowed 15 Looking ahead 9j]qgmhj]hYj]\7 Gmjkmjn]qk`gokl`Yll`]egklkYlakÕ]\[gjhgjYl] development leaders today are forward-thinking and do things differently from their peers. They are more likely than their counterparts to take the lead on new market investments, establish formal deal and portfolio review processes. They will have a variety of risk management skills (including legal Yf\lYp!YkhYjlg^l`]aj;<>Ìkkcaddk]lYf\j][]an]o`Yll`]q consider a desirable compensation package. But this is not enough. What is adequate or even leading-edge lg\YqoaddfglZ]km^Õ[a]fllgkm[[]]\afl`]E9eYjc]lg^ tomorrow. Leading CDOs and CDFs will likely take a different 1. Prepare to lead on strategy. CDOs have always been involved in strategy to some extent. However, as they get more involved in both corporate and M&A strategy, they will need to develop a strong grasp of not only the kh][aÕ[kg^l`]\]YdeYjc]lZmlYdkghj]nYadaf__dgZYde]_Ylj]f\k such as digital transformation and the many disruptive forces in play today across all sectors. Plotting a growth course in line with l`]dgf_%l]jegZb][lan]kg^l`]ajgj_YfarYlagfYf\l`]\qfYea[k of their industry will be paramount. 3. Take a holistic approach to M&A. Deal structures are becoming complex. They are no longer a matter of straightforward M&A, particularly in emerging eYjc]lk$o`]j]afeYfq[Yk]k\]YdkYj]kmZb][llgj]_mdYlgjq j]imaj]e]flk$ljYfkY[lagfkoaddlYc]YnYja]lqg^^gjek&L`ak af[dm\]khYjlf]jk`ahk$bgafln]flmj]k$YddaYf[]k$Ykk]lkoYhk and other arrangements. Adopting a portfolio approach to M&A, ZqlYcaf_YZYdYf[]\dggcYll`]Zmkaf]kkYkYo`gd]$oaddZ] essential. Corporate development leaders will need to extend the capabilities of their functions to do this. 5. Measure and reward performance appropriately. L`]eYbgjalqg^gmjj]khgf\]flkaf\a[Yl]l`Yll`]qYj]fgl^mddq kYlakÕ]\oal`]al`]jaf\ana\mYdgjl]Yeh]j^gjeYf[]e]Ykmj]k$ hgaflaf_lgl`]kmZb][lanalqg^l`]k]e]lja[kYf\l`]\a^Õ[mdlq of quantifying them. The successful CDO will be able to put lg_]l`]je]Ykmj]kl`Yl[Yhlmj]l`]jYf_]g^lYkckl`Yll`] CDF is responsible for - not only recognizing the successful h]j^gjeYf[]g^l`gk]lYkck$Zmlhjgna\af_gZb][lan]af[]flan]k and rewards. 16 path, managing new issues related to a broader strategic scope. They will often be tasked to come up with fast and innovative answers to questions they may never have been asked to deal with in the past. The upside is almost unlimited potential to succeed, both for the CDO personally and for the organization; the downsides are uncertainty, risk and lack of planning for the major shifts in the role. Based on our research, we recommend that corporate development executives take l`]^gddgoaf_Õn]kl]hklghj]hYj]l`]ek]dn]k^gjo`Yll`]q are likely to encounter in the next few years. *& Klj]f_l`]fl`];<>Ëkaf%`gmk]kcaddk]l& As the CDF becomes more involved in decisions about portfolio optimization and pipeline management, a whole array of new af%`gmk]kcaddkoaddZ][ge]f][]kkYjq$hYjla[mdYjdqd]_Yd$lYp Yf\j]_mdYlgjqkcaddk]lk&>gjeYfq[gehYfa]k$l`]k]eYqfgl traditionally have been part of the CDF’s repertoire, but they will become essential. 4. Take a (big) technology leap. CDFs will need to show increased willingness to dive into advanced technologies such as big data analytics. In a complex, highly competitive deal environment, exhaustive research Yf\\m]\ada_]f[][YfeYc]Yddl`]\a^^]j]f[]lgl`]km[[]kk of a deal. With advanced analytics, corporate development executives have a unique opportunity to explore and understand better the various factors that can affect a transaction and to eYc]\][akagfkY[[gj\af_dq& Ultimately, M&A strategists, in the CDF and elsewhere, are e]Ykmj]\gfl`]aj[gfljaZmlagflgl`][gehYfqÌk_jgol`&9k one of our survey respondents told us: ÉL`][gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]fl^mf[lagfg^l`] future will be inspired by fund management; evaluation of investment performance and