i =?.:•;. l^: I J-A O E ^ -\ v SCHENECTADY GAZETTE. TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 22. 1923. F O U K T K EL.Jf REFORMED CHURCH WILL HOLD SYNOD AT ASBURY PARK •:'.«.'.;.'.'.: / Mrs. R. H. Glbbes the retiring president Island. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from the home gave a graceful short speech and said and 9:30 o'clock at St. Agnes' church. that the federation was in the best conThe burial will be in St. Agnes' cemedition financially that it had ever been. tery, Cohoes. She spoke of the work and aims of the organization and turned over the presif _________ Teter Spawn. dency to Mrs. Pressey. Mrs. Helen Peter Spawn, one of the oldest resi- To Send Letter to Governor Smith Kltz. travelers' aid secretary, gave a H o r m i d a s Michel in Hospital dents of this city, died yesterday at the talk on her work after the meeting yesCohoes hospital after two weeks' Illness. terday. Asking Veto of Dry Law After D r o p of 2 0 Feet Mr. Spawn was born In Germany and came to this city more than 50 years Repealer. to G r o u n d . r ago. He conducted 'a barber shop for CITY COURT JUDGMENTS ] i') years In this city. Hje was a member of the Reformed church. He is survived Mrs. Edward P. Pessey \vs\t elected COHOES. May 21. (Special.)— Hormi- by his wife, Mrs. Catherine Spawn of Marcus Saul Ellsworth Inc., das Michel of US Paine street. Green Cohoes: three brothers. Charles. Henry president of the Schenectady Federation Island, is at the Cohoes hospital with and William Spawn, and three sisters, of Women's Organizations at he annual Brlggs, J1S.94. Marcus Saul, Inc., vs.William Grigpin the a fractured skull, the result of falling, Elizabeth Kirpatrick. Mrs. Mrs Cather- meeting yesterday afternoon jleit. 534.15. woman's clubhouse. The other officers a distance of .0 feet from the roof ol , Spawn all g a building in Arch street near the Co-' of Schoharie. The funeral will be held are: Mrs, Samuel Levy, recording secSHOWEU FOB MISS BIGGINS. hoes road Saturday afternoon. At first tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. retary; Mrs. Julia T. Yate correspondA variety shower was given at the it M I S thought that he was but slightly Rev. Victor J. Bleklnk pastor of the Re ming secretary and Mrs. W. E. Underinjured, but after an X-ray picture was formed church, will officiate B u r i a l j " - tieasurer. The federation includes home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bushill for I Dorothy J.. Higgins. the occasion being j taken last night, it was discovered that will be in the Waterford Rural cemetery 3tf local' organizations. the skull was fractured. The federation voted to have the exe- her approaching marriage to. Arthur W. | i Mrs. Julia Carol!. cutive board send a letter to Governor Monthie. A mock marriage was per- | To Bid o11 Paving Job. Miss Julia Carroll, resident of this Smith asking him to veto the measure formed under an arch of apple blossoms, ! The bcafd of estimate and apportion- city for more than half a century, died wh:ch repeals the Mullau-Gage law. It the color scheme being pink and white, j ment will at its meeting tomorrow morn- last night at the home of her niece, was decided to seitd the president and The bride-to-be received many beauti- i ing receive bids from contractors for Miss Nellie Carroll, in 264 Saratoga tour delcgaces to the meeting of th> ful and useful gifts. About 40 guests j the completion of the paving of Yliet street. Miss Carroll was born in Albany, fourth district June 5 in Hudson Falls. were present. street from Egbert street to Garner she was a member of St. Bernard's street. This improvement was beguu church. Several nephews and nieces in last summer by John J. Keegan of Al- Minneapolis, Minn., survive. The funbany, to whom tho contract for the eral will be held Wednesday morning at work was awarded. With., the approach 9 o'clock from the residence and 9:30 of the cold weather work was suspend- at St. Bernard's church. The burial will ed and the work was-not resumed this be _ St. Agnes' cemetery. Albany. spring by Mr. Keegan. The successful bidder