How to use My Learning portal Introduction

How to use My Learning portal
Access to the portal is found at:
The first screen shown allows any user to search the College course catalogue and look at the detail
of the courses that are available to book places on.
Once a user successfully logs in they will be presented with the following screen, with the menu
items at the top changing depending on their access rights – the screen shown below is for a user
who is able to book colleagues onto courses:
Access Rights
There are currently two user roles that can be assigned to users of the portal:
1. Delegate Access – All delegates who are booked to attend a course receive access to:
My Details | My Training Events | My Documents
When a delegate is booked onto their first event in the new system an email will be sent to
them six weeks before the course start date containing a unique user id and password. This
will give them access to the portal. If a persoanl email address is not provided, the service
Training Administrator will receive the details.
2. Training Administrator / Managers – All users who have been identified as having
responsibility for booking users onto courses will receive access to:
My Details | My Bookings | My Training Events | My Staff | My Documents
Access to these roles is controlled by Fire Service College administration team. If someone
believes they require this level of access please they will need to contact the Fire Service
General Menu Items
The Fire Service College logo in the top left is the home button and will bring you back to the
home screen from any page in the site when you click on it.
The search box is a free text search across the portal.
The About Us, Careers and Contact buttons can be used to access the appropriate pages on the
Fire Service College website.
Once you have logged onto the portal your name is displayed and a Sign Out link appears to the
top right hand side of the portal.
If any courses have been added to the Shopping Basket a link appears to the left of your name
Main Menu
My Details – contains information about the logged on user and is where you can update your
personnel details. There are a number of fields on the screen which must be completed before any
updates will be saved, these mandatory fields are highlighted with a yellow background (see below)
My Bookings – will only appear if you have the authority to book colleagues onto training activities.
This will show all previous bookings that you have made and allow further details of the booking to
be accessed.
My Training Events – shows the logged on user their previous training history. Depending on how
this was entered there may be further detail available about each individual event. This is also
where you can add other training that you have completed outside of Fire Service College courses,
such as CPD related activity conducted within service.
My Staff – will only appear if you have authority to look at your FRS/Company’s staff training
records. From this section you are able to update the personal details of your staff and see which
courses they have attended.
My Documents – shows all documents associated with courses you have been booked to attend.
This includes booking confirmations, joining instructions and all pre-course work that is required to
be completed.
Booking courses
When you have successfully logged into the site (and as long as you have the correct permissions)
you will be able to search through the catalogue of Fire Service College courses on the home page
and view current availability to book onto any courses.
Once you have selected a course you can select the More Details button. This will show further
details about the selected course and list the current dates when the course is scheduled to run.
Clicking the Add button next to the date of the course will take you to your basket with that course
already added.
At this stage you can update the number of places you want on the course or add further courses.
The basket icon will remain in the top right hand corner with all courses that have been added until
those courses are purchased (or removed from the basket) or you log out of the portal.
Once you have finished adding courses to the shopping basket, clicking on the Checkout button will
start the purchasing process which has the following stages:
1. Selecting a person to attend each course, includes three options;
a. Adding a previous delegate who is on the database - see the process below for
Selecting a person to attend a course.
b. Creating new delegates (e.g. those that have not previously attended Fire Service
College courses).
c. Or assigning a TBA place to the booking (note a TBA is when the person who will be
attending the course has not been identified yet and you just want to book a place on
the course).
2. A summary page will then be displayed showing the details that have been selected, asking
you to accept the terms and conditions and add an optional purchase order number.
3. Selecting Finish will confirm the booking, giving you a booking reference number, total cost
and confirming the email address of the booker. This will initiate an automated email
booking confirmation.
Selecting a person to attend a course
A search screen is displayed which allows you to search for a current person on the system using
their surname and first name. Only people who have previously attended a course or are already
booked onto a course and are associated to your Fire and Rescue Service will be available for
Once you have completed the appropriate fields, selecting search will return a list of people who
match - showing Surname, First name and Date of Birth.
You are then able to select the person who should be booked on the course. Currently we are not
able to use Service numbers, but following recent feedback from the User group this field is being
added and will be released soon. We hope that it will help you identify your own staff but it must be
noted that the Service number will only be unique to your Service, not nationally. Therefore it
cannot be used by the College as a personal unique identifier.
Assigning yourself to the booking as a delegate
If you're booking for yourself then you can click 'Assign Myself'.
