How to optimize your district heating market

How to optimize your district heating
grid together with a regulated power
OE3i ApS
Hunderupvej 48
5000 Odense C
Telefon: 21 20 72 20
March 2013
About OE3i
• Software company that develops solutions for district heating companies,
power plants and power plant operators, including: production planning,
optimizing, forecasting and balancing
• Founded in Denmark in 2003, original district heating focus, expansion to
power generation
• 18 customers in Denmark who manage:
– 1370 MW of electrical production per hour
– 1940 MW of heat production per hour
• Expanding this year in Germany and Poland, because of the big interest for
the OE3i software solutions
OE3i ApS
Hunderupvej 48
5000 Odense C
Telefon: 21 20 72 20
What do you need to optimize?
• The district heating grid
– Heat consumption forecast
• Intra-day
• Day(s) a head
– Flexibility in the grid
• The production units
• Heat storage capacity
OE3i ApS
Hunderupvej 48
5000 Odense C
Telefon: 21 20 72 20
What do you need to optimize?
• The regulated power market
– Communication to the TSO directly or through 3. party
– Information from the Power exchange directly or through 3. party
– Information about prices:
• Spot forecast
• Submarkets
– Regulary market
– Frequenzy market
– Intraday market
– And others
OE3i ApS
Hunderupvej 48
5000 Odense C
Telefon: 21 20 72 20
Access to all the data
• Data sources
– The SCADA system
– Weather provider
– Own trading department or 3. party who can provide:
• Spotprice forecast
• Direct contact to the exchange
• Direct contact to the TSO
– Regulary market
– Intraday market
– And others
OE3i ApS
Hunderupvej 48
5000 Odense C
Telefon: 21 20 72 20
How do we absorb all these data?
• You can use 5-6 spreadsheets (as Microsoft Excel)
– It is complicated
– It takes a lot of time every day
– Not a very good overview
• You can invest in a tool like our Mentor Planner
It is easy to use
You have a very good overview for all the processes
All the data is asembeled in one tool
Pay back time within a year
OE3i ApS
Hunderupvej 48
5000 Odense C
Telefon: 21 20 72 20
Mentor Planner
OE3i ApS
Hunderupvej 48
5000 Odense C
Telefon: 21 20 72 20
Mentor Forecast
• One of the key elements in OE3i’s solutions is the heat consumption
forecast, which enables the operations personnel to assess the heat
consumption six days into the future.
• The heat consumption forecast is an integral part of production planning
and is also relevant in relation to other optimization tools such as
temperature optimization on a district-heating grid.
• Differentiation of consumption types in a local forecast model. The
differentiation is carried out by the neural network, which functions as the
basis of the forecast calculation in each zone. The neural network is well
proven, stable and very fast.
• Delay intervals of heat consumption in accordance with source.
OE3i ApS
Hunderupvej 48
5000 Odense C
Telefon: 21 20 72 20
Operation optimization in a district heating grid
Project together with Fjernvarme Fyn
4 Combined Heat and Power Plants
23 heating plants with 1-8 boilers per plant
19 District Heating zones
3 heat storages (heat accumulator tanks)
Result: An optimized production plan for the CHP’s and boilers up to 6 days ahead
Following parameters are taken into account:
Spot price prediction
Heat price
Power and heat production costs for the CHP’s at different loads
Heat production costs for the boilers at different loads
Heat consumption prediction for each zone
Level and size of the heat storages
Accumulated energy in the grid
Time delay of heat consumption in relation to source
Any possibility of heat exchange between the zones.
OE3i ApS
Hunderupvej 48
5000 Odense C
Telefon: 21 20 72 20
Mentor Planner ensures that Silkeborg combined heat and power plant
can plan the most optimal and profitable production schedule.
“It’s clear that this sort of production planning gives a noticeable profit
on the bottom line,” says chief engineer Lars Mikkelsen.
Easier, more effective and without errors
Silkeborg combined heat and power plant uses OE3i’s Mentor Planner in the newest version 8. Mentor Planner Version 8 is an automated tool for
planning and reporting in the production of heat and power plants. This way Silkeborg combined heat and power plant can target the best possible
production schedule while simultaneously freeing resources.
“Instead of spending three hours a day on planning the production of the plant, we can spend three quarters of an hour on that task. That way
Mentor Planner helps us to not only to produce according to the highest possible profit but also to free resources for other tasks,” says Lars
First class service
At Silkeborg combined heat and power plant they used an earlier version of Mentor Planner before deciding to upgrade to the new Version 8.
“Not many days went by from deciding to upgrade our existing Mentor Planner until everything was running smoothly with Version 8.
In a normal running-in period problems often occur, but in this case it was completely problem-free. We must say that OE3i have delivered an above
average job and that the service has been first class,” says Lars Mikkelsen.
Lars Mikkelsen and his colleagues at Silkeborg combined heat and power plant attach great importance to the way Mentor Planner presents data,
takes weather into calculation and plans the schedule of the plant in accordance with the greatest possible profit.
“By using Mentor Planner we are able to simply plan a better production schedule than if we had to use hours and hours on doing the same job in a
spreadsheet layout. Mentor Planner does the same – only easier, more effective and without errors,” says Lars Mikkelsen.
OE3i ApS
Hunderupvej 48
5000 Odense C
Telefon: 21 20 72 20