will be paid from the money Saiiiuel Macauley. provided for Mr. Keegan's contract. Alf*t _>NERA : sion, feel tired out, a n d have pirnSamuel Macauley died last night at though if a greater sum is needed to V J tions a g o ^ p i e s ' a n d boils. It is so easy to complete tfle work, the company which his home In 94 Howard street after a our foremoth-| give nature a little help, and the furnished bonds for Mr. Keegan will brief illness. Mr. Macauley was born in County Down. Ireland. He was a have to pay the difference. ers m a d e a best sure way is to start with member of the Silliman Memorial Pres"tea" e v e r y S. S. S. Stronger and more useful To P a r Fraternal Visit to Schenectady byterian church. Besides his wife, he Spring f r o m nerves depend on blood-power. is survived by one son, James of this The officers of Cohoes lodge. F. and certain h e r b s j S . S . S. will improve your appetite . M . will pay a visit to Christopher city ; two brothers, Joseph Macauley of and barks to pu 1 and give you greater endurance, Yates lodge, at Schenectady tomorrow Oneida and Robert Macauley of Scotrify the blood. energy, strength, and a more youthnight, where they will confer the sec- land, and one sister, Mrs. Maryha HadLikewise; since ful appearanca. ond degree upon a large class of candi- den of Cohoes. The funeral will be held 182 6 , / s u c b . dates at the Masonic Temple. The party Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. J. M. Mar, Los Angeles, Calif., will leave this city in automobiles at Rev. George A. Armstrong will officih erbs a n d writes:- "Overvrprk occasioned a comate. The burial will be in the Water6:45 o'clock. plaint which consisted of a tired feelbarks have been carefully selected ford Rural cemetery. ing and pains in the back, that finally Mrs. Jeremiah Traeey. The funeral of Mrs. Marie Marcil. who proportioned scientifically and pre-| exhausted all my strength. A friend Mrs. Jeremiah Tracey died this morn- died last night at her home in 59 Oneida pared for that great blood purifier aSv&ed me to take S.S.S. and after ing at her home in 7 Chestnut street street, will take place Wednesday morn- —S. S. S. To serve beneficially takTag only sereral bottles I was enafter a brief illness. Mrs. Tracey w a s ! Ine at S o'clock from St. Joseph's chnr from one generation to another suc- tirely reliertd." born in Ireland, but had lived in this i Waterford. Mrs. Marcil is survived bycessfully is a guarantee of its efcity 50 years. She was a member of St. three, daughters. Mrs. Telesphore Thoin fectiveness. The way we live and Try it yourself. V S. S. S. is sold Agnes' church. Besides her husband, she) and Misses Lumena and Oldee Marcil at all good drug stores. The large eat, we can't step from Winter into is survived by two daughters. Mrs. j of this city; six sons. Stanislaus and Spring without purifying the blood; size is more economical.. t 3 e t a botThomas«Koach of this city and Miss j Edward of this city and William. Gil/ unless we choose to suffer depres- tle today! Margaret Tracey of Long Island: four'bert. George and Joseph of Canada and sons. Joseph and William of Cnhoos. ' one brother, Theophile Richard of CanJeremiah of Rome and James of Long ada. Mrs. Pressey Heads y Women's Federation TWO DAYS OF WALTHER | C o h o e s M a n Falls F r o m LEAGUE CONVENTION I Roof. Fractures Skull The Albany district Walther League convention will be held in the Zion Lutheran church, this city, June 9 and > 10. Convention sessions will be held on Much Progress Reporte.d in Past Saturday morning at .10 o'clock, Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon. Year—Gain Shown in A' minstrel show will be given Saturdaynight. There will be special Walther Contributions. League services both morning and night Sunday. Before this year conventions have been held semi-annually and have '£'.'. ' T h e general synod of the Reformed been one day affairs. : church in America, which will meet at The two main matters to be considAnbury Park N. J.. Thursday, Juris 7 ered will be the election of officers and i a t 2iS0 o'clock, standard time, is ex- the Wheatridge sanitarium drive. v^P'ected to be one of the most importajit The present officers a r e : Fred Dasg • synods in the history of this old de- cher, Albany, president; Walter Ossen.