Creating a new person
If you are unable to find the details of the person you want to book, you can enter the details of a
new person.
You will need to complete the new person fields shown on the screen (those fields highlighted in
yellow are mandatory). A check is then made to see if the person currently exists on the database.
Assuming the person is new to the system their person record will be created and they will be added
to the booking.
One of the mandatory fields is the email address. It is important for the College to have this so that
we can send communications, such as Joining Instructions, directly to them. If you are unable to
provide an email address, we would recommend using the Training Administrator email address,
however, you must note that all personal communications (login details, pre-course requirements,
Joining instructions etc) will have to be forwarded to the delegate. If you do provide us with an
email address, we will also email a duplicate set of Joining Instructions to the training administrator.
Assigning a TBA to the booking
If you are not sure who will be attending, you can assign an unknown delegate using the Assign TBA
We are currently working on a development, that will be released soon, which will enable you to
substitute a person for a TBA. Until this development is released you will need to request this to be
completed by our delegate administration team using the existing process.
My Details
Selecting the My Details tab displays your personal details as they are stored in the system.
Selecting the Edit details button on the bottom right of the screen allows some fields to be updated.
All fields highlighted in yellow are mandatory and require a valid value before any updates will be
accepted by the system.
My Bookings
This option will only be available if you have permissions to book colleagues onto courses.
The first screen displayed on selecting this option is a search screen to select the bookings you want
to review. Leaving the selection criteria blank will return all bookings that you have made in
The results table displays a list of courses that match the search criteria. This table shows the
booking reference number, date the booking was created, price and booking status.
You are able to select any booking by clicking on the booking reference which displays a new page
with details of that booking.
The back button will return to the initial search screen.
You are able to view the details of the person booked on the course by selecting the name. This
shows further details about the individual booking for this delegate and allows this part of the
booking to be cancelled (there may be cancellation charges applied depending on how close to the
course a delegate is cancelled – these details will be displayed on the following screen).
If you want to discuss a delegate cancellation or transfer a booking to another course then please
contact the College Sales team; or your account manager
My Training Events
When selected, this option displays a list of courses that you have attended (or are booked to
The results table shows the Booking Reference, Title of course, Start date and Status.
There is a button to the top right of the table - Add Other Learning. This allows users to add other
learning they have completed which was not managed by the Fire Service College.
You are able to select details about the booking by clicking on the booking reference. The screen
that is displayed allows you to see details and also to complete or review any surveys that were
associated with that course – this will usually be the level one feedback questionnaires.
Selecting back takes you back to your list of courses.
You are able to select details about the course by clicking on the course name. The screen that is
displayed allows you to see further information about the course and displays any documents (for
example pre-course reading or assignments) associated with the course. Clicking on the file name
will open the file in a separate window.
Add Other Learning
This function enables users to add to their training history. This is a personal option which people
can choose to use should they wish. Selecting this button displays a further screen with a number of
fields to complete about that other learning (all fields highlighted in yellow are mandatory and have
to be completed).
Selecting finish adds the training to the user’s record.
Selecting cancel takes the user back to their list of training events, without saving.
My Staff
This option will only be available if you have permissions to amend your colleagues’ personal records
on the system.
The first screen displayed on selecting this option is a search screen to select the people you want to
look at. Leaving the selection criteria blank will return all those in your Service/Company that have a
record held by the College..
The results table displays a list of people that match the search criteria. This table shows the
surname, first name, date of birth, phone, email address and offers a list of actions that you are able
to perform on the person via a drop down box. The two actions available are:
Change Details
Show Learning History
Clicking on the Go button to the right will perform the selected action.
Change Details
This will take you to the My Details screen showing the details of the selected user. You can then
edit these details using the same functionality as in My details.
There is also a new option to Archive the user. This option will remove them from search results in
the portal and the system. The user details will not be deleted but they will not be searchable or
Selecting the Back button returns to the My Staff search screen.
Show Learning History
This will take you to the Training History page where you will be able to select the booking reference
to see details of the delegate’s course or details of the learning if the item was added using Add
other Learning.
My Documents
This screen shows all documents associated to you, grouped by relevant categories. The types of
documents available to view include:
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Joining Instructions
Booking Confirmations
Training Materials
The first column on the screen shows the categories, selecting one of these will display the
documents associated with it in the second column. These will be grouped under different courses
by date.
Selecting the document name will open the document in a separate window or make it available to
open (this is dependent on which browser is used)
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