investment opportunities will be very aehgjlYfl&Ê About the research Gn]jl`]hYkl\][Y\]$=Q`Ykogjc]\ka\]Zqka\]oal`k]fagj d]Y\]jkg^l`][gjhgjYl]\]n]dghe]fl^mf[lagf ;<>!Ykl`]ajjgd] has evolved to meet the demands of a changing and challenging business landscape. The 2015 Global Corporate Development Study is a multi-phase research initiative. The study targets the corporate development g^Õ[]j ;<G!gjegklk]fagjh]jkgfoal`afl`]gj_YfarYlagf oal`j]khgfkaZadalq^gjE9'ljYfkY[lagfkYf\l`][`a]^kljYl]_q g^Õ[]j ;KG!gjegklk]fagjh]jkgfoal`afl`]gj_YfarYlagfoal` j]khgfkaZadalq^gj[gjhgjYl]'gh]jYlaf_mfalkljYl]_q& O]kmjn]q]\egj]l`Yf+((;<Gk$;KGkYf\gl`]j;%d]n]d ]p][mlan]kZ]lo]]fBmf]Yf\Fgn]eZ]j*(),&L`]eYbgjalqg^ j]khgf\]flkkh]f\Yld]Ykl.)g^l`]ajlae]gfljYfkY[lagfk& J]khgf\]flk[Ye]^jge[gehYfa]kaf+1[gmflja]k3-,g^l`] companies surveyed reported revenues of more than US$5 billion. Nearly two dozen industry sectors were represented, and the top Õn]af\mklja]ko]j][gfkme]jhjg\m[lk$af\mkljaYdhjg\m[lk$gadYf\ gas, technology, and power and utilities. Our data collection methodology included online and telephone surveys, face-to-face interviews, group sessions similar to focus groups, and independent research. Regional split 14% 9kaY%HY[aÔ[ 39% EMEA 47% Americas + * * * ) ) )+ ), , , )+ - -, . ++ )( . 0 1 )( Industry split Revenue split Retail and consumer products Other <US$1 billion Industrial products Health care MK)ÇMK-Zaddagf Oil and gas Telecommunications >US$5 billion Technology Government and defense Power and utilities Media Life sciences Real estate and construction Automotive and transportation Mining and metals Financials Asset management Chemicals Note: EMEA includes Europe, the Middle East and Africa. 17 EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory Contacts Global Pip McCrostie Steve Krouskos Global Vice Chair Transaction Advisory Services hah&e[[jgkla]8mc&]q&[ge #,,*(/10((-(( Deputy Global Vice Chair Transaction Advisory Services kl]n]&cjgmkcgk8mc&]q&[ge #,,*(/10((+,. Regional leaders Americas Richard M. Jeanneret 9kaY%HY[aÕ[ John Hope Americas Leader Transaction Advisory Services ja[`Yj\&b]Yff]j]l8]q&[ge #)*)*//+*1** 9kaY%HY[aÕ[D]Y\]j Transaction Advisory Services bg`f&`gh]8`c&]q&[ge #0-**0,.111/ Europe, Middle East, India Yf\9^ja[Y =E=A9! Andrea Guerzoni Japan Kenneth G. Smith EMEIA Leader Transaction Advisory Services Yf\j]Y&_m]jrgfa8al&]q&[ge #+1(*0(..1/(/ Japan Leader Transaction Advisory Services c]ff]l`&keal`8bh&]q&[ge #0)+,-0*.,(( About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and [gf^a\]f[]afl`][YhalYdeYjc]lkYf\af][gfgea]kl`]ogjd\gn]j&O] develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all g^gmjklYc]`gd\]jk&Afkg\gaf_$o]hdYqY[jala[Ydjgd]afZmad\af_YZ]ll]j ogjcaf_ogjd\^gjgmjh]ghd]$^gjgmj[da]flkYf\^gjgmj[geemfala]k& EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit 9Zgml=QÌkLjYfkY[lagf9\nakgjqK]jna[]k How you manage your capital agenda today will define your competitive hgkalagflgegjjgo&O]ogjcoal`[da]flklg[j]Yl]kg[aYdYf\][gfgea[ nYdm]Zq`]dhaf_l`]eeYc]Z]ll]j$egj]%af^gje]\\][akagfkYZgml kljYl]_a[YddqeYfY_af_[YhalYdYf\ljYfkY[lagfkaf^Ykl%[`Yf_af_eYjc]lk& Whether you’re preserving, optimizing, raising or investing capital, =QÌkLjYfkY[lagf9\nakgjqK]jna[]k[geZaf]Yk]lg^kcaddk$afka_`lYf\ experience to deliver focused advice. We can help you drive competitive advantage and increased returns through improved decisions across all aspects of your capital agenda. © 2015 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved. =Q?fg&<=(-0/ BMC Agency ?9)(()0), ED None This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. The views of third parties set out in this publication are not necessarily the views of the global EY organization or its member firms. Moreover, they should be seen in the context of the time they were made.
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