-nomina,U6ii. which l.» c l a i m e d ^ i e the for.t. Schenectady, vice president; Klora I Mdest Protestant denomination in •America. The Reformed church build- Larige.- Schenectady,' Secretary, and Hering a t this sea side resort, in which bert Heider. Schenectady, treasurer. The convention will be guests of the eynod wlir meet.has been entirely-remodeled, since the last meeting of sy- men's social club of Zion Lutheran . nod there in 1921. This was done with church. Nott terrace. The committee in the aid of the denomination and the charge is as follows: .J. _ . Burmester. building: Is now adequate for the work honorary chairman ; J. E. Sprenger, ol synod with-'ample committee and chairman; Oscar Gotch. Walter" Ossenfort, Charles Fisher, L. Stolper and (Sbrtference roony?. Theodore Bushman. Wednesday. Walther League day. this " I t has been two years since synod m e t a t Asbury Park, the meeting last year will mark the 30th anniversary of year.being- held at Pella, Iowa, thus the Walther League. This organization giving synod for the first time an op- began its work in 1S33 with 7IS memportunity of seeing the field of work. bers. Today it numbers upwards of . beyond the Mississippi and the build- 1,000 societies and 50.0QO members. ings end work of Central College which With this numerical increase there has • is-locatetf at Pella. Asbury Park how- also come a large development in the proever Is the home of synod, about four- gram of its work. Among the variousenfifths of its meetings being held In that deavors of the Walther League hospice .city. work is perfor/nlng a mission among \, .Ttie. Reformed church has had a young Lutherans in the larger cities prosperous year. An unofficial state- throughout the country. ment made by thp progress campaign committee, based upon only the figures • then\available and which may be some- CLINTON SCHOOL BOYS /whatMncreased by later figures, shows the additions on confession this year to ADEPT IN CHAIR CANING b e 6.776 against 6.713 last year, number of church member^ 143.175 against 341,322 in' 1322. number of Sunday The boys In the chair caning depart^School H0.41S against 136.112 last year: of the Clinton street school have j The contributions also-show a great ment been turning out a large amount of gain. Denominational benevolences, work and expect to have many chairs which Includes missions both home and completed before the school doses in -• foreign education, care of disabled min- June for' the summer vacation. The isters e n d their widows, in fact all the chairs are sold and the money is used work that the denomination does out- to carry on this work in the school, of Bide of the individual church, received which Daring Zimmer Is principal. The : 3870,855 against 1S17.225 last year. For work includes rush and sprint bottom congregational expenses, the work of, caning. A large class is engaged In the the individual church, $3,125.S71 against work every day. -;$2,885, 581 in 1932., The-total of all Miss E. A. Snyder, principal of one of money, raised was $1,219, 434 against the Mechanicville schools, has returned $3i998,325*last year. / after spending some time at the school ._. _ The opening business of synod Thurs- observing special class work 1 day afternoon will be the election of of. Principal Daring Zimmer will go to fleers, a president, vice president and " t w o temporary clerks. The clerks serve Syracuse oh Saturday and will be one the speakers of the special teachers' ..for the session of synod and the presi- of of New York, which will be d e n t , for the year. The present vice conference in session some time. j - president is Rev. William Hancroft Hill Harold Garfield is 111 at his home, 339 of Vassar college Poughkeepsie. The avenue. Anna Greenwood, present president Is Rev. Albert Olt- Veeder seventh grade pupil, is -111 at her home. maris of -Japan. He will preach the S26 Strong street. William is synodical sermon Thursday night and confined to his home. 303Burdisk Congress preside and appoint the committees on street, by illness. Car! Ossenfort is ill Thursday afternoon. He will also pre- at his home. 14 Winston place. Fredersent the report of the committee on the ick Goddard of 436 Mallard street is ill. state of religion sometime either Fri- but is improving. Ruth Graves of 104 day or Saturday. In addition to the elec- Washington avenue is on the sick list. tion of officers and the appointment of John Bowman has been'ill at his home, committees the report of the committee 926 Emmett street, but is better. "on necrology and possibly the reports of other committees will be given on Thursday afternoon. The new officers OAKLAND CAR COMPANY ' do not take charge until Friday morning although the new president presides BREAKS SAL^S RECORD Thursday night. The big Items of business that will come before this synod included in' the With a sale of automobiles 253 per theological seminaries. There-Js a comof the same month last year, the , mitee, of which Rev. H. J. Veldman of cent Oakland Motor Car company, Pontiac. Detroit is chairman, which Is Investi- Mich., broke all sales records for April. gating the conditions of the theological So far in May the company's sales are seminaries to offer suggestions for running considerably ahead of April, » greater efficiency. The report of this and very much greater than May of last comrhlttee will make important sugges- year, which was tho largest production tions. There are also two professors to month of 1322. "rlSe* elected for the New Brunswick, New During the first, four months of 1923 "Jersey theological seminary. the. company has produced 227 per cent "A report will be made by the com- more cars than during the same period mittee on survey of which Rev. A. B. of the previous year. Churchman of New York city Is chairBoth the New York and Pittsburgh ; —warn—This committee is to look into the. branches-of-lhe-eompany—fn-addition to work" of all the boards having head- a large number of dealers broke their quarters at the church house, 25 East records for April, going considerably22nd street. New Tork city, with a ahead of the months in the boom period •view to making suggestions for great of 1919. efficiency and possible combinations. A tralnload of 30 freight cars filled •Another if-atter to.be .considered will with Oakland cars was shipped to New he the closing of the progress campaign. Tork recently, while the same sized This campaign started five years ago. tralnload of motor cars was also shipped There were 10 points In the program to tho Boston distributor. It is con;• a n d quotas were laid upon each Individ- siderably easier to obtain railroad ual- church. While all the gqals were equipment for the east, according to W. not reached a great advance has been R. Tracy, assistant sales manager, theremade arid: through this campaign the by facilitating shipments. demoroifiatlon has risen to the highest point in all Its history. The campaign will terminate with this synod and the OLD LADIES' HOME CONCERT work will be carried on by the interboard council of the denominational BY BALDOCK MALE CHORUS boards. The ministerial pension fund was begun three years ago but tho present The Baldock woman's chorus will give year marks the first year of real work. a concert in tho Old Ladles' home. Un The first thing to be done is to raise a Ion street, tonight, consisting of solos, fund of $1,000,000 that shall be a re- duets, trios, quartets and choruses. serve fund of the pension system, Those taking part are Mrs. Andrew Filamount has been apportioned amo klns, Mrs. Henry Mather, Mrs. Raythe churches and the acceptance of the. Clark, Mrs. P. W. Paino. Mrs. C"harlcs churches has just begun but already 155 Story. Mrs. Seymour Stevens, Mrs. Out of 170 active churches have accepted Charles Doyle," Mrs. Frank Moore, Mrs. their quotas. This alone will give Mary Spqor, Mrs. John Faulkner, Mrs. $66,OOo annually to this fund for five Irving Hoffman, Mrs. I. S. Gandy. Mrs. , years. Nearly (100,000 has already been Lincoln Faulkner, Mrs. Floyd Franks, raised thus one-third of the fund is Mrs. Ellen Koonc. Mrs. J. B. Houghton. actually assured. The Fund and Its Mrs. Howard Woodin and Mrs. Arthur work will have a part in synod's pro- Bentley. Mrs. Howard Woodin Is the gram. accompanist for the chorus. •:-.-' Synod will have .about 200 delegates The Baldock male chorus gave a conbesides many visitors and will remain cert Friday night in Odd Fellows' hall. In session until its business 1s com- Burnt H,llls. before a large audlneco. ' pleted which will not bo earlier than Tho chorus was assisted by Mrs. Ln'urTuesday night. Adjournment Is usual- enco Fudge, accompanist; M|ss Ruth ly on Wednesday noon but the unusual Bentley, reader, and Thomas' Mates, amount of work this year may prolong" whistler. the session. Delegates from tho classls of Greene MISSIONARY SOCIETY ELECTS. will be Rev. M. O. Nles. West CoxAt a recent meeting of the' Women's sackle; Rev. Edwin Emerson Davis, Athens: Elder Howard H. King, Home Missionary society of the Carman Athens; Elder William Van Orden. Methodist church held at the homo of I Catskill: Rev. John F.. Bennink, Cats- Mrs. Bert Ineson, the following officers Mrs. J. M. Barhydt, kiil; Rev. Bruce Ballard. Coxsarkie; were elected: Elder Everett-W. Swartout. West Oox- president: Mrs. Charles Bennett, first j I packle.and Elder George Seward. Cox- vicc-presldjpt : Mrs. George Walte, second .vice-president: Miss Edna Van Patsackle. Class!.* of Montgomery— Rev. A. R. ten, corresponding secretary; Miss Lizzie Boynton. Mohawk ; Rev. H. C. Flcken, Van Patten, recording secretary: Mrs, St. Johnsvllle: Rev. W. H. Dickens. Bert Ineson. treasurer. Tho ofllcers apPalatine Bridge ; Elder Harry Jennings. pointed by the president a r e : Mrs. Kate Mohawk: Elder Frank P. Clock. St. Delamater. secretary of literature ; Mrs. Johnsvllle: Elder Joseph Sprakers. Joseph Harris, secretary of temperance ; Sprakers.- R«v. W. E. /Bennett. 5JS Mrs. James Carver, secretary of rnito. James street. Syracuse: TRev. Thc^ J. boxes. Klrkwood. 4»7 Shuart avenue, fcyracuse; Rev. Paul Mnlefyt. Alexandria . B a y : Elder TL. M. Cass. Syracuse: Elder Oscar Hauptll, Syracuse and Elder Menio ShowermAn, Palatine Bridge. •"- , Classls of Rensselaer—Rev. D. H. Chrestensen. Nassau : Rev. J. P. Beaver. V,aM Chajham ; Elder J. A. Schark, East Grcenbmh; Elder D. A. Barrlnger, Castleton; Rev. O. C. Hock. Stuy-vesant F a l l s : Elder J. H. Page: Chatham and Elder A. Barrlnger. Ghent. How to throw off that tired, listless feeling. makesyoufeel AETOMOBII.ISTS AIlK.<TF.n. Three arre»ts of sutomoMlisU wer« made la»t night by the local police / George Dora». 32. of Springfield. Mass . tvss arrested by Patrolman E. h. Flynn ' on a charge of speeding. , Charlie Raueel. a taxi driver of Mechanlevllle. was arrested by Patrolman J. Mageean on ft charge of parking too far from & lh* curb. He deposited $15 hall. peijdIng his appearance.* In pollen court this morning. The third man. N'lcV Mfttiro ; of *top 7. Alhsny road, wsa arrested by Patrolman Klein on ft charge, of the improper use of license plates. ' ' C A M T riRF. OIRI.S* PAOKAXT. Th# camp fire'girl* cf Pchenect«dy « m n t y wilt have a p»fresn». "the Dream of MlnnetonVa" .tun« 1 In the, high *ch<x>l to ralso n««»»»ty fund* for th» «*mp ftl Pilot- Knob, J^ftVe. Oeor»«. Thd \rt,y scouts o«»P w$U.b*»u»*A durltvir Ui« tim«-th*t the. boy* w« aot twin* H. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com likely ourselfagotti ( 1 ™1 IP!! l-~- ' " ' l . ' J ;; > *>»':C<. :fJ^'•!>'* • • • > !'!",- £><i ,.***>•»-. .y .y'Vr m wi OS? / ^~^ c ***SiSji <. / ^ i SHIPMAN & WARD'S FACTORY REBUILT Underwood Typewriters ' LATEST MODELS 5-YEAR GUARANTEE These machines have all the latest improvements, including automatic lock shift and variable line spacer. '!h £'; TERMS: $5.00 PER MONTH Represented By CORONA SALES CO., Inc. 269 STATE ST., SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Phone 3809. A Demonstration in no way Obligates you tp buy. •BBWMWBgmBMB«Eg«aSSg«B^EBB«agaB»'.
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